public function processRecords() { // TODO bootstrap $success = function ($buffer) { /*echo '.'; */ }; $failure = function ($buffer) { echo 'ERROR: ' . $buffer; }; // TODO retrieve stream format, e. g. ogg/vorbis for mephisto976, tag accordingly // $writer = new \GetId3\Write\Tags(); $writer->tagformats = array('id3v2.3'); $writer->tag_encoding = 'UTF-8'; $streamrippers = array(); // TODO cache that stuff foreach ($this->records as $request) { $record = array('station' => $this->stations[$request['station']], 'broadcast' => $this->broadcasts[$request['station']][$request['broadcast']], 'comment' => $request['comment']); /* BEGINN ALL DUE RECORDINGS, THEN WAIT ON FINISHED RECORDS TO TAG THEM */ foreach ($record['broadcast']['cron'] as $cron) { if ($cron['due']) { // TODO make class property $this->streamrippers echo 'DUE: ' . $record['broadcast']['name'], PHP_EOL; //var_dump($cron); $record['active-cron'] = $cron; $proceed = function ($file, $suceeded) use($writer, $record) { // TODO mp3 conversion of aac files //echo PHP_EOL, $suceeded ? 'DONE' : 'FAIL', ': ', $file, PHP_EOL; $writer->filename = $file; $writer->tag_data = array('ARTIST' => array($record['station']['name']), 'TITLE' => array(sprintf('%s: %s/%s/%s', $record['broadcast']['name'], $record['active-cron']['date']->format('d'), $record['active-cron']['date']->format('m'), $record['active-cron']['date']->format('Y'))), 'ALBUM' => array($record['broadcast']['name']), 'YEAR' => array($record['active-cron']['date']->format('Y')), 'COMMENT' => array('' ?: 'Radiorecorder 2014'), 'GENRE' => array(isset($record['broadcast']['tags'][0]) ? ucfirst(strtolower($record['broadcast']['tags'][0])) : '')); if (!$writer->WriteTags()) { echo 'Tags not written!', PHP_EOL; // TODO handle failure } if ($writer->errors) { var_dump('errors: ', $writer->errors); // TODO handle failure } if ($writer->warnings) { var_dump('warnings: ', $writer->warnings); // TODO handle failure } }; $streamripper = $this->record($record); // index by duration to ensure shortest broadcast are proceeded first $streamrippers[$streamripper->getDuration()][] = array('instance' => $streamripper, 'proceed' => $proceed); echo 'RECORDING STARTED', PHP_EOL; } $this->program[$record['station']['name']][$cron['date']->format('U')][] = array('cron' => $cron, 'record' => $record); } } // call wait and proceedures only after each recording has been started ksort($streamrippers); foreach ($streamrippers as $duration => $streamrippers_dur) { foreach ($streamrippers_dur as $streamripper) { $streamripper['instance']->waitAndProceed($success, $failure, $streamripper['proceed']); } } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // /demo/demo.simple.write.php - part of getID3() // // Sample script showing basic syntax for writing tags // // See readme.txt for more details // // /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// die('Due to a security issue, this demo has been disabled. It can be enabled by removing line ' . __LINE__ . ' in ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $TaggingFormat = 'UTF-8'; require_once '../getid3/getid3.php'; // Initialize getID3 engine $getID3 = new getID3(); $getID3->setOption(array('encoding' => $TaggingFormat)); require_once '../getid3/write.php'; // Initialize getID3 tag-writing module $tagwriter = new GetId3\Write\Tags(); //$tagwriter->filename = '/path/to/file.mp3'; $tagwriter->filename = 'd:/file.mp3'; $tagwriter->filename = 'P:/webroot/_dev/getID3/testfiles/_writing/2011-02-02/test.mp3'; //$tagwriter->tagformats = array('id3v1', 'id3v2.3'); $tagwriter->tagformats = array('id3v2.3'); // set various options (optional) $tagwriter->overwrite_tags = true; $tagwriter->overwrite_tags = false; $tagwriter->tag_encoding = $TaggingFormat; $tagwriter->remove_other_tags = true; // populate data array $TagData = array('title' => array('My Song'), 'artist' => array('The Artist'), 'album' => array('Greatest Hits'), 'year' => array('2004'), 'genre' => array('Rock'), 'comment' => array('excellent!'), 'track' => array('04/16')); $tagwriter->tag_data = $TagData; // write tags if ($tagwriter->WriteTags()) {
function SynchronizeAllTags($filename, $synchronizefrom = 'all', $synchronizeto = 'A12', &$errors) { global $getID3; set_time_limit(30); $ThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($filename); getid3_lib::CopyTagsToComments($ThisFileInfo); if ($synchronizefrom == 'all') { $SourceArray = !empty($ThisFileInfo['comments']) ? $ThisFileInfo['comments'] : array(); } elseif (!empty($ThisFileInfo['tags'][$synchronizefrom])) { $SourceArray = !empty($ThisFileInfo['tags'][$synchronizefrom]) ? $ThisFileInfo['tags'][$synchronizefrom] : array(); } else { die('ERROR: $ThisFileInfo[tags][' . $synchronizefrom . '] does not exist'); } $SQLquery = 'DELETE FROM `' . mysql_real_escape_string(GETID3_DB_TABLE) . '`'; $SQLquery .= ' WHERE (`filename` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($filename) . '")'; mysql_query_safe($SQLquery); $TagFormatsToWrite = array(); if (strpos($synchronizeto, '2') !== false && $synchronizefrom != 'id3v2') { $TagFormatsToWrite[] = 'id3v2.3'; } if (strpos($synchronizeto, 'A') !== false && $synchronizefrom != 'ape') { $TagFormatsToWrite[] = 'ape'; } if (strpos($synchronizeto, 'L') !== false && $synchronizefrom != 'lyrics3') { $TagFormatsToWrite[] = 'lyrics3'; } if (strpos($synchronizeto, '1') !== false && $synchronizefrom != 'id3v1') { $TagFormatsToWrite[] = 'id3v1'; } getid3_lib::IncludeDependency(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH . 'write.php', __FILE__, true); $tagwriter = new GetId3\Write\Tags(); $tagwriter->filename = $filename; $tagwriter->tagformats = $TagFormatsToWrite; $tagwriter->overwrite_tags = true; $tagwriter->tag_encoding = $getID3->encoding; $tagwriter->tag_data = $SourceArray; if ($tagwriter->WriteTags()) { $errors = $tagwriter->errors; return true; } $errors = $tagwriter->errors; return false; }