function loadBody() { switch ($GLOBALS['op']) { case 'showresults': $id_course = Get::req('id_course', DOTY_INT, false); $_SESSION['idCourse'] = $id_course; Util::jump_to('index.php?modname=organization&op=showresults&idcourse=' . $id_course); break; case "mycourses": case "unregistercourse": require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/modules/' . $this->module_name . '/course.php'; require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.urlmanager.php'; $url =& UrlManager::getInstance('course'); $url->setStdQuery('r=' . _after_login_); mycourses($url); break; case "donwloadmaterials": downloadMaterials(); break; default: require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/modules/' . $this->module_name . '/infocourse.php'; infocourseDispatch($GLOBALS['op']); break; } }
public function mod() { $id_trans = Get::req('id_trans', DOTY_INT, 0); if (isset($_POST['undo'])) { Util::jump_to('index.php?r=alms/transaction/show'); } if (isset($_POST['save']) || isset($_POST['not_paid'])) { $product_to_activate = Get::req('product', DOTY_MIXED, array()); $id_user = Get::req('id_user', DOTY_MIXED, 0); if ($this->model->saveTransaction($product_to_activate, $id_trans, $id_user)) { $this->model->controlActivation($id_trans, isset($_POST['not_paid'])); Util::jump_to('index.php?r=alms/transaction/show&res=ok'); } Util::jump_to('index.php?r=alms/transaction/show&res=err'); } $transaction_info = $this->model->getTransactionInfo($id_trans); $user_info = $this->acl_man->getUser($transaction_info['id_user'], false); $user_info[ACL_INFO_USERID] = $this->acl_man->relativeId($user_info[ACL_INFO_USERID]); require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.table.php'; $tb = new Table(false, Lang::t('_DETAILS', 'transaction'), Lang::t('_DETAILS', 'transaction')); $ts = array('', '', 'min-cell', 'image'); $th = array(Lang::t('_CODE', 'transaction'), Lang::t('_NAME', 'transaction'), Lang::t('_PRICE', 'transaction'), Lang::t('_MARK_AS_PAID', 'transaction')); $tb->setColsStyle($ts); $tb->addHead($th); foreach ($transaction_info['product'] as $product_info) { $tb->addBody(array($product_info['code'], $product_info['name'], $product_info['price'], Form::getInputCheckbox('product_' . $product_info['id_course'] . '_' . $product_info['id_date'] . '_' . $product_info['id_edition'], 'product[' . $product_info['id_course'] . '_' . $product_info['id_date'] . '_' . $product_info['id_edition'] . ']', 1, $product_info['activated'], $product_info['activated'] ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''))); } $this->render('mod', array('transaction_info' => $transaction_info, 'user_info' => $user_info, 'tb' => $tb, 'id_trans' => $id_trans)); }
public function showTask() { $model = new SettingAdm(); $regroup = $model->getRegroupUnit(); $active_tab = Get::req('active_tab', DOTY_MIXED, 1); $this->render('show', array('model' => $model, 'regroup' => $regroup, 'active_tab' => $active_tab)); }
public function init() { $this->id_date = Get::req('id_date', DOTY_INT, 0); $this->model = new PresenceLms($_SESSION['idCourse'], $this->id_date); $this->json = new Services_JSON(); $this->permissions = array('view' => true); }
function tagslist() { require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.table.php'; require_once $GLOBALS['where_framework'] . '/lib/lib.tags.php'; $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('tags', 'framework'); $id_tag = Get::req('id_tag', DOTY_INT, 0); $tag_name = Get::req('tag', DOTY_STRING, ''); $filter = Get::req('filter', DOTY_STRING, ''); $nav_bar = new NavBar('ini', Get::sett('visuItem'), 0); $nav_bar->setLink('index.php?modname=tags&op=tags&id_tag=' . $id_tag); $ini = $nav_bar->getSelectedElement(); $tags = new Tags('*'); $resources = $tags->getResourceByTags($id_tag, false, false, $ini, Get::sett('visuItem')); $GLOBALS['page']->add(getTitleArea(array($lang->def('_TAGS')), 'tags') . '<div class="std_block">' . '<div class="tag_list">', 'content'); while (list(, $res) = each($resources['list'])) { $link = $res['permalink']; $delim = strpos($link, '?') === false ? '?' : '&'; if (strpos($link, '#') === false) { $link = $link . $delim . 'sop=setcourse&sop_idc=' . $res['id_course']; } else { $link = str_replace('#', $delim . 'sop=setcourse&sop_idc=' . $res['id_course'] . '#', $link); } $GLOBALS['page']->add('' . '<h2>' . '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $res['title'] . '</a>' . '</h2>' . '<p>' . $res['sample_text'] . '</p>' . '<div class="tag_cloud">' . '<span>' . $lang->def('_TAGS') . ' : </span>' . '<ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $res['related_tags']) . '</li></ul>' . '</div>' . '<br />', 'content'); } $GLOBALS['page']->add('</div>' . $nav_bar->getNavBar($ini, $resources['count']) . '</div>', 'content'); }
public function delete_message() { $success = false; $id = Get::req('id', DOTY_INT, -1); if ($id > 0) { $success = $this->model->deleteMessage($id); } $output = array('success' => $success); echo $this->json->encode($output); }
public function del() { //Course info $id_course = Get::req('id_course', DOTY_INT, 0); $id_edition = Get::req('id_edition', DOTY_INT, 0); $model = new EditionLms($id_course, $id_edition); $res = array('success' => $model->delEdition()); $this->data = $this->json->encode($res); echo $this->data; }
public function editTask() { YuiLib::load('colorpicker'); $id = Get::req('id', DOTY_INT, -1); if ($id > 0) { $params = array('id' => $id, 'data' => $this->model->getTemplateData($id)); } else { $params = array('error' => Lang::t('_INVALID_TEMPLATE', 'template')); } $this->render("edit", $params); }
/** * Set the new fields and policy acceptance, than jump to the proper page */ public function set() { $id_user = Docebo::user()->getIdst(); require_once _adm_ . '/lib/lib.field.php'; $fl = new FieldList(); $fl->storeFieldsForUser($id_user); $accept_policy = Get::req('accept_policy', DOTY_INT, 0) > 0; $this->model->setAcceptingPolicy($id_user, $accept_policy); $policy_checked = $this->model->getAcceptingPolicy($id_user); $fields_checked = $fl->checkUserMandatoryFields($id_user); if ($fields_checked && $policy_checked) { //send alert Util::jump_to($this->jump_url); } else { //send alert Util::jump_to('index.php?r=precompile/show&res=err'); } }
public function getNextStep($current_step) { $version = Get::req('start_version', DOTY_ALPHANUM, '3603'); if (version_compare($version, '3600', '>=') && version_compare($version, '4000', '<')) { //docebo ce v 3.x.x => go to step 3 (config upgrade ) $next_step = $current_step + 1; } else { if (version_compare($version, '4000', '>=') && version_compare($version, '5000', '<')) { //docebo ce v 4.x.x => go to step 3 (config upgrade ) $next_step = $current_step + 1; } else { // forma v1.x => skip step 3 and 4 (config upgrade, db upgrade from 3 to 4) $next_step = $current_step + 1; // upgrade config via plugin } } return $next_step; }
protected function _profileBackUrl() { $id_user = Get::req('id_user', DOTY_INT, 0); $type = Get::req('type', DOTY_STRING, 'false'); $from = Get::req('from', DOTY_INT, 0); $back_my_friend = Get::req('back', DOTY_INT, 0); if ($type !== 'false') { if ($from == 0) { return getBackUi('index.php?modname=profile&op=profile&id_user='******'&ap=goprofile', Lang::t('_BACK', 'standard')); } else { return getBackUi('index.php?modname=myfiles&op=myfiles&working_area=' . $type, Lang::t('_BACK', 'standard')); } } if ($back_my_friend) { return getBackUi('index.php?modname=myfriends&op=myfriends', Lang::t('_BACK', 'standard')); } return false; }
public function showTask() { require_once _lms_ . '/lib/lib.middlearea.php'; $ma = new Man_MiddleArea(); $block_list = array(); //if($ma->currentCanAccessObj('user_details_short')) $block_list['user_details_short'] = true; if ($ma->currentCanAccessObj('user_details_full')) { $block_list['user_details_full'] = true; } if ($ma->currentCanAccessObj('credits')) { $block_list['credits'] = true; } if ($ma->currentCanAccessObj('news')) { $block_list['news'] = true; } $tb_label = $ma->currentCanAccessObj('tb_label'); if (!$tb_label) { $_SESSION['id_common_label'] = 0; } else { $id_common_label = Get::req('id_common_label', DOTY_INT, -1); if ($id_common_label >= 0) { $_SESSION['id_common_label'] = $id_common_label; } elseif ($id_common_label == -2) { $_SESSION['id_common_label'] = -1; } $block_list['labels'] = true; } if ($tb_label && $_SESSION['id_common_label'] == -1) { require_once _lms_ . '/admin/models/LabelAlms.php'; $label_model = new LabelAlms(); $user_label = $label_model->getLabelForUser(Docebo::user()->getId()); $this->render('_labels', array('block_list' => $block_list, 'label' => $user_label)); } else { if (!empty($block_list)) { $this->render('_tabs_block', array('block_list' => $block_list)); } else { $this->render('_tabs', array()); } } require_once _lms_ . '/lib/lib.middlearea.php'; $ma = new Man_MiddleArea(); $this->render('pluginslist', array('pluginslist' => $pluginslist)); }
function dontReplaceBaseUrl($field_name, $req_admin = TRUE) { $res = FALSE; if (Docebo::user()->isAnonymous()) { return $res; } $level_id = Docebo::user()->getUserLevelId(); if ($req_admin && $level_id != ADMIN_GROUP_GODADMIN && $level_id != ADMIN_GROUP_ADMIN) { return $res; } $platform = Get::cur_plat(); $modname = Get::req('modname', DOTY_ALPHANUM, ""); $op = Get::req('op', DOTY_ALPHANUM, ""); $res = false; if (isset($GLOBALS['clean_url'][$platform . _sep_ . $modname . _sep_ . $op . _sep_ . $field_name])) { $res = TRUE; } return $res; }
public function init() { checkPerm('subscribe', false, 'pcourse', 'lms'); require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.json.php'; //Course info $this->id_course = Get::req('id_course', DOTY_INT, 0); $this->id_edition = Get::req('id_edition', DOTY_INT, 0); $this->id_date = Get::req('id_date', DOTY_INT, 0); $this->model = new SubscriptionAlms($this->id_course, $this->id_edition, $this->id_date); $this->json = new Services_JSON(); $this->acl_man = Docebo::user()->getAclManager(); $this->db = DbConn::getInstance(); $this->permissions = array('subscribe_course' => checkPerm('subscribe', true, 'pcourse', 'lms'), 'subscribe_coursepath' => false, 'moderate' => checkPerm('moderate', true, 'pcourse')); $this->link = 'lms/psubscription'; $this->link_course = 'lms/pcourse'; $this->link_edition = 'lms/pedition'; $this->link_classroom = 'lms/pclassroom'; $this->_mvc_name = 'subscription'; $this->checkAdminLimit(); }
function gettabledataTask() { //read from input and prepare filter and pagination variables $id_category = Get::req('id_category', DOTY_INT, 0); $descendants = Get::req('descendants', DOTY_INT, 0) > 0 ? true : false; $startIndex = Get::req('startIndex', DOTY_INT, 0); $results = Get::req('results', DOTY_INT, Get::sett('visuItem', 25)); $rowsPerPage = Get::req('rowsPerPage', DOTY_INT, $results); $sort = Get::req('sort', DOTY_STRING, ""); $dir = Get::req('dir', DOTY_STRING, "asc"); $filter_text = Get::req('filter_text', DOTY_STRING, ''); $searchFilter = array('text' => $filter_text); //get total from database and validate the results count $total = $this->competences_model->getCompetencesTotal($id_category, $descendants, $searchFilter); if ($startIndex >= $total) { if ($total < $results) { $startIndex = 0; } else { $startIndex = $total - $results; } } //set pagination argument $pagination = array('startIndex' => $startIndex, 'results' => $results, 'sort' => $sort, 'dir' => $dir); //read records from database $list = $this->competences_model->getCompetencesList($id_category, $descendants, $pagination, $searchFilter); //prepare the data for sending $output_results = array(); if (is_array($list) && count($list) > 0) { foreach ($list as $idst => $record) { //format description field $description = strip_tags($record->description); if (strlen($description) > 200) { $description = substr($description, 0, 197) . '...'; } //prepare output record $output_results[] = array('id' => $record->id_competence, 'name' => Layout::highlight($record->name, $filter_text), 'description' => Layout::highlight($description, $filter_text), 'typology' => $record->typology, 'type' => $record->type); } } $output = array('totalRecords' => $total, 'startIndex' => $startIndex, 'sort' => $sort, 'dir' => $dir, 'rowsPerPage' => $rowsPerPage, 'results' => count($list), 'records' => $output_results); echo $this->json->encode($output); }
require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.course.php'; logIntoCourse($id_c, false); } if (isset($_SESSION['cp_assessment_effect'])) { unset($_SESSION['cp_assessment_effect']); } break; case "resetselmodule": unset($_SESSION['sel_module_id']); break; case "unregistercourse": if (isset($_SESSION['idCourse'])) { TrackUser::closeSessionCourseTrack(); unset($_SESSION['idCourse']); unset($_SESSION['idEdition']); } if (isset($_SESSION['cp_assessment_effect'])) { unset($_SESSION['cp_assessment_effect']); } break; case "changelang": Lang::set(Get::req('new_lang', DOTY_MIXED)); $_SESSION['changed_lang'] = true; break; } } // istance the course description class if (isset($_SESSION['idCourse']) && !isset($GLOBALS['course_descriptor'])) { require_once _lms_ . '/lib/lib.course.php'; $GLOBALS['course_descriptor'] = new DoceboCourse($_SESSION['idCourse']); }
$mvc = ucfirst(strtolower($r[1])) . ucfirst(strtolower($r[0])) . 'Controller'; $action = $r[2]; } else { // Only class and method defined in the path requested $mvc = '' . ucfirst(strtolower($r[0])) . 'AdmController'; $action = $r[1]; } ob_clean(); $controller = new $mvc(strtolower($r[1])); $controller->request($action); aout(ob_get_contents()); ob_clean(); } else { if ($mn == '') { $fl = Get::req('file', DOTY_ALPHANUM, ''); $sf = Get::req('sf', DOTY_ALPHANUM, ''); $aj_file = $GLOBALS['where_' . $plf] . '/lib/' . ($sf ? $sf . '/' : '') . 'ajax.' . $fl . '.php'; } else { if ($plf == 'framework') { $aj_file = $GLOBALS['where_' . $plf] . '/modules/' . $mn . '/ajax.' . $mn . '.php'; } else { $aj_file = $GLOBALS['where_' . $plf] . '/admin/modules/' . $mn . '/ajax.' . $mn . '.php'; } } } include $aj_file; // finalize Boot::finalize(); // remove all the echo ob_clean(); // Print out the page
function loadCoursepathSelector($noprint = false) { require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.table.php'; require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.form.php'; $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('coursepath', 'lms'); $output = ''; // Filter $this->filter['coursepath_name'] = isset($_POST['coursepath_filter_name']) ? $_POST['coursepath_filter_name'] : ''; if ($this->show_filter === true) { /* $form = new Form(); $output .= $form->getOpenFieldset($lang->def('_COURSEPATH_FILTER')) .Form::getTextfield($lang->def('_NAME'), 'coursepath_filter_name', 'coursepath_filter_name', '255', ( isset($_POST['coursepath_filter_name']) ? $_POST['coursepath_filter_name'] : '' )) .$form->openButtonSpace() .$form->getButton('coursepath_filter', 'coursepath_filter', $lang->def('_SEARCH')) .$form->closeButtonSpace() .$form->getCloseFieldset();*/ $output .= '<div class="quick_search_form">' . '<div>' . Form::getInputTextfield("search_t", "coursepath_filter_name", "coursepath_filter_name", Get::req('coursepath_filter_name', DOTY_MIXED, ''), '', 255, '') . Form::getButton("coursepath_filter", "coursepath_filter", Lang::t('_SEARCH', 'standard'), "search_b") . '</div>' . '</div>'; } // End Filter $tb = new Table(Get::sett('visuItem'), $lang->def('_COURSE_PATH_CAPTION'), $lang->def('_COURSE_PATH_SUMMARY')); $tb->initNavBar('ini_cpath', 'button'); $ini = $tb->getSelectedElement(); $select = "\r\n\t\tSELECT id_path, path_name, path_descr "; $query_coursepath = "\r\n\t\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_coursepath\r\n\t\tWHERE 1 "; if (Docebo::user()->getUserLevelId() != ADMIN_GROUP_GODADMIN) { $all_courses = false; require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.preference.php'; $adminManager = new AdminPreference(); $admin_courses = $adminManager->getAdminCourse(Docebo::user()->getIdST()); if (isset($admin_courses['course'][0])) { $all_courses = true; } if (isset($admin_courses['course'][-1])) { $query = "SELECT id_path" . " FROM %lms_coursepath_user" . " WHERE idUser = '******'"; $result = sql_query($query); $admin_courses['coursepath'] = array(); while (list($id_path) = sql_fetch_row($result)) { $admin_courses['coursepath'][$id_path] = $id_path; } if (!empty($admin_courses['coursepath']) && Get::sett('on_catalogue_empty', 'off') == 'on') { $all_courses = true; } } if (!$all_courses) { if (empty($admin_courses['coursepath'])) { $query_coursepath .= " AND 0 "; } else { $query_coursepath .= " AND id_path IN (" . implode(',', $admin_courses['coursepath']) . ") "; } } } if ($this->filter['coursepath_name'] != '') { $query_coursepath .= " AND path_name LIKE '%" . $this->filter['coursepath_name'] . "%'"; } list($tot_coursepath) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) " . $query_coursepath)); $query_coursepath .= "\r\n\t\tORDER BY path_name\r\n\t\tLIMIT " . $ini . "," . (int) Get::sett('visuItem'); $re_coursepath = sql_query($select . $query_coursepath); $type_h = array('image', '', '', ''); $cont_h = array('<span class="access-only">' . $lang->def('_SELECT') . '</span>', $lang->def('_NAME'), $lang->def('_DESCRIPTION')); $tb->setColsStyle($type_h); $tb->addHead($cont_h); while (list($id_path, $name, $descr) = sql_fetch_row($re_coursepath)) { $tb_content = array(Form::getInputCheckbox('new_coursepath_selected_' . $id_path, 'new_coursepath_selected[' . $id_path . ']', $id_path, isset($this->current_selection[$id_path]), ''), '<label for="new_coursepath_selected_' . $id_path . '">' . $name . '</label>', '<label for="new_coursepath_selected_' . $id_path . '">' . $descr . '</label>'); $tb->addBody($tb_content); if (isset($this->current_selection[$id_path])) { unset($this->current_selection[$id_path]); } } $output .= $tb->getTable() . $tb->getNavBar($ini, $tot_coursepath) . $this->stateSelection(); if ($noprint) { return $output; } else { cout($output, 'content'); } }
function ListView($title, &$data, &$rend, $id) { $this->title = $title; $this->data =& $data; $this->rend = $rend; $this->id = $id; $this->itemSelected = array(); $this->lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('standard', 'framework'); $this->startRow = Get::req('ini', DOTY_INT, 0); }
function delentry() { checkPerm('mod'); $id_cat = importVar('id_cat', false); $type_of_entry = importVar('type', false); $id_entry = importVar('id_entry', true, 0); $id_arr = array($id_entry); $query_catalogue = "\r\n\tSELECT idCatalogue\r\n\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_catalogue_entry\r\n\tWHERE idCatalogue = '" . $id_cat . "' AND idEntry = '" . $id_entry . "' AND type_of_entry = '" . $type_of_entry . "'"; list($id_cat) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query($query_catalogue)); if (Get::req('confirm', DOTY_INT, 0)) { $re = true; if (!sql_query("\r\n\t\tDELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_catalogue_entry\r\n\t\tWHERE idCatalogue = '" . $id_cat . "' AND idEntry = '" . $id_entry . "' AND type_of_entry = '" . $type_of_entry . "'")) { Util::jump_to('index.php?modname=coursepath&op=pathlist&result=err'); } Util::jump_to('index.php?modname=catalogue&op=entrylist&id=' . $id_cat . '&result=' . ($re ? 'ok' : 'err')); } }
case "del": $id = Get::req("id", DOTY_INT); $calEventClass = Get::req("calEventClass"); if ($calEventClass != "core") { require_once $GLOBALS['where_framework'] . "/lib/lib.calevent_" . $calEventClass . ".php"; } $class = "DoceboCalEvent_" . $calEventClass; $event = new $class(); //$event->id=$id; //$event->_owner=$event->getOwner(); $event->assignVar(); $event->del(); aout("{\"result\":\"1\"}"); break; case "getForm": $calEventClass = Get::req("calEventClass"); if ($calEventClass != "core") { require_once $GLOBALS['where_framework'] . "/lib/lib.calevent_" . $calEventClass . ".php"; } $class = "DoceboCalEvent_" . $calEventClass; $event = new $class(); $form = $event->getForm(); aout($form); break; case "getLang": $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('calendar', 'lms'); $lang_obj = '{ "_DN":["' . $lang->def('_SUNDAY') . '","' . $lang->def('_MONDAY') . '","' . $lang->def('_TUESDAY') . '","' . $lang->def('_WEDNESDAY') . '","' . $lang->def('_THURSDAY') . '","' . $lang->def('_FRIDAY') . '","' . $lang->def('_SATURDAY') . '","' . $lang->def('_SUNDAY') . '"], "_SDN":["' . $lang->def('_SUN') . '","' . $lang->def('_MON') . '","' . $lang->def('_TUE') . '","' . $lang->def('_WED') . '","' . $lang->def('_THU') . '","' . $lang->def('_FRI') . '","' . $lang->def('_SAT') . '","' . $lang->def('_SUN') . '"], "_MN":["' . $lang->def('_JANUARY') . '","' . $lang->def('_FEBRUARY') . '","' . $lang->def('_MARCH') . '","' . $lang->def('_APRIL') . '","' . $lang->def('_MAY') . '","' . $lang->def('_JUNE') . '","' . $lang->def('_JULY') . '","' . $lang->def('_AUGUST') . '","' . $lang->def('_SEPTEMBER') . '","' . $lang->def('_OCTOBER') . '","' . $lang->def('_NOVEMBER') . '","' . $lang->def('_DECEMBER') . '"], "_SMN":["' . $lang->def('_JAN') . '","' . $lang->def('_FEB') . '","' . $lang->def('_MAR') . '","' . $lang->def('_APR') . '","' . $lang->def('_MAY') . '","' . $lang->def('_JUN') . '","' . $lang->def('_JUL') . '","' . $lang->def('_AUG') . '","' . $lang->def('_SEP') . '","' . $lang->def('_OCT') . '","' . $lang->def('_NOV') . '","' . $lang->def('_DEC') . '"],
public function standingsTask() { $id_game = Get::req('id_game', DOTY_INT, 0); $model = new GamesAlms(); $game = $model->findByPk($id_game, Docebo::user()->getArrSt()); YuiLib::load('base,charts'); $this->render('standings', array('game' => $game, 'track' => $model->getUserStandings($game['id_game'], getLogUserId()), 'standings' => $model->getStandings($game['id_game'], 0, 30), 'chart_data' => $this->json->encode($model->getStandingsChartData($game['id_game'])))); }
protected function dellabel() { if (!$this->permissions['del']) { $output = array('success' => false, 'message' => $this->_getMessage("no permission")); echo $this->json->encode($output); return; } $id_common_label = Get::req('id_common_label', DOTY_INT, 0); $res = array('success' => $this->model->delLabel($id_common_label)); $this->data = $this->json->encode($res); echo $this->data; }
function modTransaction() { require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.table.php'; require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.form.php'; require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.dialog.php'; require_once _lms_ . '/lib/lib.course.php'; require_once _lms_ . '/lib/'; $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('transaction'); $acl_man = Docebo::user()->getAclManager(); $man_transaction = new Man_Transaction(); $course_man = new Man_Course(); $date_man = new DateManager(); $id_transaction = Get::req('id', DOTY_INT, 0); $transaction_info = $man_transaction->getTransactionInfo($id_transaction); if (isset($_POST['update'])) { $payment_status = Get::req('payment_status', DOTY_INT, 0); $course_status = Get::req('course_status', DOTY_INT, 0); $note = Get::req('note', DOTY_MIXED, ''); if ($man_transaction->updateTransaction($id_transaction, $payment_status, $course_status, $note)) { if (isset($_POST['confirm'])) { $activations = array(); foreach ($_POST['confirm'] as $id => $n) { list($id_course, $id_date) = explode('_', $id); if ($id_date != 0) { $activations[$id_course]['dates'][$id_date] = $id_date; } else { $activations[$id_course] = $id_course; } } if ($man_transaction->activateCourses($id_transaction, $transaction_info['id_user'], $activations)) { Util::jump_to('index.php?modname=transaction&op=transaction&res=ok'); } } else { Util::jump_to('index.php?modname=transaction&op=transaction&res=ok'); } } Util::jump_to('index.php?modname=transaction&op=transaction&res=err_up'); } $array_title = array('index.php?modname=transaction&op=transaction' => $lang->def('_TRANSACTION'), $lang->def('_MOD_TRANSACTION')); //Status info & note $array_payment_status = array('-1' => $lang->def('_CANCELLED'), '0' => $lang->def('_WAITING_PAYMENT'), '1' => $lang->def('_PARTIAL_PAID'), '2' => $lang->def('_PAID')); $array_course_status = array('-1' => $lang->def('_CANCELLED'), '0' => $lang->def('_NO_COURSE_ACTIVATED'), '1' => $lang->def('_SOME_COURSE_ACTIVATED'), '2' => $lang->def('_ALL_COURSE_ACTIVATED')); cout(getTitleArea($array_title) . '<div class="std_block">' . Form::openForm('transaction_info', 'index.php?modname=transaction&op=mod&id=' . $id_transaction) . Form::openElementSpace() . Form::getDropdown($lang->def('_PAYMENT_STATUS_FILTER'), 'payment_status', 'payment_status', $array_payment_status, $transaction_info['payment_status']) . Form::getDropdown($lang->def('_COURSE_STATUS_FILTER'), 'course_status', 'course_status', $array_course_status, $transaction_info['course_status']) . Form::getSimpleTextarea($lang->def('_NOTES'), 'note', 'note', $transaction_info['note']) . Form::closeElementSpace()); //User info $user_info = $acl_man->getUser($transaction_info['id_user'], false); $tb_user = new Table(0, $lang->def('_USER_INFO'), $lang->def('_USER_INFO')); $cont_h = array($lang->def('_USERNAME'), $lang->def('_FIRSTNAME'), $lang->def('_LASTNAME'), $lang->def('_EMAIL')); $type_h = array('', '', '', ''); $tb_user->setColsStyle($type_h); $tb_user->addHead($cont_h); $tb_user->addBody(array($acl_man->relativeId($user_info[ACL_INFO_USERID]), $user_info[ACL_INFO_FIRSTNAME], $user_info[ACL_INFO_LASTNAME], $user_info[ACL_INFO_EMAIL])); cout('<br />' . $tb_user->getTable()); //Payment info if we need it //Product info $tb_product = new Table(0, $lang->def('_PRODUCT_INFO'), $lang->def('_PRODUCT_INFO')); $cont_h = array($lang->def('_CODE'), $lang->def('_NAME'), $lang->def('_DATE_BEGIN'), $lang->def('_DATE_END'), $lang->def('_COURSE_PRIZE'), $lang->def('_CONFIRM_COURSE')); $type_h = array('', '', '', '', '', ''); $tb_product->setColsStyle($type_h); $tb_product->addHead($cont_h); $transaction_course = $man_transaction->getTransactionCourses($id_transaction); foreach ($transaction_course as $id_course => $details) { if (is_array($details)) { foreach ($details['dates'] as $id_date) { $date_info = $date_man->getDateInfo($id_date); $checked = false; $other = ''; if ($man_transaction->controlActivation($id_transaction, $id_course, $id_date)) { $checked = true; $other = 'disabled="disabled"'; } $tb_product->addBody(array($date_info['code'], $date_info['name'], Format::date($date_info['date_begin']), Format::date($date_info['date_end']), $date_info['price'], Form::getInputCheckbox($id_course . '_' . $id_date, 'confirm[' . $id_course . '_' . $id_date . ']', 1, $checked, $other))); } } else { $course_info = $course_man->getCourseInfo($id_course); $checked = false; $other = ''; if ($man_transaction->controlActivation($id_transaction, $id_course)) { $checked = true; $other = 'disabled="disabled"'; } $tb_product->addBody(array($course_info['code'], $course_info['name'], $course_info['date_begin'] !== '0000-00-00' ? Format::date($course_info['date_begin'], 'date') . ($course_info['hour_begin'] !== '-1' ? $course_info['hour_begin'] : '') : '', $course_info['date_end'] !== '0000-00-00' ? Format::date($course_info['date_end'], 'date') . ($course_info['hour_end'] !== '-1' ? $course_info['hour_end'] : '') : '', $course_info['prize'] == '' ? '0' : $course_info['prize'], Form::getInputCheckbox($id_course . '_0', 'confirm[' . $id_course . '_0]', 1, $checked, $other))); } } cout('<br />' . $tb_product->getTable() . Form::openButtonSpace() . Form::getButton('update', 'update', $lang->def('_UPDATE')) . Form::getButton('back_mod', 'back_mod', $lang->def('_BACK')) . Form::closeButtonSpace() . Form::closeForm()); cout('</div>'); }
switch ($op) { case "expand": $json = new Services_JSON(); $node_id = Get::req('query', DOTY_INT, 0); $result = array(); $treecat = new Categorytree(); $re = $treecat->getChildrensById($node_id); while (list($idCategory, $idParent, $path, $lev, $left, $right) = sql_fetch_row($re)) { $result[] = array('id' => $idCategory, 'label' => end(explode('/', $path)), 'is_leaf' => $right - $left == 1, 'count_content' => ''); //change this } aout($json->encode($result)); break; case "getaddnodeform": $url = Get::req('server_url', DOTY_ALPHANUM, false); $parent_id = Get::req('parent_id', DOTY_ALPHANUM, false); $output = array(); $output['body'] = '<form name="tree_addfolder_form" method="POST" action="' . $url . '">' . '<input type="hidden" id="authentic_request_addfolder" name="authentic_request" value="' . Util::getSignature() . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="op" value="add_folder" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="parent_id" value="' . $parent_id . '" />' . '<label for="newname">' . "lang._NEW_FOLDER" . ':</label><input type="text" name="newname" /></form>'; $json = new Services_JSON(); aout($json->encode($output)); break; case "add_folder": $output = array(); $output['success'] = true; $output['folder_id'] = 666; $output['label'] = 'label'; $output['is_leaf'] = false; $json = new Services_JSON(); aout($json->encode($output)); break; case "add_element":
function delete_public_report() { require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/'; $id_filter = Get::req('idrep', DOTY_INT, -1); if ($id_filter <= 0) { $result = false; } else { $result = report_delete_filter($id_filter); } Util::jump_to('index.php?modname=public_report_admin&op=reportlist'); }
function loadCatalogueSelector($noprint = false) { require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.table.php'; require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.form.php'; $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('catalogue', 'lms'); // Filter $this->filter['catalogue_name'] = isset($_POST['cat_filter_name']) ? $_POST['cat_filter_name'] : ''; if ($this->show_filter === true) { $form = new Form(); /*$GLOBALS['page']->add( $form->getOpenFieldset($lang->def('_SEARCH')) .Form::getTextfield($lang->def('_NAME'), 'cat_filter_name', 'cat_filter_name', '255', ( isset($_POST['cat_filter_name']) ? $_POST['cat_filter_name'] : '' )) .$form->openButtonSpace() .$form->getButton('catalogue_filter', 'catalogue_filter', $lang->def('_SEARCH')) .$form->closeButtonSpace() .$form->getCloseFieldset() , 'content'); */ cout('<div class="quick_search_form">' . '<div>' . Form::getInputTextfield("search_t", "cat_filter_name", "cat_filter_name", Get::req('cat_filter_name', DOTY_MIXED, ''), '', 255, '') . Form::getButton("catalogue_filter", "catalogue_filter", Lang::t('_SEARCH', 'standard'), "search_b") . '</div>' . '</div>', 'content'); } // End Filter $tb = new Table(Get::sett('visuItem'), $lang->def('_CATALOGUE'), $lang->def('_CATALOGUE_SUMMARY')); $tb->initNavBar('ini_cat', 'button'); $ini = $tb->getSelectedElement(); $select = "\r\n\t\tSELECT c.idCatalogue,, c.description"; $query_catalogue = "\r\n\t\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_catalogue AS c\r\n\t\tWHERE 1"; // Retriving data if (Docebo::user()->getUserLevelId() != ADMIN_GROUP_GODADMIN) { $all_courses = false; require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.preference.php'; $adminManager = new AdminPreference(); $admin_courses = $adminManager->getAdminCourse(Docebo::user()->getIdST()); if (isset($admin_courses['course'][0])) { $all_courses = true; } if (isset($admin_courses['course'][-1])) { require_once _lms_ . '/lib/lib.catalogue.php'; $cat_man = new Catalogue_Manager(); $admin_courses['catalogue'] = $cat_man->getUserAllCatalogueId(Docebo::user()->getIdSt()); if (count($admin_courses['catalogue']) == 0 && Get::sett('on_catalogue_empty', 'off') == 'on') { $all_courses = true; } } if (!$all_courses) { if (empty($admin_courses['catalogue'])) { $query_catalogue .= " AND 0 "; } else { $query_catalogue .= " AND c.idCatalogue IN (0," . implode(',', $admin_courses['catalogue']) . ") "; } } } if ($this->filter['catalogue_name'] != '') { $query_catalogue .= " AND LIKE '%" . $this->filter['catalogue_name'] . "%'"; } list($tot_catalogue) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) " . $query_catalogue)); $query_catalogue .= " ORDER BY\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT " . $ini . "," . (int) Get::sett('visuItem'); $re_catalogue = sql_query($select . $query_catalogue); $type_h = array('image', '', '', ''); $cont_h = array('<span class="access-only">' . $lang->def('_CATALOGUE_SELECTION') . '</span>', $lang->def('_NAME'), $lang->def('_DESCRIPTION')); $tb->setColsStyle($type_h); $tb->addHead($cont_h); while (list($id_catalogue, $name, $descr) = sql_fetch_row($re_catalogue)) { $tb_content = array(Form::getInputCheckbox('new_catalogue_selected_' . $id_catalogue, 'new_catalogue_selected[' . $id_catalogue . ']', $id_catalogue, isset($this->current_selection[$id_catalogue]), ''), '<label for="new_catalogue_selected_' . $id_catalogue . '">' . $name . '</label>', '<label for="new_catalogue_selected_' . $id_catalogue . '">' . $descr . '</label>'); $tb->addBody($tb_content); if (isset($this->current_selection[$id_catalogue])) { unset($this->current_selection[$id_catalogue]); } } $output = $tb->getTable() . $tb->getNavBar($ini, $tot_catalogue) . $this->stateSelection(); if ($noprint) { return $output; } else { cout($output, 'content'); } }
public function getfncroletabledataTask() { $op = Get::req('op', DOTY_MIXED, false); switch ($op) { case "selectall": $this->_selectAllFncroles(); return; break; } $startIndex = Get::req('startIndex', DOTY_INT, 0); $results = Get::req('results', DOTY_INT, Get::sett('visuItem')); $rowsPerPage = Get::req('rowsPerPage', DOTY_INT, $results); $sort = Get::req('sort', DOTY_STRING, ""); $dir = Get::req('dir', DOTY_STRING, "asc"); $filter = Get::req('filter', DOTY_STRING, ""); $pagination = array('startIndex' => $startIndex, 'results' => $results, 'sort' => $sort, 'dir' => $dir); $list = $this->fncrole_model->getFunctionalRolesList($pagination, array('text' => $filter)); //format models' data $records = array(); $acl_man = Docebo::user()->getAclManager(); if (is_array($list)) { foreach ($list as $record) { $_description = strip_tags($record->description); if (strlen($_description) > 100) { $_description = substr($_description, 0, 97) . '...'; } $records[] = array('id' => (int) $record->id_fncrole, 'name' => highlightText($record->name, $filter), 'group' => highlightText($record->group_name, $filter), 'description' => highlightText($_description, $filter), 'users' => $record->users); } } $output = array('startIndex' => $startIndex, 'recordsReturned' => count($records), 'sort' => $sort, 'dir' => $dir, 'totalRecords' => $this->fncrole_model->getFunctionalRolesTotal($filter), 'pageSize' => $rowsPerPage, 'records' => $records); echo $this->json->encode($output); }
function release_cert(&$url) { checkPerm('view'); $id_certificate = importVar('id_certificate', true, 0); $id_course = importVar('id_course', true, 0); $id_meta = Get::req('idmeta', DOTY_INT, 0); $cert = new Certificate(); $subs = $cert->getSubstitutionArray(Docebo::user()->getIdST(), $id_course, $id_meta); $cert->send_certificate($id_certificate, Docebo::user()->getIdST(), $id_course, $subs); }
function duplicateCourse() { $id_dupcourse = Get::req('id_course', DOTY_INT, 0); // read the old course info $query_sel = "SELECT *\n\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_course\n\tWHERE idCourse = '" . $id_dupcourse . "' "; $result_sel = sql_query($query_sel); $list_sel = sql_fetch_array($result_sel); foreach ($list_sel as $k => $v) { $list_sel[$k] = mysql_escape_string($v); } $new_course_dup = 0; $new_file_array = array(); if ($list_sel['imgSponsor'] !== '') { $new_name_array = explode('_', str_replace('course_sponsor_logo_', '', $list_sel['imgSponsor'])); $filename = 'course_sponsor_logo_' . mt_rand(0, 100) . '_' . time() . '_' . str_replace('course_sponsor_logo_' . $new_name_array[0] . '_' . $new_name_array[1] . '_', '', $list_sel['imgSponsor']); $new_file_array[0]['old'] = $list_sel['imgSponsor']; $new_file_array[0]['new'] = $filename; $list_sel['imgSponsor'] = $filename; } if ($list_sel['img_course'] !== '') { $new_name_array = explode('_', str_replace('course_logo_', '', $list_sel['img_course'])); $filename = 'course_logo_' . mt_rand(0, 100) . '_' . time() . '_' . str_replace('course_logo_' . $new_name_array[0] . '_' . $new_name_array[1] . '_', '', $list_sel['img_course']); $new_file_array[1]['old'] = $list_sel['img_course']; $new_file_array[1]['new'] = $filename; $list_sel['img_course'] = $filename; } if ($list_sel['img_material'] !== '') { $new_name_array = explode('_', str_replace('course_user_material_', '', $list_sel['img_material'])); $filename = 'course_user_material_' . mt_rand(0, 100) . '_' . time() . '_' . str_replace('course_user_material_' . $new_name_array[0] . '_' . $new_name_array[1] . '_', '', $list_sel['img_material']); $new_file_array[2]['old'] = $list_sel['img_material']; $new_file_array[2]['new'] = $filename; $list_sel['img_material'] = $filename; } if ($list_sel['img_othermaterial'] !== '') { $new_name_array = explode('_', str_replace('course_otheruser_material_', '', $list_sel['img_othermaterial'])); $filename = 'course_otheruser_material_' . mt_rand(0, 100) . '_' . time() . '_' . str_replace('course_otheruser_material_' . $new_name_array[0] . '_' . $new_name_array[1] . '_', '', $list_sel['img_othermaterial']); $new_file_array[3]['old'] = $list_sel['img_othermaterial']; $new_file_array[3]['new'] = $filename; $list_sel['img_othermaterial'] = $filename; } if ($list_sel['course_demo'] !== '') { $new_name_array = explode('_', str_replace('course_demo_', '', $list_sel['course_demo'])); $filename = 'course_demo_' . mt_rand(0, 100) . '_' . time() . '_' . str_replace('course_demo_' . $new_name_array[0] . '_' . $new_name_array[1] . '_', '', $list_sel['course_demo']); $new_file_array[4]['old'] = $list_sel['course_demo']; $new_file_array[4]['new'] = $filename; $list_sel['course_demo'] = $filename; } // duplicate the entry of learning_course $query_ins = "INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_course\n\t\t( idCategory, code, name, description, lang_code, status, level_show_user,\n\t\tsubscribe_method, linkSponsor, imgSponsor, img_course, img_material, img_othermaterial,\n\t\tcourse_demo, mediumTime, permCloseLO, userStatusOp, difficult, show_progress, show_time, show_extra_info,\n\t\tshow_rules, valid_time, max_num_subscribe, min_num_subscribe,\n\t\tmax_sms_budget, selling, prize, course_type, policy_point, point_to_all, course_edition, classrooms, certificates,\n\t\tcreate_date, security_code, imported_from_connection, course_quota, used_space, course_vote, allow_overbooking, can_subscribe,\n\t\tsub_start_date, sub_end_date, advance, show_who_online, direct_play, autoregistration_code, use_logo_in_courselist )\n\tVALUES\n\t\t( '" . $list_sel['idCategory'] . "', '" . $list_sel['code'] . "', '" . "Copia di " . $list_sel['name'] . "', '" . $list_sel['description'] . "', '" . $list_sel['lang_code'] . "', '" . $list_sel['status'] . "', '" . $list_sel['level_show_user'] . "',\n\t\t'" . $list_sel['subscribe_method'] . "', '" . $list_sel['linkSponsor'] . "', '" . $list_sel['imgSponsor'] . "', '" . $list_sel['img_course'] . "', '" . $list_sel['img_material'] . "', '" . $list_sel['img_othermaterial'] . "',\n\t\t'" . $list_sel['course_demo'] . "', '" . $list_sel['mediumTime'] . "', '" . $list_sel['permCloseLO'] . "', '" . $list_sel['userStatusOp'] . "', '" . $list_sel['difficult'] . "', '" . $list_sel['show_progress'] . "', '" . $list_sel['show_time'] . "', '" . $list_sel['show_extra_info'] . "',\n\t\t'" . $list_sel['show_rules'] . "', '" . $list_sel['valid_time'] . "', '" . $list_sel['max_num_subscribe'] . "', '" . $list_sel['min_num_subscribe'] . "',\n\t\t'" . $list_sel['max_sms_budget'] . "', '" . $list_sel['selling'] . "', '" . $list_sel['prize'] . "', '" . $list_sel['course_type'] . "', '" . $list_sel['policy_point'] . "', '" . $list_sel['point_to_all'] . "', '" . $list_sel['course_edition'] . "', '" . $list_sel['classrooms'] . "', '" . $list_sel['certificates'] . "',\n\t\t'" . $list_sel['create_date'] . "', '" . $list_sel['security_code'] . "', '" . $list_sel['imported_from_connection'] . "', '" . $list_sel['course_quota'] . "', '" . $list_sel['used_space'] . "', '" . $list_sel['course_vote'] . "', '" . $list_sel['allow_overbooking'] . "', '" . $list_sel['can_subscribe'] . "',\n\t\t'" . $list_sel['sub_start_date'] . "', '" . $list_sel['sub_end_date'] . "', '" . $list_sel['advance'] . "', '" . $list_sel['show_who_online'] . "', '" . $list_sel['direct_play'] . "', '" . $list_sel['autoregistration_code'] . "', '" . $list_sel['use_logo_in_courselist'] . "' )"; $result_ins = sql_query($query_ins); if (!$result_ins) { //Util::jump_to('index.php?modname=course&op=course_list&result=err_course'); return false; } // the id of the new course created $new_course_dup = sql_insert_id(); //Create the new course file $path = Get::sett('pathcourse'); $path = '/appLms/' . Get::sett('pathcourse') . (substr($path, -1) != '/' && substr($path, -1) != '\\' ? '/' : ''); require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.upload.php'; sl_open_fileoperations(); foreach ($new_file_array as $file_info) { sl_copy($path . $file_info['old'], $path . $file_info['new']); } sl_close_fileoperations(); // copy the old course menu into the new one $query_selmen = "SELECT *\n\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_menucourse_main\n\tWHERE idCourse = '" . $id_dupcourse . "' "; $result_selmen = sql_query($query_selmen); while ($list_selmen = sql_fetch_array($result_selmen)) { $query_dupmen = "INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_menucourse_main " . " (idCourse, sequence, name, image) " . " VALUES " . " ( '" . $new_course_dup . "', '" . $list_selmen['sequence'] . "', '" . $list_selmen['name'] . "', '" . $list_selmen['image'] . "' )"; $result_dupmen = sql_query($query_dupmen); $array_seq[$list_selmen['idMain']] = sql_insert_id(); } $query_selmenun = "SELECT *\n\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_menucourse_under\n\tWHERE idCourse = '" . $id_dupcourse . "' "; $result_selmenun = sql_query($query_selmenun); while ($list_selmenun = sql_fetch_array($result_selmenun)) { $valore_idn = $list_selmenun['idMain']; $_idMain = $array_seq[$valore_idn]; $query_dupmen = "INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_menucourse_under\n\t\t(idMain, idCourse, sequence, idModule, my_name)\n\t\tVALUES\n\t\t('" . $_idMain . "', '" . $new_course_dup . "', '" . $list_selmenun['sequence'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['idModule'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['my_name'] . "')"; $result_dupmen = sql_query($query_dupmen); } function &getCourseLevelSt($id_course) { $map = array(); $levels = CourseLevel::getLevels(); $acl_man =& $GLOBALS['current_user']->getAclManager(); // find all the group created for this menu custom for permission management foreach ($levels as $lv => $name_level) { $group_info = $acl_man->getGroup(FALSE, '/lms/course/' . $id_course . '/subscribed/' . $lv); $map[$lv] = $group_info[ACL_INFO_IDST]; } return $map; } function funAccess($functionname, $mode, $returnValue = false, $custom_mod_name = false) { return true; } require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.course.php'; require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.manmenu.php'; require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.subscribe.php'; $docebo_course = new DoceboCourse($id_dupcourse); $subscribe_man = new CourseSubscribe_Manager(); $group_idst =& $docebo_course->createCourseLevel($new_course_dup); $group_of_from =& $docebo_course->getCourseLevel($id_dupcourse); $perm_form =& createPermForCoursebis($group_of_from, $new_course_dup, $id_dupcourse); $levels = $subscribe_man->getUserLevel(); foreach ($levels as $lv => $name_level) { foreach ($perm_form[$lv] as $idrole => $v) { if ($group_idst[$lv] != 0 && $idrole != 0) { $acl_man =& $GLOBALS['current_user']->getAclManager(); $acl_man->addToRole($idrole, $group_idst[$lv]); } } } // duplicate the certificate assigned $query_selmenun = "SELECT *\n\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_certificate_course\n\tWHERE id_course = '" . $id_dupcourse . "' "; $result_selmenun = sql_query($query_selmenun); while ($list_selmenun = sql_fetch_array($result_selmenun)) { $query_dupmen = "INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_certificate_course\n\t\t\t(id_certificate, id_course, available_for_status)\n\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t('" . $list_selmenun['id_certificate'] . "', '" . $new_course_dup . "', '" . $list_selmenun['available_for_status'] . "' )"; $result_dupmen = sql_query($query_dupmen); } require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/modules/organization/orglib.php'; require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.param.php'; require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/class.module/track.object.php'; require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/class.module/learning.object.php'; function createLO($objectType, $idResource = NULL) { $query = "SELECT className, fileName FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_lo_types WHERE objectType='" . $objectType . "'"; $rs = sql_query($query); list($className, $fileName) = sql_fetch_row($rs); require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/class.module/' . $fileName; $lo = new $className($idResource); return $lo; } $nullVal = NULL; $array_cor = array(); $map_org = array(); $tree_course = new OrgDirDb($id_dupcourse); $coll = $tree_course->getFoldersCollection($nullVal); while ($folder = $coll->getNext()) { //if($folder->otherValues[REPOFIELDIDRESOURCE] != 0 ) { if (!empty($folder->otherValues[REPOFIELDOBJECTTYPE])) { $lo = createLO($folder->otherValues[REPOFIELDOBJECTTYPE]); $id_nuovo_lo = $lo->copy($folder->otherValues[REPOFIELDIDRESOURCE]); $id_vecchio = $folder->otherValues[REPOFIELDIDRESOURCE]; $query_selmenun = "SELECT * FROM\n\t\t\t" . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_organization\n\t\t\tWHERE idCourse = '" . $id_dupcourse . "'\n\t\t\tAND idResource = '" . $id_vecchio . "' "; $result_selmenun = sql_query($query_selmenun); while ($list_selmenun = mysql_fetch_array($result_selmenun)) { $query_dupmen = "INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_organization\n\t\t\t\t(idParent, path, lev, title,\n\t\t\t\tobjectType, idResource, idCategory, idUser, idAuthor,\n\t\t\t\tversion, difficult, description, language, resource,\n\t\t\t\tobjective, dateInsert, idCourse, prerequisites, isTerminator,\n\t\t\t\tidParam, visible, milestone)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t('" . (isset($map_org[$list_selmenun['idParent']]) ? $map_org[$list_selmenun['idParent']] : 0) . "', '" . $list_selmenun['path'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['lev'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['title'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t'" . $list_selmenun['objectType'] . "', '" . $id_nuovo_lo . "', '" . $list_selmenun['idCategory'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['idUser'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['idAuthor'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t'" . $list_selmenun['version'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['difficult'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['description'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['language'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['resource'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t'" . $list_selmenun['objective'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['dateInsert'] . "', '" . $new_course_dup . "', '" . $list_selmenun['prerequisites'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['isTerminator'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t'" . $list_selmenun['idParam'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['visible'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['milestone'] . "')"; $result_dupmen = sql_query($query_dupmen); $id_org = $list_selmenun['idOrg']; $id_last = sql_insert_id(); $array_cor[$id_org] = $id_last; $query_lo_par = "INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_lo_param\n\t\t\t\t(param_name, param_value)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t('idReference', '" . $id_last . "') "; $result_lo_par = sql_query($query_lo_par); $id_lo_par = sql_insert_id(); $query_up_lo = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_lo_param\n\t\t\t\tSET idParam = '" . $id_lo_par . "'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id = '" . $id_lo_par . "' "; $result_up_lo = sql_query($query_up_lo); $query_up_or = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_organization\n\t\t\t\tSET\tidParam = '" . $id_lo_par . "'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE idOrg = '" . $id_last . "' "; $result_up_or = sql_query($query_up_or); } } else { // copy folder echo $id_vecchio = $folder->id; $query_selmenun = "SELECT * FROM\n\t\t\t" . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_organization\n\t\t\tWHERE idCourse = '" . $id_dupcourse . "'\n\t\t\tAND idOrg = '" . $id_vecchio . "' "; $result_selmenun = sql_query($query_selmenun); $list_selmenun = mysql_fetch_array($result_selmenun); $query_dupmen = " INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_organization\n\t\t\t(idParent, path, lev, title,\n\t\t\tobjectType, idResource, idCategory, idUser, idAuthor,\n\t\t\tversion, difficult, description, language, resource,\n\t\t\tobjective, dateInsert, idCourse, prerequisites, isTerminator,\n\t\t\tidParam, visible, milestone)\n\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t('" . (isset($map_org[$list_selmenun['idParent']]) ? $map_org[$list_selmenun['idParent']] : 0) . "', '" . $list_selmenun['path'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['lev'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['title'] . "',\n\t\t\t'" . $list_selmenun['objectType'] . "', '" . $id_nuovo_lo . "', '" . $list_selmenun['idCategory'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['idUser'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['idAuthor'] . "',\n\t\t\t'" . $list_selmenun['version'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['difficult'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['description'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['language'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['resource'] . "',\n\t\t\t'" . $list_selmenun['objective'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['dateInsert'] . "', '" . $new_course_dup . "', '" . $list_selmenun['prerequisites'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['isTerminator'] . "',\n\t\t\t'" . $list_selmenun['idParam'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['visible'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['milestone'] . "')"; $result_dupmen = sql_query($query_dupmen); $map_org[$id_vecchio] = sql_insert_id(); } } $query_cor = "SELECT *\n\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_organization\n\tWHERE\n\tidCourse = '" . $new_course_dup . "'\n\tAND prerequisites !='' "; $result_cor = sql_query($query_cor); while ($list_cor = sql_fetch_array($result_cor)) { $id_orgup = $list_cor['prerequisites']; $arr_pre = explode(",", $id_orgup); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arr_pre); $i++) { $arr_pre[$i] = str_replace(intval($arr_pre[$i]), $array_cor[intval($arr_pre[$i])], $arr_pre[$i]); } $query_updcor = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_organization\n\t\t\tSET prerequisites = '"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arr_pre); $i++) { if ($i != 0) { $query_updcor .= ","; } $query_updcor .= $arr_pre[$i]; } $query_updcor .= "' WHERE idOrg = '" . $list_cor['idOrg'] . "' "; $result_upcor = sql_query($query_updcor); } $query_selmenun = "SELECT * FROM\n\t" . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_forum\n\tWHERE idCourse = '" . $id_dupcourse . "' "; $result_selmenun = sql_query($query_selmenun); while ($list_selmenun = sql_fetch_array($result_selmenun)) { $query_dupmen = "INSERT INTO\n\t\t" . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_forum\n\t\t(idCourse, title, description, locked, sequence, emoticons)\n\t\tVALUES\n\t\t('" . $new_course_dup . "', '" . $list_selmenun['title'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['description'] . "',\n\t\t'" . $list_selmenun['locked'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['sequence'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['emoticons'] . "')"; $result_dupmen = sql_query($query_dupmen); } $query_selmenun = "SELECT * FROM\n\t" . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_coursereport\n\tWHERE id_course = '" . $id_dupcourse . "' "; $sql2 = $query_selmenun; $result_selmenun = sql_query($query_selmenun); while ($list_selmenun = sql_fetch_array($result_selmenun)) { if (!isset($array_organization[$list_selmenun['id_source']]) or $array_organization[$list_selmenun['id_source']] == "") { $array_organization[$list_selmenun['id_source']] = 0; } $query_dupmen = "INSERT INTO\n\t\t" . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_coursereport\n\t\t(id_course,title,max_score,required_score,weight,show_to_user,use_for_final,sequence,source_of,id_source)\n\t\tVALUES\n\t\t('" . $new_course_dup . "', '" . $list_selmenun['title'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['max_score'] . "',\n\t\t'" . $list_selmenun['required_score'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['weight'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['show_to_user'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['use_for_final'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['sequence'] . "', '" . $list_selmenun['source_of'] . "', '" . $array_organization[$list_selmenun['id_source']] . "')"; $sql2 = $query_dupmen; $result_dupmen = sql_query($query_dupmen); } $query_selmenun = "SELECT *\n\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_htmlfront\n\tWHERE id_course = '" . $id_dupcourse . "' "; $result_selmenun = sql_query($query_selmenun); while ($list_selmenun = sql_fetch_array($result_selmenun)) { $query_dupmen = "INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_htmlfront\n\t\t(id_course, textof)\n\t\tVALUES\n\t\t('" . $new_course_dup . "', '" . mysql_escape_string($list_selmenun['textof']) . "')"; $result_dupmen = sql_query($query_dupmen); } //Util::jump_to('index.php?modname=course&op=course_list&result=ok_course'); return true; }