コード例 #1
  * 区域班列查询
 public function inarea()
     $starttime = $this->_get('starttime');
     $endtime = $this->_get('endtime');
     $points = json_decode($_GET['area']);
     if (empty($starttime)) {
         return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:开始时间为空');
     if (strlen($starttime) != 19 || strtotime($starttime) === false) {
         return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:开始时间格式不正确');
     if (!empty($endtime) && (strlen($endtime) != 19 || strtotime($endtime) === false)) {
         return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:结束时间格式不正确');
     if (empty($points) || !is_array($points) || count($points) < 2) {
         return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:多边形端点数量不够');
     foreach ($points as $index => $point) {
         $points[$index] = (array) $point;
     $Location = M('Location');
     $condition = array('_string' => " `location`.`time`>='{$starttime}' AND `train`.`number` IS NOT NULL ");
     if (!empty($endtime)) {
         $condition['_string'] .= " AND `location`.`time`<='{$endtime}' ";
     $Location->join('`device` on `device`.`id`=`location`.`device_id`')->join("`train` on (`train`.`id`=`device`.`target_id` AND `device`.`target_type`='班列')")->join('`department` on `department`.`id`=`train`.`department_id`')->field(array('`location`.`id`', '`department`.`id`' => 'department_id', '`department`.`name`' => 'department', '`train`.`id`' => 'train_id', '`train`.`number`', '`train`.`due_date`', '`train`.`due_time`', '`location`.`device_id`', '`device`.`type`', '`device`.`label`', '`location`.`time`', 'state', 'online', '`location`.`address`', 'baidu_lat', 'baidu_lng', 'speed', 'direction', 'mcc', 'mnc', 'lac', 'cellid', '`location`.`range`'))->where($condition)->order('`department`.`sequence`, `train`.`id`, `time` ASC');
     // 		$page = $_REQUEST['page'] + 0;
     // 		$limit = $_REQUEST['limit'] + 0;
     //		if($page && $limit) $Location->limit($limit)->page($page); //这里不用数据库的分页,而是用我们自己的分页(目前没法分页了)
     $locations = $Location->select();
     $total = 0;
     $results = array();
     $curTrain = null;
     $alreadyIn = false;
     $lastLocation = null;
     foreach ($locations as $location) {
         $in = Geometry::geoPointInPolygon(array('lat' => $location['baidu_lat'], 'lng' => $location['baidu_lng']), $points);
         //TODO 考虑当前点与上一个定位点的轨迹线段是否切割多边形?
         if ($in) {
             if ($alreadyIn && $curTrain != $location['train_id']) {
                 $lastTrainLocationsCount = count($results[$total - 1]['locations']);
                 if ($lastTrainLocationsCount > 0) {
                     $results[$total - 1]['time_out'] = $results[$total - 1]['locations'][$lastTrainLocationsCount - 1]['time'];
                     $results[$total - 1]['duration'] = $this->_getFriendlyDurationText($results[$total - 1]['time_in'], $results[$total - 1]['time_out']);
                     $alreadyIn = false;
                     $curTrain = null;
             if (!$alreadyIn && $curTrain === null) {
                 $alreadyIn = true;
                 $curTrain = $location['train_id'];
                 $results[] = array('id' => $location['id'], 'department_id' => $location['department_id'], 'department' => $location['department'], 'train_id' => $location['train_id'], 'number' => $location['number'], 'device_id' => $location['device_id'], 'label' => $location['label'], 'time_in' => $location['time'], 'time_out' => '', 'duration' => '', 'locations' => array(), 'first_isout' => false, 'last_isout' => false);
                 if ($lastLocation !== null && $lastLocation['train_id'] == $location['train_id']) {
                     $results[$total - 1]['locations'][] = $lastLocation;
                     $results[$total - 1]['first_isout'] = true;
             $results[$total - 1]['locations'][] = $location;
         } else {
             if ($alreadyIn) {
                 if ($curTrain != $location['train_id']) {
                     $lastTrainLocationsCount = count($results[$total - 1]['locations']);
                     if ($lastTrainLocationsCount > 0) {
                         $results[$total - 1]['time_out'] = $results[$total - 1]['locations'][$lastTrainLocationsCount - 1]['time'];
                     } else {
                         $results[$total - 1]['time_out'] = $location['time'];
                 } else {
                     $results[$total - 1]['time_out'] = $location['time'];
                     $results[$total - 1]['locations'][] = $location;
                     $results[$total - 1]['last_isout'] = true;
                 $results[$total - 1]['duration'] = $this->_getFriendlyDurationText($results[$total - 1]['time_in'], $results[$total - 1]['time_out']);
                 $alreadyIn = false;
                 $curTrain = null;
         $lastLocation = $location;
     return_json(true, $total, 'results', $results);