コード例 #1
 *    and also uses client auth groups (so changes to readAccess are not a problem) and no need to sql escape things becuase it uses
 *    it's own syntax
 *  - provide ajax list which will print items and allow specific site selections for output
try {
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
    // report everything except notices
    ini_set('display_errors', 1);
    ini_set('log_errors', 1);
    ini_set('error_log', '../logs/siteSearch.log');
    include_once __DIR__ . '/lib/GeoliveHelper.php';
    if (GeoliveHelper::ScriptWasAccessedDirectlyFromCommandLine()) {
        // GeoliveHelper::LoadGeoliveFromCommandLine();
        // could run this script from command line. or could
        // implement asynrounous functions using shell_exec('php '.__FILE__.' ')
    } elseif (GeoliveHelper::ScriptWasAccessedDirectlyFromUrl()) {
        if (UrlVar('task') == 'export') {
             * Actually render the kml or gpx file directly to client
             * this happens when they sumbit the form to a new tab - which directly accesses this file.
             * at this point joomla is gone which is great becuase I don't want to wait for all the eventhandlers
             * etc. (now relying on Geolive to provide database access)
            $paArray = UrlVar('paddlingAreas', array());
            if (!empty($paArray)) {
                include_once 'lib/Util.php';
                $sitesArray = array();
                // I am working on another method called FilteredSiteListInAreas
                // which will work using Attribute filters - this will hopefully
                // be more robust and ignore minor spelling differences
                $siteList = json_decode(UrlVar('siteList', '[]'));