コード例 #1
  * getPagesByCategory
  * @author Cornelius Hansjakob <*****@*****.**>
  * @version 1.0
 public function getPagesByCategory()
     try {
         $intCategoryId = $this->objGenericData->Setup()->getField('top_category')->getValue();
         $intLabelId = $this->objGenericData->Setup()->getField('top_label')->getValue();
         $intLimitNumber = $this->objGenericData->Setup()->getField('top_number')->getValue();
         $intSortType = $this->objGenericData->Setup()->getField('top_sorttype')->getValue();
         $intSortOrder = $this->objGenericData->Setup()->getField('top_sortorder')->getValue();
         $objPages = $this->objModelPages->loadsByCategory($this->intRootLevelId, $intCategoryId, $intLabelId, $intLimitNumber, $intSortType, $intSortOrder);
         return $objPages;
     } catch (Exception $exc) {
コード例 #2
  * addFolderStartGlobal
  * @param array $arrArgs
  * @return boolean
  * @author Thomas Schedler <*****@*****.**>
  * @version 1.0
 private function addFolderStartGlobal($arrArgs)
     try {
         if (array_key_exists('GenericSetup', $arrArgs) && $arrArgs['GenericSetup'] instanceof GenericSetup) {
             $objGenericSetup = $arrArgs['GenericSetup'];
             $strGlobalType = $this->strRootLevelGroupKey . '_overview';
             $intTemplateId = $this->core->sysConfig->global_types->{$strGlobalType}->default_templateId;
             $objTemplateData = $this->getModelTemplates()->loadTemplateById($intTemplateId);
             if (count($objTemplateData) == 1) {
                 $objTemplate = $objTemplateData->current();
                  * set form id from template
                 $strFormId = $objTemplate->genericFormId;
                 $intFormVersion = $objTemplate->version;
                 $intFormTypeId = $objTemplate->formTypeId;
             } else {
                 throw new Exception('Not able to create a generic data object, because there is no form id!');
             $objGenericData = new GenericData();
             return true;
         } else {
             throw new Exception('There ist now GenericSetup in the args array!');
     } catch (Exception $exc) {
         return false;
コード例 #3
 function listNotesAction()
     $personId = 0;
     $personId = (int) $this->_getParam('personId');
     $filter = $this->_getParam('filter');
     $clinicalNoteIterator = new ClinicalNoteIterator();
     $custom = $this->_getParam('custom');
     if (count($custom) > 0) {
         $custom = $this->_getParam('custom');
         $custom['personId'] = $personId;
     } else {
         $data = array();
         $data['personId'] = $personId;
         if ($filter == 'byAuthoringPersonId') {
             $data['authoringPersonId'] = $this->_getParam('authoringPersonId');
         if ($filter == 'byDateRange') {
             $data['dateRange'] = $this->_getParam('dateRange');
         if ($filter == 'byCurrentPractice' || $filter == 'bySelectedVisit') {
             $visitId = (int) $this->_getParam('visitId');
             $visit = new Visit();
             $visit->visitId = $visitId;
             $building = new Building();
             $building->buildingId = $visit->buildingId;
             $data['locationId'] = $building->buildingId;
             $data['selectedVisit'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($visit->timestamp));
         if ($filter == 'byVisitPractice' || $filter == 'byVisitBuilding') {
             $practiceId = 0;
             $buildingId = 0;
             $identity = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity();
             $userId = $identity->userId;
             $user = new User();
             $user->userId = $userId;
             if (strlen($user->preferences) > 0) {
                 $this->xmlPreferences = new SimpleXMLElement($user->preferences);
                 $currentLocation = (string) $this->xmlPreferences->currentLocation;
                 $locationId = (int) $currentLocation;
                 if ($locationId > 0) {
                     $room = new Room();
                     $room->roomId = $locationId;
                     $practiceId = $room->building->practiceId;
                     $buildingId = $room->buildingId;
             $data['practiceId'] = $practiceId;
             $data['buildingId'] = $buildingId;
         $clinicalNoteIterator->setFilter($filter, $data);
     $notes = array();
     foreach ($clinicalNoteIterator as $note) {
         if ($note['eSignatureId'] > 0) {
             $img = 'sm-signed.png';
             $alt = 'Signed';
         } else {
             $img = 'sm-editproblem.png';
             $alt = 'Editing';
         $icon = '<img src="' . Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl') . 'img/' . $img . '" alt="' . $alt . '" />';
         $row = array();
         $row['id'] = $note['clinicalNoteId'];
         $row['data'][] = '';
         $row['data'][] = $icon . ' ' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($note['dateTime']));
         $row['data'][] = $note['noteTitle'];
         $row['data'][] = $note['last_name'] . ', ' . $note['first_name'] . ' ' . substr($note['middle_name'], 0, 1);
         $location = '';
         $locationId = (int) $note['locationId'];
         if ($locationId > 0) {
             $location = Room::location($locationId);
         $row['data'][] = $location;
         $row['data'][] = $row['id'];
         $row['data'][] = 0;
         $xml = simplexml_load_string($note['template']);
         $genericData = new GenericData();
         $filters = array();
         $filters['objectId'] = $note['clinicalNoteId'];
         $filters['objectClass'] = 'ClinicalNote';
         $genericDataIterator = $genericData->getIteratorByFilters($filters);
         $firstData = false;
         $childIcon = '<img src="' . Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl') . 'img/leaf.gif" alt="-" />';
         foreach ($genericDataIterator as $data) {
             if (!$firstData) {
                 $firstData = true;
                 //$row['id'] .= ':'.$data->revisionId;
                 $row['data'][6] = $data->revisionId;
             $tmp = array();
             $tmp['id'] = $data->revisionId;
             $tmp['data'][] = $data->objectId;
             // '';
             $tmp['data'][] = '&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;' . $childIcon . ' ' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data->dateTime));
             $tmp['data'][] = $note['noteTitle'];
             $tmp['data'][] = '';
             // Author
             $tmp['data'][] = '';
             // Location
             $tmp['data'][] = $note['clinicalNoteId'];
             $tmp['data'][] = $tmp['id'];
             $row['rows'][] = $tmp;
         $notes[] = $row;
     $acj = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('json');
     $acj->suppressExit = true;
     $acj->direct(array("rows" => $notes));
コード例 #4
 function processAction()
     $clinicalNoteId = (int) $this->_getParam('clinicalNoteId');
     $revisionId = (int) $this->_getParam('revisionId');
     $data = $this->_getParam('namespaceData');
     $saveDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $cn = new ClinicalNote();
     $cn->clinicalNoteId = $clinicalNoteId;
     if (!$revisionId > 0) {
         $revisionId = GenericData::getUnsignedRevisionId(get_class($cn), $cn->clinicalNoteId);
     $eSignatureId = ESignature::retrieveSignatureId(get_class($cn), $revisionId);
     if ($eSignatureId > 0) {
         $msg = __('Failed to save. Note is already signed');
     } else {
         $cn->dateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $msg = __('Data saved.');
         $template = $cn->clinicalNoteDefinition->clinicalNoteTemplate->template;
         $xml = simplexml_load_string($template);
         $objectClass = 'ClinicalNote';
         list($name, $value) = each($data);
         $gd = new GenericData();
         $gd->objectClass = $objectClass;
         $gd->objectId = $clinicalNoteId;
         $gd->name = $name;
         $rowExists = $gd->doesRowExist(true);
         $preQueries = null;
         if ($rowExists) {
             $revisionId = (int) $gd->revisionId;
             $preQueries = 'DELETE FROM `' . $gd->_table . '` WHERE `revisionId`=' . $revisionId;
         } else {
             $revisionId = WebVista_Model_ORM::nextSequenceId();
         $otm = new WebVista_Model_ORMTransactionManager();
         foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
             $gd = new GenericData();
             $gd->objectClass = $objectClass;
             $gd->objectId = $clinicalNoteId;
             $gd->dateTime = $saveDate;
             $gd->name = $name;
             $gd->value = $value;
             $gd->revisionId = $revisionId;
         if (!$otm->persist($preQueries)) {
             $msg = __('Failed to save.');
         if ((string) $xml->attributes()->useNSDR && (string) $xml->attributes()->useNSDR == 'true') {
             if (!ClinicalNote::processNSDRPersist($xml, $cn, $data)) {
                 $msg = __('Failed to save.');
     $json = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('json');
     $json->suppressExit = true;
コード例 #5
 function listNotesAction()
     $personId = 0;
     $personId = (int) $this->_getParam('personId');
     $filter = $this->_getParam('filter');
     $clinicalNoteIterator = new ClinicalNoteIterator();
     $custom = $this->_getParam('custom');
     if (count($custom) > 0) {
         $custom = $this->_getParam('custom');
         $custom['personId'] = $personId;
     } else {
         $data = array();
         $data['personId'] = $personId;
         if ($filter == 'byAuthoringPersonId') {
             $data['authoringPersonId'] = $this->_getParam('authoringPersonId');
         if ($filter == 'byDateRange') {
             $data['dateRange'] = $this->_getParam('dateRange');
         $clinicalNoteIterator->setFilter($filter, $data);
     $notes = array();
     foreach ($clinicalNoteIterator as $note) {
         if ($note['eSignatureId'] > 0) {
             $img = 'sm-signed.png';
             $alt = 'Signed';
         } else {
             $img = 'sm-editproblem.png';
             $alt = 'Editing';
         $icon = '<img src="' . Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl') . 'img/' . $img . '" alt="' . $alt . '" />';
         $row = array();
         $row['id'] = $note['clinicalNoteId'];
         $row['data'][] = '';
         $row['data'][] = $icon . ' ' . $note['dateTime'];
         $row['data'][] = $note['noteTitle'];
         $row['data'][] = $note['last_name'] . ', ' . $note['first_name'] . ' ' . substr($note['middle_name'], 0, 1);
         $row['data'][] = 'Main Clinic->General Care';
         // location->room temporarily hardcoded
         $xml = simplexml_load_string($note['template']);
         $genericData = new GenericData();
         $filters = array();
         $filters['objectId'] = $note['clinicalNoteId'];
         $filters['objectClass'] = 'ClinicalNote';
         $genericDataIterator = $genericData->getIteratorByFilters($filters);
         $firstData = false;
         $childIcon = '<img src="' . Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl') . 'img/leaf.gif" alt="-" />';
         foreach ($genericDataIterator as $data) {
             if (!$firstData) {
                 $firstData = true;
             $tmp = array();
             $tmp['id'] = $data->revisionId;
             $tmp['data'][] = $data->objectId;
             // '';
             $tmp['data'][] = '&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;' . $childIcon . ' ' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data->dateTime));
             $tmp['data'][] = $note['noteTitle'];
             $row['rows'][] = $tmp;
         $notes[] = $row;
     $acj = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('json');
     $acj->suppressExit = true;
     $acj->direct(array("rows" => $notes));
コード例 #6
  * changetemplateAction
  * @author Thomas Schedler <*****@*****.**>
  * @version 1.0
 public function changetemplateAction()
     try {
         $objGenericData = new GenericData();
         $objGenericData->Setup()->setElementLinkId($this->objRequest->getParam("linkId", -1));
          * change Template
         $this->objRequest->setParam("formId", $objGenericData->Setup()->getFormId());
         $this->objRequest->setParam("templateId", $objGenericData->Setup()->getTemplateId());
         $this->objRequest->setParam("formVersion", $objGenericData->Setup()->getFormVersion());
          * load generic data
          * set action
         if (intval($this->objRequest->getParam('id')) > 0) {
         } else {
          * prepare form (add fields and region to the Zend_Form)
          * get form title
         $this->view->formtitle = $this->objForm->Setup()->getFormTitle();
          * output of metainformation to hidden div
         $this->view->form = $this->objForm;
     } catch (Exception $exc) {
コード例 #7
 public function nsdrPopulate($tthis, $context, $data)
     $context = (int) $context;
     $attributes = $tthis->_attributes;
     $nsdrNamespace = $tthis->_nsdrNamespace;
     $aliasedNamespace = $tthis->_aliasedNamespace;
     if ($context == '*') {
         if (isset($attributes['isDefaultContext']) && $attributes['isDefaultContext']) {
             // get genericData
             $objectClass = 'ClinicalNote';
             $clinicalNoteId = 0;
             if (isset($attributes['clinicalNoteId'])) {
                 $clinicalNoteId = (int) $attributes['clinicalNoteId'];
             $revisionId = 0;
             if (isset($attributes['revisionId'])) {
                 $revisionId = (int) $attributes['revisionId'];
             if (!$revisionId > 0) {
                 $revisionId = GenericData::getUnsignedRevisionId($objectClass, $clinicalNoteId);
             $gd = new self();
             $gd->objectClass = $objectClass;
             $gd->objectId = $clinicalNoteId;
             $gd->name = preg_replace('/[-\\.]/', '_', $nsdrNamespace);
             $gd->revisionId = $revisionId;
             return $gd->value;
         } else {
             // all
             $ret = array();
             $gd = new self();
             $gdIterator = $gd->getIterator();
             foreach ($gdIterator as $g) {
                 $ret[] = $g->toArray();
             return $ret;
     $gd = new self();
     $gd->genericDataId = $context;
     return $gd->toArray();
コード例 #8
  * getProvincesByCountry
  * @author Thomas Schedler <*****@*****.**>
 public function getProvincesByCountry($strCountry)
     try {
         $intUnitId = $this->objGenericData->Setup()->getField('entry_location')->getValue();
         $intTypeId = $this->objGenericData->Setup()->getField('entry_type')->getValue();
         $objProvinces = $this->objModelLocations->loadProvincesByCountry($strCountry, $intUnitId, $intTypeId);
         return $objProvinces;
     } catch (Exception $exc) {
コード例 #9
  * changetemplateAction
  * @author Thomas Schedler <*****@*****.**>
  * @version 1.0
 public function changetemplateAction()
     try {
         $objGenericData = new GenericData();
         $objGenericData->Setup()->setLanguageId($this->objRequest->getParam("languageId", $this->core->sysConfig->languages->default->id));
          * change Template
         $this->objRequest->setParam("formId", $objGenericData->Setup()->getFormId());
         $this->objRequest->setParam("templateId", $objGenericData->Setup()->getTemplateId());
         $this->objRequest->setParam("formVersion", $objGenericData->Setup()->getFormVersion());
          * load generic data
          * set action
          * prepare form (add fields and region to the Zend_Form)
          * get form title
         $this->view->formtitle = $this->objForm->Setup()->getFormTitle();
          * output of metainformation to hidden div
         $this->view->form = $this->objForm;
     } catch (Exception $exc) {
コード例 #10
 public function buildDefaultGenericData(SimpleXMLElement $xml = null)
     if ($xml === null) {
         if (!strlen($this->clinicalNoteDefinition->clinicalNoteTemplate->template) > 0) {
         $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($this->clinicalNoteDefinition->clinicalNoteTemplate->template);
     $revisionId = WebVista_Model_ORM::nextSequenceId();
     $nsdrData = array();
     if ((string) $xml->attributes()->useNSDR && (string) $xml->attributes()->useNSDR == 'true') {
         $nsdrData = ClinicalNote::getNSDRData($xml, $this, $revisionId);
     $dateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     foreach ($xml as $question) {
         foreach ($question as $key => $item) {
             if ($key != 'dataPoint') {
             $namespace = NSDR2::extractNamespace((string) $item->attributes()->namespace);
             $name = preg_replace('/[-\\.]/', '_', $namespace);
             $value = '';
             if (strlen((string) $item->attributes()->templateText) > 0) {
                 $templateName = (string) $item->attributes()->templateText;
                 $view = Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->getView();
                 $value = $view->action('templated-text', 'template-text', null, array('personId' => $this->personId, 'templateName' => $templateName));
             if ((string) $item->attributes()->default == true) {
                 $value = (string) $item->attributes()->value;
             if (isset($nsdrData[$name])) {
                 $value = $nsdrData[$name];
             $gd = new GenericData();
             $gd->objectClass = get_class($this);
             $gd->objectId = $this->clinicalNoteId;
             $gd->dateTime = $dateTime;
             $gd->name = $name;
             $gd->value = $value;
             $gd->revisionId = $revisionId;
     return $revisionId;
コード例 #11
  * addAction
  * @author Cornelius Hansjakob <*****@*****.**>
  * @version 1.0
 public function addAction()
      * set action
     if ($this->objRequest->isPost() && $this->objRequest->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
         $arrFormData = $this->objRequest->getPost();
          * prepare form (add fields and region to the Zend_Form)
         if ($this->objForm->isValid($arrFormData)) {
              * set action
             $intFolderId = $this->objForm->saveFormData();
             $this->view->assign('blnShowFormAlert', true);
              * add defautl start page
             if (array_key_exists("rootLevelTypeId", $arrFormData) && $arrFormData["rootLevelTypeId"] == $this->core->sysConfig->root_level_types->portals) {
                 $intTemplateId = $this->core->sysConfig->page_types->page->startpage_templateId;
                 $objTemplateData = $this->objModelTemplates->loadTemplateById($intTemplateId);
                 if (count($objTemplateData) == 1) {
                     $objTemplate = $objTemplateData->current();
                      * set form id from template
                     $strFormId = $objTemplate->genericFormId;
                     $intFormVersion = $objTemplate->version;
                     $intFormTypeId = $objTemplate->formTypeId;
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception('Not able to create a generic data object, because there is no form id!');
                 $objGenericData = new GenericData();
                 $objGenericData->Setup()->setLanguageId($this->objRequest->getParam("languageId", $this->core->sysConfig->languages->default->id));
                 $this->view->assign('selectNavigationItemNow', true);
                 $this->view->assign('itemId', 'folder' . $intFolderId);
         } else {
             $this->view->assign('blnShowFormAlert', false);
     } else {
          * prepare form (add fields and region to the Zend_Form)
      * get form title
     $this->view->formtitle = $this->objForm->Setup()->getFormTitle();
      * output of metainformation to hidden div
     $this->view->form = $this->objForm;