コード例 #1
  * Should handle execution of the task, taking as much (optional) parameters as needed
  * The parameters should be optional and failing to provide them should be handled by
  * the task
 public function execute($sourceId = null, $sourceSurveyId = null, $surveyId = null)
     $batch = $this->getBatch();
     if ($surveyId) {
         $survey = $this->loader->getTracker()->getSurvey($surveyId);
     } else {
         $survey = $this->loader->getTracker()->getSurveyBySourceId($sourceSurveyId, $sourceId);
     if (!$survey->isActive()) {
     // Now save the questions
     $answerModel = $survey->getAnswerModel('en');
     foreach ($answerModel->getItemsOrdered() as $order => $name) {
         if (true === $answerModel->get($name, 'survey_question')) {
             $batch->addTask('Tracker_RefreshQuestion', $surveyId, $name, $order);
     // If we have a response database, create a view on the answers
     if ($this->project->hasResponseDatabase()) {
         $this->replaceCreateView($survey, $answerModel);
コード例 #2
  * Get form elements for the specific Export
  * @param  \Gems_Form $form existing form type
  * @param  array data existing options set in the form
  * @return array of form elements
 public function getFormElements(\Gems_Form $form, &$data)
     $dbLookup = $this->util->getDbLookup();
     $translated = $this->util->getTranslated();
     $noRound = array(self::NoRound => $this->_('No round description'));
     $empty = $translated->getEmptyDropdownArray();
     $dateOptions = array();
     \MUtil_Model_Bridge_FormBridge::applyFixedOptions('date', $dateOptions);
     $organizations = $this->currentUser->getRespondentOrganizations();
     $tracks = $empty + $this->util->getTrackData()->getAllTracks();
     $rounds = $empty + $noRound + $dbLookup->getRoundsForExport(isset($data['tid']) ? $data['tid'] : null);
     $surveys = $dbLookup->getSurveysForExport(isset($data['tid']) ? $data['tid'] : null, isset($data['rounds']) ? $data['rounds'] : null);
     $yesNo = $translated->getYesNo();
     $elements = array();
     $element = $form->createElement('textarea', 'ids');
     $element->setLabel($this->_('Respondent id\'s'))->setAttrib('cols', 60)->setAttrib('rows', 4)->setDescription($this->_('Not respondent nr, but respondent id as exported here.'));
     $elements[] = $element;
     $element = $form->createElement('select', 'tid');
     $elements[] = $element;
     if (isset($data['tid']) && $data['tid']) {
         $element = $form->createElement('radio', 'tid_fields');
         $element->setLabel($this->_('Export fields'))->setMultiOptions($yesNo);
         $elements[] = $element;
         if (!array_key_exists('tid_fields', $data)) {
             $data['tid_fields'] = 1;
     $element = $form->createElement('select', 'rounds');
     $element->setLabel($this->_('Round description'))->setMultiOptions($rounds);
     $elements[] = $element;
     $element = $form->createElement('multiselect', 'sid');
     $element->setLabel($this->_('Survey'))->setMultiOptions($surveys)->setDescription($this->_('Use CTRL or Shift to select more'));
     $elements[] = $element;
     $element = $form->createElement('multiCheckbox', 'oid');
     $elements[] = $element;
     if (\MUtil_Bootstrap::enabled()) {
         $element = new \MUtil_Bootstrap_Form_Element_ToggleCheckboxes('toggleOrg', array('selector' => 'input[name^=oid]'));
     } else {
         $element = new \Gems_JQuery_Form_Element_ToggleCheckboxes('toggleOrg', array('selector' => 'input[name^=oid]'));
     $elements[] = $element;
     $element = $form->createElement('datePicker', 'valid_from', $dateOptions);
     $element->setLabel($this->_('Valid from'));
     $elements[] = $element;
     $element = $form->createElement('datePicker', 'valid_until', $dateOptions);
     $element->setLabel($this->_('Valid until'));
     $elements[] = $element;
     if (\MUtil_Bootstrap::enabled()) {
         $element = new \MUtil_Bootstrap_Form_Element_ToggleCheckboxes('toggleOrg', array('selector' => 'input[name^=oid]'));
     } else {
         $element = new \Gems_JQuery_Form_Element_ToggleCheckboxes('toggleOrg', array('selector' => 'input[name^=oid]'));
     $element = $form->createElement('checkbox', 'column_identifiers');
     $element->setLabel($this->_('Column Identifiers'));
     $element->setDescription($this->_('Prefix the column labels with an identifier. (A) Answers, (TF) Trackfields, (D) Description'));
     $elements[] = $element;
     if (!empty($data['sid'])) {
         $filters = $this->getFilters($data);
         foreach ($filters as $key => $filter) {
             unset($data['records_' . $key]);
             $model = $this->getModel($filter, $data);
             $survey = $this->loader->getTracker()->getSurvey(intval($filter['gto_id_survey']));
             $recordCount = $model->loadPaginator($filter)->getTotalItemCount();
             $element = $form->createElement('exhibitor', 'records_' . $key);
             $element->setValue($survey->getName() . ': ' . sprintf($this->_('%s records found.'), $recordCount));
             $elements[] = $element;
     if ($this->project->hasResponseDatabase()) {
         $this->addResponseDatabaseForm($form, $data, $elements);
     return $elements;
コード例 #3
  * Checks whether the survey for this token was completed and processes the result
  * @param int $userId The id of the gems user
 public function checkTokenCompletion($userId)
     $result = self::COMPLETION_NOCHANGE;
     // Some defaults
     $values['gto_completion_time'] = null;
     $values['gto_duration_in_sec'] = null;
     $values['gto_result'] = null;
     if ($this->inSource()) {
         $survey = $this->getSurvey();
         $values['gto_in_source'] = 1;
         $startTime = $survey->getStartTime($this);
         if ($startTime instanceof \MUtil_Date) {
             // Value from source overrules any set date time
             $values['gto_start_time'] = $startTime->toString(\Gems_Tracker::DB_DATETIME_FORMAT);
         } else {
             // Otherwise use the time kept by Gems.
             $startTime = $this->getDateTime('gto_start_time');
             //What if we have older tokens... where no gto_start_time was set??
             if (is_null($startTime)) {
                 $startTime = new \MUtil_Date();
             // No need to set $values['gto_start_time'], it does not change
         // If there is a start date there can be a completion date
         if ($startTime instanceof \MUtil_Date) {
             if ($survey->isCompleted($this)) {
                 $complTime = $survey->getCompletionTime($this);
                 $setCompletionTime = true;
                 if (!$complTime instanceof \MUtil_Date) {
                     // Token is completed but the source cannot tell the time
                     // Try to see it was stored already
                     $complTime = $this->getDateTime('gto_completion_time');
                     if ($complTime instanceof \MUtil_Date) {
                         // Again no need to change a time that did not change
                         $setCompletionTime = false;
                     } else {
                         // Well anyhow it was completed now or earlier. Get the current moment.
                         $complTime = new \MUtil_Date();
                 //Set completion time for completion event
                 if ($setCompletionTime) {
                     $values['gto_completion_time'] = $complTime->toString(\Gems_Tracker::DB_DATETIME_FORMAT);
                     //Save the old value
                     $originalCompletionTime = $this->_gemsData['gto_completion_time'];
                     $this->_gemsData['gto_completion_time'] = $values['gto_completion_time'];
                 // Process any Gems side survey dependent changes
                 if ($changed = $this->handleAfterCompletion()) {
                     // Communicate change
                     $result += self::COMPLETION_EVENTCHANGE;
                     if (\Gems_Tracker::$verbose) {
                         \MUtil_Echo::r($changed, 'Source values for ' . $this->_tokenId . ' changed by event.');
                 if ($setCompletionTime) {
                     //Reset to old value, so changes will be picked up
                     $this->_gemsData['gto_completion_time'] = $originalCompletionTime;
                 $values['gto_duration_in_sec'] = max($complTime->diffSeconds($startTime), 0);
                 //If the survey has a resultfield, store it
                 if ($resultField = $survey->getResultField()) {
                     $rawAnswers = $this->getRawAnswers();
                     if (isset($rawAnswers[$resultField])) {
                         // Cast to string, because that is the way the result is stored in the db
                         // not casting to strings means e.g. float results always result in
                         // an update, even when they did not change.
                         $values['gto_result'] = (string) $rawAnswers[$resultField];
                         // Chunk of text that is too long
                         if ($len = $this->_getResultFieldLength()) {
                             $values['gto_result'] = substr($values['gto_result'], 0, $len);
                 if ($this->project->hasResponseDatabase()) {
     } else {
         $values['gto_in_source'] = 0;
         $values['gto_start_time'] = null;
     if ($this->_updateToken($values, $userId)) {
         // Communicate change
         $result += self::COMPLETION_DATACHANGE;
     return $result;
コード例 #4
  * Convert the submitted form-data to a filter to be used for retrieving the data to export
  * Now only handles the organization ID and consent codes, but can be extended to
  * include track info or perform some checks
  * @param array $data
  * @return array
 protected function _getFilter($data)
     $filter = array();
     if (isset($data['ids'])) {
         $idStrings = $data['ids'];
         $idArray = preg_split('/[\\s,;]+/', $idStrings, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         if ($idArray) {
             // Make sure output is OK
             // $idArray = array_map(array($this->db, 'quote'), $idArray);
             $filter['respondentid'] = $idArray;
     if ($this->project->hasResponseDatabase()) {
         $this->_getResponseDatabaseFilter($data, $filter);
     if (isset($data['tid'])) {
         $select = $this->db->select();
         $select->from('gems__respondent2track', array('gr2t_id_respondent_track'))->where('gr2t_id_track = ?', $data['tid']);
         if ($trackArray = $this->db->fetchCol($select)) {
             $filter['resptrackid'] = $trackArray;
     if (isset($data['oid'])) {
         $filter['organizationid'] = $data['oid'];
     } else {
         //Invalid id so when nothing selected... we get nothing
         // $filter['organizationid'] = '-1';
     // Consent codes
     $filter['consentcode'] = array_diff((array) $this->util->getConsentTypes(), (array) $this->util->getConsentRejected());
     if (isset($data['rounds']) && !empty($data['rounds'])) {
         $select = $this->loader->getTracker()->getTokenSelect(array('gto_id_token'));
         // Only get positive receptioncodes
         // Apply track filter
         if (isset($data['tid']) && !empty($data['tid'])) {
             $select->forWhere('gto_id_track = ?', (int) $data['tid']);
         // Apply survey filter
         if (isset($data['sid']) && !empty($data['sid'])) {
             $select->forSurveyId((int) $data['sid']);
         // Apply organization filter
         if (isset($data['oid'])) {
             $select->forWhere('gto_id_organization in (?)', $data['oid']);
         // Apply round description filter
         if ($data['rounds'] == self::NoRound) {
             $select->forWhere('gto_round_description IS NULL OR gto_round_description = ""');
         } else {
             $select->forWhere('gto_round_description = ?', $data['rounds']);
         $tokens = array();
         $result = $select->getSelect()->query();
         while ($row = $result->fetch(\Zend_Db::FETCH_NUM)) {
             $tokens[] = $row[0];
         if (empty($tokens)) {
             // Add invalid filter
             $filter['organizationid'] = -1;
         $filter['token'] = $tokens;
     // \Gems_Tracker::$verbose = true;
     return $filter;