コード例 #1
ファイル: aliveinyear.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/phpgedview
 * is the person alive in the given year
 * @param string $indirec	the persons raw gedcom record
 * @param int $year			the year to check if they are alive in
 * @return int			return 0 if the person is alive, negative number if they died earlier, positive number if they will be born in the future
function check_alive($indirec, $year)
    global $MAX_ALIVE_AGE;
    if (is_dead($indirec, $year)) {
        return -1;
    // Died before year?
    $deathrec = get_sub_record(1, "1 DEAT", $indirec);
    if (preg_match("/\\d DATE (.*)/", $deathrec, $match)) {
        $ddate = new GedcomDate($match[1]);
        $dyear = $ddate->gregorianYear();
        if ($year > $dyear) {
            return -1;
    // Born after year?
    $birthrec = get_sub_record(1, "1 BIRT", $indirec);
    if (preg_match("/\\d DATE (.*)/", $birthrec, $match)) {
        $bdate = new GedcomDate($match[1]);
        $byear = $bdate->gregorianYear();
        if ($year < $byear) {
            return 1;
    // Born before year and died after year
    if (isset($byear) && isset($dyear) && $year >= $byear && $year <= $dyear) {
        return 0;
    // If no death record than check all dates;
    $years = array();
    $subrecs = get_all_subrecords($indirec, "CHAN", true, true, false);
    foreach ($subrecs as $ind => $subrec) {
        if (preg_match("/\\d DATE (.*)/", $subrec, $match)) {
            $date = new GedcomDate($match[1]);
            $datey = $date->gregorianYear();
            if ($datey) {
                $years[] = $datey;
    // Events both before and after year
    if (count($years) > 1 && $year >= $years[0] && $year <= $years[count($years) - 1]) {
        return 0;
    foreach ($years as $ind => $year1) {
        if ($year1 - $year > $MAX_ALIVE_AGE) {
            return -1;
    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: class_family.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/phpgedview
 static function CompareMarrDate($x, $y)
     return GedcomDate::Compare($x->getMarriageDate(), $y->getMarriageDate());
コード例 #3
  * Creates the date elements used throughout the GRAMPS XML file.
  * The function will parse the date record and determine the type of date
  * (regular, range).
  * @param DOMObject $eParent - The parent element the date should be attached to
  * @param string $dateRec - the entire GEDCOM date record to be parsed
  * @param int $level - the level the date record was found on in the GEDCOM
  * @param int $done - whether the method is called from the GrampsExport($done=1) or a sub-class
 function create_date($eParent, $dateRec, $level)
     if (empty($dateRec)) {
     $date = new GedcomDate(get_gedcom_value("DATE", $level, $dateRec, '', false));
     //checks to see if there's is a 2nd date value and creates the daterange element
     if (!empty($date->qual2)) {
         $eDateRange = $this->dom->createElement("daterange");
         $eDateRange = $eParent->appendChild($eDateRange);
         //sets the start date
         $eDateRange->setAttribute("start", $this->create_date_value($date->MinDate()));
         //sets the stop date
         $eDateRange->setAttribute("stop", $this->create_date_value($date->MaxDate()));
     } else {
         //if there's no dateRange, this creates the normal dateval Element
         $eDateVal = $this->dom->createElement("dateval");
         $eDateVal = $eParent->appendChild($eDateVal);
         //checks for the Type attribute values
         switch ($date->qual1) {
             case 'bef':
                 $eDateVal->setAttribute("type", "before");
             case 'aft':
                 $eDateVal->setAttribute("type", "after");
             case 'abt':
                 $eDateVal->setAttribute("type", "about");
         //sets the date value
         $eDateVal->setAttribute("val", $this->create_date_value($date->MinDate()));
コード例 #4
function compare_people($a, $b)
    return GedcomDate::Compare($a->getEstimatedBirthDate(), $b->getEstimatedBirthDate());
コード例 #5
 static function CompareChanDate($x, $y)
     $chan_x = $x->getChangeEvent();
     $chan_y = $y->getChangeEvent();
     $tmp = GedcomDate::Compare($chan_x->getDate(), $chan_y->getDate());
     if ($tmp) {
         return $tmp;
     } else {
         if (preg_match('/^\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d/', get_gedcom_value('DATE:TIME', 2, $chan_x->getGedcomRecord(), '', false) . ':00', $match_x) && preg_match('/^\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d/', get_gedcom_value('DATE:TIME', 2, $chan_y->getGedcomRecord(), '', false) . ':00', $match_y)) {
             return strcmp($match_x[0], $match_y[0]);
         } else {
             return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: compact.php プロジェクト: rathervague/phpgedview
function print_td_person($n)
    global $treeid, $PGV_IMAGE_DIR, $PGV_IMAGES, $pgv_lang;
    global $showids, $showthumbs;
    $text = "";
    $pid = $treeid[$n];
    if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "ltr") {
        $title = $pgv_lang["indi_info"] . ": " . $pid;
    } else {
        $title = $pid . " :" . $pgv_lang["indi_info"];
    if ($pid) {
        $indi = Person::getInstance($pid);
        $name = $indi->getFullName();
        $addname = $indi->getAddName();
        if ($showthumbs && $MULTI_MEDIA && $SHOW_HIGHLIGHT_IMAGES) {
            if (showFact("OBJE", $pid)) {
                $object = find_highlighted_object($pid, PGV_GED_ID, $indi->gedrec);
                if (!empty($object)) {
                    $whichFile = thumb_or_main($object);
                    // Do we send the main image or a thumbnail?
                    $size = findImageSize($whichFile);
                    $class = "pedigree_image_portrait";
                    if ($size[0] > $size[1]) {
                        $class = "pedigree_image_landscape";
                    if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "rtl") {
                        $class .= "_rtl";
                    // NOTE: IMG ID
                    $imgsize = findImageSize($object["file"]);
                    $imgwidth = $imgsize[0] + 50;
                    $imgheight = $imgsize[1] + 150;
                    if (PGV_USE_LIGHTBOX) {
                        $text .= "<a href=\"" . $object["file"] . "\" rel=\"clearbox[general]\" rev=\"" . $object['mid'] . "::" . PGV_GEDCOM . "::" . PrintReady(htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) . "\">" . "\n";
                    } else {
                        $text .= "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"return openImage('" . rawurlencode($object["file"]) . "',{$imgwidth}, {$imgheight});\">";
                    $birth_date = $indi->getBirthDate();
                    $death_date = $indi->getDeathDate();
                    $text .= "<img id=\"box-{$pid}\" src=\"" . $whichFile . "\"vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" class=\"{$class}\" alt =\"\" title=\"" . PrintReady(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($name), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) . " - " . strip_tags(html_entity_decode($birth_date->Display(false) . " - " . $death_date->Display(false), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) . "\"";
                    if ($imgsize) {
                        $text .= " /></a>\n";
                    } else {
                        $text .= " />\n";
                } else {
                    if ($USE_SILHOUETTE && isset($PGV_IMAGES["default_image_U"]["other"])) {
                        $class = "pedigree_image_portrait";
                        if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "rtl") {
                            $class .= "_rtl";
                        $sex = $indi->getSex();
                        $text = "<img src=\"";
                        if ($sex == 'F') {
                            $text .= $PGV_IMAGE_DIR . "/" . $PGV_IMAGES["default_image_F"]["other"];
                        } else {
                            if ($sex == 'M') {
                                $text .= $PGV_IMAGE_DIR . "/" . $PGV_IMAGES["default_image_M"]["other"];
                            } else {
                                $text .= $PGV_IMAGE_DIR . "/" . $PGV_IMAGES["default_image_U"]["other"];
                        $text .= "\" class=\"" . $class . "\" border=\"none\" alt=\"\" />";
            } else {
                if ($USE_SILHOUETTE && isset($PGV_IMAGES["default_image_U"]["other"])) {
                    $class = "pedigree_image_portrait";
                    if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "rtl") {
                        $class .= "_rtl";
                    $sex = $indi->getSex();
                    $text = "<img src=\"";
                    if ($sex == 'F') {
                        $text .= $PGV_IMAGE_DIR . "/" . $PGV_IMAGES["default_image_F"]["other"];
                    } else {
                        if ($sex == 'M') {
                            $text .= $PGV_IMAGE_DIR . "/" . $PGV_IMAGES["default_image_M"]["other"];
                        } else {
                            $text .= $PGV_IMAGE_DIR . "/" . $PGV_IMAGES["default_image_U"]["other"];
                    $text .= "\" class=\"" . $class . "\" border=\"none\" alt=\"\" />";
        $text .= "<a class=\"name1\" href=\"individual.php?pid={$pid}\" title=\"{$title}\"> ";
        $text .= PrintReady(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($name), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
        if ($addname) {
            $text .= "<br />" . PrintReady($addname);
        $text .= "</a>";
        if ($showids) {
            $text .= " <span class='details1' ";
            if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "ltr") {
                $text .= "dir=\"ltr\">";
            } else {
                $text .= "dir=\"rtl\">";
            $text .= "(" . $pid . ")</span>";
        $text .= "<br />";
        if ($indi->canDisplayDetails()) {
            $text .= "<span class='details1'>";
            $text .= $indi->getBirthYear() . '-' . $indi->getDeathYear();
            $age = GedcomDate::GetAgeYears($indi->getBirthDate(), $indi->getDeathDate());
            if ($age) {
                $text .= " <span class=\"age\">" . PrintReady("({$age})") . "</span>";
            $text .= "</span>";
    //Removed by BH causing problems with nicknames not printing
    //$text = unhtmlentities($text);
    // -- empty box
    if (empty($text)) {
        $text = "&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br />";
    // -- box color
    $isF = "";
    if ($n == 1) {
        if ($indi->getSex() == 'F') {
            $isF = "F";
    } elseif ($n % 2) {
        $isF = "F";
    // -- box size
    if ($n == 1) {
        echo "<td";
    } else {
        echo "<td width='15%'";
    // -- print box content
    echo " class=\"person_box", $isF, "\" style=\"text-align:center; vertical-align:top;\" >";
    echo $text;
    echo "</td>";
コード例 #7
ファイル: client.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/phpgedview
     if (isset($_FILES['thumbnail'])) {
         if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['thumbnail']['tmp_name'], $MEDIA_DIRECTORY . "thumbs/" . $_FILES['thumbnail']['name'])) {
             $error .= "\nERROR 19: " . $pgv_lang["upload_error"] . " " . file_upload_error_text($_FILES['thumbnail']['error']);
     if (!empty($error)) {
         addDebugLog($action . " {$error}");
         print $error . "\n";
     } else {
         addDebugLog($action . " SUCCESS");
         print "SUCCESS\n";
 case 'getchanges':
     $lastdate = new GedcomDate(safe_REQUEST($_REQUEST, 'date', '\\d\\d \\w\\w\\w \\d\\d\\d\\d'));
     if ($lastdate->isOK()) {
         if ($lastdate->MinJD() < server_jd() - 180) {
             addDebugLog($action . " ERROR 24: You cannot retrieve updates for more than 180 days.");
             print "ERROR 24: You cannot retrieve updates for more than 180 days.\n";
         } else {
             print "SUCCESS\n";
             foreach (get_recent_changes($lastdate->MinJD()) as $xref) {
                 echo "{$xref}\n";
     } else {
         addDebugLog($action . " ERROR 23: Invalid date parameter.  Please use a valid date in the GEDCOM format DD MMM YYYY.");
         print "ERROR 23: Invalid date parameter.  Please use a valid date in the GEDCOM format DD MMM YYYY.\n";
コード例 #8
* add a new tag input field
* called for each fact to be edited on a form.
* Fact level=0 means a new empty form : data are POSTed by name
* else data are POSTed using arrays :
* glevels[] : tag level
*  islink[] : tag is a link
*     tag[] : tag name
*    text[] : tag value
* @param string $tag fact record to edit (eg 2 DATE xxxxx)
* @param string $upperlevel optional upper level tag (eg BIRT)
* @param string $label An optional label to echo instead of the default from the $factarray
* @param string $readOnly optional, when "READONLY", fact data can't be changed
* @param string $noClose optional, when "NOCLOSE", final "</td></tr>" won't be printed
* (so that additional text can be printed in the box)
* @param boolean $rowDisplay True to have the row displayed by default, false to hide it by default
function add_simple_tag($tag, $upperlevel = "", $label = "", $readOnly = "", $noClose = "", $rowDisplay = true)
    global $factarray, $pgv_lang, $PGV_IMAGE_DIR, $PGV_IMAGES, $MEDIA_DIRECTORY, $TEMPLE_CODES;
    global $assorela, $tags, $emptyfacts, $main_fact, $TEXT_DIRECTION, $pgv_changes, $GEDCOM;
    global $NPFX_accept, $SPFX_accept, $NSFX_accept, $FILE_FORM_accept, $upload_count;
    global $tabkey, $STATUS_CODES, $SPLIT_PLACES, $pid, $linkToID;
    global $bdm, $PRIVACY_BY_RESN;
    global $lang_short_cut, $LANGUAGE;
    if (substr($tag, 0, strpos($tag, "PLAC"))) {
<script type="text/javascript">
		function valid_lati_long(field, pos, neg) {
			// valid LATI or LONG according to Gedcom standard
			// pos (+) : N or E
			// neg (-) : S or W
			txt=txt.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g,''); // trim
			txt=txt.replace(/ /g,':'); // N12 34 ==> N12.34
			txt=txt.replace(/\+/g,''); // +17.1234 ==> 17.1234
			txt=txt.replace(/-/g,neg); // -0.5698 ==> W0.5698
			txt=txt.replace(/,/g,'.'); // 0,5698 ==> 0.5698
			// 0�34'11 ==> 0:34:11
			txt=txt.replace(/\uB0/g,':'); // �
			txt=txt.replace(/\u27/g,':'); // '
			// 0:34:11.2W ==> W0.5698
			txt=txt.replace(/^([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9.]+)(.*)/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) { var n=parseFloat($1); n+=($2/60); n+=($3/3600); n=Math.round(n*1E4)/1E4; return $4+n; });
			// 0:34W ==> W0.5667
			txt=txt.replace(/^([0-9]+):([0-9]+)(.*)/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3) { var n=parseFloat($1); n+=($2/60); n=Math.round(n*1E4)/1E4; return $3+n; });
			// 0.5698W ==> W0.5698
			// 17.1234 ==> N17.1234
			if (txt!='' && txt.charAt(0)!=neg && txt.charAt(0)!=pos) txt=pos+txt;
			field.value = txt;

		function toggle_lati_long() {
			tr = document.getElementsByTagName('tr');
			for (var i=0; i<tr.length; i++) {
				if (tr[i].id.indexOf("LATI")>=0 || tr[i].id.indexOf("LONG")>=0) {
					var disp = tr[i].style.display;
					if (disp=="none") {
						if (document.all && !window.opera) disp = "inline"; // IE
					else disp="none";
    if (!isset($noClose) && isset($readOnly) && $readOnly == "NOCLOSE") {
        $noClose = "NOCLOSE";
        $readOnly = "";
    if (!isset($noClose) || $noClose != "NOCLOSE") {
        $noClose = "";
    if (!isset($readOnly) || $readOnly != "READONLY") {
        $readOnly = "";
    if (!isset($tabkey)) {
        $tabkey = 1;
    if (empty($linkToID)) {
        $linkToID = $pid;
    $subnamefacts = array("NPFX", "GIVN", "SPFX", "SURN", "NSFX", "_MARNM_SURN");
    @(list($level, $fact, $value) = explode(" ", $tag));
    // element name : used to POST data
    if ($level == 0) {
        if ($upperlevel) {
            $element_name = $upperlevel . "_" . $fact;
        } else {
            $element_name = $fact;
        // ex: OCCU
    } else {
        $element_name = "text[]";
    if ($level == 1) {
        $main_fact = $fact;
    // element id : used by javascript functions
    if ($level == 0) {
        $element_id = $fact;
    } else {
        $element_id = $fact . floor(microtime() * 1000000);
    // ex: SOUR56402
    if ($upperlevel) {
        $element_id = $upperlevel . "_" . $fact;
    // ex: BIRT_DATE | DEAT_DATE ...
    // field value
    $islink = (substr($value, 0, 1) == "@" and substr($value, 0, 2) != "@#");
    if ($islink) {
        $value = trim(trim(substr($tag, strlen($fact) + 3)), " @\r");
    } else {
        $value = trim(substr($tag, strlen($fact) + 3));
    if ($fact == 'REPO' || $fact == 'SOUR' || $fact == 'OBJE' || $fact == 'FAMC') {
        $islink = true;
    // rows & cols
    switch ($fact) {
        case 'FORM':
            $rows = 1;
            $cols = 5;
        case 'LATI':
        case 'LONG':
        case 'NPFX':
        case 'SPFX':
        case 'NSFX':
            $rows = 1;
            $cols = 12;
        case 'DATE':
        case 'TIME':
        case 'TYPE':
            $rows = 1;
            $cols = 20;
        case 'GIVN':
        case 'SURN':
        case '_MARNM':
            $rows = 1;
            $cols = 25;
        case '_UID':
            $rows = 1;
            $cols = 50;
        case 'TEXT':
        case 'PUBL':
            $rows = 10;
            $cols = 70;
        case 'SHARED_NOTE_EDIT':
            $islink = 1;
            $fact = "NOTE";
            $rows = 15;
            $cols = 88;
        case 'SHARED_NOTE':
            $islink = 1;
            $fact = "NOTE";
            $rows = 1;
            $cols = $islink ? 8 : 40;
        case 'NOTE':
            if ($islink) {
                $rows = 1;
                $cols = $islink ? 8 : 40;
            } else {
                $rows = 10;
                $cols = 70;
        case 'ADDR':
            $rows = 4;
            $cols = 40;
        case 'PAGE':
            $rows = 1;
            $cols = 50;
            $rows = 1;
            $cols = $islink ? 8 : 40;
    // label
    $style = "";
    echo "<tr id=\"" . $element_id . "_tr\" ";
    if ($fact == "MAP" || $fact == "LATI" || $fact == "LONG") {
        echo " style=\"display:none;\"";
    echo " >\n";
    if (in_array($fact, $subnamefacts) || $fact == "LATI" || $fact == "LONG") {
        echo "<td class=\"optionbox {$TEXT_DIRECTION} wrap width25\">";
    } else {
        echo "<td class=\"descriptionbox {$TEXT_DIRECTION} wrap width25\">";
    // help link
    if (!in_array($fact, $emptyfacts)) {
        if ($fact == "DATE") {
            print_help_link("def_gedcom_date_help", "qm", "date");
        } else {
            if ($fact == "RESN") {
                print_help_link($fact . "_help", "qm");
            } else {
                if ($fact == "NOTE" && $islink) {
                    print_help_link("edit_add_SHARED_NOTE_help", "qm");
                } else {
                    print_help_link("edit_" . $fact . "_help", "qm");
    if ($fact == "_AKAN" || $fact == "_AKA" || $fact == "ALIA") {
        // Allow special processing for different languages
        $func = "fact_AKA_localisation_{$lang_short_cut[$LANGUAGE]}";
        if (function_exists($func)) {
            // Localise the AKA fact
            $func($fact, $pid);
    } else {
        if ($fact == "AGNC" && !empty($main_fact)) {
            // Allow special processing for different languages
            $func = "fact_AGNC_localisation_{$lang_short_cut[$LANGUAGE]}";
            if (function_exists($func)) {
                // Localise the AGNC fact
                $func($fact, $main_fact);
    if (PGV_DEBUG) {
        echo $element_name . "<br />\n";
    // tag name
    if (!empty($label)) {
        if ($label == "Note" && $islink) {
            echo $pgv_lang["shared_note"];
        } else {
            echo $label;
    } else {
        if ($fact == "NOTE" && $islink) {
            echo $pgv_lang["shared_note"];
        } else {
            if (isset($pgv_lang[$fact])) {
                echo $pgv_lang[$fact];
            } else {
                if (isset($factarray[$fact])) {
                    echo $factarray[$fact];
                } else {
                    echo $fact;
    echo "\n";
    // tag level
    if ($level > 0) {
        if ($fact == "TEXT" and $level > 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"glevels[]\" value=\"" . ($level - 1) . "\" />";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"islink[]\" value=\"0\" />";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tag[]\" value=\"DATA\" />";
            //-- leave data text[] value empty because the following TEXT line will
            //--- cause the DATA to be added
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"text[]\" value=\"\" />";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"glevels[]\" value=\"" . $level . "\" />\n";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"islink[]\" value=\"" . $islink . "\" />\n";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tag[]\" value=\"" . $fact . "\" />\n";
        // Shared Notes Debug --------------------
        // echo "<br />Label = ".$label;
        // echo "<br />Level = ".$level;
        // echo "<br />Link = ".$islink;
        // echo "<br />Fact = ".$fact;
        // echo "<br />Value = ".$value;
        // End Debug -------------------
    echo "\n</td>";
    // value
    echo "<td class=\"optionbox wrap\">\n";
    if (PGV_DEBUG) {
        echo $tag . "<br />\n";
    // retrieve linked NOTE
    if ($fact == "NOTE" && $islink) {
        $noteid = $value;
    if (in_array($fact, $emptyfacts) && (empty($value) || $value == "y" || $value == "Y")) {
        $value = strtoupper($value);
        //-- don't default anything to Y when adding events through people
        //-- default to Y when specifically adding one of these events
        if ($level == 1) {
            $value = "Y";
        // default YES
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"" . $element_id . "\" name=\"" . $element_name . "\" value=\"" . $value . "\" />";
        if ($level <= 1) {
            echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" ";
            if ($value == "Y") {
                echo " checked=\"checked\"";
            echo " onclick=\"if (this.checked) " . $element_id . ".value='Y'; else " . $element_id . ".value=''; \" />";
            echo $pgv_lang["yes"];
    } else {
        if ($fact == "TEMP") {
            echo "<select tabindex=\"" . $tabkey . "\" name=\"" . $element_name . "\" >\n";
            echo "<option value=''>" . $pgv_lang["no_temple"] . "</option>\n";
            foreach ($TEMPLE_CODES as $code => $temple) {
                echo "<option value=\"{$code}\"";
                if ($code == $value) {
                    echo " selected=\"selected\"";
                echo ">{$temple} ({$code})</option>\n";
            echo "</select>\n";
        } else {
            if ($fact == "ADOP") {
                echo "<select tabindex=\"" . $tabkey . "\" name=\"" . $element_name . "\" >";
                foreach (array("BOTH" => $factarray["HUSB"] . "+" . $factarray["WIFE"], "HUSB" => $factarray["HUSB"], "WIFE" => $factarray["WIFE"]) as $k => $v) {
                    echo "<option value='{$k}'";
                    if ($value == $k) {
                        echo " selected=\"selected\"";
                    echo ">{$v}</option>";
                echo "</select>\n";
            } else {
                if ($fact == "PEDI") {
                    echo "<select tabindex=\"" . $tabkey . "\" name=\"" . $element_name . "\" >";
                    foreach (array("" => $pgv_lang["unknown"], "birth" => $factarray["BIRT"], "adopted" => $pgv_lang["adopted"], "foster" => $pgv_lang["foster"], "sealing" => $pgv_lang["sealing"]) as $k => $v) {
                        echo "<option value='{$k}'";
                        if (UTF8_strtolower($value) == $k) {
                            echo " selected=\"selected\"";
                        echo ">{$v}</option>";
                    echo "</select>\n";
                } else {
                    if ($fact == "STAT") {
                        echo "<select tabindex=\"" . $tabkey . "\" name=\"" . $element_name . "\" >\n";
                        echo "<option value=''>No special status</option>\n";
                        foreach ($STATUS_CODES as $code => $status) {
                            echo "<option value=\"{$code}\"";
                            if ($code == $value) {
                                echo " selected=\"selected\"";
                            echo ">{$status}</option>\n";
                        echo "</select>\n";
                    } else {
                        if ($fact == "RELA") {
                            $text = strtolower($value);
                            // add current relationship if not found in default list
                            if (!array_key_exists($text, $assorela)) {
                                $assorela[$text] = $text;
                            echo "<select tabindex=\"" . $tabkey . "\" id=\"" . $element_id . "\" name=\"" . $element_name . "\" >\n";
                            foreach ($assorela as $key => $value) {
                                echo "<option value=\"" . $key . "\"";
                                if ($key == $text) {
                                    echo " selected=\"selected\"";
                                echo ">" . $assorela["{$key}"] . "</option>\n";
                            echo "</select>\n";
                        } else {
                            if ($fact == "_PGVU") {
                                $text = strtolower($value);
                                echo "<select tabindex=\"" . $tabkey . "\" id=\"" . $element_id . "\" name=\"" . $element_name . "\" >\n";
                                echo '<option value=""';
                                if ('' == $text) {
                                    echo ' selected="selected"';
                                echo ">-</option>\n";
                                foreach (get_all_users('asc', 'username') as $user_id => $user_name) {
                                    echo "<option value=\"" . $user_id . "\"";
                                    if ($user_id == $text) {
                                        echo " selected=\"selected\"";
                                    echo ">" . $user_name . "</option>\n";
                                echo "</select>\n";
                            } else {
                                if ($fact == "RESN") {
		<script type="text/javascript">
		function update_RESN_img(resn_val) {
			if (resn_val=='none') resn_val='';
                                    echo $element_id;
                                    if (!$PRIVACY_BY_RESN && $level == 1) {
                                        // warn user that level 1 RESN tags have no effect when PRIVACY_BY_RESN is false
                                        echo "<small>" . $pgv_lang["resn_disabled"] . "</small>";
                                    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"" . $element_id . "\" name=\"" . $element_name . "\" value=\"" . $value . "\" />\n";
                                    echo "<table><tr valign=\"top\">\n";
                                    foreach (array("none", "locked", "privacy", "confidential") as $resn_index => $resn_val) {
                                        if ($resn_val == "none") {
                                            $resnv = "";
                                        } else {
                                            $resnv = $resn_val;
                                        echo "<td><input tabindex=\"" . $tabkey . "\" type=\"radio\" name=\"RESN_radio\" onclick=\"update_RESN_img('" . $resn_val . "')\"";
                                        echo " value=\"" . $resnv . "\"";
                                        if ($value == $resnv) {
                                            echo " checked=\"checked\"";
                                        echo " /><small>" . $pgv_lang[$resn_val] . "</small>";
                                        echo "<br />&nbsp;<img id=\"RESN_" . $resn_val . "\" src=\"images/RESN_" . $resn_val . ".gif\"  alt=\"" . $pgv_lang[$resn_val] . "\" title=\"" . $pgv_lang[$resn_val] . "\" border=\"0\"";
                                        if ($value == $resnv) {
                                            echo " style=\"display:inline\"";
                                        } else {
                                            echo " style=\"display:none\"";
                                        echo " /></td>\n";
                                    echo "</tr></table>\n";
                                } else {
                                    if ($fact == "_PRIM" or $fact == "_THUM") {
                                        echo "<select tabindex=\"" . $tabkey . "\" id=\"" . $element_id . "\" name=\"" . $element_name . "\" >\n";
                                        echo "<option value=\"\"></option>\n";
                                        echo "<option value=\"Y\"";
                                        if ($value == "Y") {
                                            echo " selected=\"selected\"";
                                        echo ">" . $pgv_lang["yes"] . "</option>\n";
                                        echo "<option value=\"N\"";
                                        if ($value == "N") {
                                            echo " selected=\"selected\"";
                                        echo ">" . $pgv_lang["no"] . "</option>\n";
                                        echo "</select>\n";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($fact == "SEX") {
                                            echo "<select tabindex=\"" . $tabkey . "\" id=\"" . $element_id . "\" name=\"" . $element_name . "\">\n<option value=\"M\"";
                                            if ($value == "M") {
                                                echo " selected=\"selected\"";
                                            echo ">" . $pgv_lang["male"] . "</option>\n<option value=\"F\"";
                                            if ($value == "F") {
                                                echo " selected=\"selected\"";
                                            echo ">" . $pgv_lang["female"] . "</option>\n<option value=\"U\"";
                                            if ($value == "U" || empty($value)) {
                                                echo " selected=\"selected\"";
                                            echo ">" . $pgv_lang["unknown"] . "</option>\n</select>\n";
                                        } else {
                                            if ($fact == "TYPE" && $level == '3') {
                                                //-- Build array of currently defined values for this Media Fact
                                                foreach ($pgv_lang as $varname => $typeValue) {
                                                    if (substr($varname, 0, 6) == "TYPE__") {
                                                        if ($varname != "TYPE__other") {
                                                            $type[strtolower(substr($varname, 6))] = $typeValue;
                                                //-- Sort the array into a meaningful order
                                                //-- Add "Other" at the end of the list
                                                $type["other"] = $pgv_lang["TYPE__other"];
                                                //-- Build the selector for the Media "TYPE" Fact
                                                echo "<select tabindex=\"" . $tabkey . "\" name=\"text[]\">";
                                                if ($value == "") {
                                                    echo "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"\" > " . $pgv_lang["choose"] . " </option>";
                                                $selectedValue = strtolower($value);
                                                foreach ($type as $typeName => $typeValue) {
                                                    echo "<option value=\"" . $typeName . "\" ";
                                                    if ($selectedValue == $typeName) {
                                                        echo "selected=\"selected\" ";
                                                    echo "> " . $typeValue . " </option>";
                                                echo "</select>";
                                            } else {
                                                if ($fact == "NAME" && $upperlevel != 'REPO' || $fact == "_MARNM") {
                                                    // Populated in javascript from sub-tags
                                                    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"" . $element_id . "\" name=\"" . $element_name . "\" onchange=\"updateTextName('" . $element_id . "');\" value=\"" . PrintReady(htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')) . "\" />";
                                                    echo "<span id=\"" . $element_id . "_display\">" . PrintReady(htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')) . "</span>";
                                                    echo " <a href=\"#edit_name\" onclick=\"convertHidden('" . $element_id . "'); return false;\"> ";
                                                    if (isset($PGV_IMAGES["edit_indi"]["small"])) {
                                                        echo "<img src=\"" . $PGV_IMAGE_DIR . "/" . $PGV_IMAGES["edit_indi"]["small"] . "\" border=\"0\" width=\"20\" alt=\"" . $pgv_lang["edit_name"] . "\" align=\"top\" />";
                                                    } else {
                                                        echo "<span class=\"age\">[" . $pgv_lang["edit_name"] . "]</span>";
                                                    echo "</a>";
                                                } else {
                                                    // textarea
                                                    if ($rows > 1) {
                                                        echo "<textarea tabindex=\"" . $tabkey . "\" id=\"" . $element_id . "\" name=\"" . $element_name . "\" rows=\"" . $rows . "\" cols=\"" . $cols . "\">" . PrintReady(htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')) . "</textarea><br />\n";
                                                    } else {
                                                        // text
                                                        echo "<input tabindex=\"" . $tabkey . "\" type=\"text\" id=\"" . $element_id . "\" name=\"" . $element_name . "\" value=\"" . PrintReady(htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')) . "\" size=\"" . $cols . "\" dir=\"ltr\"";
                                                        echo " class=\"{$fact}\"";
                                                        echo " autocomplete=\"off\"";
                                                        if (in_array($fact, $subnamefacts)) {
                                                            echo " onblur=\"updatewholename();\" onkeyup=\"updatewholename();\"";
                                                        if ($fact == "DATE") {
                                                            echo " onblur=\"valid_date(this);\" onmouseout=\"valid_date(this);\"";
                                                        if ($fact == "LATI") {
                                                            echo " onblur=\"valid_lati_long(this, 'N', 'S');\" onmouseout=\"valid_lati_long(this, 'N', 'S');\"";
                                                        if ($fact == "LONG") {
                                                            echo " onblur=\"valid_lati_long(this, 'E', 'W');\" onmouseout=\"valid_lati_long(this, 'E', 'W');\"";
                                                        //if ($fact=="FILE") echo " onchange=\"if (updateFormat) updateFormat(this.value);\"";
                                                        echo " " . $readOnly . " />\n";
                                                    // split PLAC
                                                    if ($fact == "PLAC" && $readOnly == "") {
                                                        echo "<div id=\"" . $element_id . "_pop\" style=\"display: inline;\">\n";
                                                        print_specialchar_link($element_id, false);
                                                        echo "</div>\n";
                                                        echo "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"toggle_lati_long();\"><img src=\"images/buttons/target.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" alt=\"" . $factarray["LATI"] . " / " . $factarray["LONG"] . "\" title=\"" . $factarray["LATI"] . " / " . $factarray["LONG"] . "\" /></a>";
                                                        if ($SPLIT_PLACES) {
                                                            if (!function_exists("print_place_subfields")) {
                                                                require "includes/functions/functions_places.php";
                                                    } else {
                                                        if (($cols > 20 || $fact == "NPFX") && $readOnly == "") {
                                                            print_specialchar_link($element_id, false);
    // MARRiage TYPE : hide text field and show a selection list
    if ($fact == "TYPE" and $tags[0] == "MARR") {
        echo "<script type='text/javascript'>";
        echo "document.getElementById('" . $element_id . "').style.display='none'";
        echo "</script>";
        echo "<select tabindex=\"" . $tabkey . "\" id=\"" . $element_id . "_sel\" onchange=\"document.getElementById('" . $element_id . "').value=this.value;\" >\n";
        foreach (array("Unknown", "Civil", "Religious", "Partners") as $indexval => $key) {
            if ($key == "Unknown") {
                echo "<option value=\"\"";
            } else {
                echo "<option value=\"" . $key . "\"";
            $a = strtolower($key);
            $b = strtolower($value);
            if (@strpos($a, $b) !== false or @strpos($b, $a) !== false) {
                echo " selected=\"selected\"";
            echo ">" . $factarray["MARR_" . strtoupper($key)] . "</option>\n";
        echo "</select>";
    // popup links
    if ($readOnly == "") {
        if ($fact == "DATE") {
        if ($fact == "FAMC") {
            print_findfamily_link($element_id, "");
        if ($fact == "FAMS") {
            print_findfamily_link($element_id, "");
        if ($fact == "ASSO") {
            print_findindi_link($element_id, "");
        if ($fact == "FILE") {
            print_findmedia_link($element_id, "0file");
        if ($fact == "SOUR") {
            //print_autopaste_link($element_id, array("S1", "S2"), false, false, true);
            //-- checkboxes to apply '1 SOUR' to BIRT/MARR/DEAT as '2 SOUR'
            if ($level == 1) {
                echo '<br />';
                if ($PREFER_LEVEL2_SOURCES === '0') {
                    $level1_checked = '';
                    $level2_checked = '';
                } else {
                    if ($PREFER_LEVEL2_SOURCES === '1' || $PREFER_LEVEL2_SOURCES === true) {
                        $level1_checked = '';
                        $level2_checked = ' checked="checked"';
                    } else {
                        $level1_checked = ' checked="checked"';
                        $level2_checked = '';
                if (strpos($bdm, 'B') !== false) {
                    echo '&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="SOUR_INDI" ', $level1_checked, ' value="Y" />';
                    echo $pgv_lang['individual'];
                    if (preg_match_all('/(' . PGV_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $QUICK_REQUIRED_FACTS, $matches)) {
                        foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                            if (!in_array($match, explode('|', PGV_EVENTS_DEAT))) {
                                echo '&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="SOUR_', $match, '"', $level2_checked, ' value="Y" />';
                                echo $factarray[$match];
                if (strpos($bdm, 'D') !== false) {
                    if (preg_match_all('/(' . PGV_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $QUICK_REQUIRED_FACTS, $matches)) {
                        foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                            if (in_array($match, explode('|', PGV_EVENTS_DEAT))) {
                                echo '&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="SOUR_', $match, '"', $level2_checked, ' value="Y" />';
                                echo $factarray[$match];
                if (strpos($bdm, 'M') !== false) {
                    echo '&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="SOUR_FAM" ', $level1_checked, ' value="Y" />';
                    echo $pgv_lang["family"];
                    if (preg_match_all('/(' . PGV_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $QUICK_REQUIRED_FAMFACTS, $matches)) {
                        foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                            echo '&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="SOUR_', $match, '"', $level2_checked, ' value="Y" />';
                            echo $factarray[$match];
        if ($fact == "REPO") {
        // Shared Notes Icons ========================================
        // $record=GedcomRecord::getInstance($value);
        if ($fact == "NOTE" && $islink) {
            if ($value != "") {
                echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
            // If GEDFAct_assistant/_CENS/ module exists && we are on the INDI page
            // Then show the add Shared note assisted icon, if not  ... do not show
            if ($pid) {
                $type_pid = GedcomRecord::getInstance($pid);
                if (file_exists('modules/GEDFact_assistant/_CENS/census_1_ctrl.php') && $type_pid->getType() == "INDI") {
                    echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
            echo "<br />";
        // ===========================================================
        if ($fact == "OBJE") {
            print_findmedia_link($element_id, "1media");
        if ($fact == "OBJE" && !$value) {
            $value = "new";
    // current value
    if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "ltr") {
        if ($fact == "DATE") {
            $date = new GedcomDate($value);
            echo $date->Display(false);
        if (($fact == "ASSO" || $fact == "SOUR" || $fact == "OBJE" || $fact == "NOTE" && $islink) && $value) {
            $record = GedcomRecord::getInstance($value);
            if ($record) {
                echo ' ', PrintReady($record->getFullName()), ' (', $value, ')';
            } else {
                if ($value != "new") {
                    echo ' ', $value;
    } else {
        if ($fact == "DATE") {
            $date = new GedcomDate($value);
            echo getRLM(), $date->Display(false), getRLM();
        if (($fact == "ASSO" || $fact == "SOUR" || $fact == "OBJE" || $fact == "NOTE" && $islink) && $value) {
            $record = GedcomRecord::getInstance($value);
            if ($record) {
                echo getRLM(), PrintReady($record->getFullName()), ' ', getLRM(), '(', $value, ') ', getLRM(), getRLM();
            } else {
                if ($value != "new") {
                    echo getRLM(), $value, ' ', getRLM();
    	if ($fact=="NOTE" && $islink && $value!="") {
    		echo "<tr><td class=\"descriptionbox ".$TEXT_DIRECTION." wrap width25\">";
    				print_help_link("edit_add_SHARED_NOTE_help", "qm");
    			//	echo $pgv_lang["admin_override"];
    			echo "Shared Note Links<br /><br />";
    		echo "</td><td class=\"optionbox wrap\">\n";
    			print_indi_list(fetch_linked_indi($value, "NOTE", "1"));
    		echo "</td></tr>\n";
    // pastable values
    if ($readOnly == "") {
        if ($fact == "SPFX") {
            print_autopaste_link($element_id, $SPFX_accept);
        if ($fact == "NSFX") {
            print_autopaste_link($element_id, $NSFX_accept);
        if ($fact == "FORM") {
            print_autopaste_link($element_id, $FILE_FORM_accept, false, false);
    if ($noClose != "NOCLOSE") {
        echo "</td></tr>\n";
    return $element_id;
コード例 #9
ファイル: class_stats.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/phpgedview
 function _eventQuery($type, $direction, $facts)
     global $TBLPREFIX, $pgv_lang, $SHOW_ID_NUMBERS, $listDir;
     $eventTypes = array('BIRT' => $pgv_lang['htmlplus_block_birth'], 'DEAT' => $pgv_lang['htmlplus_block_death'], 'MARR' => $pgv_lang['htmlplus_block_marrage'], 'ADOP' => $pgv_lang['htmlplus_block_adoption'], 'BURI' => $pgv_lang['htmlplus_block_burial'], 'CENS' => $pgv_lang['htmlplus_block_census']);
     $fact_query = "IN ('" . str_replace('|', "','", $facts) . "')";
     if ($direction != 'ASC') {
         $direction = 'DESC';
     $rows = self::_runSQL('' . ' SELECT' . ' d_gid AS id,' . ' d_year AS year,' . ' d_fact AS fact,' . ' d_type AS type' . ' FROM' . " {$TBLPREFIX}dates" . ' WHERE' . " d_file={$this->_ged_id} AND" . " d_gid!='HEAD' AND" . " d_fact {$fact_query} AND" . ' d_julianday1!=0' . ' ORDER BY' . " d_julianday1 {$direction}, d_type", 1);
     if (!isset($rows[0])) {
         return '';
     $row = $rows[0];
     $record = GedcomRecord::getInstance($row['id']);
     switch ($type) {
         case 'full':
             if ($record->canDisplayDetails()) {
                 $result = $record->format_list('span', false, $record->getFullName());
             } else {
                 $result = $pgv_lang['privacy_error'];
         case 'year':
             $date = new GedcomDate($row['type'] . ' ' . $row['year']);
             $result = $date->Display(true);
         case 'type':
             if (isset($eventTypes[$row['fact']])) {
                 $result = $eventTypes[$row['fact']];
             } else {
                 $result = '';
         case 'name':
             $id = '';
             if ($SHOW_ID_NUMBERS) {
                 if ($listDir == 'rtl') {
                     $id = "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . getRLM() . "({$row['id']})" . getRLM();
                 } else {
                     $id = "&nbsp;&nbsp;({$row['id']})";
             $result = "<a href=\"" . $record->getLinkUrl() . "\">" . PrintReady($record->getFullName()) . "{$id}</a>";
         case 'place':
             $result = format_fact_place($record->getFactByType($row['fact']), true, true, true);
     return str_replace('<a href="', '<a href="' . $this->_server_url, $result);
コード例 #10
ファイル: autocomplete.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/phpgedview
* returns INDIviduals matching filter
* @return Array of string
function autocomplete_INDI($FILTER, $OPTION)
    global $TBLPREFIX, $pgv_lang, $MAX_ALIVE_AGE, $gBitDb;
    // when adding ASSOciate $OPTION may contain :
    // current INDI/FAM [, current event date]
    if ($OPTION) {
        list($pid, $event_date) = explode("|", $OPTION . "|");
        $record = GedcomRecord::getInstance($pid);
        // INDI or FAM
        $tmp = new GedcomDate($event_date);
        $event_jd = $tmp->JD();
        // INDI
        $indi_birth_jd = 0;
        if ($record && $record->getType() == "INDI") {
            $indi_birth_jd = $record->getEstimatedBirthDate()->minJD();
        // HUSB & WIFE
        $husb_birth_jd = 0;
        $wife_birth_jd = 0;
        if ($record && $record->getType() == "FAM") {
            $husb = $record->getHusband();
            if ($husb) {
                $husb_birth_jd = $husb->getEstimatedBirthDate()->minJD();
            $wife = $record->getWife();
            if ($wife) {
                $wife_birth_jd = $wife->getEstimatedBirthDate()->minJD();
    $sql = "SELECT 'INDI' AS type, i_id AS xref, i_file AS ged_id, i_gedcom AS gedrec, i_isdead, i_sex" . " FROM {$TBLPREFIX}individuals, {$TBLPREFIX}name" . " WHERE (i_id LIKE ? OR n_sort LIKE ?)" . " AND i_id=n_id AND i_file=n_file AND i_file=?" . " ORDER BY n_sort";
    $rows = $gBitDb->query($sql, array("%{$FILTER}%", "%{$FILTER}%", PGV_GED_ID), PGV_AUTOCOMPLETE_LIMIT);
    $data = array();
    while ($row = $rows->fetchRow()) {
        $person = Person::getInstance($row);
        if ($person->canDisplayName()) {
            // filter ASSOciate
            if ($OPTION && $event_jd) {
                // no self-ASSOciate
                if ($pid && $person->getXref() == $pid) {
                // filter by birth date
                $person_birth_jd = $person->getEstimatedBirthDate()->minJD();
                if ($person_birth_jd) {
                    // born after event or not a contemporary
                    if ($event_jd && $person_birth_jd > $event_jd) {
                    } elseif ($indi_birth_jd && abs($indi_birth_jd - $person_birth_jd) > $MAX_ALIVE_AGE * 365) {
                    } elseif ($husb_birth_jd && $wife_birth_jd && abs($husb_birth_jd - $person_birth_jd) > $MAX_ALIVE_AGE * 365 && abs($wife_birth_jd - $person_birth_jd) > $MAX_ALIVE_AGE * 365) {
                    } elseif ($husb_birth_jd && abs($husb_birth_jd - $person_birth_jd) > $MAX_ALIVE_AGE * 365) {
                    } elseif ($wife_birth_jd && abs($wife_birth_jd - $person_birth_jd) > $MAX_ALIVE_AGE * 365) {
                // filter by death date
                $person_death_jd = $person->getEstimatedDeathDate()->MaxJD();
                if ($person_death_jd) {
                    // dead before event or not a contemporary
                    if ($event_jd && $person_death_jd < $event_jd) {
                    } elseif ($indi_birth_jd && $person_death_jd < $indi_birth_jd) {
                    } elseif ($husb_birth_jd && $wife_birth_jd && $person_death_jd < $husb_birth_jd && $person_death_jd < $wife_birth_jd) {
                    } elseif ($husb_birth_jd && $person_death_jd < $husb_birth_jd) {
                    } elseif ($wife_birth_jd && $person_death_jd < $wife_birth_jd) {
            // display
            $data[$person->getXref()] = $person->getFullName();
            if ($OPTION && $event_date && $person->getBirthDate()->isOK()) {
                $data[$person->getXref()] .= " <span class=\"age\">(" . $pgv_lang["age"] . " " . $person->getBirthDate()->MinDate()->getAge(false, $event_jd) . ")</span>";
            } else {
                $data[$person->getXref()] .= " <u>" . ltrim($person->getBirthYear(), "0") . "-" . ltrim($person->getDeathYear(), "0") . "</u>";
    return $data;
コード例 #11
 $xref = append_gedrec($gedrec, $update_CHAN);
 $link = "individual.php?pid={$xref}&show_changes=yes";
 if ($xref) {
     echo "<br /><br />", $pgv_lang["update_successful"];
     $gedrec = "";
     if (!empty($famid)) {
         // Insert new child at the right place [ 1686246 ]
         $newchild = Person::getInstance($xref);
         $family = Family::getInstance($famid);
         if ($family->getUpdatedFamily()) {
             $family = $family->getUpdatedFamily();
         $gedrec = $family->gedrec;
         $done = false;
         foreach ($family->getChildren() as $key => $child) {
             if (GedcomDate::Compare($newchild->getEstimatedBirthDate(), $child->getEstimatedBirthDate()) < 0) {
                 // new child is older : insert before
                 $gedrec = str_replace("1 CHIL @" . $child->getXref() . "@", "1 CHIL @{$xref}@\n1 CHIL @" . $child->getXref() . "@", $gedrec);
                 $done = true;
         // new child is the only one
         if (count($family->getChildren()) < 1) {
             $gedrec .= "\n1 CHIL @{$xref}@";
         } else {
             if (!$done) {
                 // new child is the youngest or undated : insert after
                 $gedrec = str_replace("1 CHIL @" . $child->getXref() . "@", "1 CHIL @" . $child->getXref() . "@\n1 CHIL @{$xref}@", $gedrec);
コード例 #12
ファイル: calendar.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/phpgedview
    $ged_date = new GedcomDate("FROM {$cal} {$match[1]} TO {$cal} {$match[2]}");
    $action = 'year';
} else {
    // advanced-year "decade/century wildcard"
    if (preg_match('/^(\\d+)(\\?+)$/', $year, $match)) {
        $y1 = $match[1] . str_replace('?', '0', $match[2]);
        $y2 = $match[1] . str_replace('?', '9', $match[2]);
        $ged_date = new GedcomDate("FROM {$cal} {$y1} TO {$cal} {$y2}");
        $action = 'year';
    } else {
        if ($year < 0) {
            $year = -$year . "B.C.";
        // need BC to parse date
        $ged_date = new GedcomDate("{$cal} {$day} {$month} {$year}");
        $year = $ged_date->date1->y;
        // need negative year for year entry field.
$cal_date =& $ged_date->date1;
$cal = urlencode($cal);
// Invalid month?  Pick a sensible one.
if ($cal_date->CALENDAR_ESCAPE() == '@#DHEBREW@' && $cal_date->m == 7 && $cal_date->y != 0 && !$cal_date->IsLeapYear()) {
    $cal_date->m = 6;
// Fill in any missing bits with todays date
$today = $cal_date->Today();
if ($cal_date->d == 0) {
    $cal_date->d = $today->d;
コード例 #13
ファイル: ical.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/phpgedview
 * returns a marriage anniversary iCalendar event for a family marriage.
 * If there is no date for the event, or either of the spouses is not alive,
 * no iCalendar event will be returned
 * @param Family $family the Family Object used as the source of the marriage anniversary info
 * @return the marriage anniversary iCalendar event.
function getFamilyAnniversaryIcalEvent($family)
    $anniversaryDate = $family->getMarriageDate();
    if ($anniversaryDate == "") {
    if ($family->isDivorced()) {
    $wife = $family->getWife();
    $husband = $family->getHusband();
    if ($wife->isDead() || $husband->isDead()) {
    $anniversaryDate = new GedcomDate($anniversaryDate);
    $summary = "Anniversary of " . $husband->getFullName() . " and " . $wife->getFullName();
    $place = $family->getMarriagePlace();
    $description = "Married on " . $anniversaryDate->Display(false) . ($place == "" ? "" : "in " . $place) . "\n" . encode_url($family->getAbsoluteLinkUrl());
    $iCalRecord = getIcalRecord($anniversaryDate, $summary, $description, encode_url($family->getAbsoluteLinkUrl()));
    return $iCalRecord;
コード例 #14
 static function CompareDeathDate($x, $y)
     return GedcomDate::Compare($x->getDeathDate(), $y->getDeathDate());
コード例 #15
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/phpgedview
function compare_facts_date($arec, $brec)
    if (is_array($arec)) {
        $arec = $arec[1];
    if (is_array($brec)) {
        $brec = $brec[1];
    // If either fact is undated, the facts sort equally.
    if (!preg_match("/2 _?DATE (.*)/", $arec, $amatch) || !preg_match("/2 _?DATE (.*)/", $brec, $bmatch)) {
        if (preg_match('/2 _SORT (\\d+)/', $arec, $match1) && preg_match('/2 _SORT (\\d+)/', $brec, $match2)) {
            return $match1[1] - $match2[1];
        return 0;
    $adate = new GedcomDate($amatch[1]);
    $bdate = new GedcomDate($bmatch[1]);
    // If either date can't be parsed, don't sort.
    if (!$adate->isOK() || !$bdate->isOK()) {
        if (preg_match('/2 _SORT (\\d+)/', $arec, $match1) && preg_match('/2 _SORT (\\d+)/', $brec, $match2)) {
            return $match1[1] - $match2[1];
        return 0;
    // Remember that dates can be ranges and overlapping ranges sort equally.
    $amin = $adate->MinJD();
    $bmin = $bdate->MinJD();
    $amax = $adate->MaxJD();
    $bmax = $bdate->MaxJD();
    // BEF/AFT XXX sort as the day before/after XXX
    if ($adate->qual1 == 'BEF') {
        $amin = $amin - 1;
        $amax = $amin;
    } else {
        if ($adate->qual1 == 'AFT') {
            $amax = $amax + 1;
            $amin = $amax;
    if ($bdate->qual1 == 'BEF') {
        $bmin = $bmin - 1;
        $bmax = $bmin;
    } else {
        if ($bdate->qual1 == 'AFT') {
            $bmax = $bmax + 1;
            $bmin = $bmax;
    if ($amax < $bmin) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        if ($amin > $bmax) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            //-- ranged date... take the type of fact sorting into account
            $factWeight = 0;
            if (preg_match('/2 _SORT (\\d+)/', $arec, $match1) && preg_match('/2 _SORT (\\d+)/', $brec, $match2)) {
                $factWeight = $match1[1] - $match2[1];
            //-- fact is prefered to come before, so compare using the minimum ranges
            if ($factWeight < 0 && $amin != $bmin) {
                return $amin - $bmin;
            } else {
                if ($factWeight > 0 && $bmax != $amax) {
                    //-- fact is prefered to come after, so compare using the max of the ranges
                    return $bmax - $amax;
                } else {
                    //-- facts are the same or the ranges don't give enough info, so use the average of the range
                    $aavg = ($amin + $amax) / 2;
                    $bavg = ($bmin + $bmax) / 2;
                    if ($aavg < $bavg) {
                        return -1;
                    } else {
                        if ($aavg > $bavg) {
                            return 1;
                        } else {
                            return $factWeight;
            return 0;
コード例 #16
ファイル: yahrzeit.php プロジェクト: rathervague/phpgedview
function print_yahrzeit($block = true, $config = '', $side, $index)
    global $pgv_lang, $factarray, $SHOW_ID_NUMBERS, $ctype, $TEXT_DIRECTION;
    $block = true;
    // Always restrict this block's height
    if (empty($config)) {
        $config = $PGV_BLOCKS['print_yahrzeit']['config'];
    if (empty($config['infoStyle'])) {
        $config['infoStyle'] = 'style2';
    if (empty($config['allowDownload'])) {
        $config['allowDownload'] = 'yes';
    if (empty($config['days'])) {
        $config['days'] = $DAYS_TO_SHOW_LIMIT;
    if ($config['days'] < 1) {
        $config['days'] = 1;
    if ($config['days'] > $DAYS_TO_SHOW_LIMIT) {
        $config['days'] = $DAYS_TO_SHOW_LIMIT;
    $startjd = server_jd();
    $endjd = $startjd + max(min($config['days'], 1), $DAYS_TO_SHOW_LIMIT) - 1;
    if (!PGV_USER_ID) {
        $allowDownload = "no";
    $id = "yahrzeit";
    $title = print_help_link('yahrzeit_help', 'qm', '', false, true);
    if ($PGV_BLOCKS['print_yahrzeit']['canconfig']) {
        if ($ctype == "gedcom" && PGV_USER_GEDCOM_ADMIN || $ctype == "user" && PGV_USER_ID) {
            if ($ctype == "gedcom") {
                $name = PGV_GEDCOM;
            } else {
                $name = PGV_USER_NAME;
            $title .= "<a href=\"javascript: configure block\" onclick=\"window.open('" . encode_url("index_edit.php?name={$name}&ctype={$ctype}&action=configure&side={$side}&index={$index}") . "', '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=350,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); return false;\">";
            $title .= "<img class=\"adminicon\" src=\"{$PGV_IMAGE_DIR}/{$PGV_IMAGES['admin']['small']}\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$pgv_lang['config_block']}\" /></a>";
    $title .= $pgv_lang['yahrzeit_block'];
    $content = "";
    // The standard anniversary rules cover most of the Yahrzeit rules, we just
    // need to handle a few special cases.
    // Fetch normal anniversaries...
    $yahrzeits = array();
    $hidden = 0;
    for ($jd = $startjd - 1; $jd <= $endjd + 30; ++$jd) {
        foreach (get_anniversary_events($jd, 'DEAT _YART') as $fact) {
            // Extract hebrew dates only
            if ($fact['date']->date1->CALENDAR_ESCAPE() == '@#DHEBREW@' && $fact['date']->MinJD() == $fact['date']->MaxJD()) {
                // Apply privacy
                if (displayDetailsById($fact['id']) && showFactDetails($fact['fact'], $fact['id']) && !FactViewRestricted($fact['id'], $fact['factrec'])) {
                    $yahrzeits[] = $fact;
                } else {
    // ...then adjust dates
    foreach ($yahrzeits as $key => $yahrzeit) {
        if (strpos('1 DEAT', $yahrzeit['factrec']) !== false) {
            // Just DEAT, not _YART
            $today = new JewishDate($yahrzeit['jd']);
            $hd = $yahrzeit['date']->MinDate();
            $hd1 = new JewishDate($hd);
            $hd1->y += 1;
            // Special rules.  See http://www.hebcal.com/help/anniv.html
            // Everything else is taken care of by our standard anniversary rules.
            if ($hd->d == 30 && $hd->m == 2 && $hd->y != 0 && $hd1->DaysInMonth() < 30) {
                // 30 CSH
                // Last day in CSH
                $yahrzeit[$key]['jd'] = JewishDate::YMDtoJD($today->y, 3, 1) - 1;
            if ($hd->d == 30 && $hd->m == 3 && $hd->y != 0 && $hd1->DaysInMonth() < 30) {
                // 30 KSL
                // Last day in KSL
                $yahrzeit[$key]['jd'] = JewishDate::YMDtoJD($today->y, 4, 1) - 1;
            if ($hd->d == 30 && $hd->m == 6 && $hd->y != 0 && $today->DaysInMonth() < 30 && !$today->IsLeapYear()) {
                // 30 ADR
                // Last day in SHV
                $yahrzeit[$key]['jd'] = JewishDate::YMDtoJD($today->y, 6, 1) - 1;
    switch ($config['infoStyle']) {
        case "style1":
            // List style
            foreach ($yahrzeits as $yahrzeit) {
                if ($yahrzeit['jd'] >= $startjd && $yahrzeit['jd'] < $startjd + $config['days']) {
                    $ind = person::GetInstance($yahrzeit['id']);
                    //@@			$content .= "<a href=\"".encode_url($ind->getLinkUrl())."\" class=\"list_item name2\">".$ind->getFullName()."</a>".$ind->getSexImage();
                    $content .= "<a href=\"" . encode_url($ind->getLinkUrl()) . "\" class=\"list_item name2\">" . PrintReady($ind->getFullName()) . "</a>" . $ind->getSexImage();
                    $content .= "<div class=\"indent\">";
                    $content .= $yahrzeit['date']->Display(true);
                    $content .= ', ' . str_replace("#year_var#", $yahrzeit['anniv'], $pgv_lang["year_anniversary"]);
                    $content .= "</div>";
        case "style2":
            // Table style
            require_once PGV_ROOT . 'js/sorttable.js.htm';
            require_once PGV_ROOT . 'includes/classes/class_gedcomrecord.php';
            $table_id = "ID" . floor(microtime() * 1000000);
            // sorttable requires a unique ID
            $content .= "<table id=\"{$table_id}\" class=\"sortable list_table center\">";
            $content .= "<tr>";
            $content .= "<th class=\"list_label\">{$factarray['NAME']}</th>";
            $content .= "<th style=\"display:none\">GIVN</th>";
            $content .= "<th class=\"list_label\">{$factarray['DATE']}</th>";
            $content .= "<th class=\"list_label\"><img src=\"./images/reminder.gif\" alt=\"{$pgv_lang['anniversary']}\" title=\"{$pgv_lang['anniversary']}\" border=\"0\" /></th>";
            $content .= "<th class=\"list_label\">{$factarray['_YART']}</th>";
            $content .= "</tr>";
            $count = 0;
            foreach ($yahrzeits as $yahrzeit) {
                if ($yahrzeit['jd'] >= $startjd && $yahrzeit['jd'] < $startjd + $config['days']) {
                    $ind = person::GetInstance($yahrzeit['id']);
                    $content .= "<tr class=\"vevent\">";
                    // hCalendar:vevent
                    // Record name(s)
                    $name = $ind->getFullName();
                    $url = $ind->getLinkUrl();
                    $content .= "<td class=\"list_value_wrap\" align=\"" . get_align($name) . "\">";
                    $content .= "<a href=\"" . encode_url($ind->getLinkUrl()) . "\" class=\"list_item name2\" dir=\"" . $TEXT_DIRECTION . "\">" . PrintReady($name) . "</a>";
                    $content .= $ind->getSexImage();
                    $addname = $ind->getAddName();
                    if ($addname) {
                        $content .= "<br /><a href=\"" . encode_url($url) . "\" class=\"list_item\">" . PrintReady($addname) . "</a>";
                    $content .= "</td>";
                    // GIVN for sorting
                    $content .= "<td style=\"display:none\">";
                    $exp = explode(",", str_replace('<', ',', $name) . ",");
                    $content .= $exp[1];
                    $content .= "</td>";
                    $today = new JewishDate($yahrzeit['jd']);
                    $td = new GedcomDate($today->Format('@ A O E'));
                    // death/yahrzeit event date
                    $content .= "<td class=\"list_value_wrap\">";
                    $content .= "<a name='{$yahrzeit['jd']}'>" . $yahrzeit['date']->Display(true, NULL, array()) . "</a>";
                    $content .= "</td>";
                    // Anniversary
                    $content .= "<td class=\"list_value_wrap rela\">";
                    $anniv = $yahrzeit['anniv'];
                    if ($anniv == 0) {
                        $content .= '<a name="0">&nbsp;</a>';
                    } else {
                        $content .= "<a name=\"{$anniv}\">{$anniv}</a>";
                    if ($config['allowDownload'] == 'yes') {
                        // hCalendar:dtstart and hCalendar:summary
                        //TODO does this work??
                        $content .= "<abbr class=\"dtstart\" title=\"" . strip_tags($yahrzeit['date']->Display(false, 'Ymd', array())) . "\"></abbr>";
                        $content .= "<abbr class=\"summary\" title=\"" . $pgv_lang["anniversary"] . " #{$anniv} " . $factarray[$yahrzeit['fact']] . " : " . PrintReady(strip_tags($ind->getFullName())) . "\"></abbr>";
                    // upcomming yahrzeit dates
                    $content .= "<td class=\"list_value_wrap\">";
                    $content .= "<a href=\"" . $url . "\" class=\"list_item url\">" . $td->Display(true, NULL, array('gregorian')) . "</a>";
                    // hCalendar:url
                    $content .= "&nbsp;</td>";
                    $content .= "</tr>";
            // table footer
            $content .= "<tr class=\"sortbottom\">";
            $content .= "<td class=\"list_label\">";
            $content .= '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="sortByOtherCol(this,1)"><img src="images/topdown.gif" alt="" border="0" /> ' . $factarray["GIVN"] . '</a><br />';
            $content .= $pgv_lang["total_names"] . ": " . $count;
            if ($hidden) {
                $content .= "<br /><span class=\"warning\">{$pgv_lang['hidden']} : {$hidden}</span>";
            $content .= "</td>";
            $content .= "<td style=\"display:none\">GIVN</td>";
            $content .= "<td>";
            if ($config['allowDownload'] == 'yes') {
                $uri = $SERVER_URL . basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
                global $whichFile;
                $whichFile = 'hCal-events.ics';
                $alt = print_text('download_file', 0, 1);
                if (count($yahrzeits)) {
                    $content .= "<a href=\"http://feeds.technorati.com/events/{$uri}\"><img src=\"images/hcal.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{$alt}\" title=\"{$alt}\" /></a>";
            $content .= '</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
            $content .= '</table>';
    global $THEME_DIR;
    if ($block) {
        require $THEME_DIR . 'templates/block_small_temp.php';
    } else {
        require $THEME_DIR . 'templates/block_main_temp.php';
コード例 #17
ファイル: class_date.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/phpgedview
 static function GetAgeGedcom($d1, $d2 = null)
     if (is_null($d2)) {
         return $d1->date1->GetAge(true, client_jd());
     } else {
         // If dates overlap, then can't calculate age.
         if (GedcomDate::Compare($d1, $d2)) {
             return $d1->date1->GetAge(true, $d2->MinJD());
         if (GedcomDate::Compare($d1, $d2) == 0 && $d1->date1->minJD == $d2->MinJD()) {
             return '0d';
         } else {
             return '';
コード例 #18
     * print parents informations
     * @param Family family
     * @param Array people
     * @param String family type
     * @return html table rows
    function printParentsRows(&$family, &$people, $type)
        global $personcount, $pgv_changes, $pgv_lang, $factarray;
        global $PGV_IMAGE_DIR, $PGV_IMAGES;
        global $lang_short_cut, $LANGUAGE;
        $elderdate = "";
        //-- new father/husband
        $styleadd = "";
        if (isset($people["newhusb"])) {
            $styleadd = "red";
				<td class="facts_labelblue"><?php 
            print $people["newhusb"]->getLabel();
				<td class="<?php 
            print $this->getPersonStyle($people["newhusb"]);
            print_pedigree_person($people["newhusb"]->getXref(), 2, !$this->isPrintPreview(), 0, $personcount++);
            $elderdate = $people["newhusb"]->getBirthDate();
        //-- father/husband
        if (isset($people["husb"])) {
				<td class="facts_label<?php 
            print $styleadd;
            print $people["husb"]->getLabel();
				<td class="<?php 
            print $this->getPersonStyle($people["husb"]);
            print_pedigree_person($people["husb"]->getXref(), 2, !$this->isPrintPreview(), 0, $personcount++);
            $elderdate = $people["husb"]->getBirthDate();
        //-- missing father
        if ($type == "parents" && !isset($people["husb"]) && !isset($people["newhusb"])) {
            if (!$this->isPrintPreview() && PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT && $this->indi->canDisplayDetails()) {
					<td class="facts_label"><?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_father"];
					<td class="facts_value"><?php 
                print_help_link("edit_add_parent_help", "qm");
 <a href="javascript <?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_father"];
" onclick="return addnewparentfamily('<?php 
                print $this->pid;
', 'HUSB', '<?php 
                print $family->getXref();
                print $pgv_lang["add_father"];
        //-- missing husband
        if ($type == "spouse" && $this->indi->equals($people["wife"]) && !isset($people["husb"]) && !isset($people["newhusb"])) {
            if (!$this->isPrintPreview() && PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT && $this->indi->canDisplayDetails()) {
					<td class="facts_label"><?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_husb"];
					<td class="facts_value"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="return addnewspouse('<?php 
                print $family->getXref();
', 'HUSB');"><?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_husb_to_family"];
        //-- new mother/wife
        $styleadd = "";
        if (isset($people["newwife"])) {
            $styleadd = "red";
				<td class="facts_labelblue"><?php 
            print $people["newwife"]->getLabel($elderdate);
				<td class="<?php 
            print $this->getPersonStyle($people["newwife"]);
            print_pedigree_person($people["newwife"]->getXref(), 2, !$this->isPrintPreview(), 0, $personcount++);
        //-- mother/wife
        if (isset($people["wife"])) {
				<td class="facts_label<?php 
            print $styleadd;
            print $people["wife"]->getLabel($elderdate);
				<td class="<?php 
            print $this->getPersonStyle($people["wife"]);
            print_pedigree_person($people["wife"]->getXref(), 2, !$this->isPrintPreview(), 0, $personcount++);
        //-- missing mother
        if ($type == "parents" && !isset($people["wife"]) && !isset($people["newwife"])) {
            if (!$this->isPrintPreview() && PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT && $this->indi->canDisplayDetails()) {
					<td class="facts_label"><?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_mother"];
					<td class="facts_value"><?php 
                print_help_link("edit_add_parent_help", "qm");
 <a href="javascript:;" onclick="return addnewparentfamily('<?php 
                print $this->pid;
', 'WIFE', '<?php 
                print $family->getXref();
                print $pgv_lang["add_mother"];
        //-- missing wife
        if ($type == "spouse" && $this->indi->equals($people["husb"]) && !isset($people["wife"]) && !isset($people["newwife"])) {
            if (!$this->isPrintPreview() && PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT && $this->indi->canDisplayDetails()) {
					<td class="facts_label"><?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_wife"];
					<td class="facts_value"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="return addnewspouse('<?php 
                print $family->getXref();
', 'WIFE');"><?php 
                print $pgv_lang["add_wife_to_family"];
        //-- marriage row
        if ($family->getMarriageRecord() != "" || PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT) {
            $styleadd = "";
            $date = $family->getMarriageDate();
            $place = $family->getMarriagePlace();
            $famid = $family->getXref();
            if (!$date && $this->show_changes && isset($pgv_changes[$famid . "_" . $GEDCOM])) {
                $famrec = find_updated_record($famid);
                $marrrec = get_sub_record(1, "1 MARR", $famrec);
                if ($marrrec != $family->getMarriageRecord()) {
                    $date = new GedcomDate(get_gedcom_value("MARR:DATE", 1, $marrrec, '', false));
                    $place = get_gedcom_value("MARR:PLAC", 1, $marrrec, '', false);
                    $styleadd = "blue";
				<td class="facts_label"><br />
				<td class="facts_value<?php 
            print $styleadd;
            //echo "<span class=\"details_label\">".$factarray["NCHI"].": </span>".$family->getNumberOfChildren()."<br />";
            if ($date && $date->isOK() || $place) {
                $marr_type = "MARR_" . strtoupper($family->getMarriageType());
                if (isset($factarray[$marr_type])) {
                    echo "<span class=\"details_label\">" . $factarray[$marr_type] . ": </span>";
                } else {
                    echo "<span class=\"details_label\">" . $factarray["MARR"] . ": </span>" . $family->getMarriageType();
                if ($date) {
                    echo $date->Display(false);
                    if (!empty($place)) {
                        echo ' -- ';
                if (!empty($place)) {
                    echo $place;
            } else {
                if (get_sub_record(1, "1 _NMR", find_family_record($famid))) {
                    // Allow special processing for different languages
                    $func = "fact_NMR_localisation_{$lang_short_cut[$LANGUAGE]}";
                    if (function_exists($func)) {
                        // Localise the _NMR facts
                        $func("_NMR", $famid);
                    echo $factarray["_NMR"];
                } else {
                    if (get_sub_record(1, "1 _NMAR", find_family_record($famid))) {
                        // Allow special processing for different languages
                        $func = "fact_NMR_localisation_{$lang_short_cut[$LANGUAGE]}";
                        if (function_exists($func)) {
                            // Localise the _NMR facts
                            $func("_NMAR", $famid);
                        echo $factarray["_NMAR"];
                    } else {
                        if ($family->getMarriageRecord() == "" && PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT) {
                            print "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return add_new_record('" . $famid . "', 'MARR');\">" . $pgv_lang['add_marriage'] . "</a>";
                        } else {
                            $factdetail = explode(' ', trim($family->getMarriageRecord()));
                            if ($family->getMarriageType()) {
                                $marr_type = "MARR_" . strtoupper($family->getMarriageType());
                            } else {
                                $marr_type = "MARR";
                            if (isset($factarray[$marr_type])) {
                                if (isset($factdetail)) {
                                    if (count($factdetail) == 3) {
                                        if (strtoupper($factdetail[2]) == "Y") {
                                            echo "<span class=\"details_label\">" . $factarray[$marr_type] . ": </span>" . $pgv_lang["yes"];
                                        } else {
                                            if (strtoupper($factdetail[2]) == "N") {
                                                echo "<span class=\"details_label\">" . $factarray[$marr_type] . ": </span>" . $pgv_lang["no"];
                            } else {
                                echo "<span class=\"details_label\">" . $factarray["MARR"] . ": </span>" . $family->getMarriageType();
コード例 #19
* returns INDIviduals matching filter
* @return Array of string
function autocomplete_INDI($FILTER, $OPTION)
    global $pgv_lang, $MAX_ALIVE_AGE;
    // when adding ASSOciate $OPTION may contain :
    // current INDI/FAM [, current event date]
    if ($OPTION) {
        list($pid, $event_date) = explode("|", $OPTION . "|");
        $record = GedcomRecord::getInstance($pid);
        // INDI or FAM
        $tmp = new GedcomDate($event_date);
        $event_jd = $tmp->JD();
        // INDI
        $indi_birth_jd = 0;
        if ($record && $record->getType() == "INDI") {
            $indi_birth_jd = $record->getEstimatedBirthDate()->minJD();
        // HUSB & WIFE
        $husb_birth_jd = 0;
        $wife_birth_jd = 0;
        if ($record && $record->getType() == "FAM") {
            $husb = $record->getHusband();
            if ($husb) {
                $husb_birth_jd = $husb->getEstimatedBirthDate()->minJD();
            $wife = $record->getWife();
            if ($wife) {
                $wife_birth_jd = $wife->getEstimatedBirthDate()->minJD();
    $rows = get_autocomplete_INDI($FILTER);
    $data = array();
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $person = Person::getInstance($row);
        if ($person->canDisplayName()) {
            // filter ASSOciate
            if ($OPTION && $event_jd) {
                // no self-ASSOciate
                if ($pid && $person->getXref() == $pid) {
                // filter by birth date
                $person_birth_jd = $person->getEstimatedBirthDate()->minJD();
                if ($person_birth_jd) {
                    // born after event or not a contemporary
                    if ($event_jd && $person_birth_jd > $event_jd) {
                    } elseif ($indi_birth_jd && abs($indi_birth_jd - $person_birth_jd) > $MAX_ALIVE_AGE * 365) {
                    } elseif ($husb_birth_jd && $wife_birth_jd && abs($husb_birth_jd - $person_birth_jd) > $MAX_ALIVE_AGE * 365 && abs($wife_birth_jd - $person_birth_jd) > $MAX_ALIVE_AGE * 365) {
                    } elseif ($husb_birth_jd && abs($husb_birth_jd - $person_birth_jd) > $MAX_ALIVE_AGE * 365) {
                    } elseif ($wife_birth_jd && abs($wife_birth_jd - $person_birth_jd) > $MAX_ALIVE_AGE * 365) {
                // filter by death date
                $person_death_jd = $person->getEstimatedDeathDate()->MaxJD();
                if ($person_death_jd) {
                    // dead before event or not a contemporary
                    if ($event_jd && $person_death_jd < $event_jd) {
                    } elseif ($indi_birth_jd && $person_death_jd < $indi_birth_jd) {
                    } elseif ($husb_birth_jd && $wife_birth_jd && $person_death_jd < $husb_birth_jd && $person_death_jd < $wife_birth_jd) {
                    } elseif ($husb_birth_jd && $person_death_jd < $husb_birth_jd) {
                    } elseif ($wife_birth_jd && $person_death_jd < $wife_birth_jd) {
            // display
            $data[$person->getXref()] = $person->getFullName();
            if ($OPTION && $event_date && $person->getBirthDate()->isOK()) {
                $data[$person->getXref()] .= " <span class=\"age\">(" . $pgv_lang["age"] . " " . $person->getBirthDate()->MinDate()->getAge(false, $event_jd) . ")</span>";
            } else {
                $data[$person->getXref()] .= " <u>" . ltrim($person->getBirthYear(), "0") . "-" . ltrim($person->getDeathYear(), "0") . "</u>";
    return $data;
コード例 #20
 function print_time_fact($event)
     global $basexoffset, $baseyoffset, $factcount, $TEXT_DIRECTION;
     global $factarray, $pgv_lang, $lang_short_cut, $LANGUAGE, $PGV_IMAGE_DIR, $PGV_IMAGES, $SHOW_PEDIGREE_PLACES, $placements;
     global $familyfacts, $GEDCOM;
     /* @var $event Event */
     $factrec = $event->getGedComRecord();
     $fact = $event->getTag();
     $desc = $event->getDetail();
     if ($fact == "EVEN" || $fact == "FACT") {
         $fact = $event->getType();
     //-- check if this is a family fact
     $famid = $event->getFamilyId();
     if ($famid != null) {
         //-- if we already showed this family fact then don't print it
         if (isset($familyfacts[$famid . $fact]) && $familyfacts[$famid . $fact] != $event->temp) {
         $familyfacts[$famid . $fact] = $event->temp;
     $gdate = $event->getDate();
     $date = $gdate->MinDate();
     $date = $date->convert_to_cal('gregorian');
     $year = $date->y;
     $month = max(1, $date->m);
     $day = max(1, $date->d);
     $xoffset = $basexoffset + 22;
     $yoffset = $baseyoffset + ($year - $this->baseyear) * $this->scale - $this->scale;
     $yoffset = $yoffset + $month / 12 * $this->scale;
     $yoffset = $yoffset + $day / 30 * ($this->scale / 12);
     $yoffset = floor($yoffset);
     $place = round($yoffset / $this->bheight);
     $i = 1;
     $j = 0;
     $tyoffset = 0;
     while (isset($placements[$place])) {
         if ($i == $j) {
             $tyoffset = $this->bheight * $i;
         } else {
             $tyoffset = -1 * $this->bheight * $j;
         $place = round(($yoffset + $tyoffset) / $this->bheight);
     $yoffset += $tyoffset;
     $xoffset += abs($tyoffset);
     $placements[$place] = $yoffset;
     print "\n\t\t<div id=\"fact{$factcount}\" style=\"position:absolute; " . ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "ltr" ? "left: " . $xoffset : "right: " . $xoffset) . "px; top:" . $yoffset . "px; font-size: 8pt; height: " . $this->bheight . "px; \" onmousedown=\"factMD(this, '" . $factcount . "', " . ($yoffset - $tyoffset) . ");\">\n";
     print "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" style=\"cursor: hand;\"><tr><td>\n";
     print "<img src=\"" . $PGV_IMAGE_DIR . "/" . $PGV_IMAGES["hline"]["other"] . "\" name=\"boxline{$factcount}\" id=\"boxline{$factcount}\" height=\"3\" align=\"left\" hspace=\"0\" width=\"10\" vspace=\"0\" alt=\"\" style=\"padding-";
     if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "ltr") {
         print "left";
     } else {
         print "right";
     print ": 3px;\" />\n";
     $col = $event->temp % 6;
     print "</td><td valign=\"top\" class=\"person" . $col . "\">\n";
     if (count($this->pids) > 6) {
         print $event->getParentObject()->getFullName() . " - ";
     $indi = $event->getParentObject();
     if ($fact == "_AKAN" || $fact == "_AKA" || $fact == "ALIA" || $fact == "_INTE") {
         // Allow special processing for different languages
         $func = "fact_AKA_localisation_{$lang_short_cut[$LANGUAGE]}";
         if (function_exists($func) && get_class($indi) == "Person") {
             // Localise the facts
             $func($fact, $indi->getXref());
             print $factarray[$fact];
         } else {
             print $event->getLabel();
     } else {
         print $event->getLabel();
     print " -- ";
     if (get_class($indi) == "Person") {
         print format_fact_date($event);
     if (get_class($indi) == "Family") {
         print $gdate->Display(false);
         $family = $indi;
         $husbid = $family->getHusbId();
         $wifeid = $family->getWifeId();
         //-- Retrieve husband and wife age
         for ($p = 0; $p < count($this->pids); $p++) {
             if ($this->pids[$p] == $husbid) {
                 $husb = $family->getHusband();
                 if (is_null($husb)) {
                     $husb = new Person('');
                 $hdate = $husb->getBirthDate();
                 if ($hdate->isOK()) {
                     $ageh = get_age_at_event(GedcomDate::GetAgeGedcom($hdate, $gdate), false);
             } else {
                 if ($this->pids[$p] == $wifeid) {
                     $wife = $family->getWife();
                     if (is_null($wife)) {
                         $wife = new Person('');
                     $wdate = $wife->getBirthDate();
                     if ($wdate->isOK()) {
                         $agew = get_age_at_event(GedcomDate::GetAgeGedcom($wdate, $gdate), false);
         if (!empty($ageh) && $ageh > 0) {
             if (empty($agew)) {
                 print '<span class="age"> ' . PrintReady("({$pgv_lang["age"]} {$ageh})") . '</span>';
             } else {
                 print '<span class="age"> ' . PrintReady("({$pgv_lang["husb_age"]} {$ageh},") . ' ';
         if (!empty($agew) && $agew > 0) {
             if (empty($ageh)) {
                 print '<span class="age"> ' . PrintReady("({$pgv_lang["age"]} {$agew})") . '</span>';
             } else {
                 print PrintReady("{$pgv_lang["wife_age"]} {$agew})") . '</span>';
     print " " . PrintReady($desc);
     if ($SHOW_PEDIGREE_PLACES > 0) {
         $place = $event->getPlace();
         if ($place != null) {
             if ($desc != null) {
                 print " - ";
             $plevels = explode(',', $place);
             for ($plevel = 0; $plevel < $SHOW_PEDIGREE_PLACES; $plevel++) {
                 if (!empty($plevels[$plevel])) {
                     if ($plevel > 0) {
                         print ", ";
                     print PrintReady($plevels[$plevel]);
     //-- print spouse name for marriage events
     $spouse = Person::getInstance($event->getSpouseId());
     if ($spouse) {
         for ($p = 0; $p < count($this->pids); $p++) {
             if ($this->pids[$p] == $spouse->getXref()) {
         if ($p == count($this->pids)) {
             $p = $event->temp;
         $col = $p % 6;
         if ($spouse->getXref() != $this->pids[$p]) {
             echo ' <a href="', $spouse->getLinkUrl(), '">', $spouse->getFullName(), '</a>';
         } else {
             $ct = preg_match("/2 _PGVFS @(.*)@/", $factrec, $match);
             if ($ct > 0) {
                 print " <a href=\"" . encode_url("family.php?famid={$match[1]}&ged={$GEDCOM}") . "\">";
                 if (displayDetailsById($match[1]) || showLivingNameById($match[1])) {
                     print $event->getParentObject()->getFullName();
                 } else {
                     print $pgv_lang["private"];
                 print "</a>";
     print "</td></tr></table>\n";
     print "</div>";
     if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == 'ltr') {
         $img = "dline2";
         $ypos = "0%";
     } else {
         $img = "dline";
         $ypos = "100%";
     $dyoffset = $yoffset - $tyoffset + $this->bheight / 3;
     if ($tyoffset < 0) {
         $dyoffset = $yoffset + $this->bheight / 3;
         if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == 'ltr') {
             $img = "dline";
             $ypos = "100%";
         } else {
             $img = "dline2";
             $ypos = "0%";
     //-- print the diagnal line
     print "\n\t\t<div id=\"dbox{$factcount}\" style=\"position:absolute; " . ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "ltr" ? "left: " . ($basexoffset + 25) : "right: " . ($basexoffset + 25)) . "px; top:" . $dyoffset . "px; font-size: 8pt; height: " . abs($tyoffset) . "px; width: " . abs($tyoffset) . "px;";
     print " background-image: url('" . $PGV_IMAGE_DIR . "/" . $PGV_IMAGES[$img]["other"] . "');";
     print " background-position: 0% {$ypos}; \" >\n";
     print "</div>\n";
コード例 #21
 function advancedSearch($justSql = false, $table = "individuals", $prefix = "i")
     global $TBLPREFIX, $gedcom_record_cache;
     DMsoundex("", "opencache");
     $this->myindilist = array();
     $fct = count($this->fields);
     if ($fct == 0) {
     $namesTable = false;
     $datesTable = false;
     $placesTable = false;
     $famsTable = false;
     $famcTable = false;
     $sql = '';
     if ($justSql) {
         $sqlfields = "SELECT DISTINCT {$prefix}_id, {$prefix}_file";
     } else {
         $sqlfields = "SELECT i_id, i_gedcom, i_isdead, i_file, i_sex";
     $sqltables = " FROM " . $TBLPREFIX . $table;
     $sqlwhere = " WHERE " . $prefix . "_file=" . PGV_GED_ID;
     $keepfields = $this->fields;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $fct; $i++) {
         $field = $this->fields[$i];
         if (empty($field)) {
         $value = '';
         if (isset($this->values[$i])) {
             $value = $this->values[$i];
         if (empty($value)) {
         $parts = preg_split("/:/", $field);
         //-- handle names seperately
         if ($parts[0] == "NAME") {
             // The pgv_name table contains both names and soundex values
             if (!$namesTable) {
                 $sqltables .= " JOIN {$TBLPREFIX}name ON (i_file=n_file AND i_id=n_id) ";
                 $namesTable = true;
             switch (end($parts)) {
                 case 'SDX_STD':
                     $sdx = explode(':', soundex_std($value));
                     foreach ($sdx as $k => $v) {
                         if ($parts[1] == 'GIVN') {
                             $sdx[$k] = 'n_soundex_givn_std ' . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " '%{$v}%'";
                         } else {
                             $sdx[$k] = 'n_soundex_surn_std ' . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " '%{$v}%'";
                     $sqlwhere .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $sdx) . ')';
                 case 'SDX':
                     // SDX uses DM by default.
                 // SDX uses DM by default.
                 case 'SDX_DM':
                     $sdx = explode(':', soundex_dm($value));
                     foreach ($sdx as $k => $v) {
                         if ($parts[1] == 'GIVN') {
                             $sdx[$k] = 'n_soundex_givn_dm ' . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " '%{$v}%'";
                         } else {
                             $sdx[$k] = 'n_soundex_surn_dm ' . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " '%{$v}%'";
                     $sqlwhere .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $sdx) . ')';
                 case 'EXACT':
                     // Exact match.
                     switch ($parts[1]) {
                         case 'GIVN':
                             // Allow for exact match on multiple given names.
                             $sqlwhere .= ' AND (n_givn ' . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote($value) . " OR n_givn " . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote("{$value} %") . " OR n_givn " . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote("% {$value}") . " OR n_givn " . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote("% {$value} %") . ")";
                         case 'SURN':
                             $sqlwhere .= ' AND n_surname ' . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote($value);
                             $sqlwhere .= ' AND n_full ' . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote($value);
                 case 'BEGINS':
                     // "Begins with" match.
                     switch ($parts[1]) {
                         case 'GIVN':
                             // Allow for match on start of multiple given names
                             $sqlwhere .= ' AND (n_givn ' . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote("{$value}%") . " OR n_givn " . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote("% {$value}%") . ")";
                         case 'SURN':
                             $sqlwhere .= ' AND n_surname ' . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote("{$value}%");
                             $sqlwhere .= ' AND n_full ' . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote("{$value}%");
                 case 'CONTAINS':
                     // Partial match.
                     switch ($parts[1]) {
                         case 'GIVN':
                             $sqlwhere .= ' AND n_givn ' . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote("%{$value}%");
                         case 'SURN':
                             $sqlwhere .= ' AND n_surname ' . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote("%{$value}%");
                             $sqlwhere .= ' AND n_full ' . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote("%{$value}%");
         } else {
             if (isset($parts[1]) && $parts[1] == "DATE") {
                 if (!$datesTable) {
                     $sqltables .= ", " . $TBLPREFIX . "dates";
                     $sqlwhere .= " AND " . $prefix . "_file=d_file AND " . $prefix . "_id=d_gid";
                     $datesTable = true;
                 $sqlwhere .= " AND (d_fact='" . $parts[0] . "'";
                 $date = new GedcomDate($value);
                 if ($date->isOK()) {
                     $jd1 = $date->date1->minJD;
                     if ($date->date2) {
                         $jd2 = $date->date2->maxJD;
                     } else {
                         $jd2 = $date->date1->maxJD;
                     if (!empty($this->plusminus[$i])) {
                         $adjd = $this->plusminus[$i] * 365;
                         //print $jd1.":".$jd2.":".$adjd;
                         $jd1 = $jd1 - $adjd;
                         $jd2 = $jd2 + $adjd;
                     $sqlwhere .= " AND d_julianday1>=" . $jd1 . " AND d_julianday2<=" . $jd2;
                 $sqlwhere .= ") ";
             } else {
                 if (isset($parts[1]) && $parts[1] == "PLAC") {
                     if (!$placesTable) {
                         $sqltables .= ", " . $TBLPREFIX . "places, " . $TBLPREFIX . "placelinks";
                         $sqlwhere .= " AND " . $prefix . "_file=p_file AND p_file=pl_file AND " . $prefix . "_id=pl_gid AND pl_p_id=p_id";
                         $placesTable = true;
                     //-- soundex search
                     //if (end($parts)=="SDX") {
                     $places = preg_split("/[, ]+/", $value);
                     $parr = array();
                     for ($j = 0; $j < count($places); $j++) {
                         $parr[$j] = DMsoundex($places[$j]);
                     $sqlwhere .= " AND (";
                     $fnc = 0;
                     $field = "p_dm_soundex";
                     foreach ($parr as $name) {
                         foreach ($name as $name1) {
                             if ($fnc > 0) {
                                 $sqlwhere .= " OR ";
                             $sqlwhere .= $field . " " . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " " . PGV_DB::quote("%{$name1}%");
                     $sqlwhere .= ") ";
                 } else {
                     if ($parts[0] == 'FAMS') {
                         if (!$famsTable) {
                             $sqltables .= ", " . $TBLPREFIX . "families as FAMS";
                             $sqlwhere .= " AND i_file=FAMS.f_file";
                             $famsTable = true;
                         //-- alter the fields and recurse to generate a subquery for spouse/parent fields
                         $oldfields = $this->fields;
                         for ($j = 0; $j < $fct; $j++) {
                             //-- if it doesn't start with FAMS or FAMC then remove that field
                             if (preg_match("/^" . $parts[0] . ":/", $this->fields[$j]) == 0) {
                                 $this->fields[$j] = '';
                             } else {
                                 $this->fields[$j] = preg_replace("/^" . $parts[0] . ":/", "", $this->fields[$j]);
                         $sqlwhere .= " AND (FAMS.f_husb=i_id OR FAMS.f_wife=i_id)";
                         $subsql = $this->advancedSearch(true, "families", "f");
                         $sqlwhere .= " AND ROW(FAMS.f_id, FAMS.f_file) IN (" . $subsql . ")";
                         $this->fields = $oldfields;
                         //-- remove all of the fam fields so they don't show up again
                         for ($j = 0; $j < $fct; $j++) {
                             //-- if it does start with FAMS or FAMC then remove that field
                             if (preg_match("/^" . $parts[0] . ":/", $this->fields[$j]) > 0) {
                                 $this->fields[$j] = '';
                     } else {
                         if ($parts[0] == 'FAMC') {
                             if (!$famcTable) {
                                 $sqltables .= ", " . $TBLPREFIX . "families as FAMC";
                                 $sqlwhere .= " AND i_file=FAMC.f_file";
                                 $famcTable = true;
                             //-- alter the fields and recurse to generate a subquery for spouse/parent fields
                             $oldfields = $this->fields;
                             for ($j = 0; $j < $fct; $j++) {
                                 //-- if it doesn't start with FAMS or FAMC then remove that field
                                 if (preg_match("/^" . $parts[0] . ":/", $this->fields[$j]) == 0) {
                                     $this->fields[$j] = '';
                                 } else {
                                     $this->fields[$j] = preg_replace("/^" . $parts[0] . ":/", "", $this->fields[$j]);
                             $sqlwhere .= " AND (FAMC.f_chil " . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " CONCAT('%',i_id,';%'))";
                             $subsql = $this->advancedSearch(true, "families", "f");
                             $sqlwhere .= " AND ROW(FAMC.f_id, FAMC.f_file) IN (" . $subsql . ")";
                             $this->fields = $oldfields;
                             //-- remove all of the fam fields so they don't show up again
                             for ($j = 0; $j < $fct; $j++) {
                                 //-- if it does start with FAMS or FAMC then remove that field
                                 if (preg_match("/^" . $parts[0] . ":/", $this->fields[$j]) > 0) {
                                     $this->fields[$j] = '';
                         } else {
                             if ($parts[0] == 'HUSB' || $parts[0] == 'WIFE') {
                                 if (!$famsTable) {
                                     $sqltables .= ", " . $TBLPREFIX . "individuals";
                                     $sqlwhere .= " AND i_file=f_file";
                                     $famsTable = true;
                                 //-- alter the fields and recurse to generate a subquery for spouse/parent fields
                                 $oldfields = $this->fields;
                                 for ($j = 0; $j < $fct; $j++) {
                                     //-- if it doesn't start with FAMS or FAMC then remove that field
                                     if (preg_match("/^" . $parts[0] . ":/", $this->fields[$j]) == 0) {
                                         $this->fields[$j] = '';
                                     } else {
                                         $this->fields[$j] = preg_replace("/^" . $parts[0] . ":/", "", $this->fields[$j]);
                                 $subsql = $this->advancedSearch(true, "individuals", "i");
                                 if ($parts[0] == 'HUSB') {
                                     $sqlwhere .= " AND ROW(f_husb, f_file) IN (" . $subsql . ")";
                                 if ($parts[0] == 'WIFE') {
                                     $sqlwhere .= " AND ROW(f_wife, f_file) IN (" . $subsql . ")";
                                 $this->fields = $oldfields;
                                 //-- remove all of the fam fields so they don't show up again
                                 for ($j = 0; $j < $fct; $j++) {
                                     //-- if it does start with HUSB or WIFE then remove that field
                                     if (preg_match("/^" . $parts[0] . ":/", $this->fields[$j]) > 0) {
                                         $this->fields[$j] = '';
                             } else {
                                 $sqlwhere .= " AND i_gedcom " . PGV_DB::$LIKE . " ";
                                 $ct = count($parts);
                                 $liketmp = '';
                                 for ($j = 0; $j < $ct; $j++) {
                                     $liketmp .= "%" . ($j + 1) . " " . $parts[$j] . " %";
                                     //					 if ($j<$ct-1) {
                                     //					 	$sqlwhere .= "%";
                                     //					 } else {
                                     $liketmp .= "%{$value}%";
                                     //					 }
                                 $sqlwhere .= PGV_DB::quote($liketmp);
     $sql = $sqlfields . $sqltables . $sqlwhere;
     //		print $sql;
     if ($justSql) {
         return $sql;
     $rows = PGV_DB::prepare($sql)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $row['xref'] = $row['i_id'];
         $row['ged_id'] = $row['i_file'];
         $row['type'] = 'INDI';
         $row['gedrec'] = $row['i_gedcom'];
         $object = Person::getInstance($row);
         $this->myindilist[$row['i_id']] = $object;
     $this->fields = $keepfields;
コード例 #22
ファイル: class_event.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/phpgedview
  * Static Helper functions to sort events
  * @param Event $a
  * @param Event $b
  * @return int
 static function CompareDate(&$a, &$b)
     $adate = $a->getDate();
     $bdate = $b->getDate();
     //-- non-dated events should sort according to the preferred sort order
     if (is_null($adate) && !is_null($a->sortDate)) {
         $ret = $a->sortOrder - $b->sortOrder;
     } else {
         if (is_null($bdate) && !is_null($b->sortDate)) {
             $ret = $a->sortOrder - $b->sortOrder;
         } else {
             $ret = GedcomDate::Compare($adate, $bdate);
     if ($ret == 0) {
         $ret = $a->sortOrder - $b->sortOrder;
         //-- if dates are the same they should be ordered by their fact type
         if ($ret == 0) {
             $ret = Event::CompareType($a, $b);
     //		print "[".$a->getTag().":".$adate->isOK().":".$adate->MinJD()."-".$adate->MaxJD()." ".$b->getTag().":".$bdate->isOK().":".$bdate->MinJD()."-".$bdate->MaxJD()." ".$ret."] ";
     return $ret;
コード例 #23
ファイル: class_person.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/phpgedview
  * add historical events to individual facts array
  * @return records added to indifacts array
  * Historical facts are imported from optional language file : histo.xx.php
  * where xx is language code
  * This file should contain records similar to :
  * $histo[]="1 EVEN\n2 TYPE History\n2 DATE 11 NOV 1918\n2 NOTE WW1 Armistice";
  * $histo[]="1 EVEN\n2 TYPE History\n2 DATE 8 MAY 1945\n2 NOTE WW2 Armistice";
  * etc...
 function add_historical_facts()
     global $LANGUAGE, $lang_short_cut;
     // Only include events between birth and death
     $bDate = $this->getEstimatedBirthDate();
     $dDate = $this->getEstimatedDeathDate();
     if (!$bDate->isOK()) {
     if ($SHOW_RELATIVES_EVENTS && file_exists('languages/histo.' . $lang_short_cut[$LANGUAGE] . '.php')) {
         include 'languages/histo.' . $lang_short_cut[$LANGUAGE] . '.php';
         foreach ($histo as $indexval => $hrec) {
             $sdate = new GedcomDate(get_gedcom_value('DATE', 2, $hrec, '', false));
             if ($sdate->isOK() && GedcomDate::Compare($this->getEstimatedBirthDate(), $sdate) <= 0 && GedcomDate::Compare($sdate, $this->getEstimatedDeathDate()) <= 0) {
                 $event = new Event($hrec);
                 $this->indifacts[] = $event;