コード例 #1
  * Implements parseToken to format the XML tags.
  * It uses the syntax <token type="TYPE" link="URL">.
  * The URL is only there if specified.
  * @param string $token         The token to put tags around
  * @param string $context_name  The name of the context that the tag is in
  * @param array  $data          Miscellaneous data about the context
  * @return string               The token wrapped in XML
  * @todo [blocking 1.2.2] Make it so that CSS is optional
 function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     // Ignore blank tokens
     if ('' == $token || geshi_is_whitespace($token)) {
         return $token;
     // Initialize the result variable
     $result = '';
     // Add the basic tag
     $result .= '<token type="' . $context_name . '"';
     // Check if we should use an URL
     if (isset($data['url'])) {
         // Hey, we got an URL! Yayy~
         $result .= ' url="' . GeSHi::hsc($data['url']) . '"';
     // Are we gonna add in CSS?
     if ($this->_addCSS) {
         // Heh...
         $result .= ' css="' . $this->_styler->getStyle($context_name) . '"';
     // Finish the opening tag
     $result .= '>';
     // Now add in the token
     $result .= '<![CDATA[' . $token . ']]>';
     // Add the closing tag
     $result .= '</token>\\n';
     // Return the result
     return $result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: geshi.php プロジェクト: badboy/devbird
  * Takes the parsed code and various options, and creates the HTML
  * surrounding it to make it look nice.
  * @param  string The code already parsed
  * @return string The code nicely finalised
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @access private
 function finalise(&$parsed_code)
     // Remove end parts of important declarations
     // This is BUGGY!! My fault for bad code: fix coming in 1.2
     // @todo Remove this crap
     if ($this->enable_important_blocks && strpos($parsed_code, GeSHi::hsc(GESHI_START_IMPORTANT)) === false) {
         $parsed_code = str_replace(GeSHi::hsc(GESHI_END_IMPORTANT), '', $parsed_code);
     // Add HTML whitespace stuff if we're using the <div> header
     if ($this->header_type != GESHI_HEADER_PRE) {
         $parsed_code = $this->indent($parsed_code);
     // purge some unnecessary stuff
     $parsed_code = preg_replace('#<span[^>]+>(\\s*)</span>#', '\\1', $parsed_code);
     $parsed_code = preg_replace('#<div[^>]+>(\\s*)</div>#', '\\1', $parsed_code);
     // If we are using IDs for line numbers, there needs to be an overall
     // ID set to prevent collisions.
     if ($this->add_ids && !$this->overall_id) {
         $this->overall_id = 'geshi-' . substr(md5(microtime()), 0, 4);
     // Get code into lines
     $code = explode("\n", $parsed_code);
     $parsed_code = '';
     // If we're using line numbers, we insert <li>s and appropriate
     // markup to style them (otherwise we don't need to do anything)
     if ($this->line_numbers != GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS) {
         // If we're using the <pre> header, we shouldn't add newlines because
         // the <pre> will line-break them (and the <li>s already do this for us)
         $ls = $this->header_type != GESHI_HEADER_PRE ? "\n" : '';
         // Set vars to defaults for following loop
         $i = 0;
         // Foreach line...
         for ($i = 0, $n = count($code); $i < $n;) {
             //Reset the attributes for a new line ...
             $attrs = array();
             // Make lines have at least one space in them if they're empty
             // BenBE: Checking emptiness using trim instead of relying on blanks
             if ('' == trim($code[$i])) {
                 $code[$i] = '&nbsp;';
             // If this is a "special line"...
             if ($this->line_numbers == GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS && $i % $this->line_nth_row == $this->line_nth_row - 1) {
                 // Set the attributes to style the line
                 if ($this->use_classes) {
                     //$attr = ' class="li2"';
                     $attrs['class'][] = 'li2';
                     $def_attr = ' class="de2"';
                 } else {
                     //$attr = ' style="' . $this->line_style2 . '"';
                     $attrs['style'][] = $this->line_style2;
                     // This style "covers up" the special styles set for special lines
                     // so that styles applied to special lines don't apply to the actual
                     // code on that line
                     $def_attr = ' style="' . $this->code_style . '"';
                 // Span or div?
                 $start = "<div{$def_attr}>";
                 $end = '</div>';
             } else {
                 if ($this->use_classes) {
                     //$attr = ' class="li1"';
                     $attrs['class'][] = 'li1';
                     $def_attr = ' class="de1"';
                 } else {
                     //$attr = ' style="' . $this->line_style1 . '"';
                     $attrs['style'][] = $this->line_style1;
                     $def_attr = ' style="' . $this->code_style . '"';
                 $start = "<div{$def_attr}>";
                 $end = '</div>';
             // Are we supposed to use ids? If so, add them
             if ($this->add_ids) {
                 $attrs['id'][] = "{$this->overall_id}-{$i}";
             if (in_array($i, $this->highlight_extra_lines)) {
                 if ($this->use_classes) {
                     if (isset($this->highlight_extra_lines_styles[$i])) {
                         $attrs['class'][] = "lx{$i}";
                     } else {
                         $attrs['class'][] = "ln-xtra";
                 } else {
                     array_push($attrs['style'], $this->get_line_style($i));
             // Add in the line surrounded by appropriate list HTML
             $attr_string = '';
             foreach ($attrs as $key => $attr) {
                 $attr_string .= ' ' . $key . '="' . implode(' ', $attr) . '"';
             $parsed_code .= "<li{$attr_string}>{$start}{$code[$i - 1]}{$end}</li>{$ls}";
     } else {
         // No line numbers, but still need to handle highlighting lines extra.
         // Have to use divs so the full width of the code is highlighted
         for ($i = 0, $n = count($code); $i < $n; ++$i) {
             // Make lines have at least one space in them if they're empty
             // BenBE: Checking emptiness using trim instead of relying on blanks
             if ('' == trim($code[$i])) {
                 $code[$i] = '&nbsp;';
             if (in_array($i + 1, $this->highlight_extra_lines)) {
                 if ($this->use_classes) {
                     if (isset($this->highlight_extra_lines_styles[$i])) {
                         $parsed_code .= "<div class=\"lx{$i}\">";
                     } else {
                         $parsed_code .= "<div class=\"ln-xtra\">";
                 } else {
                     $parsed_code .= "<div style=\"" . $this->get_line_style($i) . "\">";
                 // Remove \n because it stuffs up <pre> header
                 $parsed_code .= $code[$i] . "</div>";
             } else {
                 $parsed_code .= $code[$i] . "\n";
     return $this->header() . chop($parsed_code) . $this->footer();
コード例 #3
ファイル: GeSHi.php プロジェクト: eskrano/mobicms
  * Returns the code in $this->source, highlighted and surrounded by the
  * nessecary HTML.
  * This should only be called ONCE, cos it's SLOW! If you want to highlight
  * the same source multiple times, you're better off doing a whole lot of
  * str_replaces to replace the &lt;span&gt;s
  * @since 1.0.0
 function parse_code()
     // Start the timer
     $start_time = microtime();
     // Replace all newlines to a common form.
     $code = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $this->source);
     $code = str_replace("\r", "\n", $code);
     // Firstly, if there is an error, we won't highlight
     if ($this->error) {
         //Escape the source for output
         $result = $this->hsc($this->source);
         //This fix is related to SF#1923020, but has to be applied regardless of
         //actually highlighting symbols.
         $result = str_replace(array('<SEMI>', '<PIPE>'), array(';', '|'), $result);
         // Timing is irrelevant
         $this->set_time($start_time, $start_time);
         return $result;
     // make sure the parse cache is up2date
     if (!$this->parse_cache_built) {
     // Initialise various stuff
     $length = strlen($code);
     $COMMENT_MATCHED = false;
     $stuff_to_parse = '';
     $endresult = '';
     // "Important" selections are handled like multiline comments
     // @todo GET RID OF THIS SHIZ
     if ($this->enable_important_blocks) {
     if ($this->strict_mode) {
         // Break the source into bits. Each bit will be a portion of the code
         // within script delimiters - for example, HTML between < and >
         $k = 0;
         $parts = array();
         $matches = array();
         $next_match_pointer = null;
         // we use a copy to unset delimiters on demand (when they are not found)
         $delim_copy = $this->language_data['SCRIPT_DELIMITERS'];
         $i = 0;
         while ($i < $length) {
             $next_match_pos = $length + 1;
             // never true
             foreach ($delim_copy as $dk => $delimiters) {
                 if (is_array($delimiters)) {
                     foreach ($delimiters as $open => $close) {
                         // make sure the cache is setup properly
                         if (!isset($matches[$dk][$open])) {
                             $matches[$dk][$open] = array('next_match' => -1, 'dk' => $dk, 'open' => $open, 'open_strlen' => strlen($open), 'close' => $close, 'close_strlen' => strlen($close));
                         // Get the next little bit for this opening string
                         if ($matches[$dk][$open]['next_match'] < $i) {
                             // only find the next pos if it was not already cached
                             $open_pos = strpos($code, $open, $i);
                             if ($open_pos === false) {
                                 // no match for this delimiter ever
                             $matches[$dk][$open]['next_match'] = $open_pos;
                         if ($matches[$dk][$open]['next_match'] < $next_match_pos) {
                             //So we got a new match, update the close_pos
                             $matches[$dk][$open]['close_pos'] = strpos($code, $close, $matches[$dk][$open]['next_match'] + 1);
                             $next_match_pointer =& $matches[$dk][$open];
                             $next_match_pos = $matches[$dk][$open]['next_match'];
                 } else {
                     //So we should match an RegExp as Strict Block ...
                      * The value in $delimiters is expected to be an RegExp
                      * containing exactly 2 matching groups:
                      *  - Group 1 is the opener
                      *  - Group 2 is the closer
                     if (!GESHI_PHP_PRE_433 && preg_match($delimiters, $code, $matches_rx, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $i)) {
                         //We got a match ...
                         if (isset($matches_rx['start']) && isset($matches_rx['end'])) {
                             $matches[$dk] = array('next_match' => $matches_rx['start'][1], 'dk' => $dk, 'close_strlen' => strlen($matches_rx['end'][0]), 'close_pos' => $matches_rx['end'][1]);
                         } else {
                             $matches[$dk] = array('next_match' => $matches_rx[1][1], 'dk' => $dk, 'close_strlen' => strlen($matches_rx[2][0]), 'close_pos' => $matches_rx[2][1]);
                     } else {
                         // no match for this delimiter ever
                     if ($matches[$dk]['next_match'] <= $next_match_pos) {
                         $next_match_pointer =& $matches[$dk];
                         $next_match_pos = $matches[$dk]['next_match'];
             // non-highlightable text
             $parts[$k] = array(1 => substr($code, $i, $next_match_pos - $i));
             if ($next_match_pos > $length) {
                 // out of bounds means no next match was found
             // highlightable code
             $parts[$k][0] = $next_match_pointer['dk'];
             //Only combine for non-rx script blocks
             if (is_array($delim_copy[$next_match_pointer['dk']])) {
                 // group adjacent script blocks, e.g. <foobar><asdf> should be one block, not three!
                 $i = $next_match_pos + $next_match_pointer['open_strlen'];
                 while (true) {
                     $close_pos = strpos($code, $next_match_pointer['close'], $i);
                     if ($close_pos == false) {
                     $i = $close_pos + $next_match_pointer['close_strlen'];
                     if ($i == $length) {
                     if ($code[$i] == $next_match_pointer['open'][0] && ($next_match_pointer['open_strlen'] == 1 || substr($code, $i, $next_match_pointer['open_strlen']) == $next_match_pointer['open'])) {
                         // merge adjacent but make sure we don't merge things like <tag><!-- comment -->
                         foreach ($matches as $submatches) {
                             foreach ($submatches as $match) {
                                 if ($match['next_match'] == $i) {
                                     // a different block already matches here!
                                     break 3;
                     } else {
             } else {
                 $close_pos = $next_match_pointer['close_pos'] + $next_match_pointer['close_strlen'];
                 $i = $close_pos;
             if ($close_pos === false) {
                 // no closing delimiter found!
                 $parts[$k][1] = substr($code, $next_match_pos);
             } else {
                 $parts[$k][1] = substr($code, $next_match_pos, $i - $next_match_pos);
         unset($delim_copy, $next_match_pointer, $next_match_pos, $matches);
         $num_parts = $k;
         if ($num_parts == 1 && $this->strict_mode == GESHI_MAYBE) {
             // when we have only one part, we don't have anything to highlight at all.
             // if we have a "maybe" strict language, this should be handled as highlightable code
             $parts = array(0 => array(0 => '', 1 => ''), 1 => array(0 => null, 1 => $parts[0][1]));
             $num_parts = 2;
     } else {
         // Not strict mode - simply dump the source into
         // the array at index 1 (the first highlightable block)
         $parts = array(0 => array(0 => '', 1 => ''), 1 => array(0 => null, 1 => $code));
         $num_parts = 2;
     //Unset variables we won't need any longer
     //Preload some repeatedly used values regarding hardquotes ...
     $hq = isset($this->language_data['HARDQUOTE']) ? $this->language_data['HARDQUOTE'][0] : false;
     $hq_strlen = strlen($hq);
     //Preload if line numbers are to be generated afterwards
     //Added a check if line breaks should be forced even without line numbers, fixes SF#1727398
     $check_linenumbers = $this->line_numbers != GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS || !empty($this->highlight_extra_lines) || !$this->allow_multiline_span;
     //preload the escape char for faster checking ...
     $escaped_escape_char = $this->hsc($this->language_data['ESCAPE_CHAR']);
     // this is used for single-line comments
     $sc_disallowed_before = "";
     $sc_disallowed_after = "";
     if (isset($this->language_data['PARSER_CONTROL'])) {
         if (isset($this->language_data['PARSER_CONTROL']['COMMENTS'])) {
             if (isset($this->language_data['PARSER_CONTROL']['COMMENTS']['DISALLOWED_BEFORE'])) {
                 $sc_disallowed_before = $this->language_data['PARSER_CONTROL']['COMMENTS']['DISALLOWED_BEFORE'];
             if (isset($this->language_data['PARSER_CONTROL']['COMMENTS']['DISALLOWED_AFTER'])) {
                 $sc_disallowed_after = $this->language_data['PARSER_CONTROL']['COMMENTS']['DISALLOWED_AFTER'];
     //Fix for SF#1932083: Multichar Quotemarks unsupported
     $is_string_starter = array();
     if ($this->lexic_permissions['STRINGS']) {
         foreach ($this->language_data['QUOTEMARKS'] as $quotemark) {
             if (!isset($is_string_starter[$quotemark[0]])) {
                 $is_string_starter[$quotemark[0]] = (string) $quotemark;
             } elseif (is_string($is_string_starter[$quotemark[0]])) {
                 $is_string_starter[$quotemark[0]] = array($is_string_starter[$quotemark[0]], $quotemark);
             } else {
                 $is_string_starter[$quotemark[0]][] = $quotemark;
     // Now we go through each part. We know that even-indexed parts are
     // code that shouldn't be highlighted, and odd-indexed parts should
     // be highlighted
     for ($key = 0; $key < $num_parts; ++$key) {
         $STRICTATTRS = '';
         // If this block should be highlighted...
         if (!($key & 1)) {
             // Else not a block to highlight
             $endresult .= $this->hsc($parts[$key][1]);
         $result = '';
         $part = $parts[$key][1];
         $highlight_part = true;
         if ($this->strict_mode && !is_null($parts[$key][0])) {
             // get the class key for this block of code
             $script_key = $parts[$key][0];
             $highlight_part = $this->language_data['HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK'][$script_key];
             if ($this->language_data['STYLES']['SCRIPT'][$script_key] != '' && $this->lexic_permissions['SCRIPT']) {
                 // Add a span element around the source to
                 // highlight the overall source block
                 if (!$this->use_classes && $this->language_data['STYLES']['SCRIPT'][$script_key] != '') {
                     $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['SCRIPT'][$script_key] . '"';
                 } else {
                     $attributes = ' class="sc' . $script_key . '"';
                 $result .= "<span{$attributes}>";
                 $STRICTATTRS = $attributes;
         if ($highlight_part) {
             // Now, highlight the code in this block. This code
             // is really the engine of GeSHi (along with the method
             // parse_non_string_part).
             // cache comment regexps incrementally
             $next_comment_regexp_key = '';
             $next_comment_regexp_pos = -1;
             $next_comment_multi_pos = -1;
             $next_comment_single_pos = -1;
             $comment_regexp_cache_per_key = array();
             $comment_multi_cache_per_key = array();
             $comment_single_cache_per_key = array();
             $next_open_comment_multi = '';
             $next_comment_single_key = '';
             $escape_regexp_cache_per_key = array();
             $next_escape_regexp_key = '';
             $next_escape_regexp_pos = -1;
             $length = strlen($part);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
                 // Get the next char
                 $char = $part[$i];
                 $char_len = 1;
                 // update regexp comment cache if needed
                 if (isset($this->language_data['COMMENT_REGEXP']) && $next_comment_regexp_pos < $i) {
                     $next_comment_regexp_pos = $length;
                     foreach ($this->language_data['COMMENT_REGEXP'] as $comment_key => $regexp) {
                         $match_i = false;
                         if (isset($comment_regexp_cache_per_key[$comment_key]) && ($comment_regexp_cache_per_key[$comment_key]['pos'] >= $i || $comment_regexp_cache_per_key[$comment_key]['pos'] === false)) {
                             // we have already matched something
                             if ($comment_regexp_cache_per_key[$comment_key]['pos'] === false) {
                                 // this comment is never matched
                             $match_i = $comment_regexp_cache_per_key[$comment_key]['pos'];
                         } elseif (GESHI_PHP_PRE_433 && preg_match($regexp, substr($part, $i), $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) || !GESHI_PHP_PRE_433 && preg_match($regexp, $part, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $i)) {
                             $match_i = $match[0][1];
                             if (GESHI_PHP_PRE_433) {
                                 $match_i += $i;
                             $comment_regexp_cache_per_key[$comment_key] = array('key' => $comment_key, 'length' => strlen($match[0][0]), 'pos' => $match_i);
                         } else {
                             $comment_regexp_cache_per_key[$comment_key]['pos'] = false;
                         if ($match_i !== false && $match_i < $next_comment_regexp_pos) {
                             $next_comment_regexp_pos = $match_i;
                             $next_comment_regexp_key = $comment_key;
                             if ($match_i === $i) {
                 $string_started = false;
                 if (isset($is_string_starter[$char])) {
                     // Possibly the start of a new string ...
                     //Check which starter it was ...
                     //Fix for SF#1932083: Multichar Quotemarks unsupported
                     if (is_array($is_string_starter[$char])) {
                         $char_new = '';
                         foreach ($is_string_starter[$char] as $testchar) {
                             if ($testchar === substr($part, $i, strlen($testchar)) && strlen($testchar) > strlen($char_new)) {
                                 $char_new = $testchar;
                                 $string_started = true;
                         if ($string_started) {
                             $char = $char_new;
                     } else {
                         $testchar = $is_string_starter[$char];
                         if ($testchar === substr($part, $i, strlen($testchar))) {
                             $char = $testchar;
                             $string_started = true;
                     $char_len = strlen($char);
                 if ($string_started && $i != $next_comment_regexp_pos) {
                     // Hand out the correct style information for this string
                     $string_key = array_search($char, $this->language_data['QUOTEMARKS']);
                     if (!isset($this->language_data['STYLES']['STRINGS'][$string_key]) || !isset($this->language_data['STYLES']['ESCAPE_CHAR'][$string_key])) {
                         $string_key = 0;
                     // parse the stuff before this
                     $result .= $this->parse_non_string_part($stuff_to_parse);
                     $stuff_to_parse = '';
                     if (!$this->use_classes) {
                         $string_attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['STRINGS'][$string_key] . '"';
                     } else {
                         $string_attributes = ' class="st' . $string_key . '"';
                     // now handle the string
                     $string = "<span{$string_attributes}>" . GeSHi::hsc($char);
                     $start = $i + $char_len;
                     $string_open = true;
                     if (empty($this->language_data['ESCAPE_REGEXP'])) {
                         $next_escape_regexp_pos = $length;
                     do {
                         //Get the regular ending pos ...
                         $close_pos = strpos($part, $char, $start);
                         if (false === $close_pos) {
                             $close_pos = $length;
                         if ($this->lexic_permissions['ESCAPE_CHAR']) {
                             // update escape regexp cache if needed
                             if (isset($this->language_data['ESCAPE_REGEXP']) && $next_escape_regexp_pos < $start) {
                                 $next_escape_regexp_pos = $length;
                                 foreach ($this->language_data['ESCAPE_REGEXP'] as $escape_key => $regexp) {
                                     $match_i = false;
                                     if (isset($escape_regexp_cache_per_key[$escape_key]) && ($escape_regexp_cache_per_key[$escape_key]['pos'] >= $start || $escape_regexp_cache_per_key[$escape_key]['pos'] === false)) {
                                         // we have already matched something
                                         if ($escape_regexp_cache_per_key[$escape_key]['pos'] === false) {
                                             // this comment is never matched
                                         $match_i = $escape_regexp_cache_per_key[$escape_key]['pos'];
                                     } elseif (GESHI_PHP_PRE_433 && preg_match($regexp, substr($part, $start), $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) || !GESHI_PHP_PRE_433 && preg_match($regexp, $part, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $start)) {
                                         $match_i = $match[0][1];
                                         if (GESHI_PHP_PRE_433) {
                                             $match_i += $start;
                                         $escape_regexp_cache_per_key[$escape_key] = array('key' => $escape_key, 'length' => strlen($match[0][0]), 'pos' => $match_i);
                                     } else {
                                         $escape_regexp_cache_per_key[$escape_key]['pos'] = false;
                                     if ($match_i !== false && $match_i < $next_escape_regexp_pos) {
                                         $next_escape_regexp_pos = $match_i;
                                         $next_escape_regexp_key = $escape_key;
                                         if ($match_i === $start) {
                             //Find the next simple escape position
                             if ('' != $this->language_data['ESCAPE_CHAR']) {
                                 $simple_escape = strpos($part, $this->language_data['ESCAPE_CHAR'], $start);
                                 if (false === $simple_escape) {
                                     $simple_escape = $length;
                             } else {
                                 $simple_escape = $length;
                         } else {
                             $next_escape_regexp_pos = $length;
                             $simple_escape = $length;
                         if ($simple_escape < $next_escape_regexp_pos && $simple_escape < $length && $simple_escape < $close_pos) {
                             //The nexxt escape sequence is a simple one ...
                             $es_pos = $simple_escape;
                             //Add the stuff not in the string yet ...
                             $string .= $this->hsc(substr($part, $start, $es_pos - $start));
                             //Get the style for this escaped char ...
                             if (!$this->use_classes) {
                                 $escape_char_attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['ESCAPE_CHAR'][0] . '"';
                             } else {
                                 $escape_char_attributes = ' class="es0"';
                             //Add the style for the escape char ...
                             $string .= "<span{$escape_char_attributes}>" . GeSHi::hsc($this->language_data['ESCAPE_CHAR']);
                             //Get the byte AFTER the ESCAPE_CHAR we just found
                             $es_char = $part[$es_pos + 1];
                             if ($es_char == "\n") {
                                 // don't put a newline around newlines
                                 $string .= "</span>\n";
                                 $start = $es_pos + 2;
                             } elseif (ord($es_char) >= 128) {
                                 //This is an non-ASCII char (UTF8 or single byte)
                                 //This code tries to work around SF#2037598 ...
                                 if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
                                     $es_char_m = mb_substr(substr($part, $es_pos + 1, 16), 0, 1, $this->encoding);
                                     $string .= $es_char_m . '</span>';
                                 } elseif (!GESHI_PHP_PRE_433 && 'utf-8' == $this->encoding) {
                                     if (preg_match("/[¬-я][А-њ]" . "|а[†-њ][А-њ]" . "|[б-моп][А-њ]{2}" . "|н[А-Я][А-њ]" . "|р[Р-њ][А-њ]{2}" . "|[с-у][А-њ]{3}" . "|ф[А-П][А-њ]{2}/s", $part, $es_char_m, null, $es_pos + 1)) {
                                         $es_char_m = $es_char_m[0];
                                     } else {
                                         $es_char_m = $es_char;
                                     $string .= $this->hsc($es_char_m) . '</span>';
                                 } else {
                                     $es_char_m = $this->hsc($es_char);
                                 $start = $es_pos + strlen($es_char_m) + 1;
                             } else {
                                 $string .= $this->hsc($es_char) . '</span>';
                                 $start = $es_pos + 2;
                         } elseif ($next_escape_regexp_pos < $length && $next_escape_regexp_pos < $close_pos) {
                             $es_pos = $next_escape_regexp_pos;
                             //Add the stuff not in the string yet ...
                             $string .= $this->hsc(substr($part, $start, $es_pos - $start));
                             //Get the key and length of this match ...
                             $escape = $escape_regexp_cache_per_key[$next_escape_regexp_key];
                             $escape_str = substr($part, $es_pos, $escape['length']);
                             $escape_key = $escape['key'];
                             //Get the style for this escaped char ...
                             if (!$this->use_classes) {
                                 $escape_char_attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['ESCAPE_CHAR'][$escape_key] . '"';
                             } else {
                                 $escape_char_attributes = ' class="es' . $escape_key . '"';
                             //Add the style for the escape char ...
                             $string .= "<span{$escape_char_attributes}>" . $this->hsc($escape_str) . '</span>';
                             $start = $es_pos + $escape['length'];
                         } else {
                             //Copy the remainder of the string ...
                             $string .= $this->hsc(substr($part, $start, $close_pos - $start + $char_len)) . '</span>';
                             $start = $close_pos + $char_len;
                             $string_open = false;
                     } while ($string_open);
                     if ($check_linenumbers) {
                         // Are line numbers used? If, we should end the string before
                         // the newline and begin it again (so when <li>s are put in the source
                         // remains XHTML compliant)
                         // note to self: This opens up possibility of config files specifying
                         // that languages can/cannot have multiline strings???
                         $string = str_replace("\n", "</span>\n<span{$string_attributes}>", $string);
                     $result .= $string;
                     $string = '';
                     $i = $start - 1;
                 } elseif ($this->lexic_permissions['STRINGS'] && $hq && $hq[0] == $char && substr($part, $i, $hq_strlen) == $hq && $i != $next_comment_regexp_pos) {
                     // The start of a hard quoted string
                     if (!$this->use_classes) {
                         $string_attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['STRINGS']['HARD'] . '"';
                         $escape_char_attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['ESCAPE_CHAR']['HARD'] . '"';
                     } else {
                         $string_attributes = ' class="st_h"';
                         $escape_char_attributes = ' class="es_h"';
                     // parse the stuff before this
                     $result .= $this->parse_non_string_part($stuff_to_parse);
                     $stuff_to_parse = '';
                     // now handle the string
                     $string = '';
                     // look for closing quote
                     $start = $i + $hq_strlen;
                     while ($close_pos = strpos($part, $this->language_data['HARDQUOTE'][1], $start)) {
                         $start = $close_pos + 1;
                         if ($this->lexic_permissions['ESCAPE_CHAR'] && $part[$close_pos - 1] == $this->language_data['HARDCHAR'] && $i + $hq_strlen != $close_pos) {
                             //Support empty string for HQ escapes if Starter = Escape
                             // make sure this quote is not escaped
                             foreach ($this->language_data['HARDESCAPE'] as $hardescape) {
                                 if (substr($part, $close_pos - 1, strlen($hardescape)) == $hardescape) {
                                     // check wether this quote is escaped or if it is something like '\\'
                                     $escape_char_pos = $close_pos - 1;
                                     while ($escape_char_pos > 0 && $part[$escape_char_pos - 1] == $this->language_data['HARDCHAR']) {
                                     if ($close_pos - $escape_char_pos & 1) {
                                         // uneven number of escape chars => this quote is escaped
                                         continue 2;
                         // found closing quote
                     //Found the closing delimiter?
                     if (!$close_pos) {
                         // span till the end of this $part when no closing delimiter is found
                         $close_pos = $length;
                     //Get the actual string
                     $string = substr($part, $i, $close_pos - $i + 1);
                     $i = $close_pos;
                     // handle escape chars and encode html chars
                     // (special because when we have escape chars within our string they may not be escaped)
                     if ($this->lexic_permissions['ESCAPE_CHAR'] && $this->language_data['ESCAPE_CHAR']) {
                         $start = 0;
                         $new_string = '';
                         while ($es_pos = strpos($string, $this->language_data['ESCAPE_CHAR'], $start)) {
                             // hmtl escape stuff before
                             $new_string .= $this->hsc(substr($string, $start, $es_pos - $start));
                             // check if this is a hard escape
                             foreach ($this->language_data['HARDESCAPE'] as $hardescape) {
                                 if (substr($string, $es_pos, strlen($hardescape)) == $hardescape) {
                                     // indeed, this is a hardescape
                                     $new_string .= "<span{$escape_char_attributes}>" . $this->hsc($hardescape) . '</span>';
                                     $start = $es_pos + strlen($hardescape);
                                     continue 2;
                             // not a hard escape, but a normal escape
                             // they come in pairs of two
                             $c = 0;
                             while (isset($string[$es_pos + $c]) && isset($string[$es_pos + $c + 1]) && $string[$es_pos + $c] == $this->language_data['ESCAPE_CHAR'] && $string[$es_pos + $c + 1] == $this->language_data['ESCAPE_CHAR']) {
                                 $c += 2;
                             if ($c) {
                                 $new_string .= "<span{$escape_char_attributes}>" . str_repeat($escaped_escape_char, $c) . '</span>';
                                 $start = $es_pos + $c;
                             } else {
                                 // this is just a single lonely escape char...
                                 $new_string .= $escaped_escape_char;
                                 $start = $es_pos + 1;
                         $string = $new_string . $this->hsc(substr($string, $start));
                     } else {
                         $string = $this->hsc($string);
                     if ($check_linenumbers) {
                         // Are line numbers used? If, we should end the string before
                         // the newline and begin it again (so when <li>s are put in the source
                         // remains XHTML compliant)
                         // note to self: This opens up possibility of config files specifying
                         // that languages can/cannot have multiline strings???
                         $string = str_replace("\n", "</span>\n<span{$string_attributes}>", $string);
                     $result .= "<span{$string_attributes}>" . $string . '</span>';
                     $string = '';
                 } else {
                     //Have a look for regexp comments
                     if ($i == $next_comment_regexp_pos) {
                         $COMMENT_MATCHED = true;
                         $comment = $comment_regexp_cache_per_key[$next_comment_regexp_key];
                         $test_str = $this->hsc(substr($part, $i, $comment['length']));
                         //@todo If remove important do remove here
                         if ($this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS']['MULTI']) {
                             if (!$this->use_classes) {
                                 $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['COMMENTS'][$comment['key']] . '"';
                             } else {
                                 $attributes = ' class="co' . $comment['key'] . '"';
                             $test_str = "<span{$attributes}>" . $test_str . "</span>";
                             // Short-cut through all the multiline code
                             if ($check_linenumbers) {
                                 // strreplace to put close span and open span around multiline newlines
                                 $test_str = str_replace("\n", "</span>\n<span{$attributes}>", str_replace("\n ", "\n&nbsp;", $test_str));
                         $i += $comment['length'] - 1;
                         // parse the rest
                         $result .= $this->parse_non_string_part($stuff_to_parse);
                         $stuff_to_parse = '';
                     // If we haven't matched a regexp comment, try multi-line comments
                     if (!$COMMENT_MATCHED) {
                         // Is this a multiline comment?
                         if (!empty($this->language_data['COMMENT_MULTI']) && $next_comment_multi_pos < $i) {
                             $next_comment_multi_pos = $length;
                             foreach ($this->language_data['COMMENT_MULTI'] as $open => $close) {
                                 $match_i = false;
                                 if (isset($comment_multi_cache_per_key[$open]) && ($comment_multi_cache_per_key[$open] >= $i || $comment_multi_cache_per_key[$open] === false)) {
                                     // we have already matched something
                                     if ($comment_multi_cache_per_key[$open] === false) {
                                         // this comment is never matched
                                     $match_i = $comment_multi_cache_per_key[$open];
                                 } elseif (($match_i = stripos($part, $open, $i)) !== false) {
                                     $comment_multi_cache_per_key[$open] = $match_i;
                                 } else {
                                     $comment_multi_cache_per_key[$open] = false;
                                 if ($match_i !== false && $match_i < $next_comment_multi_pos) {
                                     $next_comment_multi_pos = $match_i;
                                     $next_open_comment_multi = $open;
                                     if ($match_i === $i) {
                         if ($i == $next_comment_multi_pos) {
                             $open = $next_open_comment_multi;
                             $close = $this->language_data['COMMENT_MULTI'][$open];
                             $open_strlen = strlen($open);
                             $close_strlen = strlen($close);
                             $COMMENT_MATCHED = true;
                             $test_str_match = $open;
                             //@todo If remove important do remove here
                             if ($this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS']['MULTI'] || $open == GESHI_START_IMPORTANT) {
                                 if ($open != GESHI_START_IMPORTANT) {
                                     if (!$this->use_classes) {
                                         $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['COMMENTS']['MULTI'] . '"';
                                     } else {
                                         $attributes = ' class="coMULTI"';
                                     $test_str = "<span{$attributes}>" . $this->hsc($open);
                                 } else {
                                     if (!$this->use_classes) {
                                         $attributes = ' style="' . $this->important_styles . '"';
                                     } else {
                                         $attributes = ' class="imp"';
                                     // We don't include the start of the comment if it's an
                                     // "important" part
                                     $test_str = "<span{$attributes}>";
                             } else {
                                 $test_str = $this->hsc($open);
                             $close_pos = strpos($part, $close, $i + $open_strlen);
                             if ($close_pos === false) {
                                 $close_pos = $length;
                             // Short-cut through all the multiline code
                             $rest_of_comment = $this->hsc(substr($part, $i + $open_strlen, $close_pos - $i - $open_strlen + $close_strlen));
                             if (($this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS']['MULTI'] || $test_str_match == GESHI_START_IMPORTANT) && $check_linenumbers) {
                                 // strreplace to put close span and open span around multiline newlines
                                 $test_str .= str_replace("\n", "</span>\n<span{$attributes}>", str_replace("\n ", "\n&nbsp;", $rest_of_comment));
                             } else {
                                 $test_str .= $rest_of_comment;
                             if ($this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS']['MULTI'] || $test_str_match == GESHI_START_IMPORTANT) {
                                 $test_str .= '</span>';
                             $i = $close_pos + $close_strlen - 1;
                             // parse the rest
                             $result .= $this->parse_non_string_part($stuff_to_parse);
                             $stuff_to_parse = '';
                     // If we haven't matched a multiline comment, try single-line comments
                     if (!$COMMENT_MATCHED) {
                         // cache potential single line comment occurances
                         if (!empty($this->language_data['COMMENT_SINGLE']) && $next_comment_single_pos < $i) {
                             $next_comment_single_pos = $length;
                             foreach ($this->language_data['COMMENT_SINGLE'] as $comment_key => $comment_mark) {
                                 $match_i = false;
                                 if (isset($comment_single_cache_per_key[$comment_key]) && ($comment_single_cache_per_key[$comment_key] >= $i || $comment_single_cache_per_key[$comment_key] === false)) {
                                     // we have already matched something
                                     if ($comment_single_cache_per_key[$comment_key] === false) {
                                         // this comment is never matched
                                     $match_i = $comment_single_cache_per_key[$comment_key];
                                 } elseif ($this->language_data['CASE_SENSITIVE'][GESHI_COMMENTS] && ($match_i = stripos($part, $comment_mark, $i)) !== false || !$this->language_data['CASE_SENSITIVE'][GESHI_COMMENTS] && ($match_i = strpos($part, $comment_mark, $i)) !== false) {
                                     $comment_single_cache_per_key[$comment_key] = $match_i;
                                 } else {
                                     $comment_single_cache_per_key[$comment_key] = false;
                                 if ($match_i !== false && $match_i < $next_comment_single_pos) {
                                     $next_comment_single_pos = $match_i;
                                     $next_comment_single_key = $comment_key;
                                     if ($match_i === $i) {
                         if ($next_comment_single_pos == $i) {
                             $comment_key = $next_comment_single_key;
                             $comment_mark = $this->language_data['COMMENT_SINGLE'][$comment_key];
                             $com_len = strlen($comment_mark);
                             // This check will find special variables like $# in bash
                             // or compiler directives of Delphi beginning {$
                             if ((empty($sc_disallowed_before) || $i == 0 || false === strpos($sc_disallowed_before, $part[$i - 1])) && (empty($sc_disallowed_after) || $length <= $i + $com_len || false === strpos($sc_disallowed_after, $part[$i + $com_len]))) {
                                 // this is a valid comment
                                 $COMMENT_MATCHED = true;
                                 if ($this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS'][$comment_key]) {
                                     if (!$this->use_classes) {
                                         $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['COMMENTS'][$comment_key] . '"';
                                     } else {
                                         $attributes = ' class="co' . $comment_key . '"';
                                     $test_str = "<span{$attributes}>" . $this->hsc($this->change_case($comment_mark));
                                 } else {
                                     $test_str = $this->hsc($comment_mark);
                                 //Check if this comment is the last in the source
                                 $close_pos = strpos($part, "\n", $i);
                                 $oops = false;
                                 if ($close_pos === false) {
                                     $close_pos = $length;
                                     $oops = true;
                                 $test_str .= $this->hsc(substr($part, $i + $com_len, $close_pos - $i - $com_len));
                                 if ($this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS'][$comment_key]) {
                                     $test_str .= "</span>";
                                 // Take into account that the comment might be the last in the source
                                 if (!$oops) {
                                     $test_str .= "\n";
                                 $i = $close_pos;
                                 // parse the rest
                                 $result .= $this->parse_non_string_part($stuff_to_parse);
                                 $stuff_to_parse = '';
                 // Where are we adding this char?
                 if (!$COMMENT_MATCHED) {
                     $stuff_to_parse .= $char;
                 } else {
                     $result .= $test_str;
                     $COMMENT_MATCHED = false;
             // Parse the last bit
             $result .= $this->parse_non_string_part($stuff_to_parse);
             $stuff_to_parse = '';
         } else {
             $result .= $this->hsc($part);
         // Close the <span> that surrounds the block
         if ($STRICTATTRS != '') {
             $result = str_replace("\n", "</span>\n<span{$STRICTATTRS}>", $result);
             $result .= '</span>';
         $endresult .= $result;
         unset($part, $parts[$key], $result);
     //This fix is related to SF#1923020, but has to be applied regardless of
     //actually highlighting symbols.
     /** NOTE: memorypeak #3 */
     $endresult = str_replace(array('<SEMI>', '<PIPE>'), array(';', '|'), $endresult);
     //        // Parse the last stuff (redundant?)
     //        $result .= $this->parse_non_string_part($stuff_to_parse);
     // Lop off the very first and last spaces
     //        $result = substr($result, 1, -1);
     // We're finished: stop timing
     $this->set_time($start_time, microtime());
     return $endresult;
コード例 #4
ファイル: functions.geshi.php プロジェクト: rncrtr/jsperf.com
  * Handles debugging by printing a message according to current debug level,
  * mask of context and other things.
  * @param string The message to print out
  * @param int The context in which this message is to be printed out in - see
  *            the GESHI_DBG_* constants
  * @param boolean Whether to add a newline to the message
  * @param boolean Whether to return the count of errors or not
  * @access private
 function geshi_dbg($message, $add_nl = true)
     // shortcut
     if (empty($message)) {
         if ($add_nl) {
             echo "\n";
     // Message can have the following symbols at start
     // @b: bold
     // @i: italic
     // @o: ok (green colour)
     // @w: warn (yellow colour)
     // @e: err (red colour)
     $start = '';
     $end = '';
     if ($message[0] == '@') {
         $end = '</span>';
         switch (substr($message, 0, 2)) {
             case '@b':
                 $start = '<span style="font-weight:bold;">';
             case '@i':
                 $start = '<span style="font-style:italic;">';
             case '@o':
                 $start = '<span style="color:green;background-color:#efe;border:1px solid #393;">';
             case '@w':
                 $start = '<span style="color:#660;background-color:#ffe;border:1px solid #993;">';
             case '@e':
                 $start = '<span style="color:red;background-color:#fee;border:1px solid #933;">';
                 $end = '';
         if (!empty($end)) {
             $message = substr($message, 2);
     } elseif (preg_match('#::(?:.*?)\\((?:.*?)\\)#s', $message)) {
         $start = '<span style="font-weight:bold;">';
         $end = '</span>';
     if ($add_nl) {
         $end .= "\n";
     echo $start . GeSHi::hsc(str_replace("\n", '', $message)) . $end;
コード例 #5
  * Implements parseToken to format the XML tags.
  * @param string $token         The token to put tags around
  * @param string $context_name  The name of the context that the tag is in
  * @param array  $data          Miscellaneous data about the context
  * @return string               The token wrapped in Pango markup
  * @todo [blocking 1.2.2] Make it so that CSS is optional
 function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     // Ignore blank tokens
     if ('' == $token || geshi_is_whitespace($token)) {
         return $token;
     // Initialize the result variable
     $result = '';
     $style = $this->_styler->getStyle($context_name);
     // Add the basic tag
     $result .= '<span ';
     $result .= self::_styleToAttributes($style);
     // Finish the opening tag
     $result .= '>';
     // Now add in the token
     $result .= GeSHi::hsc($token);
     // Add the closing tag
     $result .= '</span>';
     // Return the result
     return $result;
コード例 #6
  * Initialize a GeSHiContext. We cannot put this function into the
  * constructor since $this cannot be overridden there (possibly needed for
  * subcontexts).
  * @param GeSHiContext the context to initialize
  * @param string       the context name
  * @param string       init function
  * @todo is $context_name not superflous with $context->_contextName?
  * @todo remove the "nice error message" and either push it into an external
  *       function or better yet drop it overall and rely on sane developers
  *       which use Xdebug or similar. No need to reinvent the wheel!
 static function _initContext(GeSHiContext &$context, $context_name, $init_function = '')
     // Try a list of functions that should be used to populate this context.
     $tried_functions = array();
     // First function to try is the user-defined one
     if ('' != $init_function) {
         $function = 'geshi_' . $context->_languageName . '_' . $init_function;
         if (function_exists($function)) {
         $tried_functions[] = $function;
     // Next choice is the full context name function
     $function = 'geshi_' . str_replace('/', '_', $context_name);
     if (function_exists($function)) {
     $tried_functions[] = $function;
     // Next is the dialect shortcut function
     $function = 'geshi' . str_replace('/', '_', substr($context_name, strpos($context_name, '/')));
     if (function_exists($function)) {
     $tried_functions[] = $function;
     // Final chance is the language shortcut function
     $root_language_name = $context->_languageName . "/" . $context->_languageName;
     if ($context_name != $root_language_name && "{$root_language_name}/" != substr($context_name, 0, strlen($root_language_name) + 1)) {
         $function = 'geshi_' . str_replace('/', '_', $context->_languageName . substr($context_name, strpos($context_name, '/', strpos($context_name, '/') + 1)));
         if (function_exists($function)) {
         $tried_functions[] = $function;
     // If we are still inside this constructor then none of the functions
     // we have tried have been available to call. Time to raise an error.
     // This will in general only ever happen to developers building new
     // language files, so we can afford to take our time and build a nice
     // error message to help them debug it.
     // If PHP version is greater that 4.3.0 then debug_backtrace
     // can give us a nice output of the error that occurs. This
     // code shamelessly ripped from libheart, which got it from
     // a comment on the php.net manual.
     if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) {
         $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
         $calls = array();
         $backtrace_output = "<pre><strong>Call stack (most recent first):</strong>\n<ul>";
         foreach ($backtrace as $bt) {
             // Set some defaults for debug values
             $bt['file'] = isset($bt['file']) ? $bt['file'] : 'Unknown';
             $bt['line'] = isset($bt['line']) ? $bt['line'] : 0;
             $bt['class'] = isset($bt['class']) ? $bt['class'] : '';
             $bt['type'] = isset($bt['type']) ? $bt['type'] : '';
             $bt['args'] = isset($bt['args']) ? $bt['args'] : array();
             $args = '';
             foreach ($bt['args'] as $arg) {
                 if (!empty($args)) {
                     $args .= ', ';
                 switch (gettype($arg)) {
                     case 'integer':
                     case 'double':
                         $args .= $arg;
                     case 'string':
                         $arg = substr($arg, 0, 64) . (isset($arg[64]) ? '...' : '');
                         $args .= '"' . $arg . '"';
                     case 'array':
                         $args .= 'array(' . count($arg) . ')';
                     case 'object':
                         $args .= 'object(' . get_class($arg) . ')';
                     case 'resource':
                         $args .= 'resource(' . strstr($arg, '#') . ')';
                     case 'boolean':
                         $args .= $arg ? 'true' : 'false';
                     case 'NULL':
                         $args .= 'null';
                         $args .= 'unknown';
             // Build a new entry for the output.
             $backtrace_output .= '<li>' . GeSHi::hsc($bt['class']) . '' . GeSHi::hsc($bt['type']) . '' . '' . GeSHi::hsc($bt['function']) . '' . '(' . GeSHi::hsc($args) . ') at ' . GeSHi::hsc($bt['file']) . ':' . $bt['line'] . "</li>";
         $backtrace_output .= '</ul></pre>';
     } else {
         $backtrace_output = '[No backtrace available - debug_backtrace() ' . 'not available]';
     trigger_error("Could not find function for context {$context_name}\n" . 'looked for ' . implode(', ', $tried_functions) . "\n" . $backtrace_output, E_USER_ERROR);
コード例 #7
  * Implements parseToken to put HTML tags around the tokens
  * @param string $token         The token to put tags around
  * @param string $context_name  The name of the context that the tag is in
  * @param array  $data          Miscellaneous data about the context
  * @return string               The token wrapped in the appropriate HTML
 function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     // ignore blank tokens
     if ('' == $token || geshi_is_whitespace($token)) {
         return $token;
     $result = '';
     if (isset($data['url'])) {
         // There's a URL associated with this token
         $result .= '<a href="' . GeSHi::hsc($data['url']) . '">';
     if (!isset($this->contextCSS[$context_name])) {
         $this->contextCSS[$context_name] = self::_styleToCSS($this->_styler->getStyle($context_name));
     $result .= '<span style="' . $this->contextCSS[$context_name] . '" ';
     $result .= 'title="' . GeSHi::hsc($context_name) . '">' . GeSHi::hsc($token) . '</span>';
     if (isset($data['url'])) {
         // Finish the link
         $result .= '</a>';
     return $result;