コード例 #1
ファイル: class.form.php プロジェクト: elpum/TgaForumBundle
  * Save an image from a field and delete any old image that's been uploaded.
  * @param string $Field The name of the field. The image will be uploaded with the _New extension while the current image will be just the field name.
  * @param array $Options
 public function SaveImage($Field, $Options = array())
     $Upload = new Gdn_UploadImage();
     $FileField = str_replace('.', '_', $Field);
     if (!GetValueR("{$FileField}_New.name", $_FILES)) {
         Trace("{$Field} not uploaded, returning.");
         return FALSE;
     // First make sure the file is valid.
     try {
         $TmpName = $Upload->ValidateUpload($FileField . '_New', TRUE);
         if (!$TmpName) {
             return FALSE;
         // no file uploaded.
     } catch (Exception $Ex) {
         return FALSE;
     // Get the file extension of the file.
     $Ext = GetValue('OutputType', $Options, trim($Upload->GetUploadedFileExtension(), '.'));
     if ($Ext == 'jpeg') {
         $Ext = 'jpg';
     Trace($Ext, 'Ext');
     // The file is valid so let's come up with its new name.
     if (isset($Options['Name'])) {
         $Name = $Options['Name'];
     } elseif (isset($Options['Prefix'])) {
         $Name = $Options['Prefix'] . md5(microtime()) . '.' . $Ext;
     } else {
         $Name = md5(microtime()) . '.' . $Ext;
     // We need to parse out the size.
     $Size = GetValue('Size', $Options);
     if ($Size) {
         if (is_numeric($Size)) {
             TouchValue('Width', $Options, $Size);
             TouchValue('Height', $Options, $Size);
         } elseif (preg_match('`(\\d+)x(\\d+)`i', $Size, $M)) {
             TouchValue('Width', $Options, $M[1]);
             TouchValue('Height', $Options, $M[2]);
     Trace($Options, "Saving image {$Name}.");
     try {
         $Parsed = $Upload->SaveImageAs($TmpName, $Name, GetValue('Height', $Options, ''), GetValue('Width', $Options, ''), $Options);
         Trace($Parsed, 'Saved Image');
         $Current = $this->GetFormValue($Field);
         if ($Current && GetValue('DeleteOriginal', $Options, TRUE)) {
             // Delete the current image.
             Trace("Deleting original image: {$Current}.");
             if ($Current) {
         // Set the current value.
         $this->SetFormValue($Field, $Parsed['SaveName']);
     } catch (Exception $Ex) {