コード例 #1
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: laiello/bitcero-modules
function send_pictures()
    global $xoopsLogger;
    $xoopsLogger->renderingEnabled = false;
    $xoopsLogger->activated = false;
    $db = Database::getInstance();
    $limit = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'limit', 5);
    // recent pictures
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("gs_images") . " ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT 0,{$limit}";
    $result = $db->query($sql);
    $recents = GSFunctions::process_image_data($result);
    foreach ($recents as $pic) {
    <a href="<?php 
        echo $pic['link'];
" target="_blank" title="<?php 
        echo $pic['title'];
"><img src="<?php 
        echo $pic['thumbnail'];
" alt="<?php 
        echo $pic['title'];
" /></a>
    $recents = ob_get_clean();
    echo $recents;
コード例 #2
ファイル: user.php プロジェクト: laiello/bitcero-modules
function showUserPics()
    global $usr, $db, $xoopsModule, $mc, $xoopsModuleConfig, $xoopsConfig, $xoopsUser, $xoopsOption, $tpl;
    global $page, $set;
    $user = new GSUser($usr);
    if ($user->isNew()) {
        redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . '/modules/galleries', 0, __('Specified user does not exists', 'galleries'));
    $xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'gs_userpics.html';
    $xoopsOption['module_subpage'] = 'userpics';
    include 'header.php';
    // Información del Usuario
    $tpl->assign('lang_picsof', sprintf(__('Pictures of %s'), $user->uname()));
    $tpl->assign('user', array('id' => $user->uid(), 'uname' => $user->uname(), 'avatar' => RMEvents::get()->run_event('rmcommon.get.avatar', $user->userVar('email'), 0, $user->userVar('user_avatar')), 'link' => $user->userURL()));
    // Lenguaje
    $tpl->assign('lang_bmark', __('Favorites', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_pics', __('Pictures', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('sets_link', GSFunctions::get_url() . ($xoopsModuleConfig['urlmode'] ? "explore/sets/usr/" . $user->uname() . '/' : "?explore=sets&amp;usr="******"explore/tags/usr/" . $user->uname() . '/' : "?explore=tags&amp;usr="******"cp/booksmarks/" : "?cpanel=bookmarks"));
    $tpl->assign('xoops_pagetitle', sprintf(__('Pictures of %s', 'galleries'), $user->uname()) . ' &raquo; ' . $mc['section_title']);
    //Verificamos si el usuario es dueño o amigo
    if ($xoopsUser && $xoopsUser->uid() == $user->uid()) {
        $public = '';
    } else {
        if ($xoopsUser && $user->isFriend($xoopsUser->uid())) {
            $public = " AND public<>'0'";
        } else {
            $public = " AND public='2'";
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix("gs_images") . " WHERE owner='" . $user->uid() . "' {$public}";
     * @desc Formato para el manejo de las imágenes
    if ($mc['user_format_mode']) {
        $format = $mc['user_format_values'];
        $crop = $format[0];
        // 0 = Redimensionar, 1 = Cortar
        $width = $format[1];
        $height = $format[2];
        $limit = $format[3];
        $cols = $format[4];
        $showdesc = $format[5];
    } else {
        $limit = $mc['limit_pics'];
        $cols = $mc['cols_pics'];
        $showdesc = 0;
    list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
    if ($page > 0) {
        $page -= 1;
    $start = $page * $limit;
    $tpages = (int) ($num / $limit);
    if ($num % $limit > 0) {
    $pactual = $page + 1;
    if ($pactual > $tpages) {
        $pactual = $tpages;
        $start = $tpages ? ($tpages - 1) * $limit : -1;
    $urlnav = '';
    if ($tpages > 1) {
        $urlnav .= $mc['urlmode'] ? 'usr/' . $user->uname() . '/' : '?usr='******'urlmode'] ? 'pag/{PAGE_NUM}/' : '&amp;pag={PAGE_NUM}'));
        $tpl->assign('upNavPage', $nav->render(false));
    $showmax = $start + $limit;
    $showmax = $showmax > $num ? $num : $showmax;
    $tpl->assign('lang_showing', sprintf(__('Showing pictures %u to %u from %u', 'galleries'), $start + 1, $showmax, $num));
    $tpl->assign('limit', $limit);
    $tpl->assign('pag', $pactual);
    $tpl->assign('show_desc', $showdesc);
    //Fin de barra de navegación
    $sql = str_replace("COUNT(*)", '*', $sql);
    $sql .= " ORDER BY created DESC, modified DESC LIMIT {$start}, {$limit}";
    $result = $db->query($sql);
    $tpl->assign('images', GSFunctions::process_image_data($result));
    // Datos para el formato
    $tpl->assign('gs_user_format', 1);
    include 'footer.php';
コード例 #3
ファイル: home.php プロジェクト: laiello/bitcero-modules
$tpl->assign('lang_created', __('Created on:', 'galleries'));
$tpl->assign('lang_by', __('Created by:', 'galleries'));
$tpl->assign('lang_pics', __('Photos:', 'galleries'));
$tpl->assign('lang_other', __('Other Albums', 'galleries'));
$tpl->assign('lang_view', __('View Photos', 'galleries'));
$tpl->assign('lang_moresets', __('More albums', 'galleries'));
$tpl->assign('explore_sets_link', GSFunctions::get_url() . ($mc['urlmode'] ? 'explore/sets/' : '?explore=sets'));
$tpl->assign('lang_setbrowse', __('Browse albums', 'galleries'));
$tpl->assign('explore_imgs_link', GSFunctions::get_url() . ($mc['urlmode'] ? 'explore/photos/' : '?explore=photos'));
$tpl->assign('lang_imgbrowse', __('Browse photos', 'galleries'));
$tpl->assign('explore_tags_link', GSFunctions::get_url() . ($mc['urlmode'] ? 'explore/tags/' : '?explore=tags'));
$tpl->assign('lang_tagbrowse', __('Browse tags', 'galleries'));
// ültimas Fotos
$mc['last_num'] = $mc['last_num'] <= 0 ? 10 : $mc['last_num'];
$result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("gs_images") . " WHERE public=2 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0,{$mc['last_num']}");
$tpl->assign('last_images', GSFunctions::process_image_data($result));
// Álbumes Recientes
$result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("gs_sets") . " WHERE public='2' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0," . ($mc['sets_num'] > 0 ? $mc['sets_num'] : 5));
while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
    $set = new GSSet();
    $pics = $set->getPics('RAND()');
    $imgs = @array_slice($pics, 0, $xoopsModuleConfig['sets_num_images']);
    if (!isset($users[$set->owner()])) {
        $users[$set->owner()] = new GSUser($set->owner(), 1);
    $images = array();
    if (!empty($imgs)) {
        // Obtenemos las primeras 4 imágenes
        foreach ($imgs as $k) {
            $img = new GSImage($k);
コード例 #4
ファイル: explore.php プロジェクト: laiello/bitcero-modules
* @desc Visualiza todas las imágenes de la etiqueta especificada
function imgsTag()
    global $tpl, $xoopsOption, $xoopsUser, $xoopsConfig, $xoopsModuleConfig, $db, $page, $tag, $usr, $hits;
    $xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'gs_imagestag.html';
    $xoopsOption['module_subpage'] = 'exploretags';
    include 'header.php';
    $mc =& $xoopsModuleConfig;
    //Verificamos si la etiqueta existe
    $tag = new GSTag($tag);
    if ($tag->isNew()) {
        redirect_header(GSFunctions::get_url(), 1, __('Specified tag does not exists!', 'galleries'));
    //Incrementamos el número de hits de la etiqueta
    if (!isset($_SESSION['vtags'])) {
        $_SESSION['vtags'] = array($tag->id());
    } elseif (!in_array($tag->id(), $_SESSION['vtags'])) {
        $_SESSION['vtags'][] = $tag->id();
    //Verificamos si el usuario existe
    if (isset($usr)) {
        $user = new GSUser($usr);
        if ($user->isNew()) {
            redirect_header(GSFunctions::get_url(), 1, __('Specified user does not exists!', 'galleries'));
        $users[$user->uid()] = $user;
    //Barra de Navegación
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_tagsimages') . " a INNER JOIN " . $db->prefix('gs_images');
    $sql .= " b ON (a.id_tag=" . $tag->id() . " AND a.id_image=b.id_image  AND b.public=2";
    $sql .= $usr ? " AND b.owner=" . $user->uid() . ") " : ")";
    $limit = $xoopsModuleConfig['num_imgstags'];
    list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
    if ($page > 0) {
        $page -= 1;
    $start = $page * $limit;
    $tpages = (int) ($num / $limit);
    if ($num % $limit > 0) {
    $pactual = $page + 1;
    if ($pactual > $tpages) {
        $rest = $pactual - $tpages;
        $pactual = $pactual - $rest + 1;
        $start = ($pactual - 1) * $limit;
    if ($tpages > 1) {
        if ($mc['urlmode']) {
            $urlnav = 'explore/tags/tag/' . $tag->getVar('nameid') . '/';
            $urlnav .= $usr ? 'usr/' . $user->uname() . '/' : '';
        } else {
            $urlnav = '?xplore=tags&amp;tag=' . $tag->getVar('nameid');
            $urlnav .= $usr ? '&amp;usr='******'';
        $nav = new RMPageNav($num, $limit, $pactual, 5);
        $nav->target_url(GSFunctions::get_url() . $urlnav . ($mc['urlmode'] ? 'pag/{PAGE_NUM}/' : '&amp;pag={PAGE_NUM}'));
        $tpl->assign('tagsNavPage', $nav->render(false));
    $showmax = $start + $limit;
    $showmax = $showmax > $num ? $num : $showmax;
    $tpl->assign('lang_showing', sprintf(__('Showing photos %u to %u from %u.', 'galleries'), $start + 1, $showmax, $num));
    $tpl->assign('limit', $limit);
    $tpl->assign('pag', $pactual);
    //Fin de barra de navegación
    //Obtenemos las imágenes pertenecientes a la etiqueta
    $sql = "SELECT b.* FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_tagsimages') . " a INNER JOIN " . $db->prefix('gs_images');
    $sql .= " b ON (a.id_tag=" . $tag->id() . " AND a.id_image=b.id_image  AND b.public=2";
    $sql .= $usr ? " AND b.owner=" . $user->uid() . ") " : ")";
    $sql .= " GROUP BY b.id_image";
    $sql .= " ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT {$start}, {$limit}";
    $result = $db->query($sql);
    $tpl->assign('images', GSFunctions::process_image_data($result));
    $tpl->assign('lang_picstag', $usr ? sprintf(__('%s: tagged as %s', 'galleries'), $user->uname(), $tag->tag()) : sprintf(__('Images tagged as "%s"', 'galleries'), $tag->tag()));
    $tpl->assign('tagname', $tag->tag());
    $tpl->assign('usr', $usr);
    if ($usr) {
        $tpl->assign('pics_link', GS_URL . '/' . ($mc['urlmode'] ? "usr/" . $user->uname() : "user.php?id=usr/" . $user->uname() . "/"));
        $tpl->assign('tags_link', GS_URL . '/' . ($mc['urlmode'] ? "explore/tags/usr/" . $user->uname() . "/" : "explore.php?by=explore/tags/usr/" . $user->uname() . "/"));
        $tpl->assign('sets_link', GS_URL . '/' . ($mc['urlmode'] ? "explore/sets/usr/" . $user->uname() . "/" : "explore.php?by=explore/sets/usr/" . $user->uname() . "/"));
        $tpl->assign('bmark_link', GS_URL . '/' . ($mc['urlmode'] ? "cpanel/booksmarks/" : "cpanel.php?s=cpanel/bookmarks"));
    include 'footer.php';
コード例 #5
ファイル: cp_images.php プロジェクト: laiello/bitcero-modules
* @desc Visualiza todas las imágenes pertenecientes del usuario
function showImages()
    global $xoopsOption, $tpl, $db, $xoopsUser, $xoopsModuleConfig, $set, $xoopsConfig, $cp;
    $mc =& $xoopsModuleConfig;
    $xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'gs_panel.html';
    include 'header.php';
    if ($set) {
        //Verificamos si el album es válido
        if ($set <= 0) {
            redirect_header(GSFunctions::get_url() . ($mc['urlmode'] ? 'cp/sets/' : '?cp=sets'), 1, __('Specified album is not valid!', 'galleries'));
        //Verificamos que el album exista
        $album = new GSSet($set);
        if ($album->isNew()) {
            redirect_header(GSFunctions::get_url() . ($mc['urlmode'] ? 'cp/sets/' : '?cp=sets'), 1, __('Specified album does not exists!', 'galleries'));
    //Barra de Navegación
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_images') . " a ";
    $sql .= $set ? " INNER JOIN " . $db->prefix('gs_setsimages') . " b ON (a.id_image=b.id_image AND b.id_set='" . $set . "' AND a.owner='" . $xoopsUser->uid() . "') " : " WHERE a.owner=" . $xoopsUser->uid();
    global $page;
    $page = $page <= 0 ? 1 : $page;
    $limit = isset($_REQUEST['limit']) ? intval($_REQUEST['limit']) : 10;
    $limit = $limit <= 0 ? 10 : $limit;
    $user = new GSUser($xoopsUser->uid(), 1);
    list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
    if ($page > 0) {
        $page -= 1;
    $start = $page * $limit;
    $tpages = (int) ($num / $limit);
    if ($num % $limit > 0) {
    $pactual = $page + 1;
    if ($pactual > $tpages) {
        $rest = $pactual - $tpages;
        $pactual = $pactual - $rest + 1;
        $start = ($pactual - 1) * $limit;
    if ($tpages > 1) {
        $nav = new RMPageNav($num, $limit, $pactual, 5);
        $nav->target_url(GSFunctions::get_url() . ($mc['urlmode'] ? 'cp/' . $cp . '/pag/{PAGE_NUM}/' : '?cp=' . $cp . '&amp;pag={PAGE_NUM}'));
        $tpl->assign('picsNavPage', $nav->render(false));
    $showmax = $start + $limit;
    $showmax = $showmax > $num ? $num : $showmax;
    $tpl->assign('lang_showing', sprintf(__('Showing images %u to %u of %u'), $start + 1, $showmax, $num));
    $tpl->assign('limit', $limit);
    $tpl->assign('pag', $pactual);
    //Fin de barra de navegación
    $sql = "SELECT a.* FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_images') . " a ";
    $sql .= $set ? " INNER JOIN " . $db->prefix('gs_setsimages') . " b ON (a.id_image=b.id_image AND b.id_set='" . $set . "' AND a.owner='" . $xoopsUser->uid() . "') GROUP BY a.id_image" : " WHERE a.owner=" . $xoopsUser->uid();
    $sql .= " ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT {$start},{$limit}";
    $result = $db->query($sql);
    $tpl->assign('images', GSFunctions::process_image_data($result));
    $tpl->assign('lang_exists', $set ? sprintf(__('Existing images for user "%s" in album "%s"', 'galleries'), $xoopsUser->uname(), $album->title()) : sprintf(__('Existing images for user "%s"', 'galleries'), $xoopsUser->uname()));
    $tpl->assign('lang_id', __('ID', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_title', __('Title', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_image', __('Image', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_public', __('Public', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_created', __('Created', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_edit', __('Edit', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_del', __('Delete', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_options', __('Options', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_set', __('Add to Album...', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_confirm', __('Do you really wish to delete specified picture?', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_confirms', __('Do you really wish to deleted selected pictures?', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_save', __('Save Changes', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_changename', __('Change name', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_changedesc', __('Change description', 'galleries'));
    $tpl->assign('lang_adddesc', __('Add Description', 'galleries'));
    //Links de menu
    $tpl->assign('link_sets', GSFunctions::get_url() . ($mc['urlmode'] ? "cp/sets" : "?cp=sets"));
    $tpl->assign('edit_link', GSFunctions::get_url() . ($mc['urlmode'] ? "cp/edit/pag/{$pactual}/id/" : "?cp=edit&amp;pag={$page}&amp;id="));
    $tpl->assign('delete_link', GSFunctions::get_url() . ($mc['urlmode'] ? "cp/delete/pag/{$pactual}/ids/" : "?cp=delete&amp;pag={$page}&amp;ids="));
    RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('panel.js', 'galleries');
    RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('jquery.checkboxes.js', 'rmcommon', 'include');
    RMTemplate::get()->add_style('panel.css', 'galleries');
    include 'footer.php';
コード例 #6
    list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
    $limit = 15;
    $ptotal = ceil($num / $limit);
    $start = $page == 1 ? 0 : $page * $limit - $limit;
    $nav = new RMPageNav($num, $limit, $page);
    $nav->set_template(RMTemplate::get()->get_template("other/gs_navpage.php", 'module', 'galleries'));
    $sql = str_replace("COUNT(*)", "*", $sql);
    $sql .= " ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT {$start},{$limit}";
    $result = $db->query($sql);
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/galleries/class/gsfunctions.class.php';
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/galleries/class/gsset.class.php';
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/galleries/class/gsuser.class.php';
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/galleries/class/gsimage.class.php';
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/galleries/class/gstag.class.php';
    $images = GSFunctions::process_image_data($result);
    include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('other/gs_ajax_images.php', 'module', 'galleries');
} elseif ($action == 'load_structure') {
    include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('other/gs_for_editor.php', 'module', 'galleries');
} elseif ($action == 'load_included') {
    if (!$xoopsSecurity->checkReferer()) {
    $set = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'set', 0);
    $page = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'page', 1);
    $limit = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'limit', 0);
    $full = true;
    if ($set <= 0 || $limit <= 0) {