コード例 #1
 public static function FontStats()
     if (isset($_POST['act']) && $_POST['act'] == 'update') {
         print "<div id=\"accwait\" style=\"font-size: 36px; padding-top: 15px;\"><center><strong>" . __("Wait, it may take a while...", self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . "</strong><br/><br/>";
         print "<img src=\"" . PLUGIN_URL . "assets/loader.gif\"/></div>";
         GFontsUI::Success(__('Stats recalculated successfully.', self::PLUGIN_SLUG));
         print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">jQuery('#accwait').hide();</script>";
     if (isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'replace') {
         $p = $_POST;
         if (isset($p['srcfont']) && isset($p['dstfont'])) {
             print "<div id=\"accwait\" style=\"font-size: 36px; padding-top: 15px;\"><center><strong>" . __("Wait, it may take a while...", self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . "</strong><br/><br/>";
             print "<img src=\"" . PLUGIN_URL . "assets/loader.gif\"/></div>";
             GFontsDB::ReplaceFont($p['srcfont'], $p['dstfont']);
             GFontsUI::Success(__('Fonts replaced successfully.', self::PLUGIN_SLUG));
             print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">jQuery('#accwait').hide();</script>";
     $count = count(GFontsDB::GetInstalledFonts());
     $allFonts = self::AvailableFontCount();
     $postsWithoutFonts = self::CountPostsWithoutFonts();
     print "<div class='wrap'>";
     print "<h2>" . __('Google Fonts - WordPress Font Statistics & Tools', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . "</h2>";
     print "<h3 class=\"title\">" . __('General information', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . "</h3>";
     print "<table border=\"0\">";
     print "<tr>";
     print "<td style=\"width: 200px;\">" . __('Google Fonts available', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . "</td>";
     print "<th style=\"width: 100px;\" align=\"left\">" . $allFonts . "</th>";
     print "</tr>";
     print "<tr>";
     print "<td style=\"width: 200px;\">" . __('Google Fonts installed', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . "</td>";
     print "<th style=\"width: 100px;\" align=\"left\">" . $count . "</th>";
     print "</tr>";
     print "<tr>";
     print "<td style=\"width: 200px;\">" . __('Posts without any font', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . "</td>";
     print "<th style=\"width: 100px;\" align=\"left\">" . $postsWithoutFonts . "&nbsp;(<a href=\"edit.php?gfontfilter=true&nofont=1\">" . __('view', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . "</a>)</th>";
     print "</tr>";
     print "</table>";
     print "<div style=\"height: 20px;\"></div>";
     print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"admin.php?page=" . self::PLUGIN_SLUG . "&actio=" . self::PLUGIN_FONT_STATS . "\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"update\"><button class=\"button button-primary\">" . __('Find and fix missing fonts', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . "</button></form>";
     if (isset($_GET['s']) && $_GET['s'] != '') {
         $nameFilter = strip_tags(trim($_GET['s']));
     } else {
         $nameFilter = '';
     $orderby = '';
     $direction = '';
     if (isset($_GET['orderby'])) {
         switch ($_GET['orderby']) {
             case 'usedin':
                 $orderby = 'used_in_posts';
             case 'fontname':
                 $orderby = 'name';
         switch ($_GET['order']) {
             case 'asc':
                 $direction = 'asc';
             case 'desc':
                 $direction = 'desc';
     $allFonts = GFontsDB::GetFontsWithPosts($nameFilter, $orderby, $direction);
     print "<form id=\"fonts-filter\" action=\"\" method=\"get\">";
     print "<p class=\"search-box\">";
     printf("<label class=\"screen-reader-text\" for=\"font-search-input\">%s :</label>", __("Search fonts", self::PLUGIN_SLUG));
     printf("<input type=\"search\" id=\"font-search-input\" name=\"s\" value=\"%s\" />", $nameFilter);
     printf("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"\" id=\"search-submit\" class=\"button\" value=\"%s\"  />", __("Search fonts", self::PLUGIN_SLUG));
     print "</p>";
     printf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"%s\" />", self::PLUGIN_SLUG);
     printf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"actio\" value=\"%s\" />", self::PLUGIN_FONT_STATS);
     print "</form>";
     print "<div class=\"tablenav top\">";
     $paginationcode = '';
     printf("<div class='tablenav-pages'><span class=\"displaying-num\">%s</span>%s</div>", sprintf(_n('%d font', '%d fonts', count($allFonts)), count($allFonts)), $paginationcode);
     print "</div>";
     print '<table class="wp-list-table widefat fixed" cellspacing="0">';
     print '<thead>';
     print '<tr>';
     print '<th width=\'50%\' scope=\'col\' id=\'fontname\' class=\'manage-column column-fontname sortable ' . self::GetCurrentOrder() . ' \' style=""><a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=' . self::PLUGIN_SLUG . '&actio=' . self::PLUGIN_FONT_STATS . '&orderby=fontname&order=' . self::GetOrderBy()) . '"><span>' . __('Font', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . '</span><span class="sorting-indicator"></span></a></th>';
     print '<th width=\'50%\' scope=\'col\' id=\'usedin\' class=\'manage-column column-fontname sortable ' . self::GetCurrentOrder() . ' \' style=""><a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=' . self::PLUGIN_SLUG . '&actio=' . self::PLUGIN_FONT_STATS . '&orderby=usedin&order=' . self::GetOrderBy()) . '"><span>' . __('Used in posts', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . '</span><span class="sorting-indicator"></span></a></th>';
     print '</tr>';
     print '</thead>';
     print '<tfoot>';
     print '<tr>';
     print '<th scope=\'col\' id=\'fontname\' class=\'manage-column column-fontname sortable ' . self::GetCurrentOrder() . ' \' style=""><a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=' . self::PLUGIN_SLUG . '&actio=' . self::PLUGIN_FONT_STATS . '&orderby=fontname&order=' . self::GetOrderBy()) . '"><span>' . __('Font', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . '</span><span class="sorting-indicator"></span></a></th>';
     print '<th scope=\'col\' id=\'usedin\' class=\'manage-column column-fontname sortable ' . self::GetCurrentOrder() . ' \' style=""><a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=' . self::PLUGIN_SLUG . '&actio=' . self::PLUGIN_FONT_STATS . '&orderby=usedin&order=' . self::GetOrderBy()) . '"><span>' . __('Used in posts', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . '</span><span class="sorting-indicator"></span></a></th>';
     print '</tr>';
     print '</tfoot>';
     print '<tbody id="the-list">';
     foreach ($allFonts as $fnt) {
         print '<tr id="fnt-' . $fnt->id . '" class="alternate iedit" valign="top" style="font-family: ' . $fnt->name . ';">';
         print '<td style="font-size: 17px;">';
         print '<strong>' . $fnt->name . '</strong>';
         print '<div class="locked-info"><span class="locked-avatar"></span> <span class="locked-text"></span></div>';
         print '<div>';
         // class="row-actions">';
         print "<form action=\"admin.php?page=" . self::PLUGIN_SLUG . "&actio=" . self::PLUGIN_FONT_STATS . "&act=replace\" method=\"post\" onsubmit=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want replace " . $fnt->name . " with selected font?');\">";
         print "<span style=\"font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana;\">Replace this font with&nbsp;</span>";
         print "<select name=\"dstfont\" style=\"width: 200px; font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana;\">";
         $avFonts = GFontsDB::GetFontsToReplace($fnt->name);
         foreach ($avFonts as $font) {
             printf("<option value=\"%s\" >%s</option>", $font, $font);
         print "</select>";
         print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"srcfont\" value=\"" . $fnt->id . "\" />";
         print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Change!\" class=\"button button-primary\" style=\"font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana;\"/>";
         print "</form>";
         print '</div>';
         print "<br/>";
         print '</td>';
         print '<td style="font-size: 17px;">';
         print '<strong>' . sprintf(_n('%d post', '%d posts', $fnt->used_in_posts, self::PLUGIN_SLUG), $fnt->used_in_posts) . '</strong>';
         if ($fnt->in_trash > 0) {
             print '&nbsp; + <strong>' . sprintf(_n('%d post in trash', '%d posts in trash', $fnt->in_trash, self::PLUGIN_SLUG), $fnt->in_trash) . '</strong>';
         if ($fnt->total_used > 0) {
             print '<div class="locked-info"><span class="locked-avatar"></span> <span class="locked-text"></span></div>';
             print '<div class="row-actions">';
             print '<span class=\'view\'><a title=\'' . __('View', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . '\' href=\'' . admin_url('edit.php?gfontfilter=1&gfid=' . $fnt->id) . '\' target="_blank">' . __('View', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . '</a></span>';
             if ($fnt->in_trash > 0) {
                 print '&nbsp;|&nbsp;<span class=\'view\'><a title=\'' . __('View in trash', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . '\' href=\'' . admin_url('edit.php?post_status=trash&gfontfilter=1&gfid=' . $fnt->id) . '\' target="_blank">' . __('View in trash', self::PLUGIN_SLUG) . '</a></span>';
             print '</div>';
         print '</td>';
         print '</tr>';
     print '</tbody>';
     print '</table>';