/** * Get post or posts views for user. * * @param int $id user ID to get data for, or leave 0 for current user * @param bool $all_posts true to get for all posts, false for current or specified * @param int $post_id specify the post ID, or leave 0 to get current * @return int|array|WP_Error number of views for post, all posts or error if input is invalid. array has post_id as key and views as values. */ function presstools_get_user_views($id = 0, $all_posts = false, $post_id = 0) { if ($id == 0) { global $user_ID; if (intval($user_ID) == 0) { return new WP_Error("presstools_get_user_views", __("Given user ID is invalid.", "gd-press-tools")); } $id = $user_ID; } if (!$all_posts && $post_id == 0) { global $post; $post_id = $post->ID; } if (!$all_posts) { if ($post_id > 0) { $results = GDPTDB::count_user_views_for_post($id, $post_id); if (is_object($results) && !is_null($results)) { return intval($results->views); } else { return 0; } } else { return new WP_Error("presstools_get_user_views", __("Given post ID is invalid.", "gd-press-tools")); } } else { $results = GDPTDB::count_user_views($id); $output = array(); if (is_array($results) && !empty($results)) { foreach ($results as $row) { $output[$row->post_id] = $row->views; } } return $output; } }
function get_tables_overhead() { $size = GDPTDB::get_tables_overhead_simple(); return gdFunctionsGDPT::size_format($size); }
<table><tbody> <?php $constants = @get_defined_constants(); ksort($constants); $first = true; foreach ($constants as $key => $value) { echo sprintf('<tr%s><td class="first b">%s:</td><td class="t">%s</td></tr>', $first ? ' class="first"' : '', $key, $value); $first = false; } ?> </tbody></table> </div> </div> <div id="fragment-3" class="gdrgrid"> <div class="table"> <table><tbody> <?php $mysql_info = GDPTDB::get_mysql_server_info(); $first = true; foreach ($mysql_info as $info) { echo sprintf('<tr%s><td class="first b">%s:</td><td class="t">%s</td></tr>', $first ? ' class="first"' : '', $info->Variable_name, htmlspecialchars($info->Value)); $first = false; } ?> </tbody></table> </div> </div> </div> </div></div>
$span = sprintf('<span class="handler %s" id="gdpt-hndl-%s" onclick="gdpt_dashboard_element(this, \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\')">[ %s ]</span>', $state ? "shown" : "hiden", $id, $tx_show, $tx_hide, PRESSTOOLS_URL . "ajax.php", $state ? $tx_hide : $tx_show); echo $span; } ?> <p class="sub"> <?php gdpt_render_handler("info", $options["dashboard_handler_info"] == 1); ?> <?php _e("Additional Statistics Info", "gd-press-tools"); ?> <?php $cnt_revisions = gd_count_revisions_total(); $cnt_spam = gd_count_spam_total(); $cnt_overhead = GDPTDB::get_tables_overhead(); ?> </p> <div class="table" id="gdpt-table-info" style="<?php echo $options["dashboard_handler_info"] == 1 ? "" : "display: none"; ?> "> <table><tbody> <tr class="first"> <td class="first b"><?php echo $cnt_revisions; ?> </td> <td class="t"><?php _e("Revisions for all published posts", "gd-press-tools"); ?>
<div class="gdpt-table-split-edit"></div> <div class="gdpt-table-robots<?php echo $meta_robots["active"] == 1 ? " gdpt-disabled" : ""; ?> "> <table width="100%" style=""> <tr> <td> <label style="font-size: 12px;" for="gdsr_review"><?php _e("Standard", "gd-press-tools"); ?> :</label> </td> <td align="right" valign="baseline"> <?php GDPTDB::render_meta_robots("gdpt_meta_robots_standard", isset($meta_robots["standard"]) ? $meta_robots["standard"] : "", $disabled); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input<?php echo $disabled; ?> type="checkbox" class="gdpt_check" name="gdpt_meta_robots_extra[noydir]" id="gdpt_meta_robots_noydir"<?php if (isset($meta_robots["noydir"]) && $meta_robots["noydir"] == 1) { echo " checked"; } ?> /><label style="margin-left: 5px;" for="gdpt_meta_robots_noydir"><?php _e("No Yahoo", "gd-press-tools");
<td class="t options"><?php echo gdFunctionsGDPT::mysql_version(true); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="first b"><?php _e("Full Database Size", "gd-press-tools"); ?> :</td> <td class="t options"><?php echo GDPTDB::get_database_size(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="first b"><?php _e("WordPress Tables Size", "gd-press-tools"); ?> :</td> <td class="t options"><?php echo GDPTDB::get_tables_size(); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </div> </div> </div> </div>
?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $tables = GDPTDB::get_tables_status(); $col_id = 0; foreach ($tables as $t) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td style="padding: 0 4px;">'; echo '<div class="gdptdbtoggle on" id="ct' . $col_id . '"><img src="' . PRESSTOOLS_URL . 'gfx/blank.gif" height="16" width="16" /></div>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td><strong>' . $t->Name . '</strong></td>'; echo '<td>'; $status = GDPTDB::check_table($t->Name); echo $status->Msg_type . ": " . $status->Msg_text; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $t->Collation . '</td>'; echo '<td style="text-align: right;">' . $t->Rows . '</td>'; echo '<td style="text-align: right;">' . gdFunctionsGDPT::size_format($t->Data_length) . '</td>'; echo '<td style="text-align: right;">'; if ($t->Data_free > 0) { echo '<strong style="color: red">'; echo gdFunctionsGDPT::size_format($t->Data_free); if ($t->Data_free > 0) { echo '</strong>'; } } else { echo '/'; }
function init_operations() { if ($this->wp_version < 28 && isset($_GET["page"]) && $_GET["page"] == "index.php" && $this->script == "admin.php") { wp_redirect("index.php"); exit; break; } if (isset($_GET["proupgrade"]) && $_GET["proupgrade"] == "hide") { $this->o["upgrade_to_pro"] = 0; update_option("gd-press-tools", $this->o); wp_redirect(remove_query_arg("proupgrade")); exit; } if (isset($_GET["gda"])) { $gd_action = $_GET["gda"]; if ($gd_action != '') { switch ($gd_action) { case "unsevt": gd_unschedule_event($_GET['time'], $_GET['job'], $_GET['key']); wp_redirect(remove_query_arg(array('time', 'job', 'gda', 'key'), stripslashes($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))); exit; break; case "runevt": $job = $_GET['job']; if ($job == "wp_update_plugins") { delete_transient("update_plugins"); } if ($job == "wp_update_themes") { delete_transient("update_themes"); } if ($job == "wp_version_check") { delete_transient("update_core"); } do_action($job); wp_redirect(remove_query_arg(array('job', 'gda'), stripslashes($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))); exit; break; case "delrev": $post_id = $_GET["pid"]; $counter = gd_delete_revisions($post_id); $this->o["counter_total_revisions"] += $counter; wp_redirect(remove_query_arg(array('pid', 'gda'), stripslashes($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))); exit; break; case "duplicate": $post_id = $_GET["pid"]; $new_id = GDPTDB::duplicate_post($post_id); if ($new_id > 0) { wp_redirect(sprintf("post.php?action=edit&post=%s", $new_id)); } else { wp_redirect(remove_query_arg(array('pid', 'gda'), stripslashes($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))); } exit; break; case "tpldrp": $table = $_GET["name"]; gd_db_table_drop($table); wp_redirect(remove_query_arg(array('name', 'gda'), stripslashes($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))); exit; break; case "tblemp": $table = $_GET["name"]; gd_db_table_empty($table); wp_redirect(remove_query_arg(array('name', 'gda'), stripslashes($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))); exit; break; } } } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_tagger_forced'])) { $this->o["tagger_abort"] = 1; update_option("gd-press-tools", $this->o); $this->s["tagger"]["status"] = "idle"; $this->s["tagger"]["ended"] = time(); update_option("gd-press-tools-status", $this->s); wp_redirect_self(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_tagger_stop'])) { $this->o["tagger_abort"] = 1; update_option("gd-press-tools", $this->o); wp_redirect_self(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_dbbackup_delete'])) { $files = gdFunctionsGDPT::scan_dir(WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/gdbackup/"); foreach ($files as $fl) { if (substr($fl, 0, 10) == "db_backup_") { unlink(WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/gdbackup/" . $fl); } } wp_redirect_self(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_backup_run'])) { $gziped = isset($_POST["backup_compressed"]); $backup = new gdMySQLBackup(GDPTDB::get_tables_names(), WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/gdbackup/", $gziped); $backup->drop_tables = isset($_POST["backup_drop_exists"]); $backup->structure_only = isset($_POST["backup_structure_only"]); $backup->backup(); wp_redirect_self(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_tagger_run'])) { if (!isset($this->s["tagger"]) || $this->s["tagger"]["status"] == "idle") { $this->s["tagger"]["status"] = "scheduled"; $this->s["tagger"]["limit"] = $_POST['gdpt_tagger_limit']; $this->s["tagger"]["posts"] = isset($_POST['gdpt_tagger_post']) ? 1 : 0; $this->s["tagger"]["pages"] = isset($_POST['gdpt_tagger_page']) ? 1 : 0; $this->s["tagger"]["start"] = $_POST['gdpt_tagger_start']; $this->s["tagger"]["end"] = $_POST['gdpt_tagger_end']; $this->o["tagger_abort"] = 0; update_option("gd-press-tools-status", $this->s); update_option("gd-press-tools", $this->o); wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 20, 'gdpt_auto_tagger'); wp_redirect_self(); exit; } } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_revisions_delete'])) { $counter = gd_delete_all_revisions(); $this->o["counter_total_revisions"] += $counter; $this->o["tool_revisions_removed"] = date("r"); update_option("gd-press-tools", $this->o); wp_redirect_self(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_cmm_set'])) { $cmm_date = $_POST["gdpt_cmm_date"]; $cmm_comments = isset($_POST["gdpt_cmm_comments"]) ? 1 : 0; $cmm_pings = isset($_POST["gdpt_cmm_pings"]) ? 1 : 0; GDPTDB::set_posts_comments_status($cmm_date, $cmm_comments, $cmm_pings); wp_redirect_self(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_db_clean'])) { $size = GDPTDB::get_tables_overhead_simple(); $this->o["counter_total_overhead"] += $size; update_option("gd-press-tools", $this->o); gd_optimize_db(); wp_redirect_self(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_admin_rss_cache_reset'])) { if ($this->wp_version < 28) { gd_clear_rss_cache(); } else { gd_clear_rss_cache_transient(); } wp_redirect_self(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_admin_widget_reset'])) { gd_reset_widgets(); wp_redirect_self(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_admin_avatar_scan'])) { update_option('gd-press-tools-avatars', $this->gravatar_folder($this->g)); wp_redirect_self(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_admin_rename'])) { $this->status = GDPTDB::rename_account($_POST['gdpt_admin_username']); if ($this->status == "OK") { } wp_redirect_self(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_admin_folder_protect'])) { gd_create_protection_files(); wp_redirect_self(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['gdpt_posts_delete'])) { $results = GDPTDB::delete_posts($_POST['gdpt_delposts_date']); $this->status = sprintf(__("Deleted %s posts and %s comments.", "gd-press-tools"), $results["posts"], $results["comments"]); } }