コード例 #1
ファイル: Shout.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 public function isFlooding()
     $uid = GWF_Session::getUserID();
     $uname = GWF_Shoutbox::generateUsername();
     $euname = GDO::escape($uname);
     $table = GDO::table('GWF_Shoutbox');
     $max = $uid === 0 ? $this->module->cfgMaxPerDayGuest() : $this->module->cfgMaxPerDayUser();
     //		$cut = GWF_Time::getDate(GWF_Time::LEN_SECOND, time()-$this->module->cfgTimeout());
     //		$cnt = $table->countRows("shout_uname='$euname' AND shout_date>'$cut'");
     # Check captcha
     if ($this->module->cfgCaptcha()) {
         require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'inc/3p/Class_Captcha.php';
         if (!PhpCaptcha::Validate(Common::getPostString('captcha'), true)) {
             return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_WRONG_CAPTCHA');
     # Check date
     $timeout = $this->module->cfgTimeout();
     $last_date = $table->selectVar('MAX(shout_date)', "shout_uid={$uid} AND shout_uname='{$euname}'");
     $last_time = $last_date === NULL ? 0 : GWF_Time::getTimestamp($last_date);
     $next_time = $last_time + $timeout;
     if ($last_time + $timeout > time()) {
         return $this->module->error('err_flood_time', array(GWF_Time::humanDuration($next_time - time())));
     # Check amount
     $today = GWF_Time::getDate(GWF_Date::LEN_SECOND, time() - $timeout);
     $count = $table->countRows("shout_uid={$uid} AND shout_date>='{$today}'");
     if ($count >= $max) {
         return $this->module->error('err_flood_limit', array($max));
     # All fine
     return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Search.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 private function templateUsers($term = '')
     $ipp = $this->module->cfgIPP();
     $form = $this->getFormQuick();
     $usertable = GDO::table('GWF_User');
     $by = Common::getGet('by', '');
     $dir = Common::getGet('dir', '');
     $orderby = $usertable->getMultiOrderby($by, $dir);
     if ($term === '') {
         $users = array();
         $page = 1;
         $nPages = 0;
     } else {
         $eterm = GDO::escape($term);
         $deleted = GWF_User::DELETED;
         $conditions = "user_name LIKE '%{$eterm}%' AND user_options&{$deleted}=0";
         $nItems = $usertable->countRows($conditions);
         $nPages = GWF_PageMenu::getPagecount($ipp, $nItems);
         $page = Common::clamp(intval(Common::getGet('page', 1)), 1, $nPages);
         $from = GWF_PageMenu::getFrom($page, $ipp);
         $users = $usertable->selectObjects('*', $conditions, $orderby, $ipp, $from);
     $href_pagemenu = GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'index.php?mo=Usergroups&me=Search&term=' . urlencode($term) . '&by=' . urlencode($by) . '&dir=' . urlencode($dir) . '&page=%PAGE%';
     $tVars = array('form' => $form->templateX(false, false), 'users' => $users, 'sort_url' => GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'index.php?mo=Usergroups&me=Search&term=' . urlencode($term) . '&by=%BY%&dir=%DIR%&page=1', 'page_menu' => GWF_PageMenu::display($page, $nPages, $href_pagemenu), 'href_adv' => $this->module->getMethodURL('SearchAdv'));
     return $this->module->templatePHP('search.php', $tVars);
コード例 #3
ファイル: GWF_PMFolder.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 public static function getByName($name, $user = true)
     if ($user === true) {
         $user = GWF_Session::getUser();
     $uid = $user->getID();
     $name = GDO::escape($name);
     return self::table(__CLASS__)->selectFirst('1', "pmf_name='{$name}' AND pmf_uid={$uid}") !== false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: GWF_LoginFailure.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 public static function getFailedData(GWF_User $user, $time)
     $ip = GDO::escape(GWF_IP6::getIP(GWF_IP_EXACT));
     $cut = time() - $time;
     if (false === ($result = GDO::table(__CLASS__)->selectFirst('COUNT(*) c, MIN(logfail_time) min', "logfail_ip='{$ip}' AND logfail_time>{$cut}"))) {
         return array(0, 0);
     return array((int) $result['c'], (int) $result['min']);
コード例 #5
ファイル: reset.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 private static function deletePlayer(SR_Player $player)
     $epname = GDO::escape($player->getName());
     if (false === GDO::table('SR_BazarShop')->deleteWhere("sr4bs_pname='{$epname}'")) {
         return false;
     if (false === GDO::table('SR_BazarItem')->deleteWhere("sr4ba_pname='{$epname}'")) {
         return false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: SR_ClanRequests.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
  * Get the player for a join request.
  * @param SR_Player $leader
  * @param SR_Clan $clan
  * @param string $pname
  * @return SR_Player
 public static function getRequest(SR_Player $leader, SR_Clan $clan, $pname)
     $ename = GDO::escape($pname);
     if (false === ($pid = self::table(__CLASS__)->selectVar('sr4cr_pid', "sr4cr_pname='{$ename}'"))) {
         return false;
     if (false === ($player = Shadowrun4::getPlayerByPID($pid))) {
         if (false === ($player = SR_Player::getByID($pid))) {
             return false;
     return $player;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Merge_Forum.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 private static function calcMaps(GDO_Database $db_from, GDO_Database $db_to, array &$db_offsets, $prefix, $prevar)
     $classname = 'GWF_ForumBoard';
     $db_offsets[$classname] = array();
     $table_from = GDO::table($classname);
     if (false === ($result = $table_from->select('*', '', 'board_bid ASC'))) {
         echo GWF_HTML::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__));
         return false;
     $table_to = GDO::table($classname);
     while (false !== ($row = $table_from->fetch($result, GDO::ARRAY_A))) {
         $bid_from = $row['board_bid'];
         $title_from = $row['board_title'];
         $etitle_from = GDO::escape($title_from);
         if (false !== ($oldbid = $table_to->selectVar('board_bid', "board_title='{$etitle_from}'"))) {
             $db_offsets[$classname][$bid_from] = $oldbid;
             echo "BID {$bid_from} => {$oldbid}\n";
             $table_to->update("board_postcount = board_postcount + {$row['board_postcount']}", "board_bid = {$oldbid}");
             $table_to->update("board_threadcount = board_threadcount + {$row['board_threadcount']}", "board_bid = {$oldbid}");
         } else {
             if ($row['board_pid'] > 0) {
                 $row['board_bid'] = '0';
                 $row['board_pid'] |= 0x40000000;
                 // PID HAS TO GET CONVERTED after this run
                 $row['board_gid'] = $db_offsets['GWF_Group'][$row['board_gid']];
                 $row['board_pos'] = $table_to->selectVar('COUNT(*)') + 1;
                 $newbid = $db_to->insertID();
                 $db_offsets[$classname][$bid_from] = $newbid;
                 echo "BID {$bid_from} => {$newbid}\n";
             } else {
                 $db_offsets[$classname][$bid_from] = $oldbid;
                 echo "BID {$bid_from} => {$oldbid}\n";
                 $table_to->update("board_postcount = board_postcount + {$row['board_postcount']}", "board_pid = 0");
                 $table_to->update("board_threadcount = board_threadcount + {$row['board_threadcount']}", "board_pid = 0");
     return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: GWF_PageTags.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 private static function insertTag($tag, $pid, $langid)
     # Insert tagname
     $etag = GDO::escape($tag);
     $langid = (int) $langid;
     if (false === ($tid = GDO::table(__CLASS__)->selectVar('ptag_tid', "ptag_tag='{$etag}' AND ptag_lang={$langid}"))) {
         $newtag = new self(array('ptag_tid' => '0', 'ptag_lang' => $langid, 'ptag_tag' => $tag, 'ptag_count' => '1'));
         if (false === $newtag->insert()) {
             return GWF_Error::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__));
         if (0 == ($tid = $newtag->getID())) {
             return GWF_Error::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__));
     # Insert into map
     $data = array('ptm_pid' => $pid, 'ptm_tid' => $tid);
     if (false === GDO::table('GWF_PageTagMap')->insertAssoc($data, true)) {
         return GWF_Error::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__));
     return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Search.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 private function onSearch()
     $form = $this->formSearch();
     if (false !== ($error = $form->validate($this->module))) {
         return $error . $this->templateSearch();
     $ipp = self::IPP;
     $term = $form->getVar('searchterm');
     $tagname = NULL;
     $table = GDO::table('Slay_Song');
     $whitelist = array('(ss_lyrics>0)', '(ss_options&1)', '(ss_sid_path!=NULL)');
     $joins = array('lyrics');
     if (false === ($where = GWF_QuickSearch::getQuickSearchConditions($table, array('ss_artist', 'ss_title', 'ss_composer'), $term))) {
         return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_SEARCH_TERM') . $this->templateSearch();
     $term2 = GDO::escape($term);
     //		$term2 = str_replace(array('%', '_'), array('\\%', '\\_'), $term);
     $term3 = '1';
     if ('0' !== ($tag = $form->getVar('searchtag'))) {
         $tagname = Slay_Tag::getNameByID($tag);
         $term3 = 'sst_count>0';
         $joins[] = 'searchtag';
     $where = "(({$where}) OR (ssl_lyrics LIKE '%{$term2}%')) AND ({$term3})";
     $nItems = $table->countRows($where, $joins);
     $nPages = GWF_PageMenu::getPagecount($ipp, $nItems);
     $page = Common::clamp(Common::getGetInt('page'), 1, $nPages);
     $from = GWF_PageMenu::getFrom($page, $ipp);
     $by = Common::getGetString('by', self::BY);
     $dir = Common::getGetString('dir', self::DIR);
     $orderby = $table->getMultiOrderby($by, $dir, false, $whitelist);
     $matches = $table->selectAll('*', $where, $orderby, $joins, $ipp, $from, GDO::ARRAY_O);
     $headers = array(array(), array($this->module->lang('L'), '(ss_lyrics>0)'), array($this->module->lang('T'), 'ss_taggers'), array($this->module->lang('D'), '(ss_options&1)'), array($this->module->lang('th_artist'), 'ss_artist'), array($this->module->lang('th_title'), 'ss_title'), array($this->module->lang('th_duration'), 'ss_duration'), array($this->l('th_bpm'), 'ss_bpm'), array($this->l('th_key'), 'ss_key'));
     if ($tag > 0) {
         $headers[] = array($this->module->lang(Slay_Tag::getNameByID($tag)), 'sst_count');
     $headers[] = array($this->module->lang('th_tags'));
     $tVars = array('form' => $form->templateX($this->module->lang('ft_search'), GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'index.php'), 'pagemenu' => GWF_PageMenu::display($page, $nPages, GWF_WEB_ROOT . sprintf('index.php?mo=Slaytags&me=Search&searchterm=%s&searchtag=%s&by=%s&dir=%s&page=%%PAGE%%', urlencode($term), $tag, urlencode($by), urlencode($dir))), 'matches' => $matches, 'sort_url' => GWF_WEB_ROOT . sprintf('index.php?mo=Slaytags&me=Search&searchterm=%s&searchtag=%s&by=%%BY%%&dir=%%DIR%%&page=1', urlencode($term), $tag), 'is_admin' => GWF_User::isStaffS(), 'headers' => $headers, 'singletag' => $tagname, 'no_match' => count($matches) === 0);
     return $this->module->template('search.tpl', $tVars);
コード例 #10
ファイル: IRC.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 public function execute()
     if (false === ($datestamp = Common::getGet('datestamp'))) {
         return 'TRY ?datestamp=YYYYMMDDHHIISS&limit=5';
     if (strlen($datestamp) !== 14) {
         return 'TRY ?datestamp=YYYYMMDDHHIISS&limit=5';
     if (0 === ($limit = Common::getGetInt('limit', 0))) {
         return 'TRY ?datestamp=YYYYMMDDHHIISS&limit=5';
     $date = GDO::escape($datestamp);
     $limit = Common::clamp($limit, 1, 25);
     if (false === ($result = GDO::table('GWF_ForumThread')->selectObjects('*', "thread_lastdate>='{$date}' AND thread_options&4=0", 'thread_lastdate DESC', $limit))) {
         return GWF_HTML::lang('ERR_DATABASE', __FILE__, __LINE__);
     $back = '';
     $unknown = GWF_HTML::lang('unknown');
     foreach (array_reverse($result) as $thread) {
         $thread instanceof GWF_ForumThread;
         $locked = $thread->getVar('thread_gid') === '0' ? '0' : '1';
         $back .= $thread->getVar('thread_tid');
         $back .= '::';
         $back .= $thread->getVar('thread_lastdate');
         $back .= '::';
         $back .= $thread->getVar('thread_gid');
         $back .= '::';
         $back .= 'https://' . GWF_DOMAIN . $thread->getLastPageHREF($locked === '1');
         $back .= '::';
         $back .= $locked === '1' ? $unknown : $this->getLastPosterName($thread);
         $back .= '::';
         $back .= $locked === '1' ? $unknown : $thread->getVar('thread_title');
         $back .= PHP_EOL;
     return $back;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Module_WeChall.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 public function hookRenameUser(GWF_User $user, array $args)
     list($oldname, $newname) = $args;
     $newname = GDO::escape($newname);
     $uid = $user->getID();
     $sid = WC_Site::getWeChall()->getID();
     return GDO::table('WC_RegAt')->update("regat_onsitename='{$newname}'", "regat_uid={$uid} AND regat_sid={$sid}");
コード例 #12
ファイル: Edit.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
  * Set options that may be set by the owner of the root page, like group and stuff.
  * @param GWF_Page $page
  * @param string $gstring
  * @return boolean
 private function setRootOptions(GWF_Page $page, $gstring)
     $pages = GDO::table('GWF_Page');
     $page->setOption($bits, false);
     $otherid = $page->getOtherID();
     # Kill all bits.
     $bits = ~$bits;
     if (false === $pages->update("page_options=page_options&{$bits}", "page_otherid={$otherid}")) {
         return false;
     # Set the new bits.
     $bits = 0;
     $bits |= isset($_POST['noguests']) ? GWF_Page::LOGIN_REQUIRED : 0;
     $bits |= isset($_POST['show_similar']) ? GWF_Page::SHOW_SIMILAR : 0;
     $bits |= isset($_POST['show_modified']) ? GWF_Page::SHOW_MODIFIED : 0;
     $bits |= isset($_POST['show_trans']) ? GWF_Page::SHOW_TRANS : 0;
     $page->setOption($bits, true);
     $page->setVar('page_groups', $gstring);
     $gstring = GDO::escape($gstring);
     # Fire the sql
     return GDO::table('GWF_Page')->update("page_groups='{$gstring}', page_options=page_options|{$bits}", "page_otherid={$otherid}");
コード例 #13
ファイル: WC5Lamb_Solution.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 public static function validateSolution3($code)
     $code = strtolower($code);
     if (false === ($playername = Common::substrUntil($code, '!', false))) {
         return -1;
     $solution = self::getSolution3($playername);
     if ($code !== $solution) {
         return 0;
     $table = GDO::table(__CLASS__);
     $epname = GDO::escape($playername);
     if (false !== ($row = $table->selectFirst('1', "csl_player='{$epname}' AND csl_cnum=3"))) {
         return -2;
     if (false === $table->insertAssoc(array('csl_player' => $playername, 'csl_cnum' => 3, 'csl_date' => GWF_Time::getDate(GWF_Date::LEN_SECOND)))) {
         return -3;
     return 1;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Shadowhelp.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 private static function helpRace($race)
     $base = SR_Player::$RACE_BASE[$race];
     $bonus = SR_Player::$RACE[$race];
     $out = array();
     foreach ($base as $k => $v) {
         $out[$k] = array(0, 0);
     foreach ($bonus as $k => $v) {
         $out[$k] = array(0, 0);
     foreach ($base as $k => $v) {
         $out[$k] = array($v, $v);
     foreach ($bonus as $k => $v) {
         $out[$k][1] += $v;
     $erace = GDO::escape($race);
     $pop = GDO::table('SR_Player')->selectVar('COUNT(*)', "sr4pl_race='{$erace}'");
     $back = sprintf(', Population(%d)', $pop);
     foreach ($out as $k => $data) {
         $back .= sprintf(', %s: %s(%s)', $k, $data[0], $data[1]);
     return sprintf(' Stats: %s.', substr($back, 2));
コード例 #15
ファイル: WC_RegAt.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
  * Get a regat row by onsitename.
  * @param int $siteid
  * @param string $onsitename
  * @return WC_RegAt
 public static function getByOnsitename($siteid, $onsitename)
     $siteid = (int) $siteid;
     $onsitename = GDO::escape($onsitename);
     return self::table(__CLASS__)->selectFirstObject('*', "regat_sid={$siteid} AND regat_onsitename='{$onsitename}'");
コード例 #16
ファイル: mergefuncs.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
function merge_user_name($oldname, GDO $to_users, $prefix, $prevar)
    // Try with prefix
    $oldname = $prefix . $oldname;
    $eoldname = GDO::escape($oldname);
    if (false === $to_users->selectVar('1', "user_name='{$eoldname}'")) {
        return $oldname;
    // Try with prevar
    $oldname = $prevar . $oldname;
    $eoldname = GDO::escape($oldname);
    if (false === $to_users->selectVar('1', "user_name='{$eoldname}'")) {
        return $oldname;
    // now while with numbers
    $n = 2;
    while (true) {
        $name = $oldname . $n;
        $eoldname = GDO::escape($name);
        if (false === $to_users->selectVar('1', "user_name='{$eoldname}'")) {
            return $name;
コード例 #17
ファイル: GWF_AuditMails.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 public static function getEMail(GWF_AuditLog $log)
     $username = GDO::escape($log->getVar('al_eusername'));
     return self::table(__CLASS__)->selectVar('am_email', "am_username='******'");
コード例 #18
ファイル: GWF_QuickSearch.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
  * Create a WHERE clause from fields and searchterm.
  * This function does not sanitize the fields anymore!
  * @param GDO $gdo
  * @param array $fields
  * @param string $term
  * @return string the where clause
 public static function getQuickSearchConditions(GDO $gdo, array $fields, $term)
     $term = trim($term);
     if (false === ($tokens = self::search_tokenize($term))) {
         GWF_Website::addDefaultOutput(GWF_HTML::err('ERR_GENERAL', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)));
         return false;
     # Whitelist fields
     // 		foreach ($fields as $field)
     // 		{
     // 			if (false === $gdo->getWhitelistedBy($field))
     // 			{
     // 				GWF_Website::addDefaultOutput(GWF_HTML::err('ERR_GENERAL', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)));
     // 				return false;
     // 			}
     // 		}
     # Concat the Fields, (we are doing a full search anyway)
     $concat = 'CONCAT(' . implode(', ":", ', $fields) . ')';
     $prev = array(self::SEARCH_EMPTY, '');
     $prevnot = false;
     $where = array();
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         $type = $token[0] & self::SEARCH_TYPE;
         $not = ($token[0] & self::SEARCH_NOT) > 0;
         $sql = $token[1];
         $setprev = true;
         switch ($type) {
             case self::SEARCH_TERM:
                 switch ($prev[0]) {
                     case self::SEARCH_BRACKET_CLOSE:
                     case self::SEARCH_TERM:
                         //							break;
                     //							break;
                         $where[] = 'AND';
                     case self::SEARCH_EMPTY:
                         $not = $prevnot ? ' NOT' : '';
                         $prevnot = false;
                         $where[] = sprintf('%s%s LIKE \'%%%s%%\'', $concat, $not, $gdo->escape($sql));
             case self::SEARCH_NEAR:
                 echo "NEAR NOT SUPPORTED YET.";
             case self::SEARCH_BRACKET_OPEN:
                 // 					if ($prev[0] === self::SEARCH_TERM)
                 // 					{
                 // 						$where[] = 'AND';
                 // 					}
                 // 					$where[] = $sql;
             case self::SEARCH_BRACKET_CLOSE:
             case self::SEARCH_OR:
             case self::SEARCH_AND:
                 $where[] = $sql;
                 if ($token[0] === self::SEARCH_NOT) {
                     $prevnot = true;
                     $setprev = false;
         if ($setprev === true) {
             $prev = $token;
     $back = implode(' ', $where);
     return $back === '' ? '1' : $back;
コード例 #19
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
function warchall1createEMailB(WC_Challenge $chall, GDO_Database $db2, $eusername)
    if (false === $db2->queryWrite("DELETE FROM gwf_audit_mails WHERE am_username='******'")) {
        return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__));
    if ($db2->affectedRows() == 1) {
        return GWF_HTML::message('Warchall', $chall->lang('msg_nomails'));
    $user = GWF_Session::getUser();
    if ('' === ($email = $user->getValidMail())) {
        return GWF_HTML::error('Warchall', $chall->lang('err_no_mail'));
    $eemail = GDO::escape($email);
    if (false === $db2->queryWrite("REPLACE INTO gwf_audit_mails VALUES('{$eusername}', '{$eemail}')")) {
        return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__));
    return GWF_HTML::message('Warchall', $chall->lang('msg_mail'));
コード例 #20
ファイル: BAIM_MC.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 public static function getDemoByMC($mc)
     $mc = GDO::escape($mc);
     return self::table(__CLASS__)->selectFirstObject('*', "bmc_mc='{$mc}' AND bmc_options&2");
コード例 #21
ファイル: GWF_VoteScore.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 public function revertVote(GWF_VoteScoreRow $row, $ip, $userid)
     //		echo '<div>REVERT VOTE!</div>';
     if (false === $this->countVote($row, -1)) {
         //			echo GWF_HTML::err('ERR_GENERAL', array( __FILE__, __LINE__));
         return false;
     $vsid = $this->getID();
     //		$ip = (int) $ip;
     if ($ip === 0) {
         $userid = (int) $userid;
         return $row->deleteWhere("vsr_vsid={$vsid} AND vsr_uid={$userid}");
     } else {
         $ip = GDO::escape($ip);
         return $row->deleteWhere("vsr_vsid={$vsid} AND vsr_ip='{$ip}'");
コード例 #22
ファイル: GWF_AccountAccess.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 private static function hashquote($hash, $quote = '"')
     return $hash === null ? 'NULL' : $quote . GDO::escape($hash) . $quote;
コード例 #23
ファイル: Dog_IRCWS.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 private function onLogin(IWebSocketConnection $user, $message)
     $data = explode(' ', $message);
     if (count($data) !== 3) {
         return false;
     $ename = GDO::escape($data[1]);
     $table = GDO::table('Dog_User');
     if (false === ($dog_user = $table->selectFirstObject('*', "user_name='{$ename}'"))) {
         $this->sendToUser($user->getId(), 'XLIN2,Unknown username!');
         return false;
     if (false === GWF_Password::checkPasswordS($data[2], $dog_user->getVar('user_pass'))) {
         $this->sendToUser($user->getId(), 'XLIN3,Wrong password!');
         return false;
     $this->sendToUser($user->getId(), 'XLIN1');
     $this->users[$user->getId()] = $dog_user;
     $this->addToQueue($user, $dog_user, 'PRIVMSG Dog :.login ' . $data[2]);
     return true;
コード例 #24
ファイル: Slay_Song.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
  * Get a song by artist and title.
  * @param string $artist
  * @param string $title
  * @return Slay_Song
 public static function getByArtistTitle($artist, $title)
     $title = GDO::escape($title);
     $artist = GDO::escape($artist);
     return self::table(__CLASS__)->selectFirstObject('*', "ss_title='{$title}' AND ss_artist='{$artist}'");
コード例 #25
ファイル: GWF_Page.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 public static function hookRenameUser(GWF_User $user, $newname)
     $newname = GDO::escape($newname);
     $oldname = $user->getEscaped('user_name');
     return GDO::table(__CLASS__)->update("page_author_name='{$newname}'", "page_author_name='{$oldname}'");
コード例 #26
ファイル: GWF_ModuleLoader.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 public static function removeModuleVar(GWF_Module $module, $key)
     $mid = $module->getID();
     $ekey = GDO::escape($key);
     $var_t = GDO::table('GWF_ModuleVar');
     return $var_t->deleteWhere("mv_mid={$mid} AND mv_key='{$ekey}'");
コード例 #27
ファイル: GWF_UserSelect.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 public static function getUsers($groupname, $orderby = 'user_name ASC')
     $groupname = GDO::escape($groupname);
     return GDO::table('GWF_UserGroup')->selectAll('user.*', "group_name='{$groupname}'", $orderby, array('user', 'group'), -1, -1, GDO::ARRAY_A);
コード例 #28
ファイル: GWF_AuditLog.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
  * Get the times counterpart.
  * @return GWF_AuditLog
 public function getTimesLog()
     $time = $this->getVar('al_time_start');
     $rand = GDO::escape($this->getVar('al_rand'));
     return self::table(__CLASS__)->selectFirstObject('*', "al_time_start={$time} AND al_rand='{$rand}' AND al_type='time'");
コード例 #29
ファイル: SR_ClanHQ.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
 private function onViewItems(SR_Clan $clan, SR_Player $player, $arg, $page)
     $ipp = 10;
     $cid = $clan->getID();
     $arg = GDO::escape($arg);
     $page = (int) $page;
     $table = GDO::table('SR_ClanBank');
     $where = "sr4cb_cid={$cid} AND sr4cb_iname LIKE '%{$arg}%'";
     $nItems = $table->countRows($where);
     if ($nItems === 0) {
         // 			$player->message('No match found.');
         return true;
     $nPages = GWF_PageMenu::getPagecount($ipp, $nItems);
     if ($page < 1 || $page > $nPages) {
         // 			$player->message('This page is empty.');
         return false;
     $from = GWF_PageMenu::getFrom($page, $ipp);
     if (false === ($result = $table->selectAll('sr4cb_iname, sr4cb_iamt', $where, 'sr4cb_iamt ASC, sr4cb_iname ASC', NULL, $ipp, $from, GDO::ARRAY_N))) {
         $player->message('DB ERROR 1.');
         return false;
     if (count($result) === 1) {
         return $this->onViewItem($clan, $player, $result[0][0], $result[0][1]);
     $out = '';
     $format = $player->lang('fmt_items');
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         list($itemname, $amt) = $row;
         $damt = $amt === '1' ? '' : "({$amt})";
         $out .= sprintf($format, $from, $itemname, $damt, $amt);
         // 			$out[] = sprintf('%d-%s%s', $from, $itemname, $amt);
     $bot = Shadowrap::instance($player);
     return $bot->rply('5176', array($page, $nPages, substr($out, 2)));
     // 		return $bot->reply(sprintf('ClanBank page %d/%d: %s.', $page, $nPages, implode(', ', $out)));
コード例 #30
ファイル: Dog_Link.php プロジェクト: sinfocol/gwf3
  * Get a link by URL.
  * @param int $link_id
  * @return Dog_Link
 public static function getByURL($link_url)
     $link_url = GDO::escape($link_url);
     return self::table(__CLASS__)->selectFirstObject('*', "link_url='{$link_url}'");