コード例 #1
 function popup_elements()
     $no_of_columns = FusionHelper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 6);
     $wp_categories_list = FusionHelper::fusion_shortcodes_categories('portfolio_category');
     $animation_speed = FusionHelper::get_animation_speed_data();
     $animation_direction = FusionHelper::get_animation_direction_data();
     $animation_type = FusionHelper::get_animation_type_data();
     $choices = FusionHelper::get_shortcode_choices();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Layout', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the layout for the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_layout", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "carousel", "allowedValues" => array('carousel' => __('Carousel', 'fusion-core'), 'grid' => __('Grid', 'fusion-core'), 'grid-with-excerpts' => __('Grid with Excerpts', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Picture Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('fixed = width and height will be fixed<br>auto = width and height will adjust to the image.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_picture_size", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "fixed", "allowedValues" => array('fixed' => __('Fixed', 'fusion-core'), 'auto' => __('Auto', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Grid with Excerpts Layout', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select if the grid with excerpts layouts are boxed or unboxed.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_boxed_text", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "unboxed", "allowedValues" => array('boxed' => __('Boxed', 'fusion-core'), 'unboxed' => __('Unboxed', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Show Filters', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show or hide the category filters', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_filters", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'fusion-core'), 'yes-without-all' => __('Yes without "All"', 'fusion-core'), 'no' => __('No', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Columns', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the number of columns to display. With Carousel layout this specifies the maximum amount of columns.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_columns", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "3", "allowedValues" => $no_of_columns), array("name" => __('Column Spacing', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert the amount of spacing between portfolio items without "px". ex: 7.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_column_spacing", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "12"), array("name" => __('Categories', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select a category or leave blank for all', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_cat_slug", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::MULTI, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $wp_categories_list), array("name" => __('Exclude Categories', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select a category to exclude', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_exclude_cats", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::MULTI, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $wp_categories_list), array("name" => __('Number of Posts', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the number of posts to display', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_number_posts", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "8"), array("name" => __('Post Offset', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('The number of posts to skip. ex: 1.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_offset", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Excerpt Length', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert the number of words/characters you want to show in the excerpt', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_excerpt_words", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => 35), array("name" => __('Strip HTML from Posts Content', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Strip HTML from the post excerpt.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_strip_html", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Carousel Layout', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show titles on rollover image, or below image.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_carousel_layout", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "title_on_rollover", "allowedValues" => array('title_on_rollover' => __('Title on rollover', 'fusion-core'), 'title_below_image' => __('Title below image', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Carousel Scroll Items', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __("Insert the amount of items to scroll. Leave empty to scroll number of visible items.", 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_scroll_items", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Carousel Autoplay', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to autoplay the carousel.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_autoplay", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'fusion-core'), 'no' => __('No', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Carousel Show Navigation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show navigation buttons on the carousel.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_navigation", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'fusion-core'), 'no' => __('No', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Carousel Mouse Scroll', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to enable mouse drag control on the carousel.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_mouse_scroll", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'fusion-core'), 'no' => __('No', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Animation Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the type on animation to use on the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_type", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $animation_type), array("name" => __('Direction of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the incoming direction for the animation', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_direction", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $animation_direction), array("name" => __('Speed of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Type in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 - 1)', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_speed", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "0.1", "allowedValues" => $animation_speed), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
コード例 #2
 function popup_elements()
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Slider Name', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('This is the shortcode name that can be used in the post content area. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens. ex: "fusionslider_slidernamehere"', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "name", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => FusionHelper::fusion_shortcodes_categories('slide-page')), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));