コード例 #1
                <div id="content-area-inner-main">
                    <h2 class="headline"> Simple Column 3D Chart </h2>

                    <div class="gen-chart-render">

//This page demonstrates the ease of generating charts using FusionCharts PHPClass.
//For this chart, we've cread a chart  object used FusionCharts PHP Class
//supply chart data and configurations to it and render chart using the instance
//Here, we've kept this example very simple.
# Create column 3d chart object
$FC = new FusionCharts("Column3D", "600", "300");
# Enable Print Manager
# Set Relative Path of swf file.
# Define chart attributes
$strParam = "caption=Monthly Unit Sales;xAxisName=Month;yAxisName=Units";
#  Set Chart attributes
#add chart data values and category names
$FC->addChartData("462", "Label=Jan");
$FC->addChartData("857", "Label=Feb");
$FC->addChartData("671", "Label=Mar");
$FC->addChartData("494", "Label=Apr");
$FC->addChartData("761", "Label=May");
$FC->addChartData("960", "Label=Jun");
$FC->addChartData("629", "Label=Jul");
$FC->addChartData("622", "Label=Aug");