<?php require 'lib/FTPSync.php'; set_time_limit(0); $sync = new FtpSync('', 'Amin', '123'); $sync->enableLog()->reportOnly(true)->ignore('.DS_Store')->ignore('.settings')->ignore('.buildpath')->ignore('.project')->useStrategy(FtpSync::SYNC_BY_SIZE)->remote('/Library/WebServer/Documents/SN', '/Users/Amin/Downloads/Test');
/** * Gets Command Line Interface.(only in shell environment) * * @static * @access public * @return FTPSync instance of this class */ public function getCli() { //STDIN constant is not defined in non-CLI environment if (!defined("STDIN")) { echo "This method should be run in CLI"; return false; } echo "Host Name: "; $host = $this->_read(); echo "FTP Username: "******"FTP Password: "******"FTP Port[21]: "; $port = $this->_read(); $port = !$port ? 21 : (int) $port; echo "Connecting to {$user}@{$host}...\n"; // create an instance of FTPSync with given parameters try { $ftp = new FtpSync($host, $user, $pass, $port); } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } echo "Connected.\n"; echo "Set passive? yes[no] "; if ($this->_isYes()) { $ftp->setPassive(true); } echo "Would you like to configure the options? yes[no]: "; if ($this->_isYes()) { echo "Please select the mode:\n" . "[1] - Auto \n" . "2 - ASCII \n" . "3 - Binary \n"; $answer = $this->_read(); if ($answer == 2) { $ftp->setMode(FTP_ASCII); } elseif ($answer == 3) { $ftp->setMode(FTP_BINARY); } echo "Would you like newer files in remote host to be " . "downloaded into local host or vice versa? yes[no] " . "(Note: your local file might be replaced " . "with newer one in remote host or vice versa)\n"; if ($this->_isYes()) { $ftp->reportOnly(false); } else { $ftp->reportOnly(true); } echo "Would you like logs to be written in external file? " . "yes[no] \n"; if ($this->_isYes()) { $ftp->enableLog(); enter_logpath: echo "Please enter your log file path:" . "[" . $ftp->getLogger()->getLogFile() . "] \n"; $logPath = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($logPath) { if (!is_writable($logPath)) { echo "'" . $logPath . "' is not writable, " . "Please enter a valid path:"; goto enter_logpath; } else { $ftp->getLogger()->setLogFile($logPath); } } } echo "if you have files or directories to exclude, " . "please insert(serperate their paths with comma):\n"; //get comma seperated list of directories that must be excluded $excludes = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if ($excludes) { $aExcludes = split(",", $excludes); foreach ($aExcludes as $ex) { $ftp->ignore(trim($ex)); } } } echo "Starting...\n"; $this->_showOptions($ftp); }