public static function get_shortcodes($content, $form_id) { if (empty($form_id) || strpos($content, '[') === false) { // don't continue if there are no shortcodes to check return array(array()); } $tagregexp = array('deletelink', 'detaillink', 'evenodd', 'get', 'entry_count', 'event_date'); $form_id = (int) $form_id; $form_ids = array($form_id); //get linked form ids $fields = FrmProFormsHelper::has_repeat_field($form_id, false); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'form_select')) { $form_ids[] = $field->field_options['form_select']; $tagregexp[] = $field->id; $tagregexp[] = $field->field_key; } unset($field); } foreach ($form_ids as $form_id) { $fields = FrmField::get_all_for_form($form_id, '', 'include'); foreach ($fields as $field) { $tagregexp[] = $field->id; $tagregexp[] = $field->field_key; } } $tagregexp = implode('|', $tagregexp) . '|'; $tagregexp .= FrmFieldsHelper::allowed_shortcodes(); if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) { // make sure the backtrack limit is as least at the default $backtrack_limit = ini_get('pcre.backtrack_limit'); if ($backtrack_limit < 1000000) { ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', 1000000); } } preg_match_all("/\\[(if |foreach )?({$tagregexp})\\b(.*?)(?:(\\/))?\\](?:(.+?)\\[\\/\\])?/s", $content, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); // run conditional and foreach first $new_order = $matches[0]; $move_up = array(); foreach ($new_order as $short_key => $tag) { $conditional = preg_match('/^\\[if/s', $matches[0][$short_key]) ? true : false; $foreach = preg_match('/^\\[foreach/s', $matches[0][$short_key]) ? true : false; if ($conditional || $foreach) { $move_up[$short_key] = $tag; } } if (!empty($move_up)) { $matches[0] = $move_up + $matches[0]; } return $matches; }
/** * Add confirmation and "other" hidden fields to help carry all data throughout the form * Note: This doesn't control the HTML for fields in repeating sections * * @since 2.0 * * @param array $field * @param string $opt_key * @param string $html_id */ public static function insert_extra_hidden_fields($field, $opt_key = false) { // If we're dealing with a repeating section, hidden fields are already taken care of if (isset($field['original_type']) && $field['original_type'] == 'divider') { return; } //If confirmation field on previous page, store value in hidden field if (FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'conf_field') && isset($_POST['item_meta']['conf_' . $field['id']])) { self::insert_hidden_confirmation_fields($field); //If Other field on previous page, store value in hidden field } else { if (FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'other') && isset($_POST['item_meta']['other'][$field['id']])) { self::insert_hidden_other_fields($field, $opt_key); } } }
public static function set_post_fields($field, $value, $errors) { // save file ids for later use if ('file' == $field->type) { global $frm_vars; if (!isset($frm_vars['media_id'])) { $frm_vars['media_id'] = array(); } $frm_vars['media_id'][$field->id] = $value; } if (empty($value) || !FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'unique')) { return $errors; } $post_form_action = FrmFormAction::get_action_for_form($field->form_id, 'wppost', 1); if (!$post_form_action) { return $errors; } // check if this is a regular post field $post_field = array_search($field->id, $post_form_action->post_content); $custom_field = ''; if (!$post_field) { // check if this is a custom field foreach ($post_form_action->post_content['post_custom_fields'] as $custom_field) { if (isset($custom_field['field_id']) && !empty($custom_field['field_id']) && isset($custom_field['meta_name']) && !empty($custom_field['meta_name']) && $field->id == $custom_field['field_id']) { $post_field = 'post_custom'; $custom_field = $custom_field['meta_name']; } } if (!$post_field) { return $errors; } } // check for unique values in post fields $entry_id = $_POST && isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : false; $post_id = false; if ($entry_id) { global $wpdb; $post_id = FrmDb::get_var($wpdb->prefix . 'frm_items', array('id' => $entry_id), 'post_id'); } if (self::post_value_exists($post_field, $value, $post_id, $custom_field)) { $errors['field' . $field->id] = FrmFieldsHelper::get_error_msg($field, 'unique_msg'); } return $errors; }
/** * Check if each field is needed in the formresults table * * @since 2.0.09 * @param object $f - field * @param array $atts * @param array $subforms_to_include * @return boolean */ private static function is_field_needed($f, $atts, &$subforms_to_include) { if (!empty($atts['fields'])) { if (FrmField::is_no_save_field($f->type)) { if (FrmField::is_option_true($f, 'form_select') && (in_array($f->id, $atts['fields']) || in_array($f->field_key, $atts['fields']))) { $subforms_to_include[] = $f->field_options['form_select']; } return false; } if (!in_array($f->form_id, $subforms_to_include) && !in_array($f->id, $atts['fields']) && !in_array($f->field_key, $atts['fields'])) { return false; } } else { if (FrmField::is_no_save_field($f->type)) { return false; } } return true; }
?> </ul> <?php } } else { if ($field['type'] == 'select') { if (isset($field['post_field']) && $field['post_field'] == 'post_category') { echo FrmFieldsHelper::dropdown_categories(array('name' => $field_name, 'field' => $field)); } else { ?> <select name="<?php echo esc_attr($field_name) . (FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'multiple') ? '[]' : ''); ?> " <?php echo FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'size') ? 'class="auto_width"' : ''; echo FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'multiple') ? ' multiple="multiple"' : ''; ?> > <?php foreach ($field['options'] as $opt_key => $opt) { $field_val = apply_filters('frm_field_value_saved', $opt, $opt_key, $field); $opt = apply_filters('frm_field_label_seen', $opt, $opt_key, $field); $selected = $field['default_value'] == $field_val || FrmFieldsHelper::get_other_val(array('opt_key', 'field')) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; ?> <option value="<?php echo esc_attr($field_val); ?> "<?php echo $selected; ?> ><?php
/** * Sets radio or checkbox value equal to "other" value if it is set - FOR REPEATING SECTIONS * * @since 2.0 * * @param object $field * @param string|array $value * @param array $args */ public static function set_other_repeating_vals($field, &$value, &$args) { if (!$args['parent_field_id']) { return; } // Check if there are any other posted "other" values for this field if (FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'other') && isset($_POST['item_meta'][$args['parent_field_id']][$args['key_pointer']]['other'][$field->id])) { // Save original value $args['temp_value'] = $value; $args['other'] = true; $other_vals = $_POST['item_meta'][$args['parent_field_id']][$args['key_pointer']]['other'][$field->id]; // Set the validation value now self::set_other_validation_val($value, $other_vals, $field, $args); } }
public static function add_field_class($class, $field) { if ($field['type'] == 'scale' && FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'star')) { $class .= ' star'; } else { if ($field['type'] == 'date') { $class .= ' frm_date'; } else { if ($field['type'] == 'file' && FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'multiple')) { $class .= ' frm_multiple_file'; } } } // Hide the "No files selected" text if files are selected if ($field['type'] == 'file' && !FrmField::is_option_empty($field, 'value')) { $class .= ' frm_transparent'; } if (!FrmAppHelper::is_admin() && FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'autocom') && ($field['type'] == 'select' || $field['type'] == 'data' && isset($field['data_type']) && $field['data_type'] == 'select') && !empty($field['options']) && !FrmField::is_read_only($field)) { global $frm_vars; $frm_vars['chosen_loaded'] = true; $class .= ' frm_chzn'; $style = FrmStylesController::get_form_style($field['form_id']); if ($style && 'rtl' == $style->post_content['direction']) { $class .= ' chosen-rtl'; } } return $class; }
/** * Switch the form_select on a repeating field or embedded form if it needs to be switched * * @since 2.0.16 * @param array $f * @param array $imported */ private static function maybe_update_form_select(&$f, $imported) { if (!isset($imported['forms'])) { return; } if ($f['type'] == 'form' || $f['type'] == 'divider' && FrmField::is_option_true($f['field_options'], 'repeat')) { if (FrmField::is_option_true($f['field_options'], 'form_select')) { $form_select = $f['field_options']['form_select']; if (isset($imported['forms'][$form_select])) { $f['field_options']['form_select'] = $imported['forms'][$form_select]; } } } }
_e('Dark', 'formidable'); ?> </option> </select> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php do_action('frm_' . $field['type'] . '_field_options_form', $field, $display, $values); do_action('frm_field_options_form', $field, $display, $values); if ($display['required'] || $display['invalid'] || $display['unique'] || $display['conf_field']) { ?> <tr class="frm_validation_msg <?php echo $display['invalid'] || $field['required'] || FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'unique') || FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'conf_field') ? '' : 'frm_hidden'; ?> "> <td colspan="2"> <div class="menu-settings"> <h3 class="frm_no_bg"><?php _e('Validation', 'formidable'); ?> </h3> <div class="frm_validation_box"> <?php if ($display['required']) { ?> <p class="frm_required_details<?php echo esc_attr($field['id'] . ($field['required'] ? '' : ' frm_hidden'));
public static function get_multi_opts($value, $field) { if (!$field || empty($value) || in_array($value, (array) $field->options)) { return $value; } if ($field->type != 'checkbox' && $field->type != 'select') { return $value; } if ($field->type == 'select' && !FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'multiple')) { return $value; } $checked = is_array($value) ? $value : maybe_unserialize($value); if (!is_array($checked)) { $checked = explode(',', $checked); } if (!empty($checked) && count($checked) > 1) { $value = array_map('trim', $checked); } unset($checked); return $value; }
/** * Get values for graph with only one field and no x-axis * * @since 2.0 * * @param array $values * @param array $labels * @param array $tooltips * @param boolean $pie - for pie graph * @param object $field * @param array $args */ public static function get_count_values(&$values, &$labels, &$tooltips, &$pie, $field, $args) { // Get all inputs for this field $inputs = self::get_generic_inputs($field, $args); if (!$inputs) { return; } // Get counts for each value $temp_values = array_count_values(array_map('strtolower', $inputs)); // Get displayed values ( for DFE, separate values, or Other val ) if ($field->type == 'data' || $field->field_options['separate_value'] || FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'other')) { self::get_displayed_values($temp_values, $field); } else { if ($field->type == 'user_id') { self::get_user_id_values($values, $labels, $tooltips, $pie, $temp_values, $field); return; } } // Sort values by order of field options if ($args['x_order'] == 'field_opts' && in_array($field->type, array('radio', 'checkbox', 'select', 'data'))) { self::field_opt_order_vals($temp_values, $field); // Sort by descending count if x_order is set to 'desc' } else { if ($args['x_order'] == 'desc') { arsort($temp_values); // Sort alphabetically by default } else { ksort($temp_values); } } // Get slice of array if ($args['limit']) { $temp_values = array_slice($temp_values, 0, $args['limit']); } // Capitalize the first letter of each value foreach ($temp_values as $val => $count) { $new_val = ucwords($val); $labels[] = $new_val; $values[] = $count; } }
<?php if (is_array($field['options'])) { if (!isset($field['value'])) { $field['value'] = maybe_unserialize($field['default_value']); } $star = FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'star'); foreach ($field['options'] as $opt_key => $opt) { $opt = apply_filters('frm_field_label_seen', $opt, $opt_key, $field); $last = end($field['options']) == $opt ? ' frm_last' : ''; if (!$star) { ?> <div class="frm_scale <?php echo esc_attr($last); ?> "><label for="<?php echo esc_attr($html_id); ?> -<?php echo esc_attr($opt_key); ?> "><?php } ?> <input type="radio" name="<?php echo esc_attr($field_name); ?> " id="<?php echo esc_attr($html_id . '-' . $opt_key); ?> " value="<?php
/** * Flatten multi-dimensional array for multi-file upload fields * @since 2.0.9 */ public static function flatten_multi_file_upload($field, &$val) { if ($field->type == 'file' && FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'multiple')) { $val = FrmAppHelper::array_flatten($val); } }
/** * Get value that belongs in "Other" text box * * @since 2.0.6 * * @param array $args */ public static function get_other_val($args) { $defaults = array('opt_key' => 0, 'field' => array(), 'parent' => false, 'pointer' => false); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); $opt_key = $args['opt_key']; $field = $args['field']; $parent = $args['parent']; $pointer = $args['pointer']; $other_val = ''; // If option is an "other" option and there is a value set for this field, // check if the value belongs in the current "Other" option text field if (!FrmFieldsHelper::is_other_opt($opt_key) || !FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'value')) { return $other_val; } // Check posted vals before checking saved values // For fields inside repeating sections - note, don't check if $pointer is true because it will often be zero if ($parent && isset($_POST['item_meta'][$parent][$pointer]['other'][$field['id']])) { if (FrmField::is_field_with_multiple_values($field)) { $other_val = isset($_POST['item_meta'][$parent][$pointer]['other'][$field['id']][$opt_key]) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['item_meta'][$parent][$pointer]['other'][$field['id']][$opt_key]) : ''; } else { $other_val = sanitize_text_field($_POST['item_meta'][$parent][$pointer]['other'][$field['id']]); } return $other_val; } else { if (isset($field['id']) && isset($_POST['item_meta']['other'][$field['id']])) { // For normal fields if (FrmField::is_field_with_multiple_values($field)) { $other_val = isset($_POST['item_meta']['other'][$field['id']][$opt_key]) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['item_meta']['other'][$field['id']][$opt_key]) : ''; } else { $other_val = sanitize_text_field($_POST['item_meta']['other'][$field['id']]); } return $other_val; } } // For checkboxes if ($field['type'] == 'checkbox' && is_array($field['value'])) { // Check if there is an "other" val in saved value and make sure the // "other" val is not equal to the Other checkbox option if (isset($field['value'][$opt_key]) && $field['options'][$opt_key] != $field['value'][$opt_key]) { $other_val = $field['value'][$opt_key]; } } else { /** * For radio buttons and dropdowns * Check if saved value equals any of the options. If not, set it as the other value. */ foreach ($field['options'] as $opt_key => $opt_val) { $temp_val = is_array($opt_val) ? $opt_val['value'] : $opt_val; // Multi-select dropdowns - key is not preserved if (is_array($field['value'])) { $o_key = array_search($temp_val, $field['value']); if (isset($field['value'][$o_key])) { unset($field['value'][$o_key], $o_key); } } else { if ($temp_val == $field['value']) { // For radio and regular dropdowns return ''; } else { $other_val = $field['value']; } } unset($opt_key, $opt_val, $temp_val); } // For multi-select dropdowns only if (is_array($field['value']) && !empty($field['value'])) { $other_val = reset($field['value']); } } return $other_val; }
/** * Get metas for post or non-post fields * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_all_metas_for_field($field, $args = array()) { global $wpdb; $query = array(); if (!FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'post_field')) { // If field is not a post field $get_field = 'em.meta_value'; $get_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'frm_item_metas em INNER JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'frm_items e ON ('; $query['em.field_id'] = $field->id; $query['e.is_draft'] = 0; } else { if ($field->field_options['post_field'] == 'post_custom') { // If field is a custom field $get_field = 'pm.meta_value'; $get_table = $wpdb->postmeta . ' pm INNER JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'frm_items e ON pm.post_id=e.post_id'; $query['pm.meta_key'] = $field->field_options['custom_field']; // Make sure to only get post metas that are linked to this form $query['e.form_id'] = $field->form_id; } else { if ($field->field_options['post_field'] != 'post_category') { // If field is a non-category post field $get_field = 'p.' . sanitize_title($field->field_options['post_field']); $get_table = $wpdb->posts . ' p INNER JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'frm_items e ON p.ID=e.post_id'; // Make sure to only get post metas that are linked to this form $query['e.form_id'] = $field->form_id; } else { // If field is a category field //TODO: Make this work return array(); //$field_options = FrmProFieldsHelper::get_category_options( $field ); } } } // Add queries for additional args self::add_meta_query($query, $args); // Get the metas $metas = FrmDb::get_col($get_table, $query, $get_field); // Maybe unserialize foreach ($metas as $k => $v) { $metas[$k] = maybe_unserialize($v); unset($k, $v); } // Strip slashes $metas = stripslashes_deep($metas); return $metas; }
</label> </td> </tr> <?php } else { if ($field['type'] == 'html') { ?> <tr><td colspan="2"><?php _e('Content', 'formidable'); ?> <br/> <textarea name="field_options[description_<?php echo $field['id']; ?> ]" style="width:98%;" rows="8"><?php if (FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'stop_filter')) { echo $field['description']; } else { echo FrmAppHelper::esc_textarea($field['description']); } ?> </textarea> </td> </tr> <?php } else { if ($field['type'] == 'form') { ?> <tr><td><?php _e('Insert Form', 'formidable'); ?>
<tr> <td class="frm_150_width"><label><?php _e('Field Size', 'formidable'); ?> </label></td> <td> <label for="size_<?php echo esc_attr($field['id']); ?> "> <input type="checkbox" name="field_options[size_<?php echo esc_attr($field['id']); ?> ]" id="size_<?php echo esc_attr($field['id']); ?> " value="1" <?php echo FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'size') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /> <?php _e('automatic width', 'formidable'); ?> </label> </td> </tr>
public static function &filter_display_value($value, $field, $atts = array()) { $saved_value = isset($atts['saved_value']) && $atts['saved_value'] ? true : false; if (!in_array($field->type, array('radio', 'checkbox', 'radio', 'select')) || !FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'separate_value') || $saved_value) { return $value; } $f_values = $f_labels = array(); foreach ($field->options as $opt_key => $opt) { if (!is_array($opt)) { continue; } $f_labels[$opt_key] = isset($opt['label']) ? $opt['label'] : reset($opt); $f_values[$opt_key] = isset($opt['value']) ? $opt['value'] : $f_labels[$opt_key]; if ($f_labels[$opt_key] == $f_values[$opt_key]) { unset($f_values[$opt_key], $f_labels[$opt_key]); } unset($opt_key, $opt); } if (!empty($f_values)) { foreach ((array) $value as $v_key => $val) { if (in_array($val, $f_values)) { $opt = array_search($val, $f_values); if (is_array($value)) { $value[$v_key] = $f_labels[$opt]; } else { $value = $f_labels[$opt]; } } unset($v_key, $val); } } return $value; }
<?php } ?> </ul> <textarea name="frm_bulk_options" id="frm_bulk_options"> <?php $other_array = array(); foreach ($field->options as $fkey => $fopt) { //If it is an other option, don't include it if ($fkey && strpos($fkey, 'other') !== false) { continue; } if (is_array($fopt)) { $label = isset($fopt['label']) ? $fopt['label'] : reset($fopt); $value = isset($fopt['value']) ? $fopt['value'] : $label; if ($label != $value && FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'separate_value')) { echo "{$label}|{$value}\n"; } else { echo $label . "\n"; } } else { echo $fopt . "\n"; } } ?> </textarea> <p class="submit frm_clear"> <input type="button" onclick="frmUpdateBulkOpts(<?php echo (int) $field->id; ?>
public static function check_value($opt, $opt_key, $field) { if (is_array($opt)) { if (FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'separate_value')) { $opt = isset($opt['value']) ? $opt['value'] : (isset($opt['label']) ? $opt['label'] : reset($opt)); } else { $opt = isset($opt['label']) ? $opt['label'] : reset($opt); } } return $opt; }
" id="<?php echo esc_attr($html_id); ?> " value="<?php echo esc_attr($field['default_value']); ?> " class="dyn_default_value" /> <?php } else { if ($field['type'] == 'textarea') { ?> <textarea name="<?php echo esc_attr($field_name); ?> " <?php echo FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'size') ? esc_attr('style="width:' . $field['size'] . (is_numeric($field['size']) ? 'px' : '') . ';"') : ''; ?> rows="<?php echo esc_attr($field['max']); ?> " id="<?php echo esc_attr($html_id); ?> " class="dyn_default_value"><?php echo FrmAppHelper::esc_textarea(force_balance_tags($field['default_value'])); ?> </textarea> <?php } else { if ($field['type'] == 'radio' || $field['type'] == 'checkbox') {
/** * Keep track of imported repeating fields and embedded forms * * @since 2.0.09 * @param array $f - field array * @param int $repeat_field_id * @param array $repeat_fields - pass by reference */ private static function track_repeating_fields($f, $repeat_field_id, &$repeat_fields) { if ($f['type'] == 'divider' && FrmField::is_option_true($f['field_options'], 'repeat') || $f['type'] == 'form') { $old_form_id = trim($f['field_options']['form_select']); if (!isset($repeat_fields[$old_form_id])) { $repeat_fields[$old_form_id] = array(); } $repeat_fields[$old_form_id][] = $repeat_field_id; } }
if (FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'multiple')) { echo '[]'; } ?> " value="<?php echo esc_attr($media_id); ?> " /> <div class="frm_file_icon"><?php echo FrmProFieldsHelper::get_file_icon($media_id); ?> </div> <?php } } else { if (FrmField::is_option_true($field, 'multiple')) { $media_ids = maybe_unserialize($field['value']); if (!is_array($media_ids) && strpos($media_ids, ',')) { $media_ids = explode(',', $media_ids); } foreach ((array) $media_ids as $media_id) { $media_id = trim($media_id); if (!is_numeric($media_id)) { continue; } $media_id = (int) $media_id; ?> <div id="frm_uploaded_<?php echo esc_attr($media_id); ?> " class="frm_uploaded_files">