コード例 #1

require_once './Freezbi/FreezbiApi.php';
use Freezbi\Response\Response;
// Init the Freezbi Api
$freezbiApi = new Freezbi\FreezbiApi();
$freezbiApi->TemporaryFolder = 'temp/';
$freezbiApi->Delay = 300;
// Each remote check will be separated by 300 seconds
// Create a new Notification with its name, url, and body type
$notification = new \Freezbi\Notification\SingleStreamNotification('freezbiblog', 'http://freezbi.com/blog/posts', 'html');
// Prepare the api for that SingleStreamNotification
$notification->Action = function ($content) use($freezbiApi) {
    // Prepare a response
    $response = new Response();
    // Use phpQuery lib for dirty crawling
    $article = pq('.blog article')->eq(0);
    // Extract a title and a link
    $data = $article->find('a')->attr('href');
    $title = trim($article->find('h1')->text());
    $title = trim(preg_replace("#(.+)\n(.+)#", "\$1", $title));
    // Check if the title is same as the previous call
    if (!empty($title) && !$freezbiApi->testSameAsBefore($title, array('keep_history' => true))) {
        // keep_history option store data history instead of "switch A<=>B" verification
        // Update the response with new data
        $response->SendNotification = true;
        $response->Title = 'Clubic';
        $response->Message = utf8_encode($title);
        $response->Data = 'freezbi.com/' . $data;
コード例 #2

require_once './Freezbi/FreezbiApi.php';
use Freezbi\Response\Response;
// Init the Freezbi Api
$freezbiApi = new Freezbi\FreezbiApi();
$freezbiApi->TemporaryFolder = './temp/';
// Create a new Notification with its name, posted data (many only), url, and body type
$notification = new \Freezbi\Notification\ManyStreamNotification('youtube', $_POST);
$notification->Url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?channelId={channel}&part=snippet&order=date&maxResults=1';
$notification->Format = 'json';
// Prepare the api for that ManyStreamNotification
// Update fetch urls for each configurations
foreach ($notification->Configurations as $identifier => $configuration) {
    $customUrl = str_replace('{channel}', $configuration['channel'], $notification->Url);
    $notification->Urls[$identifier] = $customUrl;
// Result processing
$notification->Action = function ($identifier, $configuration, $jsonContent) use($freezbiApi) {
    // Prepare a response
    $response = new Response();
    // Extract data from body
    $video = $jsonContent->items[0]->snippet;
    $title = $video->title;
    $channelName = $video->channelTitle;
    // Check if the title is same as the previous call
    if (!empty($title) && !$freezbiApi->testSameAsBefore($title, array('identifier' => $identifier))) {
        // testSameAsBefore needs the identifier to store data for that configuration
        // Update the response with new data
        $response->SendNotification = true;
コード例 #3

require_once './Freezbi/FreezbiApi.php';
use Freezbi\Response\Response;
// Init the Freezbi Api
$freezbiApi = new Freezbi\FreezbiApi();
$freezbiApi->TemporaryFolder = 'temp/';
$freezbiApi->Delay = 3600 * 24;
// Each remote check will be separated by 24 hours
// Create a new Notification with its name, url, and body type
$notification = new \Freezbi\Notification\SingleStreamNotification('alan_turing_birthday');
// Prepare the api for that SingleStreamNotification
$notification->Action = function () use($freezbiApi) {
    // Prepare a response
    $response = new Response();
    $datetime = new \DateTime();
    if ($datetime->format('m-d') == '06-23') {
        $response->SendNotification = true;
        $response->Title = 'Birthday';
        $response->Message = 'This is Alan Turing\'s birthday';
        $response->Data = 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Turing';
    return $response;
// Your script must return the output of the execute method
echo $freezbiApi->execute();