function show($_forum_id) { $url = new FreechURL('', 'Powered by Freech ' . FREECH_VERSION); $this->api->links('footer')->add_link($url, 100); if (cfg('rss_enabled')) { $url = new FreechURL('rss.php', _('RSS feed')); $url->set_var('forum_id', (int) $_forum_id); $html = '<span id="rss">' . '<a href="' . $url->get_string(TRUE) . '">' . '<img src="themes/' . cfg('theme') . '/img/rss.png" alt="RSS 2.0" />' . '</a>' . ' ' . $url->get_html() . '</span>'; $this->api->links('footer')->add_html($html, 200); } if (cfg('goto_top_enabled')) { $top_link = "<a id='goto_top' href='#top'>" . esc(_('Go to top')) . "</a>"; $this->api->links('footer')->add_html($top_link, 300); } // Render the resulting template. $this->clear_all_assign(); $this->assign_by_ref('view_links', $this->api->links('view')); $this->assign_by_ref('footer_links', $this->api->links('footer')); $this->render_php('footer.php.tmpl'); }
function get_html() { // This entire method is an evil hack. $post_url = new FreechURL('', $this->get_attribute('subject')); $post_url->set_var('action', 'read'); $post_url->set_var('msg_id', $this->get_attribute('id')); $post_url->set_var('forum_id', $this->get_attribute('forum_id')); $moderator_url = new FreechURL('', $this->get_moderator_name()); $moderator_url->set_var('action', 'user_profile'); $moderator_url->set_var('username', $this->get_moderator_name()); $mod_icon = htmlentities($this->get_moderator_icon()); $mod_groupname = htmlentities($this->get_moderator_group_name()); $mod_icon_html = "<img src='{$mod_icon}'" . " title='{$mod_groupname}' alt='{$mod_groupname}' />"; $mod_html = $moderator_url->get_html() . $mod_icon_html; $user_url = new FreechURL('', $this->get_attribute('username')); $user_url->set_var('action', 'user_profile'); $user_url->set_var('username', $this->get_attribute('username')); $user_name = htmlentities($this->get_attribute('username')); $user_icon = htmlentities($this->get_attribute('user_icon')); $user_groupname = htmlentities($this->get_attribute('user_groupname')); $user_icon_html = "<img src='{$user_icon}'" . " title='{$user_groupname}' alt='{$user_groupname}' />"; if ($this->get_attribute('user_groupname') == 'anonymous') { $user_html = $user_name . $user_icon_html; } else { $user_html = $user_url->get_html() . $user_icon_html; } $args = array('moderator_link' => $mod_html, 'posting_link' => $post_url->get_html(), 'posting_url' => $post_url->get_string(TRUE), 'user_link' => $user_html); $args = array_merge($args, $this->attributes); switch ($this->get_action()) { case 'lock_user': $text = _('[MODERATOR_LINK] has locked the account of "[USERNAME]".'); break; case 'unlock_user': $text = _('[MODERATOR_LINK] has unlocked the account of "[USERNAME]".'); break; case 'lock_posting': $text = _('[MODERATOR_LINK] has locked a' . ' <a href="[POSTING_URL]">posting</a> by [USER_LINK].'); break; case 'unlock_posting': $text = _('[MODERATOR_LINK] has unlocked the posting' . ' [POSTING_LINK] by [USER_LINK].'); break; case 'set_sticky': $text = _('[MODERATOR_LINK] has made the posting' . ' [POSTING_LINK] by [USER_LINK] sticky.'); break; case 'remove_sticky': $text = _('[MODERATOR_LINK] has removed the sticky from' . ' [POSTING_LINK] by [USER_LINK].'); break; case 'stub_posting': $text = _('[MODERATOR_LINK] has disabled responses to the posting' . ' [POSTING_LINK] by [USER_LINK].'); break; case 'unstub_posting': $text = _('[MODERATOR_LINK] has enabled responses to the posting' . ' [POSTING_LINK] by [USER_LINK].'); break; case 'move_thread': $text = _('[MODERATOR_LINK] has moved the thread' . ' [POSTING_LINK] by [USER_LINK].'); break; default: die('Unknown modlog action.'); } return replace_vars($text, $args); }