  * Prints rate json for a bring service.
  * Only available from admin.
  * @todo: refactor!!
 static function wp_ajax_get_rate()
     header('Content-type: application/json');
     $result = ['success' => false, 'rate' => null, 'packages' => null];
     if (isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['service'])) {
         $order = new WC_Order($_GET['post_id']);
         $items = $order->get_items();
         $fake_cart = [];
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $fake_cart[uniqid()] = ['quantity' => $item['qty'], 'data' => new WC_Product_Simple($item['product_id'])];
         //include( '../../common/class-fraktguiden-packer.php' );
         $packer = new Fraktguiden_Packer();
         $product_boxes = $packer->create_boxes($fake_cart);
         $packer->pack($product_boxes, true);
         $package_params = $packer->create_packages_params();
         //@todo: share / filter
         $standard_params = array('clientUrl' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'from' => Fraktguiden_Helper::get_option('from_zip'), 'fromCountry' => Fraktguiden_Helper::get_option('from_country'), 'to' => $order->shipping_postcode, 'toCountry' => $order->shipping_country, 'postingAtPostOffice' => Fraktguiden_Helper::get_option('post_office') == 'no' ? 'false' : 'true', 'additional' => Fraktguiden_Helper::get_option('evarsling') == 'yes' ? 'evarsling' : '');
         $params = array_merge($standard_params, $package_params);
         $url = add_query_arg($params, WC_Shipping_Method_Bring::SERVICE_URL);
         $url .= '&product=' . $_GET['service'];
         // Make the request.
         $request = new WP_Bring_Request();
         $response = $request->get($url);
         if ($response->status_code == 200) {
             $json = json_decode($response->get_body(), true);
             $service = $json['Product']['Price']['PackagePriceWithoutAdditionalServices'];
             $rate = Fraktguiden_Helper::get_option('vat') == 'exclude' ? $service['AmountWithoutVAT'] : $service['AmountWithVAT'];
             $result['success'] = true;
             $result['rate'] = $rate;
             $result['packages'] = json_encode($package_params);
     echo json_encode($result);
 public function pack_order($cart)
     $packer = new Fraktguiden_Packer();
     $product_boxes = $packer->create_boxes($cart);
     //      // Create an array of 'product boxes' (l,w,h,weight).
     //      $product_boxes = array();
     //      /** @var WC_Cart $cart */
     //      $cart = $woocommerce->cart;
     //      foreach ( $cart->get_cart() as $values ) {
     //        /** @var WC_Product $product */
     //        $product = $values['data'];
     //        if ( ! $product->needs_shipping() ) {
     //          continue;
     //        }
     //        $quantity = $values['quantity'];
     //        for ( $i = 0; $i < $quantity; $i++ ) {
     //          if ( ! $product->has_dimensions() ) {
     //            // If the product has no dimensions, assume the lowest unit 1x1x1 cm
     //            $dims = array( 0, 0, 0 );
     //          }
     //          else {
     //            $dims = array(
     //                $product->length,
     //                $product->width,
     //                $product->height
     //            );
     //          }
     //          // Workaround weird LAFFPack issue where the dimensions are expected in reverse order.
     //          rsort( $dims );
     //          $box = array(
     //              'length'          => $dims[0],
     //              'width'           => $dims[1],
     //              'height'          => $dims[2],
     //              'weight'          => $product->weight,
     //              'weight_in_grams' => $packer->get_weight( $product->weight ) // For $packer->exceeds_max_package_values only.
     //          );
     //          // Return if product is larger than available Bring packages.
     //          if ( $packer->exceeds_max_package_values( $box ) ) {
     //            return;
     //          }
     //          $product_boxes[] = $box;
     //        }
     //      }
     if (!$product_boxes) {
         return false;
     // Pack product boxes.
     $packer->pack($product_boxes, true);
     // Create the url.
     return $packer->create_packages_params();