コード例 #1
function arcmaj3_barrel_expire($barrelId)
    echo 'Expiring barrel ' . $barrelId . '...<br>' . "\n";
    $db = new FractureDB('futuqiur_arcmaj3');
    $db->updateColumn('am_urls', 'barrel', '0', 'barrel', $barrelId);
    $db->setField('am_barrels', 'status', '2', $barrelId);
    echo 'Expired barrel ' . $barrelId . '.<br>' . "\n";
コード例 #2
function arcmaj3_handler()
    #do things...
    if (Rq('amtask') == 'up') {
        echo 'Uploaded barrel received.';
        #Client has finished a barrel. Parse new URL list provided and add to URLs table. Mark barrel's original URLs as completed, excluding URLs that ran into problems. Mark barrel as finished.
        #For now, all that will be provided here is an Internet Archive identifier.
        #Check for duplicates. Add new unique URLs matching intake criteria (matching an existing project) to URLs table.
        //         $ulBarrel   = file_get_contents($_FILES['uploadedBarrelData']['tmp_name']);
        //         $ulFailed   = file_get_contents($_FILES['failedUrlData']['tmp_name']);
        $ulBarrel = preg_replace('/[\\n]+/', "\n", str_replace('\\nhttp://http://', 'http://', base64_decode(Rq('uploadedBarrelData'))));
        echo 'ulBarrel:' . "\n\n";
        echo "\n\n";
        echo "\n\n";
        $ulFailed = preg_replace('/[\\n]+/', "\n", base64_decode(Rq('failedUrlData')));
        $ulBarrel = str_replace("\r", "\n", $ulBarrel);
        $ulFailed = str_replace("\r", "\n", $ulFailed);
        $barrelData = explode("\n", $ulBarrel);
        echo "\n\n";
        $failedData = explode("\n", $ulFailed);
        $barrelId = $barrelData[0];
        $barrelUserName = $barrelData[1];
        $db = new FractureDB('arcmaj3');
        $urlsFinished = $db->getRows('am_urls', 'barrel', $barrelId);
        #Set status to 1. Set who to $barrelUserName.
        $db->setField('am_barrels', 'status', 1, $barrelId);
        $db->setField('am_barrels', 'who', $barrelUserName, $barrelId);
        foreach ($barrelData as $value) {
            #Add URL to URL list.
            $potentialProject = get_domain_simple($value);
            $projects = $db->getRow('am_projects', 'urlPattern', $potentialProject);
            $projectId = $projects['id'];
            if (strlen($projects['id']) !== 0) {
                $newUrlId = $db->addRow('am_urls', 'location, project, locationHashUnique', "'" . $value . "', '" . $projectId . "', '" . hash('sha512', $value) . "'");
        foreach ($urlsFinished as $value) {
            #Set completed to true.
            $db->setField('am_urls', 'completed', 1, $value);
        foreach ($failedData as $value) {
            #TODO: Increment failedAttempts, set completed to false, set barrel to 0
            $potentialProject = get_domain_simple($value);
            $projects = $db->getRow('am_projects', 'urlPattern', $potentialProject);
            $projectId = $projects['id'];
            $db->addRow('am_urls', 'location, project, locationHashUnique', "'" . $value . "', '" . $projectId . "', '" . hash('sha512', $value) . "'");
            $failedRowIdRecord = $db->getRow('am_urls', 'location', $value);
            $failedRowId = $failedRowIdRecord['id'];
            echo "\n\nWorking with failed row {$value}, ID {$failedRowId}";
            $currentFailed = $db->getField('am_urls', 'failedAttempts', $failedRowId);
            $db->setField('am_urls', 'failedAttempts', $currentFailed, $failedRowId);
            $db->setField('am_urls', 'completed', 0, $failedRowId);
            $db->setField('am_urls', 'barrel', 0, $failedRowId);
    } else {
        if (Rq('amtask') == 'down') {
            #Client wants a barrel. Compile random URLs from the URL table of unfinished URLs and create a barrel. Mark the URLs as taken. Add barrel to barrels table.
            #For now, choose an uncompleted URL from the table, and send it.
            #Number of URLs per bucket:
            $urlsPerBucket = 50;
            #Barrel format 0.1:
            $db = new FractureDB('arcmaj3');
            #Make a new barrel.
            $newBarrelId = $db->addRow('am_barrels', 'status, who, dateAssigned', "'0', '" . Rq('userName') . "', '" . date('Y') . "-" . date('m') . "-" . date('d') . "'");
            echo $newBarrelId . "\n";
            $urlCounter = 0;
            while ($urlCounter < $urlsPerBucket) {
                $rowToReturn = $db->getRandomRow('am_urls', 'barrel', '0');
                $db->setField('am_urls', 'barrel', $newBarrelId, $rowToReturn['id']);
                #echo $rowToReturn['id'].','.$rowToReturn['location'];
                #Barrel format 0.11:
                echo $rowToReturn['location'] . "\n";
            // echo "http://drive.google.com/\n";
            // echo "http://wretch.cc/\n";
            // echo "http://example.com/\n";
            // echo "http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.mail.squirrelmail.plugins/9672\n";
            // echo "http://futuramerlin.com\n";
            // echo "http://archive.org\n";
            // echo "https://archive.org\n";
        } else {
            if (Rq('amtask') == 'expireBarrel') {
                $db = new FractureDB('arcmaj3');
                $barrelId = Rq('barrelId');
                $db->updateColumn('am_urls', 'barrel', '0', 'barrel', $barrelId);
                $db->setField('am_barrels', 'status', '2', $barrelId);
                echo 'Expired barrel ' . $barrelId . '.';
            } else {
                echo 'Unrecognized operation';