function normalizeData() { // From the PFO spec $this->removeObsoleteSettings(); $this->fetchData($this->getID()); $projects = $this->getLinkedProjects(); $new_sa = array(); $new_pa = array(); // Add missing settings // ...project-wide settings if (USE_PFO_RBAC) { $arr = array('project_read', 'project_admin', 'frs', 'scm', 'docman', 'tracker_admin', 'new_tracker', 'forum_admin', 'new_forum', 'pm_admin', 'new_pm', 'webcal'); foreach ($projects as $p) { foreach ($arr as $section) { $this->normalizePermsForSection($new_pa, $section, $p->getID()); } } $this->normalizePermsForSection($new_pa, 'forge_admin', -1); $this->normalizePermsForSection($new_pa, 'approve_projects', -1); $this->normalizePermsForSection($new_pa, 'approve_news', -1); $this->normalizePermsForSection($new_pa, 'forge_stats', -1); } else { $arr = array('projectadmin', 'frs', 'scm', 'docman', 'forumadmin', 'trackeradmin', 'newtracker', 'pmadmin', 'newpm', 'webcal'); foreach ($arr as $section) { $this->normalizeDataForSection($new_sa, $section); } } $hook_params = array(); $hook_params['role'] =& $this; $hook_params['new_sa'] =& $new_sa; $hook_params['new_pa'] =& $new_pa; plugin_hook("role_normalize", $hook_params); // ...tracker-related settings $new_sa['tracker'] = array(); $new_pa['tracker'] = array(); foreach ($projects as $p) { $atf = new ArtifactTypeFactory($p); $trackerids = $atf->getAllArtifactTypeIds(); foreach ($trackerids as $tid) { if (USE_PFO_RBAC) { if (array_key_exists('tracker', $this->perms_array) && array_key_exists($tid, $this->perms_array['tracker'])) { $new_pa['tracker'][$tid] = $this->perms_array['tracker'][$tid]; } elseif (array_key_exists('new_tracker', $this->perms_array) && array_key_exists($p->getID(), $this->perms_array['new_tracker'])) { $new_pa['tracker'][$tid] = $new_pa['new_tracker'][$p->getID()]; } } else { if (array_key_exists('tracker', $this->setting_array) && array_key_exists($tid, $this->setting_array['tracker'])) { $new_sa['tracker'][$tid] = $this->setting_array['tracker'][$tid]; } else { $new_sa['tracker'][$tid] = $new_sa['newtracker'][0]; } } } } // settings $new_sa['forum'] = array(); $new_pa['forum'] = array(); foreach ($projects as $p) { $ff = new ForumFactory($p); $fids = $ff->getAllForumIds(); foreach ($fids as $fid) { if (USE_PFO_RBAC) { if (array_key_exists('forum', $this->perms_array) && array_key_exists($fid, $this->perms_array['forum'])) { $new_pa['forum'][$fid] = $this->perms_array['forum'][$fid]; } elseif (array_key_exists('new_forum', $this->perms_array) && array_key_exists($p->getID(), $this->perms_array['new_forum'])) { $new_pa['forum'][$fid] = $new_pa['new_forum'][$p->getID()]; } } else { if (array_key_exists('forum', $this->setting_array) && array_key_exists($fid, $this->setting_array['forum'])) { $new_sa['forum'][$fid] = $this->setting_array['forum'][$fid]; } else { $new_sa['forum'][$fid] = $new_sa['newforum'][0]; } } } } // settings $new_sa['pm'] = array(); $new_pa['pm'] = array(); foreach ($projects as $p) { $pgf = new ProjectGroupFactory($p); $pgids = $pgf->getAllProjectGroupIds(); foreach ($pgids as $gid) { if (USE_PFO_RBAC) { if (array_key_exists('pm', $this->perms_array) && array_key_exists($gid, $this->perms_array['pm'])) { $new_pa['pm'][$gid] = $this->perms_array['pm'][$gid]; } elseif (array_key_exists('new_pm', $this->perms_array) && array_key_exists($p->getID(), $this->perms_array['new_pm'])) { $new_pa['pm'][$gid] = $new_pa['new_pm'][$p->getID()]; } } else { if (array_key_exists('pm', $this->setting_array) && array_key_exists($gid, $this->setting_array['pm'])) { $new_sa['pm'][$gid] = $this->setting_array['pm'][$gid]; } else { $new_sa['pm'][$gid] = $new_sa['newpm'][0]; } } } } // Save if (USE_PFO_RBAC) { $this->update($this->getName(), $new_pa, false); } else { $this->update($this->getName(), $new_sa); } return true; }
function delete($sure, $really_sure, $really_really_sure) { if (!$sure || !$really_sure || !$really_really_sure) { $this->setMissingParamsError(); return false; } if ($this->getID() == $GLOBALS['sys_news_group'] || $this->getID() == 1 || $this->getID() == $GLOBALS['sys_stats_group'] || $this->getID() == $GLOBALS['sys_peer_rating_group']) { $this->setError(_('Cannot Delete System Group')); return false; } $perm =& $this->getPermission(session_get_user()); if (!$perm || !is_object($perm)) { $this->setPermissionDeniedError(); return false; } elseif ($perm->isError()) { $this->setPermissionDeniedError(); return false; } elseif (!$perm->isSuperUser()) { $this->setPermissionDeniedError(); return false; } db_begin(); // // Remove all the members // $members =& $this->getMembers(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($members); $i++) { $this->removeUser($members[$i]->getID()); } // // Delete Trackers // $atf = new ArtifactTypeFactory($this); $at_arr =& $atf->getArtifactTypes(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($at_arr); $i++) { if (!is_object($at_arr[$i])) { printf(_("Not Object: ArtifactType: %d"), $i); continue; } $at_arr[$i]->delete(1, 1); } // // Delete Forums // $ff = new ForumFactory($this); $f_arr =& $ff->getForums(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($f_arr); $i++) { if (!is_object($f_arr[$i])) { printf(_("Not Object: Forum: %d"), $i); continue; } $f_arr[$i]->delete(1, 1); //echo 'ForumFactory'.db_error(); } // // Delete Subprojects // $pgf = new ProjectGroupFactory($this); $pg_arr =& $pgf->getProjectGroups(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($pg_arr); $i++) { if (!is_object($pg_arr[$i])) { printf(_("Not Object: ProjectGroup: %d"), $i); continue; } $pg_arr[$i]->delete(1, 1); //echo 'ProjectGroupFactory'.db_error(); } // // Delete FRS Packages // //$frspf = new FRSPackageFactory($this); $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM frs_package WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); //echo 'frs_package'.db_error(); //$frsp_arr =& $frspf->getPackages(); while ($arr = db_fetch_array($res)) { //if (!is_object($pg_arr[$i])) { // echo "Not Object: ProjectGroup: ".$i; // continue; //} $frsp = new FRSPackage($this, $arr['package_id'], $arr); $frsp->delete(1, 1); } // // Delete news // $news_group =& group_get_object($GLOBALS['sys_news_group']); $res = db_query("SELECT forum_id FROM news_bytes WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); for ($i = 0; $i < db_numrows($res); $i++) { $Forum = new Forum($news_group, db_result($res, $i, 'forum_id')); if (!$Forum->delete(1, 1)) { printf(_("Could Not Delete News Forum: %d"), $Forum->getID()); } } $res = db_query("DELETE FROM news_bytes WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); // // Delete docs // $res = db_query("DELETE FROM doc_data WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); //echo 'doc_data'.db_error(); $res = db_query("DELETE FROM doc_groups WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); //echo 'doc_groups'.db_error(); // // Delete group history // $res = db_query("DELETE FROM group_history WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); //echo 'group_history'.db_error(); // // Delete group plugins // $res = db_query("DELETE FROM group_plugin WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); //echo 'group_plugin'.db_error(); // // Delete group cvs stats // $res = db_query("DELETE FROM stats_cvs_group WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); //echo 'stats_cvs_group'.db_error(); // // Delete Surveys // $sf = new SurveyFactory($this); $s_arr =& $sf->getSurveys(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($s_arr); $i++) { if (!is_object($s_arr[$i])) { printf(_("Not Object: Survey: %d"), $i); continue; } $s_arr[$i]->delete(); //echo 'SurveyFactory'.db_error(); } // // Delete SurveyQuestions // $sqf = new SurveyQuestionFactory($this); $sq_arr =& $sqf->getSurveyQuestions(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($sq_arr); $i++) { if (!is_object($sq_arr[$i])) { printf(_("Not Object: SurveyQuestion: %d"), $i); continue; } $sq_arr[$i]->delete(); //echo 'SurveyQuestionFactory'.db_error(); } // // Delete Mailing List Factory // $mlf = new MailingListFactory($this); $ml_arr =& $mlf->getMailingLists(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ml_arr); $i++) { if (!is_object($ml_arr[$i])) { printf(_("Not Object: MailingList: %d"), $i); continue; } if (!$ml_arr[$i]->delete(1, 1)) { $this->setError(_('Could not properly delete the mailing list')); } //echo 'MailingListFactory'.db_error(); } // // Delete trove // $res = db_query("DELETE FROM trove_group_link WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); $res = db_query("DELETE FROM trove_agg WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); // // Delete counters // $res = db_query("DELETE FROM project_sums_agg WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); //echo 'project_sums_agg'.db_error(); $res = db_query("INSERT INTO deleted_groups (\n\t\tunix_group_name,delete_date,isdeleted) VALUES \n\t\t('" . $this->getUnixName() . "','" . time() . "','0')"); //echo 'InsertIntoDeleteQueue'.db_error(); $res = db_query("DELETE FROM groups WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); //echo 'DeleteGroup'.db_error(); db_commit(); if (!$res) { return false; } $hook_params = array(); $hook_params['group'] = $this; $hook_params['group_id'] = $this->getID(); plugin_hook("group_delete", $hook_params); if (isset($GLOBALS['sys_upload_dir']) && $this->getUnixName()) { exec('/bin/rm -rf ' . $GLOBALS['sys_upload_dir'] . '/' . $this->getUnixName() . '/'); } if (isset($GLOBALS['sys_ftp_upload_dir']) && $this->getUnixName()) { exec('/bin/rm -rf ' . $GLOBALS['sys_ftp_upload_dir'] . '/' . $this->getUnixName() . '/'); } // // Delete reporting // $res = db_query("DELETE FROM rep_group_act_weekly WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); //echo 'rep_group_act_weekly'.db_error(); $res = db_query("DELETE FROM rep_group_act_monthly WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); //echo 'rep_group_act_monthly'.db_error(); $res = db_query("DELETE FROM rep_group_act_daily WHERE group_id='" . $this->getID() . "'"); //echo 'rep_group_act_daily'.db_error(); unset($this->data_array); return true; }