コード例 #1

require_once './classes/cats.class.php';
$ts = new Cats($db);
#create form object
$cats = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_categories');
$cats->forceTypes(array('id', 'value'), array('hidden', 'varchar'));
#custom labels
$cats->labelFields(array('value'), array('Category *'));
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$cats->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$cats->validateField("value", "required");
$cats->uniqueField("value", "This Category Name Already Exists");
#set default values
$cats->setDefaultValue('id', $ts->getCatNo());
//set all output to be returned instead of printed
$cats->returnOutput = true;
if (!isset($_POST['submit']) || isset($_POST['submit']) && $cats->submitForm(false) == -1) {
    $catsForm = $cats->printForm();
    $smarty->assign('cats', $catsForm);
} else {
    #$smarty->assign('client_no', $client_no);
    #submit msg
    $smarty->assign('updateMsg', $cats->submitMsg);
    #$content	= $smarty->fetch( "./main/allergy/reg_allergy_group.tpl.html" );
    #unset prevPath
$content = $smarty->fetch("./cats/main.reg_category.tpl.html");
コード例 #2

#create form object
$staff = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_users');
#set primary key field
#set encryption key
#set identifier field
#unique username
$staff->uniqueField('username', "This Username already exists");
$staff->forceTypes(array('identifier', 'password', 'reg_date'), array('hidden', 'password', 'hidden'));
$staff->forceTypes(array('change_password', 'account_status'), array('hidden', 'hidden'));
#custom labels
$staff->labelFields(array('firstname', 'lastname'), array('First Name *', 'Last Name *'));
$staff->labelFields(array('username', 'password'), array('User Name *', 'Password *'));
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$staff->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$staff->validateField("firstname", "required");
$staff->validateField("lastname", "required");
$staff->validateField("username", "required");
$staff->validateField("password", "required");
#set default values
$staff->setDefaultValue('reg_date', date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$staff->setDefaultValue('change_password', 'Yes');
$staff->setDefaultValue('account_status', 'Active');
//set all output to be returned instead of printed
コード例 #3

require_once './classes/security.class.php';
$security = new Security($db);
#create form object
$sec = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_profiles');
$sec->forceTypes(array('profile_id'), array('hidden'));
#custom labels
$sec->labelField('profile', 'Profile Name *');
$sec->labelField('remarks', 'Remarks i.e Describe the Profile');
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$sec->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$sec->validateField("profile", "required");
$sec->validateField("remarks", "required");
$sec->uniqueField("profile", "This Profile Name Already Exists");
#set default values
$sec->setDefaultValue('profile_id', $security->getProfileId());
#submit msg
$sec->msg_insertSuccess = "A new profile called {$_POST['profile']} was created.";
//set all output to be returned instead of printed
$sec->returnOutput = true;
if (!isset($_POST['submit']) || isset($_POST['submit']) && $sec->submitForm(false) == -1) {
    $secForm = $sec->printForm();
    $smarty->assign('sec', $secForm);
} else {
    $smarty->assign('updateMsg', $sec->submitMsg);
    #unset prevPath
$content = $smarty->fetch("./security/tm0.security.create_profile.tpl.html");
コード例 #4
if (!isset($_POST['submit']) || isset($_POST['submit']) && $newForm->submitForm() == -1) {
if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
//hide primary key field, force a few field types
$newForm->forceTypes(array("foods", "day_of_week"), array("checkbox", "radio"));
//get data pairs from another table
$newForm->normalizedField("toon", "formitable_toons", "ID", "name", "pkey ASC");
//set custom field labels
$newForm->labelFields(array("f_name", "l_name", "description", "pets", "foods", "color", "day_of_week", "b_day", "toon"), array("First Name", "Last Name", "About Yourself", "Your Pets", "Favorite Foods", "Favorite Color", "Favorite Day", "Your Birthday", "Favorite Cartoon"));
$newForm->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Input is required.");
$newForm->validateField("f_name", "required");
$newForm->uniqueField("f_name", "fname is already registered.");
echo isset($newForm->validate[f_name]);
//output form
#$newForm = @mysql_list_fields($DB, "formitable_demo", @mysql_connect("localhost",$user,$pass));

コード例 #5
$newForm->labelField("Password_verify", "Verify Password");
//don't output field sets (<fieldset> tag)
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$newForm->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Input is required.");
$newForm->registerValidation("valid_email", '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{2,50}@[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.?]+$', "Invalid email address.");
$newForm->registerValidation("uspostal", "^[0-9]{5}(-?[0-9]{4})?\$", "Invalid US Postal Code.");
$newForm->registerValidation("currency_us", "^([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]{2})?)?\$", "Use dollar amount only.");
$newForm->registerValidation("six_chars", ".{6,}", "Enter at least six characters.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$newForm->validateField("FName", "required");
$newForm->validateField("Email", "valid_email");
$newForm->validateField("Donation_Amount", "currency_us");
$newForm->validateField("Password", "six_chars");
//require the email field to be unique in the database (doesn't already exist)
$newForm->uniqueField("Email", "Email is already registered.");
//set custom success message for update (after last page)
$newForm->msg_updateSuccess = "<center><div style=\"width:455; padding:15px; background-color:#F1F3F3;\">\n<p>Registration is now complete. Thanks for joining!</p></div></center>";
//set an encryption key so the record ID is encrypted to prevent tampering
//retrieve record if get ID or post pkeyID
if (isset($_GET['ID'])) {
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['pkey'])) {
        $newForm->getRecord($_POST['pkey'], isset($newForm->rc4key));
//output a feedback box at the top, and a line above each invalid field
コード例 #6

#create form object
$staff = new Formitable($db, 'sionapros_newsletter_receipient');
#set primary key field
#set encryption key
#set identifier field
#unique username
$staff->uniqueField('email', "This Email Address already exists");
$staff->forceTypes(array('id'), array('hidden'));
#custom labels
$staff->labelFields(array('fname', 'lname', 'email'), array('First Name *', 'Last Name *', 'Email Address *'));
//set up regular expressions for field validation
$staff->registerValidation("required", ".+", "Field MUST be filled in please.");
//set up fields for validation using regexs above
$staff->validateField("firstname", "required");
$staff->validateField("lastname", "required");
$staff->validateField("email", "required");
//set all output to be returned instead of printed
$staff->returnOutput = true;
//test for last page and no errors to submit form, otherwise start form
if (@$_POST['formitable_multipage'] != "end" || isset($staff->errMsg)) {
    $staffOpen = $staff->openForm();
    $smarty->assign('staffOpen', $staffOpen);
} else {