コード例 #1
<?php /* Date de création: 29/01/2009*/ 
if ($numpara) {
	$laForma=new Formation();


$laPage = new Page();
//setlocale(LC_ALL, "french");
if ($laPage->nomPageGoogle) { 
<div class="item" id="<?php if ($laPage->C0) echo "coltexte585"; else if ($laPage->C1) echo "coltexte385";?>"> 
		   <div class="sap-content">
				<!-- item 1 585 pixels wide -->
				<p class="<?php if ($laPage->C0) echo "titre585"; else if ($laPage->C1) echo "titre385";?>"><?=$laPage->titrePage?></p>
  if (!$action)  {
	  <legend>S'inscrire à la formation<br />
	"<?=$laForma->titrePara?>"</legend><br />
		   <label for="name"></label>
		   <strong>Vous avez un compte IFIP ? Identifiez-vous :</strong>
		<br />
		<br />
コード例 #2

/* Date de cration: 18/12/2008 */
if ($numpara) {
    //on est en modification
    $modifForm = new Formation();
    $modifForm->numpara = $numpara;

<div class="item" id="coltexteAdmin">
	<div class="sap-content">
		<div class="TabbedPanels">
 			 <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
  				  <div class="TabbedPanelsContent"> 
if ($numpara) {
    echo "Modifier la formation";
} else {
    echo "Ajouter une formation";
				      <label for="name">Titre<em>*</em> :</label>
				      <input type="text" id="name" name="textTitre" value="<?php 
echo $modifForm->titrePara;
コード例 #3
  * Affiche les formations
 function afficherFormations()
     if ($this->type == "categ") {
         $result = mysql_query("SELECT if_para_categ.numpara FROM if_para_categ, if_v_form WHERE numcateg='{$this->nummenu}' AND if_para_categ.numpara=if_v_form.numpara AND if_v_form.enligne='o' {$this->tri_date}");
         // Requ&ecirc;te pour afficher les formations liées aux categ et sous-categ dans le contenu associé &agrave; droite
     } else {
         if ($this->type == "categorie") {
             if ($this->nummenu) {
                 $result = mysql_query("SELECT if_para_categ.numpara FROM if_para_categ, if_categorie, if_v_form WHERE if_para_categ.numpara=if_v_form.numpara AND if_categorie.numcateg='{$this->nummenu}' AND  if_para_categ.numcateg=if_categorie.numcateg AND if_v_form.enligne='o' {$this->tri_date} ORDER BY date_deb");
             } else {
                 $result = mysql_query("SELECT if_para_categ.numpara FROM if_para_categ, if_v_form WHERE if_para_categ.numpara=if_v_form.numpara AND if_v_form.enligne='o' GROUP BY if_para_categ.numpara ORDER BY date_deb");
             // Requ&ecirc;te utilisée par le moteur de recherche formations-ifip.php (site public)
         } else {
             if ($this->type == "sscateg") {
                 $result = mysql_query("SELECT if_para_sscateg.numpara FROM if_para_sscateg, if_v_form WHERE numsscateg='{$this->nummenu}' AND if_para_sscateg.numpara=if_v_form.numpara AND if_v_form.enligne='o' {$this->tri_date}");
                 // Requ&ecirc;te utilisée par le moteur de recherche formations-ifip.php (site public)
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
         $laForma = new Formation();
         $laForma->numpara = $row[0];
         $this->listforma[] = $laForma;
     if (count($this->listforma) >= 1) {
         return true;
コード例 #4
  * affiche la liste des paragraphes 
  * @return si on voit les docs on retourne le nombre de doc, sinon on retourne le nombre de paragraphes
 function afficherListeParas()
     //requete sql
     if ($this->numpage) {
         // Liste des paragraphes li&eacute;s &agrave; la page
         if (isset($this->colonne)) {
             $fin_req = "AND colonne='{$this->colonne}'";
         $result = mysql_query("SELECT numpara FROM if_page_para WHERE numpage='{$this->numpage}' {$fin_req} ORDER BY ordre");
         //echo "SELECT numpara FROM if_page_para WHERE numpage='$this->numpage' $fin_req ORDER BY ordre<br/>";
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
             $unPara = new Paragraphe();
             $unPara->numpara = $row[0];
             $unPara->numpage = $this->numpage;
             $this->paras[] = $unPara;
         //fin du while
     } else {
         if ($this->formation) {
             // Liste des formations IFIP
             $result = mysql_query("SELECT numpara FROM if_v_form {$this->tri_date}");
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                 $unPara = new Formation();
                 $unPara->numpara = $row[0];
                 $this->paras[] = $unPara;
             //fin du while
         } else {
             if ($this->doc) {
                 // Liste des docs IFIP
                 $result = mysql_query("SELECT numpara FROM if_v_doc {$this->req_doc}");
                 while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                     $unPara = new Documentation();
                     $unPara->numpara = $row[0];
                     if ($this->docvcourte) {
                     } else {
                     $this->paras[] = $unPara;
                     //mise en commentaire HC sept. 2009 - on refait un tri sur le champ date
                     //usort($this->paras, 'trierDocs');//tri sur le tableau d'ojets Documentation (sur anneeDoc cr&eacute;&eacute;e dans InfosDoc)
                 //fin du while
                 if ($this->docvcourte) {
                     $this->nbdocs = count($this->paras);
                     $this->paras = array_slice($this->paras, $this->borneinf, $this->bornesup);
                     // troncage du tableau
             } else {
                 if ($this->breve) {
                     // Liste des br&egrave;ves internationales IFIP
                     $result = mysql_query("SELECT numpara FROM if_v_breve {$this->req_breve}");
                     while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                         $unPara = new Breve();
                         $unPara->numpara = $row[0];
                         $this->paras[] = $unPara;
                     //fin du while
                 } else {
                     if ($this->actu) {
                         // Liste des br&egrave;ves d'actualit&eacute;s IFIP
                         $result = mysql_query("SELECT numpara FROM if_v_actu {$this->req_actu}");
                         while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                             $unPara = new Actualite();
                             $unPara->numpara = $row[0];
                             $this->paras[] = $unPara;
                         //fin du while
                     } else {
                         // Liste de tous les paragraphes (pour choisir un paragraphe &agrave; associer lors de la cr&eacute;ation ou modification de la page sauf les paragraphes de type Formation et de type Doc
                         $result = mysql_query("SELECT numpara FROM if_paragraphe WHERE numpara NOT IN (SELECT numpara FROM if_v_form) AND NOT IN (SELECT numpara FROM if_v_doc)");
                         while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                             $unPara = new Paragraphe();
                             $unPara->numpara = $row[0];
                             $unPara->numpage = $this->numpage;
                             $this->paras[] = $unPara;
                         //fin du while
     if ($this->docvcourte) {
         return $this->nbdocs;
     } else {
         return count($this->paras);