コード例 #1
 public function pagesAction()
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $slug = $this->getRequest()->getParam("slug");
     $userArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . USERS . " where user_id = '" . $mySession->LoggedUserId . "' ");
     $sql = "select * from " . PAGES1 . " where synonyms = '{$slug}'";
     $staticArr = $db->runQuery($sql);
     $strContent = str_replace("[SITEURL]", APPLICATION_URL, $staticArr[0]['page_content']);
     $strContent = str_replace("[FULLNAME]", $userArr[0]['email_address'], $strContent);
     if (!isLogged()) {
         $strContent = str_replace("[LOGINMSG]", "<a href='" . APPLICATION_URL . "/signin'>click here</a> to Login", $strContent);
     } else {
         $strContent = str_replace("[LOGINMSG]", "", $strContent);
     $this->view->pageContent = $strContent;
     $this->view->pageTitle = $staticArr[0]['page_title'];
     $this->view->page_id = $staticArr[0]['page_id'];
     if ($staticArr[0]['page_id'] == '12' || $staticArr[0]['page_id'] == '63') {
         $myform = new Form_Contact();
         $this->view->myform = $myform;
     if ($staticArr[0]['page_id'] == '80') {
         $myform = new Form_Ocontact();
         $this->view->myform = $myform;
     $varsuccess = 0;
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         $dataForm = $myform->getValues();
         if ($myform->isValid($request->getPost())) {
             $dataForm = $myform->getValues();
             if ($dataForm['captcha'] == $_SESSION['captcha']) {
                 $myObj = new Users();
                 if ($staticArr[0]['page_id'] == '80') {
                     $Result = $myObj->ownercontactus($dataForm);
                 } else {
                     $Result = $myObj->contactus($dataForm);
                 $mySession->sucessMsg = "Thank you, You will soon be contacted";
                 $varsuccess = 1;
             } else {
                 $mySession->errorMsg = "Human Verification code is wrong";
     $this->view->myform = $myform;
     $this->view->varsuccess = $varsuccess;
コード例 #2
 public function previewAction()
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $varsuccess = '0';
     $tab = $this->getRequest()->getParam("property");
     $ppty_id = $this->getRequest()->getParam("ppty");
     $this->view->ppty_id = $ppty_id;
     $propertyArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . COUNTRIES . " on " . COUNTRIES . ".country_id = " . PROPERTY . ".country_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . PROPERTY_TYPE . " on " . PROPERTY . ".property_type = " . PROPERTY_TYPE . ".ptyle_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . STATE . "  on " . STATE . ".state_id = " . PROPERTY . ".state_id\n         \t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . CITIES . " on " . CITIES . ".city_id = " . PROPERTY . ".city_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . SUB_AREA . " on " . SUB_AREA . ".sub_area_id = " . PROPERTY . ".sub_area_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . LOCAL_AREA . " on " . LOCAL_AREA . ".local_area_id = " . PROPERTY . ".local_area_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . GALLERY . " on " . GALLERY . ".property_id = " . PROPERTY . ".id \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  where " . PROPERTY . ".id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ");
     //========== Fetching Meta Information ===========================//
     $metaArr = $db->runQuery("select meta_title, meta_keyword, meta_description from  " . META_INFO . " where meta_id = 4");
     $Title = str_replace('[PAGE_NAME]', $staticArr[0]['page_title'], $metaArr[0]['meta_title']);
     $Description = $metaArr[0]['meta_title'];
     $Description = str_replace('[BREADCRUMB]', $Breadcrumb, $Description);
     $Description = str_replace('[BED]', $propertyArr[0]['bedrooms'] > 1 ? $propertyArr[0]['bedrooms'] . ' beds' : $propertyArr[0]['bedrooms'] . ' bed', $Description);
     $Description = str_replace('[PROPERTY_TYPE]', $propertyArr[0]['ptyle_name'], $Description);
     $Description = str_replace('[PROPERTY_NO]', $propertyArr[0]['propertycode'], $Description);
     $this->view->headMeta('description', $Description);
     //code to check tab
     switch ($tab) {
         case '':
         case 'overview':
             $this->view->tab = '1';
             $this->view->property = "overview";
             $this->view->ppty_tab1 = 'class="active"';
             $amenityData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . AMENITY . " as a inner join " . AMENITY_ANS . " as aa on a.amenity_id = aa.amenity_id where aa.property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' and aa.amenity_value ='1' and a.amenity_status = '1' ");
             $this->view->amenityData = $amenityData;
         case 'specification':
             $this->view->tab = '2';
             $this->view->property = "specification";
             $this->view->ppty_tab2 = 'class="active"';
             $specArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPECIFICATION . " as s inner join " . PROPERTY_SPEC_CAT . " as psc on s.cat_id = psc.cat_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  where psc.cat_status = '1' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  and s.status = '1' order by psc.cat_id, s.spec_order asc\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  ");
             $category_temp = "";
             $i = 0;
             $t = 0;
             $finalArr[0]['category'][0] = "";
             $cat_counter = 0;
             $bathroom_counter = 0;
             $xcounter = 0;
             $max = 0;
             foreach ($specArr as $key => $value) {
                 if ($finalArr[$cat_counter]['category'] != $value['cat_name']) {
                     if ($i > 0) {
                     $finalArr[$cat_counter]['category'] = $value['cat_name'];
                     $t = 0;
                 $selectOptionArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPEC_CHILD . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t inner join " . SPEC_ANS . " on " . SPEC_ANS . ".answer = " . SPEC_CHILD . ".cid\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where " . SPEC_ANS . ".spec_id = '" . $value['spec_id'] . "' and " . SPEC_ANS . ".property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ");
                 if ($value['spec_id'] == '22' || $value['spec_id'] == '23' || $value['spec_id'] == '24') {
                     foreach ($selectOptionArr as $key1 => $value1) {
                         $array1 = explode('|||', $value1['answer']);
                         $max = count($array1) > $max ? count($array1) : $max;
                         $x = 0;
                         foreach ($array1 as $keybath => $bath) {
                             /* 														echo "select ".SPEC_CHILD.".option from ".SPEC_CHILD." where cid = '".$bath."' "; exit; */
                             $bathArr = $db->runQuery("select " . SPEC_CHILD . ".option from " . SPEC_CHILD . " where cid = '" . $bath . "' ");
                             /* if(count($bathArr) == 0)
                                 $bathroom[$keybath][] = "";
                             foreach ($bathArr as $ckey => $calue) {
                                 if ($value['spec_id'] == '24') {
                                     //echo $xcounter;
                                     $bathroom[$xcounter][] = $calue['option'];
                                 } else {
                                     $bathroom[$keybath][] = $calue['option'];
                         foreach ($array1 as $keybath => $bath) {
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['ques'][$keybath] = $value['spec_display'] . " " . ($keybath + 1);
                         $finalArr[$cat_counter]['answer'] = $bathroom;
                         if ($value['spec_id'] == '24') {
                 } else {
                     if ($max != 0) {
                         $t = $t + $max;
                     $max = 0;
                     if ($value['spec_type'] == '2' || $value['spec_type'] == '3') {
                         $selectOptionArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPEC_ANS . "  where " . SPEC_ANS . ".spec_id = '" . $value['spec_id'] . "' and " . SPEC_ANS . ".property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ");
                         /* 			prd($selectOptionArr); */
                         if ($selectOptionArr[0]['answer'] != "") {
                             $j = 0;
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['ques'][$t] = $value['spec_display'];
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['ticklist'][$t] = '0';
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['answer'][$t][0] = $selectOptionArr[0]['answer'];
                             $selectOptionArr = array();
                         } else {
                     } elseif ($value['preview_display'] == '1' || count($selectOptionArr) > 0) {
                         $finalArr[$cat_counter]['ques'][$t] = $value['spec_display'];
                         if ($value['spec_type'] == '4') {
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['ticklist'][$t] = '1';
                         } else {
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['ticklist'][$t] = '0';
                     } else {
                     $j = 0;
                     if (count($selectOptionArr) > 0) {
                         foreach ($selectOptionArr as $key1 => $value1) {
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['answer'][$t][$j] = $value1['option'];
             /* prd($finalArr); */
             /* $specArr = $db->runQuery("select * from ".SPECIFICATION." 
                inner join ".SPEC_CHILD." on ".SPEC_CHILD.".spec_id = ".SPECIFICATION.".spec_id
                inner join ".SPEC_ANS." on ".SPEC_ANS.".answer = ".SPEC_CHILD.".cid
                where ".SPEC_ANS.".property_id = ".$ppty_id."
                "); */
             $this->view->specArr = $finalArr;
         case 'location':
             $this->view->tab = '3';
             $this->view->property = "location";
             $this->view->ppty_tab3 = 'class="active"';
         case 'availability':
             $this->view->tab = '4';
             $this->view->property = "availability";
             $this->view->cal_default = $propertyArr[0]['cal_default'];
             $this->view->ppty_tab4 = 'class="active"';
             $calArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . CAL_AVAIL . " where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ");
             $this->view->calArr = $calArr;
             $next = $this->getRequest()->getParam("cal");
             if ($next != "") {
                 $this->view->nexts = $next;
             } else {
                 $this->view->nexts = 0;
         case 'rental':
             $this->view->tab = '5';
             $this->view->property = "rental";
             $this->view->ppty_tab5 = 'class="active"';
             $option_extra = $db->runQuery("select ename, (select exchange_rate from " . CURRENCY . " where " . CURRENCY . ".currency_code = (select currency_code from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ))*eprice as eprice,etype,stay_type  from " . EXTRAS . " where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ");
             $this->view->option_extra = $option_extra;
             $calArr = $db->runQuery("select (select exchange_rate from " . CURRENCY . " where " . CURRENCY . ".currency_code = (select currency_code from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $ppty_id . "') )*prate as prate,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t     nights,date_to,date_from from " . CAL_RATE . "  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where property_id = " . $ppty_id . "  order by date_from asc ");
             $this->view->calData = $calArr;
             $spclArr = $db->runQuery("select *, " . SPCL_OFFER_TYPES . ".min_nights as MIN_NIGHTS from " . SPCL_OFFERS . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . SPCL_OFFER_TYPES . " on " . SPCL_OFFERS . ".offer_id = " . SPCL_OFFER_TYPES . ".id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  where " . SPCL_OFFERS . ".property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  and " . SPCL_OFFERS . ".activate = '1'  and " . SPCL_OFFERS . ".book_by >= curdate() ");
             $this->view->spclData = $spclArr;
         case 'gallery':
             $this->view->tab = '6';
             $this->view->property = "gallery";
             $this->view->ppty_tab6 = 'class="active"';
             $galleryArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . GALLERY . "  where property_id = " . $ppty_id);
             $this->view->galleryArr = $galleryArr;
         case 'reviews':
             $this->view->tab = '7';
             $this->view->property = "review";
             $this->view->ppty_tab7 = 'class="active"';
             $reviewArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . OWNER_REVIEW . " as r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join " . PROPERTY . " as p on p.id = r.property_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join " . USERS . " as u on u.user_id = p.user_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere r.property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' and r.review_status = '1' order by r.review_id desc ");
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($reviewArr as $val) {
                 if ($val['parent_id'] == 0) {
                     $childArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . OWNER_REVIEW . " where parent_id = '" . $val['review_id'] . "' ");
                     $reviewData[$i]['review_id'] = $val['review_id'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['uType'] = $val['uType'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['guest_name'] = $val['guest_name'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['owner_image'] = $val['guest_image'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['headline'] = $val['headline'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['review'] = $val['review'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['comment'] = $val['comment'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['location'] = $val['location'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['image'] = $val['image'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['review_date'] = $val['review_date'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['check_in'] = $val['check_in'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['rating'] = $val['rating'];
                     $k = 0;
                     foreach ($childArr as $val1) {
                         $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['guest_name'] = $val1['guest_name'];
                         $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['owner_image'] = $val1['guest_image'];
                         $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['comment'] = $val1['comment'];
                         $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['review_date'] = $val1['review_date'];
             //code for finding that the owner has the same property
             $this->view->reviewArr = $reviewData;
             /** review form dissplay code ends * */
         case 'question':
             $this->view->tab = '8';
             $this->view->property = "question";
             $this->view->ppty_tab8 = 'class="active"';
             //contact us
             $myform = new Form_Ocontact($ppty_id);
             $this->view->myform = $myform;
     //rate query
     /* echo "select 
         when date_from <= CURDATE() and date_to >= CURDATE() then prate as RATE,nights from ".CAL_RATE."
         when date_from <= CURDATE() then min(prate) as RATE,nights from ".CAL_RATE."
         else prate as RATE, nights from ".CAL_RATE." end
         where property_id = '".$ppty_id."' ";
     /* $rateArr = $db->runQuery(" SELECT *
        FROM (
        select prate as RATE,nights,id from ".CAL_RATE." where property_id = '".$ppty_id."' and date_from <= CURDATE() and date_to >= CURDATE()
        select min(prate) as RATE,nights,id from ".CAL_RATE." where property_id = '".$ppty_id."'
        ) AS a1
        WHERE a1.RATE IS NOT NULL group by a1.id"); */
     $rateArr = $db->runQuery("select round(prate*" . CURRENCY . ".exchange_rate) as RATE,nights,prate," . PROPERTY . ".id from " . CAL_RATE . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . PROPERTY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".id = " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . CURRENCY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".currency_code = " . CURRENCY . ".currency_code\n\t\t                          where " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' and prate = (select min(prate) from " . CAL_RATE . " where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   ) order by prate asc\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  ");
     $tmp = $rateArr[0]['RATE'];
     /* 		$actcurrArr = $db->runQuery("select exchange_rate*".($tmp[0] != "" ? $tmp[0]:0)." as mul from ".CURRENCY." inner join ".PROPERTY." on ".CURRENCY.".currency_code = ".PROPERTY.".currency_code where ".PROPERTY.".id = '".$ppty_id."'  "); */
     /* 		$tmp[0] = $actcurrArr[0]['mul']; */
     $this->view->prate = $tmp != "" ? $tmp * $rateArr[0]['nights'] : "Unknown";
     $this->view->nights = $rateArr[0]['nights'] != "" ? $rateArr[0]['nights'] : "";
     //cal Query
     /* gadd $calAvailArr = $db->runQuery("select * from ".CAL_AVAIL." 
        inner join ".PROPERTY." on ".CAL_AVAIL.".property_id = ".PROPERTY.".id
        where ".CAL_AVAIL.".property_id = '".$ppty_id."' "); */
     $this->view->propertyData = $propertyArr;
     // property images
     $galleryData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . GALLERY . " where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ");
     $this->view->galleryData = $galleryData;
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && !isset($_REQUEST['review'])) {
         $myform = new Form_Ocontact($ppty_id);
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         if ($myform->isValid($request->getPost())) {
             $dataForm = $myform->getValues();
             $myObj = new Users();
             $Result = $myObj->ownercontactus($dataForm);
             $mySession->sucessMsg = "Thank you, You will soon be contacted";
             $varsuccess = 1;
         } else {
             $mySession->errorMsg = "Enter Proper details first";
     $this->view->varsuccess = $varsuccess;
コード例 #3
 public function pagesAction()
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $slug = $this->getRequest()->getParam("slug");
     $userArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . USERS . " where user_id = '" . $mySession->LoggedUserId . "' ");
     $sql = "select * from " . PAGES1 . " where synonyms = '{$slug}'";
     $staticArr = $db->runQuery($sql);
     if (count($staticArr) == 0) {
     //========== Fetching Meta Information ===========================//
     $metaArr = $db->runQuery("select meta_title, meta_keyword, meta_description from  " . META_INFO . " where meta_id = 3");
     $Title = str_replace('[PAGE_NAME]', $staticArr[0]['page_title'], $metaArr[0]['meta_title']);
     $Description = str_replace('[PAGE_NAME]', $staticArr[0]['page_description'], $metaArr[0]['meta_title']);
     //            $this->view->headMeta('description', $Description);
     $this->view->headMeta($staticArr[0]['meta_description'], 'description');
     $this->view->headMeta($staticArr[0]['meta_keywords'], 'keywords');
     $strContent = str_replace("[SITEURL]", APPLICATION_URL, $staticArr[0]['page_content']);
     $strContent = str_replace("[FULLNAME]", $userArr[0]['email_address'], $strContent);
     if (!isLogged()) {
         $strContent = str_replace("[LOGINMSG]", "<a href='" . APPLICATION_URL . "/signin'>click here</a> to Login", $strContent);
     } else {
         $strContent = str_replace("[LOGINMSG]", "", $strContent);
     $this->view->pageContent = $strContent;
     $this->view->pageTitle = $staticArr[0]['page_title'];
     $this->view->page_id = $staticArr[0]['page_id'];
     if ($staticArr[0]['page_id'] == '12' || $staticArr[0]['page_id'] == '63') {
         $myform = new Form_Contact();
         $this->view->myform = $myform;
     if ($staticArr[0]['page_id'] == '80') {
         $myform = new Form_Ocontact();
         $this->view->myform = $myform;
     //location keywords for destination page
     if ($staticArr[0]['page_id'] == '25') {
         $this->view->countryArr = $countryArr = $db->runQuery("select country_name from " . PROPERTY . " \n                                         inner join " . COUNTRIES . " on " . COUNTRIES . ".country_id = " . PROPERTY . ".country_id\n                                         where status = '3'\n                                         group by country_name\n                                         ");
         $this->view->statesArr = $statesArr = $db->runQuery("select country_name, state_name from " . PROPERTY . "\n                                         inner join " . COUNTRIES . " on " . COUNTRIES . ".country_id = " . PROPERTY . ".country_id\n                                         inner join " . STATE . " on " . STATE . ".state_id = " . PROPERTY . ".state_id\n                                         where status = '3'\n                                         group by state_name\n                                         ");
         $this->view->citiesArr = $citiesArr = $db->runQuery("select country_name, state_name, city_name from " . PROPERTY . " \n                                         inner join " . COUNTRIES . " on " . COUNTRIES . ".country_id = " . PROPERTY . ".country_id\n                                         inner join " . STATE . " on " . STATE . ".state_id = " . PROPERTY . ".state_id\n                                         inner join " . CITIES . " on " . CITIES . ".city_id = " . PROPERTY . ".city_id\n                                         where status = '3'\n                                         group by city_name\n                                         ");
         $this->view->subareasArr = $subareasArr = $db->runQuery("select country_name, state_name, city_name,sub_area_name from " . PROPERTY . " \n                                         inner join " . COUNTRIES . " on " . COUNTRIES . ".country_id = " . PROPERTY . ".country_id\n                                         inner join " . STATE . " on " . STATE . ".state_id = " . PROPERTY . ".state_id\n                                         inner join " . CITIES . " on " . CITIES . ".city_id = " . PROPERTY . ".city_id\n                                         inner join " . SUB_AREA . " on " . SUB_AREA . ".sub_area_id = " . PROPERTY . ".sub_area_id\n                                         where status = '3'\n                                         group by sub_area_name\n                                         ");
         $this->view->localareasArr = $localareasArr = $db->runQuery("select country_name, state_name, city_name,sub_area_name, local_area_name from " . PROPERTY . " \n                                         inner join " . COUNTRIES . " on " . COUNTRIES . ".country_id = " . PROPERTY . ".country_id\n                                         inner join " . STATE . " on " . STATE . ".state_id = " . PROPERTY . ".state_id\n                                         inner join " . CITIES . " on " . CITIES . ".city_id = " . PROPERTY . ".city_id\n                                         inner join " . SUB_AREA . " on " . SUB_AREA . ".sub_area_id = " . PROPERTY . ".sub_area_id\n                                         inner join " . LOCAL_AREA . " on " . LOCAL_AREA . ".local_area_id = " . PROPERTY . ".local_area_id\n                                         where status = '3'\n                                         group by local_area_name\n                                         ");
     $varsuccess = 0;
     # the response from reCAPTCHA
     $resp = null;
     # the error code from reCAPTCHA, if any
     $error = null;
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         $dataForm = $myform->getValues();
         if ($myform->isValid($request->getPost()) && !empty($_POST["recaptcha_response_field"])) {
             $dataForm = $myform->getValues();
             $resp = recaptcha_check_answer(CAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
             if ($resp->is_valid) {
                 $myObj = new Users();
                 if ($staticArr[0]['page_id'] == '80') {
                     $Result = $myObj->ownercontactus($dataForm);
                 } else {
                     $Result = $myObj->contactus($dataForm);
                 $mySession->sucessMsg = "Thank you, You will soon be contacted";
                 $varsuccess = 1;
             } else {
                 $mySession->errorMsg = $error = $resp->error;
         } else {
             $dataForm = $myform->getValues();
             $mySession->errorMsg = "Human Verification Error";
     $this->view->error = $error;
     $this->view->myform = $myform;
     $this->view->varsuccess = $varsuccess;
コード例 #4
 public function searchdetailAction()
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $varsuccess = '0';
     $tab = $this->getRequest()->getParam("tab");
     $country_name = $this->getRequest()->getParam("country");
     $state_name = $this->getRequest()->getParam("state");
     $city_name = $this->getRequest()->getParam("city");
     $sub_area_name = $this->getRequest()->getParam("sub_area");
     $local_area_name = $this->getRequest()->getParam("local_area");
     $property_code = $this->getRequest()->getParam("property_code");
     $property_type = $this->getRequest()->getParam("property_type");
     $this->view->Datefrom = $datefrom = $this->getRequest()->getParam("datefrom");
     $this->view->dateto = $dateto = $this->getRequest()->getParam("dateto");
     $Breadcrumb = $location_condition = '';
     if ($local_area_name != '') {
         $location_condition = " and " . SUB_AREA . ".sub_area_name = '" . strtolower($sub_area_name) . "' and " . LOCAL_AREA . ".local_area_name = '" . strtolower($local_area_name) . "'  ";
     } elseif ($sub_area_name != '') {
         $location_condition = " and " . SUB_AREA . ".sub_area_name = '" . strtolower($sub_area_name) . "' ";
     $propertyArr = $db->runQuery("select *, trim(trailing '.' from trim(trailing 0 from " . PROPERTY . ".bathrooms)) as bathrooms," . PROPERTY . ".id as pid from " . PROPERTY . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . COUNTRIES . " on " . COUNTRIES . ".country_id = " . PROPERTY . ".country_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . PROPERTY_TYPE . " on " . PROPERTY . ".property_type = " . PROPERTY_TYPE . ".ptyle_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . STATE . "  on " . STATE . ".state_id = " . PROPERTY . ".state_id\n                                                                          left join " . CITIES . " on " . CITIES . ".city_id = " . PROPERTY . ".city_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . SUB_AREA . " on " . SUB_AREA . ".sub_area_id = " . PROPERTY . ".sub_area_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . LOCAL_AREA . " on " . LOCAL_AREA . ".local_area_id = " . PROPERTY . ".local_area_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . GALLERY . " on " . GALLERY . ".property_id = " . PROPERTY . ".id \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  where lower(" . COUNTRIES . ".country_name) = '" . strtolower($country_name) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  and lower(" . STATE . ".state_name) = '" . strtolower($state_name) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  and lower(" . CITIES . ".city_name) = '" . strtolower($city_name) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  {$location_condition}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  and " . PROPERTY . ".propertycode = '" . $property_code . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  ");
     $Breadcrumb .= !empty($propertyArr[0]['country_name']) ? $propertyArr[0]['country_name'] : '';
     $Breadcrumb .= !empty($propertyArr[0]['state_name']) ? '>' . $propertyArr[0]['state_name'] : '';
     $Breadcrumb .= !empty($propertyArr[0]['city_name']) ? '>' . $propertyArr[0]['city_name'] : '';
     $Breadcrumb .= !empty($propertyArr[0]['sub_area_name']) ? '>' . $propertyArr[0]['sub_area_name'] : '';
     $Breadcrumb .= !empty($propertyArr[0]['local_area_name']) ? '>' . $propertyArr[0]['local_area_name'] : '';
     $breadcrumb_array = array("country_name" => $propertyArr[0]['country_name'], "state_name" => $propertyArr[0]['state_name'], "city_name" => $propertyArr[0]['city_name'], "sub_area_name" => $propertyArr[0]['sub_area_name'], "local_area_name" => $propertyArr[0]['local_area_name']);
     $this->view->breadCrumbArray = $breadcrumb_array;
     $this->view->headMeta($propertyArr[0]['meta_description'], 'description');
     $this->view->headMeta($propertyArr[0]['meta_keywords'], 'keywords');
     $Arr = explode('>', $Breadcrumb);
     $newHeadTtitleTest = implode(' - ', $Arr);
     $Breadcrumb = implode('>', $Arr);
     //========== Fetching Meta Information ===========================//
     $metaArr = $db->runQuery("select meta_title, meta_keyword, meta_description from  " . META_INFO . " where meta_id = 4");
     $Title = $metaArr[0]['meta_title'];
     $Title = str_replace('[BREADCRUMB]', $newHeadTtitleTest, $Title);
     $Title = str_replace('[BED]', $propertyArr[0]['bedrooms'] > 1 ? $propertyArr[0]['bedrooms'] . ' beds' : $propertyArr[0]['bedrooms'] . ' bed', $Title);
     $Title = str_replace('[PROPERTY_TYPE]', $propertyArr[0]['ptyle_name'], $Title);
     $Title = str_replace('[PROPERTY_NO]', $propertyArr[0]['propertycode'], $Title);
     $Description = $metaArr[0]['meta_description'];
     $Description = str_replace('[PROPERTY_TITLE]', $propertyArr[0]['property_title'], $Description);
     $Description = str_replace('[PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION]', $propertyArr[0]['brief_desc'], $Description);
     $this->view->ppty_id = $ppty_id = $propertyArr[0]['pid'];
     //custom attributes
     $customAttributes = $db->runQuery("select * from " . ATTRIBUTE_ANS . " attr_ans left join " . ATTRIBUTE . " attr on attr.attribute_id = attr_ans.ans_attribute_id where attr_ans.ans_property_id = {$ppty_id} ");
     $this->view->customAttrib = $customAttributes;
     $amenityData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . AMENITY . " as a inner join " . AMENITY_ANS . " as aa on a.amenity_id = aa.amenity_id where aa.property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' and aa.amenity_value ='1' and a.amenity_status = '1' ");
     $this->view->amenityData = $amenityData;
     if (count($propertyArr) == 0) {
     $this->view->ppty_id = $ppty_id;
     $this->view->property = "availability";
     $this->view->cal_default = $propertyArr[0]['cal_default'];
     $calArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . CAL_AVAIL . " where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ");
     $this->view->calArr = $calArr;
     $next = $this->getRequest()->getParam("cal");
     if ($next != "") {
         $this->view->nexts = $next;
     } else {
         $this->view->nexts = 0;
     $galleryArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . GALLERY . "  where property_id = " . $ppty_id);
     $this->view->galleryArr = $galleryArr;
     $this->view->prate = '';
     if ($datefrom != "") {
         $datefrom = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($datefrom));
         $dateto = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dateto));
         $rateArr = $db->runQuery(" select  *, \n                                            coalesce (sum(\n                                                    case when " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from >= '" . $datefrom . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to <= '" . $dateto . "' \n                                                    then (abs( datediff( " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from, " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to ))+1) * ceil(prate*exchange_rate)\n                                                    when " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from <= '" . $datefrom . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to >= '" . $dateto . "'\n                                                    then (abs( datediff( '" . $datefrom . "', '" . $dateto . "' ))+1) * ceil(prate*exchange_rate)\n                                                    when " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from <= '" . $datefrom . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to >= '" . $datefrom . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to <= '" . $dateto . "' \n                                                    then (abs( datediff( '" . $datefrom . "', " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to ))+1) * ceil(prate*exchange_rate)\n                                                    when " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to >= '" . $dateto . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from >= '" . $datefrom . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from <= '" . $dateto . "'\n                                                    then (abs( datediff( " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from, '" . $dateto . "' ))+1) * ceil(prate*exchange_rate)\n                                                    end),(select ceil(min(prate)*exchange_rate)*" . (dateDiff($datefrom, $dateto) + 1) . " from " . CAL_RATE . " \n                                                    where " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "'))\n                                                    AS RATE from " . CAL_RATE . " \n                                                    inner join " . PROPERTY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".id = " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id\n                                                    inner join " . CURRENCY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".currency_code = " . CURRENCY . ".currency_code\n                                                    where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' group by " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id ");
         $this->view->nights = dateDiff($datefrom, $dateto) + 1;
         $this->view->prate = $rateArr[0]['RATE'] != "" ? $rateArr[0]['RATE'] : "Unknown";
         //            else:
         //                $rateArr = $db->runQuery("select nights*ceil(prate*" . CURRENCY . ".exchange_rate) as RATE,nights,prate," . PROPERTY . ".id from " . CAL_RATE . "
         //								  inner join " . PROPERTY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".id = " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id
         //								  inner join " . CURRENCY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".currency_code = " . CURRENCY . ".currency_code
         //                                                                  where " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' and prate = (select min(prate) from " . CAL_RATE . " where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to >= curdate()
         //								   ) order by prate asc
         //								  ");
         //            //echo "select prate*nights as RATE,nights,prate,id from ".CAL_RATE." where prate = (select min(prate) from ".CAL_RATE." where property_id = '".$ppty_id."'  ) ";
         //                $this->view->nights = $rateArr[0]['nights'] != "" ? $rateArr[0]['nights'] : "";
     $rateArr = $db->runQuery("select nights*ceil(prate*" . CURRENCY . ".exchange_rate) as RATE,nights,prate," . PROPERTY . ".id from " . CAL_RATE . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . PROPERTY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".id = " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . CURRENCY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".currency_code = " . CURRENCY . ".currency_code\n                                                                  where " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' and prate = (select min(prate) from " . CAL_RATE . " where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to >= curdate()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   ) order by prate asc\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  ");
     //echo "select prate*nights as RATE,nights,prate,id from ".CAL_RATE." where prate = (select min(prate) from ".CAL_RATE." where property_id = '".$ppty_id."'  ) ";
     $this->view->defaultRate = $rateArr[0]['RATE'] != "" ? $rateArr[0]['RATE'] : "Unknown";
     $this->view->nights = $rateArr[0]['nights'] != "" ? $rateArr[0]['nights'] : "";
     //cal Query
     $this->view->propertyData = $propertyArr;
     // property images
     $galleryData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . GALLERY . " where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ");
     $this->view->galleryData = $galleryData;
     //contact us
     $myform = new Form_Ocontact($ppty_id);
     $this->view->myform = $myform;
     # the response from reCAPTCHA
     $resp = null;
     # the error code from reCAPTCHA, if any
     $error = null;
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && !empty($_POST["recaptcha_response_field"])) {
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         $dataForm = $myform->getValues();
         $resp = recaptcha_check_answer(CAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
         if ($resp->is_valid) {
             $myObj = new Users();
             $Result = $myObj->ownercontactus($dataForm);
             $mySession->sucessMsg = "Thank you, You will soon be contacted";
             $varsuccess = 1;
         } else {
             $mySession->errorMsg = "Please Enter Correct Human Verification Code";
     $this->view->error = $error;
     $this->view->varsuccess = $varsuccess;
コード例 #5
 public function searchdetailAction()
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $varsuccess = '0';
     $tab = $this->getRequest()->getParam("property");
     $ppty_id = $this->getRequest()->getParam("ppty");
     $this->view->ppty_id = $ppty_id;
     $this->view->Datefrom = $datefrom = $this->getRequest()->getParam("datefrom");
     $this->view->dateto = $dateto = $this->getRequest()->getParam("dateto");
     $propertyArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . PROPERTY . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . COUNTRIES . " on " . COUNTRIES . ".country_id = " . PROPERTY . ".country_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . PROPERTY_TYPE . " on " . PROPERTY . ".property_type = " . PROPERTY_TYPE . ".ptyle_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . STATE . "  on " . STATE . ".country_id = " . COUNTRIES . ".country_id\n         \t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . CITIES . " on " . CITIES . ".state_id = " . STATE . ".state_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . SUB_AREA . " on " . SUB_AREA . ".city_id = " . CITIES . ".city_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . LOCAL_AREA . " on " . LOCAL_AREA . ".sub_area_id = " . SUB_AREA . ".sub_area_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  left join " . GALLERY . " on " . GALLERY . ".property_id = " . PROPERTY . ".id \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  where " . PROPERTY . ".id = '" . $ppty_id . "'");
     switch ($tab) {
         case '':
         case 'overview':
             $this->view->tab = '1';
             $this->view->property = "overview";
             $this->view->ppty_tab1 = 'class="active"';
             $amenityData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . AMENITY . " as a inner join " . AMENITY_ANS . " as aa on a.amenity_id = aa.amenity_id where aa.property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' and aa.amenity_value ='1' and a.amenity_status = '1' ");
             $this->view->amenityData = $amenityData;
         case 'specification':
             $this->view->tab = '2';
             $this->view->property = "specification";
             $this->view->ppty_tab2 = 'class="active"';
             $specArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPECIFICATION . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t inner join " . SPEC_CHILD . " on " . SPEC_CHILD . ".spec_id = " . SPECIFICATION . ".spec_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t inner join " . SPEC_ANS . " on " . SPEC_ANS . ".answer = " . SPEC_CHILD . ".cid\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where " . SPEC_ANS . ".property_id = " . $ppty_id . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t\t");
             $specArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPECIFICATION . " as s inner join " . PROPERTY_SPEC_CAT . " as psc on s.cat_id = psc.cat_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  where psc.cat_status = '1' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  and s.status = '1' order by psc.cat_id, s.spec_order asc\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  ");
             $category_temp = "";
             $i = 0;
             $t = 0;
             $finalArr[0]['category'][0] = "";
             $cat_counter = 0;
             $bathroom_counter = 0;
             $xcounter = 0;
             $max = 0;
             foreach ($specArr as $key => $value) {
                 if ($finalArr[$cat_counter]['category'] != $value['cat_name']) {
                     if ($i > 0) {
                     $finalArr[$cat_counter]['category'] = $value['cat_name'];
                     $t = 0;
                 $selectOptionArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPEC_CHILD . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t inner join " . SPEC_ANS . " on " . SPEC_ANS . ".answer = " . SPEC_CHILD . ".cid\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where " . SPEC_ANS . ".spec_id = '" . $value['spec_id'] . "' and " . SPEC_ANS . ".property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ");
                 if ($value['spec_id'] == '22' || $value['spec_id'] == '23' || $value['spec_id'] == '24') {
                     foreach ($selectOptionArr as $key1 => $value1) {
                         $array1 = explode('|||', $value1['answer']);
                         $max = count($array1) > $max ? count($array1) : $max;
                         $x = 0;
                         foreach ($array1 as $keybath => $bath) {
                             /*														echo "select ".SPEC_CHILD.".option from ".SPEC_CHILD." where cid = '".$bath."' "; exit;*/
                             $bathArr = $db->runQuery("select " . SPEC_CHILD . ".option from " . SPEC_CHILD . " where cid = '" . $bath . "' ");
                             /*if(count($bathArr) == 0)
                             		$bathroom[$keybath][] = "";
                             foreach ($bathArr as $ckey => $calue) {
                                 if ($value['spec_id'] == '24') {
                                     //echo $xcounter;
                                     $bathroom[$xcounter][] = $calue['option'];
                                 } else {
                                     $bathroom[$keybath][] = $calue['option'];
                         foreach ($array1 as $keybath => $bath) {
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['ques'][$keybath] = $value['spec_display'] . " " . ($keybath + 1);
                         $finalArr[$cat_counter]['answer'] = $bathroom;
                         if ($value['spec_id'] == '24') {
                 } else {
                     if ($max != 0) {
                         $t = $t + $max;
                     $max = 0;
                     if ($value['spec_type'] == '2' || $value['spec_type'] == '3') {
                         $selectOptionArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SPEC_ANS . "  where " . SPEC_ANS . ".spec_id = '" . $value['spec_id'] . "' and " . SPEC_ANS . ".property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ");
                         /*			prd($selectOptionArr);*/
                         if ($selectOptionArr[0]['answer'] != "") {
                             $j = 0;
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['ques'][$t] = $value['spec_display'];
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['ticklist'][$t] = '0';
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['answer'][$t][0] = $selectOptionArr[0]['answer'];
                             $selectOptionArr = array();
                         } else {
                     } elseif ($value['preview_display'] == '1' || count($selectOptionArr) > 0) {
                         $finalArr[$cat_counter]['ques'][$t] = $value['spec_display'];
                         if ($value['spec_type'] == '4') {
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['ticklist'][$t] = '1';
                         } else {
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['ticklist'][$t] = '0';
                     } else {
                     $j = 0;
                     if (count($selectOptionArr) > 0) {
                         foreach ($selectOptionArr as $key1 => $value1) {
                             $finalArr[$cat_counter]['answer'][$t][$j] = $value1['option'];
             /*$specArr = $db->runQuery("select * from ".SPECIFICATION." 
             	 inner join ".SPEC_CHILD." on ".SPEC_CHILD.".spec_id = ".SPECIFICATION.".spec_id
             	 inner join ".SPEC_ANS." on ".SPEC_ANS.".answer = ".SPEC_CHILD.".cid	
             	 where ".SPEC_ANS.".property_id = ".$ppty_id."
             $this->view->specArr = $finalArr;
         case 'location':
             $this->view->tab = '3';
             $this->view->property = "location";
             $this->view->ppty_tab3 = 'class="active"';
         case 'availability':
             $this->view->tab = '4';
             $this->view->property = "availability";
             $this->view->cal_default = $propertyArr[0]['cal_default'];
             $this->view->ppty_tab4 = 'class="active"';
             $calArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . CAL_AVAIL . " where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ");
             $this->view->calArr = $calArr;
             $next = $this->getRequest()->getParam("cal");
             if ($next != "") {
                 $this->view->nexts = $next;
             } else {
                 $this->view->nexts = 0;
         case 'rental':
             $this->view->tab = '5';
             $this->view->property = "rental";
             $this->view->ppty_tab5 = 'class="active"';
             $option_extra = $db->runQuery("select ename, (select exchange_rate from " . CURRENCY . " where " . CURRENCY . ".currency_code = (select currency_code from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ))*eprice as eprice,etype,stay_type  from " . EXTRAS . " where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ");
             $this->view->option_extra = $option_extra;
             $calArr = $db->runQuery("select (select exchange_rate from " . CURRENCY . " where " . CURRENCY . ".currency_code = (select currency_code from " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $ppty_id . "') )*prate as prate,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t     nights,date_to,date_from from " . CAL_RATE . "  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where property_id = " . $ppty_id . "  order by date_from asc ");
             $this->view->calData = $calArr;
             $spclArr = $db->runQuery("select *, " . SPCL_OFFER_TYPES . ".min_nights as MIN_NIGHTS from " . SPCL_OFFERS . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . SPCL_OFFER_TYPES . " on " . SPCL_OFFERS . ".offer_id = " . SPCL_OFFER_TYPES . ".id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  where " . SPCL_OFFERS . ".property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  and " . SPCL_OFFERS . ".activate = '1'  and " . SPCL_OFFERS . ".book_by >= curdate() ");
             $this->view->spclData = $spclArr;
         case 'gallery':
             $this->view->tab = '6';
             $this->view->property = "gallery";
             $this->view->ppty_tab6 = 'class="active"';
             $galleryArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . GALLERY . "  where property_id = " . $ppty_id);
             $this->view->galleryArr = $galleryArr;
         case 'reviews':
             $this->view->tab = '7';
             $this->view->property = "review";
             $this->view->ppty_tab7 = 'class="active"';
             /*** review form display code **/
             //$mySession->reviewImage = "no_owner_pic.jpg";
             $reviewArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . OWNER_REVIEW . " as r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join " . PROPERTY . " as p on p.id = r.property_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join " . USERS . " as u on u.user_id = p.user_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere r.property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' and r.review_status = '1' order by r.review_id desc ");
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($reviewArr as $val) {
                 if ($val['parent_id'] == 0) {
                     $childArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . OWNER_REVIEW . " where parent_id = '" . $val['review_id'] . "' ");
                     $reviewData[$i]['review_id'] = $val['review_id'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['uType'] = $val['uType'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['guest_name'] = $val['guest_name'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['owner_image'] = $val['guest_image'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['headline'] = $val['headline'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['review'] = $val['review'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['comment'] = $val['comment'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['location'] = $val['location'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['image'] = $val['image'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['review_date'] = $val['review_date'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['check_in'] = $val['check_in'];
                     $reviewData[$i]['rating'] = $val['rating'];
                     $k = 0;
                     foreach ($childArr as $val1) {
                         $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['guest_name'] = $val1['guest_name'];
                         $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['owner_image'] = $val1['guest_image'];
                         $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['comment'] = $val1['comment'];
                         $reviewData[$i]['child'][$k]['review_date'] = $val1['review_date'];
             //code for finding that the owner has the same property
             $this->view->reviewArr = $reviewData;
             /** review form dissplay code ends **/
         case 'question':
             $this->view->tab = '8';
             $this->view->property = "question";
             $this->view->ppty_tab8 = 'class="active"';
             //contact us
             $myform = new Form_Ocontact();
             $this->view->myform = $myform;
     //rate query
     /*echo "select prate as RATE,nights from ".CAL_RATE." where property_id = '".$ppty_id."' and date_from <= CURDATE() and date_to >= CURDATE() 
       select min(prate) as RATE, nights from ".CAL_RATE." where property_id = '".$ppty_id."' and date_from <= CURDATE() 
       select min(prate) as RATE, nights from ".CAL_RATE." where property_id = '".$ppty_id."'"; exit;*/
     if ($datefrom != "") {
         $datefrom = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($datefrom));
         $dateto = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dateto));
         /*		prd(" select  
         			 coalesce (sum(
         				 case when ".CAL_RATE.".date_from >= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_to <= '".$dateto."' 
         				 then (abs( datediff( ".CAL_RATE.".date_from, ".CAL_RATE.".date_to ))+1) * prate
         				 when ".CAL_RATE.".date_from <= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_to >= '".$dateto."'
         				 then (abs( datediff( '".$datefrom."', '".$dateto."' ))+1) * `prate`
         				 when ".CAL_RATE.".date_from <= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_to >= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_to <= '".$dateto."' 
         				 then (abs( datediff( '".$datefrom."', ".CAL_RATE.".date_to ))+1) * `prate`
         				 when ".CAL_RATE.".date_to >= '".$dateto."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_from >= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_from <= '".$dateto."'
         				 then (abs( datediff( ".CAL_RATE.".date_from, '".$dateto."' ))+1) * `prate`
         				 end),(select min(prate) from ".CAL_RATE." where ".CAL_RATE.".property_id = '".$ppty_id."'))*exchange_rate 
         				 AS RATE from ".CAL_RATE." 
         				 inner join ".PROPERTY." on ".PROPERTY.".id = ".CAL_RATE.".property_id
         				 inner join ".CURRENCY." on ".PROPERTY.".currency_code = ".CURRENCY.".currency_code
         				 where property_id = '".$ppty_id."' group by ".CAL_RATE.".property_id ");*/
         /*$rateArr = $db->runQuery(" select  
         	 coalesce (sum(
         		 case when ".CAL_RATE.".date_from >= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_to <= '".$dateto."' 
         		 then (abs( datediff( ".CAL_RATE.".date_from, ".CAL_RATE.".date_to ))+1) * prate
         		 when ".CAL_RATE.".date_from <= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_to >= '".$dateto."'
         		 then (abs( datediff( '".$datefrom."', '".$dateto."' ))+1) * `prate`
         		 when ".CAL_RATE.".date_from <= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_to >= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_to <= '".$dateto."' 
         		 then (abs( datediff( '".$datefrom."', ".CAL_RATE.".date_to ))+1) * `prate`
         		 when ".CAL_RATE.".date_to >= '".$dateto."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_from >= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_from <= '".$dateto."'
         		 then (abs( datediff( ".CAL_RATE.".date_from, '".$dateto."' ))+1) * `prate`
         		 end),(select prate*".dateDiff($datefrom,$dateto)." from ".CAL_RATE." where ".CAL_RATE.".property_id = '".$ppty_id."' having prate = min(prate)  ))*exchange_rate 
         		 AS RATE from ".CAL_RATE." 
         		 inner join ".PROPERTY." on ".PROPERTY.".id = ".CAL_RATE.".property_id
         		 inner join ".CURRENCY." on ".PROPERTY.".currency_code = ".CURRENCY.".currency_code
         		 where property_id = '".$ppty_id."' group by ".CAL_RATE.".property_id ");*/
         /*	prd(" select  *, 
         		 coalesce (sum(
         			 case when ".CAL_RATE.".date_from >= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_to <= '".$dateto."' 
         			 then (abs( datediff( ".CAL_RATE.".date_from, ".CAL_RATE.".date_to ))+1) * round(prate*exchange_rate)
         			 when ".CAL_RATE.".date_from <= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_to >= '".$dateto."'
         			 then (abs( datediff( '".$datefrom."', '".$dateto."' ))+1) * round(prate*exchange_rate)
         			 when ".CAL_RATE.".date_from <= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_to >= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_to <= '".$dateto."' 
         			 then (abs( datediff( '".$datefrom."', ".CAL_RATE.".date_to ))+1) * round(prate*exchange_rate)
         			 when ".CAL_RATE.".date_to >= '".$dateto."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_from >= '".$datefrom."' and ".CAL_RATE.".date_from <= '".$dateto."'
         			 then (abs( datediff( ".CAL_RATE.".date_from, '".$dateto."' ))+1) * round(prate*exchange_rate)
         			 end),(select round(min(prate)*exchange_rate)*".(dateDiff($datefrom,$dateto)+1)." from ".CAL_RATE." 
         			 where ".CAL_RATE.".property_id = '".$ppty_id."'))
         			 AS RATE from ".CAL_RATE." 
         			 inner join ".PROPERTY." on ".PROPERTY.".id = ".CAL_RATE.".property_id
         			 inner join ".CURRENCY." on ".PROPERTY.".currency_code = ".CURRENCY.".currency_code
         			 where property_id = '".$ppty_id."' group by ".CAL_RATE.".property_id ")	;*/
         $rateArr = $db->runQuery(" select  *, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t coalesce (sum(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t case when " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from >= '" . $datefrom . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to <= '" . $dateto . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t then (abs( datediff( " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from, " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to ))+1) * round(prate*exchange_rate)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t when " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from <= '" . $datefrom . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to >= '" . $dateto . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t then (abs( datediff( '" . $datefrom . "', '" . $dateto . "' ))+1) * round(prate*exchange_rate)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t when " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from <= '" . $datefrom . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to >= '" . $datefrom . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to <= '" . $dateto . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t then (abs( datediff( '" . $datefrom . "', " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to ))+1) * round(prate*exchange_rate)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t when " . CAL_RATE . ".date_to >= '" . $dateto . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from >= '" . $datefrom . "' and " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from <= '" . $dateto . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t then (abs( datediff( " . CAL_RATE . ".date_from, '" . $dateto . "' ))+1) * round(prate*exchange_rate)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t end),(select round(min(prate)*exchange_rate)*" . (dateDiff($datefrom, $dateto) + 1) . " from " . CAL_RATE . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "'))\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AS RATE from " . CAL_RATE . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t inner join " . PROPERTY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".id = " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t inner join " . CURRENCY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".currency_code = " . CURRENCY . ".currency_code\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' group by " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id ");
         $this->view->nights = dateDiff($datefrom, $dateto) + 1;
     } else {
         $rateArr = $db->runQuery("select nights*round(prate*" . CURRENCY . ".exchange_rate) as RATE,nights,prate," . PROPERTY . ".id from " . CAL_RATE . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . PROPERTY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".id = " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  inner join " . CURRENCY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".currency_code = " . CURRENCY . ".currency_code\n\t\t                          where " . CAL_RATE . ".property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' and prate = (select min(prate) from " . CAL_RATE . " where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   ) order by prate asc\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  ");
         //echo "select prate*nights as RATE,nights,prate,id from ".CAL_RATE." where prate = (select min(prate) from ".CAL_RATE." where property_id = '".$ppty_id."'  ) ";
         $this->view->nights = $rateArr[0]['nights'] != "" ? $rateArr[0]['nights'] : "";
     //$tmp = explode(".",$rateArr[0]['RATE']);
     /*$actcurrArr = $db->runQuery("select exchange_rate*".($tmp[0] != "" ? $tmp[0]:0)." as mul from ".CURRENCY." inner join ".PROPERTY." on ".CURRENCY.".currency_code = ".PROPERTY.".currency_code where ".PROPERTY.".id = '".$ppty_id."'  ");
     		$tmp[0] = $actcurrArr[0]['mul'];*/
     $this->view->prate = $rateArr[0]['RATE'] != "" ? $rateArr[0]['RATE'] : "Unknown";
     //cal Query
     /* gadd $calAvailArr = $db->runQuery("select * from ".CAL_AVAIL." 
     	  inner join ".PROPERTY." on ".CAL_AVAIL.".property_id = ".PROPERTY.".id
     	  where ".CAL_AVAIL.".property_id = '".$ppty_id."' ");*/
     $this->view->propertyData = $propertyArr;
     // property images
     $galleryData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . GALLERY . " where property_id = '" . $ppty_id . "' ");
     $this->view->galleryData = $galleryData;
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && !isset($_REQUEST['review'])) {
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         $dataForm = $myform->getValues();
         if ($dataForm['captcha'] == $_SESSION['captcha']) {
             $myObj = new Users();
             $Result = $myObj->ownercontactus($dataForm);
             $mySession->sucessMsg = "Thank you, You will soon be contacted";
             $varsuccess = 1;
         } else {
             $mySession->errorMsg = "Please Enter Correct Human Verification Code";
     $this->view->varsuccess = $varsuccess;