/** * View this PHAT_Checkbox * * @return string The HTML content to view the PHAT_Checkbox * @access public */ function view() { $label = $this->getLabel(); if (isset($_REQUEST['PHAT_' . $label]) && is_array($_REQUEST['PHAT_' . $label])) { $this->setValue($_REQUEST['PHAT_' . $label]); } if ($this->isRequired()) { $viewTags['REQUIRED_FLAG'] = '*'; } $viewTags['BLURB'] = PHPWS_Text::parseOutput($this->getBlurb(), ENCODE_PARSED_TEXT, false, true); $viewTags['CHECK_BOXES'] = ''; $optionText = $this->getOptionText(); $optionValues = $this->getOptionValues(); $value = $this->getValue(); $viewTags['CHECK_BOXES'] = null; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($optionText); $i++) { if (isset($value[$i])) { $match = $value[$i]; } else { $match = null; } $option_value = $optionValues[$i]; $element = new Form_CheckBox('PHAT_' . $label . '[' . $i . ']', $option_value); $element->setMatch($match); $id = preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $option_value) . $i; $element->setId($id); $label_text = "<label for='{$id}'>" . $optionText[$i] . "</label>"; $viewTags['CHECK_BOXES'] .= $element->get() . " {$label_text}<br />\n"; } return PHPWS_Template::processTemplate($viewTags, 'phatform', 'checkbox/view.tpl'); }
/** * Get the options for this PHAT_Element * * @return string The HTML form for retrieving the options * @access public */ function getOptions() { $className = get_class($this); $properName = ucfirst(str_ireplace('phat_', '', $className)); if (isset($_REQUEST['PHAT_OptionSet']) && $_REQUEST['PHAT_OptionSet'] != 0 && $_REQUEST['PHAT_OptionSet'] != $this->getOptionSet()) { $this->setOptionSet($_REQUEST['PHAT_OptionSet']); $db = new PHPWS_DB('mod_phatform_options'); $db->addWhere('id', $this->getOptionSet()); $optionResult = $db->select(); $this->_optionText = array(); $this->_optionValues = array(); $this->_optionText = unserialize(stripslashes($optionResult[0]['optionSet'])); $this->_optionValues = unserialize(stripslashes($optionResult[0]['valueSet'])); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['PHAT_ElementNumOptions']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['PHAT_ElementNumOptions'])) { $loops = $_REQUEST['PHAT_ElementNumOptions']; /* must reset these arrays for when a new number of options is entered */ $oldText = $this->_optionText; $oldValues = $this->_optionValues; $this->_optionText = array(); $this->_optionValues = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $loops; $i++) { if (isset($oldText[$i])) { $this->_optionText[$i] = $oldText[$i]; } else { $this->_optionText[$i] = NULL; } if (isset($oldValues[$i])) { $this->_optionValues[$i] = $oldValues[$i]; } else { $this->_optionValues[$i] = NULL; } } } else { if (sizeof($this->_optionText) > 0) { $loops = sizeof($this->_optionText); } else { return PHPWS_Error::get(PHATFORM_ZERO_OPTIONS, 'phatform', 'PHAT_Element::getOptions()'); } } $elements[0] = '<input type="hidden" name="module" value="phatform" /><input type="hidden" name="PHAT_EL_OP" value="SaveElementOptions" />'; if (PHAT_SHOW_INSTRUCTIONS) { $GLOBALS['CNT_phatform']['title'] = dgettext('phatform', 'Option Instructions'); } $editTags['NUMBER_LABEL'] = dgettext('phatform', 'Option'); $editTags['INPUT_LABEL'] = dgettext('phatform', 'Text'); $editTags['VALUE_LABEL'] = dgettext('phatform', 'Value'); $editTags['DEFAULT_LABEL'] = dgettext('phatform', 'Default'); $editTags['OPTIONS'] = ''; $rowClass = NULL; for ($i = 0; $i < $loops; $i++) { $optionRow['OPTION_NUMBER'] = $i + 1; $element = new Form_TextField("PHAT_ElementOptions[{$i}]", $this->_optionText[$i]); $element->setSize(PHAT_DEFAULT_SIZE, PHAT_DEFAULT_MAXSIZE); $optionRow['OPTION_INPUT'] = $element->get(); $element = new Form_TextField("PHAT_ElementValues[{$i}]", $this->_optionValues[$i]); $element->setSize(PHAT_DEFAULT_SIZE, PHAT_DEFAULT_MAXSIZE); $optionRow['VALUE_INPUT'] = $element->get(); $check = NULL; if ($className == 'PHAT_checkbox' || $className == 'PHAT_Multiselect') { if (isset($this->_optionValues[$i]) && (isset($this->_value[$i]) && $this->_optionValues[$i] == $this->_value[$i])) { $check = $i; } $element = new Form_CheckBox("PHAT_ElementDefault[{$i}]", $i); $element->setMatch($check); $optionRow['OPTION_DEFAULT'] = $element->get(); } else { if (isset($this->_optionValues[$i]) && $this->_optionValues[$i] == $this->_value) { $check = $i; } $element = new Form_CheckBox('PHAT_ElementDefault', $i); $element->setMatch($check); $optionRow['OPTION_DEFAULT'] = $element->get(); } $optionRow['ROW_CLASS'] = $rowClass; if ($i % 2) { $rowClass = ' class="bgcolor1"'; } else { $rowClass = null; } $editTags['OPTIONS'] .= PHPWS_Template::processTemplate($optionRow, 'phatform', 'element/option.tpl'); } $check = NULL; if ($this->getId()) { if ($this->_optionText == $this->_optionValues && sizeof($this->_optionText) > 0) { $check = 1; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['PHAT_SaveOptionSet'])) { $setName = $_REQUEST['PHAT_SaveOptionSet']; } else { $setName = NULL; } $element = new Form_Checkbox('PHAT_ElementUseText', 1); $element->setMatch($check); $editTags['USE_TEXT_CHECK'] = dgettext('phatform', 'Use option text as values') . ': ' . $element->get(); $editTags['SAVE_OPTION_SET'] = dgettext('phatform', 'Save option set as') . ': ' . PHPWS_Form::formTextField('PHAT_SaveOptionSet', $setName, PHAT_DEFAULT_SIZE, PHAT_DEFAULT_MAXSIZE); $editTags['BACK_BUTTON'] = PHPWS_Form::formSubmit(dgettext('phatform', 'Back'), 'PHAT_OptionBack'); $editTags['SAVE_BUTTON'] = PHPWS_Form::formSubmit(dgettext('phatform', 'Save ' . $properName)); $elements[0] .= PHPWS_Template::processTemplate($editTags, 'phatform', 'element/optionList.tpl'); return PHPWS_Form::makeForm('PHAT_Options', 'index.php', $elements, 'post', NULL, NULL); }
/** * Returns a list of items based on the table currently set in this manager * * @param string $listName The name of the list wanting to be returned * @param string $title The title of the list * @param boolean $makeForm Flag whether or not to make a form out of the list * @access public */ function getList($listName, $title = NULL, $makeForm = TRUE, $overRideOp = NULL) { $this->listName = $listName; if (!isset($this->_table) && !isset($this->_request)) { $message = _('Manager was not fully initialized to get a list.'); $error = new PHPWS_Error('core', 'PHPWS_Manager::getList()', $message, 'exit', 1); $error->message(NULL); } $theme = Layout::getCurrentTheme(); $themeModuleRowTpl = "themes/{$theme}/templates/" . $this->_module . '/' . $this->_templates[$this->listName] . '/row.tpl'; $moduleRowTpl = PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/' . $this->_module . '/templates/' . $this->_templates[$this->listName] . '/row.tpl'; $themeCoreRowTpl = 'themes/' . $theme . '/templates/core/defaultRow.tpl'; $coreRowTpl = PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'templates/defaultRow.tpl'; $themeModuleListTpl = "themes/{$theme}/templates/" . $this->_module . '/' . $this->_templates[$this->listName] . '/list.tpl'; $moduleListTpl = PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/' . $this->_module . '/templates/' . $this->_templates[$this->listName] . '/list.tpl'; $themeCoreListTpl = "themes/{$theme}/templates/core/defaultList.tpl"; $coreListTpl = PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'templates/defaultList.tpl'; if (file_exists($themeModuleRowTpl)) { $rowTpl = $themeModuleRowTpl; } else { if (file_exists($moduleRowTpl)) { $rowTpl = $moduleRowTpl; } else { if (file_exists($themeCoreRowTpl)) { $rowTpl = $themeCoreRowTpl; } else { $rowTpl = $coreRowTpl; } } } if (file_exists($themeModuleListTpl)) { $listTpl = $themeModuleListTpl; } else { if (file_exists($moduleListTpl)) { $listTpl = $moduleListTpl; } else { if (file_exists($themeCoreListTpl)) { $listTpl = $themeCoreListTpl; } else { $listTpl = $coreListTpl; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['PHPWS_MAN_LIST']) && $this->listName == $_REQUEST['PHPWS_MAN_LIST']) { $this->catchOrder(); } if (isset($overRideOp)) { $op = $overRideOp; } else { if (isset($this->_listPaging[$this->listName]['op'])) { $op = $this->_listPaging[$this->listName]['op']; } } if (isset($this->_listPaging[$this->listName]) && is_array($this->_listPaging[$this->listName])) { if (!isset($this->_pagers[$this->listName])) { $this->_pagers[$this->listName] = new PHPWS_Pager(); $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->setLinkBack('./index.php?module=' . $this->_module . '&' . $op . '&PHPWS_MAN_PAGE=' . $this->listName); $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->setLimits($this->_listPaging[$this->listName]['limits']); $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->makeArray(TRUE); if ($this->_anchor) { $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->setAnchor('#' . $this->listName); } $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->limit = $this->_listPaging[$this->listName]['limit']; } $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->setData($this->_getIds()); if (isset($_REQUEST['PHPWS_MAN_PAGE']) && $this->listName == $_REQUEST['PHPWS_MAN_PAGE']) { $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->pageData(); } else { $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->pageData(FALSE); } if (isset($this->_class)) { $items = $this->getItems($this->_pagers[$this->listName]->getData(), FALSE, TRUE); } else { $items = $this->getItems($this->_pagers[$this->listName]->getData()); } $totalItems = count($items); // $totalItems = $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->getNumRows(); } else { if (isset($this->_class)) { $items = $this->getItems(NULL, FALSE, TRUE); } else { $items = $this->getItems(); } $totalItems = sizeof($items); } /* Begin building main list tags array for processTemplate() */ $listTags = array(); if (isset($this->_listExtraLabels) && is_array($this->_listExtraLabels)) { $listTags = $this->_listExtraLabels; } $listTags['TITLE'] = $title; $listTags['ANCHOR'] = '<a id="' . $this->listName . '" name="' . $this->listName . '"></a>'; if ($makeForm) { $listTags['SELECT_LABEL'] = ' '; } $columns = 0; foreach ($this->_listColumns[$this->listName] as $listColumn => $listLabel) { $column = strtoupper($listColumn); $key0 = $column . '_LABEL'; $key1 = $column . '_ORDER_LINK'; $listTags[$key0] = NULL; $listTags[$key1] = NULL; $listTags[$key0] = $listLabel; if (isset($overRideOp)) { $request = $overRideOp; } else { if (isset($this->_listPaging[$this->listName]['op'])) { $request = $this->_listPaging[$this->listName]['op']; } else { $request = $this->_request . '=list'; } } if ($totalItems > 0) { $anchor = ''; if ($this->_anchor) { $anchor = '#' . $this->listName; } if (isset($this->_overrideOrder[$this->listName][$listColumn][0])) { $overRide = $this->_overrideOrder[$this->listName][$listColumn][0]; } else { $overRide = 'default'; } if (isset($this->_listPaging[$this->listName])) { switch ($overRide) { case 0: $listTags[$key1] .= '<a href="./index.php?module=' . $this->_module . '&' . $request . '&PHPWS_MAN_LIST=' . $this->listName . '&PHPWS_MAN_COLUMN=' . $listColumn . '&PHPWS_MAN_ORDER=1&' . 'PHPWS_MAN_PAGE=' . $this->listName . '&' . 'PAGER_limit=' . $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->limit . '&' . 'PAGER_start=' . $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->start . '&' . 'PAGER_section=' . $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->section . $anchor . '">'; $listTags[$key1] .= Icon::show('sort') . '</a>'; break; case 1: $listTags[$key1] .= '<a href="./index.php?module=' . $this->_module . '&' . $request . '&PHPWS_MAN_LIST=' . $this->listName . '&PHPWS_MAN_COLUMN=' . $listColumn . '&PHPWS_MAN_ORDER=2&' . 'PHPWS_MAN_PAGE=' . $this->listName . '&' . 'PAGER_limit=' . $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->limit . '&' . 'PAGER_start=' . $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->start . '&' . 'PAGER_section=' . $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->section . $anchor . '">'; $listTags[$key1] .= Icon::show('sort-up') . '</a>'; break; case 2: $listTags[$key1] .= '<a href="./index.php?module=' . $this->_module . '&' . $request . '&PHPWS_MAN_LIST=' . $this->listName . '&PHPWS_MAN_COLUMN=' . $listColumn . '&PHPWS_MAN_ORDER=0&' . 'PHPWS_MAN_PAGE=' . $this->listName . '&' . 'PAGER_limit=' . $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->limit . '&' . 'PAGER_start=' . $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->start . '&' . 'PAGER_section=' . $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->section . $anchor . '">'; $listTags[$key1] .= Icon::show('sort-down') . '</a>'; break; default: $listTags[$key1] .= '<a href="./index.php?module=' . $this->_module . '&' . $request . '&PHPWS_MAN_LIST=' . $this->listName . '&PHPWS_MAN_COLUMN=' . $listColumn . '&PHPWS_MAN_ORDER=1&' . 'PHPWS_MAN_PAGE=' . $this->listName . '&' . 'PAGER_limit=' . $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->limit . '&' . 'PAGER_start=' . $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->start . '&' . 'PAGER_section=' . $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->section . $anchor . '">'; $listTags[$key1] .= Icon::show('sort') . '</a>'; } } } $columns++; } /* Build each item's row */ $listTags['LIST_ITEMS'] = NULL; if ($totalItems > 0) { $tog = 1; foreach ($items as $item) { $object = NULL; if (isset($this->_class)) { $object = new $this->_class($item); $className = get_class($object); $classMethods = get_class_methods($className); @array_walk($classMethods, 'manager_lower_methods'); $objectVars = get_object_vars($object); if (is_array($objectVars)) { $item = $objectVars; foreach ($item as $key => $value) { if ($key[0] == '_') { $key = substr($key, 1, strlen($key)); $item[$key] = $value; } } } } if ($tog % 2) { $row_class = ' class="bgcolor1"'; } else { $row_class = null; } $tog++; /* Build row tags array for processTemplate() */ $rowTags = array(); if (isset($this->_listExtraLabels) && is_array($this->_listExtraLabels)) { $rowTags = $this->_listExtraLabels; } $rowTags['ROW_CLASS'] = $row_class; if ($makeForm) { $ele = new Form_CheckBox('PHPWS_MAN_ITEMS[]', $item['id']); $rowTags['SELECT'] = $ele->get(); } foreach ($this->_listColumns[$this->listName] as $listColumn => $listLabel) { $column = strtoupper($listColumn); if ($listColumn == 'created') { /* Set created date using phpwebsite's default date and time formats */ $rowTags['CREATED'] = date(PHPWS_DATE_FORMAT . ' ' . PHPWS_TIME_FORMAT, $item['created']); } else { if ($listColumn == 'updated') { /* Set updated date using phpwebsite's default date and time formats */ $rowTags['UPDATED'] = date(PHPWS_DATE_FORMAT . ' ' . PHPWS_TIME_FORMAT, $item['updated']); } else { if ($listColumn == 'hidden') { /* Setting message depending if this item is hidden or not */ if (isset($this->_listValues['hidden'])) { $rowTags['HIDDEN'] = $this->_listValues['hidden'][$item['hidden']]; } else { if ($item['hidden'] == 1) { $rowTags['HIDDEN'] = _('Hidden'); } else { $rowTags['HIDDEN'] = _('Visible'); } } } else { if ($listColumn == 'approved') { /* Setting message depending if this item is approved or not */ if (isset($this->_listValues['hidden'])) { $rowTags['APPROVED'] = $this->_listValues['approved'][$item['approved']]; } else { if ($item['approved'] == 1) { $rowTags['APPROVED'] = _('Approved'); } else { $rowTags['APPROVED'] = _('Unapproved'); } } } else { if ($listColumn == 'groups') { $groups = unserialize($item['groups']); if (is_array($groups) && sizeof($groups) > 0) { /* Set flag to check whether to add a comma or not */ $flag = FALSE; /* Create a string of group names the current item belongs to */ foreach ($groups as $group) { if ($flag) { $rowTags['GROUPS'] .= ', '; } $rowTags['GROUPS'] .= $group; $flag = TRUE; } } else { $rowTags['GROUPS'] = _('All'); } } else { $method = 'get' . $listColumn; if (is_object($object) && in_array($method, $classMethods)) { $rowTags[$column] = $object->{$method}(); } else { $rowTags[$column] = $item[$listColumn]; } } } } } } } /* Process this item and concatenate onto the current list of items */ $listTags['LIST_ITEMS'] .= PHPWS_Template::processTemplate($rowTags, 'core', $rowTpl, FALSE); } if (isset($this->_listPaging[$this->listName]) && is_array($this->_listPaging[$this->listName]) && sizeof($this->_listPaging[$this->listName]) > 0) { $listTags['NAV_BACKWARD'] = $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->getBackLink($this->_listPaging[$this->listName]['back']); $listTags['NAV_FORWARD'] = $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->getForwardLink($this->_listPaging[$this->listName]['forward']); if (isset($this->_listPaging[$this->listName]['section'])) { $listTags['NAV_SECTIONS'] = $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->getSectionLinks(); } $listTags['NAV_LIMITS'] = $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->getLimitLinks(); $listTags['NAV_INFO'] = $this->_pagers[$this->listName]->getSectionInfo(); } $actions = array(); if (isset($this->_listActions[$this->listName]) && is_array($this->_listActions[$this->listName])) { foreach ($this->_listActions[$this->listName] as $actionString => $actionLabel) { if (isset($this->_listPermissions[$this->listName][$actionString])) { $permission = $this->_listPermissions[$this->listName][$actionString]; } if (isset($permission)) { if (Current_User::allow($this->_module, $permission)) { $actions[$actionString] = $actionLabel; } } else { $actions[$actionString] = $actionLabel; } } } if ($makeForm) { /* Create action select and Go button */ $ele = new Form_Select($this->_request, $actions); $listTags['ACTION_SELECT'] = $ele->get(); $listTags['ACTION_BUTTON'] = sprintf('<input type="submit" value="%s" />', _('Go')); $listTags['TOGGLE_ALL'] = javascript('check_all', array('FORM_NAME' => 'PHPWS_MAN_LIST_' . $this->listName)); /* Add hidden variable to designate the current module */ $ele = new Form_Hidden('module', $this->_module); $elements[0] = $ele->get(); $elements[0] .= PHPWS_Template::processTemplate($listTags, 'core', $listTpl, FALSE); /* Create final form and dump it into a content variable to be returned */ $content = sprintf('<form name="%s" action="index.php" method="post">%s</form>', 'PHPWS_MAN_LIST_' . $this->listName, implode("\n", $elements)); } else { $content = PHPWS_Template::processTemplate($listTags, 'core', $listTpl, FALSE); } } else { $listTags['LIST_ITEMS'] = '<tr><td colspan="' . $columns . '">' . _('No items for the current list.') . '</td></tr>'; $content = PHPWS_Template::processTemplate($listTags, 'core', $listTpl, FALSE); } /* reinitialize sort and order before next list */ $this->setSort(NULL); $this->setOrder(NULL); $this->_class = NULL; return $content; }