コード例 #1
 function submitFeedback(array $data, Form $form)
     // TRUE if the submission contains a link. Crude spam mitigation.
     $ContainsLink = strpos($data['Content'], "http://") !== false;
     if ($data['Content'] != NULL && !$ContainsLink) {
         $FeedbackSubmission = new FeedbackSubmission();
         // Tie the URL of the current page to the feedback submission
         $page = Director::get_current_page();
         $FeedbackSubmission->Page = $page->Link();
         //Send email alert about submission
         $Subject = "New Website Feedback Submission";
         $email = EmailFactory::getInstance()->buildEmail(FEEDBACK_FORM_FROM_EMAIL, FEEDBACK_FORM_TO_EMAIL, $Subject);
         // Redirect back to the page with a success message
         $form->controller->setMessage('Success', 'Thanks for providing feedback to improve the OpenStack website!');
     } else {
         $form->controller->setMessage('Error', "Oops! It doesn't look like you provided any feedback. Please check the form and try again.");
コード例 #2
  * Update a workflow based on user input. 
  * @todo refactor with WorkflowInstance::updateWorkflow
  * @param array $data
  * @param Form $form
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return String
 public function updateworkflow($data, Form $form, $request)
     $svc = singleton('WorkflowService');
     $p = $form->getRecord();
     $workflow = $svc->getWorkflowFor($p);
     $action = $workflow->CurrentAction();
     if (!$p || !$p->canEditWorkflow()) {
     $allowedFields = $workflow->getWorkflowFields()->saveableFields();
     $allowed = array_keys($allowedFields);
     if (count($allowed)) {
         $form->saveInto($action, $allowed);
     if (isset($data['TransitionID']) && $data['TransitionID']) {
         $svc->executeTransition($p, $data['TransitionID']);
     } else {
         // otherwise, just try to execute the current workflow to see if it
         // can now proceed based on user input
     return $this->owner->getResponseNegotiator()->respond($this->owner->getRequest());
コード例 #3
ファイル: RegisterMemberPage.php プロジェクト: vinstah/body
 public function Register($data, Form $form)
     if (!Member::currentUser()) {
         $member = new Member();
         // Debug::show($form);
         if (Group::get()->filter('Title', 'Subscribed')->count() == 0) {
             $group = Group::create();
             $group->Title = 'Subscribed';
         } else {
             $group = Group::get()->filter('Title', 'Subscribed')->First();
         if (Member::get()->filter('Email', $data['Email'])) {
             $form->addErrorMessage('Email', 'That email address is already in use. <a href="Security/login">login</a>', 'bad', true, true);
         } else {
             //has to be called before setting group
             if (!$member->inGroup($group)) {
  * Form action handler for ContactInquiryForm.
  * @param array $data The form request data submitted
  * @param Form $form The {@link Form} this was submitted on
 function dosave(array $data, Form $form, SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $SQLData = Convert::raw2sql($data);
     $attrs = $form->getAttributes();
     if ($SQLData['Comment'] != '' || $SQLData['Url'] != '') {
         // most probably spam - terminate silently
         Director::redirect(Director::baseURL() . $this->URLSegment . "/success");
     $item = new ContactInquiry();
     // $form->sessionMessage(_t("ContactPage.FORMMESSAGEGOOD", "Your inquiry has been submitted. Thanks!"), 'good');
     $mailFrom = $this->currController->MailFrom ? $this->currController->MailFrom : $SQLData['Email'];
     $mailTo = $this->currController->MailTo ? $this->currController->MailTo : Email::getAdminEmail();
     $mailSubject = $this->currController->MailSubject ? $this->currController->MailSubject . ' - ' . $SQLData['Ref'] : _t('ContactPage.SUBJECT', '[web] New contact inquiry - ') . ' ' . $data['Ref'];
     $email = new Email($mailFrom, $mailTo, $mailSubject);
     // $this->controller->redirectBack();
     if ($email->send()) {
         $this->controller->redirect($this->controller->Link() . "success");
     } else {
         $this->controller->redirect($this->controller->Link() . "error");
     return false;
 function doRegister($data, Form $form)
     //Check for existing member email address
     if ($member = DataObject::get_one("Member", "`Email` = '" . Convert::raw2sql($data['Email']) . "'")) {
         //Set error message
         $form->sessionMessage($data['Email'] . ". Sorry, that email address already exists. Please choose another.", 'bad');
         //Return back to form
         return $this->redirectBack();
         //return Director::redirectBack();
     } else {
         //Otherwise create new member and log them in
         $Member = new Member();
         //Find or create the 'user' group
         if (!($userGroup = DataObject::get_one('Group', "Code = 'users'"))) {
             $userGroup = new Group();
             $userGroup->Code = "users";
             $userGroup->Title = "users";
         //Add member to user group
         //Get profile page
         if ($ProfilePage = DataObject::get_one('EditProfilePage')) {
             //echo "profile page exists";
             //Redirect to profile page with success message
             return $this->redirect($ProfilePage->Link());
  * @param Form $form
  * @return SignatureRecord
 protected function updateRecord(Form $form)
     $signature = $this->getSignatureRecord(true);
     return $signature;
コード例 #7
  * Save the current sites {@link SiteConfig} into the database
  * @param array $data 
  * @param Form $form 
  * @return String
 public function save_siteconfig($data, $form)
     $siteConfig = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
     $this->response->addHeader('X-Status', rawurlencode(_t('LeftAndMain.SAVEDUP', 'Saved.')));
     return $this->getResponseNegotiator()->respond($this->request);
コード例 #8
  * Save the current sites {@link SiteConfig} into the database
  * @param array $data 
  * @param Form $form 
  * @return String
 function save_siteconfig($data, $form)
     $siteConfig = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
     $this->response->addHeader('X-Status', rawurlencode(_t('LeftAndMain.SAVEDUP', 'Saved.')));
     return $form->forTemplate();
コード例 #9
 public function testFormSaveInto()
     $form = new Form(new Controller(), 'Form', new FieldList($f = new DatetimeField('MyDatetime', null)), new FieldList(new FormAction('doSubmit')));
     $f->setValue(array('date' => '29/03/2003', 'time' => '23:59:38'));
     $m = new DatetimeFieldTest_Model();
     $this->assertEquals('2003-03-29 23:59:38', $m->MyDatetime);
  * Handles adding the snippet to the database
  * @param {array} $data Data submitted by the user
  * @param {Form} $form Form submitted
 public function doAdd($data, Form $form)
     $record = $this->getRecord(null);
     $editController = singleton('CodeBank');
     return $this->redirect(Controller::join_links(singleton('CodeBank')->Link('show'), $record->ID));
コード例 #11
  * @param array $data
  * @param Form $form
  * @throws ValidationException
  * @throws null
 public function HandleForm($data, $form)
     /** @var Contact $Contact */
     $Contact = Contact::create();
     Session::set('ThanksMessage', true);
     $this->redirect($this->Link() . '#section-contact');
 function doSubmit(array $raw_data, Form $form)
     $controller = $form->getController();
     $data = Convert::raw2sql($raw_data);
     $submission = new Distributor();
     $submission->DistributorPageID = $controller->ID;
     return $controller->redirect($controller->Link());
コード例 #13
ファイル: FormTest.php プロジェクト: aaronleslie/aaronunix
 public function testLookupFieldDisabledSaving()
     $object = new DataObjectTest_Team();
     $form = new Form(new Controller(), 'Form', new FieldList(new LookupField('Players', 'Players')), new FieldList());
     $form->loadDataFrom(array('Players' => array(14, 18, 22)));
     $playersIds = $object->Players()->getIDList();
     $this->assertEquals($playersIds, array(), 'saveInto() should not save into the DataObject for the LookupField');
コード例 #14
  * Relation auto-setting is now the only option
 function testAutoRelationSettingOn()
     $o = new TableFieldTest_Object();
     $tf = new TableField('HasManyRelations', 'TableFieldTest_HasManyRelation', array('Value' => 'Value'), array('Value' => 'TextField'));
     // Test with auto relation setting
     $form = new Form(new TableFieldTest_Controller(), "Form", new FieldList($tf), new FieldList());
     $tf->setValue(array('new' => array('Value' => array('one', 'two'))));
     $this->assertEquals(2, $o->HasManyRelations()->Count());
  * Updates an existing Member's profile.
 public function save(array $data, Form $form)
     try {
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         $form->sessionMessage($e->getResult()->message(), 'bad');
         return $this->redirectBack();
     $form->sessionMessage(_t('MemberProfiles.PROFILEUPDATED', 'Your profile has been updated.'), 'good');
     return $this->redirectBack();
コード例 #16
  * Save the changes to the form, and redirect to the checkout page
  * @param array          $data
  * @param Form           $form
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return bool|SS_HTTPResponse
 public function proceed($data, $form, $request)
     $member = Member::currentUser();
     if (!$member) {
         return false;
     $form->sessionMessage(_t("MemberForm.DetailsSaved", 'Your details have been saved'), 'good');
     $this->extend('updateShopAccountFormResponse', $request, $form, $data, $response);
     return $response ?: $this->getController()->redirect(CheckoutPage::find_link());
コード例 #17
  * Save the current sites {@link SiteConfig} into the database
  * @param array $data 
  * @param Form $form 
  * @return String
 public function save_siteconfig($data, $form)
     $siteConfig = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
     try {
     } catch (ValidationException $ex) {
         $form->sessionMessage($ex->getResult()->message(), 'bad');
         return $this->getResponseNegotiator()->respond($this->request);
     $this->response->addHeader('X-Status', rawurlencode(_t('LeftAndMain.SAVEDUP', 'Saved.')));
     return $this->getResponseNegotiator()->respond($this->request);
コード例 #18
  * Handles validating the final step and writing the tickets data to the
  * registration object.
 public function finish($data, $form)
     parent::finish($data, $form);
     $step = $this->getCurrentStep();
     $datetime = $this->getController()->getDateTime();
     $registration = $this->session->getRegistration();
     $ticketsStep = $this->getSavedStepByClass('EventRegisterTicketsStep');
     $tickets = $ticketsStep->loadData();
     // Check that the requested tickets are still available.
     if (!$this->validateTickets($tickets['Tickets'], $form)) {
         Session::set("FormInfo.{$form->FormName()}.data", $form->getData());
         return false;
     // Validate the final step.
     if (!$step->validateStep($data, $form)) {
         Session::set("FormInfo.{$form->FormName()}.data", $form->getData());
         return false;
     // Reload the first step fields into a form, then save it into the
     // registration object.
     $fields = $ticketsStep->getFields();
     $form = new Form($this, '', $fields, new FieldSet());
     if ($member = Member::currentUser()) {
         $registration->Name = $member->getName();
         $registration->Email = $member->Email;
     $registration->TimeID = $datetime->ID;
     $registration->MemberID = Member::currentUserID();
     $total = $ticketsStep->getTotal();
     foreach ($tickets['Tickets'] as $id => $quantity) {
         if ($quantity) {
             $registration->Tickets()->add($id, array('Quantity' => $quantity));
     // If the registrations is already valid, then send a details email.
     if ($registration->Status == 'Valid') {
     $this->extend('onRegistrationComplete', $registration);
     return Director::redirect(Controller::join_links($datetime->Event()->Link(), 'registration', $registration->ID, '?token=' . $registration->Token));
コード例 #19
 public function doRegisterPersonal(array $data, Form $form)
     $exist = Member::get()->filter(array('Email' => $this->Email))->first();
     if ($exist) {
         $form->sessionMessage('该电子邮件已被注册', 'bad');
         return $this->redirectBack();
     $member = new UnapprovedMember();
     $member->setField('MemberType', 'Personal');
     $form->sessionMessage('注册成功,请等待您所属的企业审核账号,审核通过之后可以正常登陆', 'good');
     return $this->redirectBack();
コード例 #20
 public function add(array $data, Form $form, $request)
     if (!$this->context && isset($data['TargetType'])) {
         $this->context = DataObject::get_by_id($data['TargetType'], $data['TargetID']);
     if (!$this->context->canEdit()) {
     $comment = new InlineComment();
     $comment->AuthorID = Member::currentUserID();
     $res = array('comment' => $comment->toMap());
     return singleton('ICUtils')->ajaxResponse($res, true);
  * Process the submitted form data and save to database
  * @return Redirect
 public function post(array $data, Form $form)
     $discussion = null;
     $page = DiscussionHolder::get()->byID($this->controller->ID);
     $member = Member::currentUser();
     if ($this->controller->canStartDiscussions($member)) {
         // Check if we are editing or creating
         if (isset($data['ID']) && $data['ID']) {
             $discussion = Discussion::get()->byID($data['ID']);
         if (!$discussion || $discussion == null) {
             $discussion = Discussion::create();
         $discussion->AuthorID = $member->ID;
         $discussion->ParentID = $page->ID;
         $discussion_url = Controller::join_links($this->controller->Link("view"), $discussion->ID);
         return $this->controller->redirect($discussion_url);
     } else {
         return $this->controller->httpError(404);
コード例 #22
  * Process payment form and return next step in the payment process.
  * Steps taken are:
  * 1. create new payment
  * 2. save form into payment
  * 3. return payment result
  * @param Order $order - the order that is being paid
  * @param Form $form - the form that is being submitted
  * @param Array $data - Array of data that is submittted
  * @return Boolean - if successful, this method will return TRUE
 public static function process_payment_form_and_return_next_step($order, $form, $data)
     if (!$order) {
         $form->sessionMessage(_t('EcommercePayment.NOORDER', 'Order not found.'), 'bad');
         return false;
     $paidBy = $order->Member();
     if (!$paidBy) {
         $paidBy = Member::currentUser();
     $paymentClass = !empty($data['PaymentMethod']) ? $data['PaymentMethod'] : null;
     $payment = class_exists($paymentClass) ? new $paymentClass() : null;
     if (!($payment && $payment instanceof Payment)) {
         $form->sessionMessage(_t('EcommercePayment.NOPAYMENTOPTION', 'No Payment option selected.'), 'bad');
         return false;
     // Save payment data from form and process payment
     $payment->OrderID = $order->ID;
     if (is_object($paidBy)) {
         $payment->PaidByID = $paidBy->ID;
     $payment->Amount = $order->TotalOutstandingAsMoneyObject();
     // Process payment, get the result back
     $result = $payment->processPayment($data, $form);
     if (!$result instanceof Payment_Result) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($result->isProcessing()) {
             // isProcessing(): Long payment process redirected to another website (PayPal, Worldpay)
             //redirection is taken care of by payment processor
             return $result->getValue();
         } else {
             //payment is done, redirect to either returntolink
             //OR to the link of the order ....
             if (isset($data["returntolink"])) {
             } else {
         return true;
  * Action called by the form to actually create a new page object. 
  * @param SS_HttpRequest $request
  * @param Form $form
 public function createpage($request, Form $form)
     // create a new object and bind the form data
     $pid = $this->CreateLocation()->ID;
     if (!$pid) {
         $pid = 0;
     $type = $this->CreateType;
     $obj = new $type();
     $obj->ParentID = $pid;
     // redirect to the created object
     Director::redirect($obj->Link() . '?stage=Stage');
  * Register a new member
  * @param array $data User submitted data
  * @param Form $form The used form
 function doSaveNotificationSettings($data, $form)
     $filter = array();
     $member = Member::get()->byID($data["ID"]);
     // Check that a mamber isn't trying to mess up another users profile
     if (Member::currentUserID() && $member->canEdit(Member::currentUser())) {
         // Save member
         $this->owner->setSessionMessage("message success", _t("Discussions.NotificationSettingsUpdated", "Notification settings updated"));
         return $this->owner->redirect($this->owner->Link());
     } else {
         $this->owner->setSessionMessage("message error", _t("Discussions.CannotEditAccount", "You cannot edit this account"));
     return $this->owner->redirectBack();
コード例 #25
  * Store it.
  * And also check if it's no double-post. Limited to 60 seconds, but it can be differed.
  * I wonder if this is XSS safe? The saveInto does this for me, right?
  * @param array $data Posted data as array
  * @param Form $form FormObject containing the entire Form as an Object.
 public function CommentStore($data, $form)
      * If the "Extra" field is filled, we have a bot.
      * Also, the nsas (<noscript> Anti Spam) is a bot. Bot's don't use javascript.
      * Note, a legitimate visitor that has JS disabled, will be unable to post!
     if (!isset($data['Extra']) || $data['Extra'] == '' || isset($data['nsas'])) {
         $data['Comment'] = Convert::raw2sql($data['Comment']);
         $exists = Comment::get()->filter(array('Comment:PartialMatch' => $data['Comment']))->where('ABS(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), Created)) < 60');
         if (!$exists->count()) {
             $comment = Comment::create();
             $comment->NewsID = $data['NewsID'];
コード例 #26
 public function postEntry(array $data, Form $form)
     if (!empty($data['Website'])) {
         if (!filter_var($data['Website'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
             $form->addErrorMessage('Website', _t('GuestbookController.INVALIDWEBSITEFORMAT', "Invalid format for website."), 'bad');
             return $this->redirectBack();
     if (Session::get("GuestbookPosted") > time() - $this->FloodLimit) {
         $floodMessage = _t('GuestbookController.FLOODLIMITEXCEEDED', "You have already posted the last {seconds} seconds. Please wait.", "", $this->FloodLimit);
         $form->sessionMessage($floodMessage, 'bad');
         return $this->redirectBack();
     $entry = GuestbookEntry::create();
     $entry->GuestbookID = $this->ID;
     $form->sessionMessage(_t('GuestbookController.ENTRYSAVED', "Entry has been saved."), 'good');
     Session::set('GuestbookPosted', time());
     return $this->redirectBack();
コード例 #27
 public function save(array $data, Form $form, SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $obj = $this->getContextObject();
     if (!$obj) {
         throw new Exception('Context Object Not Found');
     //Only Save data when Transition is 'Active'
     if ($this->getCurrentTransition()->Type == 'Active') {
         if ($obj->canEdit()) {
     //run execute on instance
     $action = $this->contextObj->getWorkflowInstance()->currentAction();
     //get valid transitions
     $transitions = $action->getValidTransitions();
     //tell instance to execute transition
     if ($transitions->find('ID', $this->transitionID)) {
コード例 #28
  * Postback action to save a record
  * @param array $data
  * @param Form $form
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return mixed
 function doSave($data, $form, $request)
     try {
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         $form->sessionMessage($e->getResult()->message(), 'bad');
     // Behaviour switched on ajax.
     if (Director::is_ajax()) {
         return $this->edit($request);
     } else {
コード例 #29
ファイル: DNRoot.php プロジェクト: udomsak/deploynaut
  * @param array $data
  * @param Form $form
  * @return SS_HTTPResponse
 public function doPostSnapshot($data, $form)
     $project = $this->getCurrentProject();
     if (!$project) {
         return $this->project404Response();
     $validEnvs = $project->DNEnvironmentList()->filterByCallback(function ($item) {
         return $item->canUploadArchive();
     // Validate $data['EnvironmentID'] by checking against $validEnvs.
     $environment = $validEnvs->find('ID', $data['EnvironmentID']);
     if (!$environment) {
         throw new LogicException('Invalid environment');
     $dataArchive = DNDataArchive::create(array('UploadToken' => DNDataArchive::generate_upload_token()));
     return $this->redirect(Controller::join_links($project->Link(), 'postsnapshotsuccess', $dataArchive->ID));
  * @param array $data
  * @param Form $form
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
 public function doEdit(array $data, Form $form, SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     // Check form field state
     if ($this->parent->isDisabled() || $this->parent->isReadonly()) {
         return $this->httpError(403);
     // Check item permissions
     $item = $this->getItem();
     if (!$item) {
         return $this->httpError(404);
     if ($item instanceof Folder) {
         return $this->httpError(403);
     $memberID = Member::currentUserID();
     $res = false;
     try {
         // Owner can always delete
         if ($memberID && $item->OwnerID == $memberID) {
             $res = true;
         } else {
             $res = $item->canEditFrontend();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
     $form->sessionMessage(_t('UploadField.Saved', 'Saved'), 'good');
     return $this->edit($request);