public function doValidate($validator, $values) { preg_match(ForgeValidatorGitHubUrl::PATTERN, $values['url'], $parts); $url = sprintf('', $parts[3], $parts[4]); if (!ForgeToolkit::isUrlAccessible($url)) { throw new sfValidatorError($validator, sprintf('Could not access <a href="%s">GitHub URL</a> (404)', $url)); } $this->gitHubUser = $parts[3]; $this->gitHubRepository = $parts[4]; return $values; }
public function storeScreenshot() { $path = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/' . sfConfig::get('app_screenshots_path') . '/' . $this->getPluginId() . '/' . $this->getId(); ForgeToolkit::createRecursiveDirectory($path . '/thumbs/'); $filename = $this->getFilename(); try { $tmp = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), uniqid($this->getUrl() . time())); @copy($this->getUrl(), $tmp); if (@file_get_contents($tmp)) { $image = new sfImage($tmp); $image->saveAs($path . '/' . $filename); $image->thumbnail(sfConfig::get('app_screenshots_' . ($this->isPrimary() ? 'primary' : '') . 'width'), sfConfig::get('app_screenshots_' . ($this->isPrimary() ? 'primary' : '') . 'height'), 'center'); $image->saveAs($path . '/thumbs/' . $filename, 'image/png'); } } catch (sfImageTransformException $e) { $this->delete(); } }
protected function doClean($values) { if (is_null($values)) { $values = array(); } if (!is_array($values)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('You must pass an array parameter to the clean() method'); } $errors = array(); $deps = isset($values[$this->getOption('dependencies_field')]) ? $values[$this->getOption('dependencies_field')] : array(); if (!empty($deps)) { foreach ($deps as $i => $dep) { if (!isset($dep['package']) || !$dep['package']) { $errors[] = new sfValidatorError($this, 'no_package'); } else { if (!ForgeToolkit::isUrl($dep['package'])) { if (!isset($dep['version']) || !$dep['version']) { $errors[] = new sfValidatorError($this, 'missing_tag', array('value' => $results[3])); } $plugin = PluginPeer::retrieveBySlug($results[3]); if ($plugin) { if ($tag = $plugin->getGitTagByName($dep['tag'])) { $values[$i]['plugin_tag_id'] = $tag->getId(); $errors[] = new sfValidatorError($this, 'tag_not_found', array('plugin' => $results[3], 'value' => $dep['tag'])); } } else { $errors[] = new sfValidatorError($this, 'plugin_not_found', array('value' => $dep['package'])); } } else { $values[$i]['external'] = true; $values[$i]['url'] = $dep['package']; $values[$i]['title'] = ForgeToolkit::retrieveTitleFromURL($dep['package']); } } } } if (!empty($errors)) { throw new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this, $errors); } return $values; }
public function setArbitrarySections($sections, $deletePrior = true) { if ($deletePrior) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(PluginSectionPeer::PLUGIN_ID, $this->getId()); PluginSectionPeer::doDelete($c); } foreach ($sections as $slug => $content) { $s = new PluginSection(); $s->setTitle(ForgeToolkit::fromSlug($slug)); $s->setContent($content); $s->setPlugin($this); $s->save(); } }