if (!$data) { return false; } $crypt = base64_decode($data); //Optional Part, only necessary if you use other encryption mode than ECB $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size($this->Algo, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND); $decrypt = mcrypt_decrypt($this->Algo, $this->Key, $crypt, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv); return trim($decrypt); } } //Creating a new instance of the crypter with RIJNDAEL_256 encryption $userPost = $_POST["user"]; $crypter = new Crypter($passphrase, MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256); $foo = new Foo(); $foo->foo1(); $foo->foo2(); class foo { public function foo1() { $i = 0; $userCount = $GLOBALS["userCount"]; while ($i < $userCount) { $data = "user" . $i; $export = "safeUser" . $i; $data = $GLOBALS[$data]; $GLOBALS[$export] = $GLOBALS["crypter"]->Encrypt($data); $i = $i + 1; } }
<?php // // simple static methods: wrappers around sinks Foo::foo1($evil, "ok"); class Foo extends Bar { function foo1($fp1, $fp2) { echo $fp1; echo $fp2; echo $_GET['x']; } }
<? // // simple methods: wrappers around sinks $f = new Foo; $f->foo1($evil, "ok"); class Foo extends Bar { function foo1($fp1, $fp2) { echo $fp1; echo $fp2; echo $_GET['x']; } } ?>