public function show() { global $USER, $PLANET, $resource, $LNG, $pricelist; $UserDeuterium = $PLANET['deuterium']; $planetID = HTTP::_GP('planetID', 0); $targetMission = HTTP::_GP('mission', 0); $activeSlots = FleetFunctions::GetCurrentFleets($USER['id']); $maxSlots = FleetFunctions::GetMaxFleetSlots($USER); $this->returnData['slots'] = $activeSlots; if (IsVacationMode($USER)) { $this->sendData(620, $LNG['fa_vacation_mode_current']); } if (empty($planetID)) { $this->sendData(601, $LNG['fa_planet_not_exist']); } if ($maxSlots <= $activeSlots) { $this->sendData(612, $LNG['fa_no_more_slots']); } $fleetArray = array(); $db = Database::get(); switch ($targetMission) { case 6: if (!isModuleAvailable(MODULE_MISSION_SPY)) { $this->sendData(699, $LNG['sys_module_inactive']); } $ships = min($USER['spio_anz'], $PLANET[$resource[210]]); if (empty($ships)) { $this->sendData(611, $LNG['fa_no_spios']); } $fleetArray = array(210 => $ships); $this->returnData['ships'][210] = $PLANET[$resource[210]] - $ships; break; case 8: if (!isModuleAvailable(MODULE_MISSION_RECYCLE)) { $this->sendData(699, $LNG['sys_module_inactive']); } $sql = "SELECT (der_metal + der_crystal) as sum FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetID;"; $totalDebris = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetID' => $planetID), 'sum'); $recElementIDs = array(219, 209); $fleetArray = array(); foreach ($recElementIDs as $elementID) { $shipsNeed = min(ceil($totalDebris / $pricelist[$elementID]['capacity']), $PLANET[$resource[$elementID]]); $totalDebris -= $shipsNeed * $pricelist[$elementID]['capacity']; $fleetArray[$elementID] = $shipsNeed; $this->returnData['ships'][$elementID] = $PLANET[$resource[$elementID]] - $shipsNeed; if ($totalDebris <= 0) { break; } } if (empty($fleetArray)) { $this->sendData(611, $LNG['fa_no_recyclers']); } break; default: $this->sendData(610, $LNG['fa_not_enough_probes']); break; } $fleetArray = array_filter($fleetArray); if (empty($fleetArray)) { $this->sendData(610, $LNG['fa_not_enough_probes']); } $sql = "SELECT planet.id_owner as id_owner,\n\t\tplanet.galaxy as galaxy,\n\t\tplanet.system as system,\n\t\tplanet.planet as planet,\n\t\tplanet.planet_type as planet_type,\n\t\ttotal_points, onlinetime, urlaubs_modus, banaday, authattack\n\t\tFROM %%PLANETS%% planet\n\t\tINNER JOIN %%USERS%% user ON planet.id_owner =\n\t\tLEFT JOIN %%STATPOINTS%% as stat ON stat.id_owner = AND stat.stat_type = '1'\n\t\tWHERE = :planetID;"; $targetData = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetID' => $planetID)); if (empty($targetData)) { $this->sendData(601, $LNG['fa_planet_not_exist']); } if ($targetMission == 6) { if (Config::get()->adm_attack == 1 && $targetData['authattack'] > $USER['authlevel']) { $this->sendData(619, $LNG['fa_action_not_allowed']); } if (IsVacationMode($targetData)) { $this->sendData(605, $LNG['fa_vacation_mode']); } $sql = 'SELECT total_points FROM %%STATPOINTS%% WHERE id_owner = :userId AND stat_type = :statType'; $USER += Database::get()->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $USER['id'], ':statType' => 1)); $IsNoobProtec = CheckNoobProtec($USER, $targetData, $targetData); if ($IsNoobProtec['NoobPlayer']) { $this->sendData(603, $LNG['fa_week_player']); } if ($IsNoobProtec['StrongPlayer']) { $this->sendData(604, $LNG['fa_strong_player']); } if ($USER['id'] == $targetData['id_owner']) { $this->sendData(618, $LNG['fa_not_spy_yourself']); } } $SpeedFactor = FleetFunctions::GetGameSpeedFactor(); $Distance = FleetFunctions::GetTargetDistance(array($PLANET['galaxy'], $PLANET['system'], $PLANET['planet']), array($targetData['galaxy'], $targetData['system'], $targetData['planet'])); $SpeedAllMin = FleetFunctions::GetFleetMaxSpeed($fleetArray, $USER); $Duration = FleetFunctions::GetMissionDuration(10, $SpeedAllMin, $Distance, $SpeedFactor, $USER); $consumption = FleetFunctions::GetFleetConsumption($fleetArray, $Duration, $Distance, $USER, $SpeedFactor); $UserDeuterium -= $consumption; if ($UserDeuterium < 0) { $this->sendData(613, $LNG['fa_not_enough_fuel']); } if ($consumption > FleetFunctions::GetFleetRoom($fleetArray)) { $this->sendData(613, $LNG['fa_no_fleetroom']); } if (connection_aborted()) { exit; } $this->returnData['slots']++; $fleetResource = array(901 => 0, 902 => 0, 903 => 0); $fleetStartTime = $Duration + TIMESTAMP; $fleetStayTime = $fleetStartTime; $fleetEndTime = $fleetStayTime + $Duration; $shipID = array_keys($fleetArray); FleetFunctions::sendFleet($fleetArray, $targetMission, $USER['id'], $PLANET['id'], $PLANET['galaxy'], $PLANET['system'], $PLANET['planet'], $PLANET['planet_type'], $targetData['id_owner'], $planetID, $targetData['galaxy'], $targetData['system'], $targetData['planet'], $targetData['planet_type'], $fleetResource, $fleetStartTime, $fleetStayTime, $fleetEndTime); $this->sendData(600, $LNG['fa_sending'] . " " . array_sum($fleetArray) . " " . $LNG['tech'][$shipID[0]] . " " . $LNG['gl_to'] . " " . $targetData['galaxy'] . ":" . $targetData['system'] . ":" . $targetData['planet'] . " ..."); }
public static function FleetAjax() { global $USER, $PLANET, $db, $resource, $LNG; $UserSpyProbes = $PLANET[$resource[210]]; $UserRecycles = $PLANET[$resource[209]]; $UserGRecycles = $PLANET[$resource[219]]; $UserDeuterium = $PLANET['deuterium']; $UserMissiles = $PLANET['interplanetary_misil']; $thisgalaxy = $PLANET['galaxy']; $thissystem = $PLANET['system']; $thisplanet = $PLANET['planet']; $thisplanettype = $PLANET['planet_type']; $galaxy = request_var('galaxy', 0); $system = request_var('system', 0); $planet = request_var('planet', 0); $planettype = request_var('planettype', 0); $mission = request_var('mission', 0); $CurrentFlyingFleets = parent::GetCurrentFleets($USER['id']); switch ($mission) { case 6: $SpyProbes = request_var('ships', 0); $SpyProbes = min($SpyProbes, $PLANET[$resource[210]]); if (empty($SpyProbes)) { exit($ResultMessage = "611; " . $LNG['fa_no_spios'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } $FleetArray = array(210 => $SpyProbes); break; case 8: $SRecycles = explode("|", request_var('ships', '')); $GRecycles = min($SRecycles[0], $PLANET[$resource[219]]); $Recycles = min($SRecycles[1], $PLANET[$resource[209]]); if (empty($Recycles) && empty($GRecycles)) { exit($ResultMessage = "611; " . $LNG['fa_no_recyclers'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } $FleetArray = array(219 => $GRecycles, 209 => $Recycles); break; default: exit("610; " . $LNG['fa_not_enough_probes'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); break; } parent::CleanFleetArray($FleetArray); if (empty($FleetArray)) { exit("610; " . $LNG['fa_not_enough_probes'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } if (parent::GetMaxFleetSlots($USER) <= $CurrentFlyingFleets) { $ResultMessage = "612; " . $LNG['fa_no_more_slots'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } if ($galaxy > MAX_GALAXY_IN_WORLD || $galaxy < 1) { $ResultMessage = "602; " . $LNG['fa_galaxy_not_exist'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } if ($system > MAX_SYSTEM_IN_GALAXY || $system < 1) { $ResultMessage = "602; " . $LNG['fa_system_not_exist'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } if ($planet > MAX_PLANET_IN_SYSTEM || $planet < 1) { $ResultMessage = "602; " . $LNG['fa_planet_not_exist'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } $QrySelectEnemy = "SELECT id_level, id_owner FROM " . PLANETS . " "; $QrySelectEnemy .= "WHERE "; $QrySelectEnemy .= "`galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "' AND "; $QrySelectEnemy .= "`system` = '" . $system . "' AND "; $QrySelectEnemy .= "`planet` = '" . $planet . "' AND "; $QrySelectEnemy .= "`planet_type` = '" . $planettype . "';"; $TargetRow = $db->uniquequery($QrySelectEnemy); if ($TargetRow['id_level'] > $USER['authlevel'] && $mission == 6 && $CONF['adm_attack'] == 0) { exit("619; " . $LNG['fa_action_not_allowed'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } $TargetUser = GetUserByID($TargetRow['id_owner'], array('id', 'onlinetime', 'urlaubs_modus')); if ($USER['urlaubs_modus'] == 1) { $ResultMessage = "620; " . $LNG['fa_vacation_mode_current'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } if ($mission == 6) { $TargetVacat = $TargetUser['urlaubs_modus']; if ($TargetVacat) { $ResultMessage = "605; " . $LNG['fa_vacation_mode'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } $UserPoints = $USER; $User2Points = $db->uniquequery("SELECT `total_points` FROM " . STATPOINTS . " WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `stat_code` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '" . $TargetRow['id_owner'] . "';"); $IsNoobProtec = CheckNoobProtec($UserPoints, $User2Points, $TargetUser['onlinetime']); if ($IsNoobProtec['NoobPlayer']) { exit("603; " . $LNG['fa_week_player'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } elseif ($IsNoobProtec['StrongPlayer']) { exit("604; " . $LNG['fa_strong_player'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } if (empty($TargetRow['id_owner'])) { $ResultMessage = "601; " . $LNG['fa_planet_not_exist'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } if ($TargetRow["id_owner"] == $PLANET["id_owner"]) { $ResultMessage = "618; " . $LNG['fa_not_spy_yourself'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); } } $SpeedFactor = parent::GetGameSpeedFactor(); $Distance = parent::GetTargetDistance($thisgalaxy, $galaxy, $thissystem, $system, $thisplanet, $planet); $SpeedAllMin = parent::GetFleetMaxSpeed($FleetArray, $USER); $Duration = parent::GetMissionDuration(10, $SpeedAllMin, $Distance, $SpeedFactor, $USER); $consumption = parent::GetFleetConsumption($FleetArray, $Duration, $Distance, $SpeedAllMin, $USER, $SpeedFactor); $UserDeuterium -= $consumption; if ($UserDeuterium < 0) { exit("613; " . $LNG['fa_not_enough_fuel'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } elseif ($consumption > parent::GetFleetRoom($FleetArray)) { exit("613; " . $LNG['fa_no_fleetroom'] . " |" . $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . $UserSpyProbes . " " . $UserRecycles . " " . $UserGRecycles . " " . $UserMissiles); } $fleet['fly_time'] = $Duration; $fleet['start_time'] = $Duration + TIMESTAMP; $fleet['end_time'] = $Duration * 2 + TIMESTAMP; $FleetShipCount = 0; $FleetDBArray = ""; $FleetSubQRY = ""; foreach ($FleetArray as $Ship => $Count) { $FleetShipCount += $Count; $FleetDBArray .= $Ship . "," . $Count . ";"; $FleetSubQRY .= "`" . $resource[$Ship] . "` = `" . $resource[$Ship] . "` - " . $Count . " , "; } if (connection_aborted()) { exit; } $QryUpdate = "LOCK TABLE " . FLEETS . " WRITE, " . PLANETS . " WRITE;"; $QryUpdate .= "INSERT INTO " . FLEETS . " SET "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_owner` = '" . $USER['id'] . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_mission` = '" . $mission . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_amount` = '" . $FleetShipCount . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_array` = '" . $FleetDBArray . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_start_time` = '" . $fleet['start_time'] . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_start_galaxy` = '" . $thisgalaxy . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_start_system` = '" . $thissystem . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_start_planet` = '" . $thisplanet . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_start_type` = '" . $thisplanettype . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_end_time` = '" . $fleet['end_time'] . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_end_galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_end_system` = '" . $system . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_end_planet` = '" . $planet . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_end_type` = '" . $planettype . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`fleet_target_owner` = '" . $TargetRow['id_owner'] . "', "; $QryUpdate .= "`start_time` = '" . TIMESTAMP . "';"; $QryUpdate .= "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $QryUpdate .= $FleetSubQRY; $QryUpdate .= "`deuterium` = '" . floattostring($UserDeuterium) . "' "; $QryUpdate .= "WHERE "; $QryUpdate .= "`id` = '" . $PLANET['id'] . "';"; $QryUpdate .= "UNLOCK TABLES;"; $db->multi_query($QryUpdate); $CurrentFlyingFleets++; $ResultMessage = "600; " . $LNG['fa_sending'] . " " . $FleetShipCount . " " . $LNG['tech'][$Ship] . " a " . $galaxy . ":" . $system . ":" . $planet . "...|"; $ResultMessage .= $CurrentFlyingFleets . " " . ($UserSpyProbes - $SpyProbes) . " " . ($UserRecycles - $Recycles) . " " . ($UserGRecycles - $GRecycles) . " " . $UserMissiles; die($ResultMessage); }
public function show() { global $USER, $PLANET, $resource, $LNG, $CONF, $pricelist; $UserDeuterium = $PLANET['elyrium']; $planetID = HTTP::_GP('planetID', 0); $targetMission = HTTP::_GP('mission', 0); $select = HTTP::_GP('select', 0); $activeSlots = FleetFunctions::GetCurrentFleets($USER['id']); $maxSlots = FleetFunctions::GetMaxFleetSlots($USER); $this->returnData['slots'] = $activeSlots; if (IsVacationMode($USER)) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fa_vacation_mode_current']); } if (empty($planetID)) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fa_planet_not_exist']); } if ($maxSlots <= $activeSlots) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fa_no_more_slots']); } $fleetArray = array(); switch ($targetMission) { case 1: if (!isModulAvalible(MODULE_MISSION_ATTACK)) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['sys_module_inactive']); } $GetuserComp = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM `uni1_fleets_manage` WHERE userID = " . $USER['id'] . " AND manageID = " . $select . ";"); $num_rows = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($GetuserComp); if ($num_rows == 0) { $this->sendData('rouge', 'You need to create a fleet shortcut first'); } else { while ($xb = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($GetuserComp)) { $ship202 = min($xb['ship202'], $PLANET[$resource[202]]); $ship203 = min($xb['ship203'], $PLANET[$resource[203]]); $ship204 = min($xb['ship204'], $PLANET[$resource[204]]); $ship205 = min($xb['ship205'], $PLANET[$resource[205]]); $ship206 = min($xb['ship206'], $PLANET[$resource[206]]); $ship207 = min($xb['ship207'], $PLANET[$resource[207]]); $ship211 = min($xb['ship211'], $PLANET[$resource[211]]); $ship214 = min($xb['ship214'], $PLANET[$resource[214]]); $ship215 = min($xb['ship215'], $PLANET[$resource[215]]); $ship216 = min($xb['ship216'], $PLANET[$resource[216]]); if (empty($ship202) && $xb['ship202'] > 0) { $this->sendData(611, sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_15'], $LNG['tech'][202])); } elseif (empty($ship203) && $xb['ship203'] > 0) { $this->sendData(611, sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_15'], $LNG['tech'][202])); } elseif (empty($ship204) && $xb['ship204'] > 0) { $this->sendData(611, sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_15'], $LNG['tech'][202])); } elseif (empty($ship205) && $xb['ship205'] > 0) { $this->sendData(611, sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_15'], $LNG['tech'][202])); } elseif (empty($ship206) && $xb['ship206'] > 0) { $this->sendData(611, sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_15'], $LNG['tech'][202])); } elseif (empty($ship207) && $xb['ship207'] > 0) { $this->sendData(611, sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_15'], $LNG['tech'][202])); } elseif (empty($ship211) && $xb['ship211'] > 0) { $this->sendData(611, sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_15'], $LNG['tech'][202])); } elseif (empty($ship214) && $xb['ship214'] > 0) { $this->sendData(611, sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_15'], $LNG['tech'][202])); } elseif (empty($ship215) && $xb['ship215'] > 0) { $this->sendData(611, sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_15'], $LNG['tech'][202])); } elseif (empty($ship216) && $xb['ship216'] > 0) { $this->sendData(611, sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_15'], $LNG['tech'][202])); } $fleetArray = array(202 => $ship202, 203 => $ship203, 204 => $ship204, 205 => $ship205, 206 => $ship206, 207 => $ship207, 211 => $ship211, 214 => $ship214, 215 => $ship215, 216 => $ship216); $this->returnData['ships'][202] = $PLANET[$resource[202]] - $ship202; $this->returnData['ships'][203] = $PLANET[$resource[203]] - $ship203; $this->returnData['ships'][204] = $PLANET[$resource[204]] - $ship204; $this->returnData['ships'][205] = $PLANET[$resource[205]] - $ship205; $this->returnData['ships'][206] = $PLANET[$resource[206]] - $ship206; $this->returnData['ships'][207] = $PLANET[$resource[207]] - $ship207; $this->returnData['ships'][211] = $PLANET[$resource[211]] - $ship211; $this->returnData['ships'][214] = $PLANET[$resource[214]] - $ship214; $this->returnData['ships'][215] = $PLANET[$resource[215]] - $ship215; $this->returnData['ships'][216] = $PLANET[$resource[216]] - $ship216; } } break; case 6: if (!isModulAvalible(MODULE_MISSION_SPY)) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['sys_module_inactive']); } $ships = min($USER['spio_anz'], $PLANET[$resource[224]]); if (empty($ships)) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_2']); } $fleetArray = array(224 => $ships); $this->returnData['ships'][224] = $PLANET[$resource[224]] - $ships; break; case 8: if (!isModulAvalible(MODULE_MISSION_RECYCLE)) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['sys_module_inactive']); } $totalDebris = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT der_metal + der_crystal + der_deuterium FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE id = " . $planetID . ";"); $usedDebris = 0; $recElementIDs = array(219, 209, 223); $fleetArray = array(); foreach ($recElementIDs as $elementID) { $shipsNeed = min(ceil($totalDebris / $pricelist[$elementID]['capacity']), $PLANET[$resource[$elementID]]); $totalDebris -= $shipsNeed * $pricelist[$elementID]['capacity']; $fleetArray[$elementID] = $shipsNeed; $this->returnData['ships'][$elementID] = $PLANET[$resource[$elementID]] - $shipsNeed; if ($totalDebris <= 0) { break; } } if (empty($fleetArray)) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_1']); } if ($PLANET[$resource[219]] == 0 && $PLANET[$resource[209]] == 0 && $PLANET[$resource[223]] == 0) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_1']); } break; default: $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_2']); break; } $fleetArray = array_filter($fleetArray); if (empty($fleetArray)) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_2']); } $targetData = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT planet.id_owner as id_owner, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ as name, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplanet.galaxy as galaxy, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplanet.system as system, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplanet.planet as planet,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplanet.planet_type as planet_type, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttotal_points, onlinetime, urlaubs_modus, banaday, authattack, user_deleted, username\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . PLANETS . " planet\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . USERS . " user ON planet.id_owner =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . STATPOINTS . " as stat ON stat.id_owner = AND stat.stat_type = '1' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE = " . $planetID . ";"); $BuddyCheck = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM uni1_buddy WHERE (sender = '" . $USER['id'] . "' AND owner = '" . $targetData['id_owner'] . "' AND state = '1') OR (owner = '" . $USER['id'] . "' AND sender = '" . $targetData['id_owner'] . "' AND state = '1');"); if (empty($targetData)) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fa_planet_not_exist']); } if ($targetMission == 1 || $targetMission == 6 || $targetMission == 3 || $targetMission == 14 || $targetMission == 13) { $ipCheck = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT userID, secondID FROM uni1_ipblock WHERE userID = " . $USER['id'] . " OR secondID = '" . $USER['id'] . "';"); if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($ipCheck) > 0) { while ($xb = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($ipCheck)) { if ($targetData['id_owner'] == $xb['userID'] || $targetData['id_owner'] == $xb['secondID']) { $this->sendData('rouge', '<span class=rouge>' . sprintf($LNG['fleet_multi_block'], $this->getUsername($targetData['id_owner'])) . '</span>'); } } } if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($BuddyCheck) >= 1) { $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_pact'], $this->getUsername($targetData['id_owner']))); } } if ($targetMission == 6 || $targetMission == 1) { if ($targetMission == 1) { if (FleetFunctions::CheckBash($targetData['id_owner'])) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fl_bash_protection']); } } if ($targetData['user_deleted'] == 1) { $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_3'], $targetData['username'])); } if ($targetData['banaday'] > TIMESTAMP) { $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_4'], $targetData['username'])); } if (Config::get('adm_attack') == 1 && $targetData['authattack'] > $USER['authlevel']) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fa_action_not_allowed']); } if (IsVacationMode($targetData)) { $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_5'], $targetData['username'])); } $IsNoobProtec = CheckNoobProtec($USER, $targetData, $targetData); if ($IsNoobProtec['NoobPlayer']) { $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_6'], $targetData['username'])); } if ($IsNoobProtec['StrongPlayer']) { $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_7'], $targetData['username'])); } if ($USER['id'] == $targetData['id_owner']) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_8']); } } $SpeedFactor = FleetFunctions::GetGameSpeedFactor(); $Distance = FleetFunctions::GetTargetDistance(array($PLANET['galaxy'], $PLANET['system'], $PLANET['planet']), array($targetData['galaxy'], $targetData['system'], $targetData['planet'])); $SpeedAllMin = FleetFunctions::GetFleetMaxSpeed($fleetArray, $USER); $Duration = FleetFunctions::GetMissionDuration(10, $SpeedAllMin, $Distance, $SpeedFactor, $USER); $consumption = FleetFunctions::GetFleetConsumption($fleetArray, $Duration, $Distance, $SpeedAllMin, $USER, $SpeedFactor); $UserDeuterium -= $consumption; if ($UserDeuterium < 0) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fa_not_enough_fuel']); } if ($consumption > FleetFunctions::GetFleetRoom($fleetArray)) { $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fa_no_fleetroom']); } if (connection_aborted()) { exit; } $this->returnData['slots']++; $fleetRessource = array(901 => 0, 902 => 0, 903 => 0, 904 => 0); $fleetPopulation = array(301 => 0, 302 => 0, 303 => 0, 304 => 0, 305 => 0, 306 => 0, 307 => 0, 309 => 0); $fleetStartTime = $Duration + TIMESTAMP; $fleetStayTime = $fleetStartTime; $fleetEndTime = $fleetStayTime + $Duration; $shipID = array_keys($fleetArray); FleetFunctions::sendFleet($fleetArray, $targetMission, $USER['id'], $PLANET['id'], $PLANET['galaxy'], $PLANET['system'], $PLANET['planet'], $PLANET['planet_type'], $targetData['id_owner'], $planetID, $targetData['galaxy'], $targetData['system'], $targetData['planet'], $targetData['planet_type'], $fleetRessource, $fleetPopulation, $fleetStartTime, $fleetStayTime, $fleetEndTime); if ($targetMission == 6) { $finalMsg = sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_9'], $targetData['name'], $targetData['galaxy'], $targetData['system'], $targetData['planet']); } else { $finalMsg = sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_16'], array_sum($fleetArray), $targetData['name'], $targetData['system'], $targetData['planet'], $LNG['type_missionbis'][$targetMission]); } $this->sendData('vert', $finalMsg); }