コード例 #1
ファイル: ProjectRepository.php プロジェクト: ymnl007/92five
  *  Update the project
 public function updateProject($data, $userId)
     //Find the project and update the fileds
     $project = Project::find($data['projectid']);
     $project->project_name = $data['project_name'];
     $project->description = $data['description'];
     $project->status = $data['status'];
     $tempStartDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('j F, Y', $data['startdate']);
     $tempEndDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('j F, Y', $data['enddate']);
     $project->start_date = $tempStartDate->format('Y-m-d');
     $project->end_date = $tempEndDate->format('Y-m-d');
     $project->project_client = $data['project_client'];
     $project->note = $data['note'];
     //If the project is marked completed fill the respective fields of database
     if ($data['status'] == 'completed') {
         $project->completed_on = date_create();
         $project->mark_completed_by = $userId;
         $project->updated_by = $userId;
     } else {
         $project->updated_by = $userId;
     //Remove all the Collaborators of the project
     $prjtUsrs = ProjectUsers::where('project_id', $data['projectid'])->forceDelete();
     //New list of emails of collaborators
     $email = $data['tagsinput'];
     $emails = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $email);
     //Get the user Ids of the new collaborators
     $userIdList = \User::whereIn('email', $emails)->lists('id');
     //Add  collaborators
     foreach ($userIdList as $usrId) {
         $projectcollabs = new \Projectcollabs();
         $projectcollabs->user_id = $usrId;
         $projectcollabs->project_id = $data['projectid'];
     //Get the project name and Id for the next view
     $projectName = $data['project_name'];
     $projectId = $data['projectid'];
     $filesId = FileReference::where('parent_id', $projectId)->where('parent_type', 'project')->lists('attachment_id');
     if ($filesId == null) {
         $files = null;
     } else {
         $files = Files::whereIn('id', $filesId)->get(array('file_name', 'id', 'key', 'size', 'uploaded_date', 'uploaded_by'))->toArray();
     //Wrap up data
     $returnData['projectName'] = $projectName;
     $returnData['projectId'] = $projectId;
     $returnData['files'] = $files;
     //Shoot back
     return $returnData;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ReportRepository.php プロジェクト: ymnl007/92five
 public function generateProjectReport($projectId, $userId)
     try {
         //Get Project
         $project = Project::find($projectId)->toArray();
         //Get Task List
         $total_task_list = Task::where('project_id', $projectId)->lists('id');
         if ($total_task_list == null) {
             //No Tasks, everything zero
             $project['total_tasks'] = 0;
             $project['uncompl_tasks'] = 0;
             $project['percentage'] = 0;
             $project['compl_tasks'] = 0;
             $project['active_tasks'] = 0;
             $project['delay_tasks'] = 0;
         } else {
             //List out the Id's of active / delayed tasks
             $total_uncompl_task_list = Task::whereNested(function ($query) use($projectId) {
                 $query->where('project_id', $projectId);
                 $query->where('status', 'active');
             })->orWhere(function ($query) use($projectId) {
                 $query->where('project_id', $projectId);
                 $query->where('status', 'delayed');
             $percentage = (count($total_task_list) - count($total_uncompl_task_list)) * 100 / count($total_task_list);
             $project['total_tasks'] = count($total_task_list);
             $project['uncompl_tasks'] = count($total_uncompl_task_list);
             $project['percentage'] = $percentage;
             $project['compl_tasks'] = count($total_task_list) - count($total_uncompl_task_list);
             $project['delay_tasks'] = Task::whereIn('id', $total_task_list)->where('status', 'delayed')->count();
             $project['active_tasks'] = Task::whereIn('id', $total_task_list)->where('status', 'active')->count();
             $tasksList = Task::whereIn('id', $total_task_list)->get(array('name', 'status'))->toArray();
             $project['taskList'] = $tasksList;
             //Check if User is admin, manager or leader.
             $user = \Sentry::getUserProvider()->findById($userId);
             $adminGroup = \Sentry::getGroupProvider()->findByName('admin');
             $managerGroup = \Sentry::getGroupProvider()->findByName('manager');
             $leaderGroup = \Sentry::getGroupProvider()->findByName('leader');
             if ($user->inGroup($adminGroup) or $user->inGroup($managerGroup) or $user->inGroup($leaderGroup)) {
                 //If the user is admin, manager or leader show all the tasks of the project
                 $taskInterface = \App::make('TaskInterface');
                 foreach ($total_task_list as $taskId) {
                     $tempTaskArray = array();
                     $tempTaskArray['task'] = $taskInterface->viewTask($taskId);
                     $tempTaskArray['userTime'] = static::userTimeForTask($taskId);
                     $tempTaskArray['subtasks'] = $taskInterface->subTasks($taskId);
                     $tasks[] = $tempTaskArray;
                 $project['tasks'] = $tasks;
                 $project['users'] = static::userTimeForProject($projectId);
             } else {
                 //Else show only those tasks in which user is asignee
                 $taskList = TaskUser::where('user_id', $userId)->whereIn('task_id', $total_task_list)->lists('task_id');
                 if (sizeof($taskList) != 0) {
                     $taskInterface = \App::make('TaskInterface');
                     foreach ($taskList as $taskId) {
                         $tempTaskArray = array();
                         $tempTaskArray['task'] = $taskInterface->viewTask($taskId);
                         $tempTaskArray['subtasks'] = $taskInterface->subTasks($taskId);
                         $tasks[] = $tempTaskArray;
                     $project['tasks'] = $tasks;
                 } else {
                     $project['tasks'] = null;
         //Get all the files
         $filesId = FileReference::where('parent_id', $projectId)->where('parent_type', 'project')->lists('attachment_id');
         if ($filesId == null) {
             $files = null;
         } else {
             $filesJson = \Files::whereIn('id', $filesId)->get(array('file_name', 'file_sys_ref', 'key', 'size', 'uploaded_date', 'uploaded_by'))->toArray();
             $files = $filesJson;
         $project['files'] = $files;
         //Retrun everything in array
         return $project;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         \Log::error('Something Went Wrong in Report Repository - generateProjectReport():' . $e->getMessage());
         throw new SomeThingWentWrongException();
コード例 #3
ファイル: Fileupload.php プロジェクト: ymnl007/92five
  * Uploads a file
 public static function upload($file, $parentId, $parentType, $userId)
     try {
         if ($parentType == 'project') {
             $folder = \Project::where('id', '=', $parentId)->get(array('project_name', 'folder'));
             $destinationPath = 'assets/uploads/projects/' . $folder[0]['folder'] . '/';
             $filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
             $bytes = $file->getSize();
             $size = static::formatSizeUnits($bytes);
             $filemd5 = md5($filename . new \ExpressiveDate() . time());
             $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
             $newfilename = $filemd5 . ".{$extension}";
             $fileObj = new \Files();
             $fileObj->file_name = $filename;
             $fileObj->size = $size;
             $fileObj->file_sys_ref = $destinationPath;
             $fileObj->uploaded_by = $userId;
             $fileObj->uploaded_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $fileObj->file_md5 = $newfilename;
             $fileObj->key = $filemd5;
             $fileref_id = $fileObj->id;
             $fileref = new \Fileref();
             $fileref->attachment_id = $fileref_id;
             $fileref->parent_id = $parentId;
             $fileref->parent_type = 'project';
             $upload_success = \Input::file('file')->move($destinationPath, $newfilename);
             return \Response::json('success', 200);
         if ($parentType == 'task') {
             $folder = \Task::where('id', '=', $parentId)->get(array('name', 'folder'));
             $destinationPath = 'assets/uploads/tasks/' . $folder[0]['folder'] . '/';
             $filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
             $bytes = $file->getSize();
             $size = static::formatSizeUnits($bytes);
             $filemd5 = md5($filename . new \ExpressiveDate() . time());
             $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
             $newfilename = $filemd5 . ".{$extension}";
             $fileObj = new \Files();
             $fileObj->file_name = $filename;
             $fileObj->size = $size;
             $fileObj->file_sys_ref = $destinationPath;
             $fileObj->uploaded_by = $userId;
             $fileObj->uploaded_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $fileObj->file_md5 = $newfilename;
             $fileObj->key = $filemd5;
             $fileref_id = $fileObj->id;
             $fileref = new \Fileref();
             $fileref->attachment_id = $fileref_id;
             $fileref->parent_id = $parentId;
             $fileref->parent_type = 'task';
             $upload_success = \Input::file('file')->move($destinationPath, $newfilename);
             return \Response::json('success', 200);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Log::error('Something went Wrong in Fileupload Class - upload():' . $e->getMessage());
         return \Response::json('error', 400);
コード例 #4
ファイル: TaskRepository.php プロジェクト: ymnl007/92five
 public function getFiles($taskId)
     try {
         $filesId = \Fileref::where('parent_id', $taskId)->where('parent_type', 'task')->lists('attachment_id');
         if ($filesId == null) {
             $files = null;
         } else {
             $files = \Files::whereIn('id', $filesId)->get(array('file_name', 'id', 'key', 'size', 'uploaded_date', 'uploaded_by'))->toArray();
             //$files = $filesJson;
         return $files;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         \Log::error('Someting Went Wrong in Task Reposiroty - getFiles():' . $e->getMessage());
コード例 #5
ファイル: DataController.php プロジェクト: ymnl007/92five
  * Delete Entity
  * @param int, string
  * @return boolean
 public static function deleteEntity($id, $type)
     try {
         if ($type == 'task') {
             //Find Task
             $entity = \Task::withTrashed()->find($id);
             //Get the path of folder for uploads
             $dir = public_path() . '/uploads/tasks/' . $entity->folder;
         } elseif ($type == 'project') {
             //Get Project
             $entity = \Project::withTrashed()->find($id);
             //Get the  path of folder for uploads
             $dir = public_path() . '/uploads/projects/' . $entity->folder;
         if (is_dir($dir)) {
             //If Uploads directory exists, get list of files
             $files = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..'));
             //Delete Each file
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 unlink($dir . '/' . $file);
             //Delete folder
             $deleteFolder = \File::deleteDirectory($dir);
             //Get the file attachment Ids
             $fileIds = \Fileref::where('parent_id', $id)->where('parent_type', $type)->lists('attachment_id');
             if (sizeof($fileIds) != 0) {
                 //Delete each file attachment entry from database
                 foreach ($fileIds as $fieldId) {
                     $deletefile = \Files::find($fieldId);
             //Delete the entity
         } else {
             //Folder doesn't exists, delete the entity
         return true;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         \Log::error('Something Went Wrong in Admin Data Controller - deleteEntity():' . $e->getMessage());
         throw new \SomethingWentWrongException();