public function editorupload() { $CRUD_AUTH = $this->session->userdata('CRUD_AUTH'); if (empty($CRUD_AUTH)) { exit; } if (isset($_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'])) { require FCPATH . '/application/third_party/scrud/class/FileUpload.php'; $msg = ''; // Will be returned empty if no problems $callback = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']; // Tells CKeditor which function you are executing $fileUpload = new FileUpload(); $fileUpload->uploadDir = __IMAGE_UPLOAD_REAL_PATH__; $fileUpload->extensions = array('.bmp', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.png', '.gif'); $fileUpload->tmpFileName = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']; $fileUpload->fileName = $_FILES['upload']['name']; $fileUpload->httpError = $_FILES['upload']['error']; if ($fileUpload->upload()) { $image_url = __MEDIA_PATH__ . "images/" . $fileUpload->newFileName; } $error = $fileUpload->getMessage(); if (!empty($error)) { $msg = 'error : ' . implode("\n", $error); } $output = '<script type="text/javascript">' . $callback . ', "' . $image_url . '","' . $msg . '");</script>'; echo $output; } }
function upload() { $path = "./uploads/"; //设置图片上传路径 $up = new FileUpload($path); //创建文件上传类对象 if ($up->upload('pic')) { //上传图片 $filename = $up->getFileName(); //获取上传后的图片名 $img = new Image($path); //创建图像处理类对象 $img->thumb($filename, 300, 300, ""); //将上传的图片都缩放至在300X300以内 $img->thumb($filename, 80, 80, "icon_"); //缩放一个80x80的图标,使用icon_作前缀 $img->watermark($filename, "logo.gif", 5, ""); //为上传的图片加上图片水印 return array(true, $filename); //如果成功返回成功状态和图片名称 } else { return array(false, $up->getErrorMsg()); //如果失败返回失败状态和错误消息 } }
private static function editCuadro($gestor, $sesion) { $obra = new Obra(); $obra->read(); $pkID = Request::post("pkID"); $nombre = Request::post("nombre"); $email = Request::post('email'); $usuario = $sesion->getUser(); $obra->setId_usuario($usuario); /*Subir fotografia*/ $subir = new FileUpload("nuevaImagen"); $subir->setDestino("../../controlUsuario/cuadros/{$usuario}/"); $subir->setTamaño(100000000); $subir->setNombre($nombre); $subir->setPolitica(FileUpload::REEMPLAZAR); if ($subir->upload()) { echo 'Archivo subido con éxito'; $obra->setImagen($nombre . "." . $subir->getExtension()); } else { echo 'Archivo no subido'; } $obra->setImagen($nombre . "." . $subir->getExtension()); $r = $gestor->set($obra, $pkID); echo $r; //header("Location:index.php?op=edit&r=$r"); }
function m_updateCompInfo() { if (!isset($this->request['bill_state_id']) || empty($this->request['bill_state_id'])) { $this->request['bill_state_id'] = ""; } else { $this->request['bill_state'] = ""; } #FILE UPLOADING START if ($this->libFunc->checkImageUpload("image1") && $_FILES["image1"]["tmp_name"] != "") { $fileUpload = new FileUpload(); $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["image1"]["tmp_name"]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . "company/" . $_FILES["image1"]["name"]; $newName1 = $fileUpload->upload(); $fileUpload->resampleImage($this->imagePath . "company/" . $newName1, 250, 250, 100); // [/DRK] if ($newName1 != false) { $image1 = $newName1; } } else { $this->obDb->query = "SELECT vLogo FROM " . COMPANYSETTINGS; $logo = $this->obDb->fetchQuery(); $image1 = $logo[0]->vLogo; } #INSERTING COMPANY DETAILS $this->obDb->query = "UPDATE " . COMPANYSETTINGS . " SET \n\t\tvCname ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storeName']) . "',\n\t\tvAddress ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storeAddress']) . "',\n\t\tvCity ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storeCity']) . "',\n\t\tvState='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['bill_state_id']) . "',\n\t\tvStateName='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['bill_state']) . "',\n\t\tvCountry='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['bill_country_id']) . "',\n\t\tvZip='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storeZip']) . "',\n\t\tvFax ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storeFax']) . "',\n\t\tvPhone ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storePhone']) . "',\n\t\tvFreePhone ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storeTollFree']) . "',\n\t\tvVatNumber ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['vatNumber']) . "',\n\t\tvRNumber ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['companyNumber']) . "',\n\t\tvSlogan ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['companySlogan']) . "',\n\t\tvLogo ='" . $image1 . "'"; $this->obDb->updateQuery(); $this->libFunc->m_mosRedirect(SITE_URL . "admin/adminindex.php?"); }
public function preform() { $uploadFile = new FileUpload(); $uploadFile->set("maxsize", 2000000); $uploadFile->set("allowtype", array("gif", "png", "jpg", "jpeg")); $uploadFile->set("israndname", true); if ($this->params['safe']['type'] == "addArticle") { $path = "../uploadfile/article/" . $this->params['safe']['fenlei_id'] . "/"; $uploadFile->set("path", $path); if ($uploadFile->upload('fm_img')) { $data = array('uid' => 1, 'title' => $this->params['safe']['title'], 'contents' => $this->params['safe']['contents'], 'fenlei_id' => $this->params['safe']['fenlei_id'], 'fm_img' => $path . $uploadFile->getFileName(), 'time' => time()); $DaoArticle = new DaoArticle(); $DaoArticle->insertArticle($data); } else { //获取上传失败以后的错误提示 throw new Exception('error_file_upload', $uploadFile->getErrorMsg()); } } elseif ($this->params['safe']['type'] == "addUser") { $path = "../uploadfile/user_img/" . $this->params['safe']['user_name'] . "/"; $uploadFile->set("path", $path); if ($uploadFile->upload('user_img')) { $data = array('user_name' => $this->params['safe']['user_name'], 'user_nickname' => $this->params['safe']['user_nickname'], 'user_password' => md5($this->params['safe']['password']), 'user_qm' => "这家伙还没写签名呢!", 'user_img' => $path . $uploadFile->getFileName(), 'user_inTime' => time()); $DaoUser = new DaoUser(); $DaoUser->addUser($data); } else { //获取上传失败以后的错误提示 throw new Exception('error_file_upload', $uploadFile->getErrorMsg()); } } elseif ($this->params['safe']['type'] == "addfenlei") { $path = "../uploadfile/Fenlei/"; $uploadFile->set("path", $path); if ($uploadFile->upload('fenlei_img')) { $data = array('name' => $this->params['safe']['name'], 'time' => time(), 'fenlei_img' => $path . $uploadFile->getFileName()); $DaoFenlei = new DaoFenlei(); $DaoFenlei->addFenlei($data); } } }
function m_uploadImage() { $fileUpload = new FileUpload(); $libFunc = new c_libFunctions(); $this->obDb->query = "select iVendorid_PK,vImage from " . SUPPLIERS . " where iVendorid_PK = " . $this->request['id']; $row_code = $this->obDb->fetchQuery(); if ($this->libFunc->checkImageUpload("image")) { $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . "suppliers/" . $_FILES["image"]["name"]; $newName1 = $fileUpload->upload(); if ($newName1 != false) { $image = $newName1; } if (!empty($row_code[0]->vImage)) { $fileUpload->deleteFile($this->imagePath . "suppliers/" . $row_code[0]->vImage); } $imagename = "image"; } else { $image = $row_code[0]->vImage; } $this->obDb->query = "UPDATE " . SUPPLIERS . " SET `vImage`='{$image}', `tmEditDate`='" . time() . "', `iAdminUser` ='" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "' where iVendorid_PK ='" . $this->request['id'] . "'"; $this->obDb->updateQuery(); $this->libFunc->m_mosRedirect(SITE_URL . "user/adminindex.php?action=supplier.uploadForm&status=1&id=" . $this->request['id']); }
<?php require '../clases/AutoCarga.php'; $sesion = new Session(); $archivo = Request::post("archivo"); $nombre = Request::post("nombre"); var_dump($nombre); var_dump($archivo); $artista = $sesion->getUser(); $carpeta = "../images/" . $artista->getEmail(); $subir = new FileUpload("archivo"); if (!file_exists($carpeta)) { mkdir($carpeta, 0777); } $subir->upload(); //$sesion->sendRedirect("index.php");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); $uploader = new FileUpload(); //用于断点续传,验证指定分块是否已经存在,避免重复上传 if (isset($_POST['status'])) { if ($_POST['status'] == 'chunkCheck') { $target = '../uploads/' . $_POST['name'] . '/' . $_POST['chunkIndex']; if (file_exists($target) && filesize($target) == $_POST['size']) { die('{"ifExist":1}'); } die('{"ifExist":0}'); } elseif ($_POST['status'] == 'md5Check') { //todo 模拟持久层查询 $dataArr = array('b0201e4d41b2eeefc7d3d355a44c6f5a' => 'kazaff2.jpg'); if (isset($dataArr[$_POST['md5']])) { die('{"ifExist":1, "path":"' . $dataArr[$_POST['md5']] . '"}'); } die('{"ifExist":0}'); } elseif ($_POST['status'] == 'chunksMerge') { if ($path = $uploader->chunksMerge($_POST['name'], $_POST['chunks'], $_POST['ext'])) { //todo 把md5签名存入持久层,供未来的秒传验证 die('{"status":1, "path": "' . $path . '"}'); } die('{"status":0'); } } if (($path = $uploader->upload('file', $_POST)) !== false) { die('{"status":1, "path": "' . $path . '"}'); } die('{"status":0}');
function upload($path = '') { $path = $this->BaseUrl . '/' . trim($path, '/'); if (!is_dir($path)) { $data['error'] = 'Folder ' . $path . ' does not exist.'; return $data; } $up = new FileUpload(); //设置属性(上传的位置, 大小, 类型, 名是是否要随机生成) $up->set("path", $path); $up->set("maxsize", 8 * 1024 * 1024); if (!empty($this->allowType) && $this->allowType != '*') { $up->set("allowtype", explode(',', $this->allowType)); } $up->set("israndname", false); if ($up->upload("upfile")) { return $up->getFileName(); } else { $data['error'] = $up->getErrorMsg(); } /**/ return $data; }
private static function insertArt() { $sesion = new Session(); if ($sesion->isLogged()) { $db = new DataBase(); $manager = new ManageArt($db); $managerUser = new ManageUser($db); $email = Request::post("email"); $title = Request::post("title"); $usuario = $managerUser->get($email); $art = new Art(); $art->setEmail($email); $art->setTitle($title); $art->setCdate(date('Y-m-d G:i:s')); $fecha = date('_Y_m_d_G_i_s'); $photo = new FileUpload("image"); if ($photo->getError() === false) { $art->setImage("./resources/art/" . $usuario->getAlias() . $fecha . ".jpg"); $photo->setDestination("./resources/art/"); $photo->setName($usuario->getAlias() . $fecha); $photo->upload(); } $manager->insert($art); $db->close(); } self::viewProfile(); }
?> <br/> <div class="foto" id="fotopersonal"><img src="../images/<?php echo $foto; ?> .jpg" id='imagep'/></div><br/><br/> <form method="post" action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data"/><br/><br/> <input type="file" name="imagen" value="Editar imagen"/><br/><br/> <input type="submit" name="enviar" value="Subir" class="enviar" /> </form> <?php $trozo = $usuario->getTrozo($em); $fileUpload = new FileUpload($_FILES["imagen"]); $fileUpload->setNombre($trozo); $fileUpload->setDestino("../images/"); $fileUpload->upload(); ?> </div> <div class="capafoto"> <h2 class="tb"> MI PERFIL</h2> <table> <form method="POST" action="../oauth/modificar.php"> <tr><td>Email:</td><td> <input type="text" name="email" value=" <?php echo $usuario->getEmail(); ?> "/></td> <tr><td>Alias:</td><td><?php echo $em; ?>
function m_uploadImages() { $fileUpload = new FileUpload(); foreach ($_FILES["image"]["name"] as $key => $val) { if ($_FILES["image"]["name"][$key] != "") { $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"][$key]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . "options/" . $_FILES["image"]["name"][$key]; $image[] = $fileUpload->upload(); } else { $image[] = 0; } } return $image; }
private static function insertSet() { $bd = new BaseDatos(); $gestor_galeria = new ManageGallery($bd); $sesion = new Session(); $artista = self::getArtist($sesion); $descripcion = Request::post("descripcion"); $id = Request::post("id"); $file = new FileUpload("imagen"); var_dump($gestor_galeria->count()); $nombre = $artista->getGaleria() . "_" . ($gestor_galeria->count() + 1) . sha1($file->getNombre()); $file->setNombre($nombre); $file->setDestino("../img/"); $file->setTamanio(52428800); $file->getPolitica(FileUpload::RENOMBRAR); $file->addTipo("gif"); $file->upload(); $imagen_ruta = "../img/" . $file->getNombre() . "." . $file->getExtension(); $gallery = new Gallery($id, 0, $imagen_ruta, $descripcion); $r = $gestor_galeria->insert($gallery); header("Location:?op=insert&r={$r}&action=read&do=View#section3"); }
<?php require 'clases/Request.php'; require 'clases/FileUpload.php'; require 'clases/Session.php'; require 'clases/Server.php'; $sesion = new Session(); $user = $sesion->get("usuario"); $usuario = Request::post("usuario1"); $categoria = Request::post("categoria1"); $cancion = new FileUpload("cancion"); $cancion->setDestino("canciones/"); $cancion->setNombre($user . "_" . $categoria . "_" . $cancion->getNombre()); $cancion->setPolitica(FileUpload::RENOMBRAR); $cancion->upload(); $imagen = new FileUpload("imagen"); $imagen->setDestino("canciones/"); $imagen->setNombre($cancion->getNombre()); $imagen->setPolitica(FileUpload::RENOMBRAR); $imagen->upload(); header("Location:index.php");
function m_uploadImage() { $fileUpload = new FileUpload(); if ($this->request['type'] == "menu") { $this->obDb->query = "SELECT vImage from " . MENUITEMS . " WHERE iMenuItemsId=" . $this->request['id']; $rsImage = $this->obDb->fetchQuery(); } else { $this->obDb->query = "SELECT vImage from " . MENUHEADERS . " WHERE iHeaderid_PK=" . $this->request['id']; $rsImage = $this->obDb->fetchQuery(); } if ($this->libFunc->checkImageUpload("image")) { $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . "menu/" . $_FILES["image"]["name"]; $newName1 = $fileUpload->upload(); if ($newName1 != false) { $image = $newName1; } if (!empty($rsImage[0]->vImage)) { $fileUpload->deleteFile($this->imagePath . "menu/" . $rsImage[0]->vImage); } $imagename = "image"; } else { $image = $rsImage[0]->vImage; } if ($this->request['type'] == "menu") { $this->obDb->query = "UPDATE " . MENUITEMS . " SET `vImage`='{$image}' ,`tmEditDate`='" . time() . "', `iAdminUser` ='" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "' WHERE iMenuItemsId ='" . $this->request['id'] . "'"; } else { $this->obDb->query = "UPDATE " . MENUHEADERS . " SET `vImage`='{$image}',`tmEditDate`='" . time() . "', `iAdminUser` ='" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "' WHERE iHeaderid_PK ='" . $this->request['id'] . "'"; } $this->obDb->updateQuery(); $this->libFunc->m_mosRedirect(SITE_URL . "ecom/adminindex.php?action=ec_menu.uploadForm&status=1&id=" . $this->request['id'] . "&type=" . $this->request['type']); }
function upload($path = '') { $path = trim($path, '/'); $folder = $this->BasePath . $path; if (!is_dir($folder)) { if (is_gb2312($path)) { $path = iconv('gb2312', 'utf-8', $path); } throw new Exception("文件夹 '{$path}' 不存在。"); } if (!file_exists('fileupload.class.php')) { throw new Exception("没找到文件'fileupload.class.php, 无法上传文件。"); } require_once 'fileupload.class.php'; $up = new FileUpload(); //设置属性(上传的位置, 大小, 类型, 名是是否要随机生成) $up->set("path", $folder); $up->set("maxsize", 8 * 1024 * 1024); if (empty($this->allowType) || $this->allowType == '*') { $up->set("allowtype", explode(',', $this->allType)); } else { $up->set("allowtype", explode(',', $this->allowType)); } $up->set("israndname", false); if (!$up->upload("file")) { $errors = $up->getErrorMsg(); if (is_array($errors)) { $errors = implode("\n", $errors); } throw new Exception($errors); } else { $filenames = $up->getFileName(); if (is_string($filenames)) { $filenames[] = $filenames; } foreach ($filenames as $key => $value) { $filename = iconv('utf-8', 'gb2312', $value); if (true === @rename($folder . '/' . $value, $folder . '/' . $filename)) { $filenames[$key] = $filename; } } } return $up->getFileName(); }
function m_uploadFile() { $fileUpload = new FileUpload(); $libFunc = new c_libFunctions(); if (!isset($this->request['dir']) || empty($this->request['dir'])) { $this->libFunc->m_mosRedirect(SITE_URL . "admin/adminindex.php?action=file.home&msg=1"); exit; } $this->defaultValues(); $directory = $this->request['dir']; if ($this->libFunc->checkImageUpload("thisfile")) { //chmod($this->imagePath.$directory,0644); $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["thisfile"]["tmp_name"]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . $directory . "/" . $_FILES["thisfile"]["name"]; $newName1 = $fileUpload->upload(); } else { $this->libFunc->m_mosRedirect(SITE_URL . "admin/adminindex.php?action=file.list&msg=4&dir=" . $directory); } $this->libFunc->m_mosRedirect(SITE_URL . "admin/adminindex.php?action=file.list&msg=3&dir=" . $directory); }
static function uploadMulti($param, $destino, $nombre) { $result = array(); if (isset($param['name'][0])) { $cambioArray = self::cambiarArray($param); for ($i = 0; $i < count($cambioArray); $i++) { $sube = new FileUpload($cambioArray[$i]); $sube->setDestino($destino); $sube->setNombre($nombre); $sube->setPolitica(FileUpload::REEMPLAZAR); $sube->upload(); $error_subida = array($sube->getErrorCode(), $sube->getErrorMessage()); array_push($result, $error_subida); } return $result; } else { $sube = new FileUpload($param); $sube->setDestino($destino); $sube->setNombre($nombre); $sube->setPolitica(FileUpload::REEMPLAZAR); $sube->upload(); $error_subida = array($sube->getErrorCode(), $sube->getErrorMessage()); array_push($result, $error_subida); } return result; }
function createFile($title, $type, $content) { //生成文件 $File = new FileUtil(); $File->writetofile(BASE_PATH . 'upload/webstyle/public/' . $type . '/' . $title . '.' . $type, $content); return $codeFilePath = '/manage/upload/webstyle/public/' . $type . '/' . $title . '.' . $type; } if (isset($_POST['category']) && $_POST['category'] == 'code') { $up = new FileUpload(); //设置属性(上传的位置, 大小, 类型, 名是是否要随机生成) $up->set("path", "../../upload/webstyle/public/" . $_POST['code_type']); $up->set("maxsize", 2000000); $up->set("allowtype", array("gif", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", 'css', 'js')); $up->set("israndname", false); //使用对象中的upload方法, 就可以上传文件, 方法需要传一个上传表单的名子 pic, 如果成功返回true, 失败返回false if ($up->upload("file")) { var_dump($up->getFileName()); $file_path_code = '/manage/upload/webstyle/public/' . $_POST['code_type'] . '/' . $up->getFileName(); } else { echo '<pre>'; //获取上传失败以后的错误提示 var_dump($up->getErrorMsg()); echo '</pre>'; } $db = new DB(); $data['id'] = ""; $data['title'] = $_POST['code_title']; //$data['content'] = $_POST['code_content']; $data['type'] = $_POST['code_type']; $data['file_path'] = $file_path_code; $data['is_public'] = 1;
$userManager = new ManageUser($db); $sesion = new Session(); $email = Request::post("email"); $newemail = Request::post("newemail"); $pass = Request::post("pass"); $alive = Request::post("alive"); $worker = Request::post("worker"); $admin = Request::post("admin"); $newemail = $newemail === null ? $email : $newemail; $alive = $alive === null ? 0 : 1; $worker = $worker === null ? 0 : 1; $admin = $admin === null ? 0 : 1; $usuario = $userManager->get($email); $usuario->setEmail($newemail); $usuario->setAlias(explode("@", $newemail)[0]); $usuario->setAlive($alive); $usuario->setWorker($worker); $usuario->setAdmin($admin); if ($pass !== null) { $usuario->setPass($pass); } $photo = new FileUpload("image"); if ($photo->getError() === false) { $usuario->setImage("images/" . $usuario->getAlias() . ".jpg"); $photo->setDestination("../images/"); $photo->setName($usuario->getAlias()); echo $photo->upload(); } $userManager->setEmail($usuario, $email); $sesion->destroy(); $sesion->sendRedirect("../admin.php");
function m_uploadCsv() { $this->errMsg = ""; $requiredArray = array("vTitle", "vSeoTitle", "vSku", "fPrice"); foreach ($requiredArray as $a) { if (!in_array($a, $this->request['item'])) { $this->err = 1; $this->errMsg = MSG_CSV_REQUIRED . "<br />"; } } $ext = substr($_FILES['import_file']['name'], -3); if ($ext != "csv") { $this->err = 1; $this->errMsg .= MSG_INVALID_CSV; } if ($_FILES["import_file"]["size"] == 0) { $this->err = 1; $this->errMsg .= MSG_INVALID_CSV; } if ($this->err == 1) { $this->csvTemplate = $this->templatePath . "csvImporter.tpl.htm"; $this->obTpl->set_var("TPL_VAR_BODY", $this->m_uploadFormCsv()); return false; } $fileUpload = new FileUpload(); $libFunc = new c_libFunctions(); if ($this->libFunc->checkFileUpload("import_file")) { $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["import_file"]["tmp_name"]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . $_FILES["import_file"]["name"]; $newName = $fileUpload->upload(); } else { $this->libFunc->m_mosRedirect(SITE_URL . "admin/adminindex.php?action=csv.home&msg=1"); exit; } $this->csvImporter($this->imagePath . $newName); }
<?php //texto y archivo require '../clases/Request.php'; require '../clases/FileUpload.php'; $texto = Request::post("texto"); $peso = 999999; echo "<h1>{$texto}</h1>"; //echo FileUpload::getErrorMessage().'<br/ >'; //echo FileUpload::getFileName().'<br/ >'; //echo FileUpload::getFileSize().'<br/ >'; echo FileUpload::getFileTipe() . '<br/ >'; //echo FileUpload::getTmpName().'<br/ >'; FileUpload::upload($texto); echo FileUpload::maxFileSize($peso) . '<br/ >'; //move_uploaded_file($_FILES["archivo"]["tmp_name"],"./X");
<?php require '../clases/AutoCarga.php'; $bd = new DataBase(); $gestor = new ManageGame($bd); $juego = new Game(); $juego->read(); $subir = new FileUpload("caratula"); $subir->setDestino("./caratulas/"); $subir->setTamaño(100000000); $subir->setNombre($subir->getNombre()); $subir->setPolitica(FileUpload::REEMPLAZAR); if ($subir->upload()) { echo 'Archivo subido con éxito'; } else { echo 'Archivo no subido'; } $juego->setCaratula($subir->getNombre()); $pkID = Request::post("pkID"); $r = $gestor->set($juego, $pkID); $bd->close(); //echo $r; //var_dump($bd->getError()); header("Location:index.php?op=edit&r={$r}");
function m_uploadImage() { $fileUpload = new FileUpload(); if ($this->request['type'] == "product") { $this->obDb->query = "SELECT iProdid_PK,vTitle,vImage1,vImage2,vImage3,tImages,vDownloadablefile "; $this->obDb->query .= " FROM " . PRODUCTS . " where iProdid_PK ='" . $this->request['id'] . "'"; $this->imagePath = $this->imagePath . "product/"; } elseif ($this->request['type'] == "content") { $this->obDb->query = "SELECT iContentId_PK,vTitle,vImage1,vImage2,vImage3 FROM " . CONTENTS; $this->obDb->query .= " WHERE iContentId_PK ='" . $this->request['id'] . "'"; $this->imagePath = $this->imagePath . "content/"; } else { $this->obDb->query = "SELECT iDeptId_PK,vTitle,vImage1,vImage2,vImage3 FROM " . DEPARTMENTS; $this->obDb->query .= " WHERE iDeptId_PK ='" . $this->request['id'] . "'"; $this->imagePath = $this->imagePath . "department/"; } $rsImage = $this->obDb->fetchQuery(); if ($this->libFunc->checkImageUpload("image1")) { if (is_file($this->imagePath . $rsImage[0]->vImage1)) { $fileUpload->deleteFile($this->imagePath . $rsImage[0]->vImage1); } $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["image1"]["tmp_name"]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . $_FILES["image1"]["name"]; $newName1 = $fileUpload->upload(); if ($newName1 != false) { $image1 = $newName1; // if ($this->libFunc->ifSet($this->request, "resample")) { // This section is used by product, dept and content: switch ($this->request['type']) { case "product": $fileUpload->resampleImage($this->imagePath . $newName1, UPLOAD_SMIMAGEWIDTH, UPLOAD_SMIMAGEHEIGHT, UPLOAD_JPGCOMPRESSION); break; case "dept": $fileUpload->resampleImage($this->imagePath . $newName1, UPLOAD_DEPTSMIMAGEWIDTH, UPLOAD_DEPTSMIMAGEHEIGHT, UPLOAD_JPGCOMPRESSION); break; case "content": $fileUpload->resampleImage($this->imagePath . $newName1, UPLOAD_CONTENTSMIMAGEWIDTH, UPLOAD_CONTENTSMIMAGEHEIGHT, UPLOAD_JPGCOMPRESSION); break; } } // [/DRK] } $imagename = "image1"; } else { $image1 = $rsImage[0]->vImage1; $imagename = $this->request['current_image']; } if ($this->libFunc->checkImageUpload("image2")) { if (is_file($this->imagePath . $rsImage[0]->vImage2)) { $fileUpload->deleteFile($this->imagePath . $rsImage[0]->vImage2); } $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["image2"]["tmp_name"]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . $_FILES["image2"]["name"]; $newName2 = $fileUpload->upload(); if ($newName2 != false) { $image2 = $newName2; // if ($this->libFunc->ifSet($this->request, "resample")) { // This section is used by product and dept: switch ($this->request['type']) { case "product": $fileUpload->resampleImage($this->imagePath . $newName2, UPLOAD_MDIMAGEWIDTH, UPLOAD_MDIMAGEHEIGHT, UPLOAD_JPGCOMPRESSION); break; case "dept": $fileUpload->resampleImage($this->imagePath . $newName2, UPLOAD_DEPTMDIMAGEWIDTH, UPLOAD_DEPTMDIMAGEHEIGHT, UPLOAD_JPGCOMPRESSION); break; } } // [/DRK] } $imagename = "image2"; } else { $image2 = $rsImage[0]->vImage2; $imagename = $this->request['current_image']; } if ($this->libFunc->checkImageUpload("image3")) { if (is_file($this->imagePath . $rsImage[0]->vImage3)) { $fileUpload->deleteFile($this->imagePath . $rsImage[0]->vImage3); } $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["image3"]["tmp_name"]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . $_FILES["image3"]["name"]; $newName3 = $fileUpload->upload(); if ($newName3 != false) { $image3 = $newName3; if ($this->libFunc->ifSet($this->request, "resample")) { $fileUpload->resampleImage($this->imagePath . $newName3, UPLOAD_LGIMAGEWIDTH, UPLOAD_LGIMAGEHEIGHT, UPLOAD_JPGCOMPRESSION); } } $imagename = "image3"; } else { $image3 = $rsImage[0]->vImage3; $imagename = $this->request['current_image']; } if ($this->request['type'] == "product") { if ($this->libFunc->checkFileUpload("image4")) { if (is_file($this->imagePath . "../files/" . $rsImage[0]->vDownloadablefile)) { $fileUpload->deleteFile($this->imagePath . "../files/" . $rsImage[0]->vDownloadablefile); } $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["image4"]["tmp_name"]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . "../files/" . $_FILES["image4"]["name"]; $newName4 = $fileUpload->upload(); if ($newName4 != false) { $image4 = $newName4; } $imagename = "image4"; } else { $image4 = $rsImage[0]->vDownloadablefile; $imagename = $this->request['current_image']; } } if ($this->request['type'] == "product") { $extraimages = explode(",", $rsImage[0]->tImages); $countExtraImage = count($extraimages); if (substr($this->request['current_image'], 0, -1) == 'extraimage') { $j = substr($this->request['current_image'], -1); $t = $j - 1; if ($this->libFunc->checkImageUpload("extraimage" . $j)) { if (is_file($this->imagePath . $extraimages[$t])) { $fileUpload->deleteFile($this->imagePath . $extraimages[$t]); } $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["extraimage" . $j]["tmp_name"]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . $_FILES["extraimage" . $j]["name"]; $newName[$j] = $fileUpload->upload(); if ($newName[$j] != false) { $image[$j] = $newName[$j]; } $imagename = "extraimage" . $j; } else { $image[$j] = $extraimages[$t]; $imagename = $this->request['current_image']; } $extraimages[$t] = $image[$j]; } $imageString = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { $imageString .= $extraimages[$i] . ","; } } //---- if ($this->request['type'] == "product") { $this->obDb->query = "UPDATE " . PRODUCTS . " SET \n\t\t\t\t\t\t `vImage1`='{$image1}', `vImage2`='{$image2}', `vImage3`='{$image3}',`tImages`= '" . $imageString . "', vDownloadablefile='{$image4}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t `tmEditDate`='" . time() . "', `iAdminUser` ='" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "' where iProdId_PK = " . $this->request['id']; } elseif ($this->request['type'] == "content") { $this->obDb->query = "UPDATE " . CONTENTS . " SET \n\t\t\t\t\t\t `vImage1`='{$image1}', `vImage2`='{$image2}', `vImage3`='{$image3}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t `tmEditDate`='" . time() . "', `vAdminUser` ='" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "' where iContentId_PK = " . $this->request['id']; } else { $this->obDb->query = "UPDATE " . DEPARTMENTS . " SET \n\t\t\t\t\t\t `vImage1`='{$image1}', `vImage2`='{$image2}', `vImage3`='{$image3}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t `tmEditDate`='" . time() . "', `vAdminUser` ='" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "' where iDeptId_PK = " . $this->request['id']; } $this->obDb->updateQuery(); if (!isset($imagename)) { $imagename = 'image1'; } $str = SITE_URL . "ecom/adminindex.php?action=ec_show.dspUploadFrm&status=1&image={$imagename}&id=" . $this->request['id'] . "&type=" . $this->request['type']; $this->libFunc->m_mosRedirect($str); }
function modificarObra() { $n = Request::post('nombre'); $t = Request::post('tecnica'); $i = Request::post('id_obra'); $obra = $this->gestorObra->get($i); $lista = $this->gestorObra->getListObrasEmail($this->sesion->get("usu")); $formusuario = $this->plantilla->get('_formusuario'); $formsesion = $this->plantilla->get('_formsesion'); $obra->setNombre($n); $obra->setTecnica($t); $this->gestorObra->set($obra); $this->sesion->destroy(); $fileUpload = new FileUpload($_FILES["imagen"]); $fileUpload->setNombre($n); $fileUpload->setDestino("imagenes/obras/"); $fileUpload->upload(); $usuario = $this->gestorUsu->get($this->sesion->get("usu")); $paginaDos = $this->plantilla->get('_formmod'); $campos = ""; $d = array("email" => $usuario->getEmail(), "clave" => $usuario->getClave(), "alias" => $usuario->getAlias()); $pDos = $this->plantilla->replace($d, $paginaDos); $pagina = $this->plantilla->get('_usuario'); $datos = array("registro" => "", "nombresesion" => $this->sesion->get("usu"), "formsesion" => $formsesion, "datos" => $formusuario, "formmod" => $pDos, "login" => "", "mensaje" => "", "mensajesubida" => "", "mensajemod" => "", "contenidoobras" => "", "modificaobra" => "", "mensajemodobra" => "Operación realizada correctamente."); $p = $this->plantilla->replace($datos, $pagina); echo $p; }
function m_uploadImage() { $fileUpload = new FileUpload(); $name = $this->request['img']; if ($this->libFunc->checkImageUpload("image")) { $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . "giftwrap/" . $_FILES["image"]["name"]; $newName1 = $fileUpload->upload(); $this->obDb->query = "UPDATE " . GIFTWRAPS . " set\n\t\t\t\t {$name}='{$newName1}' where iGiftwrapid_PK='" . $this->request['id'] . "'"; $this->obDb->updateQuery(); } else { $this->libFunc->m_mosRedirect(SITE_URL . "sales/adminindex.php?action=promotions.giftwrap.uploadForm&msg=2&img=" . $this->request['img'] . "&id=" . $this->request['id']); } $this->libFunc->m_mosRedirect(SITE_URL . "sales/adminindex.php?action=promotions.giftwrap.uploadForm&msg=1&img=" . $this->request['img'] . "&id=" . $this->request['id']); }