コード例 #1
 public function createProfile($sProfileUrl, $sBaseDir, $sCurrentTheme)
     // load global config
     $this->oCommonConfig = FileConfig::getInstance('common.cfg');
     // load image config
     $oImageConfig = FileConfig::getInstance('image.cfg');
     // set default theme
     $sDefaultTheme = $oImageConfig->getString('image.theme.default', 'default');
     // set theme path
     $sDefaultThemePath = "{$sBaseDir}/themes/{$sDefaultTheme}";
     $sCurrentThemePath = "{$sBaseDir}/themes/{$sCurrentTheme}";
     if (!file_exists($sDefaultThemePath)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Default theme folder not found');
     if (!file_exists($sCurrentThemePath)) {
         $sCurrentThemePath = $sDefaultThemePath;
     // init cache
     $sCacheDir = $this->oCommonConfig->getString('cache.dir', 'cache');
     $this->oJpgAssetCache = new Cache($sCacheDir, -1, 'jpg');
     // the required files for the default theme
     $this->aThemeFiles = array('background' => 'background.png', 'background_fade' => 'background_fade.png', 'default_avatar' => 'default_av.jpg', 'error' => 'error.png', 'frame_avatar_ingame' => 'iconholder_ingame.png', 'frame_avatar_offline' => 'iconholder_offline.png', 'frame_avatar_online' => 'iconholder_online.png', 'frame_avatar_private' => 'iconholder_offline.png');
     // check for existing theme files
     foreach ($this->aThemeFiles as $sKey => $sFile) {
         if (!file_exists("{$sDefaultThemePath}/{$sFile}")) {
             throw new RuntimeException("Missing default theme file '{$sDefaultThemePath}/{$sFile}'");
         if (file_exists("{$sCurrentThemePath}/{$sFile}")) {
             $this->aThemeFiles[$sKey] = "{$sCurrentThemePath}/{$sFile}";
         } else {
             $this->aThemeFiles[$sKey] = "{$sDefaultThemePath}/{$sFile}";
     // set theme config paths
     $sDefaultThemeConfigFile = "{$sDefaultThemePath}/theme.cfg";
     $sCurrentThemeConfigFile = "{$sCurrentThemePath}/theme.cfg";
     if (!file_exists($sDefaultThemeConfigFile)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Default theme config not found');
     // load default config
     $this->oThemeConfig = FileConfig::getInstance($sDefaultThemeConfigFile);
     // merge default config with selected theme config, if existing
     if ($sCurrentTheme !== $sDefaultTheme && file_exists($sCurrentThemeConfigFile)) {
     // init settings
     $iTextStatusX = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.text.status.x');
     $iTextStatusY = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.text.status.y');
     $iImageAvatarX = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.image.avatar.x');
     $iImageAvatarY = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.image.avatar.y');
     $bShowGameBG = $this->oThemeConfig->getBoolean('theme.background.game');
     // load background
     // enable alpha
     try {
         // load XML data
         $xmlData = $this->loadXmlData($sProfileUrl);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // that didn't work :(
         throw new SteamProfileImageException('Can\'t load XML data', 0, $e);
     // check if the server has returned any errors
     if (count($xmlData->xpath('/response')) != 0) {
         $this->drawErrorMessage((string) $xmlData->error);
         throw new SteamProfileImageException('Steam server error: ' . (string) $xmlData->error);
     // check for expected XML structure
     if (count($xmlData->xpath('/profile')) == 0) {
         $this->drawErrorMessage('Invalid Steam Community data');
         throw new SteamProfileImageException('Invalid Steam Community data');
     $sStatusCode = 'offline';
     // determinate status
     if ((string) $xmlData->privacyState != 'public') {
         $sStatusCode = 'private';
         $sStatus = 'This profile is private';
     } else {
         // get the player's status for text and color
         switch ((string) $xmlData->onlineState) {
             case 'in-game':
                 $sStatusCode = 'ingame';
                 $sCurrentGame = $xmlData->inGameInfo == null ? '' : (string) $xmlData->inGameInfo->gameName;
                 $sStatus = "In-Game\n{$sCurrentGame}";
             case 'online':
                 $sStatusCode = 'online';
                 $sStatus = 'Online';
             case 'offline':
                 $sStatus = (string) $xmlData->stateMessage;
                 throw new RuntimeException('Unable to determinate player status.');
     if ($bShowGameBG && $sStatusCode == 'ingame') {
         // game background
         $sGameBGUrl = (string) $xmlData->inGameInfo->gameLogoSmall;
     // avatar image
     $sAvatarUrl = (string) $xmlData->avatarIcon;
     $this->drawAvatar($iImageAvatarX, $iImageAvatarY, $sAvatarUrl, $sStatusCode);
     // status text
     $sName = (string) $xmlData->steamID;
     $this->drawStatus($iTextStatusX, $iTextStatusY, $sName, $sStatus, $sStatusCode);
コード例 #2
 public function run()
     try {
         // load config
         $oProxyConfig = FileConfig::getInstance('xmlproxy.cfg');
         $oCommonConfig = FileConfig::getInstance('common.cfg');
         // load config vars
         $iCacheLifetime = $oCommonConfig->getInteger('cache.lifetime', 600);
         $sCacheDir = $oCommonConfig->getString('cache.dir', 'cache');
         $iDownloaderTimeout = $oCommonConfig->getInteger('downloader.timeout', 10);
         $bXMLHttpRequestOnly = $oProxyConfig->getBoolean('proxy.check_header', true);
         $oHeader = new HTTPHeader();
         // response to XMLHttpRequest only
         if ($bXMLHttpRequestOnly && !$oHeader->isXMLHttpRequest()) {
         // get profile URL
         $sXmlUrl = $this->getProfileUrl();
         // init cache
         $oXmlCache = new Cache($sCacheDir, $iCacheLifetime, 'xml');
         $oXmlFile = $oXmlCache->getFile($sXmlUrl);
         // do we have a cached version of the xml document?
         if (!$oXmlFile->isCached()) {
             try {
                 // initialize the downloader
                 $oProfileLoader = new SteamProfileLoader($sXmlUrl, SteamProfileApp::getUserAgent(), 'Ajax');
                 $sXml = '';
                 try {
                     // try to download the XML file
                     $sXml = $oProfileLoader->start();
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     // didn't work, close cURL handle
                     throw $e;
                 // close cURL handle
                 // kill invalid characters
                 $sXml = mb_convert_encoding($sXml, "UTF-8", "UTF-8");
                 // save document to cache
                 // clear stat cache to ensure that the rest of the
                 // script will notice the file modification
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // downloading failed, but maybe we can redirect to the old file
                 if (!$oXmlFile->exists()) {
                     // no, we can't
                     throw $e;
         // use client cache, if possible
         if (!$oHeader->isModifiedSince($oXmlFile->lastModified())) {
         } else {
             $oHeader->setResponse('Content-Type', 'application/xml');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // print XML-formatted error
         $oError = new XMLError($e);
コード例 #3
 public function run()
     $bDebug = defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG;
     try {
         // get profile URL
         $sXmlUrl = $this->getProfileUrl(false);
         // load config
         $oCommonConfig = FileConfig::getInstance('common.cfg');
         $oImageConfig = FileConfig::getInstance('image.cfg');
         $oGPCConfig = GPCConfig::getInstance('get');
         // load config vars
         $iCacheLifetime = $oCommonConfig->getInteger('cache.lifetime', 600);
         $sCacheDir = $oCommonConfig->getString('cache.dir', 'cache');
         $bImageFallback = $oImageConfig->getString('image.fallback', true);
         $sDefaultLayout = $oImageConfig->getString('image.layout.default', 'small');
         $sDefaultTheme = $oImageConfig->getString('image.theme.default', 'default');
         $sLayout = $oGPCConfig->getStringAlnum('layout', $sDefaultLayout);
         $sTheme = $oGPCConfig->getStringAlnum('theme', $sDefaultTheme);
         // init cache
         $oImageCache = new Cache($sCacheDir, $iCacheLifetime, 'png');
         $oImageFile = $oImageCache->getFile($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
         $sImageBase = 'image/layouts';
         if (!file_exists("{$sImageBase}/{$sLayout}")) {
             if (!file_exists("{$sImageBase}/{$sDefaultLayout}")) {
                 throw new RuntimeException('Default layout folder not found');
             $sLayout = $sDefaultLayout;
         $sLayoutDir = "{$sImageBase}/{$sLayout}";
         include "{$sLayoutDir}/SteamProfileImage.php";
         try {
             // do we have a cached version of the profile image?
             if (!$oImageFile->isCached()) {
                 $oProfileImage = new SteamProfileImage();
                 // try to generate the profile image
                 $oProfileImage->createProfile($sXmlUrl, $sLayoutDir, $sTheme);
                 // save it to cache
                 // clear stat cache to ensure that the rest of the
                 // script will notice the file modification
         } catch (SteamProfileImageException $e) {
             // on debug mode, re-throw
             if ($bDebug) {
                 $ep = $e->getPrevious();
                 throw $ep == null ? $e : $ep;
             // an exception was thrown in SteamProfileImage,
             // but a themed error image could have been generated
             try {
                 // try a fallback to the cached image first
                 if ($bImageFallback && $oImageFile->exists()) {
                 } else {
                     // try to display the error image
             } catch (Exception $f) {
                 // didn't work, re-throw the source exception
                 throw $e;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // on debug mode, re-throw
             if ($bDebug) {
                 $ep = $e->getPrevious();
                 throw $ep == null ? $e : $ep;
             // an exception was thrown in SteamProfileImage,
             // but we could try a fallback to the cached image
             if ($bImageFallback && $oImageFile->exists()) {
                 // redirect to cached image file
             } else {
                 // nothing cached, re-throw exception
                 throw $e;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // quite fatal error, try to render a fail-safe error image
         if ($bDebug || !GDImage::isAvailable()) {
             $oHeader = new HTTPHeader();
             $oHeader->setResponse('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
             echo $bDebug ? "{$e}\n" : $e->getMessage();
         } else {
             $ErrorImage = new ErrorImage($e->getMessage());
コード例 #4
 public function createProfile($sProfileUrl, $sBaseDir, $sCurrentTheme)
     // load global config
     $this->oCommonConfig = FileConfig::getInstance('common.cfg');
     // load image config
     $oImageConfig = FileConfig::getInstance('image.cfg');
     // set default theme
     $sDefaultTheme = $oImageConfig->getString('image.theme.default', 'default');
     // set theme path
     $sDefaultThemePath = "{$sBaseDir}/themes/{$sDefaultTheme}";
     $sCurrentThemePath = "{$sBaseDir}/themes/{$sCurrentTheme}";
     if (!file_exists($sDefaultThemePath)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Default theme folder not found');
     if (!file_exists($sCurrentThemePath)) {
         $sCurrentThemePath = $sDefaultThemePath;
     // init cache
     $sCacheDir = $this->oCommonConfig->getString('cache.dir', 'cache');
     $this->oJpgAssetCache = new Cache($sCacheDir, -1, 'jpg');
     // the required files for the default theme
     $this->aThemeFiles = array('background' => 'background.png', 'default_avatar' => 'default_av.jpg', 'warning' => 'warning.png', 'error' => 'error.png', 'frame_avatar_ingame' => 'frame_avatar_ingame.png', 'frame_avatar_offline' => 'frame_avatar_offline.png', 'frame_avatar_online' => 'frame_avatar_online.png', 'frame_avatar_private' => 'frame_avatar_offline.png', 'frame_game' => 'frame_game.png', 'frame_icon' => 'frame_icon.png');
     // check for existing theme files
     foreach ($this->aThemeFiles as $sKey => $sFile) {
         if (!file_exists("{$sDefaultThemePath}/{$sFile}")) {
             throw new RuntimeException("Missing default theme file '{$sDefaultThemePath}/{$sFile}'");
         if (file_exists("{$sCurrentThemePath}/{$sFile}")) {
             $this->aThemeFiles[$sKey] = "{$sCurrentThemePath}/{$sFile}";
         } else {
             $this->aThemeFiles[$sKey] = "{$sDefaultThemePath}/{$sFile}";
     // set theme config paths
     $sDefaultThemeConfigFile = "{$sDefaultThemePath}/theme.cfg";
     $sCurrentThemeConfigFile = "{$sCurrentThemePath}/theme.cfg";
     if (!file_exists($sDefaultThemeConfigFile)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Default theme config not found');
     // load default config
     $this->oThemeConfig = FileConfig::getInstance($sDefaultThemeConfigFile);
     // merge default config with selected theme config, if existing
     if ($sCurrentTheme !== $sDefaultTheme && file_exists($sCurrentThemeConfigFile)) {
     // init settings
     $iStatusTextX = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.text.status.x');
     $iStatusTextY = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.text.status.y');
     $iInfoTextX = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.text.info.x');
     $iInfoTextY = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.text.info.y');
     $iImageAvatarX = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.image.avatar.x');
     $iImageAvatarY = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.image.avatar.y');
     $iImageGameX = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.image.game.x');
     $iImageGameY = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.image.game.y');
     $iImageIconsGameX = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.image.icon.games.x');
     $iImageIconsGameY = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.image.icon.games.y');
     $iImageIconsGroupX = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.image.icon.groups.x');
     $iImageIconsGroupY = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.image.icon.groups.y');
     // load background
     // enable alpha
     try {
         // load XML data
         $xmlData = $this->loadXmlData($sProfileUrl);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // that didn't work :(
         throw new SteamProfileImageException('Can\'t load XML data', 0, $e);
     // check if the server has returned any errors
     if (count($xmlData->xpath('/response')) != 0) {
         $this->drawErrorMessage((string) $xmlData->error);
         throw new SteamProfileImageException('Steam server error: ' . (string) $xmlData->error);
     // check for expected XML structure
     if (count($xmlData->xpath('/profile')) == 0) {
         $this->drawErrorMessage('Invalid Steam Community data');
         throw new SteamProfileImageException('Invalid Steam Community data');
     $sStatusCode = 'offline';
     // determinate status
     if ((string) $xmlData->privacyState != 'public') {
         $sStatusCode = 'private';
         $sStatus = 'This profile is private';
     } else {
         // get the player's status for text and color
         switch ((string) $xmlData->onlineState) {
             case 'in-game':
                 $sStatusCode = 'ingame';
                 $sCurrentGame = $xmlData->inGameInfo == null ? '' : (string) $xmlData->inGameInfo->gameName;
                 $sCurrentGame = wordwrap($sCurrentGame, 27);
                 $sStatus = "In-Game\n{$sCurrentGame}";
             case 'online':
                 $sStatusCode = 'online';
                 $sStatus = 'Online';
             case 'offline':
                 $sStatus = str_replace(': ', ":\n", (string) $xmlData->stateMessage);
                 throw new RuntimeException('Unable to determinate player status.');
     // avatar image
     $sAvatarUrl = (string) $xmlData->avatarFull;
     $this->drawAvatar($iImageAvatarX, $iImageAvatarY, $sAvatarUrl, $sStatusCode);
     // status text
     $sName = (string) $xmlData->steamID;
     $this->drawStatus($iStatusTextX, $iStatusTextY, $sName, $sStatus, $sStatusCode);
     if ($sStatusCode == 'private') {
         // private profiles don't have anything of interest
     } else {
         if ($sStatusCode == 'ingame') {
             // game image
             $sGameImageUrl = (string) $xmlData->inGameInfo->gameLogo;
             $this->drawGame($iImageGameX, $iImageGameY, $sGameImageUrl);
         } else {
             // group icons
             if ($xmlData->groups->group != null) {
                 $aGroupIcons = array();
                 foreach ($xmlData->groups->group as $group) {
                     // add primary group icon as the first one
                     if ($group['isPrimary'] == '1') {
                         array_unshift($aGroupIcons, (string) $group->avatarIcon);
                     // add three random group icons
                     if (count($aGroupIcons) < 3) {
                         array_push($aGroupIcons, (string) $group->avatarIcon);
                 // remove last random icon, if the primary group was found later
                 if (count($aGroupIcons) == 4) {
                 $this->drawIconCluster($iImageIconsGroupX, $iImageIconsGroupY, $aGroupIcons, "Groups");
     // info text
     $iInfoStringLimit = 25;
     $sMemberSince = $this->limitString((string) $xmlData->memberSince, $iInfoStringLimit);
     $sPlayingTime = $this->limitString((string) $xmlData->hoursPlayed2Wk, $iInfoStringLimit);
     $sSteamRating = $this->limitString((string) $xmlData->steamRating, $iInfoStringLimit);
     $sLocation = (string) $xmlData->location;
     $aLocation = explode(',', $sLocation);
     $sCountry = $this->limitString(trim(array_pop($aLocation)), $iInfoStringLimit);
     // avoid blank lines
     if ($sCountry == '') {
         $sCountry = '---';
     $sInfoTextLeft = "Member since:\nPlaying time:\nSteam rating:\nCountry:";
     $sInfoTextRight = "{$sMemberSince}\n{$sPlayingTime} past 2 weeks\n{$sSteamRating}\n{$sCountry}";
     $this->drawInfo($iInfoTextX, $iInfoTextY, $sInfoTextLeft, $sInfoTextRight);
     // game icons
     if (count($xmlData->xpath('/profile/mostPlayedGames/mostPlayedGame')) != 0) {
         $aGameIcons = array();
         foreach ($xmlData->mostPlayedGames->mostPlayedGame as $mostPlayedGame) {
             $aGameIcons[] = (string) $mostPlayedGame->gameIcon;
         $this->drawIconCluster($iImageIconsGameX, $iImageIconsGameY, $aGameIcons, "Games");