lastModified() public static method

Get the file's last modification time.
public static lastModified ( string $path ) : integer
$path string
return integer
コード例 #1
ファイル: Pages.php プロジェクト: dmyers/laravel-pages
 public function lastModified($path)
     $view = $this->view($path);
     $path = $view->getPath();
     $timestamp = \File::lastModified($path);
     $carbon = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($timestamp);
     return $carbon;
コード例 #2
  * Check last backup time
  * Checks the modification time of files in authenticated user archive folder and if one of them is less than
  * 5 minutes ago.
  * @param User $user
  * @return bool  False if last backup was made less than 5 minutes ago, true otherwise
 public static function checkLastBackupTime(User $user)
     $zipFiles = File::files(storage_path() . '/backups/' . $user->getId() . '/zip/');
     foreach ($zipFiles as $zipFile) {
         $timeOfBackup = File::lastModified($zipFile);
         if ($timeOfBackup > strtotime('-5 minutes')) {
             return false;
     return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: helpers.php プロジェクト: jboysen/laravel-gcc
  * Returns a script tag with the compiled file if everything went well,
  * or else it will return script tags with the uncompiled javascript files
  * @param  mixed  $files a string or an array of files
  * @return string Script-tags
 function javascript_compiled($files)
     $gcc = \App::make('gcc');
     if (in_array(\App::environment(), \Config::get('laravel-gcc::env')) && $gcc->compile()) {
         return \HTML::script($gcc->getCompiledJsURL());
     $dir = $gcc->getJsDir();
     $output = "";
     foreach ($gcc->getFiles() as $filename => $path) {
         $output .= \HTML::script($dir . '/' . $filename . '?' . \File::lastModified($path));
     return $output;
コード例 #4
  * Get a list of deployments
  * @return  remote.server.deploy.Deployable[]
 public function scanDeployments()
     $this->changed = FALSE;
     while ($entry = $this->folder->getEntry()) {
         if (!preg_match($this->pattern, $entry)) {
         $f = new File($this->folder->getURI() . $entry);
         if (isset($this->files[$entry]) && $f->lastModified() <= $this->files[$entry]) {
             // File already deployed
         $this->changed = TRUE;
         $ear = new Archive(new File($this->folder->getURI() . $entry));
         try {
             $ear->open(ARCHIVE_READ) && ($meta = $ear->extract('META-INF/'));
         } catch (Throwable $e) {
             $this->deployments[$entry] = new IncompleteDeployment($entry, $e);
         $prop = Properties::fromString($meta);
         $beanclass = $prop->readString('bean', 'class');
         if (!$beanclass) {
             $this->deployments[$entry] = new IncompleteDeployment($entry, new FormatException('bean.class property missing!'));
         $d = new Deployment($entry);
         $d->setClassLoader(new ArchiveClassLoader($ear));
         $d->setInterface($prop->readString('bean', 'remote'));
         $d->setDirectoryName($prop->readString('bean', 'lookup'));
         $this->deployments[$entry] = $d;
         $this->files[$entry] = time();
     // Check existing deployments
     foreach (array_keys($this->deployments) as $entry) {
         $f = new File($this->folder->getURI() . $entry);
         if (!$f->exists()) {
             unset($this->deployments[$entry], $this->files[$entry]);
             $this->changed = TRUE;
     return $this->changed;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ServletContext.php プロジェクト: alexpagnoni/jphp
 function ServletContext($web_xml_file)
     $web_xml_file = new File($web_xml_file);
     if (File::validClass($web_xml_file) && $web_xml_file->exists()) {
         $this->file =& $web_xml_file;
         $cache_file = new File($web_xml_file->getFilePath() . 'cached');
         $valid_cache = FALSE;
         if ($cache_file->exists() && $web_xml_file->lastModified() == $cache_file->lastModified()) {
             $this->config = @unserialize(FileReader::readFileContent($cache_file));
             if (ServletContext::validClass($this->config)) {
                 $valid_cache = TRUE;
         if (!$valid_cache) {
             $this->config =& ServletXMLConfigReader::readXMLConfig(new FileReader($web_xml_file));
             FileWriter::writeToFile($cache_file, serialize($this->config), $web_xml_file->lastModified());
     if (isset($this->config)) {
コード例 #6
  * Download remote file to local file.
  * @throws
  * @param string $remote_file
  * @param string $local_file
 public function get($remote_file, $local_file)
     $lfile = File::exists($local_file);
     if ($lfile && $this->hasCache($remote_file, File::md5($local_file))) {
         $this->_log($remote_file . ' exists');
     $this->_log("download {$remote_file} as {$local_file}");
     $ret = @ftp_nb_get($this->ftp, $local_file, $remote_file, FTP_BINARY);
     while ($ret === FTP_MOREDATA) {
         $ret = @ftp_nb_continue($this->ftp);
     if ($ret !== FTP_FINISHED) {
         throw new Exception('FTP download failed', "local_file={$local_file} remote_file={$remote_file}");
     $this->cache[$remote_file] = [File::md5($local_file), File::size($local_file), File::lastModified($local_file)];
コード例 #7
  * Get a file
  * @param   string filename
  * @return  org.webdav.WebdavObject
  * @throws  lang.ElementNotFoundException
  * @throws  org.webdav.OperationNotAllowedException
 public function get($filename, $token = NULL)
     $this->c->debug('FILENAME', $filename);
     $this->c->debug('TOKEN', $token);
     $filename = $this->_normalizePath($filename);
     // check for lock
     $lockinfo = $this->getLockInfo($filename);
     if ($lockinfo and $lockinfo['type'] == 'exclusive' and 'opaquelocktoken:' . $lockinfo['token'] != $token) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException($filename . ' is locked exclusive');
     if (is_dir($this->base . $filename)) {
         $this->c->debug(get_class($this), '::GET Dir', $filename);
         $f = new Folder($this->base . $filename);
         if (!$f->exists()) {
             throw new ElementNotFoundException($filename . ' not found');
         while ($maxdepth >= 0 && ($entry = $f->getEntry())) {
             $isdir = is_dir($this->base . $filename . '/' . $entry);
             $atime = date('H:i:s  d.m.y', fileatime($this->base . $filename . '/' . $entry));
             if ($isdir) {
                 $flist[0][$entry] .= sprintf('
         <td><a href="%s/">%s</a></td>
         ', rawurlencode($entry), $entry, $atime);
             } else {
                 $flist[1][$entry] .= sprintf('
         <td><a href="%s">%s</a></td>
         <td>%s Bytes</td>
         ', rawurlencode($entry), $entry, $atime, filesize($this->base . $filename . '/' . $entry));
         $html = '<table cellpadding=3>' . (strlen($filename) > 2 ? '<tr><td><a href="../">..</a></td><td>&lt;DIR&gt;</tr>' : '') . implode('', $flist[0]);
         $flist = $html . implode('', $flist[1]) . '</table>';
         $o = new WebdavObject($f->uri, NULL, strlen($flist), 'text/html', new Date(filectime($f->uri)), new Date(filemtime($f->uri)));
         return $o;
     $this->c->debug(get_class($this), '::GET filename', $filename);
     $this->c->debug(get_class($this), '::GET base', $this->base);
     // Open file and read contents
     // contentype
     if (!file_exists($this->base . $filename)) {
         throw new ElementNotFoundException($filename . ' not found');
     $f = new File($this->base . $filename);
     $contentType = '';
     $this->c->debug(get_class($this), '::get ', $this->base . filename);
     $eProps = $this->propStorage->getProperties($f->uri);
     if (!empty($eProps['getcontenttype'])) {
         $contentType = $eProps['getcontenttype'][0];
     if (empty($contentType)) {
         $contentType = MimeType::getByFilename($f->uri, 'text/plain');
     $o = new WebdavObject($f->uri, NULL, $f->size(), $contentType, new Date($f->createdAt()), new Date($f->lastModified()));
     try {
     } catch (FileFoundException $e) {
         throw new ElementNotFoundException($filename . ' not found');
     $this->c->debug('OBJ', $o->properties);
     return $o;
コード例 #8
 private function displayImage(File $oImageFile)
     $oHeader = new HTTPHeader();
     if (!$oHeader->isModifiedSince($oImageFile->lastModified())) {
     } else {
         $oHeader->setResponse('Content-Type', 'image/png');
コード例 #9
ファイル: routes.php プロジェクト: janusnic/oc-quick-edit

App::before(function ($request) {
    Route::group(['prefix' => Config::get('cms.backendUri', 'backend')], function () {
        Route::any('indikator/qedit/content', function () {
            if (File::exists('themes/' . get('path'))) {
                $content = File::get('themes/' . get('path'));
                if (substr_count(get('path'), '/content/') == 0) {
                    $content = substr($content, strrpos($content, '==') + 2);
                return trim($content);
            } else {
                return '';
        Route::any('indikator/qedit/date', function () {
            if (File::exists('themes/' . get('path'))) {
                return date('Y-m-d G:i', File::lastModified('themes/' . get('path')));
            } else {
                return '';
コード例 #10
  * Scan $this->path_absolute and set md5, size and last_modified properties.
  * If with and height property exists retrieve image dimensions.
 protected function scanFile()
     $this->md5 = File::md5($this->path_absolute);
     $this->size = File::size($this->path_absolute);
     $this->last_modified = File::lastModified($this->path_absolute);
     if (property_exists($this, 'width') && property_exists($this, 'height')) {
         $ii = File::imageInfo($this->path_absolute);
         $this->width = intval($ii['width']);
         $this->height = intval($ii['height']);
コード例 #11
ファイル: プロジェクト: nijikokun/java.php
out::prntln("Last index of 'o': " . ((!$hello->lastIndexOf("o")) ? 'false' :  $hello->lastIndexOf("o")));

// ----------------------------------------------------- //

// New Section

// ----------------------------------------------------- //

// Initialize a File
$file = new File("index.php");

// Get the name
out::prntln("Filename? " . $file->getName());

// Is it a file?
out::prntln("File? " . (($file->isFile()) ? 'true' : 'false'));

// Check validation.
out::prntln("Does it exist? " . (($file->exists()) ? 'true' : 'false'));

// Attempt creation
out::prntln("Creation? " . (($file->createNewFile()) ? 'true' : 'false'));

// Size?
out::prntln("Size: " . $file->length());

// Last modified?
out::prntln("Last modified: " . $file->lastModified());

// ----------------------------------------------------- //
コード例 #12
ファイル: GCCompiler.php プロジェクト: jboysen/laravel-gcc
  * @param  string    $filename Of build file
  * @return \Response Contents if first request, else cache header
 public static function getCompiledFile($filename)
     $path = static::storagePath($filename . '.js');
     if (!\File::exists($path)) {
         return \App::abort(404);
     $headerMod = \Request::header('If-Modified-Since');
     $headers = array('Content-Type' => 'text/javascript', 'Last-Modified' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', \File::lastModified($path)));
     $headerGzip = \Request::header('Accept-Encoding');
     if ($headerGzip && str_contains($headerGzip, 'gzip') && function_exists('gzencode')) {
         $headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip';
     if ($headerMod && strtotime($headerMod) == \File::lastModified($path)) {
         return \Response::make(null, 304, $headers);
     } else {
         $contents = \File::get($path);
         if ($headerGzip && str_contains($headerGzip, 'gzip') && function_exists('gzencode')) {
             $contents = gzencode($contents, 9);
         $headers = array_merge($headers, array('Cache-Control' => 'max-age=' . 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, 'Expires' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7), 'Content-Length' => strlen($contents)));
         return \Response::make($contents, 200, $headers);