コード例 #1
  * Gets all properties, falling back to values of the parent.
  * @return array
 public function getProperties()
     if (empty($this->mergedProperties)) {
         $this->mergedProperties = $this->propertiesOfFileReference;
         \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ArrayUtility::mergeRecursiveWithOverrule($this->mergedProperties, $this->originalFile->getProperties(), true, true, false);
         array_walk($this->mergedProperties, array($this, 'restoreNonNullValuesCallback'));
     return $this->mergedProperties;
コード例 #2
  * Basic array function for the DB update
  * @return array
 public function toArray()
     if ($this->usesOriginalFile()) {
         $properties = $this->originalFile->getProperties();
     } else {
         $properties = $this->properties;
         $properties['identifier'] = $this->getIdentifier();
         $properties['name'] = $this->getName();
     $properties['configuration'] = serialize($this->processingConfiguration);
     return array_merge($properties, array('storage' => $this->getStorage()->getUid(), 'checksum' => $this->calculateChecksum(), 'task_type' => $this->taskType, 'configurationsha1' => sha1($properties['configuration']), 'original' => $this->originalFile->getUid(), 'originalfilesha1' => $this->originalFileSha1));
コード例 #3
ファイル: BaseModel.php プロジェクト: samrahman/providence
  * Processes uploaded files (only if something was uploaded)
  * @access private
  * @param string $field field name
  * @return string
 public function _processFiles($field)
     $vs_sql = "";
     # only set file if something was uploaded
     # (ie. don't nuke an existing file because none
     #      was uploaded)
     if (isset($this->_FILES_CLEAR[$field]) && $this->_FILES_CLEAR[$field]) {
         #--- delete file
         #--- delete conversions
         foreach ($this->getFileConversions($field) as $vs_format => $va_file_conversion) {
             @unlink($this->getFileConversionPath($field, $vs_format));
         $this->_FILES[$field] = "";
         $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$field] = "";
         $vs_sql = "{$field} = " . $this->quote(caSerializeForDatabase($this->_FILES[$field], true)) . ",";
     } else {
         $va_field_info = $this->getFieldInfo($field);
         if (file_exists($this->_SET_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'])) {
             $ff = new File();
             $mimetype = $ff->divineFileFormat($this->_SET_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'], $this->_SET_FILES[$field]['original_filename']);
             if (is_array($va_field_info["FILE_FORMATS"]) && sizeof($va_field_info["FILE_FORMATS"]) > 0) {
                 if (!in_array($mimetype, $va_field_info["FILE_FORMATS"])) {
                     $this->postError(1605, _t("File is not a valid format"), "BaseModel->_processFiles()", $this->tableName() . '.' . $field);
                     return false;
             $vn_dangerous = 0;
             if (!$mimetype) {
                 $mimetype = "application/octet-stream";
                 $vn_dangerous = 1;
             # get volume
             $vi = $this->_FILE_VOLUMES->getVolumeInformation($va_field_info["FILE_VOLUME"]);
             if (!is_array($vi)) {
                 print "Invalid volume " . $va_field_info["FILE_VOLUME"] . "<br>";
             if (!is_array($properties = $ff->getProperties())) {
                 $properties = array();
             if ($properties['dangerous'] > 0) {
                 $vn_dangerous = 1;
             if (($dirhash = $this->_getDirectoryHash($vi["absolutePath"], $this->getPrimaryKey())) === false) {
                 $this->postError(1600, _t("Could not create subdirectory for uploaded file in %1. Please ask your administrator to check the permissions of your media directory.", $vi["absolutePath"]), "BaseModel->_processFiles()", $this->tableName() . '.' . $field);
                 return false;
             $magic = rand(0, 99999);
             $va_pieces = explode("/", $this->_SET_FILES[$field]['original_filename']);
             $ext = array_pop($va_tmp = explode(".", array_pop($va_pieces)));
             if ($properties["dangerous"]) {
                 $ext .= ".bin";
             if (!$ext) {
                 $ext = "bin";
             $filestem = $vi["absolutePath"] . "/" . $dirhash . "/" . $magic . "_" . $this->_genMediaName($field);
             $filepath = $filestem . "." . $ext;
             $filesize = isset($properties["filesize"]) ? $properties["filesize"] : 0;
             if (!$filesize) {
                 $properties["filesize"] = filesize($this->_SET_FILES[$field]['tmp_name']);
             $file_desc = array("FILE" => 1, "VOLUME" => $va_field_info["FILE_VOLUME"], "ORIGINAL_FILENAME" => $this->_SET_FILES[$field]['original_filename'], "MIMETYPE" => $mimetype, "FILENAME" => $this->_genMediaName($field) . "." . $ext, "HASH" => $dirhash, "MAGIC" => $magic, "PROPERTIES" => $properties, "DANGEROUS" => $vn_dangerous, "CONVERSIONS" => array(), "MD5" => md5_file($this->_SET_FILES[$field]['tmp_name']));
             if (!copy($this->_SET_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'], $filepath)) {
                 $this->postError(1600, _t("File could not be copied. Ask your administrator to check permissions and file space for %1", $vi["absolutePath"]), "BaseModel->_processFiles()", $this->tableName() . '.' . $field);
                 return false;
             # -- delete old file if its name is different from the one we just wrote (otherwise, we overwrote it)
             if ($filepath != $this->getFilePath($field)) {
             # -- Attempt to do file conversions
             if (isset($va_field_info["FILE_CONVERSIONS"]) && is_array($va_field_info["FILE_CONVERSIONS"]) && sizeof($va_field_info["FILE_CONVERSIONS"]) > 0) {
                 foreach ($va_field_info["FILE_CONVERSIONS"] as $vs_output_format) {
                     if ($va_tmp = $ff->convert($vs_output_format, $filepath, $filestem)) {
                         # new extension is added to end of stem by conversion
                         $vs_file_ext = $va_tmp["extension"];
                         $vs_format_name = $va_tmp["format_name"];
                         $vs_long_format_name = $va_tmp["long_format_name"];
                         $file_desc["CONVERSIONS"][$vs_output_format] = array("MIMETYPE" => $vs_output_format, "FILENAME" => $this->_genMediaName($field) . "_conv." . $vs_file_ext, "PROPERTIES" => array("filesize" => filesize($filestem . "_conv." . $vs_file_ext), "extension" => $vs_file_ext, "format_name" => $vs_format_name, "long_format_name" => $vs_long_format_name));
             $this->_FILES[$field] = $file_desc;
             $vs_sql = "{$field} = " . $this->quote(caSerializeForDatabase($this->_FILES[$field], true)) . ",";
             $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$field] = $this->_SET_FILES[$field] = $file_desc;
     return $vs_sql;