コード例 #1
ファイル: Download.php プロジェクト: Alex-AG/exeltek-po
 public function action_thumb()
     if (!preg_match('/^image\\/.*$/i', $this->attachment['mime'])) {
         $ext = File::ext_by_mime($this->attachment['mime']);
         if (file_exists(DOCROOT . 'img/icons/' . $ext . '-icon-128x128.png')) {
             $this->redirect('/img/icons/' . $ext . '-icon-128x128.png');
         } else {
             $this->redirect('http://stdicon.com/' . $this->attachment['mime'] . '?size=96&default=http://stdicon.com/text');
     if (!file_exists(DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $this->attachment['id'] . '.thumb')) {
         if (!file_exists(DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $this->attachment['id'])) {
             $this->redirect('http://stdicon.com/' . $this->attachment['mime'] . '?size=96&default=http://stdicon.com/text');
         $data = file_get_contents(DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $this->attachment['id']);
         $image = imagecreatefromstring($data);
         $x = imagesx($image);
         $y = imagesy($image);
         $size = max($x, $y);
         $x = round($x / $size * 96);
         $y = round($y / $size * 96);
         $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($x, $y);
         imagealphablending($thumb, false);
         imagesavealpha($thumb, true);
         imagecopyresampled($thumb, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x, $y, imagesx($image), imagesy($image));
         imagepng($thumb, DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $this->attachment['id'] . '.thumb', 9);
     header('Content-type: image/png');
     header('Content-disposition: filename="thumbnail.png"');
     header('Content-length: ' . filesize(DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $this->attachment['id'] . '.thumb'));
     readfile(DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $this->attachment['id'] . '.thumb');
コード例 #2
ファイル: companyimage.php プロジェクト: Alexander711/naav1
  * Загрузка имаги
  * @param $company_id
  * @param $user_id
 private function _upload($company_id, $user)
     $validation = Validation::factory($_FILES)->rule('files', 'not_empty');
     if ($validation->check()) {
         $file = (object) array('type' => $validation['files']['type'][0], 'tmp_name' => $validation['files']['tmp_name'][0], 'size' => $validation['files']['size'][0], 'name' => $validation['files']['name'][0], 'error' => $validation['files']['error']);
         $company = ORM::factory('service', $company_id);
         $settings = (object) Kohana::$config->load('gallery');
          * Если файл есть
          * И папка доступна для записи
          * И такая компания есть
          * И ты админ или хозяин компании
         if ($file->size > 0 and is_writable($settings->img_path) and $company->loaded() and ($user->has('roles', 2) or $company->user_id == $user->id)) {
             // Манипуляция с временным изображением
             $image = Image::factory($file->tmp_name);
             // Название изображения
             $file_name = $company->id . '_' . md5(Date::formatted_time() . $file->name) . '.' . File::ext_by_mime($file->type);
             if ($image->width > $settings['img_max_width']) {
                 $image->resize($settings['img_max_width'], NULL);
             $image->save($settings['img_path'] . $file_name);
             if ($image->height > $settings['thumb_img_max_width']) {
                 $image->resize(NULL, $settings['thumb_img_max_width']);
             $image->save($settings['img_path'] . $settings['thumb_file_name_prefix'] . $file_name);
             $company_image = ORM::factory('CompanyImage');
             $company_image->name = $file->name;
             $company_image->date_created = Date::formatted_time();
             $company_image->img_path = $settings['img_path'] . $file_name;
             $company_image->thumb_img_path = $settings['img_path'] . $settings['thumb_file_name_prefix'] . $file_name;
             $company_image->company_id = $company->id;
             $company_image->title = trim(Arr::path($_POST, 'title')) ? Arr::path($_POST, 'title') : $company_image->name;
             $company->date_edited = Date::formatted_time();
             $this->data[] = (object) array('title' => $company_image->title, 'url' => '/' . $company_image->img_path, 'thumbnail_url' => '/' . $company_image->thumb_img_path, 'delete_url' => '/rest/companyimage/index/' . $company_image->id . '?company_id=' . $company->id, 'delete_type' => 'DELETE', 'image_id' => $company_image->id, 'company_id' => $company_image->company->id);
             $redirect = $this->request->post('redirect') ? stripslashes($this->request->post('redirect')) : null;
             // Редирект для IE
             if ($redirect) {
                 $this->request->redirect(sprintf($redirect, rawurlencode(json_encode($this->data))));
コード例 #3
ファイル: brand.php プロジェクト: Alexander711/naav1
 public function upload_images()
     $file_validation = Validation::factory($_FILES)->rule('thumb_img_path', 'Upload::type', array(':value', array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif')))->rule('img_path', 'Upload::type', array(':value', array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif')));
     if ($file_validation->check()) {
         if ($_FILES['img_path']['size'] != 0 and is_writable(self::IMG_PATH)) {
             $image = Image::factory($_FILES['img_path']['tmp_name']);
             if ($image->height > 150) {
                 $image->resize(NULL, 150);
             if ($image->width > 300) {
                 $image->resize(250, NULL);
             if (file_exists($this->img_path)) {
             $file_path = self::IMG_PATH . md5($this->id . '_' . $this->name) . '.' . File::ext_by_mime($image->mime);
             $this->img_path = $file_path;
         if ($_FILES['thumb_img_path']['size'] != 0 and is_writable(self::THUMB_IMG_PATH)) {
             $image = Image::factory($_FILES['thumb_img_path']['tmp_name']);
             if ($image->width > 30) {
                 $image->resize(30, NULL);
             if ($image->height > 35) {
                 $image->resize(NULL, 35);
             if (file_exists($this->thumb_img_path)) {
             $file_path = self::THUMB_IMG_PATH . md5($this->id . '_' . $this->name) . '_thumb.' . File::ext_by_mime($image->mime);
             $this->thumb_img_path = $file_path;
     return $file_validation;
コード例 #4
ファイル: upload.class.php プロジェクト: xiaodin1/myqee
  * 文件名安全过滤
  * @return Upload
 protected function format_name()
     if ($this->filename) {
         $this->file['name'] = $this->filename;
     } else {
         if ($this->config['rename']) {
             // 重命名文件
             $ext = File::ext_by_mime($this->file['type']);
             // 获取文件后缀
             $this->file['name'] = Text::random() . $ext;
         } else {
             // 对文件名做特殊字符过滤处理
             if ($this->config['remove_spaces']) {
                 $this->file['name'] = preg_replace('#\\s+#', '_', $this->file['name']);
     return $this;
コード例 #5
ファイル: gravatar.php プロジェクト: MenZil-Team/cms
  * Downloads gravatar to location on server
  * [!!] Note: If location is not set, by default use server tmp directory.
  * Example:
  * ~~~
  * // get an image specific to a user
  * $avatar = Gravatar::instance('*****@*****.**');
  * // download gravatar
  * $result = $avatar->download();
  * // print result
  * echo __('Gravatar saved to :loc, file size: :len', array(
  *     ':loc' => $result->location,
  *     ':len' => $result->length
  * ));
  * ~~~
  * @since   1.4.0
  * @return  stdClass
  * @throws  Gleez_Exception
  * @uses    File::ext_by_mime
 public function download()
     try {
         $headers = get_headers($this, 1);
     } catch (ErrorException $e) {
         if ($e->getCode() === 2) {
             throw new Gleez_Exception('URL does not seem to exist', array(), 403);
         } else {
             throw new Gleez_Exception($e->getMessage(), array(), $e->getCode());
     // Make sure content type exists
     if (!isset($headers['Content-Type'])) {
         throw new Gleez_Exception('Content-Type not found', array(), 300);
     // Make sure content type is valid
     if (!in_array($headers['Content-Type'], $this->getValidTypes())) {
         throw new Gleez_Exception('Content-Type :type is invalid', array(':type' => $headers['Content-Type']), 305);
     // Set file name
     $filename = $this->getEmailHash() . '.' . File::ext_by_mime($headers['Content-Type']);
     // Try to download
     try {
         file_put_contents($this->getStoreLocation($filename), file_get_contents($this));
     } catch (ErrorException $e) {
         throw new Gleez_Exception('File could not been downloaded: :msg', array(':msg' => $e->getMessage()), 400);
     $result = new stdClass();
     $result->filename = $filename;
     $result->extension = File::ext_by_mime($headers['Content-Type']);
     $result->type = $headers['Content-Type'];
     $result->length = $headers['Content-Length'];
     $result->location = $this->getStoreLocation($filename);
     return $result;