コード例 #1
 public function removeDSFilters($context)
     //Check if there is a preview link field attached.
     $has_preview_link = false;
     if (!isset(self::$fieldManager)) {
         self::$fieldManager = new fieldManager(Symphony::Engine());
     if (is_array($context['elements'])) {
         foreach ($context['elements'] as $element) {
             $field_id = self::$fieldManager->fetchFieldIDFromElementName($element);
             $field_type = self::$fieldManager->fetchFieldTypeFromID($field_id);
             if ($field_type == 'preview_url') {
                 $has_preview_link = true;
     $contents = $context['contents'];
     $first_line = '$result = new XMLElement($this->dsParamROOTELEMENT);';
     $this->dsFilter = '			//PREVIEW LINK EXTENSION: Remove Filters' . PHP_EOL;
     $this->dsFilter .= '			if (!strpos($_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’],"Googlebot")) {' . PHP_EOL;
     $this->dsFilter .= '				if(sha1($_GET["entryid"]) == $_GET["key"]) {' . PHP_EOL;
     $this->dsFilter .= '					$filters = $this->dsParamFILTERS;' . PHP_EOL;
     $this->dsFilter .= '					foreach($filters as $key=>$filter) {' . PHP_EOL;
     $this->dsFilter .= '						unset($this->dsParamFILTERS[$key]);' . PHP_EOL;
     $this->dsFilter .= '					}' . PHP_EOL;
     $this->dsFilter .= '           			$this->dsParamFILTERS["id"] = $_GET["entryid"];' . PHP_EOL;
     $this->dsFilter .= '				}' . PHP_EOL;
     $this->dsFilter .= '			}';
     if ($has_preview_link) {
         $contents = str_replace($first_line, $first_line . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $this->dsFilter, $contents);
     } else {
         $contents = str_replace($this->dsFilter, '', $contents);
     $this->dsContents = $contents;
コード例 #2
 public function generateView(XMLElement &$wrapper, $fieldname, $options, fieldSelectBox_Link_image $field)
     parent::generateView($wrapper, $fieldname, $options, $field);
     $alert = false;
     $thumbSize = 100;
     // text options
     $editbtn_text = __('Edit Selection');
     $editbtn_text_blank = __('Select Existing');
     $editbtn_text_close = __('Done');
     $createbtn_text = __('Create New');
     $footer_text_blank = __('None');
     $footer_text_drag = __('Drag to reorder');
     $grid_columns = 6;
     // CSS is set up to accept 1-10 here, perhaps this could be defined in field settings
     $option_count = count($options[1]['options']);
     // print_r($options, TRUE);
     // set some default classes
     $attributes = $wrapper->getAttribute('class');
     $wrapper->setAttribute('class', $attributes . ' closed has' . $option_count);
     // Create the imagegrid:
     $imagegrid = new XMLElement('div', null, array('class' => 'sblp-imagegrid col' . $grid_columns));
     foreach ($options as $optGroup) {
         $container = new XMLElement('div', null, array('class' => 'container'));
         if (isset($optGroup['label'])) {
             foreach ($optGroup['options'] as $option) {
                 $section = SectionManager::fetch($optGroup['id']);
                 $id = $option[0];
                 $value = $option[2];
                 $attr = array('rel' => $id, 'class' => 'image', 'data-section' => $section->get('handle'));
                 $fileEntries = EntryManager::fetch($id);
                 // item
                 preg_match('/<*a[^>]*href*=*["\']?([^"\']*)/', html_entity_decode($value), $matches);
                 $href = str_replace(URL . '/workspace/', '', $matches[1]);
                 // $s3Href = array_values($fileEntries[0]->getData(0))[1]["value_formatted"];
                 // $imgTitle = array_values($fileEntries[0]->getData(0))[2]['value'];
                 foreach ($fileEntries[0]->getData(0) as $fields => $fe) {
                     $fieldType = FieldManager::fetchFieldTypeFromID($fields);
                     if ($fieldType == 'input') {
                         $imgTitle = $fe["value"];
                     if ($fieldType == 'reflection') {
                         $imgHref = $fe["value_formatted"];
                 if (empty($href)) {
                     // If no href could be found, the field selected for the relation probably isn't of the type 'upload':
                     // In this case, show a message to the user:
                     //   $alert = true;
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($imgHref)) {
                         // $href = str_replace('https://', '', $s3Href);
                 // 	$img = '<img src="'.URL.'/image/2/'.$thumbSize.'/'.$thumbSize.'/5/1/'.$href.'" alt="thumb" width="'.$thumbSize.'" height="'.$thumbSize.'" />';
                 $img = '<img src="' . $imgHref . '" alt="' . $imgTitle . '" width="' . $thumbSize . '" height="' . $thumbSize . '" />';
                 // edit & delete
                 $actions = '';
                 if ($field->get('enable_edit') == 1) {
                     $actions .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="edit" title="' . __('Edit this item') . '">' . __('Edit') . '</a>';
                 if ($field->get('enable_delete') == 1) {
                     $actions .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="delete" title="' . __('Delete this item') . '">×</a>';
                 $actions .= '<div class="corner"></div>';
                 $actions .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="' . $imgTitle . '" link="' . $imgHref . '" class="thumb insert-link">' . $img . '</a>';
                 $container->appendChild(new XMLElement('div', $actions, $attr));
     $imagegridfooter = new XMLElement('div', null, array('class' => 'sblp-imagegrid-footer'));
     /* Add button */
     if ($field->get('enable_create') == 1) {
         $related_sections = $field->findRelatedSections();
         usort($related_sections, function ($a, $b) {
             return strcasecmp($a->get('name'), $b->get('name'));
     if ($option_count >= 1) {
         $imagegridfooter->appendChild(Widget::Anchor($editbtn_text, 'javascript:void(0)', null, 'edit button sblp-edit'));
     if ($field->get('enable_create') == 1) {
         $imagegridfooter->appendChild(Widget::Anchor($createbtn_text, URL . '/symphony/publish/' . $related_sections[0]->get('handle') . '/new/', null, 'create button sblp-add'));
     /* Just to make the button text values accessible to JS*/
     $imagegridfooter->appendChild(Widget::Input('editbtn_text', $editbtn_text, 'hidden'));
     $imagegridfooter->appendChild(Widget::Input('editbtn_text_blank', $editbtn_text_blank, 'hidden'));
     $imagegridfooter->appendChild(Widget::Input('editbtn_text_close', $editbtn_text_close, 'hidden'));
     // $dragtext = $field->get('allow_multiple_selection') == 'yes' ? '<em>'.$footer_text_drag.'</em>' : '';
     // $imagegridfooter->appendChild(new XMLElement('p', $dragtext, array('class' => 'dragtext')));
     // send some data to JS
     $wrapper->setAttribute('data-alert', $alert ? 'true' : 'false');
     $wrapper->setAttribute('data-multiple', $field->get('allow_multiple_selection') == 'yes' ? 'true' : 'false');
     // append assets only once
コード例 #3
 public function eventPreSaveFilter($context)
     if ($context['fields'] === null && (RestEngine::getHTTPMethod() === 'put' || 'post')) {
         $parsedData = RestEngine::parseBodyContent();
         if ($context['entry_id'] === null && RestEngine::getHTTPMethod() === 'put') {
             $pageID = RestEngine::getPageID();
             $urlParams = $this::getPageURLParams();
             //use the page ID to look up the format and uid param settings
             $settings = RestResourceManager::getByPageID($pageID);
             if (array_key_exists($settings['uid_parameter'], $urlParams)) {
                 $entryIDValue = $urlParams[$settings['uid_parameter']];
                 if ($settings['field_id'] == 0) {
                     // 0 stands for using the Entry ID number directly so just
                     // check to see if that entry number exists in the correct section
                     $entrySection = EntryManager::fetchEntrySectionID($entryIDValue);
                     if ($entrySection == $settings['section_id']) {
                         //good to go
                         $entryID = $entryIDValue;
                 } else {
                     $fieldType = FieldManager::fetchFieldTypeFromID($settings['field_id']);
                     //TODO: Eventually add in a more robust field type management to distinguish between value and handle based fields if necessary, or do it by array searching?
                     if ($fieldType != 'memberemail') {
                         $query = "SELECT `entry_id` FROM `tbl_entries_data_" . $settings['field_id'] . "` WHERE `handle` = '" . $entryIDValue . "' LIMIT 1";
                     } else {
                         $query = "SELECT `entry_id` FROM `tbl_entries_data_" . $settings['field_id'] . "` WHERE `value` = '" . $entryIDValue . "' LIMIT 1";
                     $entryID = Symphony::Database()->fetchVar('entry_id', 0, $query);
                 if (is_null($entryID)) {
                     //no matching entry
                     $context['messages'][] = array('restengine:invalid-id', FALSE, __('The specified resource "%1$s" does not exist.', array($entryIDValue)));
                 } else {
                     //good to go
                     $context['entry_id'] = $entryID;
             } else {
                 $context['messages'][] = array('restengine:settings-error', FALSE, __('Invalid Rest Resource unique ID URL parameter: %1$s.', array($settings['uid_parameter'])));
                 //probably some kind of error needs returning here
         if (is_array($parsedData) && !empty($parsedData['data']) && $parsedData['errors'] === null) {
             //Create the post data cookie element.
             General::array_to_xml($context['post_values'], $parsedData, true);
             //TODO: check for field mapping
             //TODO: Do we need to error when message body contains properties that we don't have fields for in the assigned section?
             $context['fields'] = $parsedData['data'];