コード例 #1
     * information since they are transmitted in the clear and can be easily 
     * modified (especially not for the user id).  We encourage you to use your 
     * own more advanced session management system, we merely do this as an 
     * example.  */
    setcookie('session_key', $session_info['session_key'], $expires);
    setcookie('uid', $uid, $expires);
$my_profile = $client->users_getInfo(array($uid), $profile_field_array);
$my_name = $my_profile[$uid]['name'];
$friends_array = array_slice($client->friends_get(), 0, 5);
$coworkers_array = $client->friends_getTyped('WORKED');
$albums = $client->photos_getAlbums($uid);
$album_photos = $client->photos_getFromAlbum($albums[0]['aid'], $uid);
$friend_profiles = $client->users_getInfo($friends_array, $profile_field_array);
$events = $client->events_getInWindow(time(), time() + 86400 * 30);
$photos = $client->photos_getOfUser($uid, 5);
$messages = $client->messages_getCount();
$wall_count = $client->wall_getCount();
$are_friends = $client->friends_areFriends($friends_array[0], $friends_array[1]);
print "<html><head><title>Example PHP5 REST Client</title></head><body>";
print '<a href="sample_client.php?logout=1">logout</a>';
print "<h2>{$my_name}'s info </h2>";
print '<P>Total messages: ' . $messages['total'] . ', unread: ' . $messages['unread'];
print '<P>Wall posts: ' . $wall_count;
print '<p>Friend one and friend two are ' . ($are_friends[0] ? '' : 'not ') . 'friends.';
print "<h2>{$my_name}'s friends</h2>";
print "<HR>";
print "<p><h2>Your upcoming events </h2><P>";
if (is_array($events)) {