コード例 #1
    public function testCrawlWithAuthError()
        //build active instance owned by a owner
        $instance_with_autherror = array('id' => 5, 'network_username' => 'Liz Lemon', 'network_user_id' => '123456', 'network_viewer_id' => '123456', 'last_post_id' => '0', 'last_page_fetched_replies' => 0, 'last_page_fetched_tweets' => '0', 'total_posts_in_system' => '0', 'total_replies_in_system' => '0', 'total_follows_in_system' => '0', 'is_archive_loaded_replies' => '0', 'is_archive_loaded_follows' => '0', 'crawler_last_run' => '', 'earliest_reply_in_system' => '', 'avg_replies_per_day' => '2', 'is_public' => '0', 'is_active' => '1', 'network' => 'facebook', 'last_favorite_id' => '0', 'last_unfav_page_checked' => '0', 'last_page_fetched_favorites' => '0', 'owner_favs_in_system' => '0', 'total_posts_by_owner' => 0, 'posts_per_day' => 1, 'posts_per_week' => 1, 'percentage_replies' => 50, 'percentage_links' => 50, 'earliest_post_in_system' => '01-01-2009', 'favorites_profile' => '0');
        $instance_builder_1 = FixtureBuilder::build('instances', $instance_with_autherror);
        $builders = array();
        $builders[] = FixtureBuilder::build('owners', array('id' => 1, 'full_name' => 'ThinkUp J. User', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'is_activated' => 1));
        $builders[] = FixtureBuilder::build('owner_instances', array('owner_id' => 1, 'instance_id' => 5, 'auth_error' => ''));
        //log in as that owner
        $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = "mytestthinkup";
        //run the crawl
        $fb_plugin = new FacebookPlugin();
        //assert that APIOAuthException was caught and recorded in owner_instances table
        $owner_instance_dao = new OwnerInstanceMySQLDAO();
        $owner_instance = $owner_instance_dao->get(1, 5);
        $this->assertEqual($owner_instance->auth_error, 'Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix ' . 'time SOME_TIME. The current unix time is SOME_TIME.');
        //assert that the email notification was sent to the user
        $expected_reg_email_pattern = '/to: me@example.com
subject: Please re-authorize ThinkUp to access Liz Lemon on Facebook
message: Hi! Your ThinkUp installation is no longer connected to the Liz Lemon Facebook account./';
        $actual_reg_email = Mailer::getLastMail();
        $this->assertPattern($expected_reg_email_pattern, $actual_reg_email);
コード例 #2
    public function testCrawlWithAuthError()
        //build active instance owned by a owner
        $instance_with_autherror = array('id' => 5, 'network_username' => 'Liz Lemon', 'network_user_id' => '123456', 'network_viewer_id' => '123456', 'last_post_id' => '0', 'total_posts_in_system' => '0', 'total_replies_in_system' => '0', 'total_follows_in_system' => '0', 'is_archive_loaded_replies' => '0', 'is_archive_loaded_follows' => '0', 'crawler_last_run' => '', 'earliest_reply_in_system' => '', 'avg_replies_per_day' => '2', 'is_public' => '0', 'is_active' => '1', 'network' => 'facebook', 'last_favorite_id' => '0', 'owner_favs_in_system' => '0', 'total_posts_by_owner' => 0, 'posts_per_day' => 1, 'posts_per_week' => 1, 'percentage_replies' => 50, 'percentage_links' => 50, 'earliest_post_in_system' => '2009-01-01 13:48:05', 'favorites_profile' => '0');
        $instance_builder_1 = FixtureBuilder::build('instances', $instance_with_autherror);
        $builders = array();
        $builders[] = FixtureBuilder::build('owners', array('id' => 1, 'full_name' => 'ThinkUp J. User', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'is_activated' => 1));
        $builders[] = FixtureBuilder::build('owner_instances', array('owner_id' => 1, 'instance_id' => 5, 'auth_error' => ''));
        //assert invalid_oauth_email_sent_timestamp option is not set
        $option_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('OptionDAO');
        $plugin_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PluginDAO');
        $plugin_id = $plugin_dao->getPluginId('facebook');
        $last_email_timestamp = $option_dao->getOptionByName(OptionDAO::PLUGIN_OPTIONS . '-' . $plugin_id, 'invalid_oauth_email_sent_timestamp');
        //log in as that owner
        $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = "mytestthinkup";
        //run the crawl
        $fb_plugin = new FacebookPlugin();
        //assert that APIOAuthException was caught and recorded in owner_instances table
        $owner_instance_dao = new OwnerInstanceMySQLDAO();
        $owner_instance = $owner_instance_dao->get(1, 5);
        $this->assertEqual($owner_instance->auth_error, 'Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix ' . 'time SOME_TIME. The current unix time is SOME_TIME.');
        //assert that the email notification was sent to the user
        $expected_reg_email_pattern = '/to: me@example.com
subject: Please re-authorize ThinkUp to access Liz Lemon on Facebook
message: Hi! Your ThinkUp installation is no longer connected to the Liz Lemon Facebook account./';
        $actual_reg_email = Mailer::getLastMail();
        $this->assertPattern($expected_reg_email_pattern, $actual_reg_email);
        //assert invalid_oauth_email_sent_timestamp option has been set
        $last_email_timestamp = $option_dao->getOptionByName(OptionDAO::PLUGIN_OPTIONS . '-' . $plugin_id, 'invalid_oauth_email_sent_timestamp');
        //Delete last mail file
        $test_email_file = FileDataManager::getDataPath(Mailer::EMAIL);
        $actual_reg_email = Mailer::getLastMail();
        //Assert it's been deleted
        $this->assertEqual($actual_reg_email, '');
        //Crawl again
        //Assert email has not been resent
        $actual_reg_email = Mailer::getLastMail();
        $this->assertEqual($actual_reg_email, '');
コード例 #3
ファイル: TestOfFacebookPlugin.php プロジェクト: dgw/ThinkUp
 public function testForProfileUpdated()
     $builders = array();
     $builders[] = FixtureBuilder::build('owners', array('id' => 1, 'full_name' => 'ThinkUp J. User', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'is_activated' => 1, 'is_admin' => 1));
     $builders[] = FixtureBuilder::build('owner_instances', array('owner_id' => 1, 'instance_id' => 1, 'auth_error' => '', 'oauth_access_token' => 'zL11BPY2fZPPyYY', 'oauth_access_token_secret' => ''));
     $builders[] = FixtureBuilder::build('instances', array('id' => 1, 'network_username' => 'Gina Trapani', 'network_user_id' => '606837591', 'network_viewer_id' => '606837591', 'last_post_id' => '0', 'total_posts_in_system' => '0', 'total_replies_in_system' => '0', 'total_follows_in_system' => '0', 'is_archive_loaded_replies' => '0', 'is_archive_loaded_follows' => '0', 'crawler_last_run' => '', 'earliest_reply_in_system' => '', 'avg_replies_per_day' => '2', 'is_public' => '0', 'is_active' => '0', 'network' => 'facebook', 'last_favorite_id' => '0', 'owner_favs_in_system' => '0', 'total_posts_by_owner' => 0, 'posts_per_day' => 1, 'posts_per_week' => 1, 'percentage_replies' => 50, 'percentage_links' => 50, 'earliest_post_in_system' => '2009-01-01 13:48:05', 'favorites_profile' => '0', 'is_active' => 1));
     $instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('FacebookInstanceDAO');
     $instance = $instance_dao->getByUsername('Gina Trapani', 'facebook');
     $fb_plugin = new FacebookPlugin();
     $instance = $instance_dao->getByUsername('Gina Trapani', 'facebook');
     $this->assertEqual($instance->profile_updated, '2014-01-30 17:28:18');