コード例 #1
ファイル: isuniquevalue.php プロジェクト: rhotog/fabrik
  * validate the elements data against the rule
  * @param string data to check
  * @param object element Model
  * @param int plugin sequence ref
  * @return bol true if validation passes, false if fails
 function validate($data, &$elementModel, $c)
     //could be a dropdown with multivalues
     if (is_array($data)) {
         $data = implode('', $data);
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $element = $elementModel->getElement();
     $listModel = $elementModel->getlistModel();
     $table = $listModel->getTable();
     $db = $listModel->getDb();
     $lookuptable = $db->NameQuote($table->db_table_name);
     $data = $db->Quote($data);
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $cond = $params->get('isuniquevalue-caseinsensitive') == 1 ? 'LIKE' : '=';
     $query->select('COUNT(*)')->from($lookuptable)->where($element->name . ' ' . $cond . ' ' . $data);
     // $$$ hugh - need to check to see if we're editing a record, otherwise
     // will fail 'cos it finds the original record (assuming this element hasn't changed)
     // @TODO - is there a better way getting the rowid?  What if this is form a joined table?
     // $rowid = JRequest::getVar('rowid');
     // Have to do it by grabbing PK from request, 'cos rowid isn't set on AJAX validation
     $pk = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($table->db_primary_key);
     $rowid = JRequest::getVar($pk, '');
     if (!empty($rowid)) {
         $query->where($table->db_primary_key . ' != ' . $db->Quote($rowid));
     $c = $db->loadResult();
     return $c == 0 ? true : false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: inlineedit.php プロジェクト: rhotog/fabrik
  * return the javascript to create an instance of the class defined in formJavascriptClass
  * @param object parameters
  * @param list table model
  * @param array [0] => string table's form id to contain plugin
  * @return bool
 function onLoadJavascriptInstance($params, $model, $args)
     parent::onLoadJavascriptInstance($params, $model, $args);
     $listModel = JModel::getInstance('list', 'FabrikFEModel');
     $elements = $model->getElements('safecolname');
     $pels = $params->get('inline_editable_elements');
     $use = json_decode($pels);
     if (!is_object($use)) {
         $aEls = trim($pels) == '' ? array() : explode(",", $pels);
         $use = new stdClass();
         foreach ($aEls as $e) {
             $use->{$e} = array($e);
     $els = array();
     $srcs = array();
     $test = (array) $use;
     if (!empty($test)) {
         foreach ($use as $key => $fields) {
             $trigger = $elements[$key];
             $els[$key] = new stdClass();
             $els[$key]->elid = $trigger->_id;
             $els[$key]->plugins = array();
             foreach ($fields as $field) {
                 $val = $elements[$field];
                 //load in all element js classes
                 if (is_object($val)) {
                     $els[$key]->plugins[$field] = $val->getElement()->id;
     } else {
         foreach ($elements as $key => $val) {
             $key = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($key);
             $els[$key] = new stdClass();
             $els[$key]->elid = $val->_id;
             $els[$key]->plugins = array();
             $els[$key]->plugins[$key] = $val->getElement()->id;
             //load in all element js classes
     $opts = $this->getElementJSOptions($model);
     $opts->elements = $els;
     $opts->formid = $model->getFormModel()->getId();
     $opts->focusClass = 'focusClass';
     $opts->editEvent = $params->get('inline_edit_event', 'dblclick');
     $opts->tabSave = $params->get('inline_tab_save', false);
     $opts->showCancel = $params->get('inline_show_cancel', true);
     $opts->showSave = (bool) $params->get('inline_show_save', true);
     $opts->loadFirst = (bool) $params->get('inline_load_first', false);
     $opts = json_encode($opts);
     $formid = 'list_' + $model->getFormModel()->getForm()->id;
     $this->jsInstance = "new FbListInlineEdit({$opts})";
     return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: order.php プロジェクト: nikshade/fabrik21
  * return the javascript to create an instance of the class defined in formJavascriptClass
  * @param object parameters
  * @param object table model
  * @param array [0] => string table's form id to contain plugin
  * @return bool
 function loadJavascriptInstance($params, $model, $args)
     if (!$this->canUse()) {
     $form_id = $args[0];
     FabrikHelperHTML::script('element.js', 'media/com_fabrik/js/');
     $orderEl = $model->getForm()->getElement($params->get('order_element'), true);
     $opts = new stdClass();
     $opts->enabled = count($model->orderEls) === 1 && FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($model->orderEls[0]) == FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($orderEl->getOrderByName()) ? true : false;
     $opts->liveSite = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE;
     $opts->tableid = $model->_id;
     $opts->orderElementId = $params->get('order_element');
     $opts->handle = $params->get('order_element_as_handle', 1) == 1 ? '.fabrik_row___' . $orderEl->getOrderByName() : false;
     $opts->direction = $opts->enabled ? $model->orderDirs[0] : '';
     $opts->transition = '';
     $opts->duration = '';
     $opts->constrain = '';
     $opts->clone = '';
     $opts->revert = '';
     $opts->container = 'table_' . $model->getTable()->id;
     $opts = json_encode($opts);
     $lang = $this->_getLang();
     $lang = json_encode($lang);
     $this->jsInstance = "new FbTableOrder('{$form_id}', {$opts}, {$lang})";
     return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: order.php プロジェクト: jfquestiaux/fabrik
  * Return the javascript to create an instance of the class defined in formJavascriptClass
  * @param   array  $args  Array [0] => string table's form id to contain plugin
  * @return bool
 public function onLoadJavascriptInstance($args)
     if (!$this->canUse()) {
     /** @var FabrikFEModelList $model */
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $orderEl = $model->getFormModel()->getElement($params->get('order_element'), true);
     $opts = $this->getElementJSOptions();
     $orderElName = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey(FArrayHelper::getValue($model->orderEls, 0, ''));
     $opts->enabled = $orderElName == FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($orderEl->getOrderByName()) ? true : false;
     $opts->listid = $model->getId();
     $opts->orderElementId = $params->get('order_element');
     $opts->handle = $params->get('order_element_as_handle', 1) == 1 ? '.' . $orderEl->getOrderByName() : false;
     $opts->direction = $opts->enabled ? $model->orderDirs[0] : '';
     $opts->transition = '';
     $opts->duration = '';
     $opts->constrain = '';
     $opts->clone = '';
     $opts->revert = '';
     $opts = json_encode($opts);
     $this->jsInstance = "new FbListOrder({$opts})";
     return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: textarea.php プロジェクト: ppantilla/bbninja
  * Tagify a string
  * @param   string  $data  Tagify
  * @return  string	Tagified string
 protected function tagify($data)
     $name = $this->getFullName(true, false);
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $listModel = $this->getlistModel();
     $filters = $listModel->getFilterArray();
     $fkeys = JArrayHelper::getValue($filters, 'key', array());
     $data = explode(",", strip_tags($data));
     $tags = array();
     $url = $params->get('textarea_tagifyurl');
     if ($url == '') {
         $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
         $bits = explode('?', $url);
         $root = JArrayHelper::getValue($bits, 0, '', 'string');
         $bits = JArrayHelper::getValue($bits, 1, '', 'string');
         $bits = explode("&", $bits);
         $fullName = $this->getFullName(true, false);
         for ($b = count($bits) - 1; $b >= 0; $b--) {
             $parts = explode("=", $bits[$b]);
             if (count($parts) > 1) {
                 $key = FabrikString::ltrimword(FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($parts[0]), '&');
                 if ($key == $fullName) {
                 if ($key == $fullName . '[value]') {
                 if ($key == $fullName . '[condition]') {
     $url = $root . '?' . implode('&', $bits);
     // $$$ rob 24/02/2011 remove duplicates from tags
     $data = array_unique($data);
     $img = FabrikWorker::j3() ? 'bookmark.png' : 'tag.png';
     $icon = FabrikHelperHTML::image($img, 'form', @$this->tmpl, array('alt' => 'tag'));
     foreach ($data as $d) {
         $d = trim($d);
         if ($d != '') {
             if (trim($params->get('textarea_tagifyurl')) == '') {
                 $qs = strstr($url, '?');
                 if (substr($url, -1) === '?') {
                     $thisurl = $url . $name . '[value]=' . $d;
                 } else {
                     $thisurl = strstr($url, '?') ? $url . '&' . $name . '[value]=' . urlencode($d) : $url . '?' . $name . '[value]=' . urlencode($d);
                 $thisurl .= '&' . $name . '[condition]=CONTAINS';
                 $thisurl .= '&resetfilters=1';
             } else {
                 $thisurl = str_replace('{tag}', urlencode($d), $url);
             $tags[] = '<a href="' . $thisurl . '" class="fabrikTag">' . $icon . $d . '</a>';
     return implode(' ', $tags);
コード例 #6
ファイル: textarea.php プロジェクト: romuland/khparts
  * tagify a string
  * @param string to tagify
  * @return string tagified string
 protected function tagify($data)
     $name = $this->getFullName(false, true, false);
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $listModel = $this->getlistModel();
     $filters = $listModel->getFilterArray();
     $fkeys = JArrayHelper::getValue($filters, 'key', array());
     $data = explode(",", strip_tags($data));
     $tags = array();
     $url = $params->get('textarea_tagifyurl');
     if ($url == '') {
         $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
         $bits = explode('?', $url);
         $bits = JArrayHelper::getValue($bits, 1, '', 'string');
         $bits = explode("&", $bits);
         foreach ($bits as $bit) {
             $parts = explode("=", $bit);
             if (count($parts) > 1) {
                 $key = FabrikString::ltrimword(FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($parts[0]), '&');
                 if ($key == $this->getFullName(false, true, false)) {
                     $url = str_replace($key . '=' . $parts[1], '', $url);
     // $$$ rbo 24/02/2011 remove duplicates from tags
     $data = array_unique($data);
     $icon = FabrikHelperHTML::image('tag.png', 'form', @$this->tmpl, array('alt' => 'tag'));
     foreach ($data as $d) {
         $d = trim($d);
         if ($d != '') {
             if (trim($params->get('textarea_tagifyurl')) == '') {
                 $qs = strstr($url, '?');
                 if (substr($url, -1) === '?') {
                     $thisurl = "{$url}{$name}={$d}";
                 } else {
                     $thisurl = strstr($url, '?') ? "{$url}&{$name}=" . urlencode($d) : "{$url}?{$name}=" . urlencode($d);
             } else {
                 $thisurl = str_replace('{tag}', urlencode($d), $url);
             $tags[] = '<a href="' . $thisurl . '" class="fabrikTag">' . $icon . $d . '</a>';
     return implode(" ", $tags);
コード例 #7
ファイル: isuniquevalue.php プロジェクト: nikshade/fabrik21
  * validate the elements data against the rule
  * @param string data to check
  * @param object element Model
  * @param int plugin sequence ref
  * @param int repeat group count
  * @return bol true if validation passes, false if fails
 function validate($data, &$elementModel, $c, $repeat_count = 0)
     //could be a dropdown with multivalues
     if (is_array($data)) {
         $data = implode('', $data);
     $params =& $this->getParams();
     $element =& $elementModel->getElement();
     $tableModel =& $elementModel->getTableModel();
     $table =& $tableModel->getTable();
     $db =& $tableModel->getDb();
     $lookuptable = $db->nameQuote($table->db_table_name);
     $data = $db->Quote($data);
     if ($params->get('isuniquevalue-caseinsensitive') == 1) {
         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$lookuptable} WHERE {$element->name} LIKE {$data}";
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$lookuptable} WHERE {$element->name} = {$data}";
     // $$$ hugh - need to check to see if we're editing a record, otherwise
     // will fail 'cos it finds the original record (assuming this element hasn't changed)
     // @TODO - is there a better way getting the rowid?  What if this is form a joined table?
     // $rowid = JRequest::getVar('rowid');
     // Have to do it by grabbing PK from request, 'cos rowid isn't set on AJAX validation
     $pk = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($table->db_primary_key);
     $rowid = JRequest::getVar($pk, '');
     if (!empty($rowid)) {
         //if main key is in repeat group!
         if (is_array($rowid)) {
             foreach ($rowid as &$i) {
                 $i = $db->Quote($i);
             $s = implode(',', $rowid);
             if ($s !== "''") {
                 $sql .= " AND {$table->db_primary_key} NOT IN (" . $s . ")";
         } else {
             $sql .= " AND {$table->db_primary_key} != " . $db->Quote($rowid);
     $c = $db->loadResult();
     return $c == 0 ? true : false;
コード例 #8
ファイル: order.php プロジェクト: rogeriocc/fabrik
  * Return the javascript to create an instance of the class defined in formJavascriptClass
  * @param   object  $params  plugin parameters
  * @param   object  $model   list model
  * @param   array   $args    array [0] => string table's form id to contain plugin
  * @return bool
 public function onLoadJavascriptInstance($params, $model, $args)
     if (!$this->canUse()) {
     $orderEl = $model->getFormModel()->getElement($params->get('order_element'), true);
     $form_id = $model->getFormModel()->getId();
     $opts = $this->getElementJSOptions($model);
     $opts->enabled = count($model->orderEls) === 1 && FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($model->orderEls[0]) == FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($orderEl->getOrderByName()) ? true : false;
     $opts->listid = $model->getId();
     $opts->orderElementId = $params->get('order_element');
     $opts->handle = $params->get('order_element_as_handle', 1) == 1 ? '.' . $orderEl->getOrderByName() : false;
     $opts->direction = $opts->enabled ? $model->orderDirs[0] : '';
     $opts->transition = '';
     $opts->duration = '';
     $opts->constrain = '';
     $opts->clone = '';
     $opts->revert = '';
     $opts = json_encode($opts);
     $this->jsInstance = "new FbListOrder({$opts})";
     return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: inlineedit.php プロジェクト: Jobar87/fabrik
	 * return the javascript to create an instance of the class defined in formJavascriptClass
	 * @param object parameters
	 * @param list table model
	 * @param array [0] => string table's form id to contain plugin
	 * @return bool

	function onLoadJavascriptInstance($params, $model, $args)
		parent::onLoadJavascriptInstance($params, $model, $args);
		FabrikHelperHTML::addStyleDeclaration('.focusClass{border:1px solid red !important;}');
		$listModel = JModel::getInstance('list', 'FabrikFEModel');

		$elements = $model->getElements('filtername');
		$pels = $params->get('inline_editable_elements');
		$use = trim($pels) == '' ? array() : explode(",", $pels);
		$els = array();
		$srcs = array();
		foreach ($elements as $key => $val) {
			$key = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($key);
			if (empty($use) || in_array($key, $use)) {
				$els[$key] = new stdClass();
				$els[$key]->elid = $val->_id;
				$els[$key]->plugin = $val->getElement()->plugin;
				//load in all element js classes
		FabrikHelperHTML::script($srcs, true);
		$opts = new stdClass();
		$opts->elements = $els;
		$opts->listid = $model->getId();
		$opts->focusClass = 'focusClass';
		$opts->editEvent = $params->get('inline_edit_event', 'dblclick');
		$opts->tabSave = $params->get('inline_tab_save', false);
		$opts->showCancel = $params->get('inline_show_cancel', true);
		$opts->showSave = $params->get('inline_show_save', true);
		$opts->loadFirst = (bool)$params->get('inline_load_first', false);
		$opts = json_encode($opts);
		$formid = 'list_'+$model->getFormModel()->getForm()->id;
		$this->jsInstance = "new FbListInlineEdit($opts)";
		return true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: inlineedit.php プロジェクト: nikshade/fabrik21
  * return the javascript to create an instance of the class defined in formJavascriptClass
  * @param object parameters
  * @param object table model
  * @param array [0] => string table's form id to contain plugin
  * @return bool
 function loadJavascriptInstance($params, $model, $args)
     $form_id = $args[0];
     FabrikHelperHTML::script('element.js', 'media/com_fabrik/js/');
     $tableModel =& JModel::getInstance('table', 'FabrikModel');
     $elements =& $tableModel->getElements('filtername');
     $pels = $params->get('inline_editable_elements');
     $use = trim($pels) == '' ? array() : explode(",", $pels);
     $els = array();
     foreach ($elements as $key => $val) {
         $key = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($key);
         if (empty($use) || in_array($key, $use)) {
             $els[$key] = new stdClass();
             $els[$key]->elid = $val->_id;
             $els[$key]->plugin = $val->getElement()->plugin;
             //load in all element js classes
     $opts = new stdClass();
     $opts->mooversion = FabrikWorker::getMooVersion() == 1 ? 1.2 : 1.1;
     $opts->elements = $els;
     $opts->tableid = $tableModel->_id;
     $opts->focusClass = 'focusClass';
     $opts->liveSite = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE;
     $opts->editEvent = $params->get('inline_edit_event', 'dblclick');
     $opts->tabSave = $params->get('inline_tab_save', false);
     $opts->showCancel = $params->get('inline_show_cancel', true);
     $opts->showSave = $params->get('inline_show_save', true);
     $opts->loadFirst = (bool) $params->get('inline_load_first', false);
     $opts = json_encode($opts);
     $lang = $this->_getLang();
     $lang = json_encode($lang);
     $this->jsInstance = "new FbTableInlineEdit('{$form_id}', {$opts}, {$lang})";
     return true;
コード例 #11
  * build the filter query for the given element.
  * @param $key element name in format `tablename`.`elementname`
  * @param $condition =/like etc
  * @param $value search string - already quoted if specified in filter array options
  * @param $originalValue - original filter value without quotes or %'s applied
  * @param string filter type advanced/normal/prefilter/search/querystring/searchall
  * @return string sql query part e,g, "key = value"
 function getFilterQuery($key, $condition, $value, $originalValue, $type = 'normal')
     # $$$ rob $this->_rawFilter set in tableModel::getFilterArray()
     # used in prefilter dropdown in admin to allow users to prefilter on raw db join value
     $params =& $this->getParams();
     if ($type == 'querystring') {
         $key2 = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($key);
         // $$$ rob no matter whether you use elementname_raw or elementname in the querystring filter
         // by the time it gets here we have normalized to elementname. So we check if the original qs filter was looking at the raw
         // value if it was then we want to filter on the key and not the label
         if (!array_key_exists($key2, JRequest::get('get'))) {
             if (!$this->_rawFilter) {
                 $k = FabrikString::safeColName($params->get('join_db_name') . "." . $params->get('join_key_column'));
             } else {
                 $k = $key;
             return "{$k} {$condition} {$value}";
     if (!$this->_rawFilter && ($type == 'searchall' || $type == 'prefilter')) {
         $key = FabrikString::safeColName($params->get('cascadingdropdown_label'));
     $str = "{$key} {$condition} {$value}";
     return $str;
コード例 #12
ファイル: plugin-form.php プロジェクト: romuland/khparts
  * convert the posted form data to the data to be shown in the email
  * e.g. radio buttons swap their values for the value's label
  * HACKED from the form view
  * @return array email data
 function getEmailData()
     if (isset($this->emailData)) {
         return $this->emailData;
     $model = $this->formModel;
     if (is_null($model->_formDataWithTableName)) {
         return array();
     //$$$rob don't render the form - there's no need and it gives a warning about an unfound rowid
     // $$$ rob also it sets teh fromModels rowid to an + int even if we are submitting a new form
     // which means that form plug-ins set to run on new only don't get triggered if they appear after
     // fabrikemail/fabrikreceipt
     //Now instead the pk value is taken from the tableModel->lastInsertId and inserted at the end of this method
     $listModel = $model->_table;
     $table = is_object($listModel) ? $listModel->getTable() : null;
     $model->_editable = false;
     if (is_object($listModel)) {
         $joins = $listModel->getJoins();
     $params = $model->getParams();
     $this->emailData = array();
     // $$$ hugh - temp foreach fix
     $groups = $model->getGroupsHiarachy();
     foreach ($groups as $gkey => $groupModel) {
         $groupParams = $groupModel->getParams();
         //check if group is acutally a table join
         $repeatGroup = 1;
         $foreignKey = null;
         if ($groupModel->canRepeat()) {
             if ($groupModel->isJoin()) {
                 $joinModel = $groupModel->getJoinModel();
                 $joinTable = $joinModel->getJoin();
                 $foreignKey = '';
                 if (is_object($joinTable)) {
                     $foreignKey = $joinTable->table_join_key;
                     //need to duplicate this perhaps per the number of times
                     //that a repeat group occurs in the default data?
                     if (array_key_exists($joinTable->id, $model->_formDataWithTableName['join'])) {
                         $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
                         $tmpElement = current($elementModels);
                         $smallerElHTMLName = $tmpElement->getFullName(false, true, false);
                         //$repeatGroup = count($model->_data['join'][$joinTable->id][$smallerElHTMLName]);
                         $repeatGroup = count($model->_formDataWithTableName['join'][$joinTable->id][$smallerElHTMLName]);
                     } else {
                         if (!$groupParams->get('repeat_group_show_first')) {
             } else {
                 // $$$ rob 19/03/2012 - deprecated?
                 // repeat groups which arent joins
                 /* $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
                 			foreach ($elementModels as $tmpElement) {
                 				$smallerElHTMLName = $tmpElement->getFullName(false, true, false);
                 				if (is_array($model->_formDataWithTableName)) {
                 					if (array_key_exists($smallerElHTMLName."_raw", $model->_formDataWithTableName)) {
                 						$d = $model->_formDataWithTableName[$smallerElHTMLName."_raw"];
                 					} else {
                 						$d = @$model->_formDataWithTableName[$smallerElHTMLName];
                 					$d = FabrikWorker::JSONtoData($d, true);
                 					$c = count($d);
                 					if ($c > $repeatGroup) { $repeatGroup = $c;}
                 			} */
         $groupModel->repeatTotal = $repeatGroup;
         $group = $groupModel->getGroup();
         $aSubGroups = array();
         for ($c = 0; $c < $repeatGroup; $c++) {
             $aSubGroupElements = array();
             $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
             foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
                 //force reload?
                 $elementModel->defaults = null;
                 $elementModel->_repeatGroupTotal = $repeatGroup - 1;
                 $element = $elementModel->getElement();
                 $k = $elementModel->getFullName(false, true, false);
                 $key = $elementModel->getFullName(true, true, false);
                 //used for working out if the element should behave as if it was
                 //in a new form (joined grouped) even when editing a record
                 $elementModel->_inRepeatGroup = $groupModel->canRepeat();
                 $elementModel->_inJoin = $groupModel->isJoin();
                 $elementModel->_editable = false;
                 if ($elementModel->_inJoin) {
                     if ($elementModel->_inRepeatGroup) {
                         if (!array_key_exists($k . "_raw", $this->emailData)) {
                             $this->emailData[$k . '_raw'] = array();
                         $this->emailData[$k . '_raw'][] = JArrayHelper::getValue($model->_formDataWithTableName['join'][$group->join_id][$k], $c);
                     } else {
                         $this->emailData[$k . '_raw'] = $model->_formDataWithTableName['join'][$group->join_id][$k];
                 } else {
                     //@TODO do we need to check if none -joined repeat groups have their data set out correctly?
                     if (array_key_exists($key, $model->_formDataWithTableName)) {
                         $rawval = JArrayHelper::getValue($model->_formDataWithTableName, $k . '_raw', '');
                         if ($rawval == '') {
                             $this->emailData[$k . '_raw'] = $model->_formDataWithTableName[$key];
                         } else {
                             // things like the user element only have their raw value filled in at this point
                             // so don't overwrite that with the blank none-raw value
                             // the none-raw value is add in getEmailValue()
                             $this->emailData[$k . '_raw'] = $rawval;
                 // $$$ hugh - need to poke data into $elementModel->_form->_data as it is needed
                 // by CDD getOptions when building the query, to constrain the WHERE clause with
                 // selected FK value.
                 // $$$ rob in repeat join groups this isnt really efficient as you end up reformatting the data $c times
                 $elementModel->_form->_data = $model->_formDataWithTableName;
                 // $$$ hugh - for some reason, CDD keys themselves are missing form emailData, if no selection was made?
                 // (may only be on AJAX submit)
                 $email_value = '';
                 if (array_key_exists($k . '_raw', $this->emailData)) {
                     $email_value = $this->emailData[$k . '_raw'];
                 } else {
                     if (array_key_exists($k, $this->emailData)) {
                         $email_value = $this->emailData[$k];
                 $this->emailData[$k] = $elementModel->getEmailValue($email_value, $model->_formDataWithTableName, $c);
                 if ($elementModel->_inRepeatGroup && $elementModel->_inJoin) {
                     $this->emailData['join'][$groupModel->getGroup()->join_id][$k . '_raw'] = $this->emailData[$k . '_raw'];
                     $this->emailData['join'][$groupModel->getGroup()->join_id][$k] = $this->emailData[$k];
     $pk = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($listModel->getTable()->db_primary_key);
     $this->emailData[$pk] = $listModel->lastInsertId;
     $this->emailData[$pk . '_raw'] = $listModel->lastInsertId;
     return $this->emailData;
コード例 #13
ファイル: email.php プロジェクト: rw1/fabrik
  * get the selected records
  * @param string $key
  * @param bool $allData
  * @return array rows:
 public function getRecords($key = 'ids', $allData = false)
     $ids = (array) JRequest::getVar($key, array());
     if (empty($ids)) {
         JError::raiseError(400, JText::_('PLG_LIST_EMAIL_ERR_NO_RECORDS_SELECTED'));
     $renderOrder = JRequest::getInt('renderOrder');
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $model = $this->listModel;
     $pk = $model->getTable()->db_primary_key;
     $pk2 = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($pk) . '_raw';
     $whereClause = "({$pk} IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . "))";
     $cond = $params->get('emailtable_condition');
     $cond = JArrayHelper::getValue($cond, $renderOrder);
     if (trim($cond) !== '') {
         $whereClause .= " AND ({$cond})";
     $model->setPluginQueryWhere($this->buttonPrefix, $whereClause);
     $data = $model->getData();
     if ($allData) {
         return $data;
     $return = array();
     foreach ($data as $gdata) {
         foreach ($gdata as $row) {
             $return[] = $row->{$pk2};
     return $return;
コード例 #14
ファイル: parent.php プロジェクト: ankaau/GathBandhan
  * Access control function for determining if the user can perform
  * a designated function on a specific row
  * @param   object  $params  Item params to test
  * @param   object  $row     Data
  * @param   string  $col     Access control setting to compare against
  * @return	mixed	- if ACL setting defined here return bool, otherwise return -1 to continue with default acl setting
 public static function canUserDo($params, $row, $col)
     if (!is_null($row)) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $input = $app->input;
         $user = JFactory::getUser();
         $usercol = $params->get($col, '');
         if ($usercol != '') {
             $usercol = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($usercol);
             if (!array_key_exists($usercol, $row)) {
                 return false;
             } else {
                 if (array_key_exists($usercol . '_raw', $row)) {
                     $usercol .= '_raw';
                 $myid = $user->get('id');
                 // -1 for menu items that link to their own records
                 $usercol_val = is_array($row) ? $row[$usercol] : $row->{$usercol};
                 // User element stores as object
                 if (is_object($usercol_val)) {
                     $usercol_val = JArrayHelper::fromObject($usercol_val);
                 // Could be coming back from a failed validation in which case val might be an array
                 if (is_array($usercol_val)) {
                     $usercol_val = array_shift($usercol_val);
                 if (empty($usercol_val) && empty($myid)) {
                     return false;
                 if (intVal($usercol_val) === intVal($myid) || $input->get('rowid') == -1) {
                     return true;
     return -1;
コード例 #15
ファイル: redirect.php プロジェクト: glauberm/cinevi
  * Get the first last, prev and next record ids
  * @return  object
 protected function getNavIds()
     if (isset($this->navIds)) {
         return $this->navIds;
     $formModel = $this->getModel();
     $listModel = $formModel->getListModel();
     $listModel->filters = null;
     $filterModel = $listModel->getFilterModel();
     $this->app->input->set('view', 'list');
     $listref = $listModel->getId() . '_com_' . $this->package . '_' . $listModel->getId();
     $this->app->input->set('listref', $listref);
     $table = $listModel->getTable();
     $db = $listModel->getDb();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     // As we are selecting on primary key we can select all rows - 3000 records load in 0.014 seconds
     $query = $listModel->buildQueryJoin($query);
     $query = $listModel->buildQueryWhere(true, $query);
     $query = $listModel->buildQueryOrder($query);
     foreach ($listModel->orderEls as $orderName) {
         $orderName = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($orderName);
         $query->select(FabrikString::safeColName($orderName) . ' AS ' . $orderName);
     $rows = $db->loadColumn();
     $keys = array_flip($rows);
     $o = new stdClass();
     $o->index = FArrayHelper::getValue($keys, $formModel->getRowId(), 0);
     $o->first = $rows[0];
     $o->lastKey = count($rows) - 1;
     $o->last = $rows[$o->lastKey];
     $o->next = $o->index + 1 > $o->lastKey ? $o->lastKey : $rows[$o->index + 1];
     $o->prev = $o->index - 1 < 0 ? 0 : $rows[$o->index - 1];
     $this->navIds = $o;
     $this->app->input->set('view', 'form');
     return $this->navIds;
コード例 #16
ファイル: email.php プロジェクト: rogeriocc/fabrik
  * Get the selected records
  * @param   string  $key      key
  * @param   bool    $allData  data
  * @return	array	rows
 public function getRecords($key = 'ids', $allData = false)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $input = $app->input;
     if ($key === 'recordids') {
         $ids = explode(',', $input->get($key, '', 'string'));
     } else {
         $ids = (array) $input->get($key, array(), 'array');
     if (empty($ids)) {
         JError::raiseError(400, JText::_('PLG_LIST_EMAIL_ERR_NO_RECORDS_SELECTED'));
     $renderOrder = $input->getInt('renderOrder');
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $model = $this->listModel;
     $pk = $model->getTable()->db_primary_key;
     $pk2 = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($pk) . '_raw';
     $whereClause = "({$pk} IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . "))";
     $cond = $params->get('emailtable_condition');
     if (trim($cond) !== '') {
         $whereClause .= ' AND (' . $cond . ')';
     $model->setPluginQueryWhere($this->buttonPrefix, $whereClause);
     $data = $model->getData();
     if ($allData) {
         return $data;
     $return = array();
     foreach ($data as $gdata) {
         foreach ($gdata as $row) {
             $return[] = $row->{$pk2};
     return $return;
コード例 #17
ファイル: paypal.php プロジェクト: rogeriocc/fabrik
  * Run right at the end of the form processing
  * form needs to be set to record in database for this to hook to be called
  * @param   object  $params      plugin params
  * @param   object  &$formModel  form model
  * @return	bool
 public function onAfterProcess($params, &$formModel)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $data = $formModel->_fullFormData;
     $this->data = $data;
     JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_fabrik/tables');
     $log = FabTable::getInstance('log', 'FabrikTable');
     if (!$this->shouldProcess('paypal_conditon', $data, $formModel)) {
         return true;
     $this->formModel = $formModel;
     $emailData = $this->getEmailData();
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $userid = $user->get('id');
     $ipn = $this->getIPNHandler($params);
     if ($ipn !== false) {
         if (method_exists($ipn, 'createInvoice')) {
     $paypal_testmode = $params->get('paypal_testmode', false);
     $url = $paypal_testmode == 1 ? 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?' : 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?';
     $opts = array();
     $opts['cmd'] = $params->get('paypal_cmd', "_xclick");
     $email = $params->get('paypal_accountemail');
     if (trim($email) == '') {
         $email = $emailData[FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($params->get('paypal_accountemail_element'))];
         if (is_array($email)) {
             $email = array_shift($email);
     $opts['business'] = "{$email}";
     $amount = $params->get('paypal_cost');
     $amount = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($amount, $data);
     // @TODO Hugh/Rob check $$$tom: Adding eval option on cost field
     // Useful if you use a cart system which will calculate on total shipping or tax fee and apply it. You can return it in the Cost field.
     if ($params->get('paypal_cost_eval', 0) == 1) {
         $amount = @eval($amount);
     if (trim($amount) == '') {
         $amount = JArrayHelper::getValue($emailData, FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($params->get('paypal_cost_element')));
         if (is_array($amount)) {
             $amount = array_shift($amount);
     $opts['amount'] = "{$amount}";
     // $$$tom added Shipping Cost params
     $shipping_amount = $params->get('paypal_shipping_cost');
     if ($params->get('paypal_shipping_cost_eval', 0) == 1) {
         $shipping_amount = @eval($shipping_amount);
     if (trim($shipping_amount) == '') {
         $shipping_amount = JArrayHelper::getValue($emailData, FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($params->get('paypal_shipping_cost_element')));
         if (is_array($shipping_amount)) {
             $shipping_amount = array_shift($shipping_amount);
     $opts['shipping'] = "{$shipping_amount}";
     $item = $params->get('paypal_item');
     $item = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($item, $emailData);
     if ($params->get('paypal_item_eval', 0) == 1) {
         $item = @eval($item);
         $item_raw = $item;
     if (trim($item) == '') {
         $item_raw = JArrayHelper::getValue($emailData, FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($params->get('paypal_item_element') . '_raw'));
         $item = $emailData[FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($params->get('paypal_item_element'))];
         if (is_array($item)) {
             $item = array_shift($item);
     // $$$ hugh - strip any HTML tags from the item name, as PayPal doesn't like them.
     $opts['item_name'] = strip_tags($item);
     // $$$ rob add in subscription variables
     if ($opts['cmd'] === '_xclick-subscriptions') {
         $subTable = JModel::getInstance('List', 'FabrikFEModel');
         $subTable->setId((int) $params->get('paypal_subs_table'));
         $idEl = FabrikString::safeColName($params->get('paypal_subs_id', ''));
         $durationEl = FabrikString::safeColName($params->get('paypal_subs_duration', ''));
         $durationPerEl = FabrikString::safeColName($params->get('paypal_subs_duration_period', ''));
         $name = $params->get('paypal_subs_name', '');
         $subDb = $subTable->getDb();
         $query = $subDb->getQuery(true);
         $query->select('*, ' . $durationEl . ' AS p3, ' . $durationPerEl . ' AS t3, ' . $subDb->quote($item_raw) . ' AS item_number')->from($subTable->getTable()->db_table_name)->where($idEl . ' = ' . $subDb->quote($item_raw));
         $sub = $subDb->loadObject();
         if (is_object($sub)) {
             $opts['p3'] = $sub->p3;
             $opts['t3'] = $sub->t3;
             $opts['a3'] = $amount;
             $opts['no_note'] = 1;
             $opts['custom'] = '';
             $tmp = array_merge(JRequest::get('data'), JArrayHelper::fromObject($sub));
             // 'http://fabrikar.com/ '.$sub->item_name.' - User: subtest26012010 (subtest26012010)';
             $opts['item_name'] = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($name, $tmp);
             $opts['invoice'] = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($params->get('paypal_subs_invoice'), $tmp, false);
             if ($opts['invoice'] == '') {
                 $opts['invoice'] = uniqid('', true);
             $opts['src'] = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($params->get('paypal_subs_recurring'), $tmp);
             $amount = $opts['amount'];
         } else {
             JError::raiseError(500, 'Could not determine subscription period, please check your settings');
     /* $$$ rob 03/02/2011
      * check if we have a gateway subscription switch set up. This is for sites where
      * you can toggle between a subscription or a single payment. E.g. fabrikar com
      * if 'paypal_subscription_switch' is blank then use the $opts['cmd'] setting
      * if not empty it should be some eval'd PHP which needs to return true for the payment
      * to be treated as a subscription
      * We want to do this so that single payments can make use of Paypals option to pay via credit card
      * without a paypal account (subscriptions require a Paypal account)
      * We do this after the subscription code has been run as this code is still needed to look up the correct item_name
     $subSwitch = $params->get('paypal_subscription_switch');
     if (trim($subSwitch) !== '') {
         $subSwitch = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($subSwitch);
         $isSub = @eval($subSwitch);
         if (!$isSub) {
             // Reset the amount which was unset during subscription code
             $opts['amount'] = $amount;
             $opts['cmd'] = '_xclick';
             // Unset any subscription options we may have set
     /* @TODO Hugh/Rob check $$$tom: Adding shipping options
      * Currently the admin select a user element on the form to compare it to the user id on the custom user table
      * Should we just make it to get the current user ID and use that?
      * $shipping_userid = $data[FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($params->get('paypal_shipping_userelement') )];
      * if (is_array($shipping_userid)) {
      *	$shipping_userid = array_shift($shipping_userid);
     $shipping_userid = $userid;
     if ($shipping_userid > 0) {
         $shipping_select = array();
         $db = FabrikWorker::getDbo();
         // $$$tom Surely there's a better Fabrik way of getting the table name...
         $query = $db->getQuery(true);
         $query->select('db_table_name')->from('#__{package}_lists')->where('id = ' . (int) $params->get('paypal_shippingdata_table'));
         $shipping_table = $db->loadResult();
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_firstname')) {
             $shipping_first_name = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_firstname'));
             $shipping_select['first_name'] = $shipping_first_name;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_lastname')) {
             $shipping_last_name = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_lastname'));
             $shipping_select['last_name'] = $shipping_last_name;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_address1')) {
             $shipping_address1 = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_address1'));
             $shipping_select['address1'] = $shipping_address1;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_address2')) {
             $shipping_address2 = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_address2'));
             $shipping_select['address2'] = $shipping_address2;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_zip')) {
             $shipping_zip = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_zip'));
             $shipping_select['zip'] = $shipping_zip;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_state')) {
             $shipping_state = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_state'));
             $shipping_select['state'] = $shipping_state;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_city')) {
             $shipping_city = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_city'));
             $shipping_select['city'] = $shipping_city;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_country')) {
             $shipping_country = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_country'));
             $shipping_select['country'] = $shipping_country;
         $query->select($shipping_select)->from($shipping_table)->where(FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_id')) . ' = ' . $db->quote($shipping_userid));
         $user_shippingdata = $db->loadObject();
         foreach ($shipping_select as $opt => $val) {
             // $$$tom Since we test on the current userid, it always adds the &name=&street=....
             // Even if those vars are empty...
             if ($val) {
                 $opts[$opt] = $user_shippingdata->{$val};
     if ($params->get('paypal_shipping_address_override', 0)) {
         $opts['address_override'] = 1;
     $paypal_currency_code = $params->get('paypal_currencycode', 'USD');
     $paypal_currency_code = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($paypal_currency_code, $data);
     $opts['currency_code'] = $paypal_currency_code;
     $paypal_test_site = $params->get('paypal_test_site', '');
     $paypal_test_site = rtrim($paypal_test_site, '/');
     if ($paypal_testmode == 1 && !empty($paypal_test_site)) {
         $ppurl = $paypal_test_site . '/index.php?option=com_fabrik&c=plugin&task=plugin.pluginAjax&formid=' . $formModel->get('id') . '&g=form&plugin=paypal&method=ipn';
     } else {
         $ppurl = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . '/index.php?option=com_fabrik&c=plugin&task=plugin.pluginAjax&formid=' . $formModel->get('id') . '&g=form&plugin=paypal&method=ipn';
     $paypal_test_site_qs = $params->get('paypal_test_site_qs', '');
     if ($paypal_testmode == 1 && !empty($paypal_test_site_qs)) {
         $ppurl .= $paypal_test_site_qs;
     $ppurl .= '&renderOrder=' . $this->renderOrder;
     $ppurl = urlencode($ppurl);
     $opts['notify_url'] = "{$ppurl}";
     $paypal_return_url = $params->get('paypal_return_url', '');
     $paypal_return_url = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($paypal_return_url, $data);
     if ($paypal_testmode == 1 && !empty($paypal_return_url)) {
         if (preg_match('#^http:\\/\\/#', $paypal_return_url)) {
             $opts['return'] = $paypal_return_url;
         } else {
             if (!empty($paypal_test_site)) {
                 $opts['return'] = $paypal_test_site . '/' . $paypal_return_url;
             } else {
                 $opts['return'] = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . '/' . $paypal_return_url;
         if (!empty($paypal_test_site_qs)) {
             $opts['return'] .= $paypal_test_site_qs;
     } elseif (!empty($paypal_return_url)) {
         if (preg_match('#^http:\\/\\/#', $paypal_return_url)) {
             $opts['return'] = $paypal_return_url;
         } else {
             $opts['return'] = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . '/' . $paypal_return_url;
     } else {
         // Using default thanks() method so don't forget to add renderOrder
         if ($paypal_testmode == '1' && !empty($paypal_test_site)) {
             $opts['return'] = $paypal_test_site . '/index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=plugin.pluginAjax&formid=' . $formModel->get('id') . '&g=form&plugin=paypal&method=thanks&rowid=' . $data['rowid'] . '&renderOrder=' . $this->renderOrder;
         } else {
             $opts['return'] = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . '/index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=plugin.pluginAjax&formid=' . $formModel->get('id') . '&g=form&plugin=paypal&method=thanks&rowid=' . $data['rowid'] . '&renderOrder=' . $this->renderOrder;
     $opts['return'] = urlencode($opts['return']);
     $ipn_value = $params->get('paypal_ipn_value', '');
     $ipn_value = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($ipn_value, $data);
     // Extra :'s will break parsing during IPN notify phase
     $ipn_value = str_replace(':', ';', $ipn_value);
     // $$$ hugh - thinking about putting in a call to a generic method in custom script
     // here and passing it a reference to $opts.
     if ($ipn !== false) {
         if (method_exists($ipn, 'checkOpts')) {
             if ($ipn->checkOpts($opts, $formModel) === false) {
                 // Log the info
                 $log->message_type = 'fabrik.paypal.onAfterProcess';
                 $msg = new stdClass();
                 $msg->opt = $opts;
                 $msg->data = $data;
                 $msg->msg = "Submission cancelled by checkOpts!";
                 $log->message = json_encode($msg);
                 return true;
     $opts['custom'] = $data['formid'] . ':' . $data['rowid'] . ':' . $ipn_value;
     $qs = array();
     foreach ($opts as $k => $v) {
         $qs[] = "{$k}={$v}";
     $url .= implode('&', $qs);
     /* $$$ rob 04/02/2011 no longer doing redirect from ANY plugin EXCEPT the redirect plugin
      * - instead a session var is set (com_fabrik.form.X.redirect.url)
      * as the preferred redirect url
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     $context = $formModel->getRedirectContext();
     /* $$$ hugh - fixing issue with new redirect, which now needs to be an array.
      * Not sure if we need to preserve existing session data, or just create a new surl array,
      * to force ONLY recirect to PayPal?
     $surl = (array) $session->get($context . 'url', array());
     $surl[$this->renderOrder] = $url;
     $session->set($context . 'url', $surl);
     $session->set($context . 'redirect_content_how', 'samepage');
     // Log the info
     $log->message_type = 'fabrik.paypal.onAfterProcess';
     $msg = new stdClass();
     $msg->opt = $opts;
     $msg->data = $data;
     $log->message = json_encode($msg);
     return true;
コード例 #18
ファイル: view.base.php プロジェクト: LGBGit/tierno
  * Load the JavaScript ini options
  * @since  3.1b
  * @return stdClass
 protected function jsOpts()
     $input = $this->app->input;
     /** @var FabrikFEModelForm $model */
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $fbConfig = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_fabrik');
     $form = $model->getForm();
     $params = $model->getParams();
     $listModel = $model->getlistModel();
     $table = $listModel->getTable();
     $opts = new stdClass();
     $opts->admin = $this->app->isAdmin();
     $opts->ajax = $model->isAjax();
     $opts->ajaxValidation = (bool) $params->get('ajax_validations');
     $opts->showLoader = (bool) $params->get('show_loader_on_submit', '0');
     $key = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($table->db_primary_key);
     $opts->primaryKey = $key;
     $opts->error = @$form->origerror;
     $opts->pages = $model->getPages();
     $opts->plugins = array();
     $opts->multipage_save = (int) $model->saveMultiPage();
     $opts->editable = $model->isEditable();
     $opts->print = (bool) $input->getInt('print');
     $startPage = isset($model->sessionModel->last_page) ? (int) $model->sessionModel->last_page : 0;
     if ($startPage !== 0) {
     } else {
         // Form submitted but fails validation - needs to go to the last page
         $startPage = $input->getInt('currentPage', 0);
     $opts->start_page = $startPage;
     $opts->inlineMessage = (bool) $this->isMambot;
     // $$$rob don't int this as keys may be string
     $opts->rowid = (string) $model->getRowId();
     // 3.0 needed for ajax requests
     $opts->listid = (int) $this->get('ListModel')->getId();
     $errorIcon = FabrikWorker::j3() ? $fbConfig->get('error_icon', 'exclamation-sign') . '.png' : 'alert.png';
     $this->errorIcon = FabrikHelperHTML::image($errorIcon, 'form', $this->tmpl);
     $imgs = new stdClass();
     $imgs->alert = FabrikHelperHTML::image($errorIcon, 'form', $this->tmpl, '', true);
     $imgs->action_check = FabrikHelperHTML::image('action_check.png', 'form', $this->tmpl, '', true);
     $imgs->ajax_loader = FabrikHelperHTML::image('ajax-loader.gif', 'form', $this->tmpl, '', true);
     $imgs->ajax_loader = FabrikHelperHTML::icon('icon-spinner icon-spin');
     $opts->images = $imgs;
     // $$$rob if you are loading a list in a window from a form db join select record option
     // then we want to know the id of the window so we can set its showSpinner() method
     // 3.0 changed to fabrik_window_id (automatically appended by Fabrik.Window xhr request to load window data
     $opts->fabrik_window_id = $input->get('fabrik_window_id', '');
     $opts->submitOnEnter = (bool) $params->get('submit_on_enter', false);
     // For editing groups with joined data and an empty joined record (i.e. no joined records)
     $hidden = array();
     $maxRepeat = array();
     $minRepeat = array();
     $showMaxRepeats = array();
     $minMaxErrMsg = array();
     foreach ($this->groups as $g) {
         $hidden[$g->id] = $g->startHidden;
         $maxRepeat[$g->id] = $g->maxRepeat;
         $minRepeat[$g->id] = $g->minRepeat;
         $showMaxRepeats[$g->id] = $g->showMaxRepeats;
         $minMaxErrMsg[$g->id] = $g->minMaxErrMsg;
     $opts->hiddenGroup = $hidden;
     $opts->maxRepeat = $maxRepeat;
     $opts->minRepeat = $minRepeat;
     $opts->showMaxRepeats = $showMaxRepeats;
     $opts->minMaxErrMsg = $minMaxErrMsg;
     // $$$ hugh adding these so calc element can easily find joined and repeated join groups
     // when it needs to add observe events ... don't ask ... LOL!
     $opts->join_group_ids = array();
     $opts->group_repeats = array();
     $opts->group_joins_ids = array();
     $groups = $model->getGroupsHiarachy();
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         if ($groupModel->getGroup()->is_join) {
             $joinParams = $groupModel->getJoinModel()->getJoin()->params;
             if (!is_a($joinParams, 'JRegistry')) {
                 $joinParams = new JRegistry($joinParams);
             $groupId = $groupModel->getGroup()->id;
             $opts->group_pk_ids[$groupId] = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($joinParams->get('pk'));
             $opts->join_group_ids[$groupModel->getGroup()->join_id] = (int) $groupModel->getGroup()->id;
             $opts->group_join_ids[$groupId] = (int) $groupModel->getGroup()->join_id;
             $opts->group_repeats[$groupId] = $groupModel->canRepeat();
             $opts->group_copy_element_values[$groupId] = $groupModel->canCopyElementValues();
             $opts->group_repeat_intro[$groupId] = $groupModel->getParams()->get('repeat_intro', '');
     return $opts;
コード例 #19
ファイル: password.php プロジェクト: rhotog/fabrik
  * validate the passwords
  * @param string elements data
  * @param int repeat group counter
  * @return bol true if passes / false if falise validation
 function validate($data, $repeatCounter = 0)
     $k = $this->getlistModel()->getTable()->db_primary_key;
     $k = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($k);
     $post = JRequest::get('post');
     $this->defaults = null;
     $element = $this->getElement();
     $origname = $element->name;
     $element->name = $element->name . "_check";
     $checkvalue = $this->getValue($post, $repeatCounter);
     $element->name = $origname;
     if ($checkvalue != $data) {
         return false;
     } else {
         //$$$ rob add rowid test as well as if using row=-1 and usekey=field $k may have a value
         if (JRequest::getInt('rowid') === 0 && JRequest::getInt($k, 0, 'post') === 0 && $data === '') {
             return false;
         return true;
コード例 #20
ファイル: form.php プロジェクト: glauberm/cinevi
  * Called via ajax nav
  * @param   int  $dir  1 - move forward, 0 move back
  * @return  bool  new row id loaded.
 public function paginateRowId($dir)
     $db = FabrikWorker::getDbo();
     $input = $this->app->input;
     $c = $dir == 1 ? '>=' : '<=';
     $intLimit = $dir == 1 ? 2 : 0;
     $listModel = $this->getListModel();
     $item = $listModel->getTable();
     $rowId = $input->getString('rowid', '', 'string');
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->select($item->db_primary_key . ' AS ' . FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($item->db_primary_key))->from($item->db_table_name)->where($item->db_primary_key . ' ' . $c . ' ' . $db->q($rowId));
     $query = $listModel->buildQueryOrder($query);
     $db->setQuery($query, 0, $intLimit);
     $ids = $db->loadColumn();
     if ($dir == 1) {
         if (count($ids) >= 2) {
             $input->set('rowid', $ids[$dir]);
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     if (count($ids) - 2 >= 0) {
         $input->set('rowid', $ids[count($ids) - 2]);
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #21
ファイル: pivot.php プロジェクト: jfquestiaux/fabrik
  * Build the sums() sql statement
  * @return string
 private function sums()
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $sums = explode(',', $params->get('pivot_sum'));
     $db = $this->model->getDb();
     $fn = (int) $params->get('pivot_count', '0') == 1 ? 'COUNT' : 'SUM';
     foreach ($sums as &$sum) {
         $sum = trim($sum);
         $sum = FabrikString::rtrimword($sum, '_raw');
         $as = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($sum);
         $statement = $fn . '(' . FabrikString::safeColName($sum) . ')';
         $statement .= ' AS ' . $db->quoteName($as);
         $statement .= ', ' . $fn . '(' . FabrikString::safeColName($sum) . ')';
         $statement .= ' AS ' . $db->quoteName($as . '_raw');
         $sum = $statement;
     $sum = implode(', ', $sums);
     return $sum;
コード例 #22
ファイル: email.php プロジェクト: pascal26/fabrik
  * Get the selected records
  * @param   string $key     key
  * @param   bool   $allData data
  * @return    array    rows
 public function getRecords($key = 'ids', $allData = false)
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $model = $this->listModel;
     $input = $this->app->input;
     $pk = $model->getPrimaryKey();
     $pk2 = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($pk) . '_raw';
      * If the 'checkall' param is set, and the checkAll checkbox was used, ignore pagination and selected
      * ids, and just select all rows, subject to filtering.
      * If not doing 'checkall', use the selected ids as usual.
     if ($input->get('checkAll', '0') == '1' && $params->get('checkall', '0') == '1') {
         $whereClause = '';
     } else {
         if ($key === 'recordids') {
             $ids = explode(',', $input->get($key, '', 'string'));
         } else {
             $ids = (array) $input->get($key, array(), 'array');
         $ids = ArrayHelper::toInteger($ids);
         if (empty($ids)) {
             throw new RuntimeException(FText::_('PLG_LIST_EMAIL_ERR_NO_RECORDS_SELECTED'), 400);
         $whereClause = '(' . $pk . ' IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . '))';
     $cond = $params->get('emailtable_condition');
     if (trim($cond) !== '') {
         if (!empty($whereClause)) {
             $whereClause .= ' AND ';
         $whereClause .= '(' . $cond . ')';
     $model->setLimits(0, -1);
     $model->setPluginQueryWhere($this->buttonPrefix, $whereClause);
     $data = $model->getData();
     if ($allData) {
         return $data;
     $return = array();
     foreach ($data as $gdata) {
         foreach ($gdata as $row) {
             $return[] = $row->{$pk2};
     return $return;
コード例 #23
ファイル: calendar.php プロジェクト: LGBGit/tierno
  * Show the add event form
  * @return  void
 public function addEvForm()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $package = $app->getUserState('com_fabrik.package', 'fabrik');
     $input = $app->input;
     $listid = $input->getInt('listid');
     $viewName = 'calendar';
     $usersConfig = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_fabrik');
     $model = $this->getModel($viewName);
     $id = $input->getInt('visualizationid', $usersConfig->get('visualizationid', 0));
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     $prefix = $config->get('dbprefix');
     if (array_key_exists($listid, $model->events)) {
         $datefield = $model->events[$listid][0]['startdate'];
     } else {
         $datefield = $prefix . 'fabrik_calendar_events___start_date';
     $datefield = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($datefield);
     $rowid = $input->getString('rowid', '', 'string');
     $listModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance('list', 'FabrikFEModel');
     $table = $listModel->getTable();
     $input->set('view', 'form');
     $input->set('formid', $table->form_id);
     $input->set('tmpl', 'component');
     $input->set('ajax', '1');
     $nextView = $input->get('nextview', 'form');
     $link = 'index.php?option=com_' . $package . '&view=' . $nextView . '&formid=' . $table->form_id . '&rowid=' . $rowid . '&tmpl=component&ajax=1';
     $link .= '&' . $prefix . 'fabrik_calendar_events___visualization_id=' . $input->getInt($prefix . 'fabrik_calendar_events___visualization_id');
     $link .= '&fabrik_window_id=' . $input->get('fabrik_window_id');
     $start_date = $input->getString('start_date', '');
     if (!empty($start_date)) {
         $link .= "&{$datefield}=" . $start_date;
     // $$$ rob have to add this to stop the calendar filtering itself after adding an new event?
     $link .= '&clearfilters=1';
コード例 #24
ファイル: list.php プロジェクト: pascal26/fabrik
  * Is the element selected for either 'OR user edit' or 'OR use delete' acl
  * @param   string  $name  Element full name
  * @return boolean
 public function isUserDoElement($name)
     $acl_types = array('allow_edit_details2', 'allow_delete2');
     $params = $this->getParams();
     foreach ($acl_types as $acl_type) {
         $userDoCol = $params->get($acl_type, '');
         if ($userDoCol != '') {
             $userDoCol = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($userDoCol);
             if ($userDoCol == $name) {
                 return true;
     return false;
コード例 #25
ファイル: emailtable.php プロジェクト: nikshade/fabrik21
 public function getRecords($key = 'ids', $allData = false)
     $ids = (array) JRequest::getVar($key, array());
     $renderOrder = JRequest::getInt('renderOrder');
     $params =& $this->getParams();
     $model = JModel::getInstance('table', 'FabrikModel');
     $pk = $model->getTable()->db_primary_key;
     $pk2 = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($pk) . '_raw';
     $whereClause = "({$pk} IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . "))";
     $cond = $params->get('emailtable_condition');
     $cond = is_array($cond) ? JArrayHelper::getValue($cond, $renderOrder, '') : $cond;
     if (trim($cond) !== '') {
         $whereClause .= " AND ({$cond})";
     $model->setPluginQueryWhere($this->_buttonPrefix, $whereClause);
     $data = $model->getData();
     if ($allData) {
         return $data;
     $return = array();
     foreach ($data as $gdata) {
         foreach ($gdata as $row) {
             $return[] = $row->{$pk2};
     return $return;
コード例 #26
ファイル: form.php プロジェクト: rhotog/fabrik
  * called via ajax nav
  * @param int $dir (1 - move foward, 0 move back)
  * @return bol new row id loaded.
 function paginateRowId($dir)
     $db = FabrikWorker::getDbo();
     $c = $dir == 1 ? '>=' : '<=';
     $limit = $dir == 1 ? 'LIMIT 2' : '';
     $intLimit = $dir == 1 ? 2 : 0;
     $listModel = $this->getListModel();
     $order = $listModel->_buildQueryOrder();
     $item = $listModel->getTable();
     $rowid = JRequest::getInt('rowid');
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->select($item->db_primary_key . ' AS ' . FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($item->db_primary_key))->from($item->db_table_name)->where($item->db_primary_key . ' ' . $c . ' ' . $rowid);
     $query = $listModel->_buildQueryOrder($query);
     $db->setQuery($query, 0, $intLimit);
     $ids = $db->loadColumn();
     if ($dir == 1) {
         if (count($ids) >= 2) {
             JRequest::setVar('rowid', $ids[$dir]);
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     if (count($ids) - 2 >= 0) {
         JRequest::setVar('rowid', $ids[count($ids) - 2]);
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #27
ファイル: gcalsync.php プロジェクト: nikshade/fabrik21
  * do the plugin action
 function process(&$data, &$tableModel)
     $params =& $this->getParams();
     $app =& Jfactory::getApplication();
     $gcal_url = $params->get('gcal_sync_gcal_url');
     $matches = array();
     // this matches a standard GCal URL, found under the Google "Calender Details" tab, using the XML button.
     // It should match any form, for public or private ...
     // http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/hugh.messenger%40gmail.com/public/basic
     // http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/hugh.messenger%40gmail.com/private-3081eca2b0asdfasdf8f106ea6f63343056/basic
     $gcal_url = str_replace('/basic', '/full', $gcal_url);
     $gcal_url = preg_replace('#/private-\\w+/#', '/private/', $gcal_url);
     if (preg_match('#feeds/(.*?)/(\\w+-\\w+|\\w+)/(\\w+)#', $gcal_url, $matches)) {
         // grab the bits of the URL we need for the Zend framework call
         $gcal_user = $matches[1];
         $gcal_visibility = $matches[2];
         $gcal_projection = $matches[3];
         $gcal_email = urldecode($gcal_user);
         // grab the table model and find table name and PK
         $table =& $tableModel->getTable();
         $table_name = $table->db_table_name;
         $primary_key = $table->db_primary_key;
         $primary_key_element_long = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($table->db_primary_key);
         // for now, we have to read the table ourselves.  We can't rely on the $data passed to us
         // because it can be filtered, and we need to see all records to know if the GCal events
         // already exist in the table
         $mydata = array();
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM $table_name");
         $mydata[0] = $db->loadObjectList();
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $mydata =& $data;
         // grab all the field names to use
         $gcal_label_element_long = $params->get('gcal_sync_label_element');
         $gcal_label_element = FabrikString::shortColName($gcal_label_element_long);
         $gcal_desc_element_long = $params->get('gcal_sync_desc_element');
         $gcal_desc_element = FabrikString::shortColName($gcal_desc_element_long);
         $gcal_start_date_element_long = $params->get('gcal_sync_startdate_element');
         $gcal_start_date_element = FabrikString::shortColName($gcal_start_date_element_long);
         $gcal_end_date_element_long = $params->get('gcal_sync_enddate_element');
         $gcal_end_date_element = FabrikString::shortColName($gcal_end_date_element_long);
         $gcal_id_element_long = $params->get('gcal_sync_id_element');
         $gcal_id_element = FabrikString::shortColName($gcal_id_element_long);
         $gcal_userid_element_long = $params->get('gcal_sync_userid_element');
         $gcal_userid_element = FabrikString::shortColName($gcal_userid_element_long);
         // sanity check, make sure required elements have been specified
         if (empty($gcal_label_element_long) || empty($gcal_start_date_element_long) || empty($gcal_end_date_element_long) || empty($gcal_id_element_long)) {
             JError::raiseNotice(500, 'missing gcal data');
         // if they selected a User ID element to use, see if we can find a J! user with matching email to this feed's owner
         $our_userid = 0;
         if ($gcal_userid_element_long) {
             $db->setQuery("SELECT id FROM " . $db->nameQuote('#__users') . " WHERE " . $db->nameQUote('email') . " = " . $db->Quote($gcal_email));
             $our_userid = $db->loadResult();
             // better make sure it's not NULL, in case underlying column is NOT NULL
             if (empty($our_userid)) {
                 $our_userid = 0;
         // include the Zend stuff
         $path = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'libraries';
         set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);
         $path = get_include_path();
         require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
         // Won't need these loaded until we add sync'ing events back to Google
         // see if they want to sync to gcal, and provided a login
         $gcal_sync_upload = $params->get('gcal_sync_upload_events', 'from');
         if ($gcal_sync_upload == 'both' || $gcal_sync_upload == 'to') {
             $email = $params->get('gcal_sync_login', '');
             $passwd = $params->get('gcal_sync_passwd', '');
             try {
                 $client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($email, $passwd, 'cl');
             } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_CaptchaRequiredException $cre) {
                 echo 'URL of CAPTCHA image: ' . $cre->getCaptchaUrl() . "\n";
                 echo 'Token ID: ' . $cre->getCaptchaToken() . "\n";
             } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_AuthException $ae) {
                 echo 'Problem authenticating: ' . $ae->exception() . "\n";
             $gdataCal = new Zend_Gdata_calendar($client);
         } else {
             $gdataCal = new Zend_Gdata_calendar();
         // set up and execute the call to grab the feed from google
         $query = $gdataCal->newEventQuery();
         $eventFeed = $gdataCal->getCalendarEventFeed($query);
         // build an array of the events from the feed, indexed by the Google ID
         $event_ids = array();
         foreach ($eventFeed as $key => $event) {
             $short_id = $this->_getGcalShortId($event->id->text);
             $gcal_event_ids[$short_id] =& $eventFeed[$key];
         // run through our table data, and build an array of our events indexed by the Google ID
         // (of course not all events may have a Google ID)
         $our_event_ids = array();
         $our_upload_ids = array();
         foreach ($mydata as $gkey => $group) {
             if (is_array($group)) {
                 foreach ($group as $rkey => $row) {
                     if ($row->{$gcal_id_element_long}) {
                         $our_event_ids[$row->{$gcal_id_element_long}] =& $mydata[$gkey][$rkey];
                     } else {
                         $our_upload_ids[] =& $mydata[$gkey][$rkey];
         // now go through the google events id's, and process the ones which aren't in our table.
         $our_event_adds = array();
         foreach ($gcal_event_ids as $id => $event) {
             if (!array_key_exists($id, $our_event_ids)) {
                 // we don't have the ID, so add the event to our table
                 $row = array();
                 $row[$gcal_start_date_element_long] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', strtotime($event->when[0]->startTime));
                 if ($gcal_end_date_element_long) {
                     $row[$gcal_end_date_element_long] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', strtotime($event->when[0]->endTime));
                 $row[$gcal_label_element_long] = $event->title->text;
                 if ($gcal_desc_element_long) {
                     $row[$gcal_desc_element_long] = $event->content->text;
                 $row[$gcal_id_element_long] = $id;
                 if ($gcal_userid_element_long) {
                     $row[$gcal_userid_element_long] = $our_userid;
                 $tableModel->storeRow($row, 0);
             $our_event_adds[$id] = $row;
         $app->enqueueMessage(count($our_event_adds) . ' events added ');
         // if upload syncing (from us to gcal) is enabled ...
         if ($gcal_sync_upload == 'both' || $gcal_sync_upload == 'to') {
             // Grab the tzOffset.  Note that gcal want +/-XX (like -06)
             // but J! gives us +/-X (like -6) so we sprintf it to the right format
             $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
             $tzOffset = (int) $config->getValue('config.offset');
             $tzOffset = sprintf('%+03d', $tzOffset);
             // loop thru the array we built earlier of events we have that aren't in gcal
             $uploadCount = 0;
             foreach ($our_upload_ids as $id => $event) {
                 // skip if a userid element is specified, and doesn't match the owner of this gcal
                 if ($gcal_userid_element_long) {
                     if ($event->{$gcal_userid_element_long} != $our_userid) {
                 // now start building the gcal event structure
                 $newEvent = $gdataCal->newEventEntry();
                 $newEvent->title = $gdataCal->newTitle($event->{$gcal_label_element_long});
                 if ($gcal_desc_element_long) {
                     $newEvent->content = $gdataCal->newContent($event->{$gcal_desc_element_long});
                 } else {
                     $newEvent->content = $gdataCal->newContent($event->{$gcal_label_element_long});
                 $when = $gdataCal->newWhen();
                 // grab the start date, apply the tx offset, and format it for gcal
                 $start_date = JFactory::getDate($event->{$gcal_start_date_element_long});
                 $start_fdate = $start_date->toFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
                 $date_array = explode(' ', $start_fdate);
                 $when->startTime = "{$date_array[0]}T{$date_array[1]}.000{$tzOffset}:00";
                 // we have to provide an end date for gcal, so if we don't have one,
                 // default it to start date + 1 hour
                 if (empty($gcal_end_date_element_long) || empty($event->{$gcal_end_date_element_long}) || $event->{$gcal_end_date_element_long} == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                     $startstamp = strtotime($event->{$gcal_start_date_element_long});
                     $endstamp = $startstamp + 60 * 60;
                     $event->{$gcal_end_date_element_long} = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $endstamp);
                 // grab the end date, apply the tx offset, and format it for gcal
                 $end_date = JFactory::getDate($event->{$gcal_end_date_element_long});
                 $end_fdate = $end_date->toFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
                 $date_array = explode(' ', $end_fdate);
                 $when->endTime = "{$date_array[0]}T{$date_array[1]}.000{$tzOffset}:00";
                 $newEvent->when = array($when);
                 // fire off the insertEvent to gcal, catch any errors
                 try {
                     $retEvent = $gdataCal->insertEvent($newEvent, $gcal_url);
                 } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException $he) {
                     $errStr = 'Problem adding event: ' . $he->getRawResponseBody() . "\n";
                 // insertEvent worked, so grab the gcal ID from the returned event data,
                 // and update our event record with the short version of the ID
                 $gcal_id = $this->_getGcalShortId($retEvent->id->text);
                 $our_id = $event->__pk_val;
                 $db->setQuery("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE {$table_name}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET {$gcal_id_element} = " . $db->Quote($gcal_id) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE {$primary_key} = " . (int) $our_id);
             $app->enqueueMessage($uploadCount . ' events uploaded to GCal');
     } else {
         JError::raiseNotice(500, 'Incorrect url');
コード例 #28
ファイル: databasejoin.php プロジェクト: nine007/fabrik
 protected function filterHiddenFields()
     $params =& $this->getParams();
     $elName = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($this->getFilterFullName());
     $return = "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $elName . "[join_db_name]\" value=\"" . $params->get('join_db_name') . "\"/>";
     $return .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $elName . "[join_key_column]\" value=\"" . $params->get('join_key_column') . "\"/>";
     $return .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $elName . "[join_val_column]\" value=\"" . $params->get('join_val_column') . "\"/>";
     return $return;
コード例 #29
ファイル: html.php プロジェクト: jfquestiaux/fabrik
  * Get base tag url
  * @param   string $fullName Full name (key value to remove from querystring)
  * @param   string $rootUrl  Optional root to use rather than REQUEST_URI
  * @return string
 public static function tagBaseUrl($fullName, $rootUrl = null)
     $url = filter_var(ArrayHelper::getValue($_SERVER, 'REQUEST_URI', 'index.php'), FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
     $bits = explode('?', $url);
     $root = isset($rootUrl) ? $rootUrl : FArrayHelper::getValue($bits, 0, '', 'string');
     $bits = FArrayHelper::getValue($bits, 1, '', 'string');
     $bits = explode("&", $bits);
     for ($b = count($bits) - 1; $b >= 0; $b--) {
         $parts = explode("=", $bits[$b]);
         if (count($parts) > 1) {
             $key = FabrikString::ltrimword(FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($parts[0]), '&');
             if ($key == $fullName) {
             if ($key == $fullName . '[value]') {
             if ($key == $fullName . '[condition]') {
     $url = $root . '?' . implode('&', $bits);
     return $url;
コード例 #30
ファイル: user.php プロジェクト: juliano-hallac/fabrik
  * build the filter query for the given element.
  * @param $key element name in format `tablename`.`elementname`
  * @param $condition =/like etc
  * @param $value search string - already quoted if specified in filter array options
  * @param $originalValue - original filter value without quotes or %'s applied
  * @param string filter type advanced/normal/prefilter/search/querystring/searchall
  * @return string sql query part e,g, "key = value"
 function getFilterQuery($key, $condition, $value, $originalValue, $type = 'normal')
     if (!$this->inJDb()) {
         return "{$key} {$condition} {$value}";
     $element = $this->getElement();
     // $$$ hugh - we need to use the join alias, not hard code #__users
     $join =& $this->getJoin();
     $joinTableName = $join->table_join_alias;
     if (empty($joinTableName)) {
         $joinTableName = '#__users';
     if ($type == 'querystring') {
         $key = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($key);
         // $$$ rob no matter whether you use elementname_raw or elementname in the querystring filter
         // by the time it gets here we have normalized to elementname. So we check if the original qs filter was looking at the raw
         // value if it was then we want to filter on the key and not the label
         if (!array_key_exists($key, JRequest::get('get'))) {
             $key = "`{$joinTableName}`.`id`";
             return "{$key} {$condition} {$value}";
     if ($type == 'advanced') {
         $key = "`{$joinTableName}`.`id`";
         return "{$key} {$condition} {$value}";
     $params =& $this->getParams();
     if ($type != 'prefilter') {
         switch ($element->filter_type) {
             case 'range':
             case 'dropdown':
                 $tabletype = 'id';
             case 'field':
                 $tabletype = $params->get('my_table_data', 'username');
         $k = '`' . $joinTableName . '`.`' . $tabletype . '`';
     } else {
         if ($this->_rawFilter) {
             $k = '`' . $joinTableName . '`.`id`';
         } else {
             $tabletype = $params->get('my_table_data', 'username');
             $k = '`' . $joinTableName . '`.`' . $tabletype . '`';
     $str = "{$k} {$condition} {$value}";
     return $str;