/** * Method to edit an existing record. * * @param string $key The name of the primary key of the URL variable. * @param string $urlVar The name of the URL variable if different from the primary key * (sometimes required to avoid router collisions). * * @return boolean True if access level check and checkout passes, false otherwise. */ public function edit($key = null, $urlVar = null) { $model = $this->getModel('connections'); if (count($model->activeConnections()) == 0) { throw new RuntimeException(JText::_('COM_FABRIK_ENUSRE_ONE_CONNECTION_PUBLISHED')); } parent::edit($key, $urlVar); }
public function edit() { $model = $this->getModel('connections'); if (count($model->activeConnections()) == 0) { JError::raiseError(500, JText::_('COM_FABRIK_ENUSRE_ONE_CONNECTION_PUBLISHED')); return; } parent::edit(); }