コード例 #1
 public function run_with_initialized_file_system()
     $fs = new FW_Backup_Helper_File_System();
     $db = new FW_Backup_Helper_Database();
     $auto_install_dir = $this->backup()->get_auto_install_dir();
     $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
     $upload_dir = $upload_dir['basedir'];
     try {
         // Do Full Backup before Auto Install
         if (apply_filters('fw_ext_backup_do_backup_on_demo_content_install', true)) {
         // Replace uploads directory
         $t = $fs->replace($fs->map($upload_dir), $fs->map("{$auto_install_dir}/uploads"));
         // Move backup directory from trashed dir into new upload dir
         if ($t) {
             $fs->move_existing("{$t}/backup", $fs->map("{$upload_dir}/backup"));
             // Remove trashed dir because we made Full Backup of the site
         if (file_exists("{$auto_install_dir}/database.txt")) {
             $file_with_sql = "{$auto_install_dir}/database.txt";
         } else {
             $file_with_sql = "{$auto_install_dir}/database.sql";
         $db->import($file_with_sql, true, true, true);
         return array('success' => true);
     } catch (FW_Backup_Exception $exception) {
         return array('success' => false, 'data' => array('message' => $exception->getMessage()));
 public function run()
     $fs = new FW_Backup_Helper_File_System();
     $db = new FW_Backup_Helper_Database();
     $auto_install_dir = $this->backup()->get_auto_install_dir();
     $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
     $upload_dir = $upload_dir['basedir'];
     // This forces *Restore* page to be opened event if
     // request_filesystem_credentials is not required. In the
     // latter case JavaScript will submit the page automatically
     // which opens up a *Restore in Progress* popup.
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') {
         throw new FW_Backup_Exception_Method_Not_Allowed();
     $restore = new FW_Backup_Process_Restore();
     try {
         // Do Full Backup before Auto Install
         // Replace uploads directory
         $t = $fs->replace($fs->map($upload_dir), $fs->map("{$auto_install_dir}/uploads"));
         // Move backup directory from trashed dir into new upload dir
         if ($t) {
             $fs->move_existing("{$t}/backup", $fs->map("{$upload_dir}/backup"));
             // Remove trashed dir because we made Full Backup of the site
         if (file_exists("{$auto_install_dir}/database.txt")) {
             $file_with_sql = "{$auto_install_dir}/database.txt";
         } else {
             $file_with_sql = "{$auto_install_dir}/database.sql";
         $db->import($file_with_sql, true, true, true);
     } catch (FW_Backup_Exception $exception) {
         FW_Flash_Messages::add('auto-install', $exception->getMessage(), 'error');
         // otherwise flash messages wont show
     // get rid of update notifications
     wp_redirect(admin_url('update-core.php?force-check=1&auto-install-redirect=' . esc_url(admin_url())));
 public function import_fp($fp, $keep_users_tables = false, $fix_foreign_database = false, $keep_options = false)
      * @var wpdb $wpdb
     global $wpdb;
     $helper = new FW_Backup_Helper_Database();
     $exporter = new FW_Backup_Export_Database();
      * fixme: all options should have bool for wp_option autoload | array( 'option_name' => (bool)autoload )
     $option_list = array($wpdb->prefix . 'user_roles', 'siteurl', 'blogname', 'blog_charset', 'blogdescription', 'admin_email', 'mailserver_url', 'mailserver_login', 'mailserver_pass', 'mailserver_port', 'ftp_credentials', 'use_ssl', 'template', 'stylesheet', 'current_theme', 'WPLANG');
     $option_list = apply_filters('fw_ext_backup_import_skip_options', $option_list);
     // Preserve some options
     $before = array_map('get_option', $option_list);
     $before = array_combine($option_list, $before);
     // Preserve Backup History and Backup Settings
     $history = $exporter->export_history();
     $settings = $exporter->export_settings();
     // Import database (preserve user related tables)
     // ==============================================
     if ($keep_users_tables) {
         $foreign_prefix = $exporter->import_fp($fp, array($wpdb->users, $wpdb->usermeta));
     } else {
         $foreign_prefix = $exporter->import_fp($fp);
     $fw_extensions_data = get_option('fw_extensions', array());
     if (!empty($fw_extensions_data[$this->backup()->get_name()]['wp_upload_dir']['baseurl']) && $fix_foreign_database) {
         $wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
         // Fix database
         if ($fix_foreign_database) {
             $helper->fix_foreign_database(array(fw_get_url_without_scheme($fw_extensions_data[$this->backup()->get_name()]['wp_upload_dir']['baseurl']) => fw_get_url_without_scheme($wp_upload_dir['baseurl']), str_replace('/', '\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme($fw_extensions_data[$this->backup()->get_name()]['wp_upload_dir']['baseurl'] . '/')) => str_replace('/', '\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme($wp_upload_dir['baseurl'] . '/')), str_replace('/', '\\\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme($fw_extensions_data[$this->backup()->get_name()]['wp_upload_dir']['baseurl'] . '/')) => str_replace('/', '\\\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme($wp_upload_dir['baseurl'] . '/')), str_replace('/', '\\\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme($fw_extensions_data[$this->backup()->get_name()]['wp_upload_dir']['baseurl'] . '/')) => str_replace('/', '\\\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme($wp_upload_dir['baseurl'] . '/'))));
     // Restore Backup History and Settings
     // Fix database
     if ($fix_foreign_database) {
         $uploadDir = wp_upload_dir();
         $uploadOld = fw_get_url_without_scheme(site_url() . '/wp-content/uploads/');
         $uploadNew = fw_get_url_without_scheme($uploadDir['baseurl'] . '/');
         $helper->fix_foreign_database(array($uploadOld => $uploadNew, str_replace('/', '\\/', $uploadOld) => str_replace('/', '\\/', $uploadNew), str_replace('/', '\\\\/', $uploadOld) => str_replace('/', '\\\\/', $uploadNew), str_replace('/', '\\\\/', $uploadOld) => str_replace('/', '\\\\/', $uploadNew), site_url() => $before['siteurl'], site_url() . '/' => $before['siteurl'] . '/', fw_get_url_without_scheme(site_url() . '/') => fw_get_url_without_scheme($before['siteurl'] . '/'), str_replace('/', '\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme(site_url() . '/')) => str_replace('/', '\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme($before['siteurl'] . '/')), str_replace('/', '\\\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme(site_url() . '/')) => str_replace('/', '\\\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme($before['siteurl'] . '/')), str_replace('/', '\\\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme(site_url() . '/')) => str_replace('/', '\\\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme($before['siteurl'] . '/'))));
     // Restore options
     if ($keep_options) {
         // WP keeps stylesheet settings in theme_mods_{stylesheet} option,
         // that means that if stylesheet option has different value in dump file and in database
         // new theme_mods_{stylesheet} should be rename to old theme_mods_{stylesheet}
         $stylesheet = get_option('stylesheet');
         if ($before['stylesheet'] != $stylesheet) {
             $theme_mods_before = 'theme_mods_' . $before['stylesheet'];
             $theme_mods_after = 'theme_mods_' . $stylesheet;
             $query = $wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$wpdb->options}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t    option_name = %s\n\t\t\t\t", $theme_mods_before);
             $query = $wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$wpdb->options}\n\t\t\t\t\tSET\n\t\t\t\t\t\toption_name = %s\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\toption_name = %s\n\t\t\t\t", $theme_mods_before, $theme_mods_after);
         // Restore all saved options
         array_map('update_option', array_keys($before), $before);
     // Actualize settings
コード例 #4
  * @internal
 public function _query($headers, FW_Backup_Helper_Database $db, $stmt)
     $_translate_table_prefix = FW_Backup_Callable::make(array($this, '_translate_table_prefix'), $headers);
     $sql = preg_replace_callback('/^(CREATE TABLE|INSERT INTO) `(\\w+)`/m', $_translate_table_prefix, $stmt);
 public function import_fp($fp, $keep_users_table = false, $fix_foreign_database = false, $keep_options = false)
      * @var wpdb $wpdb
     global $wpdb;
     $helper = new FW_Backup_Helper_Database();
     $exporter = new FW_Backup_Export_Database();
     $option_list = array($wpdb->prefix . 'user_roles', 'siteurl', 'blogname', 'blog_charset', 'blogdescription', 'admin_email', 'mailserver_url', 'mailserver_login', 'mailserver_pass', 'mailserver_port', 'ftp_credentials', 'use_ssl', 'template', 'stylesheet', 'current_theme');
     // Preserve some options
     $before = array_map('get_option', $option_list);
     $before = array_combine($option_list, $before);
     // Preserve Backup History and Backup Settings
     $history = $exporter->export_history();
     $settings = $exporter->export_settings();
     // Import database (preserve user related tables)
     // ==============================================
     if ($keep_users_table) {
         $foreign_prefix = $exporter->import_fp($fp, array($wpdb->users));
     } else {
         $foreign_prefix = $exporter->import_fp($fp);
     // Fix database
     if ($fix_foreign_database) {
         $helper->fix_foreign_database(array(site_url() => $before['siteurl'], site_url() . '/' => $before['siteurl'] . '/', fw_get_url_without_scheme(site_url() . '/') => fw_get_url_without_scheme($before['siteurl'] . '/'), str_replace('/', '\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme(site_url() . '/')) => str_replace('/', '\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme($before['siteurl'] . '/')), str_replace('/', '\\\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme(site_url() . '/')) => str_replace('/', '\\\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme($before['siteurl'] . '/')), str_replace('/', '\\\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme(site_url() . '/')) => str_replace('/', '\\\\/', fw_get_url_without_scheme($before['siteurl'] . '/'))), $foreign_prefix);
     // Restore Backup History and Settings
     // Restore options
     if ($keep_options) {
         // WP keeps stylesheet settings in theme_mods_{stylesheet} option,
         // that means that if stylesheet option has different value in dump file and in database
         // new theme_mods_{stylesheet} should be rename to old theme_mods_{stylesheet}
         $stylesheet = get_option('stylesheet');
         if ($before['stylesheet'] != $stylesheet) {
             $theme_mods_before = 'theme_mods_' . $before['stylesheet'];
             $theme_mods_after = 'theme_mods_' . $stylesheet;
             $query = $wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$wpdb->options}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t    option_name = %s\n\t\t\t\t", $theme_mods_before);
             $query = $wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$wpdb->options}\n\t\t\t\t\tSET\n\t\t\t\t\t\toption_name = %s\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\toption_name = %s\n\t\t\t\t", $theme_mods_before, $theme_mods_after);
         // Restore all saved options
         array_map('update_option', array_keys($before), $before);
     // Actualize settings
コード例 #6
 public function run($post_id)
      * @var WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem
     global $wp_filesystem;
     $fs = new FW_Backup_Helper_File_System();
     $db = new FW_Backup_Helper_Database();
     $backup_info = $this->backup()->get_backup_info($post_id);
     if (!$backup_info || !$backup_info->is_completed()) {
         throw new FW_Backup_Exception('Cannot restore from incomplete backup');
     $storage = $this->backup()->get_storage($backup_info->get_storage(), $backup_info->get_cron_job());
     // Ensure that storage layer is workable (e.g. was configured properly)
     $storage->ping(new FW_Backup_Feedback_Void());
     if ($backup_info->has_fs()) {
     // This forces *Restore* page to be opened event if
     // request_filesystem_credentials is not required. In the
     // latter case JavaScript will submit the page automatically
     // which opens up a *Restore in Progress* popup.
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') {
         throw new FW_Backup_Exception_Method_Not_Allowed();
     if ($backup_info->has_fs()) {
         if ($wp_filesystem->abspath() == '/') {
             throw new FW_Backup_Exception('WordPress was located at root directory (/). Restoration for this scenario was not implemented.');
     if ($backup_info->has_db()) {
     // 2) Do restore
     try {
         $f = new FW_Backup_Feedback_Void();
         $zip_file = $storage->fetch($backup_info->get_storage_file(), $f);
         // Try to open it as .zip archive
         $zip = new ZipArchive();
         if ($zip->open($zip_file) !== true) {
             throw new FW_Backup_Exception('Cannot open .zip file');
         // Restore files (should come before database: rename wordpress dir can fail)
         if ($backup_info->has_fs()) {
             $wp = rtrim($wp_filesystem->abspath(), '/');
             $wp_new = rtrim(dirname($wp), '/') . '/' . uniqid();
             $wp_backup = $wp . '-' . date('Y_m_d-H_i_s', current_time('timestamp'));
             $backup_rel = substr($this->backup()->get_backup_dir(), strlen(ABSPATH));
             // Extract archive into temporary location
             unzip_file($zip_file, $wp_new);
             // Get rid of database.txt file, if any
             if ($wp_filesystem->exists("{$wp_new}/database.txt")) {
             // In imported backup files wp-config.php can contain database
             // credentials which cannot work on this host. Also, database prefix
             // can be different from the value in original wp-config.php
             if ($backup_info->is_imported()) {
                 $wp_filesystem->copy("{$wp}/wp-config.php", "{$wp_new}/wp-config.php", true);
             // Replace WordPress dir by version from backup
             $move = true && $wp_filesystem->move($wp, $wp_backup) && $wp_filesystem->move($wp_new, $wp) && $wp_filesystem->move("{$wp_backup}/{$backup_rel}", "{$wp}/{$backup_rel}");
             if (!$move) {
                 throw new FW_Backup_Exception('Replacing wordpress dir by version from backup failed');
         // Restore database
         if ($backup_info->has_db()) {
             $fp_db = $zip->getStream('database.txt');
             $db->import_fp($fp_db, false, $backup_info->is_imported(), false);
     } catch (FW_Backup_Exception $exception) {
     if (isset($zip_file)) {
     if (isset($exception)) {
         throw $exception;