コード例 #1
			$_REQUEST["archivo"] = "W_".$_SESSION["usuario"]."_".date("YmdHis").".png";
			$_REQUEST["provart"] = $row["PRIMAANUALSINFORMATO"];

			$graficoOk = true;
		catch (Exception $e) {
			$graficoOk = false;
		// FIN - Generación de gráfico que va incrustado en el reporte..

if ($graficoOk) {
		$pdf->SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255);
		$pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);

		$tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1);
		$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 10);

		$pdf->Cell(144, 0, $row["RAZONSOCIAL"]);

		$pdf->Cell(36, 0, $row["CUIT"]);

コード例 #2
  * Save post metadata when a post is saved.
  * @param int $post_id The post ID.
  * @param post $post The post object.
  * @param bool $update Whether this is an existing post being updated or not.
 public function save_ticket_data($post_id, $post, $update)
     global $product;
      * In production code, $slug should be set only once in the plugin,
      * preferably as a class property, rather than in each function that needs it.
     $slug = 'product';
     // If this isn't a 'product' post, don't update it.
     if ($slug != $post->post_type) {
     $getprod = get_product($post_id);
     //If it's not a ticket return aswell
     if ($getprod->product_type != 'ticket') {
     $getmeta = get_post_meta($post_id, '_downloadable_files', true);
     //Traverse the return array since we don't know the first key
     foreach ($getmeta as $key => $value) {
         $url = $value['file'];
     $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
     //To get the dir, use: dirname($path)
     require_once 'fpdf/fpdf.php';
     require_once 'fpdi/fpdi.php';
     //Get stuff to add to pdf :D
     $getmetaall = get_post_meta($post_id);
     $getcontent = get_post_meta($post_id, 'frs_woo_product_tabs', true);
     $i = 1;
     $pdf = new FPDI();
     //	$pdf->AddPage();
     //Set the source PDF file
     //$pagecount = $pdf->setSourceFile($path);
     //Import the first page of the file
     //$tpl = $pdf->importPage($i);
     //Use this page as template
     #Print Hello World at the bottom of the page
     //Clear all
     $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 19);
     $pdf->Cell(0, $pdf->h - 2, ' ', 0, 0, 'C', true);
     //Go to 1.5 cm from bottom
     //Select Arial italic 8
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 19);
     //Print centered cell with a text in it
     $pdf->Cell(0, 10, $post->post_title, 0, 0, 'C');
     			$pdf->Cell(0, 10, gmdate("Y-m-d", $getmetaall["wpcf-event-start-date"][0]), 0, 0, 'C');
     			$pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'Start time: ' . $getmetaall["wpcf-event-start-time"][0], 0, 0, 'C');
     			$pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'End time: ' . $getmetaall["wpcf-event-end-time"][0], 0, 0, 'C');
     			$pdf->Image('http://dancenergy.zenutech.com/production/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Logo.png', 5, 0, 33.78);
     //Select Arial italic 8
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 15);
     $pdf->Output($path, "F");
     			echo "<pre>";
     				var_dump( $getmetaall );
     			echo "</pre>";
コード例 #3
$pdf->Cell(128, 0, $row2["EMAIL"]);

$pdf->Cell(41, 0, $row2["TELEFONO"]);

$pdf->Cell(16, 0, $row2["ESTABLECIMIENTOS"]);

$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 7);
$pdf->SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255);
$pdf->SetFillColor(0, 135, 196);
switch ($row2["SA_NIVEL"]) {
	case 1:
		$pdf->Rect($pdf->GetX(), $pdf->GetY(), 4.2, 3.4, "F");
		$pdf->Cell(0, 0, "I");
	case 2:
		$pdf->Rect($pdf->GetX(), $pdf->GetY(), 4, 3.4, "F");
		$pdf->Cell(0, 0, "II");
コード例 #4
function generatePatientTrendReport($conn)
    global $gTEXT;
    $CountryName = $_POST['CountryName'];
    require_once 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
    require_once 'fpdf/fpdi.php';
    $pdf = new FPDI();
    $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);
    $StartMonthId = $_POST['StartMonthId'];
    $StartYearId = $_POST['StartYearId'];
    $EndMonthId = $_POST['EndMonthId'];
    $EndYearId = $_POST['EndYearId'];
    $frequencyId = 1;
    if ($_POST['MonthNumber'] != 0) {
        $months = $_POST['MonthNumber'];
        $monthIndex = date("m");
        $yearIndex = date("Y");
        settype($yearIndex, "integer");
        if ($monthIndex == 1) {
            $monthIndex = 12;
            $yearIndex = $yearIndex - 1;
        } else {
            $monthIndex = $monthIndex - 1;
        $months = $months - 1;
        $d = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $monthIndex, $yearIndex);
        $EndYearMonth = $yearIndex . "-" . str_pad($monthIndex, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "-" . $d;
        $EndYearMonth = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($EndYearMonth));
        $StartYearMonth = $yearIndex . "-" . str_pad($monthIndex, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "-" . "01";
        $StartYearMonth = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($StartYearMonth));
        $StartYearMonth = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($StartYearMonth)) . "-" . $months . " month"));
    } else {
        $startDate = $StartYearId . "-" . $StartMonthId . "-" . "01";
        $StartYearMonth = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($startDate));
        $d = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $EndMonthId, $EndYearId);
        $endDate = $EndYearId . "-" . $EndMonthId . "-" . $d;
        $EndYearMonth = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($endDate));
    $monthListShort = array(1 => 'Jan', 2 => 'Feb', 3 => 'Mar', 4 => 'Apr', 5 => 'May', 6 => 'Jun', 7 => 'Jul', 8 => 'Aug', 9 => 'Sep', 10 => 'Oct', 11 => 'Nov', 12 => 'Dec');
    $quarterList = array(3 => 'Jan-Mar', 6 => 'Apr-Jun', 9 => 'Jul-Sep', 12 => 'Oct-Dec');
    $output = array('aaData' => array());
    $aData = array();
    $output2 = array();
    if ($frequencyId == 1) {
        $monthQuarterList = $monthListShort;
    } else {
        $monthQuarterList = $quarterList;
    $month_list = array();
    $startDate = strtotime($StartYearMonth);
    $endDate = strtotime($EndYearMonth);
    $index = 0;
    // while ($endDate >= $startDate) {
    // $month_list[$index] = date('M Y',$startDate);
    // $index++;
    // $startDate = strtotime( date('Y/m/d',$startDate).' 1 month');
    // }
    while ($endDate >= $startDate) {
        if ($frequencyId == 1) {
            $monthid = date('m', $startDate);
            settype($monthid, "integer");
            $ym = $monthListShort[$monthid] . ' ' . date('Y', $startDate);
            $month_list[$index] = $ym;
            $output['Categories'][] = $ym;
        } else {
            $monthid = date('m', $startDate);
            settype($monthid, "integer");
            if ($monthid == 3 || $monthid == 6 || $monthid == 9 || $monthid == 12) {
                $ym = $quarterList[$monthid] . ' ' . date('Y', $startDate);
                $month_list[$index] = $ym;
                $output['Categories'][] = $ym;
        $startDate = strtotime(date('Y/m/d', $startDate) . ' 1 month');
    $html = '
        <h4 style="text-align:left;"><b>' . $gTEXT['Patient Trend Time Series Report of'] . '  ' . $CountryName . ' ' . $gTEXT['from'] . ' ' . date('M,Y', strtotime($StartYearMonth)) . ' ' . $gTEXT['to'] . ' ' . date('M,Y', strtotime($EndYearMonth)) . '</b></h4>
    $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 17, '', $html, '', 1, 1, false, 'L', true, $spacing = 0);
    $tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1);
    $pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, 0, 0, 200);
    //=====================================================Patient Trend Time Series Table=======================================================
    $lan = $_REQUEST['lan'];
    $countryId = $_POST['Country'];
    $itemGroupId = $_POST['ItemGroupId'];
    //$frequencyId = 1;// $_POST['FrequencyId'];
    if ($lan == 'en-GB') {
        $serviceTypeName = 'ServiceTypeName';
    } else {
        $serviceTypeName = 'ServiceTypeNameFrench';
    // //////////////////
    $sQuery = "SELECT a.ServiceTypeId, IFNULL(SUM(c.TotalPatient),0) TotalPatient\n\t\t\t, {$serviceTypeName} ServiceTypeName, a.STL_Color,c.Year,c.MonthId\n                FROM t_servicetype a\n                INNER JOIN t_formulation b ON a.ServiceTypeId = b.ServiceTypeId\n                Inner JOIN t_cnm_patientoverview c \t\n\t\t\t\t\tON (c.FormulationId = b.FormulationId \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand STR_TO_DATE(concat(year,'/',monthid,'/02'), '%Y/%m/%d') \n\t\t\t\t\t\tbetween '" . $StartYearMonth . "' and '" . $EndYearMonth . "'\n                \t\tAND (c.CountryId = " . $countryId . " OR " . $countryId . " = 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (c.ItemGroupId = " . $itemGroupId . " OR " . $itemGroupId . " = 0))  \t\t                       \n                GROUP BY a.ServiceTypeId, {$serviceTypeName}, a.STL_Color\n\t\t\t\t, c.Year, c.MonthId\n\t\t\t\tHAVING TotalPatient > 0\n\t\t        ORDER BY a.ServiceTypeId asc,c.Year asc, c.MonthId asc;";
    //echo $sQuery;
    $rResult = safe_query($sQuery);
    $total = mysql_num_rows($rResult);
    $tmpServiceTypeId = -1;
    $countServiceType = 1;
    $count = 1;
    $preServiceTypeName = '';
    if ($total == 0) {
    //echo 'Rubel';
    if ($total > 0) {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult)) {
            if (!is_null($row['TotalPatient'])) {
                settype($row['TotalPatient'], "integer");
            if ($tmpServiceTypeId != $row['ServiceTypeId']) {
                if ($count > 1) {
                    array_unshift($output2, $countServiceType, $preServiceTypeName);
                    $aData[] = $output2;
                $preServiceTypeName = $row['ServiceTypeName'];
                $count = 0;
                while ($count < count($month_list)) {
                    $output2[] = null;
                $dataMonthYear = $monthQuarterList[$row['MonthId']] . ' ' . $row['Year'];
                $count = 0;
                while ($count < count($month_list)) {
                    if ($month_list[$count] == $dataMonthYear) {
                        $output2[$count] = $row['TotalPatient'];
                $tmpServiceTypeId = $row['ServiceTypeId'];
            } else {
                $dataMonthYear = $monthQuarterList[$row['MonthId']] . ' ' . $row['Year'];
                $count = 0;
                while ($count < count($month_list)) {
                    if ($month_list[$count] == $dataMonthYear) {
                        $output2[$count] = $row['TotalPatient'];
                $tmpServiceTypeId = $row['ServiceTypeId'];
        array_unshift($output2, $countServiceType, $preServiceTypeName);
        $aData[] = $output2;
        $col = '<tr><th width="20" align="center"><b>SL</b></th>';
        $col .= '<th width="35" align="left"><b>' . $gTEXT['Patient Type'] . '</b></th>';
        $f = 0;
        for ($f = 0; $f < count($month_list); $f++) {
            $col .= '<th width="30" align="right"><b>' . $month_list[$f] . '</b></th>';
        $col .= '</tr>';
        $p = 0;
        for ($p = 0; $p < count($aData); $p++) {
            $col .= '<tr>';
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($aData[$p]); $i++) {
                $col .= '<td>' . $aData[$p][$i] . '</td>';
            $col .= '</tr>';
        $i = 1;
        /*  $col = '<tr><th width="38" align="center"><b>SL</b></th>';
            $col.= '<th width="38" align="left"><b>'.$gTEXT['Patient Type'].'</b></th>';	
            for($f = 0; $f<count($rmonth_name); $f++){       
                $col.= '<th width="38" align="right"><b>'.$rmonth_name[$f].'</b></th>';             
            for($x = 0; $x<count($art); $x++){       
                $col.= '<td width="38" align="right"><b>'.$art[$x].'</b></td>';             
            for($x = 0; $x<count($rtk); $x++){       
                $col.= '<td width="38" align="right"><b>'.$rtk[$x].'</b></td>';             
            for($x = 0; $x<count($pmtct); $x++){       
                $col.= '<td width="38" align="right"><b>'.$pmtct[$x].'</b></td>';             
            $col.='</tr>';     */
        $html_head = "<span><b>" . $gTEXT['Patient Trend Time Series Data List'] . "</b></span>";
        $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 9);
        $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 17, 125, $html_head, '', 0, 0, false, 'L', true);
        $html = '
        <!-- EXAMPLE OF CSS STYLE -->
             height: 6px;
        <table width="550px" border="0.5" style="margin:0px auto;">' . $col . '</table></body>';
        $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 7);
        $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 15, 140, $html, '', 1, 1, false, 'C', true);
        $filePath = SITEDOCUMENT . 'administrator/components/com_jcode/source/report/pdfslice/PatientTrendReport.pdf';
        if (file_exists($filePath)) {
        $pdf->Output('pdfslice/PatientTrendReport.pdf', 'F');
        echo 'PatientTrendReport.pdf';
    } else {
        echo 'Processing Error';
コード例 #5
function generateFundingStatusReport($conn)
    global $gTEXT;
    global $pdf;
    $ItemGroup = $_POST['ItemGroup'];
    $lan = $_POST['lan'];
    if ($lan == 'en-GB') {
    } else {
    $CountryName = $_POST['CountryName'];
    $Year = $_POST['Year'];
    require_once 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
    require_once 'fpdf/fpdi.php';
    $pdf = new FPDI();
    $pdf->AddPage($orientation = L, $format = 'Letter', $keepmargins = false, $tocpage = false);
    $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);
    $html_head = "<span style='text-align:center;font-size:10px;'><b>" . $SITETITLE . "</b></span><br>\n\t<span style='text-align:center;font-size:10px;'><b>" . $gTEXT['Funding Status Report of'] . " " . $CountryName . " " . $gTEXT['on'] . " " . $Year . "</b></span><br>\n\t<span style='text-align:center;font-size:10px;'><b>" . $gTEXT['Product Group'] . ": " . $ItemGroup . "</b></span>";
    $html = '
    $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 15, '', $html_head, '', 1, 1, false, 'C', true, $spacing = 0);
    $tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1);
    $pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, 0, 0, 500);
コード例 #6
ファイル: reports.php プロジェクト: billyriantono/ihrmis
 function ten_tardiness_second($second_offenders = array())
     define('FPDF_FONTPATH', $this->config->item('fonts_path'));
     // initiate FPDI
     $pdf = new FPDI('P', 'mm', 'Legal');
     // add a page
     // set the sourcefile
     // select the first page
     $tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1);
     // use the page we imported
     $offices = Input::get('offices');
     $office_id = $offices[0];
     $m1 = 'Jul';
     $m2 = 'Aug';
     $m3 = 'Sep';
     $m4 = 'Oct';
     $m5 = 'Nov';
     $m6 = 'Dec';
     $mo1 = '07';
     $mo2 = '08';
     $mo3 = '09';
     $mo4 = '10';
     $mo5 = '11';
     $mo6 = '12';
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', '12');
     $pdf->SetXY(155, 50);
     $pdf->Write(0, date('F d, Y'));
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', '');
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "HON. EDWARD S. HAGEDORN ", '', 1, 'L', FALSE);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', '');
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "City Mayor", '', 1, 'L', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "Puerto Princesa City", '', 1, 'L', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "", '', 1, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "Thru: ATTY. SHIRLEY R. DAGANTA", '', 1, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "CG Assistant Dept. Head II", '', 1, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "Assistant City Legal Officer II", '', 1, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', '');
     $pdf->Write(0, 'Madam:');
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', '');
     $pdf->MultiCell(0, 6, "                Please be informed that despite the first notice issued to him/her as per records in this office, it has been observed that the he/she has continuously incurred the following tardiness and undertime, viz:", 0, 'L', false);
     //$pdf->Cell(0,6," $number of your employees has incurred the following, viz:",'',0,'L',false);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'BI', 10);
     $pdf->SetFillColor(210, 210, 210);
     $pdf->Cell(50, 8, "Name", 'RLTB', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(20, 4, $m1, '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(20, 4, $m2, '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(20, 4, $m3, '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(20, 4, $m4, '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(20, 4, $m5, '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(20, 4, $m6, '1', 1, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
     $pdf->SetFillColor(240, 240, 240);
     $pdf->Cell(50, 4, "", 'RLB', 0, 'C', false);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "Tardy", '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "UT", '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "Tardy", '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "UT", '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "Tardy", '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "UT", '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "Tardy", '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "UT", '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "Tardy", '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "UT", '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "Tardy", '1', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "UT", '1', 1, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->SetFillColor(215, 255, 215);
     $year1 = Input::get('year');
     $tardis = $second_offenders;
     if (is_array($tardis)) {
         foreach ($tardis as $tardi) {
             $name = $this->Employee->get_employee_info($tardi, $field = '');
             $late1 = $this->Tardiness->count_late($name['employee_id'], $mo1, $year1, 1, 3);
             $late2 = $this->Tardiness->count_late($name['employee_id'], $mo2, $year1, 1, 3);
             $late3 = $this->Tardiness->count_late($name['employee_id'], $mo3, $year1, 1, 3);
             $late4 = $this->Tardiness->count_late($name['employee_id'], $mo4, $year1, 1, 3);
             $late5 = $this->Tardiness->count_late($name['employee_id'], $mo5, $year1, 1, 3);
             $late6 = $this->Tardiness->count_late($name['employee_id'], $mo6, $year1, 1, 3);
             $under_time1 = $this->Tardiness->count_late($name['employee_id'], $mo1, $year1, 2, 4);
             $under_time2 = $this->Tardiness->count_late($name['employee_id'], $mo2, $year1, 2, 4);
             $under_time3 = $this->Tardiness->count_late($name['employee_id'], $mo3, $year1, 2, 4);
             $under_time4 = $this->Tardiness->count_late($name['employee_id'], $mo4, $year1, 2, 4);
             $under_time5 = $this->Tardiness->count_late($name['employee_id'], $mo5, $year1, 2, 4);
             $under_time6 = $this->Tardiness->count_late($name['employee_id'], $mo6, $year1, 2, 4);
             $late1['tardi_count'] = $this->Tardiness->is_tardy_zero($late1['tardi_count']);
             $late2['tardi_count'] = $this->Tardiness->is_tardy_zero($late2['tardi_count']);
             $late3['tardi_count'] = $this->Tardiness->is_tardy_zero($late3['tardi_count']);
             $late4['tardi_count'] = $this->Tardiness->is_tardy_zero($late4['tardi_count']);
             $late5['tardi_count'] = $this->Tardiness->is_tardy_zero($late5['tardi_count']);
             $late6['tardi_count'] = $this->Tardiness->is_tardy_zero($late6['tardi_count']);
             $under_time1['tardi_count'] = $this->Tardiness->is_tardy_zero($under_time1['tardi_count']);
             $under_time2['tardi_count'] = $this->Tardiness->is_tardy_zero($under_time2['tardi_count']);
             $under_time3['tardi_count'] = $this->Tardiness->is_tardy_zero($under_time3['tardi_count']);
             $under_time4['tardi_count'] = $this->Tardiness->is_tardy_zero($under_time4['tardi_count']);
             $under_time5['tardi_count'] = $this->Tardiness->is_tardy_zero($under_time5['tardi_count']);
             $under_time6['tardi_count'] = $this->Tardiness->is_tardy_zero($under_time6['tardi_count']);
             //start employee tardy
             $pdf->Cell(50, 4, ucwords(strtolower(utf8_decode($name['fname'] . ' ' . $name['mname'] . ' ' . $name['lname']))), 'RLTB', 0, 'L', false);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $late1['tardi_count'], '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $under_time1['tardi_count'], '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $late2['tardi_count'], '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $under_time2['tardi_count'], '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $late3['tardi_count'], '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $under_time3['tardi_count'], '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $late4['tardi_count'], '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $under_time4['tardi_count'], '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $late5['tardi_count'], '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $under_time5['tardi_count'], '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $late6['tardi_count'], '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $under_time6['tardi_count'], '1', 1, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(50, 4, "", 'RLTB', 0, 'L', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "", '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "", '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "", '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "", '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "", '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "", '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "", '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "", '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "", '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "", '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "", '1', 0, 'C', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(10, 4, "", '1', 1, 'C', FALSE);
     // line break
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', '12');
     $pdf->MultiCell(0, 6, "             Section 8, Rule XVII of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292, states that: \n\t\t\t\t   'Officers and employees who have incurred tardiness and undertime, regardless of the number of minutes per day, ten (10) times a month for at least two (2) consecutive months during the year or for at least two (2) months in a semester shall be subject to disciplinary action.'\n\t\t\t\t   Violation of the said rule carries the following penalties:\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t   1.\tFirst Offense - Reprimand;\n\t\t\t\t   2.\tSecond Offense - Suspension for one (1) day to thirty (30) days; and\n\t\t\t\t   3.\tThird Offense - Dismissal.\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t   For your appropriate action.\n\t\t", '', 1, 'L', false);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, " Very truly yours,              ", 0, 'R', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "              ", '', 1, 'R', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "               ", '', 1, 'R', FALSE);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', '');
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, " FELIMON R. SABAS              ", '', 1, 'R', FALSE);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', '');
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, " CG Department Head II              ", '', 1, 'R', FALSE);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, " (City Personnel Officer)              ", '', 1, 'R', FALSE);
     $pdf->MultiCell(0, 6, "\n\t\tNOTED:\n\t\t\n\t\tBY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY MAYOR:", 0, 'L', FALSE);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', '');
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "    ATTY. AGUSTIN M. ROCAMORA", '', 1, 'L', FALSE);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', '');
     $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "       City Administrator II", '', 1, 'L', FALSE);
     header('Cache-Control: maxage=3600');
     //Adjust maxage appropriately
     header('Pragma: public');
     //If the parameter is D = download F = save as file
     $pdf->Output('dtr/reports/ten_tardiness_second.pdf', 'F');
コード例 #7
ファイル: createPDFBentoncity.php プロジェクト: taylerc/www
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////PAGE 3/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ($pageNo = 3) {
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    $templateId = $pdf->importPage($pageNo);
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    // use the imported page
    $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 242, 0);
    //$db = new SQLite3('/home1/columch7/public_html/Columbia.db');
    $db = new SQLite3($columbiaDB);
    $ID = $_GET["ID"];
    $AUTH = $_GET["AUTH"];
    $results = $db->query('SELECT * FROM benton_new_patients where ID =' . $ID . ' and AUTH = ' . $AUTH);
    //$results = $db->query('SELECT * FROM Pasco_new_patients where ID=24');
    $row = $results->fetchArray();
    //print var_dump($row);
    $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
    $pdf->SetXY(17, 10.7);
    $pdf->Write(10, $row["FIRST_NAME"] . " " . $row["LAST_NAME"]);
コード例 #8
  * Render a certificate
  * @param   object  $user  User
  * @param   string  $path  Path to store rendered file to
  * @return  boolean True on success, false on error
 public function render($user = null, $path = null)
     if (!$user) {
         $user = \User::getRoot();
     if (!class_exists('\\Components\\Courses\\Models\\Course')) {
         require_once __DIR__ . DS . 'course.php';
     $course = Course::getInstance($this->get('course_id'));
     require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'fpdf16' . DS . 'fpdf.php';
     require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'fpdi' . DS . 'fpdi.php';
     // Get the pdf and draw on top of it
     $pdf = new \FPDI();
     $pageCount = $pdf->setSourceFile($this->path('system') . DS . 'certificate.pdf');
     $tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1);
     $size = $pdf->getTemplateSize($tplIdx);
     $pdf->AddPage('L', array($size['h'], $size['w']));
     $pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, 0, 0, 0, 0, true);
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         $val = '';
         switch ($element->id) {
             case 'name':
             case 'email':
             case 'username':
                 $val = $user->get($element->id);
             case 'course':
                 $val = $course->get('title');
             case 'offering':
                 $val = $course->offering()->get('title');
             case 'section':
                 $val = $course->offering()->section()->get('title');
             case 'date':
                 $val = \Date::of('now')->format(Lang::txt('d M Y'));
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     if (!$path) {
     $pdf->Output($path, 'F');
     return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: reports.php プロジェクト: billyriantono/ihrmis
 function leave_apps_quezon($leave_apps_id = '')
     $rows = $this->Leave_apps->get_leave_apps_info($leave_apps_id);
     $name = $this->Employee->get_employee_info($rows['employee_id']);
     $office_name = $this->Office->get_office_name($name['office_id']);
     define('FPDF_FONTPATH', $this->config->item('fonts_path'));
     // initiate FPDI
     $pdf = new FPDI('P', 'mm', 'A4');
     // add a page
     // set the sourcefile
     // select the first page
     $tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1);
     // use the page we imported
     // set font, font style, font size.
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12);
     // set initial placement
     $pdf->SetXY(158, 10.5);
     // line break
     $pdf->Write(0, 'Tracking no: ' . $leave_apps_id);
     //ID number
     $pdf->Write(0, ' ' . $rows['employee_id']);
     // go to 25 X (indent)
     $this->Office->fields = array('office_code', 'office_head', 'position');
     $office = $this->Office->get_office_info($name['office_id']);
     // write office
     //$pdf->Write(0, $office['office_code']);
     //$pdf->Write(0, $office_name);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 7);
     $pdf->MultiCell(60, 5, $office_name);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12);
     $pdf->SetXY(90, 40);
     $pdf->Write(0, utf8_decode($name['lname']));
     $pdf->Write(0, utf8_decode($name['fname']));
     $extension = '';
     if ($name['extension'] != '') {
         $extension = $name['extension'] . ' ';
     } else {
     $pdf->Write(0, utf8_decode($extension . $name['mname'][0] . '.'));
     //date of file
     $pdf->Write(0, date("F d, Y", strtotime($rows['date_encode'])));
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
     $pdf->Write(0, $name['position']);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12);
     // We need to check what salary grade the office use
     if ($office['salary_grade_type'] == 'hospital') {
         $this->Salary_grade->salary_grade_type = 'hospital';
     //monthly salary
     $pdf->Write(0, 'P ' . number_format($this->Salary_grade->get_monthly_salary($name['salary_grade'], $name['step']), 2));
     $leave_name = $this->Leave_type->get_leave_name($rows['leave_type_id']);
     $leave_type_ids = array(1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12);
     if (in_array($rows['leave_type_id'], $leave_type_ids)) {
         $pdf->Write(0, 'X');
         if ($rows['leave_type_id'] == 1) {
             $leave_name = '';
         $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10);
         $pdf->Write(0, $leave_name);
         $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12);
     $leave_type_ids = array(2, 11, 20);
     if (in_array($rows['leave_type_id'], $leave_type_ids)) {
         $pdf->Write(0, 'X');
         if ($rows['leave_type_id'] == 2) {
             $leave_name = '';
         $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10);
         $pdf->Write(0, $leave_name);
         $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12);
     $pdf->SetXY(35, 128);
     $days = 'day';
     if ($rows['days'] > 1) {
         $days = 'days';
     $pdf->Write(0, $rows['days'] . ' ' . $days);
     $date_leave = $this->Helps->get_month_name($rows['month']) . ' ' . $rows['multiple'] . ', ' . $rows['year'];
     if ($rows['multiple5'] != '') {
         $date_leave .= ' - ' . $this->Helps->get_month_name($rows['month5']) . ' ' . $rows['multiple5'] . ', ' . $rows['year5'];
     $pdf->Write(0, $date_leave);
     $last_earn = $this->Leave_card->get_last_earn($rows['employee_id']);
     //$last_earn = date('F d, Y', strtotime($last_earn));
     if ($last_earn != '') {
         $record_limit_date = $last_earn;
         $last_earn = date('F d, Y', strtotime($last_earn));
     } else {
         $dt = new Carbon();
         //echo 'last day of '. $this->Helps->get_month_name($dt->month).' '.$dt->year;
         $date = new Carbon('last day of ' . $this->Helps->get_month_name($dt->month) . ' ' . $dt->year);
         $last_earn = $this->Helps->get_month_name($date->month) . ' ' . $date->day . ', ' . $date->year;
         $record_limit_date = $date->year . '-' . $date->month . '-' . $date->day;
         //$last_earn = date('F d, Y');
     $credits = $this->Leave_card->get_total_leave_credits($rows['employee_id'], $record_limit_date);
     $pdf->Write(0, $last_earn);
     //$pdf->Write(0, $vbalance);
     $pdf->Write(0, number_format($credits['vacation'], 3));
     //$pdf->Write(0, $sbalance);
     $pdf->Write(0, number_format($credits['sick'], 3));
     $total_leave_balance = $credits['vacation'] + $credits['sick'];
     $pdf->Write(0, number_format($total_leave_balance, 3));
     // set font, font style, font size.
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12);
     //$pdf->Write(0, number_format($vacation_leave, 3));
     //$pdf->Write(0, number_format($sick_leave, 3));
     //$pdf->Write(0, number_format($vacation_leave + $sick_leave, 3));
     //date for the day
     //$pdf->Write(0, date('jS'));
     //$pdf->Write(0, date('F'));
     //$pdf->Write(0, date('Y'));
     //MR or MS. request
     $statement_certified = Setting::getField('statement_certified');
     $statement_certified_position = Setting::getField('statement_certified_position');
     $pdf->SetXY(35, 205);
     $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);
     $pdf->Cell(65, 5, strtoupper(utf8_decode($statement_certified)), '', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->SetXY(35, 211);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 11);
     $pdf->Cell(65, 5, $statement_certified_position, '', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->SetXY(129, 139);
     $pdf->Cell(65, 5, utf8_decode($name['fname'] . ' ' . $name['mname'] . ' ' . $name['lname']), '', 0, 'C', 1);
     //$pdf->SetXY(129, 200);
     //$pdf->Cell(65,5, $office['office_head'],'',0,'C',1);
     $pdf->SetXY(129, 206);
     //$pdf->Cell(65,5, utf8_decode($office['office_head']),'',0,'C',1);
     //$pdf->Cell(65,5, $office['position'],'',0,'C',1);
     //$pdf->Cell(65,5, $office['office_head'],'',0,'C',1);
     // For quezon province
     $final_approval_leave_application = Setting::getField('final_approval_leave_application');
     $final_approval_leave_application_designation = Setting::getField('final_approval_leave_application_designation');
     $pdf->SetXY(70, 255);
     $pdf->Cell(65, 5, utf8_decode($final_approval_leave_application), '', 0, 'C', 1);
     $pdf->SetXY(70, 260);
     $pdf->Cell(65, 5, $final_approval_leave_application_designation, '', 0, 'C', 1);
     //$pdf->Write(0, 'hahaha');
     header('Cache-Control: maxage=3600');
     //Adjust maxage appropriately
     header('Pragma: public');
     $pdf->Output('dtr/reports/leave-apps-' . $rows['employee_id'] . '.pdf', 'I');
コード例 #10
function generateNationalSummaryReport($conn)
    global $gTEXT;
    $Year = $_POST['Year'];
    $MonthName = $_POST['MonthName'];
    $CountryName = $_POST['CountryName'];
    require_once 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
    require_once 'fpdf/fpdi.php';
    $pdf = new FPDI();
    $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);
    $html_head = "<span style='text-align:center;'><b>" . $gTEXT['National Stock Summary Report of'] . " " . $CountryName . " On " . $MonthName . ", " . $Year . "</b></span>";
    $html = '
        <h4 style="text-align:center;"><b>' . $gTEXT['National Stock Summary Report of'] . '  ' . $CountryName . ' On ' . $MonthName . ',' . $Year . '</b></h4>
    $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 30, '', $html_head, '', 1, 1, false, 'C', true, $spacing = 0);
    $tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1);
    $pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, 6, 0, 200);
    //=====================================================Summary List Table=======================================================
    if ($Month == '1') {
        $MonthName = "January";
    } elseif ($Month == '2') {
        $MonthName = "February";
    } elseif ($Month == '3') {
        $MonthName = "March";
    } elseif ($Month == '4') {
        $MonthName = "April";
    } elseif ($Month == '5') {
        $MonthName = "May";
    } elseif ($Month == '6') {
        $MonthName = "June";
    } elseif ($Month == '7') {
        $MonthName = "July";
    } elseif ($Month == '8') {
        $MonthName = "August";
    } elseif ($Month == '9') {
        $MonthName = "September";
    } elseif ($Month == '10') {
        $MonthName = "October";
    } elseif ($Month == '11') {
        $MonthName = "November";
    } elseif ($Month == '12') {
        $MonthName = "December";
    $Year = $_POST['Year'];
    $ItemGroupId = $_POST['ItemGroupId'];
    $Month = $_POST['Month'];
    $MonthName = $_POST['MonthName'];
    $CountryId = $_POST['Country'];
    $CountryName = $_POST['CountryName'];
    $sql = "  SELECT a.ItemNo, b.ItemName, SUM(DispenseQty) ReportedConsumption, SUM(ClStock) ReportedClosingBalance, SUM(AMC) AMC, IFNULL(((SUM(ClStock))/(SUM(AMC))),0) MOS                 \n            \tFROM t_cnm_stockstatus a \n                INNER JOIN t_itemlist b ON a.ItemNo = b.ItemNo AND b.bKeyItem = 1 AND b.ItemGroupId = " . $ItemGroupId . "\n            \tINNER JOIN t_cnm_masterstockstatus c ON a.CNMStockId = c.CNMStockId AND a.CountryId = c.CountryId AND c.StatusId = 5 AND c.ItemGroupId = " . $ItemGroupId . "\n           \t\tWHERE a.MonthId = " . $Month . " AND a.Year = " . $Year . "\n                AND (a.CountryId = " . $CountryId . " OR " . $CountryId . " = 0) \t\n            \tGROUP BY ItemNo, ItemName \n            \tHAVING IFNULL(((SUM(ClStock))/(SUM(AMC))),0)>0";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
    $total = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if ($total > 0) {
        $data = array();
        $f = 0;
        $tblHTML = '';
        while ($rec = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            $data['SL'][$f] = $f;
            $data['ItemName'][$f] = $rec['ItemName'];
            $data['ReportedClosingBalance'][$f] = number_format($rec['ReportedClosingBalance']);
            $data['AMC'][$f] = number_format($rec['AMC']);
            $data['MOS'][$f] = number_format($rec['MOS'], 1);
            $tblHTML .= '<tr style="page-break-inside:avoid;">
                            <td align="center" width="30" valign="middle">' . ($data['SL'][$f] + 1) . '</td>  
                            <td align="left" width="200" valign="middle">' . $data['ItemName'][$f] . '</td>
                            <td align="right" width="90" valign="middle">' . $data['ReportedClosingBalance'][$f] . '</td>
                            <td align="right" width="120" valign="middle">' . $data['AMC'][$f] . '</td>
                            <td align="right" width="60" valign="middle">' . $data['MOS'][$f] . '</td> 
            //<td align="right" width="90" valign="middle">'.$data['ReportedConsumption'][$f].'</td>
        $html_head = "<span><b>" . $gTEXT['National Stock Summary List'] . "</b></span>";
        $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 10);
        $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 10, 160, $html_head, '', 0, 0, false, 'C', true);
        $html = '
            <!-- EXAMPLE OF CSS STYLE -->
                 height: 6px;
            <table width="450px" border="0.5" style="margin:0 auto;">
            		<th width="30" align="center"><b>SL</b></th>
                    <th width="200" align="left"><b>' . $gTEXT['Products'] . '</b></th>
            		<th width="90" align="right"><b>' . $gTEXT['Reported Closing Balance'] . '</b></th>
            		<th width="120" align="right"><b>' . $gTEXT['Average Monthly Consumption'] . '</b></th>
            		<th width="60"  align="right"><b>' . $gTEXT['MOS'] . '</b></th>
            	  </tr>' . $tblHTML . '</table></body>';
        //<th width="90" align="right"><b>'.$gTEXT['Reported Consumption'].'</b></th>
        $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 7);
        $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', 170, $html, '', 1, 1, false, 'L', true);
        $filePath = SITEDOCUMENT . 'administrator/components/com_jcode/source/report/pdfslice/NationalSummaryPage.pdf';
        if (file_exists($filePath)) {
        $pdf->Output('pdfslice/NationalSummaryPage.pdf', 'F');
        echo 'NationalSummaryPage.pdf';
    } else {
        echo 'Processing Error';
コード例 #11
function generateStockStatusReport($conn)
    global $gTEXT;
    $MonthName = $_POST['MonthName'];
    $CountryName = $_POST['CountryName'];
    require_once 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
    require_once 'fpdf/fpdi.php';
    $pdf = new FPDI();
    //$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 1);
    //$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
    $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);
    $html_head = "<span style='text-align:center;font-size:10px;'><b>" . $gTEXT['Stock Status at Different Level Report of'] . " " . $CountryName . " on " . $MonthName . ", " . $Year . "</b></span>";
    $html = <<<EOF
    $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 40, '', $html_head, '', 1, 1, false, 'L', true);
    $tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1);
    $pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, 6, 20, 200, 300);
    //=====================================================Stock List Table=======================================================
    $Year = $_POST['Year'];
    $ItemGroupId = $_POST['ItemGroup'];
    $Month = $_POST['Month'];
    $CountryId = $_POST['Country'];
    $ownnerTypeId = $_POST['OwnnerTypeId'];
    $lan = $_REQUEST['lan'];
    if ($lan == 'en-GB') {
        $fLevelName = 'FLevelName';
    } else {
        $fLevelName = 'FLevelNameFrench';
    if ($CountryId) {
        $CountryId = " AND a.CountryId = " . $CountryId . " ";
    $columnList = array();
    $productName = 'Product Name';
    $aData = array();
    if ($ownnerTypeId == 1 || $ownnerTypeId == 2) {
        $sQuery = "SELECT f.FLevelId, {$fLevelName} FLevelName, a.ItemNo, b.ItemName, f.ColorCode, IFNULL(SUM(ClStock),0) FacilitySOH, IFNULL(SUM(AMC),0) FacilityAMC\n\t\t\t, IFNULL(((SUM(ClStock))/(SUM(AMC))),0) MOS                 \n            FROM t_cfm_stockstatus a \n            INNER JOIN t_itemlist b ON a.ItemNo = b.ItemNo AND b.bKeyItem = 1 AND b.ItemGroupId = " . $ItemGroupId . "\n            INNER JOIN t_cfm_masterstockstatus c ON a.CFMStockId = c.CFMStockId and c.StatusId = 5 AND c.ItemGroupId = " . $ItemGroupId . "\n            INNER JOIN t_facility d ON a.FacilityId = d.FacilityId\n            INNER JOIN t_facility_group_map e ON d.FacilityId = e.FacilityId AND e.ItemGroupId = " . $ItemGroupId . "\n            INNER JOIN t_facility_level f ON d.FLevelId = f.FLevelId\n            WHERE a.MonthId = " . $Month . " AND a.Year = '" . $Year . "' " . $CountryId . "\n\t\t\tAND d.OwnerTypeId  = " . $ownnerTypeId . "\n            GROUP BY f.FLevelId, {$fLevelName}, ItemNo, ItemName, f.ColorCode\n            HAVING IFNULL(((SUM(ClStock))/(SUM(AMC))),0)>0\n\t\t\torder by ItemName,f.FLevelId;";
    } else {
        $sQuery = "SELECT f.FLevelId, {$fLevelName} FLevelName, a.ItemNo, b.ItemName, f.ColorCode, IFNULL(SUM(ClStock),0) FacilitySOH, IFNULL(SUM(AMC),0) FacilityAMC\n\t\t\t\t, IFNULL(((SUM(ClStock))/(SUM(AMC))),0) MOS                 \n\t\t\t\tFROM t_cfm_stockstatus a \n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN t_itemlist b ON a.ItemNo = b.ItemNo AND b.bKeyItem = 1 AND b.ItemGroupId = " . $ItemGroupId . "\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN t_cfm_masterstockstatus c ON a.CFMStockId = c.CFMStockId and c.StatusId = 5 AND c.ItemGroupId = " . $ItemGroupId . "\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN t_facility d ON a.FacilityId = d.FacilityId\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN t_facility_group_map e ON d.FacilityId = e.FacilityId AND e.ItemGroupId = " . $ItemGroupId . "\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN t_facility_level f ON d.FLevelId = f.FLevelId\n\t\t\t\tWHERE a.MonthId = " . $Month . " AND a.Year = '" . $Year . "' " . $CountryId . "\n\t\t\t\tAND d.AgentType = " . $ownnerTypeId . "\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY f.FLevelId, {$fLevelName}, ItemNo, ItemName, f.ColorCode\n\t\t\t\tHAVING IFNULL(((SUM(ClStock))/(SUM(AMC))),0)>0\n\t\t\t\torder by ItemName,f.FLevelId;";
    //echo $sQuery;
    $rResult = safe_query($sQuery);
    $total = mysql_num_rows($rResult);
    $tmpItemName = '';
    $sl = 1;
    $count = 0;
    $preItemName = '';
    //echo 'Rubel';
    if ($total > 0) {
        $data = array();
        $headerList = array();
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult)) {
            $data[] = $row;
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            ////Duplicate value not push in array
            //if (!in_array($row['FLevelName'], $headerList)) {
            //	$headerList[] = $row['FLevelName'];
            $headerList[$row['FLevelId']] = $row['FLevelName'];
        $headerList[999] = 'National';
        foreach ($headerList as $key => $value) {
            $columnList[] = $value;
            //.' Level AMC';
            $columnList[] = $value;
            //.' Level SOH';
            $columnList[] = $value;
            //.' Level MOS';
        $fetchDataList = array();
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            if ($tmpItemName != $row['ItemName']) {
                if ($count > 0) {
                    $fetchDataList['999' . '2'] = number_format($fetchDataList['999' . '2']);
                    $fetchDataList['999' . '3'] = number_format($fetchDataList['999' . '3'], 1);
                    array_unshift($fetchDataList, $sl, $preItemName);
                    $aData[] = $fetchDataList;
                $preItemName = $row['ItemName'];
                foreach ($headerList as $key => $value) {
                    $fetchDataList[$key . '1'] = NULL;
                    $fetchDataList[$key . '2'] = NULL;
                    $fetchDataList[$key . '3'] = NULL;
                $tmpItemName = $row['ItemName'];
            $fLevelId = $row['FLevelId'];
            $fetchDataList[$fLevelId . '1'] = number_format($row['FacilityAMC']);
            $fetchDataList[$fLevelId . '2'] = number_format($row['FacilitySOH']);
            $fetchDataList[$fLevelId . '3'] = number_format($row['MOS'], 1);
            if ($fetchDataList['999' . '1'] < $row['FacilityAMC']) {
                $fetchDataList['999' . '1'] = number_format($row['FacilityAMC']);
            $fetchDataList['999' . '2'] += $row['FacilitySOH'];
            $fetchDataList['999' . '3'] += $row['MOS'];
        $fetchDataList['999' . '2'] = number_format($fetchDataList['999' . '2']);
        $fetchDataList['999' . '3'] = number_format($fetchDataList['999' . '3'], 1);
        array_unshift($fetchDataList, $sl, $preItemName);
        $aData[] = $fetchDataList;
        $col = '';
        $col .= ' <tr><th rowspan="2" style="text-align:center; width:5%;"><b>SL</b></th>
		  <th rowspan="2" style="text-align:center; width:10%;"><b>' . $gTEXT['Product Name'] . '</b></th>';
        $Header = '-1';
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($columnList); $i++) {
            if ($Header != $columnList[$i]) {
                $col .= '<th colspan="3" style="text-align:center;width:90px;"><b>' . $columnList[$i] . '</b></th>';
                $Header = $columnList[$i];
        $index = 0;
        $col .= '</tr><tr>';
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($columnList); $i++) {
            if ($index == 1) {
                $col .= '<th  style="text-align:left; ">AMC</th>';
            } else {
                if ($index == 2) {
                    $col .= '<th  style="text-align:left; ">SOH</th>';
                } else {
                    if ($index == 3) {
                        $col .= '<th  style="text-align:left; ">' . $gTEXT['MOS'] . '</th>';
            if ($index == 3) {
                $index = 0;
        $col .= '</tr>';
        $data = '';
        for ($p = 0; $p < count($aData); $p++) {
            $data .= '<tr>';
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($aData[$p]); $i++) {
                $data .= '<td>' . $aData[$p][$i] . '</td>';
            $data .= '</tr>';
        $html_head = "<span><b>" . $gTEXT['Stock Status at Different Level Data List'] . "</b></span>";
        $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 9);
        $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 3, 10, $html_head, '', 0, 0, false, 'C', true);
        $html = '
        <!-- EXAMPLE OF CSS STYLE -->
             height: 6px;
        <table width="510px" border="0.5" style="margin:0 auto;">
        ' . $col . '' . $data . '</table>
        $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 6);
        $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', 20, $html, '', 1, 1, false, 'L', true);
        $filePath = SITEDOCUMENT . 'administrator/components/com_jcode/source/report/pdfslice/StockStatusatDifferentLevelReport.pdf';
        if (file_exists($filePath)) {
        $pdf->Output('pdfslice/StockStatusatDifferentLevelReport.pdf', 'F');
        echo 'StockStatusatDifferentLevelReport.pdf';
    } else {
        echo 'Processing Error';
コード例 #12
 public function generatesExternalReport($id = -1)
      * Loading libraries and helpers
     $this->load->library(array('rb', 'fpdf_gen'));
     $this->load->helper(array('date', 'utility'));
      * The request id is not set 
     if ($id == -1) {
         echo "Parece que não foi especificado qual o id da Solicitação.";
      * Loading request
     $request = R::findOne('request', 'id=?', array($id));
      * Request exists
     if ($request == null) {
         echo 'Parece que a solicitação não existe.';
      * Creating PDF
     $pdf = new FPDI();
     /* *********************************************************
      * BEGIN  - HEADER
      ********************************************************* */
     $pdf->image(public_url('img/' . $this->config->item('system_report_logo')), 140, 5);
     $pdf->SetFont('Courier', 'B', 9);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, utf8_decode($this->config->item('system_name')), 0, 0, 'C');
     $pdf->SetFont('Courier', '', 9);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, utf8_decode("SOLICITAÇÃO DE INFORMAÇÃO"), 0, 0, 'C');
     /* *********************************************************
      * END - HEADER
      ********************************************************* */
     $pdf->SetFont('Courier', 'B', 9);
     $pdf->SetDrawColor(217, 217, 217);
     $pdf->SetFillColor(217, 217, 217);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 10, utf8_decode(' DADOS DA SOLICITAÇÃO'), 'LRTB', 0, 'L', true);
     $pdf->Cell(24, 10, utf8_decode(' PROTOCOLO: '), 'LTB', 0, 'L', false);
     $pdf->SetFont('Courier', '', 9);
     $pdf->Cell(110, 10, utf8_decode($request->protocol), 'TBR', 0, 'L', false);
     $pdf->SetFont('Courier', 'B', 9);
     $pdf->Cell(32, 10, utf8_decode(' SOLICITADA EM: '), 'TB', 0, 'L', false);
     $pdf->SetFont('Courier', '', 9);
     $pdf->Cell(111, 10, utf8_decode(mdate('%d/%m/%Y', strtotime($request->createdAt))), 'TBR', 0, 'L', false);
     $pdf->SetFont('Courier', 'B', 9);
     $pdf->Cell(24, 10, utf8_decode(' SITUAÇÃO: '), 'LB', 0, 'L', false);
     $pdf->SetFont('Courier', '', 9);
     $pdf->Cell(253, 10, utf8_decode(status_text($request->status)), 'TBR', 0, 'L', false);
     $pdf->SetFont('Courier', 'B', 9);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 10, utf8_decode(' SOLICITAÇÃO: '), 'LR', 0, 'L', false);
     $pdf->SetFont('Courier', '', 9);
     $pdf->MultiCell(0, 5, utf8_decode(' ' . $request->request), 'LR', 'L', false);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 4, '', 'LR', 0, 'L', false);
     $pdf->SetFont('Courier', 'B', 9);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 10, utf8_decode(' TRÂMITAÇÃO'), 'LRTB', 0, 'L', true);
     $pdf->SetFont('Courier', '', 9);
     $statuses = R::find('status', ' request_id = ? ORDER BY created_at ASC ', array($request->id));
     if (!count($statuses)) {
         $pdf->Cell(0, 10, utf8_decode(' Nenhuma trâmitação ainda'), 'LRB', 0, 'L', false);
     } else {
         foreach ($statuses as $s) {
             $pdf->SetFont('Courier', 'B', 9);
             $pdf->Cell(0, 10, utf8_decode(' ' . status_text($s->type) . ' [' . date('d/m/Y', strtotime($s->createdAt)) . ']'), 'LR', 0, 'L', false);
             $pdf->SetFont('Courier', '', 9);
             $pdf->MultiCell(0, 5, utf8_decode(' ' . $s->response), 'LRB', 'L', false);
コード例 #13
function generateStockoutTrendReport($conn)
    global $gTEXT;
    $CountryId = $_POST['Country'];
    $months = $_POST['MonthNumber'];
    $StartMonthId = $_POST['StartMonthId'];
    $EndMonthId = $_POST['EndMonthId'];
    $StartYearId = $_POST['StartYearId'];
    $EndYearId = $_POST['EndYearId'];
    $CountryName = $_POST['CountryName'];
    $MonthName = $_GET['MonthName'];
    if ($_POST['MonthNumber'] != 0) {
        $months = $_POST['MonthNumber'];
        $monthIndex = date("m");
        $yearIndex = date("Y");
        if ($monthIndex == 1) {
            $monthIndex = 12;
            $yearIndex = $yearIndex - 1;
        } else {
            $monthIndex = $monthIndex - 1;
            $endDate = $yearIndex . "-" . $monthIndex . "-" . "01";
            $startDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($endDate)) . "+" . -($months - 1) . " month"));
    } else {
        $startDate = $StartYearId . "-" . $StartMonthId . "-" . "01";
        $endDate = $EndYearId . "-" . $EndMonthId . "-" . "01";
        $months = getMonthsBtnTwoDate($startDate, $endDate) + 1;
        $monthIndex = $EndMonthId;
        $yearIndex = $EndYearId;
    settype($yearIndex, "integer");
    $month_name = array();
    $Tdetails = array();
    $sumRiskCount = array();
    $sumTR = 0;
    require_once 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
    require_once 'fpdf/fpdi.php';
    $pdf = new FPDI();
    $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);
    $html_head = '
        <h4 style="text-align:left;"><b>' . $gTEXT['Stockout trend Report of '] . '  ' . $CountryName . ' ' . $gTEXT['from'] . ' ' . date('M,Y', strtotime($startDate)) . ' ' . $gTEXT['to'] . ' ' . date('M,Y', strtotime($endDate)) . '</b></h4>
    $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 12, '', $html_head, '', 1, 1, false, 'L', true, $spacing = 0);
    $tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1);
    $pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, -5, 0, 200);
    //=====================================================Stockout Trend Table=======================================================
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $months; $i++) {
        $sql = " SELECT v.MosTypeId, MosTypeName, ColorCode, IFNULL(RiskCount,0) RiskCount FROM\n        \t\t    (SELECT p.MosTypeId, COUNT(*) RiskCount FROM (\n                     SELECT a.ItemNo, a.MOS,(SELECT MosTypeId FROM t_mostype x WHERE  a.MOS >= x.MinMos AND a.MOS < x.MaxMos) MosTypeId\n\t\t\t\t     FROM t_cnm_stockstatus a\n\t\t\t\t     WHERE a.MOS IS NOT NULL AND a.MonthId = " . $monthIndex . " AND Year = " . $yearIndex . " AND (CountryId = " . $CountryId . " OR " . $CountryId . " = 0)) p \n\t\t\t\t     GROUP BY p.MosTypeId) u\n\t\t\t\t     RIGHT JOIN t_mostype v ON u.MosTypeId = v.MosTypeId\n\t\t\t\t     GROUP BY v.MosTypeId";
        mysql_query("SET character_set_results=utf8");
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        $total = mysql_num_rows($result);
        $Pdetails = array();
        if ($total > 0) {
            while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                $Pdetails['MosTypeId'] = $aRow['MosTypeId'];
                $Pdetails['MonthIndex'] = $monthIndex;
                $Pdetails['MosTypeName'] = $aRow['MosTypeName'];
                $Pdetails['RiskCount'] = $aRow['RiskCount'];
                array_push($Tdetails, $Pdetails);
            $mn = date("M", mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthIndex, 1, 0));
            $mn = $mn . " " . $yearIndex;
            array_push($month_name, $mn);
        if ($monthIndex == 0) {
            $monthIndex = 12;
            $yearIndex = $yearIndex - 1;
    $veryHighRisk = array();
    $highRisk = array();
    $mediumRisk = array();
    $lowRisk = array();
    $noRisk = array();
    $areaName = array();
    $rmonth_name = array_reverse($month_name);
    $RTdetails = array_reverse($Tdetails);
    foreach ($RTdetails as $key => $value) {
        $MosTypeId = $value['MosTypeId'];
        $MonthIndex = $value['MonthIndex'];
        $MosTypeName = $value['MosTypeName'];
        $RiskCount = $value['RiskCount'];
        if ($MosTypeId == 1) {
            array_push($veryHighRisk, $RiskCount);
            array_push($areaName, $MosTypeName);
        } else {
            if ($MosTypeId == 2) {
                array_push($highRisk, $RiskCount);
                array_push($areaName, $MosTypeName);
            } else {
                if ($MosTypeId == 3) {
                    array_push($mediumRisk, $RiskCount);
                    array_push($areaName, $MosTypeName);
                } else {
                    if ($MosTypeId == 4) {
                        array_push($lowRisk, $RiskCount);
                        array_push($areaName, $MosTypeName);
                    } else {
                        if ($MosTypeId == 5) {
                            array_push($noRisk, $RiskCount);
                            array_push($areaName, $MosTypeName);
    $vhr = array();
    $hr = array();
    $mr = array();
    $lr = array();
    $nr = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($veryHighRisk); $i++) {
        $sumOfRiskCount = $veryHighRisk[$i] + $highRisk[$i] + $mediumRisk[$i] + $lowRisk[$i] + $noRisk[$i];
        if ($sumOfRiskCount == 0) {
            $sumOfRiskCount = 1;
        $newPercentVHR = number_format($veryHighRisk[$i] * 100 / $sumOfRiskCount, 1);
        $newPercentHR = number_format($highRisk[$i] * 100 / $sumOfRiskCount, 1);
        $newPercentMR = number_format($mediumRisk[$i] * 100 / $sumOfRiskCount, 1);
        $newPercentLR = number_format($lowRisk[$i] * 100 / $sumOfRiskCount, 1);
        $newPercentNR = number_format($noRisk[$i] * 100 / $sumOfRiskCount, 1);
        array_push($vhr, $newPercentVHR . "%");
        array_push($hr, $newPercentHR . "%");
        array_push($mr, $newPercentMR . "%");
        array_push($lr, $newPercentLR . "%");
        array_push($nr, $newPercentNR . "%");
    $unique = array_reverse(array_unique($areaName));
    array_unshift($vhr, "1", $unique[0]);
    array_unshift($hr, "2", $unique[1]);
    array_unshift($mr, "3", $unique[2]);
    array_unshift($lr, "4", $unique[3]);
    array_unshift($nr, "5", $unique[4]);
    $col = '';
    $col = '<tr><th width="38" align="left"><b>SL</b></th>';
    $col .= '<th width="38" align="left"><b>' . $gTEXT['MOS Type Name'] . '</b></th>';
    $f = 0;
    for ($f = 0; $f < count($rmonth_name); $f++) {
        $col .= '<th width="38" align="right"><b>' . $rmonth_name[$f] . '</b></th>';
    $col .= '</tr><tr>';
    $x = 0;
    for ($x = 0; $x < count($vhr); $x++) {
        $col .= '<td width="38" align="left"><b>' . $vhr[$x] . '</b></td>';
    $col .= '</tr><tr>';
    $x = 0;
    for ($x = 0; $x < count($hr); $x++) {
        $col .= '<td width="38" align="left"><b>' . $hr[$x] . '</b></td>';
    $col .= '</tr><tr>';
    $x = 0;
    for ($x = 0; $x < count($mr); $x++) {
        $col .= '<td width="38" align="left"><b>' . $mr[$x] . '</b></td>';
    $col .= '</tr><tr>';
    $x = 0;
    for ($x = 0; $x < count($lr); $x++) {
        $col .= '<td width="38" align="left"><b>' . $lr[$x] . '</b></td>';
    $col .= '</tr><tr>';
    $x = 0;
    for ($x = 0; $x < count($nr); $x++) {
        $col .= '<td width="38" align="left"><b>' . $nr[$x] . '</b></td>';
    $col .= '</tr>';
    $html_head = "<span><b>" . $gTEXT['Stockout Trend Data List'] . "</b></span>";
    $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 9);
    $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 12, 110, $html_head, '', 0, 0, false, 'L', true);
    $html = '
        <!-- EXAMPLE OF CSS STYLE -->
             height: 6px;
        <table width="550px" border="0.5" style="margin:0px auto;">' . $col . '</table></body>';
    $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 7);
    $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 10, 120, $html, '', 1, 1, false, 'C', true);
    $filePath = SITEDOCUMENT . 'administrator/components/com_jcode/source/report/pdfslice/StockoutTrendReport.pdf';
    if (file_exists($filePath)) {
    $pdf->Output('pdfslice/StockoutTrendReport.pdf', 'F');
    echo 'StockoutTrendReport.pdf';
コード例 #14
function generatePipelineReport($conn)
    global $gTEXT;
    $year = $_POST['YearId'];
    $MonthName = $_POST['MonthName'];
    $CountryName = $_POST['CountryName'];
    require_once 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
    require_once 'fpdf/fpdi.php';
    $pdf = new FPDI();
    $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);
    $html_head = "<span style='text-align:center;'><b>" . $gTEXT['National Stock Pipeline Information Report of'] . " " . $CountryName . " On " . $MonthName . ", " . $year . "</b></span>";
    $html = '
        <h4 style="text-align:center;"><b>' . $gTEXT['National Stock Pipeline Information Report of'] . '  ' . $CountryName . ' ' . $gTEXT['on'] . ' ' . $MonthName . ',' . $year . '</b></h4>
    $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 20, '', $html_head, '', 1, 1, false, 'C', true, $spacing = 0);
    $tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1);
    $pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, 3, 0, 200, 400);
    //=====================================================Pipeline Info List Table=======================================================
    $monthId = $_POST['MonthId'];
    $year = $_POST['YearId'];
    $countryId = $_POST['CountryId'];
    $itemGroupId = $_POST['ItemGroupId'];
    $currentYearMonth = $_POST['YearId'] . "-" . $_POST['MonthId'] . "-" . "01";
    $monthList = array('1' => 'January', '2' => 'February', '3' => 'March', '4' => 'April', '5' => 'May', '6' => 'June', '7' => 'July', '8' => 'August', '9' => 'September', '10' => 'October', '11' => 'November', '12' => 'December');
    $sWhere = "";
    if ($_POST['sSearch'] != "") {
        $sWhere = " WHERE (a.ItemName LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sSearch']) . "%'\n        OR " . " a.AMC LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sSearch']) . "%'\n        OR " . " a.ClStock LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sSearch']) . "%' \n        OR " . " a.MOS LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sSearch']) . "%'\n        OR " . " b.Qty LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sSearch']) . "%' \n        )";
    $sLimit = "";
    if (isset($_GET['iDisplayStart']) && $_GET['iDisplayLength'] != '-1') {
        $sLimit = "LIMIT " . intval($_GET['iDisplayStart']) . ", " . intval($_GET['iDisplayLength']);
    $sOrder = "";
    if (isset($_POST['iSortCol_0'])) {
        $sOrder = " ORDER BY  ";
        for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['iSortingCols']); $i++) {
            $sOrder .= fnColumnToField_Item(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['iSortCol_' . $i])) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sSortDir_' . $i]) . ", ";
        $sOrder = substr_replace($sOrder, "", -2);
    $sql = "  SELECT ItemName, IFNULL(AMC,0) AMC, IFNULL(ClStock,0) ClStock, IFNULL(MOS,0) MOS, IFNULL(Qty,0) StockOnOrder \n            FROM (SELECT\n                    t_cnm_masterstockstatus.CountryId,\n                    t_itemlist.ItemNo,\n                    t_itemlist.ItemName,\n                    SUM(t_cnm_stockstatus.AMC)    AMC,\n                    SUM(t_cnm_stockstatus.ClStock)    ClStock,\n                    SUM(t_cnm_stockstatus.MOS)    MOS\n                    FROM t_cnm_stockstatus\n                    INNER JOIN t_cnm_masterstockstatus\n                    ON (t_cnm_stockstatus.CNMStockId = t_cnm_masterstockstatus.CNMStockId)\n                    INNER JOIN t_itemlist\n                    ON (t_cnm_stockstatus.ItemNo = t_itemlist.ItemNo)\n                    WHERE (t_cnm_masterstockstatus.Year = '{$year}'\n                    AND t_cnm_masterstockstatus.MonthId = {$monthId}\n                    AND t_cnm_masterstockstatus.CountryId = {$countryId}\n                    AND t_cnm_masterstockstatus.ItemGroupId = {$itemGroupId}\n                    AND t_cnm_masterstockstatus.StatusId = 5)\n                    GROUP BY t_cnm_masterstockstatus.CountryId, t_itemlist.ItemNo, t_itemlist.ItemName) a \n            LEFT JOIN (SELECT\n                        CountryId, ItemNo, SUM(Qty) Qty\n                        FROM t_agencyshipment\n                        WHERE (ShipmentDate > CAST('{$currentYearMonth}' AS DATETIME)  AND ShipmentStatusId = 2)\n                        GROUP BY CountryId, ItemNo) b\n            ON a.CountryId = b.CountryId AND a.ItemNo = b.ItemNo\n            " . $sWhere . "\n            HAVING AMC>0 OR MOS>0 OR ClStock>0 OR StockOnOrder>0\n            ORDER BY ItemName\n            {$sLimit}";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
    $total = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if ($total > 0) {
        $data = array();
        $f = 0;
        $tblHTML = '';
        while ($rec = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            $data['SL'][$f] = $f;
            $data['ItemName'][$f] = $rec['ItemName'];
            $data['AMC'][$f] = number_format($rec['AMC']);
            $data['ClStock'][$f] = number_format($rec['ClStock']);
            $data['MOS'][$f] = number_format($rec['MOS'], 1);
            $data['StockOnOrder'][$f] = $rec['StockOnOrder'] == 0 ? '' : $rec['StockOnOrder'];
            $amc = $rec['AMC'] == 0 ? 1 : $rec['AMC'];
            $stockOnOrderMOS = $rec['StockOnOrder'] / $amc;
            $stockOnOrderMOS = $stockOnOrderMOS == 0 ? '' : number_format($stockOnOrderMOS, 1);
            $totalMOS = number_format(number_format($rec['MOS'], 1) + $stockOnOrderMOS, 1);
            $totalMOS = $totalMOS == 0 ? '' : $totalMOS;
            //$data['StockOnOrderMOS'][$f] = $rec['StockOnOrderMOS']== 0? '' : $rec['StockOnOrderMOS'];
            //$data['TotalMOS'][$f] = $rec['TotalMOS']== 0? '' : $rec['TotalMOS'];
            $tblHTML .= '<tr style="page-break-inside:avoid;">
                            <td align="center" width="20" valign="middle">' . ($data['SL'][$f] + 1) . '</td>  
                            <td align="left" width="150" valign="middle">' . $data['ItemName'][$f] . '</td>
                            <td align="right" width="50" valign="middle">' . $data['AMC'][$f] . '</td>
                            <td align="right" width="70" valign="middle">' . $data['ClStock'][$f] . '</td>
                            <td align="right" width="74" valign="middle">' . $data['MOS'][$f] . '</td>
                            <td align="right" width="50" valign="middle">' . $data['StockOnOrder'][$f] . '</td>
                            <td align="right" width="70" valign="middle">' . $stockOnOrderMOS . '</td>
                            <td align="right" width="50" valign="middle">' . $totalMOS . '</td> 
        $html_head = "<span><b>" . $gTEXT['National Stock Pipeline Information List'] . "</b></span>";
        $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 10);
        $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 10, 15, $html_head, '', 0, 0, false, 'C', true);
        $html = '
            <!-- EXAMPLE OF CSS STYLE -->
                 height: 6px;
            <table width="600px" border="0.5" style="margin:0 auto;">
            		<th width="20" align="center"><b>SL</b></th>
                    <th width="150" align="left"><b>' . $gTEXT['Products'] . '</b></th>
                    <th width="50" align="right"><b>' . $gTEXT['AMC'] . '</b></th>
            		<th width="70" align="right"><b>' . $gTEXT['Available Stock'] . '</b></th>
            		<th width="74" align="right"><b>' . $gTEXT['MOS(Available)'] . '</b></th>
            		<th width="50"  align="right"><b>' . $gTEXT['Stock on Order'] . '</b></th>
                    <th width="70"  align="right"><b>' . $gTEXT['MOS(pipeline)'] . '</b></th>
                    <th width="50"  align="right"><b>' . $gTEXT['Total MOS'] . '</b></th>
            	  </tr>' . $tblHTML . '</table></body>';
        $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 7);
        $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', 25, $html, '', 1, 1, false, 'L', true);
        $filePath = SITEDOCUMENT . 'administrator/components/com_jcode/source/report/pdfslice/PipelineInfoReport.pdf';
        if (file_exists($filePath)) {
        $pdf->Output('pdfslice/PipelineInfoReport.pdf', 'F');
        echo 'PipelineInfoReport.pdf';
    } else {
        echo 'Processing Error';
コード例 #15
         $pdf->Write(0, ucwords(strtolower($_POST['precioPlanPrimario32'])));
     case 4:
         $pdf->Write(0, utf8_decode(ucwords(strtolower($_POST['otroPlanTelefono']))));
 //                    $pdf->SetFillColor(232,232,232);
 $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8);
 $pdf->Cell(70, 4, 'Costos Minutos Adicionales', 'TRLB', 0, 'C');
 $pdf->SetFillColor(0, 0, 0);
 // establece el color del fondo de la celda (en este caso es AZUL
 $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 255, 255);
 $pdf->Cell(21, 4, 'Precio (sin IGV)', 'TRLB', 0, 'C', True);
 $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
 $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8);
 $pdf->SetFillColor(229, 229, 229);
 // establece el color del fondo de la celda (en este caso es AZUL
 $pdf->Cell(70, 4, utf8_decode('Descripción'), 'TLR', 0, 'Q', True);
 $pdf->Cell(21, 4, 'P.Unit S/', 'TRL', 0, 'Q', True);
 $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8);
 $pdf->Cell(70, 4, 'Costo por minuto local Offnet', 'TLR', 0, 'Q');
コード例 #16
function generatePatientRatioReport($conn)
    global $gTEXT;
    $CountryName = $_POST['CountryName'];
    $MonthName = $_POST['MonthName'];
    $ItemGroupName = $_POST['ItemGroupName'];
    $countryId = $_POST['Country'];
    $year = $_POST['YearId'];
    $MonthId = $_POST['MonthId'];
    $serviceType = $_POST['serviceType'];
    require_once 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
    require_once 'fpdf/fpdi.php';
    $pdf = new FPDI();
    $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);
    if ($serviceType == '') {
        $html_head = "<span style='text-align:center;font-size:10px;'><b>" . $gTEXT['All'] . " " . $gTEXT['Patient Ratio Report of'] . " " . $CountryName . " " . $gTEXT['on'] . " " . $MonthName . "," . $year . "</b></span>";
        $html_h = '
        <!-- EXAMPLE OF CSS STYLE -->
        <h4 style="text-align:center;"><b>' . $gTEXT['Patient Ratio Report'] . ' ' . $gTEXT['on'] . ' ' . $MonthName . ',' . $year . '</b></h4>
        <h4>' . $gTEXT['Country'] . ': ' . $CountryName . ', ' . $gTEXT['Service Type'] . ': ' . $gTEXT['All'] . ', ' . $gTEXT['Product Group'] . ': ' . $ItemGroupName . '</h4>
        $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 10, '', $html_h, '', 1, 1, false, 'C', true, $spacing = 0);
    } else {
        $html_head = "<span style='text-align:center;font-size:10px;'><b> " . $serviceType . " " . $gTEXT['Patient Ratio Report of'] . " " . $CountryName . " " . $gTEXT['on'] . " " . $MonthName . "," . $year . "</b></span>";
        $html_h = '
        <!-- EXAMPLE OF CSS STYLE -->
        <h4 style="text-align:center;"><b>' . $gTEXT['Patient Ratio Report'] . ' ' . $gTEXT['on'] . ' ' . $MonthName . ',' . $year . '</b></h4>
        <h4>' . $gTEXT['Country'] . ': ' . $CountryName . ', ' . $gTEXT['Service Type'] . ': ' . $serviceType . ', ' . $gTEXT['Product Group'] . ': ' . $ItemGroupName . '</h4>
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    $pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, 0, 20, 200);
    //===================================================== Patient Ratio Table=======================================================
    $countryId = $_POST['Country'];
    $ItemGroupId = $_POST['ItemGroupId'];
    $year = $_POST['YearId'];
    $MonthId = $_POST['MonthId'];
    $FormulationType = $_POST['serviceType'];
    $lan = $_REQUEST['lan'];
    if ($lan == 'en-GB') {
        $formulationName = 'FormulationName';
    } else {
        $formulationName = 'FormulationNameFrench';
    mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8');
    $sq2 = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS t_regimen.FormulationId,{$formulationName} FormulationName,\n                t_cnm_regimenpatient.RegimenId,t_regimen.RegimenName\n                ,SUM(IFNULL(TotalPatient,0)) TotalPatient\n                FROM t_cnm_regimenpatient\n                INNER JOIN t_regimen ON t_cnm_regimenpatient.RegimenId = t_regimen.RegimenId\n                INNER JOIN t_formulation ON t_regimen.FormulationId  = t_formulation.FormulationId \n                \n                where (t_cnm_regimenpatient.CountryId = " . $countryId . " OR " . $countryId . " = 0)\n                 AND (t_cnm_regimenpatient.Year = '" . $year . "') \n                 AND (t_cnm_regimenpatient.MonthId = " . $MonthId . ") \n                 AND (t_cnm_regimenpatient.ItemGroupId = " . $ItemGroupId . ")\n                 AND ({$formulationName} = '" . $FormulationType . "' OR '" . $FormulationType . "' = '')\n                 AND t_formulation.bMajore = 1\t \n                GROUP BY t_regimen.FormulationId,{$formulationName},\n                t_cnm_regimenpatient.RegimenId,t_regimen.RegimenName\n                ORDER BY t_regimen.FormulationId,t_cnm_regimenpatient.RegimenId;";
    $rResult1 = safe_query($sq2);
    $gTotal = 0;
    $groupTotal = 0;
    $count = 1;
    $series1GroupTotal = array();
    $series1GroupName = array();
    $preServiceTypeId = -1;
    $preServiceTypeName = '';
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult1)) {
        if (!is_null($row['TotalPatient'])) {
            settype($row['TotalPatient'], "integer");
            $gTotal += $row['TotalPatient'];
        if ($count > 1) {
            if ($preServiceTypeId != $row['FormulationId']) {
                $series1GroupTotal[$preServiceTypeId] = $groupTotal;
                $series1GroupName[$preServiceTypeId] = $preServiceTypeName;
                $groupTotal = 0;
        $preServiceTypeId = $row['FormulationId'];
        $preServiceTypeName = $row['FormulationName'];
        $groupTotal += $row['TotalPatient'] == null ? 0 : $row['TotalPatient'];
    $series1GroupTotal[$preServiceTypeId] = $groupTotal;
    $series1GroupName[$preServiceTypeId] = $preServiceTypeName;
    $gTotal = $gTotal == 0 ? 1 : $gTotal;
    $result3 = safe_query($sq2);
    $total = mysql_num_rows($result3);
    if ($total > 0) {
        $tmpServiceTypeId = -1;
        $TotalPercent = 0;
        $serial = 1;
        if ($FormulationType == '') {
            $htm = '';
            while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($result3)) {
                if ($tmpServiceTypeId != $aRow['FormulationId']) {
                    $formulationName = trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', addslashes($aRow['FormulationName'])));
                    $s1groupTotal = $series1GroupTotal[$aRow['FormulationId']];
                    $gPercent = number_format($s1groupTotal * 100 / ($gTotal == 0 ? 1 : $gTotal), 1) . ' %';
                    $TotalPercent += $gPercent;
                    $htm .= '<tr>
                            <td style="text-align: left;">' . $serial++ . '</td>
                            <td style="text-align: left;">' . $aRow['FormulationName'] . '</td>
                            <td style="text-align: right;">' . number_format($s1groupTotal) . '</td>
                            <td style="text-align: right;">' . $gPercent . '</td>
                $tmpServiceTypeId = $aRow['FormulationId'];
            $htm .= '<tr>
	                 <td style="background-color:#ffffff;border-radius:2px;align:center;" colspan="2">Total</td>';
            $htm .= ' <td style="background-color:#ffffff;border-radius:2px;text-align:right;" >' . number_format($gTotal) . '</td>';
            $htm .= ' <td style="background-color:#ffffff;border-radius:2px;text-align:right;" >' . $TotalPercent . '%' . '</td>
        } else {
            $htm = '';
            while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($result3)) {
                $regimenName = trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', addslashes($aRow['RegimenName'])));
                $s1groupTotal = $series1GroupTotal[$aRow['FormulationId']];
                $s1groupTotal1 = $s1groupTotal == 0 ? 1 : $s1groupTotal;
                $totalPatient = $aRow['TotalPatient'];
                settype($totalPatient, "float");
                $fPercent = number_format($totalPatient * 100 / $s1groupTotal1, 1) . ' %';
                $TotalPercent += $fPercent;
                $htm .= '<tr>
                        <td style="text-align: left;">' . $serial++ . '</td>
                        <td style="text-align: left;">' . $aRow['RegimenName'] . '</td>
                        <td style="text-align: right;">' . number_format($aRow['TotalPatient']) . '</td>
                        <td style="text-align: right;">' . $fPercent . '</td>
            $htm .= '<tr>
	                 <td style="background-color:#ffffff;border-radius:2px;align:center;" colspan="2">Total</td>';
            $htm .= ' <td style="background-color:#ffffff;border-radius:2px;text-align:right;" >' . number_format($s1groupTotal) . '</td>';
            $htm .= ' <td style="background-color:#ffffff;border-radius:2px;text-align:right;" >' . $TotalPercent . '%' . '</td>
        $html_head = "<span><b>" . $gTEXT['Patient Ratio Data List'] . "</b></span>";
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        $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, 10, 150, $html_head, '', 0, 0, false, 'C', true);
        $html = '
        <!-- EXAMPLE OF CSS STYLE -->
             height: 6px;
            height: 20;
        <table width="650px" border="0.5" style="margin:0 auto;">
        	  <tr style="page-break-inside:avoid;">
        		<th width="30" align="center"><b>SL#</b></th>
                <th width="200" align="left"><b>' . $gTEXT['Type'] . '</b></th>
                <th width="110" align="right"><b>' . $gTEXT['Patients'] . '</b></th>
        		<th width="110" align="right"><b>' . $gTEXT['Patient Percent'] . '</b></th>
        	    </tr>' . $htm . '</table></body>';
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        $pdf->Output('pdfslice/Patient_Ratio_Report.pdf', 'F');
        echo 'Patient_Ratio_Report.pdf';
    } else {
        echo 'Processing Error';