コード例 #1
    function new_notice($option, $notices, $ntask, $doc_id, $course_id, $row = array())
        global $Itemid;
		<form action="" method="POST" name="form_pgnotice">
		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="80%" align="center">
				<th colspan="2" class="sectiontableheader">
				<td colspan="2">
					<textarea name="p_notice" id="p_notice" style="width:400px; height:120px;"><?php 
        if (count($row)) {
            echo $row->notice;
					<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" align="right">
        if (count($row)) {
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="v_id" value="' . $row->id . '">';
									<input type="button" value="<?php 
            echo _JLMS_SAVE_ALT_TITLE;
" onclick="pn_validate_edit();" />
        } else {
									<input type="button" value="<?php 
            echo _JLMS_SAVE_ALT_TITLE;
" onclick="pn_validate();" />
								<input type="button" value="<?php 
        echo _JLMS_CLOSE_ALT_TITLE;
" onclick="$('sbox-btn-close').fireEvent('click');" />
        FLMS_page_notice::view_notice($notices, $option, $ntask, $doc_id, $course_id);
コード例 #2
function JLMS_view_all_notices($option)
    global $JLMS_DB, $my, $JLMS_CONFIG, $JLMS_SESSION;
    JLMS_ShowHeading($JLMS_CONFIG->get('jlms_heading'), true);
    $limit = intval(mosGetParam($_GET, 'limit', $JLMS_SESSION->get('list_limit', $JLMS_CONFIG->get('list_limit'))));
    $JLMS_SESSION->set('list_limit', $limit);
    $limitstart = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limitstart', 0));
    $course_id = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'course_id', 0));
    $lists = array();
    if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('multicat_use', 0)) {
        $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_course_cats_config ORDER BY id";
        $lists['levels'] = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
        if (count($lists['levels']) == 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
                if ($i > 0) {
                    $lists['levels'][$i]->cat_name = _JLMS_COURSES_COURSES_GROUPS;
                } else {
                    $lists['levels'][$i]->cat_name = _JLMS_COURSES_COURSES_GROUPS;
        $level_id = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($lists['levels']); $i++) {
            if ($i == 0) {
                $level_id[$i] = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'filter_id_' . $i . '', $JLMS_SESSION->get('FLMS_filter_id_' . $i . '', 0)));
                $_REQUEST['filter_id_' . $i] = $level_id[$i];
                $JLMS_SESSION->set('FLMS_filter_id_' . $i . '', $level_id[$i]);
            } else {
                $level_id[$i] = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'filter_id_' . $i . '', $JLMS_SESSION->get('FLMS_filter_id_' . $i . '', 0)));
                $_REQUEST['filter_id_' . $i] = $level_id[$i];
                $JLMS_SESSION->set('FLMS_filter_id_' . $i . '', $level_id[$i]);
            if ($i == 0) {
                $parent_id[$i] = 0;
            } else {
                $parent_id[$i] = $level_id[$i - 1];
            $query = "SELECT count(id) FROM `#__lms_course_cats` WHERE parent = '" . $parent_id[$i] . "' ORDER BY c_category";
            $groups = $JLMS_DB->loadResult();
            if ($groups == 0) {
                $level_id[$i] = 0;
                $JLMS_SESSION->set('FLMS_filter_id_' . $i . '', $level_id[$i]);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($lists['levels']); $i++) {
            if ($i > 0 && $level_id[$i - 1] == 0) {
                $level_id[$i] = 0;
                $_REQUEST['filter_id_' . $i] = $level_id[$i];
                $JLMS_SESSION->set('FLMS_filter_id_' . $i . '', $level_id[$i]);
                $parent_id[$i] = 0;
            } elseif ($i == 0 && $level_id[$i] == 0) {
                $level_id[$i] = 0;
                $_REQUEST['filter_id_' . $i] = $level_id[$i];
                $JLMS_SESSION->set('FLMS_filter_id_' . $i . '', $level_id[$i]);
                $parent_id[$i] = 0;
        $javascript = 'onclick="javascript:read_filter();" onchange="javascript:write_filter();document.adminForm.task.value=\'view_all_notices\';document.adminForm.submit();"';
        $query1 = "SELECT group_id FROM `#__lms_users_in_global_groups` WHERE user_id = '" . $my->id . "'";
        $user_group_ids = $JLMS_DB->loadResultArray();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($lists['levels']); $i++) {
            if ($parent_id[$i] == 0) {
                $query = "SELECT * FROM `#__lms_course_cats` WHERE `parent` = '0'";
                $query .= "\n AND (";
                if (count($user_group_ids)) {
                	$query .= "( `restricted` = 1 AND ( `groups` LIKE '%|$user_group_ids[0]|%'";
                	for($i1=1;$i1<count($user_group_ids);$i1++) {
                		$query .= "\n OR `groups` like '%|$user_group_ids[$i1]|%'";
                	$query .=  "\n ) ) \n OR ";
                $query .= "(`restricted` = 0 )) ";
                $query .= "\n ORDER BY `c_category`";
            } else {
                $query = "SELECT * FROM `#__lms_course_cats` WHERE parent = '" . $parent_id[$i] . "' ORDER BY c_category";
            $groups = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
            if ($parent_id[$i] && $i > 0 && count($groups)) {
                $type_level[$i][] = mosHTML::makeOption(0, ' &nbsp; ');
                foreach ($groups as $group) {
                    $type_level[$i][] = mosHTML::makeOption($group->id, $group->c_category);
                $lists['filter_' . $i . ''] = mosHTML::selectList($type_level[$i], 'filter_id_' . $i . '', 'class="inputbox" size="1" ' . $javascript, 'value', 'text', $level_id[$i]);
                //onchange="document.location.href=\''. $link_multi .'\';"
            } elseif ($i == 0) {
                $type_level[$i][] = mosHTML::makeOption(0, ' &nbsp; ');
                foreach ($groups as $group) {
                    $type_level[$i][] = mosHTML::makeOption($group->id, $group->c_category);
                $lists['filter_' . $i . ''] = mosHTML::selectList($type_level[$i], 'filter_id_' . $i . '', 'class="inputbox" size="1" ' . $javascript, 'value', 'text', $level_id[$i]);
                //onchange="document.location.href=\''. $link_multi .'\';"
    //FLMS multicat
    $where = '';
    if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('multicat_use', 0)) {
        //		$tmp_level = array();
        $last_catid = 0;
        $tmp_cats_filter = JLMS_getFilterMulticategories($last_catid);
        foreach($_REQUEST as $key=>$item){
        	if(preg_match('#filter_id_(\d+)#', $key, $result)){
        			$tmp_level[$i] = $result;
        			$last_catid = $item;
        $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_course_cats ORDER BY id";
        $all_cats = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
        $tmp_cats_filter = array();
        $children = array();
        foreach($all_cats as $cat){
        	$pt = $cat->parent;
        	$list = @$children[$pt] ? $children[$pt] : array();
        	array_push($list, $cat->id);
        	$children[$pt] = $list;
        $tmp_cats_filter[0] = $last_catid;
        foreach($children as $key=>$childs){
        	if($last_catid == $key){
        		foreach($children[$key] as $v){
        			if(!in_array($v, $tmp_cats_filter)){
        				$tmp_cats_filter[$i] = $v;
        foreach($children as $key=>$childs){
        	if(in_array($key, $tmp_cats_filter)){
        		foreach($children[$key] as $v){
        			if(!in_array($v, $tmp_cats_filter)){
        				$tmp_cats_filter[$i] = $v;
        $tmp_cats_filter = array_unique($tmp_cats_filter);
        $catids = implode(",", $tmp_cats_filter);
        if ($last_catid && count($tmp_cats_filter)) {
            $where .= "\n AND ( a.cat_id IN (" . $catids . ")";
            if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('sec_cat_use', 0)) {
                foreach ($tmp_cats_filter as $tmp_cats_filter_one) {
                    $where .= "\n OR a.sec_cat LIKE '%|" . $tmp_cats_filter_one . "|%'";
            $where .= "\n )";
    $query = "SELECT a.id as value, a.course_name as text" . "\n FROM #__lms_courses as a" . "\n WHERE a.id > 0" . "\n {$where}";
    $courses = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
    //	echo '<pre>';
    //	print_r($courses);
    //	echo '</pre>';
    $courses_ids = array();
    foreach ($courses as $course) {
        $courses_ids[] = $course->value;
    $str_courses_ids = implode(",", $courses_ids);
    $f_courses = array();
    $f_courses[] = mosHTML::makeOption(0, '&nbsp;');
    $f_courses = array_merge($f_courses, $courses);
    $lists['f_course'] = mosHTML::selectList($f_courses, 'course_id', 'class="inputbox" size="1" style="width: 100%;" ' . $javascript, 'value', 'text', $course_id);
    $query = "SELECT a.*, b.course_name " . "\n FROM #__lms_page_notices as a" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__lms_courses as b ON a.course_id = b.id" . "\n WHERE a.usr_id = '" . $my->id . "'" . ($level_id[0] ? "\n AND a.course_id IN (" . $str_courses_ids . ")" : '') . ($course_id ? "\n AND a.course_id = '" . $course_id . "'" : '') . "\n ORDER BY a.data DESC";
    $lists['my_notices'] = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
    $total = count($lists['my_notices']);
    require_once _JOOMLMS_FRONT_HOME . DS . "includes" . DS . "classes" . DS . "lms.pagination.php";
    $pageNav = new JLMSPageNav($total, $limitstart, $limit);
    FLMS_page_notice::show_all_notices($option, $lists, $total, $pageNav, $limitstart, $limit);