コード例 #1
 function mkEzOptions()
     if (!empty($this->ezOptions)) {
     $o = new EzTextArea('text_leadin');
     $o->before = "<b>" . __('Lead-in AdSense Text', 'easy-adsenser') . "</b>&nbsp;";
     $o->desc = __('(Appears near the beginning of the post)', 'easy-adsenser') . '<br />';
     $o->style = "width: 95%; height: 130px;";
     $o->width = "50";
     $o->height = "15";
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['text_leadin'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'text_midtext';
     $o->before = "<b>" . __('Mid-Post AdSense Text', 'easy-adsenser') . "</b>&nbsp;";
     $o->desc = __('(Appears near the middle of the post)', 'easy-adsenser') . '<br />';
     $this->ezOptions['text_midtext'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'text_leadout';
     $o->before = "<b>" . __('Post Lead-out AdSense Text', 'easy-adsenser') . "</b>&nbsp;";
     $o->desc = __('(Appears near the end of the post)', 'easy-adsenser') . '<br />';
     $this->ezOptions['text_leadout'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'text_widget';
     $o->before = "<b>" . __('AdSense Widget Text', 'easy-adsenser') . "</b>&nbsp;";
     $o->desc = __('(Appears in the Sidebar as a Widget)', 'easy-adsenser') . '<br />';
     $o->style = "width: 95%; height: 110px;";
     $this->ezOptions['text_widget'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'text_lu';
     $o->before = "<b>" . __('AdSense Link-Units Text', 'easy-adsenser') . "</b>&nbsp;";
     $o->desc = __('(Appears in the Sidebar as a Widget)', 'easy-adsenser') . '<br />';
     $this->ezOptions['text_lu'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'text_gsearch';
     $o->before = "<b>" . __('Google Search Widget', 'easy-adsenser') . "</b>&nbsp;";
     $o->desc = __('(Adds a Google Search Box to your sidebar)', 'easy-adsenser') . '<br />';
     $this->ezOptions['text_gsearch'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzText('wc_leadin');
     $o->title = __('Suppress this ad block if the post is not at least this many words long. Enter 0 or a small number if you do not want to suppress ads based on the number of words in the page/post.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Min. Word Count', 'easy-adsenser') . ':';
     $o->style = "width:40px;text-align:center;";
     $this->ezOptions['wc_leadin'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'wc_midtext';
     $this->ezOptions['wc_midtext'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'wc_leadout';
     $this->ezOptions['wc_leadout'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzText('margin_leadin');
     $o->title = __('Use the margin setting to trim margins. Decreasing the margin moves the ad block left and up. Margin can be negative.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Margin:', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->style = "width:30px;text-align:center;";
     $o->after = ' px<br />';
     $this->ezOptions['margin_leadin'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'margin_midtext';
     $this->ezOptions['margin_midtext'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'margin_leadout';
     $this->ezOptions['margin_leadout'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'margin_widget';
     $this->ezOptions['margin_widget'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'margin_lu';
     $this->ezOptions['margin_lu'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'margin_gsearch';
     $this->ezOptions['margin_gsearch'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('force_midad');
     $o->title = __('Force mid-text ad (if enabled) even in short posts.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Force Mid-post Ad', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->labelWidth = "43%";
     $this->ezOptions['force_midad'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzSelect('header_leadin');
     $o->title = __('Select where you would like to show the lead-in ad block. A placement above or below the blog header would be suitable for a wide AdSense block.', 'easy-adsenser') . "<br />" . __('Note that <b>Below Header</b> and <b>End of Page</b> options are hacks that may not be compatible with the WordPress default widget for <b>Recent Posts</b> or anything else that may use DB queries or loops. If you have problems with your sidebars and/or font sizes, please choose some other <b>Postion</b> option.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Position:', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->style = "width:30%;";
     $o->addChoice('send_headers', 'send_headers', __('Above Header', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('loop_start', 'loop_start', __('Above Post Title', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('the_content', 'the_content', __('Below Header', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('default', '', __('Beginning of Post', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $this->ezOptions['header_leadin'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzSelect('show_leadin');
     $o->title = __('Decide whether to show this AdSense block, and specify how to align it.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Show:', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->style = "width:38%;";
     $o->addChoice('no', 'no', __('Suppress Lead-in Ad', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('float:left', 'float:left', __('Align Left', 'easy-adsenser') . ', ' . __('Text-wrapped', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('text-align:left', 'text-align:left', __('Align Left', 'easy-adsenser') . ', ' . __('No wrap', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('text-align:center', 'text-align:center', __('Center', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('float:right', 'float:right', __('Align Right', 'easy-adsenser') . ', ' . __('Text-wrapped', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('text-align:right', 'text-align:right', __('Align Right', 'easy-adsenser') . ', ' . __('No wrap', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $this->ezOptions['show_leadin'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'show_midtext';
     $o->addChoice('no', 'no', __('Suppress Mid-post Ad', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $choice = array_pop($o->choices);
     array_unshift($o->choices, $choice);
     $this->ezOptions['show_midtext'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'show_leadout';
     $o->addChoice('no', 'no', __('Suppress Lead-out Ad', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $choice = array_pop($o->choices);
     array_unshift($o->choices, $choice);
     $this->ezOptions['show_leadout'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzSelect('footer_leadout');
     $o->title = __('Select where you would like to show the lead-out ad block. A placement above or below the blog footer would be suitable for a wide AdSense block.', 'easy-adsenser') . __('<br />Note that <b>Below Header</b> and <b>End of Page</b> options are hacks that may not be compatible with the WordPress default widget for <b>Recent Posts</b> or anything else that may use DB queries or loops. If you have problems with your sidebars and/or font sizes, please choose some other <b>Position</b> option.' . 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Position:', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->style = "width:30%;";
     $o->addChoice('default', '', __('End of Post', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('loop_end', 'loop_end', __('End of Page', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('get_footer', 'get_footer', __('Above Footer', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('wp_footer', 'wp_footer', __('Below Footer', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $this->ezOptions['footer_leadout'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzRadioBox('max_count');
     $o->desc = "<b>" . __('Option on Google Policy', 'easy-adsenser') . "</b>";
     $o->title = __('Google policy allows no more than three ad blocks and three link units per page', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->addChoice('3', '3', __('Three ad blocks (including the side bar widget, if enabled).', 'easy-adsenser'))->after = "<br />";
     $o->addChoice('2', '2', __('Two ad blocks.', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('1', '1', __('One ad block.', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('0', '0', __('No ad blocks in posts.', 'easy-adsenser'))->after = "<br />";
     $o->addChoice('99', '99', __('Any number of ad blocks (At your own risk!)', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['max_count'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('kill_page');
     $o->title = __('Do not show ads on pages. Ad will appear on posts. Please see the differece at http://support.wordpress.com/post-vs-page/', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Pages (Ads only on Posts)', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->before = "&nbsp;";
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['kill_page'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('kill_sticky');
     $o->title = __('Suppress ads on sticky front page. Sticky front page is a post used as the front page of the blog.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Sticky Front Page', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->labelWidth = "35%";
     $this->ezOptions['kill_sticky'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('kill_home');
     $o->title = __('Home Page and Front Page are the same for most blogs', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Home Page', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->labelWidth = "25%";
     $this->ezOptions['kill_home'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('kill_front_page');
     $o->title = __('Home Page and Front Page are the same for most blogs', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Front Page', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->labelWidth = "30%";
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['kill_front_page'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('kill_category');
     $o->title = __('Pages that come up when you click on category names', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Category Pages', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->labelWidth = "35%";
     $this->ezOptions['kill_category'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('kill_tag');
     $o->title = __('Pages that come up when you click on tag names', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Tag Pages', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->labelWidth = "25%";
     $this->ezOptions['kill_tag'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('kill_archive');
     $o->title = __('Pages that come up when you click on year/month archives', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Archive Pages', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->labelWidth = "30%";
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['kill_archive'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('kill_search');
     $o->title = __('Pages showing search results', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Search Results', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->labelWidth = "35%";
     $this->ezOptions['kill_search'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('kill_single');
     $o->title = __('Posts (ads will be shown only on other kind of pages as specified in these checkboxes)', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Single Posts', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->labelWidth = "25%";
     $this->ezOptions['kill_single'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('kill_attachment');
     $o->title = __('Pages that show attachments', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Attachment Page', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->labelWidth = "30%";
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['kill_attachment'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('force_widget');
     $o->title = __('If the sidebar widget is enabled, it will be displayed in preference to the ad blocks in the text. If this option is not checked, it may happen that the number of ad blocks you selected above may get used up by the ones in the post body.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Prioritize sidebar widget. (Always shows the widget, if enabled.)', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['force_widget'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('show_borders');
     $o->title = __('Google Policy says that you may not direct user attention to the ads via arrows or other graphical gimmicks. Please convince yourself that showing a mouseover decoration does not violate this Google statement before enabling this option.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Show a border around the ads?', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->after = "&nbsp;";
     $this->ezOptions['show_borders'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('border_widget');
     $o->title = __('Show the same border on the sidebar widget as well?', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Widget?', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->before = "&nbsp;";
     $o->after = "&nbsp;";
     $this->ezOptions['border_widget'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('border_lu');
     $o->title = __('Show the same border on the link units too?', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Link Units?', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->before = "&nbsp;";
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['border_lu'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzText('border_width');
     $o->title = __('Specify the border width.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Width', 'easy-adsenser') . ':&nbsp;';
     $o->style = "width:25px;text-align:center;";
     $this->ezOptions['border_width'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzText('border_normal');
     $o->title = __('Specify the border colors.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Colors:&nbsp; Normal', 'easy-adsenser') . ':#';
     $o->style = "width:65px;text-align:center;";
     $o->after = "&nbsp;";
     $this->ezOptions['border_normal'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzText('border_color');
     $o->title = __('Specify the border colors.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Hover', 'easy-adsenser') . ':#';
     $o->style = "width:65px;text-align:center;";
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['border_color'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('kill_inline');
     $o->title = __('All <code>&lt;div&gt;</code>s that <em>Easy Plugin for AdSense</em> creates have the class attribute <code>adsense</code>. Furthermore, they have class attributes like <code>adsense-leadin</code>, <code>adsense-midtext</code>, <code>adsense-leadout</code>, <code>adsense-widget</code> and <code>adsense-lu</code> depending on the type. You can set the style for these classes in your theme <code>style.css</code> to control their appearance.<br />If this is all Greek to you, please leave the option unchecked.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Suppress in-line styles (Control ad-blocks using style.css)', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $o->tipWidth = 350;
     $this->ezOptions['kill_inline'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('kill_linebreaks');
     $o->title = __('If you find that you have extra vertical spaces or if your ad code is messed up with <code><</code><code>p></code> or <code><</code><code>br /></code> tags, try checking this option.<br />Under normal cirumstances, this option should be left unchecked.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Prevent spurious line breaks', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['kill_linebreaks'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzRadioBox('show_widget');
     $o->title = __('Decide where (or whether) to show this widget and how to align it.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->addChoice('text-align:left', 'text-align:left', __('Align Left', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('text-align:center', 'text-align:center', __('Center', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('text-align:right', 'text-align:right', __('Align Right', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('no', 'no', __('Suppress Widget', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['show_widget'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzRadioBox('show_lu');
     $o->title = __('Decide where (or whether) to show this widget and how to align it.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->addChoice('text-align:left', 'text-align:left', __('Align Left', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('text-align:center', 'text-align:center', __('Center', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('text-align:right', 'text-align:right', __('Align Right', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->addChoice('no', 'no', __('Suppress Widget', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['show_lu'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzText('title_widget');
     $o->title = __('Give a title to your widget -- something like Sponsored Links or Advertisements would be good. You can also suppress the title by checking the box to the right.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Widget Title:', 'easy-adsenser') . "&nbsp;";
     $o->style = "width:220px";
     $o->after = "&nbsp;";
     $this->ezOptions['title_widget'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'title_lu';
     $this->ezOptions['title_lu'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('kill_widget_title');
     $o->title = __('Check this box to suppress the title for this widget.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Hide Title', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['kill_widget_title'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'kill_lu_title';
     $this->ezOptions['kill_lu_title'] = clone $o;
     $o->name = 'kill_gsearch_title';
     $this->ezOptions['kill_gsearch_title'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzRadioBox('title_gsearch');
     $o->title = __('Choose a title for your Google Search Widget. Depending on your theme background, you can choose a dark or light image, or a custom text title. You can also suppress the widget altogether.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->addChoice('dark', 'dark', "<img src='{$this->plgURL}/google-dark.gif' alt='Google (dark)' style='background:black;vertical-align:-40%;' />")->after = "&nbsp;";
     $o->addChoice('light', 'light', "<img src='{$this->plgURL}/google-light.gif' alt='Google (light)' style='background:white;vertical-align:-40%;' />")->after = "&nbsp;";
     $o->addChoice('no', 'no', __('Suppress Search Box', 'easy-adsenser'))->after = "<br />";
     $o->addChoice('customized', 'customized', __('Custom Title:', 'easy-adsenser'));
     $this->ezOptions['title_gsearch'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzText('title_gsearch_custom');
     $o->title = __('Enter a custom title for your Google Search Widget. Remember to include styling tags (such as <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> etc.) as needed.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $this->ezOptions['title_gsearch_custom'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzRadioBox('max_link');
     $o->before = "<b>" . __('Link-backs to', 'easy-adsenser') . " <a href='http://www.Thulasidas.com' target='_blank'>Unreal Blog</a></b>";
     $o->desc = __('(Consider showing at least one link.)', 'easy-adsenser') . "<br />";
     $o->title = __('If you would like to show a discreet link to the developer site, customize it here.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->addChoice('99', '99', __('Show a link under every ad block.', 'easy-adsenser'))->after = "<br />";
     $o->addChoice('1', '1', __('Show the link only under the first ad block.', 'easy-adsenser'))->after = "<br />";
     $o->addChoice('-1', '-1', __('Show the link at the bottom of your blog page.', 'easy-adsenser'))->after = "<br />";
     $o->addChoice('0', '0', __('Suppress links', 'easy-adsenser'))->after = "<br />";
     $this->ezOptions['max_link'] = clone $o;
     $o = new EzCheckBox('suppressBoxes');
     $o->title = __('Easy Plugin for AdSense displays a box with red borders to indicate where an ad would have been placed, but has been suppressed by one of the filters above. If you would like to suppress the boxes, check this option.', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->desc = __('Suppress Placement Boxes?', 'easy-adsenser');
     $o->between = "&nbsp;";
     $o->after = "<br /><br />";
     $this->ezOptions['suppressBoxes'] = clone $o;