コード例 #1
ファイル: vanilla2export.php プロジェクト: Nordic-T/Nordic-T
  * @param ExportModel $Ex
 protected function ForumExport($Ex)
     $Ex->BeginExport('', 'NodeBB 0.*', array('HashMethod' => 'Vanilla'));
     // Users
     $User_Map = array('uid' => 'UserID', 'username' => 'Name', 'password' => 'Password', 'email' => 'Email', 'confirmed' => 'Confirmed', 'showemail' => 'ShowEmail', 'joindate' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'lastonline' => array('Column' => 'DateLastActive', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'lastposttime' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'banned' => 'Banned', 'admin' => 'Admin', 'hm' => 'HashMethod');
     $Ex->ExportTable('User', "\n\n             select uid, username, password, email, `email:confirmed` as confirmed, showemail, joindate, lastonline, lastposttime, banned, 0 as admin, 'crypt' as hm\n             from :_user\n\n             ", $User_Map);
     $Role_Map = array('_num' => 'RoleID', '_key' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => array($this, 'roleNameFromKey')), 'description' => 'Description');
     $Ex->ExportTable('Role', "\n\n            select gm._key as _key, gm._num as _num, g.description as description\n            from :_group_members gm left join :_group g\n            on gm._key like concat(g._key, '%')\n\n            ", $Role_Map);
     $UserRole_Map = array('id' => 'RoleID', 'members' => 'UserID');
     $Ex->ExportTable('UserRole', "\n\n            select *, g._num as id\n            from :_group_members g join :_group_members__members m\n            on g._id = m._parentid\n\n        ", $UserRole_Map);
     // Signatutes.
     $UserMeta_Map = array('uid' => 'UserID', 'name' => 'Name', 'signature' => 'Value');
     $Ex->ExportTable('UserMeta', "\n\n            select uid, 'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as name, signature\n            from :_user\n            where length(signature) > 1\n\n            union\n\n            select uid, 'Plugin.Signatures.Format', 'Markdown'\n            from :_user\n            where length(signature) > 1\n\n            union\n\n            select uid, 'Profile.Website' as name, website\n            from :_user\n            where length(website) > 7\n\n            union\n\n            select uid, 'Profile.Location' as name, location\n            from :_user\n            where length(location) > 1\n\n        ", $UserMeta_Map);
     // Categories
     $Category_Map = array('cid' => 'CategoryID', 'name' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'description' => 'Description', 'order' => 'Sort', 'parentCid' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'slug' => array('Column' => 'UrlCode', 'Filter' => array($this, 'removeNumId')), 'image' => 'Photo', 'disabled' => 'Archived');
     $Ex->ExportTable('Category', "\n\n            select *\n            from :_category\n\n        ", $Category_Map);
     if (!$Ex->IndexExists('z_idx_topic', ':_topic')) {
         $Ex->Query("create index z_idx_topic on :_topic(mainPid);");
     if (!$Ex->IndexExists('z_idx_post', ':_post')) {
         $Ex->Query("create index z_idx_post on :_post(pid);");
     if (!$Ex->IndexExists('z_idx_poll', ':_poll')) {
         $Ex->Query("create index z_idx_poll on :_poll(tid);");
     $Ex->Query("drop table if exists z_discussionids;");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            create table z_discussionids (\n                tid int unsigned,\n                primary key(tid)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            insert ignore z_discussionids (\n                tid\n            )\n            select mainPid\n            from :_topic\n            where mainPid is not null\n            and deleted != 1;\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("drop table if exists z_reactiontotalsupvote;");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            create table z_reactiontotalsupvote (\n                value varchar(50),\n                total int,\n                primary key (value)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("drop table if exists z_reactiontotalsdownvote;");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            create table z_reactiontotalsdownvote (\n                value varchar(50),\n                total int,\n                primary key (value)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("drop table if exists z_reactiontotals;");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            create table z_reactiontotals (\n              value varchar(50),\n              upvote int,\n              downvote int,\n              primary key (value)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            insert z_reactiontotalsupvote\n            select value, count(*) as totals\n            from :_uid_upvote\n            group by value;\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            insert z_reactiontotalsdownvote\n            select value, count(*) as totals\n            from :_uid_downvote\n            group by value;\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            insert z_reactiontotals\n            select *\n            from (\n                select u.value, u.total as up, d.total as down\n                from z_reactiontotalsupvote u\n                left join z_reactiontotalsdownvote d\n                on u.value = d.value\n\n                union\n\n                select d.value, u.total as up, d.total as down\n                from z_reactiontotalsdownvote d\n                left join z_reactiontotalsupvote u\n                on u.value = d.value\n            ) as reactions\n\n        ");
     $Discussion_Map = array('tid' => 'DiscussionID', 'cid' => 'CategoryID', 'title' => 'Name', 'content' => 'Body', 'uid' => 'InsertUserID', 'locked' => 'Closed', 'pinned' => 'Announce', 'timestamp' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'edited' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'editor' => 'UpdateUserID', 'viewcount' => 'CountViews', 'format' => 'Format', 'votes' => 'Score', 'attributes' => array('Column' => 'Attributes', 'Filter' => array($this, 'serializeReactions')), 'poll' => array('Column' => 'Type', 'Filter' => array($this, 'isPoll')));
     $Ex->ExportTable('Discussion', "\n\n            select p.tid, cid, title, content, p.uid, locked, pinned, p.timestamp, p.edited, p.editor, viewcount, votes, poll._id as poll, 'Markdown' as format, concat(ifnull(u.total, 0), ':', ifnull(d.total, 0)) as attributes\n            from :_topic t\n            left join :_post p\n            on t.mainPid = p.pid\n            left join z_reactiontotalsupvote u\n            on u.value = t.mainPid\n            left join z_reactiontotalsdownvote d\n            on d.value = t.mainPid\n            left join :_poll poll\n            on p.tid = poll.tid\n            where t.deleted != 1\n\n        ", $Discussion_Map);
     $Ex->Query("drop table if exists z_comments;");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            create table z_comments (\n                pid int,\n                content text,\n                uid varchar(255),\n                tid varchar(255),\n                timestamp double,\n                edited varchar(255),\n                editor varchar(255),\n                votes int,\n                upvote int,\n                downvote int,\n                primary key(pid)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            insert ignore z_comments (\n                pid,\n                content,\n                uid,\n                tid,\n                timestamp,\n                edited,\n                editor,\n                votes\n            )\n            select p.pid, p.content, p.uid, p.tid, p.timestamp, p.edited, p.editor, p.votes\n            from :_post p\n            left join z_discussionids t\n            on t.tid = p.pid\n            where p.deleted != 1 and t.tid is null;\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            update z_comments as c\n            join z_reactiontotals r\n            on r.value = c.pid\n            set c.upvote = r.upvote, c.downvote = r.downvote;\n\n        ");
     // Comments
     $Comment_Map = array('content' => 'Body', 'uid' => 'InsertUserID', 'tid' => 'DiscussionID', 'timestamp' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'edited' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'editor' => 'UpdateUserID', 'votes' => 'Score', 'format' => 'Format', 'attributes' => array('Column' => 'Attributes', 'Filter' => array($this, 'serializeReactions')));
     $Ex->ExportTable('Comment', "\n\n            select content, uid, tid, timestamp, edited, editor, votes, 'Markdown' as format, concat(ifnull(upvote, 0), ':', ifnull(downvote, 0)) as attributes\n            from z_comments\n\n        ", $Comment_Map);
     $Poll_Map = array('pollid' => 'PollID', 'title' => 'Name', 'tid' => 'DiscussionID', 'votecount' => 'CountVotes', 'uid' => 'InsertUserID', 'timestamp' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')));
     $Ex->ExportTable('Poll', "\n\n            select *\n            from :_poll p left join :_poll_settings ps\n            on ps._key like concat(p._key, ':', '%')\n\n        ", $Poll_Map);
     $PollOption_Map = array('_num' => 'PollOptionID', '_key' => array('Column' => 'PollID', 'Filter' => array($this, 'idFromKey')), 'title' => 'Body', 'sort' => 'Sort', 'votecount' => array('Column' => 'CountVotes', 'Filter' => array($this, 'makeNullZero')), 'format' => 'Format');
     $Ex->ExportTable('PollOption', "\n\n            select _num, _key, title, id+1 as sort, votecount, 'Html' as format\n            from :_poll_options\n            where title is not null\n\n        ", $PollOption_Map);
     $PollVote_Map = array('userid' => 'UserID', 'poll_option_id' => 'PollOptionID');
     $Ex->ExportTable('PollVote', "\n\n            select povm.members as userid, po._num as poll_option_id\n            from :_poll_options_votes__members povm\n            left join :_poll_options_votes pov\n            on povm._parentid = pov._id\n            left join :_poll_options po\n            on pov._key like concat(po._key, ':', '%')\n            where po.title is not null\n\n        ", $PollVote_Map);
     if (!$Ex->IndexExists('z_idx_topic_key', ':_topic')) {
         $Ex->Query("create index z_idx_topic_key on :_topic (_key);");
     $Tag_Map = array('slug' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => array($this, 'nameToSlug')), 'fullname' => 'FullName', 'count' => 'CountDiscussions', 'tagid' => 'TagID', 'cid' => 'CategoryID', 'type' => 'Type', 'timestamp' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'uid' => 'InsertUserID');
     $Now = time();
     $Ex->Query("set @rownr=1000;");
     $Ex->ExportTable('Tag', "\n\n            select @rownr:=@rownr+1 as tagid, members as fullname, members as slug, '' as type, count, timestamp, uid, cid\n            from (\n                select members, count(*) as count, _parentid\n                from :_topic_tags__members\n                group by members\n            ) as tags\n            join :_topic_tags tt\n            on tt._id = _parentid\n            left join :_topic t\n            on substring(tt._key, 1, length(tt._key) - 5) = t._key\n\n        ", $Tag_Map);
     $TagDiscussion_Map = array('tagid' => 'TagID', 'tid' => 'DiscussionID', 'cid' => 'CategoryID', 'timestamp' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')));
     $Ex->Query("set @rownr=1000;");
     $Ex->ExportTable('TagDiscussion', "\n\n            select tagid, cid, tid, timestamp\n            from :_topic_tags__members two\n            join (\n                select @rownr:=@rownr+1 as tagid, members as fullname, members as slug, count\n                from (\n                    select members, count(*) as count\n                    from :_topic_tags__members\n                    group by members\n                ) as tags\n            ) as tagids\n            on two.members = tagids.fullname\n            join :_topic_tags tt\n            on tt._id = _parentid\n            left join :_topic t\n            on substring(tt._key, 1, length(tt._key) - 5) = t._key\n\n        ", $TagDiscussion_Map);
     if (!$Ex->IndexExists('z_idx_message_key', ':_message')) {
         $Ex->Query("create index z_idx_message_key on :_message(_key);");
     $Ex->Query("drop table if exists z_pmto;");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            create table z_pmto (\n                pmid int unsigned,\n                userid int,\n                groupid int,\n                primary key(pmid, userid)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            insert ignore z_pmto (\n                pmid,\n                userid\n            )\n            select substring_index(_key, ':', -1), fromuid\n            from :_message;\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            insert ignore z_pmto (\n                pmid,\n                userid\n            )\n            select substring_index(_key, ':', -1), touid\n            from :_message;\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("drop table if exists z_pmto2;");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            create table z_pmto2 (\n                pmid int unsigned,\n                userids varchar(250),\n                groupid int unsigned,\n                primary key (pmid)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            replace z_pmto2 (\n                pmid,\n                userids\n            )\n            select pmid, group_concat(userid order by userid)\n            from z_pmto\n            group by pmid;\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("drop table if exists z_pmgroup;");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            create table z_pmgroup (\n                userids varchar(250),\n                groupid varchar(255),\n                firstmessageid int,\n                lastmessageid int,\n                countmessages int,\n                primary key (userids, groupid)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            insert z_pmgroup\n            select userids, concat('message:', min(pmid)), min(pmid), max(pmid), count(*)\n            from z_pmto2\n            group by userids;\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            update z_pmto2 as p\n            left join z_pmgroup g\n            on p.userids = g.userids\n            set p.groupid = g.firstmessageid;\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("\n\n            update z_pmto as p\n            left join z_pmto2 p2\n            on p.pmid = p2.pmid\n            set p.groupid = p2.groupid;\n\n        ");
     $Ex->Query("create index z_idx_pmto_cid on z_pmto(groupid);");
     $Ex->Query("create index z_idx_pmgroup_cid on z_pmgroup(firstmessageid);");
     $Conversation_Map = array('conversationid' => 'ConversationID', 'firstmessageid' => 'FirstMessageID', 'lastmessageid' => 'LastMessageID', 'countparticipants' => 'CountParticipants', 'countmessages' => 'CountMessages');
     $Ex->ExportTable('Conversation', "\n\n            select *, firstmessageid as conversationid, 2 as countparticipants\n            from z_pmgroup\n            left join :_message\n            on groupid = _key;\n\n        ", $Conversation_Map);
     $ConversationMessage_Map = array('messageid' => 'MessageID', 'conversationid' => 'ConversationID', 'content' => 'Body', 'format' => 'Format', 'fromuid' => 'InsertUserID', 'timestamp' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')));
     $Ex->ExportTable('ConversationMessage', "\n\n            select groupid as conversationid, pmid as messageid, content, 'Text' as format, fromuid, timestamp\n            from z_pmto2\n            left join :_message\n            on concat('message:', pmid) = _key\n\n        ", $ConversationMessage_Map);
     $UserConversationMap = array('conversationid' => 'ConversationID', 'userid' => 'UserID', 'lastmessageid' => 'LastMessageID');
     $Ex->ExportTable('UserConversation', "\n\n            select p.groupid as conversationid, userid, lastmessageid\n            from z_pmto p\n            left join z_pmgroup\n            on firstmessageid = p.groupid;\n\n        ", $UserConversationMap);
     //Bookmarks (watch)
     $UserDiscussion_Map = array('members' => 'UserID', '_key' => array('Column' => 'DiscussionID', 'Filter' => array($this, 'idFromKey')), 'bookmarked' => 'Bookmarked');
     $Ex->ExportTable('UserDiscussion', "\n            select members, _key, 1 as bookmarked\n            from :_tid_followers__members\n            left join :_tid_followers\n            on _parentid = _id\n        ", $UserDiscussion_Map);
     if (!$Ex->IndexExists('z_idx_topic_mainpid', ':_topic')) {
         $Ex->Query("create index z_idx_topic_mainpid on :_topic(mainPid);");
     if (!$Ex->IndexExists('z_idx_uid_downvote', ':_uid_downvote')) {
         $Ex->Query("create index z_idx_uid_downvote on :_uid_downvote(value);");
     if (!$Ex->IndexExists('z_idx_uid_upvote', ':_uid_upvote')) {
         $Ex->Query("create index z_idx_uid_upvote on :_uid_upvote(value);");
     $UserTag_Map = array('tagid' => 'TagID', 'recordtype' => 'RecordType', '_key' => array('Column' => 'UserID', 'Filter' => array($this, 'idFromKey')), 'value' => 'RecordID', 'score' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'total' => 'Total');
     $Ex->ExportTable('UserTag', "\n\n            select 11 as tagid, 'Discussion' as recordtype, u._key, u.value, score, total\n            from :_uid_upvote u\n            left join z_discussionids t\n            on u.value = t.tid\n            left join z_reactiontotalsupvote r\n            on  r.value = u.value\n            where u._key != 'uid:NaN:upvote'\n            and t.tid is not null\n\n            union\n\n            select 11 as tagid, 'Comment' as recordtype, u._key, u.value, score, total\n            from :_uid_upvote u\n            left join z_discussionids t\n            on u.value = t.tid\n            left join z_reactiontotalsupvote r\n            on  r.value = u.value\n            where u._key != 'uid:NaN:upvote'\n            and t.tid is null\n\n            union\n\n            select 10 as tagid, 'Discussion' as recordtype, u._key, u.value, score, total\n            from :_uid_downvote u\n            left join z_discussionids t\n            on u.value = t.tid\n            left join z_reactiontotalsdownvote r\n            on  r.value = u.value\n            where u._key != 'uid:NaN:downvote'\n            and t.tid is not null\n\n            union\n\n            select 10 as tagid, 'Comment' as recordtype, u._key, u.value, score, total\n            from :_uid_downvote u\n            left join z_discussionids t\n            on u.value = t.tid\n            left join z_reactiontotalsdownvote r\n            on  r.value = u.value\n            where u._key != 'uid:NaN:downvote'\n            and t.tid is null\n\n        ", $UserTag_Map);
     //TODO: Permissions