コード例 #1

require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
 * Authorization Tokens are created by either:
 * [1] OAuth workflow: https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/authentication.php
 * or by creating a 
 * [2] Developer Token: https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/authentication.php#devtoken
$token = '%YOUR_TOKEN%';
/** Understanding SANDBOX vs PRODUCTION Environments
 * The Evernote API 'Sandbox' environment -> SANDBOX.EVERNOTE.COM 
 *    - Create a sample Evernote account at https://sandbox.evernote.com
 * The Evernote API 'Production' Environment -> WWW.EVERNOTE.COM
 *    - Activate your Sandboxed API key for production access at https://dev.evernote.com/support/
 * For testing, set $sandbox to true, for production, set $sandbox to false
$sandbox = true;
$client = new \Evernote\Client($token, $sandbox);
$note = new \Evernote\Model\Note();
$note->title = 'Share a note';
$note->content = new \Evernote\Model\PlainTextNoteContent('Some plain text content.');
$uploaded_note = $client->uploadNote($note);
echo "\nPublic link : " . $client->shareNote($uploaded_note);
コード例 #2
 * for china service, set $sandbox to false and $china to true.
$sandbox = true;
$china = false;
$client = new \Evernote\Client($token, $sandbox, null, null, $china);
$note = new \Evernote\Model\Note();
$note->title = 'Test note';
$note->content = new \Evernote\Model\PlainTextNoteContent('Some plain text content.');
$note->tagNames = array('tag1', 'tag2');
 * The second parameter $notebook is optionnal.
 * If left blank or set as null, the note will be created in the default notebook
 * Or in the App Notebook if applicable.
 * Otherwise, you need to pass a \Evernote\Model\Notebook object
 * There are 2 options :
 * If you already have a Notebook object (from the listNotebooks method for example)
 * just pass it as is to the method.
 * If you only have a notebookGuid, instantiate an empty notebook and set the guid :
 * $notebook = new \Evernote\Model\Notebook();
 * $notebook->guid = $notebook_guid;
 * The notebook will be automatically retrieved if necessary
$notebook = null;
$client->uploadNote($note, $notebook);
コード例 #3
 * The Evernote API 'Sandbox' environment -> SANDBOX.EVERNOTE.COM 
 *    - Create a sample Evernote account at https://sandbox.evernote.com
 * The Evernote API 'Production' Environment -> WWW.EVERNOTE.COM
 *    - Activate your Sandboxed API key for production access at https://dev.evernote.com/support/
 * For testing, set $sandbox to true, for production, set $sandbox to false
$sandbox = true;
$client = new \Evernote\Client($token, $sandbox);
$note = new \Evernote\Model\Note();
$note->title = 'Move a note';
$note->content = new \Evernote\Model\PlainTextNoteContent('Some plain text content.');
$notebook = null;
$uploaded_note = $client->uploadNote($note, $notebook);
echo "\nFirst guid : " . $uploaded_note->guid;
 * The second parameter $notebook is - of course - mandatory.
 * You need to pass a \Evernote\Model\Notebook object
 * There are 2 options :
 * If you already have a Notebook object (from the listNotebooks method for example)
 * just pass it as is to the method.
 * If you only have a notebookGuid, instantiate an empty notebook and set the guid :
 * $notebook = new \Evernote\Model\Notebook();
 * $notebook->guid = $notebook_guid;
コード例 #4
 *    - Activate your Sandboxed API key for production access at https://dev.evernote.com/support/
 * The Evernote API 'CHINA' Environment -> APP.YINXIANG.COM
 *    - Activate your Sandboxed API key for Evernote China service access at https://dev.evernote.com/support/ 
 *      or https://dev.yinxiang.com/support/. For more information about Evernote China service, please refer 
 *      to https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/bootstrap.php
 * For testing, set $sandbox to true; for production, set $sandbox to false and $china to false; 
 * for china service, set $sandbox to false and $china to true.
$sandbox = true;
$china = false;
$client = new \Evernote\Client($token, $sandbox, null, null, $china);
// Create the resource
$resource = new \Evernote\Model\Resource('enlogo.png', 'image/png', 100, 100);
// Get a preformatted enml media tag (something like '<en-media type="%mime%" hash="%hash%" />')
$enml_media_tag = $resource->getEnmlMediaTag();
// Create the note
$note = new \Evernote\Model\Note();
$note->title = 'Test note';
$note->content = new \Evernote\Model\EnmlNoteContent(<<<ENML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd">
// Upload the note