static function handle_calendar_shortcode($atts = array()) { /* Shortcodes don't accept hyphens, so convert taxonomy names */ $taxs = array('category', 'tag', 'venue'); foreach ($taxs as $tax) { if (isset($atts['event_' . $tax])) { $atts['event-' . $tax] = $atts['event_' . $tax]; unset($atts['event_' . $tax]); } } if (isset($atts['show_long'])) { $atts['show-long'] = $atts['show_long']; unset($atts['show_long']); } if (isset($atts['link_to_single'])) { $atts['link-to-single'] = $atts['link_to_single']; unset($atts['link_to_single']); } /* Parse defaults */ $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, array('showpastevents' => 1, 'show-long' => 0, 'link-to-single' => 0)); self::$add_script = true; $id = count(self::$widget_calendars); $cal_id = 'eo_shortcode_calendar_' . $id; self::$widget_calendars[$cal_id] = $atts; $tz = eo_get_blog_timezone(); $date = isset($_GET['eo_month']) ? $_GET['eo_month'] . '-01' : 'now'; $month = new DateTime($date, $tz); $month = date_create($month->format('Y-m-1'), $tz); $html = '<div class="widget_calendar eo-calendar eo-calendar-shortcode eo_widget_calendar" id="' . $cal_id . '">'; $html .= '<div id="' . $cal_id . '_content" class="eo-widget-cal-wrap" data-eo-widget-cal-id="' . $cal_id . '">'; $html .= EO_Calendar_Widget::generate_output($month, $atts); $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; return $html; }
public function testCatAttributesShortcode() { do_shortcode('[eo_fullcalendar event_category="foo,bar"]'); $args = array_pop(EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::$calendars); $this->assertEquals('foo,bar', $args['event_category']); //Reset EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::$calendars = array(); }
/** * Returns the mark-up for a Google map of the venue (and enqueues scripts). * Accepts an arguments array corresponding to the attributes supported by the shortcode. * * ### Examples * <code> * // Display map of two venues * <?php echo eo_get_venue_map(array('london-eye','edinburgh-castle')); ?> * </code> * @since 1.6 * @link Changing the venue map icon * @link Examples of using eo_get_venue_map() * @param mixed $venue_slug_or_id The venue ID as an integer. Or Slug as string. Uses venue of current event if empty. * @return string The markup of the map. False is no venue found. */ function eo_get_venue_map($venue_slug_or_id = '', $args = array()) { //Cast as array to allow multi venue support if ($venue_slug_or_id == '%all%' || is_array($venue_slug_or_id) && in_array('%all%', $venue_slug_or_id)) { $all_venues = eo_get_venues(); if ($all_venues) { $venue_slug_or_id = array_map('intval', wp_list_pluck($all_venues, 'term_id')); } } if (!is_array($venue_slug_or_id)) { $venue_slug_or_id = array($venue_slug_or_id); } $venue_ids = array_map('eo_get_venue_id_by_slugorid', $venue_slug_or_id); //Map properties $args = shortcode_atts(array('zoom' => 15, 'scrollwheel' => true, 'zoomcontrol' => true, 'rotatecontrol' => true, 'pancontrol' => true, 'overviewmapcontrol' => true, 'streetviewcontrol' => true, 'maptypecontrol' => true, 'draggable' => true, 'maptypeid' => 'ROADMAP', 'width' => '100%', 'height' => '200px', 'class' => '', 'tooltip' => true, 'styles' => array()), $args); //Cast zoom as integer $args['zoom'] = (int) $args['zoom']; //Escape attributes $width = esc_attr($args['width']); $height = esc_attr($args['height']); $class = esc_attr($args['class']); $args['maptypeid'] = strtoupper($args['maptypeid']); //If class is selected use that style, otherwise use specified height and width if (!empty($class)) { $class .= " eo-venue-map googlemap"; $style = ""; } else { $class = "eo-venue-map googlemap"; $style = "style='height:" . $height . ";width:" . $width . ";' "; } $venue_ids = array_filter($venue_ids); if (empty($venue_ids)) { return false; } //Set up venue locations for map foreach ($venue_ids as $venue_id) { //Venue lat/lng array $latlng = eo_get_venue_latlng($venue_id); //Venue tooltip description $tooltip_content = '<strong>' . eo_get_venue_name($venue_id) . '</strong>'; $address = array_filter(eo_get_venue_address($venue_id)); if (!empty($address)) { $tooltip_content .= '<br />' . implode(', ', $address); } /** * Filters the tooltip content for a venue. * * ### Example * * //Adds a link to the venue page to the tooltip * add_filter( 'eventorganiser_venue_tooltip', 'my_venue_tooltip_content_link_to_venue', 10, 2 ); * function my_venue_tooltip_content_link_to_venue( $description, $venue_id ){ * $description .= sprintf('<p><a href="%s"> Visit the venue page! </a> </p>', eo_get_venue_link($venue_id)); * return $description; * } * * @link Add upcoming events to the the tooltip * @param string $tooltip_content The HTML content for the venue tooltip. * @param int $venue_id The ID of the venue. * @param array $args An array of map options. See documentation for `eo_get_venue_map()`. */ $tooltip_content = apply_filters('eventorganiser_venue_tooltip', $tooltip_content, $venue_id, $args); /** * Filters the url of the venue map marker. Set to `null` for default. * * @link Custom venue markers * @param string|null $icon Url to the icon image. Null to use default. * @param int $venue_id The ID of the venue. * @param array $args An array of map options. See documentation for `eo_get_venue_map()`. */ $icon = apply_filters('eventorganiser_venue_marker', null, $venue_id, $args); $locations[] = array('venue_id' => $venue_id, 'lat' => $latlng['lat'], 'lng' => $latlng['lng'], 'tooltipContent' => $tooltip_content, 'icon' => $icon); } $map = array_merge($args, array('locations' => $locations)); /** * Filters the tooltip content for a venue. * * ### Example * * //Styles your google map * add_filter( 'eventorganiser_venue_map_options', 'style_my_google_map', 10 ); * function style_my_google_map( $map_args ){ * $map_args['styles'] = {set styles};; * return $map_args; * } * * @link * @param array $map Array of map properties, including the key 'location' (array of locations) * height, width, zoom and styles. */ $map = apply_filters('eventorganiser_venue_map_options', $map); //This could be improved EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::$map[] = $map; EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::$add_script = true; $id = count(EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::$map); return "<div class='" . $class . "' id='eo_venue_map-{$id}' " . $style . "></div>"; }
function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); $template = $instance['template']; $no_events = isset($instance['no_events']) ? $instance['no_events'] : ''; unset($instance['template']); unset($instance['no_events']); $events = eo_get_events($instance); echo $before_widget; echo $before_title; echo esc_html($instance['title']); echo $after_title; global $post; $tmp_post = $post; echo '<ul class="eo-events eo-events-widget">'; if ($events) { foreach ($events as $post) { setup_postdata($post); if (empty($template)) { //Use default template //Check if all day, set format accordingly if ($post->event_allday) { $format = get_option('date_format'); } else { $format = get_option('date_format') . ' ' . get_option('time_format'); } echo '<li><a title="' . the_title_attribute(array('echo' => false)) . '" href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . esc_html(get_the_title()) . '</a> ' . __('on', 'eventorganiser') . ' ' . eo_format_date($post->StartDate . ' ' . $post->StartTime, $format) . '</li>'; } else { echo '<li>' . EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::read_template($template) . '</li>'; } } $post = $tmp_post; wp_reset_postdata(); } else { echo $no_events; } echo '</ul>'; echo $after_widget; }
function eventorganiser_list_events($query, $args = array(), $echo = 1) { $args = array_merge(array('id' => '', 'class' => 'eo-event-list', 'type' => 'shortcode', 'no_events' => ''), $args); /* Pass these defaults - backwards compat with using eo_get_events()*/ $query = wp_parse_args($query, array('posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'event', 'suppress_filters' => false, 'orderby' => 'eventstart', 'order' => 'ASC', 'showrepeats' => 1, 'group_events_by' => '', 'showpastevents' => true)); //Make sure false and 'False' etc actually get parsed as 0/false (input from shortcodes, for instance, can be varied). //This maybe moved to the shortcode handler if this function is made public. if (strtolower($query['showpastevents']) === 'false') { $query['showpastevents'] = 0; } if (!empty($query['numberposts'])) { $query['posts_per_page'] = (int) $query['numberposts']; } $template = isset($args['template']) ? $args['template'] : ''; global $eo_event_loop, $eo_event_loop_args; $eo_event_loop_args = $args; $eo_event_loop = new WP_Query($query); /** * @ignore * Try to find template - backwards compat. Don't use this filter. Will be removed! */ $template_file = apply_filters('eventorganiser_event_list_loop', false); $template_file = locate_template($template_file); if ($template_file || empty($template)) { ob_start(); if (empty($template_file)) { $template_file = eo_locate_template(array($eo_event_loop_args['type'] . '-event-list.php', 'event-list.php'), true, false); } else { require $template_file; } $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { //Using the 'placeholder' template $no_events = isset($args['no_events']) ? $args['no_events'] : ''; $line_wrap = '<li class="%2$s">%1$s</li>'; $id = !empty($args['id']) ? 'id="' . esc_attr($args['id']) . '"' : ''; $container = '<ul ' . $id . ' class="%2$s">%1$s</ul>'; $html = ''; if ($eo_event_loop->have_posts()) { while ($eo_event_loop->have_posts()) { $eo_event_loop->the_post(); $event_classes = eo_get_event_classes(); $html .= sprintf($line_wrap, EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::read_template($template), esc_attr(implode(' ', $event_classes))); } } elseif ($no_events) { $html .= sprintf($line_wrap, $no_events, 'eo-no-events'); } $html = sprintf($container, $html, esc_attr($args['class'])); } wp_reset_postdata(); if ($echo) { echo $html; } return $html; }
/** * Returns the mark-up for a Google map of the venue (and enqueues scripts). * Accepts an arguments array corresponding to the attributes supported by the shortcode. * * ### Examples * <code> * // Display map of two venues * <?php echo eo_get_venue_map(array('london-eye','edinburgh-castle')); ?> * </code> * @since 1.6 * @link Changing the venue map icon * @link Examples of using eo_get_venue_map() * @param mixed $venue_slug_or_id The venue ID as an integer. Or Slug as string. Uses venue of current event if empty. * @return string The markup of the map. False is no venue found. */ function eo_get_venue_map($venue_slug_or_id = '', $args = array()) { //Cast as array to allow multi venue support if ($venue_slug_or_id == '%all%' || is_array($venue_slug_or_id) && in_array('%all%', $venue_slug_or_id)) { $all_venues = eo_get_venues(); if ($all_venues) { $venue_slug_or_id = array_map('intval', wp_list_pluck($all_venues, 'term_id')); } } if (!is_array($venue_slug_or_id)) { $venue_slug_or_id = array($venue_slug_or_id); } $venue_ids = array_map('eo_get_venue_id_by_slugorid', $venue_slug_or_id); //Map properties $args = shortcode_atts(array('zoom' => 15, 'scrollwheel' => true, 'zoomcontrol' => true, 'rotatecontrol' => true, 'pancontrol' => true, 'overviewmapcontrol' => true, 'streetviewcontrol' => true, 'maptypecontrol' => true, 'draggable' => true, 'maptypeid' => 'ROADMAP', 'width' => '100%', 'height' => '200px', 'class' => '', 'tooltip' => true), $args); //Cast zoom as integer $args['zoom'] = (int) $args['zoom']; //Escape attributes $width = esc_attr($args['width']); $height = esc_attr($args['height']); $class = esc_attr($args['class']); $args['maptypeid'] = strtoupper($args['maptypeid']); //If class is selected use that style, otherwise use specified height and width if (!empty($class)) { $class .= " eo-venue-map googlemap"; $style = ""; } else { $class = "eo-venue-map googlemap"; $style = "style='height:" . $height . ";width:" . $width . ";' "; } $venue_ids = array_filter($venue_ids); if (empty($venue_ids)) { return false; } //Set up venue locations for map foreach ($venue_ids as $venue_id) { //Venue lat/lng array $latlng = eo_get_venue_latlng($venue_id); //Venue tooltip description $tooltip_content = '<strong>' . eo_get_venue_name($venue_id) . '</strong>'; $address = array_filter(eo_get_venue_address($venue_id)); if (!empty($address)) { $tooltip_content .= '<br />' . implode(', ', $address); } $tooltip_content = apply_filters('eventorganiser_venue_tooltip', $tooltip_content, $venue_id, $args); $icon = apply_filters('eventorganiser_venue_marker', null, $venue_id, $args); $locations[] = array('venue_id' => $venue_id, 'lat' => $latlng['lat'], 'lng' => $latlng['lng'], 'tooltipContent' => $tooltip_content, 'icon' => $icon); } //This could be improved EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::$map[] = array_merge($args, array('locations' => $locations)); EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::$add_script = true; $id = count(EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::$map); return "<div class='" . $class . "' id='eo_venue_map-{$id}' " . $style . "></div>"; }
/** * Returns HTML mark-up for the fullCalendar * * It also (indirectly) triggers the enquing of the necessary scripts and styles. The `$args` array * accepts exactly the same arguments as the shortcode, they are * * * **headerleft** (string) What appears on the left of the calendar header. Default 'title'. * * **headercenter** (string) What appears on the left of the calendar header. Default ''. * * **headerright** (string) What appears on the left of the calendar header. Default 'prev next today'. * * **defaultview** (string) The view the calendar loads on. Default 'month', * * **event-category** (string|array) Restrict calendar to specified category(ues) (by slug). Default all categories. * * **event-venue** (string|array) Restrict calendar to specified venue(s) (by slug). Default all venues. * * **timeformat** (string) Time format for calendar. Default 'G:i'. * * **axisformat** (string) Axis time format (for day/week views). WP's time format option. * * **key** (bool) Whether to show a category key. Default false. * * **tooltip** (bool) Whether to show a tooltips. Default true. Content is filtered by [`eventorganiser_event_tooltip`]( * * **users_events** - (bool) True to show only eents for which the current user is attending * * **weekends** (bool) Whether to include weekends in the calendar. Default true. * * **mintime** (string) Earliest time to show on week/day views. Default '0', * * **maxtime** (string) Latest time to show on week/day views. Default '24', * * **alldayslot** (bool) Whether to include an all day slot (week / day views) in the calendar. Default true. * * **alldaytext** (string) Text to display in all day slot. Default 'All Day'. * * **titleformatmonth** (string) Date format (PHP) for title for month view. Default 'l, M j, Y' * * **titleformatweek** (string) Date format (PHP) for title for week view. Default 'M j[ Y]{ '—'[ M] j Y}. * * **titleformatday** (string) Date format (PHP) for title for day view. Default 'F Y' * * **columnformatmonth** (string) Dateformat for month columns. Default 'D'. * * **columnformatweek** (string) Dateformat for month columns. Default 'D n/j'. * * **columnformatday** (string) Dateformat for month columns. Default 'l n/j', * * **year** The year the calendar should start on (e.g. 2013) * * **month** The month the calendar should start on (1=Jan, 12=Dec) * * **date** The calendar the date should start on * * @link The fullCalendar (jQuery plug-in) * @link (Range formats). * @link Event Organiser version of fullCalendar * @since 1.7 * @param array $args An array of attributes for the calendar * @return string HTML mark-up. */ function eo_get_event_fullcalendar($args = array()) { global $wp_locale; $defaults = array('headerleft' => 'title', 'headercenter' => '', 'headerright' => 'prev next today', 'defaultview' => 'month', 'event-category' => '', 'event_category' => '', 'event-venue' => '', 'event_venue' => '', 'event-tag' => '', 'author' => false, 'author_name' => false, 'timeformat' => get_option('time_format'), 'axisformat' => get_option('time_format'), 'key' => false, 'tooltip' => true, 'weekends' => true, 'mintime' => '0', 'maxtime' => '24', 'alldayslot' => true, 'alldaytext' => __('All Day', 'eventorganiser'), 'columnformatmonth' => 'D', 'columnformatweek' => 'D n/j', 'columnformatday' => 'l n/j', 'titleformatmonth' => 'F Y', 'titleformatweek' => "M j[ Y]{ '—'[ M] j, Y}", 'titleformatday' => 'l, M j, Y', 'year' => false, 'month' => false, 'date' => false, 'users_events' => false, 'event_occurrence__in' => array(), 'theme' => true, 'isrtl' => $wp_locale->is_rtl()); $args = shortcode_atts($defaults, $args, 'eo_fullcalendar'); $key = $args['key']; unset($args['key']); //Support 'event-category' and 'event-venue'. Backwards compat with 'event_category'/'event_venue' $args['event-category'] = empty($args['event_category']) ? $args['event-category'] : $args['event_category']; $args['event-venue'] = empty($args['event_venue']) ? $args['event-venue'] : $args['event_venue']; //Convert event_category / event_venue to comma-delimitered strings $args['event_category'] = is_array($args['event-category']) ? implode(',', $args['event-category']) : $args['event-category']; $args['event_venue'] = is_array($args['event-venue']) ? implode(',', $args['event-venue']) : $args['event-venue']; $args['event_tag'] = is_array($args['event-tag']) ? implode(',', $args['event-tag']) : $args['event-tag']; //Get author ID from author/author_name $args['event_organiser'] = $args['author'] ? (int) $args['author'] : eo_get_user_id_by('slug', $args['author_name']); //Convert php time format into xDate time format $date_attributes = array('timeformat', 'axisformat', 'columnformatday', 'columnformatweek', 'columnformatmonth', 'titleformatmonth', 'titleformatday', 'titleformatweek'); $args['timeformatphp'] = $args['timeformat']; foreach ($date_attributes as $date_attribute) { $args[$date_attribute] = str_replace('((', '[', $args[$date_attribute]); $args[$date_attribute] = str_replace('))', ']', $args[$date_attribute]); $args[$date_attribute . 'php'] = $args[$date_attribute]; $args[$date_attribute] = eventorganiser_php2xdate($args[$date_attribute]); } //Month expects 0-11, we ask for 1-12. $args['month'] = $args['month'] ? $args['month'] - 1 : false; EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::$calendars[] = array_merge($args); EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::$add_script = true; $id = count(EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::$calendars); $html = '<div id="eo_fullcalendar_' . $id . '_loading" style="background:white;position:absolute;z-index:5" >'; $html .= sprintf('<img src="%1$s" style="vertical-align:middle; padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px;" alt="%2$s" /> %2$s', esc_url(EVENT_ORGANISER_URL . 'css/images/loading-image.gif'), esc_html__('Loading…', 'eventorganiser')); $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div class="eo-fullcalendar eo-fullcalendar-shortcode" id="eo_fullcalendar_' . $id . '"></div>'; if ($key) { $args = array('orderby' => 'name', 'show_count' => 0, 'hide_empty' => 0); $html .= eventorganiser_category_key($args, $id); } return $html; }
function get_venue_map($venue_id, $args) { self::$add_script = true; extract(shortcode_atts(array('zoom' => 15, 'width' => '100%', 'height' => '200px', 'class' => ''), $args)); //Set zoom $zoom = (int) $zoom; //Set the attributes $width = esc_attr($width); $height = esc_attr($height); //If class is selected use that style, otherwise use specified height and width if (!empty($class)) { $class = esc_attr($class) . " eo-venue-map googlemap"; $style = ""; } else { $class = "eo-venue-map googlemap"; $style = "style='height:" . $height . ";width:" . $width . ";' "; } //Get latlng value by slug $latlng = eo_get_venue_latlng($venue_id); self::$map[] = array('lat' => $latlng['lat'], 'lng' => $latlng['lng'], 'zoom' => $zoom); $id = count(self::$map); $return = "<div class='" . $class . "' id='eo_venue_map-{$id}' " . $style . "></div>"; return $return; }
function eo_get_venue_map($venue_slug_or_id = '', $args = array()) { $venue_id = eo_get_venue_id_by_slugorid($venue_slug_or_id); return EventOrganiser_Shortcodes::get_venue_map($venue_id, $args = array()); }