  * wrapper for delete
  * @return ORM
 public function delete()
     // hook
     Event::raise($this, Event::BEFORE_DELETE, array('model' => $this));
     // delete
     $result = parent::delete();
     // hook
     Event::raise($this, Event::AFTER_DELETE, array('model' => $this));
     // return orm
     return $result;
  * Overwrite delete
  * dont check on owner id, as the entire tree will be gone
  * deleted is an array with items
 protected function delete($model)
     // check rights
     if (!Acl::instance()->allowed($this->_controller, 'delete', $model->owner_id, $model->website_id)) {
         throw HTTP_Exception::factory(403, 'Delete not allowed on :controller :id', array(':controller' => $this->_controller, ':id' => $model->id));
     // call hook
     Event::raise($this, Event::BEFORE_DELETE, array('model' => $model));
     $deleted = $model->delete();
     // call hook
     Event::raise($this, Event::AFTER_DELETE, array('deleted' => $deleted));
  * Get module navigation
 public function action_module()
     // get request
     $request = Request::initial();
     // get settings
     $settings = Settings::factory($request->controller());
     // navigation viewer
     $navigation = Viewer::instance('Navigation')->settings($settings->get('navigation'))->request(Request::initial())->acl(Acl::instance());
     // create view
     $view = View::factory($settings->get('view.navigation'), array('navigation' => $navigation));
     // raise event
     Event::raise($this, Event::BEFORE_NAVIGATION_RENDER, array('navigation' => $navigation));
     // render view
  * init
 public function init()
     // raise event
     Event::raise($this, Event::BEFORE_INIT);
     // get website and feed it the current uri so we can figure out the ->id()
     $website = Website::instance()->uri(Request::initial()->uri());
     // set controller vars
     $this->_website = $website->id();
     $this->_directory = Request::current()->directory();
     $this->_controller = Request::current()->controller();
     $this->_action = Request::current()->action();
     $this->_language = isset(Identity::instance()->user) ? Identity::instance()->user->language : 'nl';
     // manually set website in Website
     // this will be used by alias
     // set state session
     // get state instance for this website / controller
     $this->_state = State::instance($this->_website . '.' . $this->_controller);
     // set route in URL helper
     // Let Filereader cache results
     Reader::cache(Cache::instance('reader_backend'), 'backend');
     // set default language
     // get that language's text instance and configure it
     // set URL presets
     $base = URL::base();
     URL::set('base', $base);
     URL::set('library', $base . 'library/');
     URL::set('vendor', $base . 'vendor/');
     URL::set('files', $base . 'files/');
     // set website in view
     View::set_global('_website', $this->_website);
     // set language in view
     View::set_global('_language', $this->_language);
  * copy
 protected function copy($model)
     // check rights
     if (!Acl::instance()->allowed($this->_controller, 'copy', $model->owner_id, $model->website_id)) {
         throw HTTP_Exception::factory(403, 'Copy not allowed on :controller :id', array(':controller' => $this->_controller, ':id' => $model->id));
     // create copied values
     $values = $model->as_array();
     $values['title'] = 'Copy ' . $values['title'];
     $values['owner_id'] = Identity::instance()->id;
     $values['editor_id'] = Identity::instance()->id;
     // create copy
     $copy = ORM::factory($this->_settings->get('model'));
     // call hook
     Event::raise($this, Event::BEFORE_COPY, array('model' => $model, 'copy' => $copy));
     // save copy
     // call hook
     Event::raise($this, Event::AFTER_COPY, array('model' => $model, 'copy' => $copy));
     // return copy
     return $copy;
  * Form::markup()
  * add non functioning element to elements list
  * used for markup in the view
  * @param string $type
  * @param array $attributes
  * @return
 public function markup($keyOrType, $typeOrSettings = array(), $settings = array())
     // normalize
     if (is_array($typeOrSettings)) {
         $key = FALSE;
         $type = $keyOrType;
         $settings = $typeOrSettings;
     } else {
         $key = $keyOrType;
         $type = $typeOrSettings;
     // raise hook
     Event::raise($this, Event::BEFORE_FORM_MARKUP, array('form' => $this, 'key' => $key, 'type' => $type, 'settings' => $settings));
     // create element
     $element = new stdClass();
     // store settings
     foreach ($settings as $var => $val) {
         $element->{$var} = $val;
     // set default values
     $element->key = $key;
     $element->type = $type;
     $element->required = FALSE;
     $element->error = FALSE;
     $element->attributes = isset($settings['attributes']) ? $settings['attributes'] : array();
     $element->attributes['class'] = isset($element->attributes['class']) ? $element->attributes['class'] : '';
     // store element in list
     $this->_elements[] = $element;
     // rais hook
     Event::raise($this, Event::AFTER_FORM_MARKUP, array('form' => $this, 'element' => $element));
     // return it
     return $element;
  * create files in db
 protected function store($form, $hash)
     // get files in the temp/hash dir
     $files = FS::files($this->_settings->get('path_temp') . $hash . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     // set the files in the form
     Event::raise($this, Event::BEFORE_STORE_FORM_PARSE, array('form' => $form));
     if ($form->valid()) {
         // get the hash of the temp dir from qs
         $hash = $this->request->param('id');
         // get the form values
         $values = $form->values();
         // loop through temp files
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) {
             // createmodel
             $model = ORM::factory($this->_settings->get('model'));
             // set group if one is active
             if ($group = $this->_state->get('group', FALSE)) {
                 $model->group_id = $group;
             // undouble filename
             $file = FS::name_unique($files[$i], $this->_settings->get('path_files'));
             // store it
             FS::move($this->_settings->get('path_temp') . $hash . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $files[$i], $this->_settings->get('path_files') . $file);
             // permissions
             FS::permissions($this->_settings->get('path_files') . $file, 0744);
             // set item properties
             $model->created = date('y-m-d H:i:s', time());
             $model->owner_id = Identity::instance()->id;
             $model->editor_id = Identity::instance()->id;
             $model->website_id = $this->_website;
             // set file
             $model->file = $file;
             // set additional info (mostly title)
             foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
                 if (is_array($value) && isset($value[$i])) {
                     $model->{$key} = $value[$i];
             // call hook
             Event::raise($this, Event::BEFORE_STORE, array('model' => $model, 'form' => $form));
             // call hook
             Event::raise($this, Event::AFTER_STORE, array('model' => $model, 'form' => $form));
         // return true
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         // create viewer
         $viewer = Viewer::factory('Form', $form)->text(Text::instance());
         // render form
         $view = View::factory($this->_settings->get('view.create'), array('viewer' => $viewer));
         // event
         Event::raise($this, Event::BEFORE_STORE_RENDER, array('model' => NULL, 'form' => $form, 'viewer' => $viewer, 'view' => $view));
         // render
         // return false
         return FALSE;
コード例 #8
  * Queues an event to be dispatched later.
  * @param string $eventName
  * @param ...$args
 public function queue($eventName, $args = null)
     $args = func_get_args();
     $eventArgs = array_splice($args, 1);
     \Event::raise($eventName, $eventArgs);