public function link($options = array()) { $model = OntoWiki::getInstance()->selectedModel; $titleHelper = new OntoWiki_Model_TitleHelper($model); // check for options and assign local vars or null $uri = isset($options['uri']) ? (string) $options['uri'] : null; $literal = isset($options['literal']) ? $options['literal'] : null; $text = isset($options['text']) ? $options['text'] : null; $property = isset($options['property']) ? $options['property'] : null; $class = isset($options['class']) ? ' class="' . $options['class'] . '"' : ''; $prefix = isset($options['prefix']) ? $options['prefix'] : ''; $suffix = isset($options['suffix']) ? $options['suffix'] : ''; $iprefix = isset($options['iprefix']) ? $options['iprefix'] : ''; $isuffix = isset($options['isuffix']) ? $options['isuffix'] : ''; $direct = isset($options['direct']) ? true : false; // resolve short forms (overwrite full name values with short forms values) $uri = isset($options['r']) ? (string) $options['r'] : $uri; $literal = isset($options['l']) ? $options['l'] : $literal; $text = isset($options['t']) ? $options['t'] : $text; $property = isset($options['p']) ? $options['p'] : $property; // if an uri is given, we do not need to search for if (isset($uri)) { // resolve qnames and check uri input $uri = Erfurt_Uri::getFromQnameOrUri((string) $uri, $model); } else { // if no uri is given, we need to search by using the literal if (!isset($literal)) { throw new Exception('The link helper needs at least one parameter literal or uri'); } // if a property is given, use <properyuri> instead of a variable part in the query $property = $property ? '<' . Erfurt_Uri::getFromQnameOrUri($property, $model) . '>' : '?property'; // build the query including PREFIX declarations $query = ''; foreach ($model->getNamespaces() as $ns => $nsprefix) { $query .= 'PREFIX ' . $nsprefix . ': <' . $ns . '>' . PHP_EOL; } $query .= 'SELECT DISTINCT ?resourceUri WHERE {?resourceUri ' . $property . ' ?literal FILTER (!isBLANK(?resourceUri)) FILTER (REGEX(?literal, "^' . $literal . '$", "i")) } LIMIT 1'; $result = $model->sparqlQuery($query); if (!$result) { // resource not found, so return plain literal or given text return isset($text) ? $text : $literal; } else { $uri = $result[0]['resourceUri']; } } // generate the link URL from the resource URI if ($direct == true) { $url = $uri; } else { $url = new OntoWiki_Url(array('route' => 'properties'), array('r')); $url->setParam('r', $uri, true); $url = (string) $url; } // link text comes from title helper or option $text = isset($text) ? $text : $titleHelper->getTitle($uri); return "{$prefix}<a{$class} href='{$url}'>{$iprefix}{$text}{$isuffix}</a>{$suffix}"; }
public function getContents() { $url = new OntoWiki_Url(array('route' => 'properties'), array('r')); $changes = array(); if ($this->results) { foreach ($this->results as $change) { if ($this->getContext() == "main.window.dashmodelinfo") { //id, resource, tstamp, action_type $change['useruri'] = $this->user; $this->model = null; } if (Erfurt_Uri::check($change['resource'])) { $change['aresource'] = new OntoWiki_Resource((string) $change['useruri'], $this->systemModel); $change['author'] = $change['aresource']->getTitle() ? $change['aresource']->getTitle() : OntoWiki_Utils::getUriLocalPart($change['aresource']); $url->setParam('r', (string) $change['aresource'], true); $change['ahref'] = (string) $url; //$change['date'] = OntoWiki_Utils::dateDifference($change['tstamp'], null, 3); $url->setParam('r', (string) $change['resource'], true); $change['rhref'] = (string) $url; $change['resource'] = new OntoWiki_Resource((string) $change['resource'], $this->model); $change['rname'] = $change['resource']->getTitle() ? $change['resource']->getTitle() : OntoWiki_Utils::contractNamespace($change['resource']->getIri()); $changes[] = $change; } } } if (empty($changes)) { $this->view->infomessage = 'There are no changes yet.'; } else { $this->view->changes = $changes; } return $this->render('templates/lastchanges'); }
/** * Handle objects by checking different cases and than decide how to react. * @param $s string URI of subject * @param $p string URI of predicate * @param $o mixed Can be string, array or an object of the object * @param $graph Call by reference of $graph instance * @return void */ public static function handleNonCVObjects($s, $p, $o, &$graph) { // is object an URI if (true === is_string($o) && true === Erfurt_Uri::check($o)) { $graph->addResource($s, $p, $o); // is object NOT an array } else { if (false === is_array($o)) { $graph->add($s, $p, $o); // assuming, object is an array } else { foreach ($o as $entry) { if (true === Erfurt_Uri::check($entry)) { $graph->addResource($s, $p, $entry); } else { $graph->add($s, $p, $entry); } } } } }
protected function _loadModel() { $siteConfig = $this->_getSiteConfig(); // m is automatically used and selected if (!isset($this->_request->m) && !$this->_owApp->selectedModel) { // TODO: what if no site model configured? if (!Erfurt_Uri::check($siteConfig['model'])) { $site = $this->_privateConfig->defaultSite; $root = $this->getComponentHelper()->getComponentRoot(); $configFilePath = sprintf('%s%s/%s/%s', $root, $this->_relativeTemplatePath, $site, SiteHelper::SITE_CONFIG_FILENAME); throw new OntoWiki_Exception('No model selected! Please, configure a site model by setting the option ' . '"model=..." in "' . $configFilePath . '" or specify parameter m in the URL.'); } else { // setup the model $this->_modelUri = $siteConfig['model']; $store = OntoWiki::getInstance()->erfurt->getStore(); $this->_model = $store->getModel($this->_modelUri); OntoWiki::getInstance()->selectedModel = $this->_model; } } else { $this->_model = $this->_owApp->selectedModel; $this->_modelUri = (string) $this->_owApp->selectedModel; } }
/** * create a Resource * * @param string resourceIri * @param string graphIri or null * @return Erfurt_Rdf_Resource resource */ private function _createResource($resourceIri, $graphIri = 'store') { $resource = null; if (Erfurt_Uri::check($resourceIri)) { if ($graphIri == 'store') { $resource = new Erfurt_Rdf_Resource($resourceIri); } else { if (Erfurt_Uri::check($graphIri)) { $model = $this->_app->getStore()->getModel($graphIri, false); $resource = $model->getResource($resourceIri); } else { if (defined('_OWDEBUG')) { $logger = $this->_app->getLog(); $logger->info('ResourcePool: Given GraphIri not valid.'); } } } } else { if (defined('_OWDEBUG')) { $logger = $this->_app->getLog(); $logger->info('ResourcePool: Given ResourceIri not valid.'); } } return $resource; }
/** * Add a new title property on top of the list (most important) of title properties * * @param $propertyUri a string with the URI of the property to add */ public function prependTitleProperty($propertyUri) { // check if we have a valid URI if (Erfurt_Uri::check($propertyUri)) { // remove the property from the list if it already exist foreach ($this->_titleProperties as $key => $value) { if ($value == $propertyUri) { unset($this->_titleProperties[$key]); } } // rewrite the array $this->_titleProperties = array_values($this->_titleProperties); // prepend the new URI array_unshift($this->_titleProperties, $propertyUri); // reset the TitleHelper to fetch resources with new title properties $this->reset(); } }
public function onDisplayLiteralPropertyValue($event) { if (array_key_exists($event->property, $this->_properties) && Erfurt_Uri::check($event->value)) { return '<a href="' . $event->value . '">' . OntoWiki_Utils::shorten($event->value, 60) . '</a>'; } }
public function table($options = array()) { $model = OntoWiki::getInstance()->selectedModel; $titleHelper = new OntoWiki_Model_TitleHelper($model); // check for options and assign local vars or default values $class = isset($options['class']) ? $options['class'] : ''; $id = isset($options['id']) ? $options['id'] : ''; $tag = isset($options['tag']) ? $options['tag'] : 'span'; $prefix = isset($options['prefix']) ? $options['prefix'] : ''; $suffix = isset($options['suffix']) ? $options['suffix'] : ''; $iprefix = isset($options['iprefix']) ? $options['iprefix'] : ''; $isuffix = isset($options['isuffix']) ? $options['isuffix'] : ''; // choose, which uri to use: option over helper default over view value $uri = isset($this->resourceUri) ? $this->resourceUri : null; $uri = isset($options['selectedResource']) ? (string) $options['selectedResource'] : $uri; $uri = isset($options['uri']) ? (string) $options['uri'] : $uri; $uri = Erfurt_Uri::getFromQnameOrUri($uri, $model); // choose, which properties to use (todo: allow multple properties) $contentProperties = isset($options['property']) ? array($options['property']) : null; $contentProperties = !$contentProperties ? $this->contentProperties : $contentProperties; foreach ($contentProperties as $key => $value) { try { $validatedValue = Erfurt_Uri::getFromQnameOrUri($value, $model); $contentProperties[$key] = $validatedValue; } catch (Exception $e) { unset($contentProperties[$key]); } } // create description from resource URI $resource = new OntoWiki_Resource($uri, $model); $description = $resource->getDescription(); $description = $description[$uri]; // get the table size $tableRows = 0; // the URI of the main content property $tableColumns = 0; // the URI of the main content property foreach ($contentProperties as $contentProperty) { if (isset($description[$contentProperty . 'Rows'])) { $tableRows = (int) $description[$contentProperty . 'Rows'][0]['value']; } if (isset($description[$contentProperty . 'Columns'])) { $tableColumns = (int) $description[$contentProperty . 'Columns'][0]['value']; } if (null != $tableRows && null != $tableColumns) { $mainProperty = $contentProperty; break; } } $content = ''; // filter and render the table if (0 < $tableRows && 0 < $tableColumns) { $content .= '<table id=' . $id . '><thead>'; for ($row = 1; $row <= $tableRows; $row++) { $content .= '<tr id="R' . $row . '">'; for ($column = 1; $column <= $tableColumns; $column++) { $content .= (1 == $row ? '<th' : '<td') . ' id="R' . $row . 'C' . $column . '">'; $currentMainProperty = $mainProperty . 'R' . $row . 'C' . $column; unset($firstLiteral); // search for language tag foreach ($description[$currentMainProperty] as $literalNumber => $literal) { $currentLanguage = OntoWiki::getInstance()->getConfig()->languages->locale; if (isset($literal['lang']) && $currentLanguage == $literal['lang']) { $firstLiteral = $description[$currentMainProperty][$literalNumber]; break; } } if (!isset($firstLiteral)) { $firstLiteral = $description[$currentMainProperty][0]; } $cellContent = $firstLiteral['value']; // execute the helper markup on the content (after the extensions) $cellContent = $this->view->executeHelperMarkup($cellContent); // filter by using available extensions if (isset($firstLiteral['datatype'])) { $datatype = $firstLiteral['datatype']; $cellContent = $this->view->displayLiteralPropertyValue($cellContent, $currentMainProperty, $datatype); } else { $cellContent = $this->view->displayLiteralPropertyValue($cellContent, $currentMainProperty); } $curie = $this->view->curie($currentMainProperty); $cellContent = $iprefix . $cellContent . $isuffix; $content .= "{$prefix}<{$tag} class='{$class}' property='{$curie}'>{$cellContent}</{$tag}>{$suffix}"; $content .= 1 == $row ? '</th>' : '</td>'; } $content .= '</tr>'; $content .= 1 == $row ? '</thead><tbody>' : ''; } $content .= '</tbody></table>'; } return $content; }
/** * Get all observations which fits to given DSD, DS and selected compontents. * @param $dataSetUrl URL of a data set * @param $selectedComponentDimensions */ public function getObservations($dataSetUrl, $selectedComponentDimensions = array()) { // generate unique hash using given result and model uri $objectId = md5($this->_model->getModelIri() . $dataSetUrl . json_encode($selectedComponentDimensions)); // check there is already a cached object for this hash $result = $this->_objectCache->load($objectId); if (false === $result) { $this->_queryCache->startTransaction($objectId); /** * Fill SimpleQuery object with live! */ $queryObject = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery(); // SELECT $queryObject->setProloguePart('SELECT ?s ?p ?o'); // FROM $queryObject->setFrom(array($this->_model->getModelIri())); // WHERE $where = 'WHERE { ' . "\n" . ' ?s ?p ?o .' . "\n" . ' ?s <> <' . DataCube_UriOf::Observation . '> .' . "\n" . ' ?s <' . DataCube_UriOf::DataSetRelation . '> <' . $dataSetUrl . '> .' . "\n"; // Set selected properties (e.g. ?s <> ?d0 .) $i = 0; foreach ($selectedComponentDimensions as $dimension) { if (0 < count($dimension['__cv_elements'])) { $where .= ' ?s <' . $dimension[DataCube_UriOf::Dimension] . '> ?d' . $i++ . ' .' . "\n"; } } // Set FILTER // e.g.: FILTER (?d1 = "2003" OR ?d1 = "2001" OR ?d1 = "2002") // e.g. 2: FILTER ( ?d0 = <> OR // ?d0 = <> ) $i = 0; foreach ($selectedComponentDimensions as $dimension) { $dimensionElements = $dimension['__cv_elements']; if (0 < count($dimensionElements)) { $filter = array(); foreach ($dimensionElements as $elementUri => $element) { // If __cv_uri is set and an URL if (true == Erfurt_Uri::check($element['__cv_uri'])) { $value = '<' . $element['__cv_uri'] . '>'; $filter[] = ' ?d' . $i . ' = ' . $value . ' '; } else { $value = '"' . $element['__cv_niceLabel'] . '"'; $filter[] = ' xsd:string(?d' . $i . ') = xsd:string(' . $value . ') '; } } $i++; $where .= ' FILTER (' . implode('OR', $filter) . ') ' . "\n"; } } $where .= '}'; $queryObject->setWherePart($where); $result = $this->_model->sparqlQuery((string) $queryObject); // generate associative array out of given observation result $result = $this->generateAssocSPOArrayFromSparqlResult($result, 's', 'p', 'o'); // limit the number of observations $result = array_slice($result, 0, 250); // enrich data with CubeViz sugar $result = $this->enrichResult($result, false); // close the object cache transaction $this->_queryCache->endTransaction($objectId); // save the result value in the object cache $this->_objectCache->save($result, $objectId); } return $result; }
protected function _selectMainProperty($model, $description, $options) { // choose, which properties to use (todo: allow multple properties) $contentProperties = isset($options['property']) ? array($options['property']) : null; $contentProperties = !$contentProperties ? $this->contentProperties : $contentProperties; foreach ($contentProperties as $key => $value) { try { $validatedValue = Erfurt_Uri::getFromQnameOrUri($value, $model); $contentProperties[$key] = $validatedValue; } catch (Exception $e) { unset($contentProperties[$key]); } } // select the main property from existing ones $mainProperty = null; // the URI of the main content property foreach ($contentProperties as $contentProperty) { if (isset($description[$contentProperty])) { $mainProperty = $contentProperty; break; } } return $mainProperty; }
private function _getMenu($uri, $model, $titleHelper = null) { $query = ' PREFIX rdfs: <> SELECT ?item ?prop WHERE { <' . $uri . '> ?prop ?item. ?prop a rdfs:ContainerMembershipProperty. } '; try { $result = $model->sparqlQuery($query); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new OntoWiki_Exception('Problem while getting menu entries.', $e); } // array of urls and labels which represent the navigation menu $items = array(); // round one: fill items array with urls as well as fill the titleHelper foreach ($result as $row) { // works only for URIs ... if (Erfurt_Uri::check($row['item'])) { // prepare variables $url = $row['item']; $property = $row['prop']; // fill the titleHelper if ($titleHelper !== null) { $titleHelper->addResource($url); } // split property and use numeric last part for items order. // example property: $pieces = explode('_', $property); if (isset($pieces[1]) && is_numeric($pieces[1])) { // file the items array $items[$pieces[1]] = array('url' => $url, 'label' => $pieces[1]); $subMenu = $this->_getMenu($url, $model, $titleHelper); if (count($subMenu['items']) > 0) { $items[$pieces[1]]['hasSubMenu'] = true; $items[$pieces[1]]['subMenu'] = $subMenu; } else { $items[$pieces[1]]['hasSubMenu'] = false; } } } } // round three: sort items according to the index if (count($items) > 1) { ksort($items); } // metadata of the navigation as a whole $meta = array(); $resource = $model->getResource($uri); $resourceModel = $resource->getMemoryModel(); if ($resourceModel->hasSP($uri, $this->_prependedContent)) { $meta['prependedContent'] = $resourceModel->getValue($uri, $this->_prependedContent); } if ($resourceModel->hasSP($uri, $this->_appendedContent)) { $meta['appendedContent'] = $resourceModel->getValue($uri, $this->_appendedContent); } //if ($uri == '') { //var_dump($resourceModel); //} return array('items' => $items, 'meta' => $meta); }
/** * */ public function getslicesAction() { $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(); $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); // parameter $modelIri = $this->_request->getParam('modelIri', ''); $dsdUrl = $this->_request->getParam('dsdUrl', ''); $dsUrl = $this->_request->getParam('dsUrl', ''); // check if model there if (false === $this->_erfurt->getStore()->isModelAvailable($modelIri)) { $code = 404; $this->_sendJSONResponse(array('code' => $code, 'content' => '', 'message' => 'Model not available'), $code); return; } // check if dsdUrl is valid if (false === Erfurt_Uri::check($dsdUrl)) { $code = 400; $this->_sendJSONResponse(array('code' => $code, 'content' => '', 'message' => 'dsdUrl is not valid'), $code); return; } // check if dsUrl is valid if (false === Erfurt_Uri::check($dsUrl)) { $code = 400; $this->_sendJSONResponse(array('code' => $code, 'content' => '', 'message' => 'dsUrl is not valid'), $code); return; } try { $model = new Erfurt_Rdf_Model($modelIri); $query = new DataCube_Query($model, $this->_titleHelperLimit, $this->_dimensionElementLimit); $code = 200; // result object $content = array('code' => $code, 'content' => array(), 'message' => ''); // get slice keys $sliceKeys = $query->getSliceKeys($dsdUrl, $dsUrl); // collect all slices in one list foreach ($sliceKeys as $sliceKey) { $content['content'] = array_merge($content['content'], $sliceKey['slices']); } } catch (Exception $e) { $code = 400; $content = array('code' => $code, 'content' => '', 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } $this->_sendJSONResponse($content, $code); }
/** * Adds a prefix for the namespace URI in a given graph. * * @param Erfurt_Rdf_Model|string $graph * @param string $namespace * @param string $prefix * @throws Erfurt_Namespaces_Exception */ public function addNamespacePrefix($graph, $namespace, $prefix) { // safety $prefix = (string) $prefix; $namespace = (string) $namespace; //lowercase prefix always (for best compatibility) $prefix = strtolower($prefix); $graphPrefixes = $this->getNamespacesForGraph($graph); // check if namespace is a valid URI require_once 'Erfurt/Uri.php'; if (!Erfurt_Uri::check($namespace)) { require_once 'Erfurt/Namespaces/Exception.php'; throw new Erfurt_Namespaces_Exception("Given namespace '{$namespace}' is not a valid URI."); } // check if prefix is a valid XML name require_once 'Erfurt/Utils.php'; if (!Erfurt_Utils::isXmlPrefix($prefix)) { require_once 'Erfurt/Namespaces/Exception.php'; throw new Erfurt_Namespaces_Exception("Given prefix '{$prefix}' is not a valid XML name."); } // check if prefix matches a URI scheme ( if (array_key_exists($prefix, $this->_reservedNames)) { require_once 'Erfurt/Namespaces/Exception.php'; throw new Erfurt_Namespaces_Exception("Reserved name '{$prefix}' cannot be used as a namespace prefix."); } // check for existence of prefixes if (array_key_exists($prefix, $graphPrefixes)) { require_once 'Erfurt/Namespaces/Exception.php'; throw new Erfurt_Namespaces_Exception("Prefix '{$prefix}' already exists."); } // check for multiple prefixes if (!$this->_allowMultiplePrefixes and array_key_exists($namespace, array_flip($graphPrefixes))) { require_once 'Erfurt/Namespaces/Exception.php'; throw new Erfurt_Namespaces_Exception("Multiple prefixes for namespace '{$namespace}' not allowed."); } // add new prefix $graphPrefixes[$prefix] = $namespace; // save new set of prefixes $this->setNamespacesForGraph($graph, $graphPrefixes); }
/** * * Enter description here ... * * @param $uri string to convert to nice uri * @param $titleHelper TitleHelper instance to use to get titles for URIs */ private function generateUriFromSparql($uri, $titleHelper) { $schema = $this->loadNamingSchema($uri); $properties = array(); foreach ($schema as $element) { if (is_string($this->_config->property->{$element})) { $properties[$this->_config->property->{$element}] = array('element' => $element, 'rank' => '1'); } elseif (is_array($this->_config->property->{$element}->toArray())) { $countDeep = 0; foreach ($this->_config->property->{$element}->toArray() as $elementDeep) { $properties[(string) $elementDeep] = array('element' => $element, 'rank' => $countDeep++); } } } $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2(); $sRef = new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_IriRef($uri); $pVar = new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_Var('p'); $oVar = new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_Var('o'); $query->addProjectionVar($pVar); $query->addProjectionVar($oVar); $query->addTriple($sRef, $pVar, $oVar); $query->addFrom((string) $this->_model); $query->setLimit(100); $query->setDistinct(true); $container = new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_ConditionalOrExpression(); foreach ($properties as $filterProp => $element) { $sameTerm = new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_sameTerm($pVar, new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_IriRef($filterProp)); //$filter = new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_Filter($sameTerm); $container->addElement($sameTerm); } $query->addFilter($container); $result = $this->_owApp->erfurt->getStore()->sparqlQuery($query, array('withImports' => true)); $replacements = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { if (array_key_exists($row['p'], $properties)) { $titleHelper->addResource($row['p']); if (Erfurt_Uri::check($row['o'])) { $titleHelper->addResource($row['o']); } if (array_key_exists($properties[$row['p']]['element'], $replacements)) { $newRank = (int) $properties[$row['p']]['rank']; $minRank = $replacements[$properties[$row['p']]['element']]['rank']; if ($newRank < $minRank) { $replacements[$properties[$row['p']]['element']] = array('rank' => $newRank, 'value' => $row['o'], 'key' => $row['p']); } } else { $replacements[$properties[$row['p']]['element']] = array('rank' => $properties[$row['p']]['rank'], 'value' => $row['o'], 'key' => $row['p']); } } } $localName = ''; foreach ($schema as $element) { if (array_key_exists($element, $replacements)) { if (Erfurt_Uri::check($replacements[$element]['value'])) { $val = $titleHelper->getTitle($replacements[$element]['value']); } else { $val = $replacements[$element]['value']; } $val = $this->convertChars($val); $key = $this->convertChars($titleHelper->getTitle($replacements[$element]['key'])); $localName .= $key . '/' . $val . '/'; } } // no meaningful localname created falback to old uri (TODO or md5 a new one?) if ($localName === '') { return $uri; //$localName = 'resource/' . md5($uri . time()); } $base = ''; if ($this->_model !== null && $this->_model->getBaseIri() !== '') { $base = $this->_model->getBaseIri(); if ($base[strlen($base) - 1] !== '#' && $base[strlen($base) - 1] !== '/') { $base .= '/'; } } else { $count = 0; foreach (explode('/', $uri) as $element) { if ($count > 2) { break; } else { $count++; $base .= $element . '/'; } } } return $base . $localName; }
function getObject($property, $value) { if (is_string($value)) { $value = addslashes($value); } if (isset($this->_map[$property]) && $this->_map[$property]['type'] == 'uri' || Erfurt_Uri::check($value)) { $object = '<' . $value . '>'; } else { if (is_bool($value)) { $object = '"' . ($value ? 'true' : 'false') . '"^^xsd:boolean'; } else { if (is_string($value) && $value == 'true' || $value == 'false') { $object = '"' . ($value == 'true' ? 'true' : 'false') . '"^^xsd:boolean'; //why? } else { if (isset($this->_map[$property]['datatype']) && $this->_map[$property]['datatype'] == 'boolean') { $object = '"' . ((bool) $value ? 'true' : 'false') . '"^^xsd:boolean'; } else { $object = '"' . $value . '"'; } } } } return $object; }
public function img($options = array()) { $owapp = OntoWiki::getInstance(); $store = $owapp->erfurt->getStore(); $model = $owapp->selectedModel; $extManager = $owapp->extensionManager; // check for options and assign local vars or null $src = isset($options['src']) ? (string) $options['src'] : null; $class = isset($options['class']) ? ' class="' . $options['class'] . '"' : ''; $alt = isset($options['alt']) ? ' alt="' . $options['alt'] . '"' : ''; $filter = isset($options['filter']) ? $options['filter'] : null; $prefix = isset($options['prefix']) ? $options['prefix'] : ''; $suffix = isset($options['suffix']) ? $options['suffix'] : ''; $nordfa = isset($options['nordfa']) ? true : false; // choose, which uri to use: option over helper default over view value $uri = isset($this->resourceUri) ? $this->resourceUri : null; $uri = isset($options['selectedResource']) ? (string) $options['selectedResource'] : $uri; $uri = isset($options['uri']) ? (string) $options['uri'] : $uri; // in case qname is given, transform to full URI $uri = Erfurt_Uri::getFromQnameOrUri($uri, $model); // look for a valid image url somewhere if ($src == null) { // choose, which properties to use for lookup (todo: allow multple properties) $properties = isset($options['property']) ? array($options['property']) : null; $properties = !$properties ? $this->_properties : $properties; // validate each given property foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { try { $validatedValue = Erfurt_Uri::getFromQnameOrUri($value, $model); $properties[$key] = $validatedValue; } catch (Exception $e) { // unset invalid properties unset($properties[$key]); } } // create description from resource URI $resource = new OntoWiki_Resource($uri, $model); $description = $resource->getDescription(); $description = $description[$uri]; // select the used property $imgProperty = null; foreach ($properties as $property) { if (isset($description[$property])) { $imgProperty = $property; break; } } if ($imgProperty != null) { //search for language tag foreach ($description[$imgProperty] as $literalNumber => $literal) { $currentLanguage = OntoWiki::getInstance()->getConfig()->languages->locale; if (isset($literal['lang']) && $currentLanguage == $literal['lang']) { $imgSrc = $description[$imgProperty][$literalNumber]['value']; break; } } if (!isset($imgSrc)) { $imgSrc = $description[$imgProperty][0]['value']; } } else { // we do not have an image src return ''; } } else { $imgSrc = $src; } // modify the image imgSrc for the IPC extension // @todo: use an event here if ($filter && $extManager->isExtensionRegistered('ipc')) { $ipcSrc = $owapp->config->urlBase . '/ipc/get'; $ipcSrc = $ipcSrc . '?img=' . urlencode($imgSrc) . '&filter=' . urlencode($filter); $imgSrc = $ipcSrc; } // build the image tag for output $return = $prefix; $return .= '<img' . $class . $alt; if ($nordfa == false) { $return .= !$src ? ' about="' . $this->view->curie($uri) . '"' : ''; $return .= !$src ? ' property="' . $this->view->curie($imgProperty) . '"' : ''; // this property is needed since ipc maybe rewrites the src $return .= !$src ? ' resource="' . htmlentities($imgSrc) . '"' : ''; if (isset($options['attributes']) && is_array($options['attributes'])) { foreach ($options['attributes'] as $key => $value) { $return .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"'; } } } $return .= ' src="' . htmlentities($imgSrc) . '" />'; $return .= $suffix; return $return; }
/** * This is the sorting function used to sort the result set. * It compares the titles of the resources in $a and $b as returned by the TitleHelper * * @param $a the first row to compare * @param $b the second row to compare * @return int as needed by usort */ private function _cmpTitles($a, $b, $orderBy = 'resourceUri') { $titleA = ''; $titleB = ''; if (!Erfurt_Uri::check($a[$orderBy])) { $titleA = $a[$orderBy]; } else { $titleA = $this->_titleHelper->getTitle($a[$orderBy]); } if (!Erfurt_Uri::check($b[$orderBy])) { $titleB = $b[$orderBy]; } else { $titleB = $this->_titleHelper->getTitle($b[$orderBy]); } return strcasecmp($titleA, $titleB); }
/** * @expectedException Erfurt_Uri_Exception */ public function testGetFromQnameInvalidUri() { $model = $this->_getMockedModel(); $input = 'nothing:good'; Erfurt_Uri::getFromQnameOrUri($input, $model); }